Seven peaks of the planet. seven peaks

The seven summits are the most high mountains all continents, with Europe and Asia having different peaks. Each of them annually attracts many people. There is an informal association of climbers who have climbed these mountains - the Seven Peaks Club.

1. Everest (Chomolungma) - Asia


In Tibetan, it is pronounced "Chomolangma" - which means "Divine Mother of the Earth" in translation. In Nepali it is Sagarmatha. Chomolungma is the peak of the world. Its height is 8848 meters. It was first conquered in 1953 by New Zealander Edmund Hillary, and in 2008, on May 8, the Olympic flame was delivered to it.

Chomolungma is part of the Himalayas. It is located in the border region between Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Its main massif is located in Nepal, and the Peace Peak itself is in China. In the entire history of climbing Everest, about 3,000 ascents have been made. This is not just the highest peak in the world - it is a hypnotic place that attracts climbers of all categories and ages.

Many amateur climbers pay big money to professional guides for the opportunity to successfully climb Mount Everest. But this mountain is not the most technically difficult to climb if you choose standard routes. Other eight-thousanders, such as Chogori and Nanga Parbat, are much more difficult. Here, the conquerors are faced with tasks of a different kind: overcoming mountain sickness, fighting weather conditions and duration of the ascent.

So, the winds at the top reach 200 kilometers per hour, the temperature drops to -60 degrees, and the rise lasts 2 months. A very difficult task even for experienced climbers. That is why more than two hundred people have already died when trying to climb the Chomolungma.

Nowadays, several thousand ascents are made annually to Chomolungma. What brings large financial injections to Nepal, because in order to get permission to climb, the group must pay 25 thousand dollars per person!

Until 1856, Chomolungma remained in obscurity. On the maps it was marked as peak XV. The mountain received its status as the top of the world thanks to Andrew Waugh, the head of the geodetic service in India, who recognized it as the highest mountain of the entire Earth after the trigonometric survey of Radhanat Sikdar.

The English name Everest was given in honor of Andrew Waugh's predecessor as chief geodetic surveyor, George Everest. By the way, George Everest himself strongly opposed this.

Everest got its name also because during the definition of the mountain as the highest point in the world, the native Nepalese name Chomolungma was not known, because Nepal was then a country closed to foreigners. On the this moment China is trying to return the local name to the pike.

2. Mont Blanc (translated from Italian " white mountain”) – Europe

The Mont Blanc mountain range is located on the border of France and Italy. It is 50 kilometers long and 12 to 15 kilometers wide. The path to the Mont Blanc Summit starts from the Chamonix Valley, a famous French ski resort.

The approaches to the massif are faceted by three slopes. The French slope is a mountain range of impressive size. This is real paradise for climbers, in which a wide variety of peaks are concentrated. Italian slopes are walls of rocks. On the Swiss side, there are smaller mountain ranges, but, nevertheless, very harmonious and attractive. Mont Blanc is the highest point of the Alps. It is located in their western part and has a height of 4810 meters.

The history of mountaineering in the Alps as a completely new species active rest, began in 1741, when two brave Englishmen climbed Mount Montenver. Since then, the glory of the first conquerors of the hitherto impregnable Alps belongs to Richard Pocock and Wyndham.

But the very top of Mont Blanc was conquered only on August 8, 1786 by two Swiss and a native of Chamonix, Jacques Belma and Michel-Gabriel Paccard. They became the first people to scout the way to the top of Mont Blanc. They took a considerable height of 4807 meters. In 1787, heavy research equipment was raised to Mont Blanc by the French naturalist Saussure. Since then, the summit of Mont Blanc has been officially accepted as the most highest point not only the Alps, but all of Europe.

Mont Blanc was also conquered by the fair sex in 1808 by Marie Paradis and Countess Henriette d'Angeville. Subsequently, many brave women followed in their footsteps.

3. Aconcagua - South America

The summit of Aconcagua is the highest extinct volcano in the world. Aconcagua is located in Argentina and is part of the Andes. Its height is 6962 meters, it is the highest mountain in the entire American continent, in all of South America. The deciphering of the name is not known for certain. According to one of the opinions, the name is translated from the Araucanian language - "on the other side of the Aconcagua River." According to another opinion, it is deciphered from the Quechua language as "Stone Guardian".

Aconcagua was formed as a result of the collision of two lithospheric plates: the South American Plate and the Nazca Plate. It is located in the heart of the Andes on the territory national park Aconcagua, it is covered by numerous glaciers, the largest of which are the northeastern (Polish) and eastern. Aconcagua is bounded by two mountain ranges - Valle de las Vacas - on the north and east sides, Valle de los Horcones Inferior, on the west and south.

