The ocean and its depths. The oceans are the planet's greatest mystery

Inhabitants of the underwater world

There are so many mysteries and secrets hiding among the endless expanse of the ocean, which, probably, will never be fully solved. One of them is the secret of the intelligent

Motor ship Joyta

Mysterious stories take place with ships and planes to the present day. Everyone has heard, in one way or another, of ghost ships wandering aimlessly in the ocean, guided by

Mystery of Madagascar

The seas and oceans have been a source of formidable mysteries since ancient times. In particular, we are talking about sea monsters - creatures not known to science. Can

Secrets of the Mariana Trench - Challenger's Abyss

Since the opening itself deep place Mariana Trench- Challenger Abyss in 1875, only three people have been here. The first were American Lieutenant Don

The Mystery of the Sailboat Seabird

In 1947, a distress signal was received by British and Dutch radar stations, which contained the following information: “All officers and captains on the bridge and in the cockpit

The secret of the sea monsters

Even on the surface the globe there are many unexplored places left. The depths of the ocean in general can be considered practically unexplored. What mysteries are hidden under the water column? Can they

The secret of the depths of the ocean. Light under water

According to the unanimous opinion of researchers, the world's oceans are practically unknown to people. This is not surprising, because only an insignificant part of it has been investigated. One of the unexplored directions is anomalous

The mystery of the lakes

There are many lakes, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed even to a small extent. These include the False Lake or Poenigeymuk Lake located in

Schooner Marlborough

In the vast expanses of the oceans, a huge number of ships are drifting, which for one reason or another were left without a crew. Their number changes from year to year:

Journey to the bottom of Baikal

The virtual journey to the bottom of Lake Baikal became possible thanks to the development of a group of Irkutsk scientists who were awarded the Governor's Prize for Achievements in Science and Technology for 2006

Dive into the Mariana Trench

For the first time, the English deep-sea "Challenger" bathyscaphe descended to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in 1951. In 1960 the bathyscaphe "Trieste" was submerged to the bottom of the Mariana Trench

Ocean underwater world

At the bottom of the ocean, at a depth of three kilometers, the pressure is three hundred times greater than above. Sea snow takes many months to sink to the seabed

Underwater caves

A lot of people take risks, plunging into the very dangerous, but at the same time very beautiful Horde cave. Inside the cave, you can see amazing underground palaces with

Underwater monsters from the ocean

In sea waters, oceans, rivers, lakes and other water areas of the globe, there is a huge variety of living creatures - animals and fish. They

Underwater civilization

Most of the people on Earth believe in aliens from outer space, but hardly anyone is aware that there may be an underwater civilization in the world's oceans.

Sea monsters. Plesiosaur

Seasoned sailors say that the legendary sea monsters, among which the kraken and the giant serpent were previously mentioned, include other strange creatures that are not similar

Floating city

The problems associated with the lack of territories suitable for living in states such as Japan, as well as the threat of flooding in the foreseeable future of large continental territories prompts

Lake Okanagan. Monster Ogopogo

Loch Ness and its mysterious inhabitant Nessie are definitely the leaders in fame. However, Nessie is far from being an exception - in the seas and lakes of the world

Loch Ness

For many centuries in Scotland, there have been legends about a monster living in the dark depths of Loch Ness, but the giant Nessie monster was officially announced only

Lake Seliger. Seligerskoe Nessie

Lake Seliger is a system of lakes of glacial origin in the Tver and Novgorod regions of Russia. Witnesses claim that a creature lives in the Seliger lake system that is strikingly similar

Unidentified underwater objects

On February 5, 1964, an unidentified underwater object caused the sinking of the American yacht Hattie D. Although it was converted from a military search and rescue

Mysterious submarine

Military doctor Rubens J. Villela was on the deck of an icebreaker taking part in naval maneuvers in the North Atlantic. Together with Villela there was a helmsman and

The first to describe a giant ancient monster in the form of a sea cephalopod was Homer, who lived in the 8th century BC. In his Odyssey, he describes

Giant Ocean Monsters

Do giant monsters currently exist in the ocean? Who are they and how do they live? These questions have worried many people for a long time. The very concept of "monster"

Sea man

Sea maidens

Legends of many peoples have brought to our time stories about mysterious creatures ah, living in oceans, seas and other bodies of water. These are the sea maidens known in

