NK sea entertainment. Sports Entertainment "Sea Journey

What is the most demanded in summer? One way or another, it is associated with water - giving cool moisture. In the hot summer season, this is especially relevant. What kind water attractions Most popular and why? What must be investigated and evaluated to everyone? Reply to these questions will help you our review.

Popular water attractions

It is absolutely natural that summer holiday is mainly associated with water. What else will help to cool in the heat and enjoy the coolness, refreshing and cheering?

And it is not only for swimming in a variety of water bodies. We also want sharp sensations, extreme, novelty of impressions. And this will not matter. Today, just the abyss of opportunities for active, rich, memorable recreation. Water attractions - this is what you need to every rest, regardless of age.


Water slides are very popular attractions, beloved and children, and adults. Different lengths, heights, shapes, with bends and plums - each slide gives riding his feelings.

Methods of descent are also different, using all sorts of plaels and fixtures. Entertainment, of course, fun, gives the maximum of positive emotions.

But do not forget about security - each slide has its own rules for descent and restrictions on age, growth and weight of rides.

In the American Canzas City Water Park, you can ride with the highest water slide in the world (52 meters). You will fly at a speed of about 80 km per hour. But this is not the fastest descent.

Some attractions allow you to fly down at speeds more than 100 km per hour. Does the worker experiencing pleasure from such super extreme entertainment? Something hardly believes.


Do you know water rides, with which you can literally walk on the water? These are transparent plastic balls - aquazub. Not only the defector like this entertainment.

Adults too, I also want to jump and get sideways inside the zorba, gliding along the water stroit.
It is difficult to maintain equilibrium, but the drops are absolutely painless. On the contrary, this process is cheerful and for the "Zorbonaut" and for the audience.


Would you like to sharply take over the surface of the water with a powerful water jet? Today it is quite realistic, it is called such entertainment Flyboarding. It is rather even an extreme sport.

Actually, the flyboard is a board that is connected through a flexible hose with a hydrocycle waterman. The most powerful water pressure is fed to boots fixed on the board. Adjust your movement fliberculosis can be using water.

You can like a bird, look sharply up and immediately dive into the bay of water as a dolphin. These flights give an unforgettable feeling, but are available to those who risk and not afraid of extreme.


Water attractions are very diverse - popular bananas and a variety of slides are known to everyone. Does you know the device called Akvaskipper - it is an aquapalan or water?

Simply put, this is such a water scooter, which moves due to the muscular power. Man jershits and thus moves along the water stroit. Jumping and shocks provide movement at a speed of about 30 km per hour.

Aquasked weight about 12 kg, it is made of aluminum and foam. Ride on it and in the calm, and in the presence of waves.

Block or Water Catapult

In fact, water attractions are an exciting thing. At least for those who are not afraid to risk and receive unexplored impressions.

Are you ready to test the water catapult? The mechanism of its action is: the so-called blob (that is, the catapult) is set at a depth of at least 2, 5 meters. Nearby is a tower with which the brazier makes a jump on one end of the blob. And at the other end, another jumper (blobter) swears sharply and then jumps into the water.

The rides on the water are so diverse that everyone can choose a suitable entertainment - from riding a banana to kaitsurfing and water ski.

Overview of the most extreme water fun - in this video:

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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- consolidate ideas about marine inhabitants, water form of transport;

- develop imagination, memory, pantomime and speech expressiveness, orientation in space, physical skills;

- To form a skill to play together, interest in marine inhabitants, professions of people related to the sea.

The educator says to children that they will go to the sea trip, will become real sea wolves, as the experienced seafarers call. Asks, in what type of transport you can travel around the sea, on its surface and under water.

Children answer.

The teacher offers to get to the sea by train. Children are built by a train. "Rout" and sing a song "Merry Friends".

Journey to the sea

(Difficult words)

Good good thermal carrier

To the sea in the summer we were lucky.

Waiting for us the beach and waterfalls,

Fruits will be happy too.

High-speed motor ship

We will be lucky on the sea.

We will become divers

Vlasts are different.

Children come to the warm sea. The educator asks who was at sea? What did you like on vacation? What unusual children saw there? What is the rest of the sea different from recreation on the river in our area?