The route of climbing Aconcagua from the technical side is not so difficult if you pass it from the north side. Although the height has a significant effect. Indeed, at the top, atmospheric pressure varies greatly and is only forty percent of the pressure at sea level. You can climb to the top quite quickly, in 5 hours and 45 minutes (according to data dated 1991).

Another climbing route to Aconcagua runs through the Polish Glacier. Approaches to the mountain are carried out on it through the Vacas valley, then the ascent to the base of the Polish Glacier follows and the intersection with the first path for further conquest of the peak.

The first ascent of Aconcagua was made on January 14, 1897 by members of the expeditionary group of the Englishman Edward Fitzgerald, Matisse Zurbriggen. And after a few days, and other members of the expedition.

Today, in order to climb Aconcagua, climbers need to purchase a climbing pass from the local authorities of the Aconcagua National Park.

4. McKinley - North America


McKinley is the largest two-headed mountain of the North American continent, its height is 6194 meters, McKinley is also the third mountain in relative height in the world (relative height is 6138 meters). It is located in Alaska and is part of national park Denali. The summit was named McKinley in honor of the twenty-fifth President of America, William McKinley. The local name of the peak, used by the Athabaskan Indians, is "Denali", which means "Great" in translation.

The first mention of the mountain dates back to 1839. This year, the Russian navigator, as well as the military and statesman Fyodor Petrovich Wrangel, marked it on the map. And the first European explorer of the summit was also the Russian naval officer and explorer Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin. And for the first time the summit was seen from two sides.


It is no coincidence that the first McKinley researchers were Russians. Indeed, for more than half a century, from 1799 to 1867, until Alaska was sold to the United States, McKinley belonged to the Russian Empire and was called quite simply - Big Mountain.

McKinley is one of the most difficult mountains to climb. Its slopes are very steep, the air at the top is very rarefied, thanks to the high latitude of the mountain. In addition, the severe frosts of Alaska create great difficulties for climbing. For example, at an altitude of 5300 meters, meteorological stations recorded temperatures of -83 degrees Celsius there.

McKinley has two peaks. The southern peak is higher than the northern one, which is why it is more often visited by climbers. As a rule, the northern peak is climbed if the entire climbing route was laid along the northern side.

Attempts to conquer McKinley began in 1903. But they were unsuccessful. The first successful ascent of McKinley was made in 1913 by an expedition led by Hudson Stack. And the first to climb the mountain was not Hudson Stack himself, but the expedition member and Alaskan native Walter Harper.

5. Kilimanjaro - Africa


Kilimanjaro is Amazing place! It is surprising because only 320 kilometers from the equator on the top of Kilimanjaro there are non-melting snows. It is the highest mountain on the entire African continent and an active volcano. It is located in Tanzania near the Kenyan border. Translated from the Suhali language, its name means "mountain that glitters." And this is not easy, because the climate in the upper part of the mountain is like a harsh Siberian winter with white snowy silence.

Proudly stands Kilimanjaro in the middle of the plains. There are no mountain ranges around it that can distract attention. The dimensions of the base of the mountain are impressive - 100 kilometers long and 75 kilometers wide. Kilimanjaro owes its appearance to the active volcanic activity that took place here and formed its slopes for two million years. Thus, the mountain has three peaks formed in different periods. The tallest of them is Kibo, located between the other two. East and west of it are Mawenzi and Shira.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Shira is the oldest of the three peaks. It was formed due to early eruptions, and is a plateau raised to 3778 meters above sea level.

The next highest and oldest peak is Mawenzi. It rises to 5353 meters and is a ridge connected to the youngest and highest peak of Kibo. But, an inexperienced eye does not distinguish mountain range Mawenzi, but takes him for a huge block leaning against the snowy Kibo.

Kibo is the only one of the three peaks located beyond the snow line. She is the youngest and tallest. The shape of the top is like a dome. In the center of the dome lies a crater with a diameter of 2500 meters and a depth of 299 meters. Inside the crater there is another, smaller one, from which volcanic gases come out. The glacier covering Kibo is the largest on the entire continent. It descends the slopes to a height of 4500 meters above sea level.


Due to its location and height, Kilimanjaro includes all climatic zones. In its lower tiers, a great place for growing crops. Above 2000 meters begin rainforests with an abundance of birds and small living creatures that have found shelter in dense bushes. Above 3500 meters begins the landscape characteristic of the moorlands. And as you approach the line of snow, you seem to be transported to the Alps! Reminds you that you are still in Africa, only frequently encountered large animals - buffaloes and leopards.

Kilimanjaro is considered a mysterious mountain for a reason. Every year she attracts attention a large number tourists and even personalities with worldwide fame. Ernst Hemingway, having visited its slopes in 1938, captured what he saw in the story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro".

