Traveling through the Saimen Channel 2 days. Sea journey through the Saimena Canal, Cruise in Finland

Symen Canal (the map below will help the reader to deal with his location) - it is between the Vyborg Bay (Russia) and Lake Saima (Finland). An opened construction was opened in 1856. The total length amounted to 57.3 km, of which Russia belongs to 34 km, and Finland is 23.3 km.

History of creation

The first attempts to connect the Finnish Bay and Lake Saima were taken back in 1500 and 1511 by Governor Vyborg Eric Tursesen Bielke. The next attempt was made in the 1600th, at that time two notches were produced, but it was all over. Already in the reign of Catherine, a new plan was offered - because the connection of the Lake Saima was supposed to build a channel bypassing the Imatra. However, too much expenses that needed to spend this project were the cause of refusing to bring this plan to execution. In 1826, at a meeting of urban vessels, Karelia and Savolaks, it was decided to send the deputation of the peasants to St. Petersburg to the emperor in order for he to connect the lake edge with seaside cities. Accepting and listening to deputies, Nikolai first ordered the necessary surveys. However, the real funds were found not, in connection with this, the channel laying was not proceeded. The next time this question raised the governor of Vyborg Augustus Ramzay in 1834. The course of this case was given by Senator L. F. Gartman (Head of the Financial Expedition) and Prince Menshikov. In the city of Vyborg, established a committee to compile estimates and a plan of this project. For initial research, the famous Swedish engineer was invited. As a result of his work, it turned out that the water of the lakes are above sea level of 256 feet, and the cost of this structure will be three million rubles. The required amount was allocated with installments for fifteen years.

And so, in 1845 construction work began. In their process, the Swedish engineer Niels Erickson made some improvements in the channel plan. Initially, the head of this construction company was Baron Karl Rosencampf, who received the nickname "Baron Channels". However, in 1846 he died, and Major's Major General was appointed in his place. All construction work was carried out at the expense of the execution of Finland. The total cost amounted to 12.4 million Finnish brands. The total length of the structure - 54.5 versts, twenty-eight gateways from granite were erected on this segment.

We built, built and finally built ...

On August 26, 1856, the solemn discovery of this facility occurred. It was timed to the coronation of Emperor Alexander the Second. Finland was proud of Siemena Canal, which helped penetrate the desert areas of the country. The pristine beauty of nature attached special beauty to him. On the banks of the canal were established memorable signs with the inscription in Swedish and Russian, on which all the figures involved in the creation of this structure were listed. All construction was performed very original and boldly, given that the difference in the levels of the combined waters was made in the channel extremely rapidly.

Opening took place four years before planned. Another feature of this project was cheaper than such a gigantic work. The following factors played their role here: the honesty and administration of the Finnish managers, as well as the cheapness of the labor force, because the arrestants were mainly involved here.

Channel value

Symen Canal was of great importance for the development of this region. And Savolax was finally freed from the exclusive economic dependence of the remote harbors of the Ladoga and the Boat Bath (its northern part). The benefits of exploitation of this structure could be even more significant if the project leaders could eliminate the mercenary intervention of the merchant lobby. So, from the fear of losing a monopoly in trade, they are through intrigue and other methods that the bandwidth of the gateways was limited. As a result, all vessels coming by this way should have had no more than seven meters width. Otherwise, all the goods needed to overload in the Vyborg on the ships suitable for these requirements. In this way, several merchant firms provided a monopoly on export. And, as a result, the Symen Canal from Vyborg lost most of its importance for the development of this edge. However, later, during the reconstruction of this structure, the width of the gateways increased significantly.

Lake Saima in pre-revolutionary Russian guidebooks

In 1870, a through passenger railway communication was opened between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. This event made a beautiful seating in Southern Finland available to society. Railway communication gave a new impetus to the development of the Karelian Isthmus and the entire surrounding area. The villages began to occur, resorts and sanatoriums began to be built, ground roads connecting various settlements and railway. Symen Canal played a huge role in the new development of this region. Now he served as not only on the development of trade relations. Cruises in Finland became popular, to Lake Saima and Waterfall of Imatra. So, these places began to get into Russian literature, which describes the cultural monuments of this area. At the same time, literature appeared, aimed at popularizing information about this region and propaganda its attractions, as well as creating a new image. Special guidebooks describing the Siemena channel and its surroundings were produced. Most of them contain information about movement routes, postal stations, on the schedule of steamers and trains, information about hotels, as and where to hire horses, resorts and sanatoriums and many other things. All of the above indicates that the revolution information about this object as a significant attraction of Finland was very famous. The journey through the Siemet Channel was ordinary for lovers of outdoor activities.

