How places in the plane are determined. Lyfhak from OneTwotrip: how to choose a good place in the plane

Planning a trip, find out how to book offices and choose suitable options. If you could only determine if you could sit near the porthole or the passage, it is now allowed to reserve almost any chair. But under what conditions is the service provided?

What is convenient for online booking service

Booking places in the aircraft is different from the similar procedure for land transport. After all, initially you only acquire a travel document, and the seat number is told you upon registration. For this reason, the airport needs to arrive in advance: it will increase the chance to take comfortable places.

But what if you do not want to spend a few extra watches in Duty-Free shops? Do booking via the Internet: you can select an option at the porthole or in passage. If you want to buy a certain place, the air carrier is likely to ask for an additional fee.

Pre-booking places on the aircraft over the Internet there are the following advantages:

  • To implement the procedure, you will need only a computer connected to a worldwide network.
  • The ability to choose a place in the nasal, central or tail part will find the optimal option. After all, universal recommendations do not exist: some passengers prefer business class comfort, located closer to the cockpit of pilots, and others make a safety rate (according to statistics, travelers sitting in the tail) are survived.
  • Pre-booking can be done at any time, and you will select the date and compare prices. Payment is made from electronic wallets or bank card.

The option with booking with the help of the Internet has disadvantages. Sometimes 2 passengers are almost simultaneously choosing a chair: a ticket receives one who will complete the process will complete. In order not to compete with another applicant for the site you like, proceed to the procedure as soon as Web Checking opens (you call online registration) or make an additional fee at the ticket purchase stage.

What do you need to book a place in the plane

To make a reservation for flight, you will need the following:

  • access to a computer or gadget that has access to the Internet;
  • passport (to confirm the person);
  • Acquired E-Ticket.

The latter is also called electronic ticket: the main carriers have passed on this format. Information about it is contained in the bases of the airline; You will receive it by email. If you have not bought a travel document yet, determine the type of flight, departure and arrival points, travel dates. Enter the data in the search form on the carrier or intermediary website and click "Find Tickets".

Then choose the suggestions you like and click on "buy". Fill out the form that appears and proceed to pay. Wait for the safety of money transfers is no reason if you make a purchase on official sites or through proven intermediaries.

Information will be stored in the airline bases, and the passenger will receive a copy of the receipt route with a ticket to email. Some companies allow not even printing; If they need to be present when registering by the plane, use printers at the airport.

If you do not have access to the Internet, you can contact the air carrier office or contact him by phone.

Online Registration by Plane: Instruction

Booking places in the plane can be made in 24-36 hours (depending on the carrier) when airlines begin to register. The process occurs as follows:

  • Open the receipt route delivered to email when buying a ticket;
  • Find the booking room;
  • Enter it in the appropriate graph on the airline's website, specify your surname;
  • Check the information to avoid errors;
  • If you have a frequently flying passenger card, enter its data;
  • In the opened aircraft scheme, specify the desired places.

In conclusion, print the boarding pass that you present at the airport. Using this method, you will save time: stand in the general queue near the reception you will not need.

How to find out how many places left? When passing a web checking, you will see an aircraft scheme where the necessary information is specified.

How to make a payment

If you order tickets via the network, make a payment using a bank card or electronic payment systems. When buying at the ticket office of the airport, it is allowed to calculate in cash or card. Pay attention to the correctness of the specified data, because it is difficult to return funds.

How to print a boarding passage

Some firms take planting tickets received on the phone, or do not require their presentation: it is enough to say your surname. But most carriers insist that you make a printout. You can use the printer at home, on the terminal for self-registration or on the device near the rack.

What does the plane coupon look like

If you printed the coupon and forgot it at home, do not worry: the action can be repeated. Consider also that the selected place is allowed to change after the paper document turns out to be in your hands. Usually passengers from economy-class can choose another option, without making additional payment.

Independently print the coupons is allowed not to all categories of passengers. Children flying without maintaining parents, babies, as well as people who need special service, must personally contact the reception.

Pre-booking: Are there any guarantees

Passengers are often interested, whether it is possible to consolidate certain options they will choose not per day before departure, and in a couple of weeks. But the final placement in the cabin is determined at the registration stage. If you did not pass it online and did not point out the wishes in other ways, it makes sense to come to the airport among the first: the chances of a comfortable flight will increase. But it happens that the aircraft is beginning to fill out from the tail, so the method does not give 100% warranty.

Even if you went to the site, opened the scheme and indicated the desired location, the procedure is regarded as "indicating the preferences of the passenger." From the point of view of the company, you order a specific type of service (Special Service Request), but it has the right to refuse you unilaterally. Sometimes air carriers provide bonus miles to passengers, which they have placed without consent to other seats. But this is not included in their duties: compensation is given for the sake of preservation of the image.