6. Vinson - Antarctica

Mount Vinson is located in Antarctica. This is the highest part of the continent. The massif is located just 1200 kilometers from the South Pole and belongs to the Ellsworth mountains. The length and width of the Vinson massif are 21 and 13 meters.

The Vinson massif was found more recently than others. He was noticed by American pilots flying over Antarctica in 1957. The highest point of the entire massif and the entire continent was Mount Vinson, 4892 meters high.

Vinson Massif

The name of the peak was given in honor of the famous politician of the United States of America, Carl Vinson.

7. Kosciuszko - Australia

Kosciuszko is the highest mountain on the Australian continent, its height is 2228 meters. It is located in the Kosciuszko National Park of the same name in the state of New South Wales, near the border with the state of Victoria. The mountain is part of watershed range located in the east of the continent. Thanks to the glaciers that passed here about 20,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene period, the mountain acquired a characteristic glacial relief with amphitheaters and madders.


Kosciuszko Peak is the main asset of the national park, opened in 1977. On the slopes of the mountain there are a large number of rare plants and animals - endemic. In addition, the foot of the mountain and the places adjacent to it are the coldest in Australia. Snow on Kosciuszko lies for five months, starting in June and ending in October. Kosciuszko is the only place for ski holidays in Australia.


Kosciuszko is considered the easiest to climb of the seven highest peaks of the continents. If desired, climbing to such a low peak can be facilitated by climbing cable car from the center of Thredbo village to the station located at the level of 1930 meters. After that, it remains to go quite a bit. Today, there are different opinions among climbers about Kosciuszko's belonging to the seven highest peaks. Some believe that it would be more correct to include Mount Punchak Jaya, located on the island of New Guinea, but this is still only speculation.

Only mountains can be better than mountains - Vysotsky sang and was right. Mountains have always attracted people. Brave people, despite the cold, lack of oxygen, dangers and difficulties stubbornly "climbed" to the heights. What drew them there? Curiosity? Want to test yourself? Thirst for glory? Do you want to prove your superiority to yourself and others? Thirst for knowledge? It is difficult to find any logic in the inexplicable craving of people for mountains.
Recall the past years, when during the Great Patriotic War the German mountain division "Edelweiss" with fierce battles broke through to the very high mountain Europe - Elbrus, to install Nazi flags on its top. Why did the pragmatic Germans need to spend their energy on conquering this peak? Did Hitler even need such proof of his own greatness?
Mountains are the greatest creation of mother nature. They are great, powerful and eternal. Representatives of the species Homo sapience are deprived of these qualities. Rising to the sky they try to join great secret of the universe, and having reached the top, they begin to see clearly. Against the backdrop of the cold gigantic peaks, everything that they lived before seems petty and insignificant.
Let's commit virtual journey and climb to the tops of the highest mountains of all the continents of the Earth and enjoy the fantastic landscapes that open before the eyes of brave climbers. Maybe we will be able to comprehend the secret of these natural monuments.

The main Caucasian Range, "under the command" of the mighty Elbrus, "cuts through" a dense veil of clouds (Photo source:).

Everest (Asia) - Height: 8848 meters Chomolungma) is the highest peak of our planet, part of the Himalayas. For many climbers, this mountain is the most desired trophy. But not everyone can climb this mountain. As a result, mountain climbers are sometimes forced to face cynical decisions about whether to rescue those in distress or continue on their way. Often the rescue of climbers in distress at high altitude is simply not possible, since here every step is given with incredible difficulty. Therefore, on the slopes of the mountains you can find bodies dead climbers. You can familiarize yourself with very "unsightly" stories and photographs.

Photo on the left: the road to Everest, photo on the right: base camp at an altitude of 8300 meters (Photo source:).

Aconcagua (South America) - Altitude: 6962 meters
- the most high peak Andes mountain range in South America. Aconcagua "in combination" is the highest extinct volcano in the world.

In the photo, ant-sized climbers make their way forward towards the summit. A giant whirlwind of snow is circling above them (Photo source: ).

Sunrise over Aconcagua. The majestic panorama of the Andes appears in all its guise before the brave climbers (Photo source:).

McKinley (North America) - Height: 6194 meters
The summit of Alaska occupies an honorable third place among the highest peaks of the continents in our ranking.

Giant McKinley against the backdrop of the coniferous forests of Alaska (Photo source:).

View from the heights of McKinley. A dense blanket of clouds "creeps" on the peaks (Photo source:).