Dacha life on the canal

The first villages here began to appear even during construction. The channels of the channel that were in official use were decorated with landings, it served as an incentive for leasing land or under the construction of cottages. In addition to the beautiful nature, the popularity of recreation in the area has been promoted by a good message provided by the heating windows that carry out river cruises and passing through this water artery. And now, the wealthy residents of Vyborg and St. Petersburg have builtps the coast of the canal to Lake Nuyamaa. In Ratiosarvi, there was the most luxurious cottage belonging to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Won Giers. She was built by one of the engineers who participated in the conservation of the canal. Most cottages were highlighted by their architecture, they were decorated with towers, balconies, carvings, surrounded by well-groomed extensive gardens with arrows and arbors. The names of the houses are romantic, as well as their external face: "Runolinna", "Ruhantaranta", "Onnela", "Iloranta" ... The demand for real estate in this region was so high that it became profitable to build it for renting it. The Saimena Canal of that time is known not only by giving, but also by large estates. The most famous of them is the prevention of the lavol, it belonged to the hyfef family and was located at the mouth of the object. The estate together with the gates formed a very colorful ensemble, the atmosphere here was fun, international. River cruises, concerts, visits and walks revived public life, she offered resting many impressions and opportunities to make money for local residents. However, after the revolution, the country's life came into decline, and with it, and the Saimena Canal. Tours on him were no longer interested in the Russian God.

Anti-tank barrage

In the plans of the General Staff In the thirties of the last century, this water facility was considered as a possible path for organizing the supply of the army. According to the developed plans, it was supposed to focus hostilities on the Karelian Isthmus. And so, in 1939, in the period of superior fees, it was noted that the channel could be in the combat zone. He was a serious obstacle thanks to the deep bed. Therefore, it was decided to engage it in anti-tank defense. As a result, quite extensive areas were flooded in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Kyarstil Lukelyl and Ventel. The total area of \u200b\u200bflooded sites was thirty-five square kilometers. In the period 1941-1944, the channel in hostilities did not accept.

Restoration of shipping

Due to the fact that the peace treaty established between the Soviet Union and Finland left the Vyborg Bay in the USSR, and the border divided the channel into two parts, ultimately ceased to function. In the postwar period, to resume shipping, it was required not only to reconstruct structures and dilapidated equipment, but also to achieve a bilateral agreement on the use of this water site. For the first time, this question was raised in 1948, but official interstate negotiations began only in 1954. According to the agreement reached, a group of Finnish engineers left the Soviet Union to study the state of this water artery. Experts concluded that river channels in Soviet territory are quite suitable for recovery of shipping. However, the work in this direction began thirteen years later, after both parties finally came to a single decision in lease issues. In 1968, the reconstruction was completed. In the course of it, bandwidth capabilities of gateway chambers were significantly expanded.

Cruise - Saymen Channel

Lappeenranta is a resort town in Finland. The attraction is attached to the Lake of the Seimas, on the banks of which he is located, and the Saimena Canal. The excursion on the ship in these water bodies is the only thing that attracts tourists from Russia here. By the way, this is the only inner waterway in the Russian Federation, according to which the courts of foreign companies can walk. Passenger ships performing river cruises transport tourists from the Russian Federation and Finland. Earlier, according to the agreement of 1963, passengers arriving from Finland to our country were right visa-free entrance. However, with the accession of the republic to the Schengen Agreement, this agreement was canceled. Now passengers are required to receive visas. However, they are needed only if the ship sticks to the shores of Russia, for example, landing them for if the cruises on the ferry from Finland do not provide for attendances in Russian ports, the visa is not needed. For example, the steamer "Christina Brah" carries out a passage through the territory of our country, running between Lappeenranta and Helsinki, and the ship "Karelia" - between Vyborg and Lappeenranta.

Travel through the eyes of tourist

It is difficult to assume how many other years there will be similar cruise flights. After all, Finns, who would like to watch the sights of the Saimen Canal, are not too much, and our tourists are even less. And this is despite the fact that the ticket one way is about thirty euros. Travel costs spent money.