If you fly in the aircraft business compartment, all options will be convenient

How to increase the chance that you will sit on the specified chairs? Make an additional charge! The option "buy a place" becomes available when you make an online purchase, in the box office, in mobile applications. And to get rid of yourself from unpleasant surprises, find out the rates in advance. For example, in British Airways, pleasure will cost $ 16, provided that the flight lasts less than 3 hours, and you are traveling in economy class. With a longer stay in the air, the choice will cost $ 32; The most expensive travelers from the business class will be paid as they break up with a total of $ 100.

In some cases, the Company refuses to confirm the order: This is due to the fact that the selected option may be needed to be passengers with special needs. Money for the unword service is returned in full.

How to book places through mobile applications

On the websites of airlines or intermediaries to customers offer mobile applications for iOS and Android. They allow you to search for offers, buy tickets, make up complex routes. At your disposal of the price map and their dates calendar: the transfer of the flight for a couple of days often saves.

Read more about the advantages of a mobile application from Aeroflot and on how to book places on the plane with it, you can, from the video:

To select your favorite placement on board, stick to the same scheme as when working with a fixed device.

Code Shering Information

It happens that you are learning the departure board and see that at one time and in one direction the flights of different companies are indicated? This does not mean that 2-3 liners will rise in the air at the same time. In fact, different carriers conclude agreements to the flight, so you see several items on the scoreboard. A similar situation is called code-sheering - thanks to her, the company is expanding the coating without increasing the number of aircraft.

The option is suitable for travelers who want to be loyal to a certain company and get miles. You will also book tickets for flights with suitable docks.

In most cases, it is necessary to register on the code-sheering flights at the airport rack, and the procedure is carried out for all "shoulders" of the flight. For example, Aeroflot reports that the web checking is impossible for such travels (in practice sometimes it is possible to implement it). This means that it will not be possible to reserve certain landing options in advance. But customers advise to try the following trick:

If you have bought a ticket from another company, and you will actually fly from Aeroflot, contact your customer support service. Notify the departure time, direction and your personal data to get a booking code for registration via the Internet. According to the reviews, it is possible to go through the procedure remotely.

But even if the carrier allows you to register online, passenger reviews indicate that there are failures in sites. To save yourself from unpleasant experiences, you need to find out how much you can book places in the selected plane, and do not delay the registration until the last moment.

But even if you pass it with the help of the Internet, it is not always possible to make a choice. Users on the forums claim that in some parts of the route a scheme appears, where places are noted automatically. Features of the procedure depend on carriers, so specify the conditions in each particular case.

Even if on the company's website it is written that you will pass the online procedure, due to technical problems, passengers sometimes have to rush to the reception.

Features of online registration in airlines

The carrier rules are based on general principles, but it is necessary to check the information. To take suitable places on time, pay attention to the features of online registration.

In the company "Aeroflot"

The carrier begins web check in 24 hours. Before departure and finishes in 30-45 minutes. To conveniently sit down, pass the procedure early, while many places are free. But it is not available for flights heading to the United States and India: you have to go to the airport.

Take into account that even with web checking you have to undergo security control. Calculate time for pre-flight formalities, because in 20 minutes. Before departure, you must complete all stages.

The ability to select seats depends on the ticket tariff: in some cases the function is not available. But how carefully the carrier refers to the wishes of passengers who indicated certain accommodation options? The answer gives user feedback:

Traveled with a friend from Bangkok to Moscow, booked a place in Economy. When landing it turned out that the chairs in the first row, which we gathered to occupy, gave out other passengers. The representative of the company said that because the service is not paid, the carrier has the right to change the agreement. The first row often provide passengers with children, so I was not surprised. But with a flight to "Business" I was sitting on a reserved 1a, although I did not pay money for the service.

Make sure that the reservation on the placement works depending on which item to fly out. When I go from Moscow, the agreement is complied with 99% of cases. Flying in Munich, London, Bangkok - went smoothly. But on the way back, surprises are possible: in Germany, the principle of "how lucky" works, and in London I never got on the seat that ordered. Even if came to register for the plane, among the first!

When departing from Moscow there was another trouble: once the record disappeared that I ordered places in the nasal part. The representative of the company said: "This happens," and sat me near the toilet.

Compliance with the arrangements depends primarily from the tariff tariff for the plane and whether you ordered a paid service. If you have chosen the "buy place" option, then problems arise less often.

To learn more, how to go through the web checking procedure in Aeroflot, watch the video:

"Ural Airlines": what you need to know

When traveling by airplanes "Ural Airlines", register in advance to choose places. The function becomes available in 24 hours before departure, and web checking is completed for 3 hours before that time. You can specify your preferences, focusing on free options. To be guaranteed to leave a certain chair immediately after buying a ticket, use the paid service.