Kilimanjaro (Africa) - Altitude: 5895 meters
The highest point in Africa - the mountain is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. It is a very unusual sight to see a snowy peak in the sultry African savannah. Recently, scientists have been sounding the alarm, the Kilimanjaro ice cap is rapidly decreasing in volume. Over the past decades, 80% of the ice on this mountain has already melted. As the main culprit of this process, climatologists call.

African elephants against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of Kilimanjaro are a very unusual sight (Photo source:).

On the way to Kilimanjaro. The landscape is fantastic (Photo source: ).

View of the veil of clouds from the highest point of the African continent (Photo source:).

Elbrus (Europe) - Height: 5642 meters
In Russia, there is also a mountain-record holder - this is the highest peak in Europe -. Elbrus is part of the Main Caucasian Range and is located on the border of the two Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In the past (about 50 AD) Elbrus was active volcano.

Handsome Elbrus (Photo source:).

Camp on the spurs of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Panorama of the mountains, opening to climbers from the top of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Silent and mysterious land of snows and clouds of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Unusual atmospheric phenomenon. The shadow of the top of Elbrus in the morning haze (Photo source:).

The beauty of the Elbrus region. End of all seasons. Green alpine meadows and spurs of Elbrus covered with snow (Photo source:).

At the top of Elbrus - a fantastic world of white snow and clouds (Photo source:).

Vinson Massif (Antarctica) - Height: 4892 meters
The coldest continent of the planet - Antarctica also has its mountains. The highest of them were discovered relatively recently, at the end of the 50s of the last century. The Vinson Massif is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is located 1200 kilometers from the southernmost point of the planet.

This is what the Vinson Array looks like from space (Photo Source:

Mountain peak

mountain system



Chomolungma (Everest)

Communism Peak

Victory Peak

Tien Shan


South America



North America


Kilimanjaro massif

B. Caucasus

B. Ararat

Armenian Highlands

Vinson Massif


B. Caucasus

Western Alps

Mauna Kea is the largest mountain on Earth.

However, if we take as a basis the height not above sea level, but from the base of the mountain, then the recognized leader among the highest mountains in the world becomes Mauna Kea is a shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands.

Height Mauna Kea mountains from the base to the top is 10203 meters, which is 1355 meters higher than Chomolungma. Most of the mountain is hidden under water, and above sea level Mauna Kea rises to 4205 meters.

The Mauna Kea volcano is about a million years old. The volcano's activity peaked during the shield stage about 500,000 years ago. Currently, the volcano is recognized as inactive - according to scientists, the last eruption was 4-6 thousand years ago.

The highest mountains in the world by continent. Descriptions of the seven highest peaks of the world by parts of the world.

"Seven Peaks" is a climbing project that includes the highest peaks of the world in parts of the world. North and South America, as well as Europe and Asia are considered separately. Climbers who have conquered all seven peaks become members of the "7 Peaks Club"

List of "seven peaks":

  • Chomolungma (Everest) (Asia)
  • Aconcagua (South America)
  • McKinley (North America)
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa)
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe)
  • Vinson Massif (Antarctica)
  • Kosciuszko (Australia) or Carstens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) (Australia and Oceania)

The seven highest mountain peaks in the parts of the world. Map.

Chomolungma (Everest) - the first of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in Asia and the highest peak in the world.

Chomolungma belongs to the Himalayas, the Mahalangur-Himal range. The southern peak (8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and the Tibetan autonomous region(China), the Northern (main) peak (8848 m) is located in China.

Geographical coordinates of Mount Chomolungma - 27°59′17″ s. sh. 86°55′31″ E d.

The fact that Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest mountain in the world was determined by the Indian mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sikdar in 1852 on the basis of trigonometric calculations, when he was in India, 240 km from Chomolungma.

The highest mountain in the world and Asia has the shape of a trihedral pyramid. The southern slope is steeper, snow and firn are not kept on it, so it is exposed. From the top mountain range many glaciers descend, ending at an altitude of 5000 meters.

The first ascent of the largest mountain in the world was made on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary through the South Col.

The highest peak of the world Chomolungma is extremely severe. The wind speed there reaches 55 m/s, and the air temperature drops to -60 °C. As a result, climbing the highest mountain in the world is fraught with many difficulties. In spite of modern equipment and the equipment used by climbers, for every twentieth of them, the conquest of the highest peak in the world is the last thing in life. From 1953 to 2014, about 200 climbers died on the slopes of Everest.

aconcagua- the second of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in South America and the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth.

Mount Aconcagua is located in the central Andes in Argentina. Altitude- 6962 m. The highest peak South America formed during the collision of Nazca and South American. The mountain has many glaciers, the largest of which are northeastern (Polish Glacier) and eastern.

The geographic coordinates of Mount Aconcagua are 32°39′S. sh. 70°00′ W d.