The length of the route is forty-three km, but they account for eight gateways. When the motor ship across the Symen Canal overcomes the first of them is interesting. However, irritation begins to grow on the third gateway, and you can not wait for it to eight when it is already over, but still interesting. When a steamer reaches a border post of Niiimaa, the checks of documents begins. Interesting is the fact that this post is combined - automobile water. If you find yourself on the ship in one company with Finnish tourists, then be prepared for the fact that they often behave like most Russians: they begin to use hot drinks even before the ship goes away from the pier. Many tourists specifically buy a ticket to such a cruise, explaining this by the fact that there is a shop "Duty-Free" on the steamer. If you consider the fact that in Finland with alcohol tens, such behavior becomes quite understandable. In the period of universal drunken, the guides are trying in vain trying to attract the attention of the public to the stories about the channel, gateways and other attractions. And there is there, what to see - the canal is very beautiful. For example, a rather high bridges are crossed under the election - rail and automotive. All navigation complexes are erected on granite columns or exhibited on islands. The part of the channel is cut in the rocky array, the other part has detached sandy shores with boulders. A thick forest grows along the canal that, in combination with rocks, forms a very beautiful landscape. The Russian part is completely not populated, nearby Vyborg still come across alone houses, and then there is a pristine nature. The only lively place is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe border, where the track is held on Lappeenranta. The exact opposite picture at the Finnish part: here settlements meet immediately for the checkpoint. In the area of \u200b\u200bLappeenranta, without reaching the last gateway, the main port is located on this water artery - Sima-Terminal. Loading / unloading is carried out here. cargo ships. Cargoes are mainly from the Russian side - up to two million tons per year.

Lake Saima

When the ship overcomes the last gateway, it falls into the Siemena Lake. The first thing appears is a very large pulp and paper mill. The guide with pride talks about what works more than two and a half thousand people here. This "miracle" of civilization spoils all the impression of the journey, it also prevents the city of Lappeenranta to fully fully tourist status. After all, the enterprise, even if modern sewage treatment facilities are installed on it, still drops tons of waste in the water of the lake, which makes it unsuitable for swimming within a radius of up to several tens of kilometers. And what is the most interesting, in tourist booklets nothing is said about the presence of a combine here. However, this is not all: in front of the plant there is a confectionery factory, which also reset the waste into the lake, because it is not for nothing that it is completely prolonged by grass in the area of \u200b\u200bthis enterprise. And here, oddly enough, the main tourist complex is located - "Khukhtiniyi" - and the Summer Hotel "Karelia Park". At the "fence" with a confectionery factory there is another complex - "Saima". True, he has some kind of dull, abandoned, as with the difficulty held afloat in the small towns of the Soviet era hotels. There is also a beach, however, in order to get to the water, you will have to overcome herbal thickets or try to go through special bridges, which, by the way, is broken in our middle part, but by breaking someone helpfully put the board through the break. Here is a resort!


The main attraction of Lappeenranta is a memorial cemetery, which is located in the city center. Here you can see the graves of the victims during the periods of 1939-1940 and 1941-1944. And what is very curious, all the graves are individual, fraternal is not. A monument to the cemetery is adjacent to the monument to the soldiers called from the territory of the Karelian Isthmus (today it is the territory of the Russian Federation). It consists of two parts - sculptures and plates with the names of settlements and the names of soldiers, by the way, among them there are Russians. Especially many of them among the natives of the terricon (Zelenogorsk). Actually, there are no more attractions here. The city has a modern appearance, very well-kept and constantly reconstructed. There is nothing to do there. At night, Lappeenranta falls asleep, all stores are closed, you can find only kiosks selling hamburgers and other things like alone. Here even the station building is closed to seven in the morning. Stunning on an empty night streets, it becomes clear why Finns "come off" in our country.


This city is completely out of Lappeenranta, the story is much shorter. It was founded in 1948 and so closely settled to the border with Russia, which domestic cellular networks catch here. Located Imatra in the source of the Vuoksa River. The main enterprises of this city are the metallurgical plant and a hydroelectric station. However, in contrast to the Lappeenranta on the coast of the lake of industrial facilities. There are two peculiar monuments here - the first is dedicated to the turbine, and the second - LEP support. The main tourist object is an artificial watercut of the immund. Before the construction of the hydroelectric station, he was natural, in pre-revolutionary times, Russian Berlem loved here and admire the waterfall. Now here the water is started on a schedule, this descent and is the main "tourist attraction" of Imatra. The second attraction is a corona park, which is located on the island that shares the old drone of Vuoksus and the reservoir. Founded by the Park by decree of the emperor Nicholas of the first, which commanded so that the watercraft and its surroundings remain unchanged. The city of Imatra for tourists is much more attractive than Lappeenranta, there is quite modern hotels, Places to relax, and fishing lovers will have a wonderful opportunity to spend unforgettable time on the shore of Lake Syma.