The site indicates that it is not necessary to make money for choosing a place not to be the following categories:

  • participants of the loyalty program that received gold or silver cards;
  • Those who bought a ticket to Premium Economy.

How appropriate the reality of the promise? The answer to the question of the carrier clients are given:

I used to be satisfied with the company, so I joined the loyalty program. But the service spoiled: despite the information on the site, the bonus program in practice does not give the right to reserve a specific chair. When I flew last time with the "Ural Airlines", I decided to look in advance on the aircraft scheme: until the 15th row everything was free. But I could not make a choice! Why then promise?

Alas, the inability to book a place was not the biggest disadvantage. It turned out that tickets for my flight were not sold in the right amount, so it was canceled. As if in a minibus I was driving! The cancellation was warned, but I did not find other tickets at adequate prices, and the rest had to cancel. "Ural Airlines" returned money, but the vacation was spoiled.

S7: How to book places in the plane

If you want to be guaranteed to sit at a certain place, "S7" will offer to use the relevant service. The cost depends on the type selected:

  • Booking a standard place will have to pay 300 rubles.
  • Category EXTRA SPACE will cost 1,000 rubles. Floor space will be 25 cm wide, and you will sit in emergency exit or in the 1st row.

Children 2-12 years old and their parents are provided free, although the choice is limited. They are not allowed to sit near emergency exits: in the case of force majeure, stewardess may need help to quickly open hatches. For this reason, there are no minors or people with limited physical capabilities on short-range places.

The price of the service is determined by both tariffs:

  • If you have bought a ticket "Economy flexible", then the booking do not have to pay extra. You can decide on the wishes at the web check.
  • Rates for Economy Basic are given above.
  • When buying tickets for the Tariffs "Business Basic" and "Business Flexible" you will make a reservation at the stage of their design. If you do not use this opportunity, it will be available on the online registration.

The service is free and for the following categories:

As for the quality of service, it can be judged by reviews:

On the aircraft "S7" flew from Novosibirsk to Bangkok, with us were children (2 kids 2 and 3 years old). To us more convenient, I paid for comfortable places, spending 12,000 rubles. We did not hurry to register, because they knew what the choice was made and transferred money. As a result, after arriving at the airport, I learned that the places were given to other people. The company did not even return money, because for this you need to show the landing coupons that I did not save.

Airline "Russia": What do you get

The carrier "Russia" also offers the opportunity to choose suitable placement on board. If you want to use the free service, then you will have chairs left unoccupied after prior booking. They become available for 24 hours before departure: Mark the suitable chairs in the diagram when registering via the Internet.

For an additional charge, you will choose space from Space + categories (with an increased distance between the rows), A-Zone (in the nose) or Front Rows (in the front rows). You can get acquainted with the conditions.

I paid for the category Space +: I wanted a pleasant vacation to start in the air. But it turned out that the armrests do not fall at my chair. And on the right side was the console, which occupied the already small space. As a result, I had to sit the barrel, and it did not work at all. When I tried to put my head on the head restraint, he fell off. I demanded that the flight attendant transplant us to other chairs, so the money paid for Space + turned out to be spent in vain.

A recent case with the public actor Ann Coulter became an example of how not to behave if you were poorly served on airlines. After the flight from Delta Airlines Ann began a campaign to Twitter, where he complained about the violation of the agreements.

A few days before the journey, she booked a 15f place, located at the porthole near the emergency exit. For 24 hours before departure, the company took off her booking and offered Ann version 15D that it was arranged. But at registration, Coulter was 15a, which caused the outrage of a woman. She expressed him after the flight: almost 2 million subscribers read complaints of non-compliance with prior arrangement.

As a result, the proceedings turned out: Coulter's claims are connected with the fact that it has not read the terms of the contract. She received a quarter of $ 30, which paid for booking, but the image of the workman turned out to be touched. Especially ugly looked insulting to the service personnel, which almost led to the legal proceedings from the company.

Does the carrier have the right to cancel the reservation

What to do, so as not to waste time and effort on unsuccessful complaints? Read the Terms of Service. Companies usually negotiate that they have the right to send another liner to the flight, delay or cancel the flight, determine the desired placement of passengers in accordance with the download. In essence, they are obliged only to deliver you from point A to point B, providing other services if possible. What can you count by paying for booking?