Climbing the highest peak of the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth is technically considered easy if carried out along the northern slope. From the south or southwest, conquering the summit of Aconcagua is much more difficult. The first ascent of the highest mountain in South America was recorded in 1897 by the expedition of the Englishman Edward Fitzgerald.

McKinley- the third of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in North America. Height - 6168 meters.

The geographical coordinates of Mount McKinley are 63°04′10″ s. sh. 151°00′26″ W d.

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska, in the center of the Denali National Park. Until 1867 it was considered the highest peak Russian Empire until Alaska was sold to the US. The first explorer of Mount McKinley is the Russian leader of the expedition, Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin, who first saw it from two sides.

The highest mountain North America It was first conquered by American climbers under the command of the Rev. Hudson Stack, who reached the top of the mountain on March 17, 1913.

Mount McKinley used to be called differently. The Athabaskan Indians - the indigenous people - called her Denali, which means "great." While Alaska belonged to the Russian Empire, the mountain was simply called "Big Mountain". In 1896, the highest mountain in North America received its modern name in honor of the 25th American President.

kilimanjaro- the fourth of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in Africa. Height - 5,891.8 m.

The geographic coordinates of Mount Kilimanjaro are 3°04′00″ S. sh. 37°21′33″ E d.

Kilimanjaro is a potentially active stratovolcano in northeastern Tanzania. The highest peak in Africa consists of three main peaks, which are also extinct: Shira in the west with 3,962 meters above sea level, Kibo 5,891.8 meters in the center and Mawenzi with 5,149 meters in the east.

The top of the Kibo volcano is covered with an ice cap. Once this hat was clearly visible from afar, but at the present time. Over the past 100 years, the glacier covering the top of Africa's highest mountain has shrunk by more than 80%. The melting of the glacier is associated with a decrease in precipitation associated with deforestation in the area adjacent to the mountain. According to some scientists, the Kilimanjaro ice cap will disappear by 2020.

The first ascent of the highest peak in Africa was made in 1889 by Hans Meyer. Climbing Kilimanjaro is not considered difficult from a technical point of view, although it is incredibly spectacular. Due to the proximity to the equator, everything that the climber sequentially passes one after another is represented on the mountain. Thus, in the process of ascent, one can see all the main Earths in a few hours.

Elbrus- the fifth of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in Europe and the highest peak in Russia.

The geographical coordinates of Mount Elbrus are 43°20′45″ s. sh. 42°26′55″ E d.

The border between Asia and Europe is ambiguous, as a result of which there are disputes whether Elbrus belongs to Europe. If yes, then this mountain is the highest point in Europe. If not, then the palm goes to Mont Blanc, which is discussed below.

Elbrus is located in the Greater Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Is an . The highest peak in Europe is a two-peak saddle-shaped volcano cone. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. The last eruption was in the 50s of our era.

The most big mountain Europe is covered in glaciers with total area 134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.

The first documented ascent of Mount Elbrus dates back to 1829 and was made during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. Climbing Mount Elrus according to the climbing classification is not technically difficult. Although there are routes of increased complexity.

Vinson Massif- the sixth of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain of Antarctica. Height - 4897 meters.

The geographical coordinates of the Vinson Massif are 78°31′31″ S. sh. 85°37′01″ W d.

The Vinson Massif is located 1200 km from the South Pole and is part of the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif is 21 km long and 13 km wide. The highest peak of the Vinson Massif is Vinson Peak.

The highest mountain in Antarctica was discovered by American pilots in 1957. The first ascent to the highest peak on the southern continent was made on December 18, 1966 by Nicholas Clinch.

Mont Blanc- the highest mountain in Europe, the fifth of the "seven peaks", if Elbrus belongs to Asia. Height - 4810 meters.

The geographical coordinates of Mont Blanc are 45°49′58″ s. sh. 6°51′53″ E d.

The highest peak in Europe is located in the Alps mountain system on the border of France and Italy. Mount Mont Blanc is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif with a length of about 50 km. The ice cover of the massif covers an area of ​​200 km², the largest glacier is the Mer de Glace.

The first ascent of the highest point in Europe, Mont Blanc, was made by Jacques Balmat and Dr. Michel Paccard on August 8, 1786. In 1886, during his honeymoon Theodore Roosevelt, the future president of the United States of America, conquered the highest mountain in Europe.

Kosciuszko- the seventh of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in continental Australia. Height - 2228 meters.

The geographical coordinates of Mount Kosciuszko are 36°27′ S. sh. 148°16′ E d.

The highest peak of the Australian continent is located in the Australian Alps in the south of the state of New South Wales on the territory of the national park of the same name. Mount Kosciuszko was discovered in 1840.