Symen Canal: Fishing

Fishing on the lake is excellent all year round. The main types of fish - Pike, Okun, Lake Salmon, Kumja. Local residents Fishing is not fond of fishing, despite the fact that the roach here almost herself jumps to the shore, for some reason the Finns are not used in food. Tourists from Russia are mostly catching it. At the end of spring, salmon and trout beeps on trolling. His pike is caught all year round. In addition, there is a lot of alive, it often boosts on the brilliance and balance. Due to the large sizes of the reservoir, determine where the fish hid, not so simple. However, skillful fisherman will always return from Saima with a good catch. Nature here is clean and leisurely, contributes to pacification, it has to reflement and contemplation. Beautiful rest Will be provided!

Listen to silence, inhale air soaked air soaked and pine aroma, follow the reflection of clouds floating in quiet water, and participate in traditional Finnish entertainment - all this will give you a short, but extremely saturated trip on the Saymen Channel.

Traveling through the Siemena system

Half-thousand-year history

The age of Symen Canal, connecting the Vyborg Bay with Lake Saima, has just over 150 years. But attempts to create it began almost half a thousand years ago. For the first time, Eric Tursecon Bielke, the commandant of the fortresses Vyborg and Olanvinn, was thinking about it. The fact was that the Siemena lake system was associated with the Lake Lake and the Finnish bay only with turbulent and narrow spherical rivers. They were well suited for fishing, but, alas, they were not at all for the transportation of goods. To bring the residents of Suomi salt, matches and products from Sweden, it was necessary 50 miles to drag ships with a wolf on the ground. This not only made it difficult to trade communication, but also significantly increased prices for goods. Eric Turuscon Bielke with enthusiasm began to create a channel, drawn the work plan, hired workers ... Unfortunately, the result of the effort was only 118 meters long and 5.3 meters wide. After that, the work had to stop - it became clear that digging the channel would take too much time and it would be too expensive. After that, attempts to connect Lake Saima with the Finnish Bay or Lake Lake were made many times, but did not have success. Everything has changed at the beginning of the XIX century. By the time Finland became part of Russian Empire, and construction technologies left far forward. In 1826, the Finns sent the deputies of the peasants to Nicholas I with a request to finally connect the Water Dear Lake Saima and the Finnish Bay. The emperor approved the idea, but, alas, the amount needed for the construction of the treasury at that time was not found. Channel creation work began only in 1845 and lasted about 11 years. At the same time, the amount of 12 million silver stamps was left for this project - 12 million silver stamps - but due to the high efficiency of the channel costs paid off in just 25 years. Now the total length of the Saimen Canal is 57.3 km, of which Finland belongs to 23.3 km, and Russia is 34 km. Suomi rented another 19.3 km of the canal. The rental price is 1.22 million euros per year plus 18 euro scenes for each gross unit capacity of the courts. There are about 11.5 ships each year, which transported 4.6 million tons of cargo.

5 hours silence

Despite the loud name "Cruise", the journey through the Siemena channel from Vyborg to Lappeenranta lasts only 5 hours. But do not hurry to be disappointed - during this time you can see a lot.

Gateways - special devices that allow the ships to overcome the large difference in water - one of the most interesting moments of traveling through the channel. In total, they will have to overcome eight: five on the Russian side, and three - on the other side of the border. Be sure to go on the deck to admire the speed and accuracy of the gateways. On Saimensky Canal, unlike cruises on shipping Russian rivers, the ship does not stop before the gateway gate waiting when they open. Here the gateways automatically open when the vessel is approaching, like the doors in the supermarket. To fill the gateway with water and raise a boat for 10 meters away everything is how much minutes. In total, during the trip to the Saymen Channel, the ship rises by as many as 80 meters.

On the shores of Saymen Canal, the Vyborg road is held - Lappeenranta - Nuyiam - Lappeenranta, which experienced travelers for sure we went to Finland many times. Swim on the boat, quite curiously look at this road from the water.

Next to the fourth in a row (if you go from Russia to Finland) the gateway called "Ilstoy" (Finnish name - Lietjärvi) is the old channel of the channel, which was used before the reconstruction of the 1960s. Now it is maintained in working condition for cases when emergency water supply of water from the channel is needed.

After the gateway called the face of the boat goes into open lake Nuyamaniayarvi. Here is good to look at the blue water surface with small scallops of waves and flying over the days of the chap. The lake is also wondering what exactly the official border of Russia and Finland is undergoing.

The field of the last MälkiÄ's gateway, the ship is included in the famous Lake Saima - the largest and most beautiful water system of Finland, magnificent views of which you can admire infinitely.