Lake Labynkyr. Mysterious monsters

Although it is officially believed that the inhabitants of lakes, seas and oceans are quite well studied, but practice says that this is far from the case. The depths of the water store

What is Karadag Mountain hiding - a water monster

Stories in which water monsters are described are quite common, while people who are quite trustworthy often become eyewitnesses of the appearance of mysterious creatures. An indicative case is

Abyssal monster

In 1973, the Australian coastal population was shocked by news of the mysterious disappearance of Japanese pearl divers in the deep sea. Melbourne Leader newspaper, published on

Sea serpent

“In the year 1736 from the birth of Christ, on July 6, an eerie-looking sea monster appeared, which rose above the water so high that its head was equal to


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The secrets that the ocean keeps in its depths are unlikely to ever be fully solved by us. Throughout its history, mankind has managed to explore only 5 percent of the depths of the sea, and therefore it is not surprising that at the bottom of gloomy depressions and in the gaps of dark caves, amazing creatures never seen before are hiding and sunken ancient cities sleep in eternal sleep ... (site)

The sea returns the drowned

Several years ago, the inhabitants of the Channel Island of Guernsey experienced a real horror: for three days in a row the ocean brought drowned people to the shore, and "fresh" ones. More than forty dead bodies were found, but the police are unable to explain where they came from, since there were no shipwrecks or storms in the area at that time. Further investigations, carried out with the participation of Interpol, yielded nothing, as did the identification of the dead people by fingerprints.

Local residents have their own, mostly mystical, versions. So, independent researchers believe that the ocean, most likely, "collected" corpses from different layers of time or from parallel worlds. However, even in this case it remains a mystery why the ocean did it and why it chose the island of Guernsey for its purpose ...

Unidentified object at the bottom of the sea

One day I discovered a strange and very mysterious construction at the bottom Baltic Sea a team of Swedish divers. Later, the Ocean X Team even managed to shoot the object on video, to make at least some measurements, but at the same time experienced specialists could not establish what it is. The design resembles either a sunken ship of an alien mind, or some kind of ancient altar, and next to it any equipment fails, even a flashlight goes out.

Analysis of samples of the material from which the object is made has shown that it is of extraterrestrial origin. Swedish divers are planning to return to their unique find and at the same time are perplexed: why, besides them, nobody is interested in it? Moreover, orthodox scholars claim that this is just a pre-glacial rock formation, without even bothering to go under the water and investigate this "formation" ...

Lost underwater city

Off the coast of India, archaeologists recently unearthed the remains of ancient city... Well, what is surprising, you ask. And the fact that experts estimate the age of those city buildings at 9,500 - 10,000 years, which means that our civilization is much older than it is commonly believed.

Can you imagine how many interesting things such underwater ruins can tell people ?! But the trouble is, we ignore everything on land that does not fit into the generally accepted history, or even destroy it. Why do we still need underwater artifacts and even entire cities? Therefore, orthodox science is not only in no hurry to investigate the remains ancient settlement, but in every possible way hinders its study ...

The voice of the depths

In 1997. NOAA (United States National Oceanic Survey) hydrophones recorded the sound, dubbed Bloop. Explorers of the sea have never heard such a loud and unusual "voice of the depths": it turns out that in nature (in their opinion) there simply are no sea animals capable of screaming so loudly and terribly. Or do they still exist? This question is of great concern to independent researchers, who fully admit that in ocean depths ah there are animals unknown to us, perhaps even intelligent ones.

How do they manage not to be seen by people? Firstly, the World Ocean is huge: even in area it is several times larger than land, not to mention its depth, which makes this world truly immense. Secondly, as some researchers believe, the World Ocean is connected to the deep underground water "reservoirs" of the planet, which can be many times larger than it in volume. In this case, the water element can hide in itself any conceivable and inconceivable forms of life ...

It is no coincidence that there is even an opinion that we have studied space much better than the ocean depths. And although this statement is an obvious exaggeration, it accurately conveys the main thing - the water element of the Earth, which we have practically at our fingertips, for some reason we cannot study, despite all the attempts, from ancient times to the present day. Maybe someone bothers people in this? For example, they do not particularly want to enter into contacts with us, and even more so to reveal to us the secrets of the depths of the sea ...