When when registering by the plane, other places provide you

When the carrier cancels the agreement, it is usually due to the fact that places give family members who want to sit together, or accompanying with the wards (elderly people or those who need medical care). Sometimes travelers whose physical capabilities are limited, asked to provide the seat at the passage: they do not have to wade into the chair near the porthole. Also changes are due to the fact that passengers are evenly distributed through the cabin so that the center of gravity of the aircraft is not shifted. You only need to know how to react in a similar situation:

  • If you are asked to transfer, be polite and remember that the carrier is in its right. Instead of arguing with the staff, keep the boarding pass to later returning money for booking.
  • What to do when you travel with a child or an older person? Put the company in time, and the likelihood that your booking will cancel, will decrease.
  • Did you plan on the broken seat? If there are free chairs in the cabin, take them. When there is no such possibility, take a photo breakdown: Later, try to contact representatives of the carrier and ask compensation. Alas, you should not count on large amounts.

Since the airlines reserve the right to change the agreements, do not waste the strength and nerves in vain. If the booking was removed, politely ask the carrier employees so that they went to meet you and were planted for comfortable seats.

When there are no options available that you can book

Sometimes it happens that you cannot make a booking on online registration, although the function is provided for by the tariff. The fact is that not all options are available for web check. And those of which are allowed to choose, turn out to be occupied! In this case, periodically check the information: other passengers can refuse the flight, and the places will be released. Also airlines make a reserve for regular customers, so new options appear closer to the end of the registration.

The function did not become available? Go to the airport in advance to get good places. If they did not suit you, refer to the employee who checks the landing coupons. For example, when family members cannot sit nearby, he asks other passengers to sit down in their chairs. Is this your case? Be patient and polite - ask, and do not require. Take into account that the airport staff is not capable of satisfying the wishes of passengers on the magic!

Separate instructions are provided for those who travel to the family, but can not reserve places nearby. The problem occurs when children are more than 1: Booking 4 comfortable seats located nearby, difficult. Once in a similar situation, mark the best options on the scheme. Later, the airport officer will ask for passengers to change in places: they will respond more than them if they do not have to sit near the toilet.

To facilitate the task, use the "Buy Place" function: it is available when the ticket is cleaned. True, you will have to pay more significantly! As a last resort, mark on the scheme your wishes, taking into account that an adult family member should be near each child.

When you did not have time to make a booking or were unhappy with the result

It happens, travelers do not have time to make a booking or they do not like the selected option: a family with a baby sits down nearby, the chair turns out to be broken, etc. In this case, warn Stewardess, what you want to find accommodation comfortable.

You may not wait for help, but to take the initiative into your hands. When an announcement sounds that landing is completed, select a comfortable seat and take it. Just do not try to transfer to the chairs located next to emergency exits. You may be asked to return to your place: options with additional foot space are more expensive, so it is not allowed to occupy them. Exceptions are possible when the whole range is free.

When to make a booking is not allowed

The function of selecting suitable locations is not available if you buy tickets from Lookers. You will not be able to specify the wishes and when traveling on the lines of large companies, if you prefer the cheapest fare.

Tariffs for plane tickets that do not allow booking chairs


Making a booking in economy class, consider that air carriers have the right to cancel it unilaterally. Even if you have paid, there is no guarantees to get the desired place. In case of cancellation of the reservation, you will simply be returned to money. True, when you fly in the "Business" sector, the chances of being in the desired place are rising. But in this class, the service will be convenient, wherever you are sitting. If you booked certain places in Economy, but they did not provide, remember: the carrier stipulates the possibility of such situations. Be polite with the staff and ask for finding the option ... Money for booking will be returned.

Look for cheap flight tickets without leaving home:

A few years ago, it was necessary to make a lot of effort to get a convenient place in the airliner - people came to register long before the discovery, tried to negotiate with the airport employees or employees. The development of computer technology has simplified the procedure for booking the site to the pair of clicking the mouse. At the same time, you will not need to go to the airport, you do not even have to climb the sofa.

Specifying several rules for choosing places in the plane when making electronic air tickets, any user will be able to secure the most comfortable flight conditions. Such an opportunity is provided by most airlines on their official sites. Many of the search and booking and booking systems do not allow you to choose a place at the same time with booking tickets, but then you need to specify the wish of a certain chair notes or call resource managers.

You can reserve the appropriate number of the chair today, without waiting for even the start of registration online, opening only per day, two before departure. By confirming the order, and receiving a ticket by email or opening it directly on the site from a personal account, the passenger gains access to the choice of free places available in this liner on the selected flight. The procedure can be done even before the fleet of flight ticket.

Next, again, two options are possible - the location plan on the plane or opens in the pop-up site of the site, or comes with an email. In this plan, free and occupied seats will be indicated by different colors. By selecting your favorite, you need to click on the appropriate box with the mouse cursor, then saving the selection using the desired button on the monitor screen.