Material on the topic

Lake District

Finland is known worldwide as "Country thousands of lakes", although in fact there are 187,888 thousand in this amazing edge. The lakes are drawn through the country, but there is a sudomin region where they are especially much.

7 important travel rules in the Saimen Channel

For the trip to the Shanimen Canal, he gave any problems, but delivered a lot of pleasure, will not be superfluous to remember a few simple rules:

You should not expect the same picturesque landscapes from this trip, as from a cruise, for example, along the Volga. The channel was created primarily for the carriage of goods, so here there will be no colorful villages with golden church domes and picturesque boats moored to steep shores. But traveling along the Saimen Channel, you can enjoy the views of thick fir forests along the shores and the endless sky, reflected in quiet water.

Do not wait for the cruise of steep turns and turns. The boat moves at a speed of slightly more than 10 kilometers (57 km of the length of the Siemena channel it runs about 5 hours). But such a leisurely swimming is best suited in the nature of the finns not loving a hurry, so that they can usually see the great set on the ship.

Do not forget about the border control, which is waiting for you upon arrival in Lappeenranta. Oddly enough, customs officers are often more picky here than on "earthly" throughput points. Sums and suitcases are checked quite often, ruthlessly interrupted milk and meat products running to import

On passenger ships, running on the Saimen Canal from Russia to Finland, shops in Duty Free. The prices of alcohol and cosmetics are several times higher here than in the Duty Free border stores, but lower than in Finland. Do not forget that alcohol is forbidden to proclaim if you enter Suomi less than 72 hours.

Traveling is good at all times of the year, but in the Shanimen Channel it is best to ride in the summer. The business is that admiring the beauty of the channel is better with an open top deck, since the inner premises on the boats are close enough and do not provide good review. And in the windy Finnish autumn or spring to withstand longer than 15-20 minutes on the open deck is almost impossible.

On a ship that rises about the Shana Canal, a buffet dinner is offered at a buffet system worth 19 euros. At first glance, it is expensive, but consider what a couple of sandwiches and ice cream in the buffet of the ship will have to give about the same. While the price of the buffet includes a salad bar, a few hot dishes with side dishes and coffee. In addition, the restaurant on the ship is usually suitable for karaoke. And the songs usually sound here at Finnish, watch the residents of Suomi sing chorus, very curious.

If you find yourself on a ship at twilight, do not forget to admire the effects of the coastal lanterns in the dark water of the canal.

How to get?

You can go on a journey about the Saimen Channel in two ways - with a travel agency or independently.

  • With travel agency. Usually a travel agencies suggests two-day trip With overnight in Lappeenranta. The cost of such a tour is 200-250 euros per person.
  • Alone. You can buy tickets for the ship to the ship, running between Vyborg and Laenranta. You can make it by the St. Petersburg office of Saimaan Matka Verkko Oy or on the website The cost of the trip will be about 50 euros per person one way.

In this material we will tell you about cruises on the Saymen Channel. You will learn about the heights where you can make these wonderful travels. From the port of Lappeenranta and Imatra, there are quite a lot of excursions, where you will have a great opportunity to admire the most beautiful Finnish landscapes. You can choose a suitable cruise not only for a few hours, but also for several days. Note that from the port of Lappeenranta can be reached even to the Russian city of Vyborg. Cruises pass through the historical Saymen Channel and annually for such types of walking comes a large number of tourists. In general, you need to say that we relax in the summer in Finland is a pleasure. Entertainment is offered quite a lot, and you can only choose the most suitable option. So let's start our little review.


This is the only motor ship that runs between the Finnish city of Lappeenranta and Vyborg. You can purchase a ticket for both one way and buy a tourist package, which will include hotel accommodation. The restaurant and cafes are working on board, where you can try culinary dishes of Finnish cuisine. You can also visit the duty-free trade store "Duty-Free" and acquire alcohol, cosmetics, perfume and other products by significantly low prices. On the ship is an open upper deck, so you can go and enjoy the beauty of local nature.


The ship holds up to 200 guests. Makes cruises to Saymen Canal and Schrahra from the city of Lappeenranta. Traveling through the Shanimen Canal, passengers of the ship can see the passage of the vessel through the 13-meter gateway. The restaurant and bar work on board, where you can try delicious food and various soft drinks. You can visit the open deck and enjoy the beauties of Lake Saimaa.


The ship "Christina" goes to the excursion cruise from the passenger port. The excursion passes in the direction of "Satamosaari", and in the event of a rainy weather, you will follow at the mouth of the Vuoksa River. The vessel commits both custom cruises and flights on schedule. Schedule and valid prices can be clarified on the official website of the company. Excursions begin from the beginning of June and continue until the end of August.