Some say that the boundary of our knowledge of the world lies in space, but they flatter themselves: the boundaries of our knowledge are still on Earth. The oceans still represent one of nature's greatest mysteries. Many of us take the ocean for granted, but it is huge, powerful and almost infinite, and its depths can be fraught with something unimaginable. 10 examples of such surprises - in this post!

Bimini Road, also called the Bimini Wall, is located in the Bahamas. She lies under water at a depth of only about half a meter, so that she can be seen through the water. Some of its stones are 6 meters long! Someone thinks that it was formed naturally, someone - that people laid it. There is only one question left: why build a road under water? ..

9. "Milk Sea"

The effect of the "milky sea" occurs when in a certain area of ​​the ocean all the water seems to change color and becomes a milky blue-white hue. This is a rather frightening phenomenon; many sailors and travelers felt completely disoriented when faced with it. Many scientists argue that this is due to the activity of bacteria, however, bacteria have not yet been found that can change the color of water all day long, but not constantly, but from time to time.

These stunning ancient pyramids were found in Japan near Yonaguni Island. Researchers say they may be older than Egyptian pyramids! All this is great, but how exactly did they end up under water? Nobody can say for sure. If they are man-made, they may have been part of the city. But people cannot live under water! Or ... once could they? Or were they not built by humans? Who knows.

The question for philosophers who love riddles like "can God create a stone that he cannot lift himself": how can there be an underwater waterfall if water is everywhere? Nevertheless, underwater waterfalls exist and can even be very dangerous - the currents that form near them can destroy the ship. So far, scientists have discovered 7 underwater waterfalls, and, most likely, these are not all such phenomena that we know about. The largest of them is located off the coast of Denmark.

6. Underwater crop circles

Do you know about "crop circles" - mysterious patterns, looking at which people think that these circles left a UFO upon landing? So these circles also exist under water. Apparently, aliens are not very worried about where exactly to land - on land or in the ocean! In fact, scientists believe that these traces remain from the mating ritual of one of the species of fish - this is not as interesting as the version with aliens, but what can you do?

Ah, the Bermuda Triangle! Once upon a time, people were really worried about the need to fly or swim in this area, if the route ran through it. Now they talk about him less, but before he was a weighty cause for excitement. It was also called the "Devil's Triangle", and many planes and ships in this area disappeared without a trace. Some say that there is a portal to another world! This may not be true, but why tempt fate?

All the items on this list are real mysteries, but the Cuban underwater city is one that really makes you seriously think. Off the coast of Cuba, there is a structure whose existence makes one think that perhaps the myth of Atlantis was based on real facts! It is an underwater city with giant pyramids and sphinx sculptures. Some believe that the city is over 10,000 years old and sank during an earthquake. It's really hard to come up with another explanation.

The Devil's Sea is an area in the sea about 100 km from the Japanese capital Tokyo, near the territory of Guam. Many sailors are afraid to enter these waters. Many daredevils who tried to cross the Devil's Sea have sunk here. Strong storms and storms break out in this area "out of the blue", out of a clear sky. In addition, no one lives here - no fish, no birds, no whales, no dolphins. Most likely, there is something connected with this that we humans do not know!

Another real mystery is the mysterious circles near Persian Gulf that glow and rotate. Some scientists claim that it is plankton, but most researchers disagree. Most likely, this is another of the unknown oceanic phenomena (although, of course, as in other phenomena on Earth, aliens may be involved in this).

This is perhaps even too mysterious even for this list! Some people believe that what we mistake for a UFO at the bottom of the Baltic is just a rock. Others say it is an old sunken submarine. But this camera looks like it just left the frame " Star Wars"! The team of researchers who discovered it claims that it rests on a huge pillar, and inside it there is like a staircase leading to a black hole. It doesn't matter whether you believe in the versions given here or not - one thing is clear: definitely, this is truly a mystery to humanity!

The endless expanses of water at all times attracted and frightened a person at the same time. Brave seafarers set off to travel in search of the unknown. Many mysteries of the oceans remain unsolved today. It is not in vain that one can hear from scientists that the hydrosphere is less studied than the surface. There is some truth in this, because the degree of study of the waters of the world's oceans does not exceed 5%.

Exploration of the oceans

Exploration of the depths of the sea began much earlier than the exploration of space and distant galaxies. Apparatuses were created capable of lowering a person to a considerable depth. Underwater imaging technologies and robotic systems developed. The area of ​​the oceans and its depths are so great that many types of bathyscaphes have been designed to study them.