Children answer.

The educator proposes to explore the bottom of the sea. Wear a diving suit and go under the water. Under water, it is impossible to communicate usually, talk, so you can communicate with movements.

My skillful hands

My hands are waves,

(Children depict the wave hands.)

The wind drives them forward.

(Dramatically throw hands ahead.)

My hands - wings of chaps,

(Smoothly raise and lowered hands.)

The sky is calling them.

(Pull hands up.)

My hands - Fish in the sea,

(Connect the fingers with pads, perform smooth movements.)

Floating there and here.

(Semipped fingers are guided down, chapel them.)

My hands are crabs,

They ran away who is where.

Let's go down on the bottom of the sea -


There, corals, like branches,

(Picture branches with hands with shuttings.)

Algae on the lue

Swear without wind.

(Lower your arms, they shake them smoothly.)

Here I walked a challenge,

(One hand bend in the elbow, lowered the brush, depicting the head of the skate.)

As a snake crawling Muren,

(Depicting a wave hand.)

And shark rests.

(Two elongated hands are folded.)

Give the sea to her, probably.

(Low palms under the cheek, close your eyes.)

The educator asks in children that they still saw under water.

Children tell.

The educator draws attention to the sea. It worries. It offers to play the moving game "The sea is worried", depicting marine animals.

The educator says it's time to go to the sea on the ship. Before entering the sea, you must sing the favorite song of Norwegian sailors. Asks children to help her in this.

We raise anchor

And sailing a little dawn.

Sea is calling

The wind sings.

We raise anchor

And sailing a little dawn.

Remember your edge!

Do not be upset!

Selected captain. The educator proposes to check the courage of the captain.

Brave captain

I stand on the bridge

(Children arrange wide legs, hands on the belt.)

And binoculars in your hands.

(Depict binoculars with fingers, bring to the eyes.)

Waves splash slightly

(Picture with hands a light wave.)

Pitch quiet while.

(Slightly swaying from side to the side.)

Waves strongly suddenly became

(Picture with hands a strong wave.)

And from pitching everything fell.


I keep tightly for the rope

(Fists are firmly compressed, depict the riding rope.)

Suddenly threw the cap,

(The hand is made to the head, sharply remove them aside.

I began to catch my hand

(Imitate catching caps.)

Slightly with the crossbill did not fall.

(Balancing with hands.)

The captain ended up the test. The ship goes on. Dolphins are ahead. The teacher suggests show how the dolphins are circling, they jump high, dive, etc., sing a song about the dolphins from the cartoon "Catering".

Ahead captain sees a sailboat.


Under sails white

Inflated winds

Glides a wonderful sailboat,

Sprinkled by waves.

He doesn't need peace

He seeks everything forward.

And for movement wind

He only comes in handy.

The educator draws attention that the sailboat suddenly stopped. The wind stopped blowing. On the sea calm. Offers to help a sailboat - ask the wind again to blew. The teacher asks children to remember how Korolevich Elisha from the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes" asked the wind. Only we will ask him not about the princess, but that he helps a sailboat.

Wind, wind! You mighty

You chase flocks clouds

You worry blue sea,

Everywhere you want on the square ...

Enough to you, wind, sleep,

Sails are inflated again.

Children turn to the wind, and then depict it.

The educator draws attention to the fact that the sailboat moved from the place and approaches them. It turned out to be a small sailing motor ship - bot. Offers swim on the bot.

Sea adventure


By chance, we hit the bot.

The vessel did not have ever.

Under the sails rhyme forward

Sea Dal is calling.

For some reason, the bots took with it.

The bot was immediately confused.

Wave took them to themselves -

Such fashionable she!

Two children with hands depict the sail, the rest depict a swing.

You can use the song "Belaya Belaya" (music. V. Model, Sl. 3. Alexandova), which children dance the sailor dance on the deck of a sailboat.

The educator draws attention that some kind of pipe sticks out of the water. Asks what it can be? Children come to the conclusion that it is a periscope of a submarine. The educator invites children to become such a military submarine, sailing under water so quiet so that the enemy does not hear the course of the car.

Children get up in the column for each other, sit down, cling to each other by the shoulders, lower their heads. In complete darkness at the bottom of the sea, the captain (the very first) is managed by a boat. Children follow him squatting very quiet, bypassing coral reefs, underwater mountains, sailing past whales and sharks.

Submarine sails into the harbor. All seafarers are pleased, congratulate the captain, singing him the song "lived brazy captain" (Muses I. Dunaevsky, Sl. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha).

In conclusion, children remember where they were and what they saw. Plan further maritime travel.

Software content: the formation of moral and patriotic senses (interest in military service, respect for the military profession) through the form of active recreation; moral and volitional qualities: purposefulness, courage, excerpts, organized, independence, perseverance in achieving results, respect for rivals in competition, goodwill, responsiveness, sympathy.


  • Maintain and strengthen the health of children ("Health", "Physical Culture", "Security")
  • Improve physical qualities, through command moving games (Physical culture, "Communication", "Socialization", "Security")
  • Expand the ideas about the Russian army; Consider knowledge of different types of troops (sea fleet, air landing, coast guard troops, marine infantry and sea landing, etc.) (region- "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization")
  • To form gender representations: the boys are the desire to be strong, bold, become defenders of the Fatherland, the girls respect for the boys as a future defenders. ("Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition")

Holiday travel:

Slide song- "My army"

Lead 1:
Date is special,
Sons brave birthday!
All people are Russian at this date,
Skles hello sailor and a soldier!

Lead 2: Guys! Today we celebrate - the Defender of the Fatherland. Each citizen of Russia has a sacred duty to protect their native state, to ensure peace and peace with their compatriots. Therefore, he has the honorable right to be called the defender of the Fatherland. Always at all times the Russian military enjoyed deserved respect and glory!

Lead 1: We invite the teams of D / S№17 and 20 teams, go to the marine, training - military sailing. It is dedicated to a significant event-day of Defender of the Fatherland. The task is important and responsible. Bold, brave, sports teams arrived at the training fees. Meet them! Teams to build on the deck!

To the music of the team perform rebuildings, pass the circle on the "deck", are built in 2 ranks, near the benches.

Leading 2: The right to raise the flag is provided to our captains, two ships: "brave" - \u200b\u200band "brave" - \u200b\u200bcommemorates!

Equality on the flag! - raising the flag for the anthem of the Russian Federation. Crews of ships freely!

Lead 1: There is a jury on our holiday, which will evaluate your victories and award the point-steering wheel for winning in the relay.

On the shoulder the victory is brave,
Waiting for great success
Who does not flour, if necessary, takes into battle
One for all!
Let the jury all the move of the battle
Without a blister trace.
Who will be friendly,
That will win!
Presentation of the jury!

Lead 1: Girls prepared congratulations to our boys:

1. In February Day, in a frosty day,
All holiday celebrates girls in this nice day
Boys congratulate!

2. We will not give you colors, they do not give them boys.
Girls a lot of warm words
You will leave in my hearts!

3. We wish you in the age, so that in life I do not like,
Let it be with you forever - boyish courage!

4. And all obstacles on the way, overcome you together,
But first to grow up and you need to grow up!

5. Listen, boys, congratulations,
We wish you happiness in life to you, health and lucky!

Leading 2: Today, coupling and resourceful junctions are sent. They are waiting for non-fine tests! All are ready to go swimming?

Lead 1: Crew "Brave", ready for sailing?

The crew of "bolder" is ready for sailing?

Raise anchor! To give the moor Full forward!

Turns on Music "Sea Storm"

Leading 2: Attention, attention! The sea rises the storm, our ships demolition, on the way a lot of reefs.

Lead 1: Hold ships, between reefs! The right steering! Levo Steering! Right at the rate of Full forward!

1. The relay "between reefs"

Participants, the snake run between the kegs, ride the rack, run in direct, pass the ship, the next player.

Lead 1: Well done jung! That's right and accurately performed the task. Reefs successfully passed!

Leading 1: But the sailor can not be a sailor if he does not know how to tie a naval node!