The right to reserve a seat in the liner in the presence of a ticket, decorated and acquired via the Internet, provide almost 200 Russian and foreign airlines. The largest and most reliable of them are very popular:

  • "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines";
  • S7 ("Siberia");
  • Ural Airlines;
  • Utair;
  • SWISS;
  • Lufthansa;
  • Emirates;
  • Etihad;
  • Qatar.

It should be remembered here that some air carriers, for example, the airline "Victory", provide a similar service in a loan order. After selecting a flight with British Airways, it will be necessary to pay 16 dollars for reserving a place in advance if the level of economy class comfort is selected, and the time on the path does not exceed 3 hours. The choice of places on the routes occupying more than a long time will cost a passenger of 32 dollars. A similar service for a business class cabin will cost about $ 100.

At the same time, experienced tourists advise to refuse to reserve the place in favor of saving funds. All categories of chairs belonging to high-end classes are equally comfortable and are in the nose of the airliner. Before reserving the place, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant item of the rules of a particular air carrier, which determine the paid or free earlier booking.

You can go and traditionally, politely asking the airport employee to provide the desired place if it is free. Most often, passengers go to meet. Independent registration, online or at the rack will also help determine the choice of places from the remaining free.

Pretty passengers, opening the location scheme in the aircraft cabin, are surprised to find that most of the most comfortable chairs are already booked, although sales revealed quite recently. Often flying travelers are aware of this fact - many places are closed for booking the airline, while holding them free until the moment of registration for flight.

Sometimes passengers become adults, accompanying young children, women awaiting a child, people at might and with disabilities, just high citizens who are very uncomfortable to fly with undercut legs. In this case, the employees of the air carrier, instructed properly, plant such passengers to backup seats, since this category of customers requires increased comfort when flight.

In this case, you can take the following attempts to improve the position:

  1. To drive up into the airport before the start of registration, taking the first places in the queue, and set out the problem serving, calmly asking if possible to free one of the most convenient places. Usually passengers adequately communicating with staff are able to travel with the highest possible comfort in the selected class.
  2. Located in the airliner and waiting for the ending of the landing, you need to look for the rest of the well-spaced places. As a rule, on most routes they remain. Selecting the chair, you should call the stewardess, clarifying the possibility of transplant. In this case, no problems with the change of place appear.

Book a specific place in high-needed classes, as already mentioned, it is pointless, since the service suggests a higher cost of air tickets, and therefore more comfortable seats. The spaces between them are enough to pull the legs, throw back the back. An exception may be the desire of a passenger to get a certain chair, which he used repeatedly.

Booking a suitable place in the cabin in the process of buying an electronic air ticket is sometimes associated with additional financial expenses. Create a reserve will help the online registration procedure, during which the system automatically offers to select and save the desired place.

Thus, 48-24 hours before departure, depending on the air carrier, you can register for the flight, at the same time booking a good chair for free. The only drawback is that by this moment all the more or less good places can already be occupied.

On an electronic call information is not displayed because they are sold by the number of seats in the cabin. But having received the boarding passage after registering on the flight, the passenger will find the room number on it. You can find the required information on the telephone hotline or call center of the airline, making a plane. You will need to tell the reservation code to be aware of the ticket booking code or the number of the ticket itself.

Choosing a suitable place, you must first carefully see the interior plan and the location of the seats, because in different models of liners it differs. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the front armchair, the presence of a mechanism that allows you to decompose the back, as well as where the chair is located - at the porthole, in the middle or in passage. Traditionally, more convenient are places near the aisles, although there are lovers to watch flying through the glass.

How to choose a place in the plane

Most airlines provide services for the purchase of e-tickets on the aircraft.

Electronic air ticket is a digital version of a paper ticket. In fact, this is an electronic contract between the passenger and the air carrier.

Losing "E-ticket" is impossible: an electronic record is visible anywhere in the world. The ticket information is kept in the protected airline database in electronic form.

Electronic ticket to the aircraft is just a number in the carrier database, which contains information about the passenger flight.

All information is printed on a route receipt that has no universal view: each airline or air ticket sales agency has the right to use its shape.

Note! Passenger data must comply with passport data. Check the route receipt as soon as you get it.

If the error has noticed, urgently call the feedback phones or write to the email of the air carrier.

Electronic ticket to the plane is just an entry in the computer's memory, so you can print only a receipt route that will come to the passenger's mail.

The receipt route can also be found in the Personal Account on the order page. To access the order, you need to log in to your personal account or follow the link in a letter for flight booking and enter access code.

Print route not necessarily. However, practice shows that it is still better to have it with you while traveling, especially abroad.

The route receipt may be needed at the entrance to the airport to present security services, as well as during the passage of customs inspection or passport control.

It is also useful if you go on a business trip, as it becomes a reporting document for accounting.

Print the route receipt on the usual printer, on standard office paper. Special forms for this are not required.