After the first manned flight into outer space in 1961, scientists threw all their efforts into the study of the Universe. The secrets of the oceans faded into the background, because it seemed much more difficult to get to them. Initiated programs for the study of the seas have been frozen or curtailed.

The researchers obtained information about the existence of underwater rivers at the bottom of the oceans. Various compounds of hydrocarbons through cracks in the earth's crust come out under the water column, mix with it and move. This phenomenon is termed cold seepage. However, the temperature of the gases is not lower than that of the surrounding water.

Underwater rivers are not the only interesting phenomenon. The area of ​​the oceans is so large that many mysteries are hidden under it. On seabed found 7 in size exceeding the known analogues on land. This strange movement of water is caused by a number of reasons:

  • different temperatures;
  • distinguishing salinity;
  • the presence of a complex relief of the bottom surface.

The combination of all these factors causes the movement of water with a higher density, which rushes down.

Milky seas and false bottom

The spaces of the ocean glowing in the dark have been nicknamed "milk seas". Researchers have repeatedly recorded similar phenomena on photographic film. There are many hypotheses trying to explain their essence, but no one can name the exact reason for the glow of the waters. According to one of them, the "sea of ​​milk" is a huge accumulation of luminescent microorganisms. Some fish of the ocean also have the property of glowing in the dark.

False bottom is another one that science sometimes encounters. The first mention of it dates back to 1942, when scientists using sonars noticed an unusual layer at a depth of 4 hundred meters, reflecting acoustic signals. Further studies have established that this layer rises to the surface of the water at night, and sinks again at dawn. Scientists' guesses were confirmed, this phenomenon was created by animals of the ocean - squids. They dislike sunlight and hide from it at great depths. Dense accumulations of these organisms do not allow sound waves to pass through.

Acoustic equipment also records incomprehensible sound waves emanating from the seabed. They were discovered in the early 90s of the XX century. After a while, the instruments stopped recording this phenomenon. Once again, sounds appeared ten years later, becoming louder and more diverse. Scientists cannot indicate their source and cause.

Bermuda Triangle

There are other secrets of the oceans that cause panic in the common man. In certain places, air and sea vessels disappear without a trace, along with people, giant whirlpools appear and shining circles are visible. Many have heard of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, in which all of these phenomena are observed. The area of ​​the zone is about 1 million km 2. The rumor about this mysterious area began after the disappearance of military aircraft in 1945. They managed to transmit information that they had lost their orientation in space. Since then, there have been dozens of similar cases.

Various theories have been studied, put forward, trying to explain them. Many of them are pseudoscientific and cannot be taken seriously. One of the most reliable was voiced by D. Monaghan. He saw the reason in the accumulations of hydrocarbon and other gases in the solid state near the ocean floor. The ongoing tectonic processes influenced them. As a result, the substances passed into a gaseous state and collected at the surface of the water.

The ships went to the bottom, as the density of the water decreased significantly. The planes lost their orientation under the influence of gases. The movement of hydrocarbons in water creates infrasound, which causes a state of panic in a person. Such fear could have forced the entire crew to hastily abandon the ship. This is not the only mysterious area in the vast expanses of water. What other secrets of the oceans have to be solved by scientists, one can only guess.

Freaky world

A wide variety of organisms live under water with an unusual appearance... Some of them are poisonous, others are harmless. An incredible variety of sizes and shapes, as well as unusual devices with which the animals of the ocean camouflage or hunt. Among the most mysterious is a huge octopus 13 m in length. This inhabitant underwater world hit the lens of a camcorder recently. According to some reports, its size can be much larger, up to 18 m. Only sperm whales and polar sharks are equal in strength to it.

The depths of the sea have many invertebrates and microorganisms, which literally dot the bottom. Organic matter, which falls on top of them, serves as food for them. The problems of the ocean are solved by its inhabitants themselves, for example, the issue of processing the remains of living organisms. Investigating the features of the oceans, scientists have discovered a bacterium that lives deep under its bottom. She lives under a 300-meter sedimentary layer for many millions of years.


Corals living at depths of up to 6 km are a very interesting sight. Under such a layer of water, the temperature does not rise above + 2ºC. Their splendor is not inferior to those that we see in the shallow waters of the tropical seas. The life of these organisms is unhurried, and the range is very large.