The first ascent of the highest mountain in Australia in 1840 was made by the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pawel Edmund Strzelecki. He also named the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Pyramid of Carstens (Punchak Jaya)- the seventh of the "seven peaks", the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania.

There is disagreement about which mountain to rank as the last, seventh peak. If we take into account only the Australian continent, then this will be Kosciuszko Peak. If we consider the whole of Australia and Oceania, then it will be the Carstens Pyramid with a height of 4884 m. In this regard, there are currently two Seven Summits programs, including the first and second options. But the main option is still recognized as a program with the Carstens Pyramid.

The geographical coordinates of Mount Punchak Jaya are 4°05′ S. sh. 137°11′ E d.

Mount Punchak Jaya is located in the western part of the island of New Guinea and is part of the Maoke massif. The highest peak in Oceania is also the most high mountain located on the island. The mountain was discovered in 1623 by the Dutch explorer Jan Carstens. Puncak Jaya is sometimes called the Carstens Pyramid after him.

The first ascent of the mountain was made in 1962 by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer.

The highest mountains in the world by continent and country. The highest peaks of the Earth.

Note: there is still debate among scientists whether or not to reckon Caucasian mountains to Europe. If so, then Elbrus will be the highest peak in Europe; if not, then Mont Blanc. Until unanimity was reached on this issue, we ranked the Caucasus among Europe, and therefore the mountains of the Caucasus (Russia) were included in the list of the highest mountains in Europe.

Mountain peak

The country

Height, m

The highest mountains in Europe


Pushkin Peak


Russia - Georgia


Shota Rustaveli

Switzerland - Italy










Russia - Azerbaijan

The dream of every climber is to conquer the "Seven Peaks" - these are the seven highest mountains in the world. And it’s not in vain that they say: “Only mountains can be better than mountains!”, because this is a passion! Once you have been to the top, you will never be able to live in the former peace. They will call you, beckon you with their beauty and originality. Standing at the top, feelings fill every cell of the soul, these raging emotions cannot be conveyed by any of the words. It needs to be FEELED!

But do not underestimate the seemingly simple upward movement. Mountains are sometimes very treacherous, they require a lot of technical knowledge in mountaineering and a good physical training. The weather on the peaks is very different from the amazing climate of the Maldives: eternal cold reigns there and strong winds blow. Snowstorms and avalanches can fall on you during the assault on the summit, so it’s worth weighing your abilities objectively, because the unprepared play with death…

Now let's delve into the history of each of them in more detail.


Everest is a European name. Long time ago locals They called the mountain Chomolungma, which in Tibetan means - the holy mother of the universe. Therefore, this name is considered the original, and therefore the main one.

Everest is the highest point of the Earth, due to which it attracts great attention of climbers who seek to overcome themselves and visit the top of the world. Its height is 8848 m above sea level, and its age has exceeded 60 million years.

Everest is located on the Himalayan ridge, where Nepal and China border. The most popular climbing route is the South Slope. There are a lot of people who want to conquer the mountain, but the question price arises ... So how much does it still cost to climb to the top? Using the services of a guide, it will be about $ 50,000-60,000, Sherpa porters will go with you to help carry the tent, food and other equipment throughout the ascent. If you decide to go on your own, it will cost approximately $30,000: $20,000 for the obligatory tax from the Nepalese government from tourists, and the remaining amount for good equipment and clothes. But keep in mind that climbing alone is prohibited, so you will have to find additional members for your team.

It takes about 40 days for one group to complete the ascent, which is enough for transitions from one base camp to another and for acclimatization. At an altitude of 6500-7000 m, the so-called "death zone" begins, where, due to changes in atmospheric pressure, rarefied air, low temperatures reaching minus 60C, and strong winds (about 55 m / s), the human body does not even sleep restores, but wastes strength. Climbers expend a lot of energy every day, and by the end of the expedition, participants lose 7 to 10 kg in weight.

Everest is the most polluted mountain, because due to the large number of tourists, an incredible amount of oxygen tanks and food bags remain at the top.

Chomolungma is a treacherous mountain. According to estimates for 2015, almost 300 people have already died on it. The main reason is the collapse of snow and stones, avalanches and of course mountain sickness, from which people lose their minds. Losing him means signing your own death warrant.

The first ascent of Everest was made by a climbing group consisting of Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. The youngest person to reach the summit is 13-year-old Jordan Romero, and the oldest is 80-year-old Japanese Miura Yuchiro.


It is the highest extinct volcano in the world. Previously, it periodically erupted lava flows, but now it has calmed down under a thick layer of ice and snow. Aconcagua rises to 6960 meters above sea level. The name of the mountain, translated from the language of the Quechua Indians, means “stone guard”.