Tip! If it did not work out, at least take a picture of the route receipt to the phone. In most cases, it does not require it anywhere, but different situations occur.

The indisputable advantage of electronic airflight is that its purchase is performed very quickly, without too much fuss.

Other advantages:

  • "E-tile" cannot be lost like a paper analogue.
  • You can buy from anywhere and for anyone.
  • You can save money because the price of the paper version of the ticket includes the price of the form and other expenses.
  • The service allows you to choose in advance and book a place in the aircraft.

The first thing you need for an online booking is the availability of a computer with an Internet access. It is enough to enter a key phrase in the search, and there will immediately pop up a lot of resources with this service.

For the current 2019, the most famous and reliable are the following services such as:

These services collect information from many airlines and offer the user the most convenient option.. It remains only to enter the departure date, the number of passengers and choose a ticket price and conditions.

The advantage of such services is that they allow the buyer to compare offers of different air carriers.

Book an electronic ticket on the airline ticket. For example, you can go to the Aeroflot website ( and it is easy to choose a ticket to the desired date.

Note! Electronic booking on the airline's website allows you to buy a ticket no extra charge. In addition, various promotions are often announced on the sites, information about which is not specified on the service of tickets.

By selecting a suitable ticket, confirm its acquisition and follow further instructions. Enter the passport data and pay for the purchase.

After purchasing your email address, the route receipt will come, which is better printed.

Passengers usually have to undergo a registration procedure at the airport, even if there is an e-ticket. But this can be avoided if you first go through the registration procedure for the flight in online mode.

It will save from the need to expose long queues and come to the airport long before departure.

Electronic registration begins approximately a day and ends in 1 hour before departure. To produce online registration you need to enter your passport data, a ticket number or booking code.

You can choose from online front desk.

The passenger fastens the places like him, then prints the boarding pass. Luggage can also be registered in the online mode.

Is it possible to book an electronic ticket without payment?

Yes, you can. Some services provide time (up to 10 days) after a ticket confirmation, which allows the passenger to accurately decide on the date.

After the expiration of this time, the passenger confirms or cancels the reservation.

Note! Choose a specific place in the aircraft can only after payment. At the same time, the service selection service to online registration is provided for a fee.

To become the owner of the route receipt, you must specify your e-mail when booking a ticket online on the Payment page.

As soon as the ticket funds are made, a route receipt will come to your email address with all the details of the upcoming flight.

Electronic ticket payment methods:

  • bank cards MasterCard / Visa;
  • electronic payment systems (Webmoney, Yandex Money, etc.).

Important! Some tickets for the sale of air tickets for security reasons may be requested by a card that is paid for a ticket.

How to use the electronic ticket to the plane?

To use a ticket, you need to arrive at the airport and register (if it has not passed in online mode).

To register at the airport you will need:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate (if children are flying with you).

Important! The printed route receipt and boarding pass is better to save. Those who flies on a business trip, they will be needed to present an accountant as a reporting document.

The boarding pass is issued to passengers after registering on the flight.

With online registration, the boarding pass comes to an email address, after which it needs to be printed and take with him to the airport.

Some airlines are allowed to be registered with the boarding pass sent to the mobile phone through a special application.

How to find out an electronic ticket number by plane?

This information can be found in the route receipt and in the "My ticket" section..

The ticket number is indicated in the upper right corner of the receipt and is a 13-digit code. In addition, the ticket number is duplicated on the landing coupon.

The refund of the electronic ticket is carried out by the same scheme as the refund of the paper counterpart.

Important! Before returning the ticket, pay attention to the presence of marks like "Non Ref" (non refundable).

This mark is located in the "restrictions" column and means that this flight ticket is not refundable and the money for it will not be returned.

Conditions for sharing and refund are necessarily posted on the airline's website in the section on the purchase of tickets. Each airline has its own refund rules that take into account current legislation.

As a rule, the more expensive the ticket, the easier it is to pass it, and with the least financial losses. If the ticket is purchased on the stock or at a special rate with limitations, then it is most likely to pass it; You can only exchange to another flight.

You should also consider the general refund condition: the less time it remains before departure, the greater the size of the air carrier commission and the less money you will return the ticket. Namely:

  • When returning a ticket for more than 1 day before departure, retaliate the entire cost of the ticket net of fines, collection and commission of the payment system (subject to its inclusion in the fare).
  • When returning a ticket in less than 1 day before departure, you will be returned only 75% of the cost of air ticket plus penalties, fees and payment system commissions.
  • Request for urgent return can be sent at least 4 hours before the registration procedure for the flight. After the start of registration, elevated penalties for the return of air ticket will already be valid.

You need to seek the return of funds to where the ticket was purchased: in the airline, to travel agency, to the intermediary server.