It was only after the use of trawls to understand the extent of their distribution. began to be caught by such a barbaric method that destroys the bottom eco-structure. The largest area of ​​their settlement was discovered not far from Norway. It has an area of ​​over 100 km 2.

Hydrothermal wonders

One of the ecosystems was discovered by scientists in the area of ​​hot underwater springs, where boiling water breaks out from under the earth's crust into the ocean. The territory is simply teeming with a variety of invertebrates and microorganisms. There are also different types of fish among them. Bacteria have been found that can live in streams of water with a temperature of 121ºC.

The oceans cover 70% of the surface of our planet. Scientists have discovered many interesting and mysterious phenomena in its thickness. However, the main mysteries of the oceans have yet to be solved.

The area of ​​the World Ocean covers almost 71% the earth's surface... However, scientists from all over the planet managed to study only one tenth of this vast territory. What mysteries hide the vast expanses of water that have not yet been studied by people?

The fate of the giants

Modern geographers consider five gigantic bodies of water as oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and South (Antarctic). The largest palm tree belongs to the Pacific Ocean - it occupies about 1/3 of the earth's surface. Fernand Magellan called it quiet, who during the entire time of sailing through its waters did not encounter a single more or less serious storm. The name stuck, despite the true nature of the ocean element: severe storms and tsunamis regularly occur there, sending ships to the bottom together with their teams.

The second largest Atlantic Ocean is not less bad temper. In hurricane season The Caribbean at least two dozen cyclones with personal names are formed (a name is given to a cyclone if it is accompanied by a wind at a speed of at least 60 kilometers per hour), which destroy the coast North America... In addition, the Atlantic is home to the famous Bermuda Triangle - a zone of disappearance without a trace sea ​​vessels and aircraft.

The Indian Ocean is famous for the fact that in 1938 coelacanth was discovered there - the oldest fish on the planet, the same age as dinosaurs. In addition to a living rarity, at the bottom of the ocean there is a cross between a treasury and a museum: in the era of the Great geographical discoveries Thousands of ships cruised between Asia and Europe, and many of them, along with their cargo, found their last refuge on the ocean floor.

Although the Arctic Ocean is much smaller than its huge "brothers", it stores a quarter of the world's oil reserves in its depths. And the ill-fated iceberg that destroyed the Titanic, although it met with the liner in the Atlantic, was born in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

With regard to the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica, there are disputes to this day - whether it should be considered a separate body of water or just an extension of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Be that as it may, these places are considered the coldest on the planet. It was there that the lowest temperature on earth, -89.2 ° C, was recorded.

Each of the oceans brings amazing discoveries to people every year, but continues to hide innumerable mysteries that may never be solved at all.

The unprecedented happens

The fact that most of the ocean spaces remain unexplored is confirmed by the presence of anomalous zones inside them, the action of which cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science. The most famous, but not the only one, is the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1918, more than 200 cases of ships and aircraft disappearing without a trace have been recorded there. Anything is called the reason for their disappearance, from the current of the Gulf Stream, passing through the triangle, to the sunken Atlantis, the intervention of aliens and an interdimensional portal leading to other dimensions. However, none of the versions has strong evidence to consider it true.

There is also an anomaly of its own Pacific- this is the Devil's sea (it is the Dragon's triangle, the Devil's, or Formosian, triangle), the exact coordinates of which oceanologists cannot deduce to this day. Since 1955, this territory has been officially recognized as an anomaly zone dangerous for navigation: it is not without reason that it is also called the cemetery of the Pacific Ocean. The Devil's Sea has swallowed up so many ships that even frightening glory fades next to his reputation. Bermuda Triangle... Travelers say that neither whales, nor dolphins, nor other sea creatures are found in the waters of the Dragon triangle, birds do not fly over it, therefore, and for people it can be really dangerous.

Sometimes ocean abnormal zones located on land, but, according to experts, gives rise to their surrounding water space. One such place is the infamous Palmyra Atoll, located in the Pacific Ocean south of Hawaii. This small group of islands looks like a paradise, but many tragic and mysterious events are associated with it. The atoll got its name at the beginning of the 19th century after the ship that wrecked near it. Of the entire crew, only ten people survived, and by the arrival of the ship that saved them, only three survived - they claimed that the rest had been destroyed by the island itself. For another century and a half, ships were systematically killed off the coast of Palmyra, and in the mid-1940s an American military garrison was stationed there, which quickly became famous as a place that arouses terror or extreme aggression in soldiers. Once a German plane was shot down directly over the island, but no matter how they looked for its wreckage, they did not even find a screw, as if Palmyra had swallowed up its victim without a trace. Biologists have hypothesized that the island is a living, evil entity that has power over everyone who steps on its shore. Palmyra is uninhabited these days, which is easily explained by its frightening history.

Kraken and others

Many creepy creatures live in ocean waters, their diversity is understandable - after all, the oceans are home to 4/5 of the species of life existing on our planet. The name of one of the inhabitants of the ocean depths - the Kraken - has been terrifying to sailors since Antiquity. Until now, there is no consensus on what species this monster should be attributed to - it is considered either a squid, then a cuttlefish, or an octopus. Legends have kept detailed descriptions a monster with superintelligence and giant tentacles, capable of sinking any ship. Legend has it that most of the time the Kraken slumbers on the ocean floor, waiting for the water to swallow the entire planet, and he can single-handedly rule it water world... It is a rare case when science does not argue with legends: cryptozoologists do not exclude that a huge octopus is much older than the first person who appeared on earth, possibly the last representative of the animal world of antiquity. Its habitat is considered to be the depths of the Arctic Ocean, and the cause of periodic awakenings is the melting of glaciers.

In the waters Indian Ocean you can find a giant moray eel (aka Javanese hymnothorax), in addition to its repulsive appearance, possessing a bad disposition, dangerous not only for its "neighbors", but also for humans. This "beauty" can reach three meters in length and weigh up to 30 kilograms. The smooth body with a light speckled pattern allows her to hide in the stones in anticipation of the victim, having caught which, the moray eel immediately swallows it whole.

One of the frightening inhabitants of the Atlantic is the striped catfish, or sea wolf. Scandinavian seafarers believed that these fish are able to anticipate the death of a ship, gather around it in advance in order to feast on human flesh after the wreck. Blue or brown sea wolves have such powerful teeth that neither crab shells nor shells, in which mollusks hide, are not an obstacle for them. Every year the catfish completely changes its teeth, and until they get stronger, it lays on the bottom and stops hunting. The period of abstinence lasts up to one and a half months, and only then the fish makes up for lost time with interest.

300 Flying Dutchmen

An encounter with the Flying Dutchman can be no less dangerous than a collision with an ocean predator. This is the nickname for the ghost ship, the crew of which consists of only the dead. Legend has it that they are cursed and must forever wander the seas and oceans, meeting with such a ship promises the ships inevitable death. I must say that the chances of meeting one of these ghosts have grown considerably these days - according to various estimates, the waters of the North Atlantic alone ply up to 300 ships inhabited by the dead or without a crew at all. Most of them can be found in remote ocean areas, where there are no shipping routes. It happens that ghost ships are thrown onto shoals or rocks. But it is much worse if the "dead ships" that do not have navigation lights collide with ordinary ships - then they really bring death in full accordance with the legend.

History has preserved a lot of evidence of the appearance of these mysterious ships. One of them is dedicated to the sailing ship "Seabird", which once crashed into the coast at full speed in the region of Rhode Island. Boarded the ship locals found that food was boiling in pans in the galley, a table was laid in the cabin, but there was not a soul on the whole ship, except for a frightened dog. At the same time, both the cargo and the documents for it, and the entire ship's situation were in perfect order, as if the crew had left the ship a few minutes ago. An entire investigation was carried out about the missing crew, but it did not bring any results.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the ship "Marlboro" washed up on the coast of Tierra del Fuego by a storm. A real nightmare was happening on board: the dry bodies of the crew members lay all over the schooner. The sails and rigging were covered with a layer of mold, but the masts were completely preserved. The investigation established that 24 years ago the ship left Littleton for Glasgow, but did not appear at the port of arrival. It turned out that the sailboat had been drifting for a quarter of a century. ocean waves never hitting a storm or hitting the reefs.

Until now, mankind does not know what the complete information about the World Ocean will bring. The supposed list of secrets lurking in the colossal depths is endless. At any moment, the ocean is ready to present its explorers with new amazing or terrifying surprises.