The BRAHE motor ship is the biggest ship internal swimming in Finland. On this ship, you can buy both a day cruise and purchase a two-day excursion. There are several directions. Vyborg Lappeenranta, Vyborg Hamina, Lappeenranta Savonlinna. There is a good kitchen, so you can evaluate cooked dishes. You will also have the opportunity to go to Puumala and return back to Lappeenranta. Big plus For tourists, it is that with you on the trip, you can take bikes. The ship leaves from the ports of Lappeenranta, Savonlinna, Puumala, Hamina, Vyborg.

Vuoksen Lautturi.

On this motor ship you can make a romantic river cruise According to the Vuoksa River, which proceeds through the city of Imatra. In the summer, excursion cruises on Vuoks are organized daily. The motor ship executes both custom cruises and flights on schedule. Departure comes from the Vuoksen KalastusPuisto fishing park, which is located next to the pool in Imatre. On board the boat there is 14 seating. Address: Kotipolku 4, Varpasaari Island, Imatra.


The motor ship commits custom cruises to the Saimen Channel in accordance with the route and program compiled at your request. The ship was built in 1984 in Savonlinna. In 2002, he was upgraded in Lappeenranta. The vessel is able to accommodate up to 63 people and serves cruises on the Saimen Channel. The restaurant works on board, where up to 32 people will be able to accommodate. In the following our material, we want to tell you about a small, where you will learn about some interesting placeswho should see.

Symen Canal connects the Finnish Bay with Lake Saima. Its length is 43 km and in it 8 gateways, 3 of which are located on the territory of Finland and 5 in Russia. The first channel was solemnly opened in 1856. After the reconstruction, he was again open in 1968. This unique historical building of 2006 was 150 years old.

Tour program:

ATTENTION: Departure time is indicated Approximately.

1 day

10.30 - Departure by bus from St. Petersburg, from Art. Metro black river.

Moving to Vyborg.
Vyborg sightseeing tour.

Vyborg is a small corner of medieval Sweden in the north of the Leningrad region. In the course of the sightseeing excursion, we will see
The clock tower and the ruins of the Cathedral, Church of St. Hyacinth and houses of wealthy citizens of the XIV-XVI centuries., Round Tower on Market Square and, of course, Vyborg Castle from the Tower of St. Olaf. The castle is located on the island in the Finnish bay, the first mentions of it are referred to in the XIII century. We will pass through the narrow streets of the old city, we will admire the squares and parks of Vyborg. Those who wish will be able to rise to the top of the Tower of St. Olaf to look at the panorama of the city from above.

  • Free time.
  • Registration on the motor ship "M / S Carelia" on the marina Vyborg Castle.
  • Departure to cruise.
    On board the ship, we will meet the Finnish crew led by the captain. During the five-hour cruise, we will pass along the Siemena channel, for all eight gateways, raising a motor ship to a height of 80 meters, we will see unique rock landscapes. On the ship to our services, the restaurant, where we are waiting for dinner from Finnish cooks (buffet: meat or fish dish, 2 types of potatoes and 2 salad), bar and entertainment.
  • Arrival in Lappeenranta.
  • Accommodation at the hotel Sokos Lappee.

2 day

  • Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Sightseeing tour of the city of Lappeenranta with a visit to the fortress.
    This village received the status of the city from the Swedish Queen of Christina in the XVII century. To protect the Swedish borders, a fortress was erected at the Cape, who went to Lake Saima. Naspec erected shafts could not protect the city, the fortress was captured by Russian troops. Already at the end of the XVIII century, she rebuilt the Graph Suvorov. Its work is rightfully proud of not only we, but also the Finns who diligently preserve the heritage of the old days.
  • Moving to the town of Lemi.
    We will go to LEI, first of all, in order to try the siard - a specialties of local land. This lamb, stewed in a wooden trough, is prepared according to a special technology at least 9 hours. Sigger is considered an integral part of Finnish cuisine.
  • Departure by bus to St. Petersburg.
  • Arrival in St. Petersburg to Art. Metro "Black River" approximately at 23:00.


To participate in this tour, it is necessary to have a valid visa and medical insurance.

To participate in tours to the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkey, the presence of a visa is required.

The tour program does not include visiting water parks, shopping complexes and fish stores.

Late in the winter, in winter, early spring, due to a short light day, visiting some objects declared in the program can occur in the dark time of the day.

The organizer is not responsible for queues at border points, delays in the way related to customs, border and other official formalities, weather conditions, as well as with traffic jams.