2. Relay "Sea Knot"

Each participant has a ribbon, in hand, by a signal, the participant runs on the signal to the rack, tie to the tape cord, returns running.

Host: All units, can tie sea knots, it's great!
And our jungs are very funny and love sea songs!

The word jury.

Song "Sea Captain"

Leading 2: Mood All good, and ahead of the course - island! We have a fresh water supply, you must urgently replenish it. Lay the boat on the water!

3. Relay "Crossing on boats"

Children run a pair in a large hoop, cross the participants on the one hand to another.

Lead 1: Here we are on the island, the crews! We are celebrating local residents who love to play funny games.

The game with the audience "be attentive!"

Airplane - Hands on the parties

Ship - Hands together, swimming with hands.

Rota soldiers - walking on the spot

Lead 1: It was fun on the island, but it's time for us to continue the marine teachings. Full forward!

Leading 2: We have long been in the sea, you need to eat teams. Any Jung can cook lunch and replace Coca.

4. Relay "Cooking Dinner"

Participants one by one, jump over the circles with potatoes, take on one potato, take one potatoes, put it in the pelvis at the rack, return running. The last Kok, jumps over the circles, takes a pellets with potatoes, and returns back.

The word jury.

Lead 1: Lunch turned out wonderful! And now I suggest our remember the various types of troops that are in our army.

5. Relay "Roda Troops"

Show slides with various kinds of army troops.

The jury hand the anchors for the correct answer, at the end of the relay, the glasses of both teams are calculated.

Lead 1: Each sailor should not only swim well and dive, but also assist in the water. Check your skill and rescue skills on the water. Get up training!

6. The relay "Salvation of the Uglow"

The participant puts on a rescue circle, robes rack, returns.

Leading 2: Well done jung! All saved! But a big shark appeared in the sea.

Game Exercise "Shark"

At the command signal, the ball rolls each other to each other in the clone, turning to each other by the "Shark" signal, are stopped into the 2nd columns. Or run around the hall, mimic swimming, on the signal are built in a row.

Leading 2: Now we will see how you can dive on the seabed and get marine stones.

7. Relay "Diving on the seabed"

Participants run to the tunnel, they carry the stone in it and return to the rope, with an appropriate step, put a stone into the hoop at the rack, when the last participant brought a stone, lay out the word "victory" from the punishable pebbles.

Leading 2: We safely completed the tasks set before us. The teaching comes to an end.

Leading 1: Today you once again proved that real sailors can be the strongest, bold and appreciating jung friendships, ready to come to the rescue at any moment and become the defense of the Motherland.

Leading 2: The jury under leads the result of marine exercises. For our brave Jung, the guys from d / s №17 and 20 prepared their musical surprises.

Music numbers d / s №17, 20.

Slide film - "Power of our army"

The word jury. Award.

Presenter1: Crews, Attention! Flag Equality! Flag to lower! Captains ships pull the flag! Crews leave ships!

Building into one column, a range of honorable. Song "Salute.

Summer - the time of the holidays, when most of the population rushes on the sea coasts to get a full-fledged rest: to get on the beach under the rays of the warm sun, cool in the healing sea water to restore the strength and get the charge of energy and vitamins necessary for health and maintain life tone . Mostly (if you are not an avid swimmer) rest on the beach by the sea or any other reservoir (lakes, rivers, etc.) implies a passive view of the rest, that is, mainly time on the shore under the sun and the periodic reception of water procedures (bathing ).

These two types of pastime are basic in the presentation of the beach on the beach, but the person in nature is characteristic of the desire for a variety in order to fully satisfy its needs and desires, including during the rest. As a result, many additional entertainment arose, accompanying beach holidays. This article will discuss exactly the diverse additional "options" of the beach holiday (paid and free) available at present on certain beaches. Listed entertainment sorted as they are available and difficulty.

Construction of sand facilities.

Undoubtedly, everyone who at least once visited the sandy beach, necessarily tried to build some kind of sand from the sand, whether it was a small hill or a wonderful castle or something more significant. In this lesson, a droplet of imagination and diligence is necessary. Here, anyone can feel like a sculptor.

Inflatable beach slides, trampolines.

Currently, there is on every major public beach. They are structures from inflatable blocks in the form of towns, locks and other facilities having a slide, springboard and trampolines. They enable fun to jump and tumble, "go to childhood", give an emotional lift to even adult people, not to mention teenagers and children.

Movable beach games.

For those who try to maintain their body in a decent physical form, almost on every beach or in shallow water in the shore there will always be a place for various moving games. The most common team games: volleyball, football, also interesting badminton, throwing a flying saucer, catching in water and many others. One of the conditions necessary is to find under the sun with a covered head, so as not to get a heat or solar blow.

Swimming on the mattress / circle.

Tired of wiped the sides on a sun bed on the shore and want more sharp sensations, then you can enjoy smooth swaying on the waves, lying on an inflatable mattress or a circle, next to the cool freshness of the sea.

Water ball, Zorbing.

Also a rather fun entertainment when one or more people (depending on the size) are placed in an inflatable transparent ball or zorb. Such a ball (ZORU) descends to the aqueous surface and makes it possible in the literal sense to "walk on water". The difference of the Zorba from the ball is that the first has holes for ventilation, and the ball is ordinary solid.

Catamaran skating, boat.

Would you like to become a captain of a small ship and to kill the expanses of water stroit yourself? Then take the oars in the hands or put the legs on the pedals of the catamaran and go ahead. True, most likely it will not work for the horizon, because these vessels are not intended for long-term travel.

Skating on a banana, tablet.

Those who wish to ride, sit on an inflatable mattress in the form of a banana or pill / cheesecakes, and a boat or a powerful watercrew pulls it on the cable using different maneuvers to strengthen the impression of the trip. This type of entertainment is sequent, because it is associated with speed and risk, so during riding you must be dressed in a life jacket.

Hydrocycle riding, boat or yacht.

I am confident in your abilities and want to test yourself as a real "sea wolf"? To your services, walks on different modern focusing: from water motorcycles (hydrocycles) to cruise yachts. Hydrocycle riding is most attractive, because the roar of the motor, splashes, speed and limitless possibilities for the movement and choice of the route give a sense of superiority over the elements. An incredible emotion splash is guaranteed. If you want a more relaxed and safe conquest of the sea, you can use the rental boat or yacht.

Many want to see the sea from a bird's eye view and feel extraordinary freedom. This feature gives a parachute flight, which is tied to the cable to the category. From the height you can see the beauty of the sea and the coastal zone and get a huge portion of adrenaline.

Surfing, wind surfing.

These types of entertainment will donate fearless and loving extreme people. In surfing, a person slides on the water, standing on a special board using the forces of nature: for ordinary surfing - this is the power of a big wave, for the wind surfing is the strength of the wind, which the wind surfers are caught using the sail installed on the board. These entertainment require certain skills and physical training.

Water skiing, wakeboarding.

These are already more extreme types of entertainment, which have already turned into sports. Both are connected with speed and extreme and requires certain skills and coordination of movements. Suitable to many, who at least once in his life rode on ordinary or skiing and skateboard or snowboard. Wakeboarding uses a special board (wakeboard), which is also attached to the cater or hydrocycle.

One of the youngest entertainment on the water. It is a special board connected by a hose with a pump, from the lower surface of which water is broken through the nozzle so that due to the resulting pressure, it was possible to float over the aqueous surface. It looks very effectively, requires certain coordination and stability. According to some data, you can take off on such a blackboard in a height of up to 12 meters!

Diving, underwater hunting.

Immersing in the sea depths, the diver can see the incredible beauty of the underwater world: a variety of marine inhabitants, the remains of ancient civilizations. You can simply enjoy the views, but recently underwater hunting is often common when you can use any inhabitant of the sea with special underwater weapons. In this type of entertainment, there must be a number of an experienced instructor.

This is not the entire list of events submitted on different beaches of the world. You can also visit and praise with family and children in large water parks, water stadiums and other larger complexes. It contains only certain types of leisure most often found on beaches and water bodies. Choose to taste, the main thing is not to be afraid and everything will turn out! And be sure to follow the safety technique!