Aconcagua is geographically located in South America in the province of Mendoza and is a landmark of the Aconcagua State Park. On the mountain there are the largest glaciers, such as Polsky and Vostochny.

When climbing from the north side of the mountain, climbers do not need to move in bundles with ropes, so the ascent is considered quite easy. The most suitable period for the rise is the period from January to mid-March.

Briton Edward Fitzgerald was the first to climb Aconcagua in 1897. The youngest and oldest people to climb the mountain are 10-year-old Matthew Monitz and 87-year-old Scott Lewis, and the fastest summit took 5 hours and 45 minutes.


Mount Denali or as it is also called Mount McKinley is the highest in North America. Denali means "great" in Native American. It is located in the center of Alaska and rises to 6190 meters. Before Alaska was sold to the US, Denali belonged to the Russian Empire.

The classic ascent to the peak is carried out along the western Buttress. Despite the fact that the complexity of the mountain from a climbing point of view is small, but before the beginning of 2000, more than 50% of the climbers did not reach the very top, and about 100 people died. Wide windy plateaus with a bunch of ice gaps still create some difficulties even for professionals. The temperature at the top reaches -30 C.

The fastest ascent of Denali was made in 2014 by the Spanish climber Kilian Jornet Burgada in 11 hours and 40 minutes. And in 2015, the American Lonnie Dupre was the first to climb this peak alone in winter.

Of all the history, only one thing is unclear: who was the first to conquer one of the 7 peaks? There is a lot of discussion and debate about whether it was Frederick Cooke or Robert Peary. It is still not known, since none of them managed to accurately prove the superiority.


The highest peak in Africa is Uhuru Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. There are three extinct volcanoes on the mountain: Mavensi, Shira and Kibo. The highest of them is Kibo (5895 meters above sea level). He is the peak of Uhuru.

At the foot of the mountain there is always a sultry, sometimes unbearable heat, but when climbing, the temperature drops to -10C. Therefore, climbing it, like any other mountain, will not do without warm clothes. The slope leading to Uhuru Peak is quite simple and does not require special climbing skills. Anyone can test their strength here.

Kilimanjaro was first climbed in 1889 by climbers Hans Mayer and Ludwig Purtsheller. The fastest ascent and descent were made in 6 hours and 42 minutes by the Swiss Karl Igloffu. Seven-year-old Keats Boyd also climbed Uhuru Peak, thus becoming the youngest conqueror of Mount Kilimanjaro.


Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia and Europe. It is located on the border of Europe with Asia. Previously, Elbrus was an active volcano, periodically spewing lava and increasing its height. He has been quiet for a long time now. From afar, two peaks are visible on the mountain, the height of one of them is 5621 meters, and the height of the other, which is the top of Elbrus, is 5642 meters. Climbing the mountain is not technically difficult, it has gentle slopes, so only due to high altitude Requires good physical shape and stamina.

The most common routes are on the northern and southern slopes. The average time for a full ascent is about 8-10 hours. The first ascent was made by a Russian group led by Emmanuel Georgy Arsenievich in 1829. During the Second World War, military operations were even carried out on the top against the German division.

To date, high-speed races are held on Elbrus, called the Elbrus World Race. The fastest ascent was made by the athlete Carl Eglof, a native of Ecuador, who set a world record: 3 hours 24 minutes.

Vinson Massif

The Vinson Massif, as it is also called Mount Vinson, is located on the remote Antarctica and is its highest point. There are many peaks on the mountain, the height of which differs slightly from each other, and for a long time scientists have identified which of them will be the peak. As a result, this place of honor went to Vinson Peak, 4892 meters above sea level. The mountain and the peak were named in honor of the American deputy Carl Vinson, who assisted in the development of Antarctica by scientists from the United States.

Technically, the Vinson Massif is not difficult, but due to its open slopes, the mountain is very windy and cold. Favorable time for climbing is from the beginning of December to the end of February. To climb to the top, an organized team is required, since the expedition takes quite a long time.

There were many attempts to reach the summit, but the first full ascent took place in December 1966. Half of the group led by Nicholas Clinch reached the summit of Mount Vinson on December 18, the next day the second half also climbed from the assault camp.

Punchak Jaya

The rocky mountain of Punchak Jaya was also nicknamed the Carstens Pyramid. It is located in Australia, and its height is 4884 meters above sea level. From Indonesian, the name of this mighty peak means "Peak of Victory".