To make an e-ticket return, prepare the booking rooms, flights, ticket, date and exact departure time.

The timing of a ticket return depends on the payment method and the deadlines for submitting a refund. Money for the refusal of electronic tickets can be returned to:

  • checking account;
  • bank card;
  • online wallet;
  • cash.

To return money for a calculated account, it will be necessary:

To return to the electronic wallet, you must specify:

  • FIO of the payment sender.
  • Type of payment system (Yandex Money, etc.).
  • Electronic wallet number

To return to the bank card:

  • Order number.
  • Requisites of a bank card.

As soon as you confirm your consent to the return of funds, the location of the place will automatically be canceled by the booking system for all unused areas of the route. This effect of the inverse force has no.

So now you know how to purchase an electronic air ticket and what to do with it. We hope the information will help you avoid unnecessary fuss when buying a ticket and save the mass of time.

Choosing a place in the plane - the process is complex and responsible. Flight itself is tedious, even if you need to overcome a small distance, so it is very important to take a place with a high level of comfort. After studying the location schemes, their location, the person will find the best option.

Service classes

  • Business Class. Places are fendered off with curtains from economy class. More facial scene. Less seats - two in each row. The ticket price includes choosing dishes from the menu. Alcohol are provided free of charge;
  • First grade. The most expensive and comfortable option. High service class: seats are laid out into the sofa, they are made of leather. They are quite wide, so you can take a supreme situation and sleep well during the flight.
  • Aircraft scheme

    Located seats according to a specific scheme. Knowing it, you can find the most attractive option for yourself.

    ABC-DEF Spell Designation

    Each traveler needs to know that:

    • A. and F. - places at the window;
    • B. and E. - in the middle;
    • C. and D. - by the passage.

    Numbering of rows

    Numbering is carried out with a nose of the aircraft. The number of the row is indicated by the number. For example, if "4a" is written in the ticket, then this is the fourth row, the location by the window. At the beginning of the cabin places are considered the most comfortable, usually they offer passengers with.

    How many places in the passenger plane?

    The maximum number of seats depends on the model of the aircraft. There are aircraft that can accommodate an unthinkable number of passengers. The leader is Airbus A380which is able to accommodate the largest number of passengers and flight with 852 passengers on board. The aircraft was built in 2005. In production, the United Kingdom, France, Italy took part in the production.

    The second place in terms of passengers occupies Airbus A340-600.. He commits a flight when on board a little less than 700 passengers. The seats of the highest class are presented. They are made of expensive materials, are comfortable, soft and fairly wide.

    Between the seats a lot of space, so passengers can take the most convenient position. In the presented aircraft, three rows of places in each of which four to five seats.

    Passengers in the Airbus A340-600 are located on two decks. There are enough places in the spacious plane.

    There is I. standard number of seats. Often in airplanes from 250 to 350 seats. If the direction is not international, the number of places can reach the mark of 150-200. It is impossible to call the exact number of seats, because it all depends on the model of the aircraft.


    To the flight brought only positive emotions, it is necessary to take care in advance about choosing a place.

    What are the most comfortable places?

    Most convenient places are seat at the window. You can look into the porthole and enjoy the beauty of the planet, or read the book, because it is the brightest place. The text will be covered in the best way. Moreover, no one will be sought by the passenger by the window in search of their place.

    Some travelers are crazy about places in the middle. They possess both pros and minuses. The main advantage - you can look into the porthole, because the distance to it is completely small, and on the other hand, go to the toilet is much easier than a person by the window. The extreme passenger will hurt passing by people, and the person in the middle will be able to avoid.

    However, the spaces in this case are not so much and the traveler can feel clamped.

    Seat in tail

    The main plus seats in the tail of the aircraft is. If you believe the statistics that survived in the accident passengers flew in the back of the liner. They are 67% of the total number of survivors.

    If the flight is not loaded, then the seats in the tail are usually empty. Passengers in this case can sleep on three seats immediately, enjoy calm, comfort.

    In the near future

    Just a few years ago standing places could seem something amazing, but now more and more manufacturers are thinking over creation Such seats. Every year passengers are becoming more and more. Standing seats could be the best option for flights for short distances. Such seats are less convenient, but more available financially.

    There are no standing places currently in airplanes, but in the near future they will become a reality. Airbus has already introduced the structure of the aircraft With such seats. In the near future, standing places will appear in liners. Domestic aircraft are not equipped with such seats. However, this is one of the developments of the future.

    Some places that seem better to you may well deliver discomfort in flight.

    Avoid whenever possible

    The following seats should be avoided:

    1. Above the wing - Passengers will not see the fascinating landscape;
    2. Seats in the row before emergency exit - Chairs in such seats do not recline;
    3. Places next to the toilet - Passengers will constantly pass by. Flight will make a person attempted. Sleep hardly possible.

    Self at the porthole, but know!

    This location prefers most travelers. This is an excellent chance to admire the planet from a bird's eye view. However, it is necessary to remember that there is one significant disadvantage of such a place: out It will be quite difficult.

    You will have to disturb passengers in the middle and from the edge. It will make them nervous.

    Get drinks too very uncomfortable. A person will attach a lot of effort to pull out his hands and get dishes. Otherwise, you will have to disturb the neighbors again and ask for their help in the transfer of beverages, food.

    How to find your place?

    Some rules will help the passenger quickly find the right place:

    • Necessary carefully explore the ticket. It has information that will help find a place. Letters and numbers in the ticket will help to navigate;
    • If difficulties arose, you can ask for help from a flight attendant. They will gladly help the passenger to figure out;
    • Specify a number and place on the panel over the seats. It is difficult not to notice, but the increased care to the traveler will not be too much.

    To the flight was the most comfortable, the selected place did not disappoint the passenger, it should be taken into account recommendations of specialists:

    • Place is selected under your own needs. If a person often visits the toilet, then it is better to purchase a place at the passage;
    • Long stay in a sitting position very tiredTherefore, at long distances, experts recommend passengers to move, turn their heads, sway. This will increase the mood, improves well-being;
    • You can choose a place. On the official airline website. This innovation appeared relatively recently;
    • Hurry up with a selection of space, It is necessary to take into account all your habits, features. If a person is used to comfort, that is, it makes sense to acquire a place in the first grade.

    Simple advice will help the traveler to make a flight much more pleasant. Only positive, joyful memories will remain.

    Watch the video how to choose a place in the plane:

    . Here you will find the location of places in the airplanes of foreign airlines and select a place in the cabin.

    You can travel with maximum comfort for minimum money.

    Traditionally, there are comfortable places in the first ranks of the cabin

      First, before you no more chairs. But a lot of free space, in which you can easily accommodate.

      Secondly, as a rule, food, drinks and press are beginning to distribute from the front of the cabin. Hungry in the plane you will not be left anyway, but the choice will be great.

      Thirdly, When traveling with children, you can easily place a cradle or stroller. By the way, the places in the first ranks of the salon are most often getting passengers with children. So to work or build in silence in the front of the cabin, it is hardly possible.

    From the point of view of space, there are attractive places in emergency exits. However, the backs of the chairs are often not lowered here, which is noticeably with prolonged flights. In addition, safety safety rules prescribe to these places of strong tall men who will be able to open hatches in an emergency and help the crew to evacuate passengers. Of course, the risk of such a situation is minimal, but after all, appreciate your strength in advance - "save the world" is not as simple as it is presented in the militants.

    There is also a checkered opinion that the safest places are in the tail. This is explained by the fact that the overwhelming number of accidents falls on the rise or landing. In the first case, the plane can cling to the land of the tail, but in the event of a break, it will remain on Earth. And when the accident at the landing stage, the burning fuel on the inertia can get into front compartments.

    A higher level of security is probably the only advantage of places in the tail. Here the vibration is more felt, there are big queues in the toilet, and the flight attendants in this part of the aircraft get with already empty carts, along the way distributed all the pillows and blanks.

    How to get the desired place? When buying, you will definitely ask the cashier if there is an opportunity to buy a ticket with a fixed destination for this flight. For this service most often have to pay extra.But the growing popularity of this service indicates its demand among passengers.

    In the meantime, most airlines still sell tickets without a certain place in the cabin. In this case, you can come to register in advance to be able to choose a place in the plane.or use online registration. In the latter case, on the airport / airline website or in special kiosks, you can easily choose a convenient place on the plane scheme and avoid queues at the airport. But this method has its own limitations: you must travel without children, animals and with minimal luggage.

    Experienced travelers also advise to choose lessMorning and evening flights on Friday and Sunday are considered the most uploaded. Accordingly, on a weekday you can be in a semi-empty salon in which you can transfer to unoccupied rows. Already on two places you can sleep in your pleasure.

    For those who like to look at the top of the window of the porthole, it will be worthwhile to know that the places in the cabin are indicated by the Russians and Latin letters. Therefore, it is better to choose unambiguous designations, for example, a (place at the window), C (place at the passage).

    As for the Sun, when the aircraft moves from the east to the West, it will shine on the left side (from the west to the East - with the right), and when moving from the north to south, it will be on the left side, and in the evening - with the right.

    And of course, smile more often! Smile to representatives of the airline and airport staff, smile passengers who travel with you.

    This method works very effectively, which is repeatedly verified by the employees of and their friends!