If weather The route can threaten the safety of tourists (heavy snowfalls, low / high air temperatures, villages, shower, floods, forest fires, could, etc.), the organizer reserves the right to unilaterally change the program of the tour: replace some objects to others, and If it is impossible to replace - eliminate objects from the program.

Places on the bus are distributed by the organizer as a group set.

Tura cost Siemena Canal with a hotel for 2018:

08.06, 30.06, 12.07, 28.07, 17.08

Sokos Lappee 4 * DBL

179 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * TRPL

179 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * SGL

229 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * DBL

169 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * TRPL

169 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * SGL

219 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * DBL

165 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * TRPL

165 Euro

Sokos Lappee 4 * SGL

215 Euro

Additional services *:

1 dinner

24 Euro

1 dinner (up to 15 years)

12 Euro

extrough in Lappeenranta (1/22Twin)

48 Euro

portal collection (required for payment!)

10 Euro

* Optionally, it is additionally paid in the office (in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank + 3%)

The price of the tour includes:

Moving on a comfortable bus,
- Cruise at the Saymen Canal on the ship "Carelia",

Fuel fees,

Accommodation in the hotel selected category

Guide-accompanying services.

Advanced are paid (indicative prices):

  • dinner on the motor ship (buffet): 24 euros / adult, 10 euros / children - payment when buying a tour;
  • the port gathering (for the summer season of 2018) - 10 euros, mandatory payment when buying a tour in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank + 3%;
  • lunch in the restaurant "Syaryapirti" (siard dish) - 33 euros - adults, 16.5 euros - children (9-12 years old), 12.5 euros - children (4-8 years), unlimited approaches. The dish of the siarr includes: siar, the cake of "rieseca", oil, sweet soup, water and kvass.

on t / x "M / s Carelia"

Possible dates of the tour:

Tour program

7:30 Landing for a bus in St. Petersburg (Hotel "Oktyabrskaya", Ligovsky Ave. D.10). 8:00 Moving in Vyborg. 10:00 Arrival in Vyborg, where the only medieval island castle in Russia in Russia is built in the XII century. 10:30 Late breakfast. 11:30 Sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the Natural Landscaping Park of Montrepo and Vyborg Castle, where you look at the playing of the Vikings, the Knight's tournament and taste the Crown Grog. 16:00 Start registration on the motor ship "M / S Carelia" on the marina of Vyborg Castle. On board the ship will be met by the Finnish crew led by the captain. 17:00 Departure of the ship in Lappeenranta. You will make a fascinating journey through the Saymen Channel (5 hours), during which you will see the fascinating landscapes of the Karelian Isthmus, rock landscapes and unique gateway structures. On the ship at your service: dinner (buffet) of Finnish culinary, bar, duty free shop "Duty Free" and an entertainment program. 21:30 An indicative arrival in Lappeenranta. Accommodation in the cozy rooms of the hotel 3 *. The hotel has a bar, a restaurant. Free time.

8:00 Breakfast at the hotel (buffet). 10:00 Sightseeing tour of Lappeenranta with a visit to the fortress "Lappeenranta". Free time to visit shops and supermarkets. 13:00 Departure in Imatra. 13:30 Overview in Iimatra, during which you will see the castle-hotel "Imatran Valtionhotelli" and the famous corona park. 14:30 Visit to Water Park "Fairy Forest" (for extra fee). 19:00 Introduction to the most famous waterfall on the impact thresholds for the magical music of Yana Sibelius. This is a spectacle, indeed, worthy of kings! 19:30 Departure of the bus to St. Petersburg. 23:45 An indicative arrival in St. Petersburg.

Cost of the tour per person:

The tour price includes:

  • Excursion service
  • Breakfast on the first day
  • Dinner on the ship
  • Accommodation in the hotels of the selected category with breakfast (buffet)

Additionally charged:

Cruise on the Saymen Channel with a visit to 4 cities !!!

St. Petersburg - Vyborg - Lappeenranta - Imatra - Savonlinna - St. Petersburg

Possible dates of the tour:

Tour program:

7:30 Landing for a bus in St. Petersburg (Hotel "Oktyabrskaya", Ligovsky Ave. D.10). 8:00 Moving in Vyborg. 10:00 Arrival in Vyborg, where the only medieval island castle in Russia in Russia is built in the XII century. 10:30 Late breakfast. 11:30 Sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the Natural Landscaping Park of Montrepo and Vyborg Castle, where you look at the playing of the Vikings, the Knight's tournament and taste the Crown Grog. 16:00 Start registration on the motor ship "M / S Carelia" on the marina of Vyborg Castle. On board the ship will be met by the Finnish crew led by the captain. 17:00 Departure of the ship in Lappeenranta. You will make a fascinating journey through the Saymen Channel (5 hours), during which you will see the fascinating landscapes of the Karelian Isthmus, rock landscapes and unique gateway structures. On the ship at your service: dinner (buffet) of Finnish culinary, bar, duty free shop "Duty Free" and an entertainment program. 21:30 An indicative arrival in Lappeenranta. Moving to Imatra. Accommodation in the rooms of the hotel 3 *. Free time.

8:00 Breakfast at the hotel (buffet). Sightseeing tour of the town of Lappeenranta with a visit to the fortress "Lappeenranta". Free time to visit shops and supermarkets. Payment in IMATER. Lunch for the extra charge. Surveyor in Iimatra, during which you will see the castle-hotel "Imatran Valtionhotelli" and the famous corona park. Visiting stores and supermarkets. Free time. Visit to Water Park "Fabulous Forest" (approximate time stay in the water park 2.5 hours). 19:00 Introduction to the most famous waterfall on the impact thresholds for the magical music of Yana Sibelius. This is a spectacle, indeed, worthy of kings! 19:30 Departure to the hotel. Free time at the hotel.

8:00< завтрак в отеле (шведский стол). 9:00 отправление в г.Савонлинна. 11:00 прибытие в г. Савонлинна. Экскурсия по городу Савонлинна - одному из самых популярных туристских мест Финляндии с посещением величественной крепости Олавинлинна. Крепость и два ее музея (музей истории крепости и православный музей) открыты круглый год. Олавинлинна - наиболее хорошо сохранившееся военное укрепление на севере Европы. Свободное время для прогулки по центру города, по всевозможным маленьким магазинам и небольшим бутикам улицы Линнанкату и многочисленным магазинчикам «Кирпутори». В центре города также есть несколько универмагов, где продаются, в частности высококачественные текстильные изделия и керамика. 15:00 отправление в Санкт-Петербург на автобусе. 23:00 - Ориентировочное прибытие в Санкт-Петербург.

Cost of the tour per person:

Additionally charged:

  • Consular fee + insurance 43 euros
  • Entrance ticket to water park
  • Entrance ticket to the fortress of Olavinlinna - adult - 5evro, children- 2,5

The tour price includes:

  • Bus and boat service
  • Excursion service
  • Breakfast on the first day
  • Admission tickets to Vyborg Castle and Park
  • Dinner on the ship
  • Accommodation at the hotel with breakfasts (buffet)


On t / x "M / s Carelia"

on the route SPb - Vyborg - Lappeenranta - Imat - St. Petersburg

Back home from Finland to Russia in the Shanimen Canal on the boat !!!

Possible dates of the tour:

Tour program:

7:30 Landing for a bus in St. Petersburg (Hotel "Oktyabrskaya", Ligovsky Ave. D.10). 8:00 Moving in Vyborg. 10:00 Arrival in Vyborg, a small stop. 10:30 Departure in Lappeenranta. 12:00 An indicative arrival in Lappeenranta. Sightseeing tour of the town of Lappeenranta with a visit to the fortress "Lappeenranta". Free time to visit shops and supermarkets. Moving to Imatra. Accommodation in the cozy rooms of the hotel 3 * in Imatra. Visit to Water Park "Fabulous Forest" (approximate stay in the water park 3 hours) 19:00. Familiarity with the most famous waterfall on the impact thresholds for the magical music of Yana Sibelius. This is a spectacle, indeed, worthy of kings! 20:00 Moving to the hotel. Free time at the hotel.

6:00 Breakfast at the hotel (buffet). 6:45 Departure of the bus to sea \u200b\u200bport Lappeenranta. 7:30 Start registration on the motor ship "M / S Carelia". On board the ship will be met by the Finnish crew led by the captain. 08:00 Departure of the ship in Vyborg. You will make a fascinating journey through the Saymen Channel (5 hours), during which you will see the fascinating landscapes of the Karelian Isthmus, rock landscapes and unique gateway structures. On the ship at your service: lunch (buffet) of Finnish culinary, bar and shop duty free "Duty Free". 14:30 The estimated arrival of the ship to the port of Vysborg. Landing for a comfortable bus, departure in St. Petersburg. 18:00 An indicative arrival in St. Petersburg.

Cost of the tour per person:

The tour price includes:

  • Bus and boat service
  • Accommodation at the hotel with breakfast (buffet)
  • Lunch on the ship

Additionally charged:

  • Consular fee + insurance 42 euros
  • Entrance ticket to water park