The first to conquer Puncak Jaya was a group of climbers led by Heinrich Harrer in 1962. Climbing Puncak Jaya is considered the technically most difficult of the 7 peaks and requires special climbing equipment and training. But the climate is very similar to the Crimean one, so there will be no long acclimatization and the route can be covered in one day. The easiest is to climb the northern slope and the favorable period for this is from February to November. But climbing the Carstens Pyramid is not cheap. Because of the mines of non-ferrous and precious metals nearby to the mountain, the government has introduced a collection of funds from tourists and has tightened the passage to Puncak Jaya, while the mines themselves are reliably guarded by the armed forces and access to them is prohibited.

Previously, the site talked about. However, all these mountains are located in one part of the world - Asia, namely in the two neighboring mountain systems of the Himalayas and the Karakoram, therefore it is customary to single out the 7 highest mountain peaks in the world, one for each part of the world. Climbers who have conquered all these mountains are included in the honorary Seven Summits Club.
There are 2 main lists of the seven peaks of the world. More difficult to climb is the list compiled by the Italian climber Reinhold Messner. In this list, in addition to Asia, Europe, South and North America, Africa, Antarctica, not Australia appears as part of the world, but Australasia, i.e. region including Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and adjacent islands Pacific Ocean. Accordingly, instead of the highest peak in Australia - Mount Kosciuszko, whose height is only 2228 meters and which is very easy to conquer, the list includes Mount Jaya in New Guinea, whose height is 4884 meters and which was first conquered only in 1962. The list, compiled by the American climber Richard Bass, is more traditional in terms of Russian geography, it lists Australia as part of the world, not Australasia.
Thus, the highest peaks of the world become not seven, but eight. In some interpretations, there are even nine of them, because. between geographers there are still disagreements about the border between Europe and Asia, so the highest peak in Europe is either Elbrus in the Russian Caucasus, or Mont Blanc in the Alps.
In this article, we will use the Messner list, because it is he who is presented as the main one on the website of the Seven Summits Club - The mountains in the ranking are sorted by height, starting with the highest.

The tallest Mountain peak Asia - Chomolungma in the Himalayas, also known as Everest. Chomolungma in Tibetan means "mistress of the winds", as for the English name Everest, it was awarded in honor of Sir George Everest, head of the British India Survey in 1830-1843. The height of the peak is 8848 meters. Chomolungma is located in China, namely in Tibet, on the border with Nepal. The first ascent of the mountain was made on May 29, 1953 by Sherpas (Sherpas - a people living in Eastern Nepal, as well as in India) Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. The climbers used oxygen devices. More than 30 Sherpas took part in the work of the expedition.

The highest mountain peak in South America aconcagua in the Andes mountain range. Height 6962 meters. Located in Argentina. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the western and southern hemispheres. In mountaineering, Aconcagua is considered a technically easy mountain if you climb the northern slope. When climbing, the influence of altitude is noticeable, the atmospheric pressure at the top is about 40% of the pressure at sea level. However, the use of oxygen tanks during the ascent is not required. Even children can conquer this mountain with appropriate preparation: in 2013, 9-year-old American Tyler Armstrong did it, and in 2016, 12-year-old Romanian Dor Jeta Popescu.

The highest mountain peak in North America Denali included in the Alaska Range. Height 6194 meters. Located in the USA (Alaska). From 1896 until August 28, 2015, the mountain was called McKinley, in honor of the 25th President of the United States of America, now the traditional Indian name Denali has been returned to the mountain (this word means "great" in the language of the Athabaskan Indian people). From 1799 to 1867, the mountain was the highest point of the Russian Empire, until Alaska, where Denali is located, was sold to the United States. For the first time this peak was conquered in 1906 by the American expedition of Frederick Cook.

Africa's highest mountain peak is Mount Kilimanjaro. Height - 5895 meters. Located in Tanzania. Climbing Kilimanjaro is considered quite simple, but it takes time for high-altitude acclimatization. Almost any healthy person can climb the main routes leading to it, without climbing training and special equipment.

The highest mountain peak in Europe and Russia is the Elbrus volcano. Height 5642 meters. It is located on the territory of the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The first ascent of Elbrus was carried out by a Russian expedition led by George Emmanuel in 1829.

The highest peak of Antarctica - vinson array. Height 4892 meters. The first ascent took place in 1966 by an American expedition led by Nicholas Clinch. Conquering Vinson is an expensive pleasure due to the inaccessibility of Antarctica and heavy climatic conditions(even in summer the temperature on the massif does not rise above minus 30 degrees Celsius): you must either organize an expedition yourself or pay for services travel company, which cost about $30,000 per person and include shipping to Antarctica from Chile.

The highest mountain peak in Australasia (a region that includes Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and the adjacent islands of the Pacific Ocean) - Jaya(other name - Pyramid of Carstens). Height 4884 meters. Jaya is the highest mountain in the world located on the island. Jaya was first climbed in 1962 by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer.