Sailing models. Rank and rigging cargo ships

Several comments

The source data that was used in the preparation of data utilities is taken from

It should be remembered that the "classics" leads some generalized, "academic" formulas for calculating the values \u200b\u200bof the mast and rigging of ships and ships. Tabar data (sizes of rangout trees) For specific historical ships, given in their own works, rarely with the accuracy "to the last sign" coincide with the author's formulas. (Which, of course, is quite explained and in no way detracts the values \u200b\u200bof these works).

On the other hand, it is well known that (despite the "regulation" for example. Military departments) The size of the mast and sailing of the ship could change from navigation to navigation. (Moreover, as an example, a well-known case, when the Screw Clipper "Okrichnik" changed its sailing armament during long-range diving).

In other words, if you, the building model of a historic ship, use the data from the following sources, is unlikely to declare: "Sailing of this ship was exactly the same," but it will be possible to say: "Sailing of this ship could well be So.

Attention! To work with individual calculators it is necessary that JavaScript support is enabled in your browser. If you read this warning, JavaScript support you (apparently) turned off ... Some calculators will not work.

List on-line calculators:

Nothing new. Such calculators are fully on the Internet. This simply adapted for the needs (ship) modelists and helps you translate endless feet-inches of various countries in milimeters, and in the scale you need

ON-LINE Calculator for calculating the elements of the grazing ships of sailing ships - Machet, Rei, Steng, compiled on the basis of data set out in the works of K.Kh. Marquardt, R.C. Anderson, V. Mondfeld, D. Style.

ON-LINE Calculator for calculating the elements of the "small" sailboats of the "small" sailboats - Schun, Brigins, tenders ... compiled based on data J. Fincham` And "A Treatise ON Masting Ships ...".

ON-LINE Calculator for calculating the elements of the Rankout of Russian sailing ships of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. Compiled on the basis of the data set out in the work of A.V. Zenkova "Art of doing mast, stepping, resivers and other masts."

Being a continuation of the previous calculator is also based on the data of A.V. Zenkova and is intended for calculating the dimension of the rangout trees of Russian military brigs, Schun, tenders of the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries.

On-line calculator for calculating the elements of standing and bike rigging sailing ships, based on the data set out in the work of V. Mondfeld "Models of historic ships".

ON-LINE Calculator for calculating the size of the blocks used in the middle of the XIX century on military sailboats of Russia. Compiled on the basis of data set out in the "states ..." 1840

In addition, we suggest familiarizing yourself:

Article Y. Miroshnikov in the form of modern spreadsheets will undoubtedly present interest for builders of models of ships and lovers of the history of the sea fleet

The list of primary sources used in the preparation of calculators:

  • K.h. Marcvardt "Rangest, rigging and sails of the XVIII century courts"
  • V. Mondfeld "Models of historic ships" (W. Mondfeld "Historische Schiffsmodelle")
  • D. Steel "The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship"
  • R.C. Anderson "The Rigging of Ships In The Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720"
  • R.C. Anderson "Sevententh Century Rigging"
  • J. Fincham "A Treatise On Masting Ships and Mast Making"
  • AND I. Glotters "Image tooling to the army of the ship"
  • A.V. Zenkov "Art of doing mast, stepping, resivers and other masts"
  • "The regular position of the present armament of ships, frigates and other vessels to the fleet owned" of 01/18/1806
  • "The regular position of supplies and materials released by the military Sailing Court" from 10/19/1840
Rankout - a set of structures from metal pipes, profiles and sheets mounted on the top deck of the ship and firmly connected to its body. The ship's rabstock includes: masts with their weapons (with steamings, rias, gafels), shots, flagpole and gyushkok, cargo arrows, slopes, trapbalki, trall balkli, etc.

The rigging is a set of tackles (cables) of all kinds, reliably fastening individual parts of the rabstown on places and employees to snap and control them. Robust is divided into running and standing.

Constructive design of the mast and rigging depends on the size and class of the ship, as well as from the appointment of the mastness itself with rigging. With the development of navigation and shipbuilding, the appointment and role of the rabstown with rigging are continuously changed, which entails and constructive changes.

M and t s are the main type of ship's mast. Large ships, as a rule, have two masts: Fock mast (front, i.e., first of the nose) and the grotto (second mast from the nose); Small-one fock mast. Maches serve to lift visual signals, placement of signal lights, radio and radar antennas, installation of cargo arrows, and on sailing ships and for lifting, fastening sails and control them. Military masts are also intended to place ship management posts and its battle.

Masts are installed in the diametral plane of the ship vertically or with some inclination to the stern. Like the entire margin, masts have undergone large changes in their development. Structurally masts are performed single, tripod, four-legged, as well as in the form of tank-like mast structures. In general, the mast consists of durable vertical beams of a set that perceive all efforts from the weight, the pressure of the wind and the inertia's forces when swing, and from thin sheat sheets. The mast (legs) beams are usually passing through the upper deck and are strengthened on the second deck.

Single mast (Fig. 1.26) - Waterproof steel pipes (or a harety tree), is installed on small ships, auxiliary and sailing ships. Single masts are suitable and composite. The bottom end of the mast (spurs) passes through the upper deck and is attached to the middle deck (platform); On sailing ships - to Kil. The top end of the mast is called the top. To the top of the mast, if it is composite, the lower end of the wall is attached, which is a continuation of the mast. Depending on which mast is installed, the wall is called, respectively, form or grottoes. The cloth ends with a clot (cloon) - a wooden or metal disk, which has pulleys around the edges for signaling falams. Red and white cloth lights are installed on the cloth. The upper part of the mast with a groundwall is held in the diametrical plane of the ship using standing rigging.

Fig. 1.26. Single signal mast:
1.2 - Topenants; 3 - clotum fire; 4 - Antenna Rey; 5 - wall; 6 - signal ray; 7 - guys; 8 - signal fools; 9 - Steel Pipe (or Ranking Tree)

Treten mast consists of three steel waterproof pipes. The upper ends are firmly sealed with a horizontal platform from steel sheets, which is called Mars. Mast legs pass through the holes in the upper deck and their lower ends are attached to the medium deck flooring (ship platform). On the venues located along the entire length of the mast, are located: radio and radar antennas, rangefinders, spotlights, signal and running bridges and other control posts.

On modern ships, masts often have the shape shown in Fig. 1.27. The mast carcass outside will be covered with steel sheets. Such a mast has a large number of horizontal sites on which radio and radar antennas are placed. For lifting flags and mast signals, has a different sized of slices that perform the role of resivers.

Fig. 1.27. Mast of a modern ship:
1 - Crappits; 2, 3 - platforms and devices for placing radar antennas; 4 - steel sheets of plating; 5 - Radioantenna

Tashing-like mast structures are a developed superstructure with platforms located in several tiers and posing indoor rooms used for various combat and command posts.

R E and (rail) are metal or wooden different sizes; Mount to masts or steps in a horizontal position perpendicular to the diametral plane of the ship. They are intended mainly to raise signals. They are located unkivo blocks, in which the fals are based on special woven impaired lines. Middle is called the top; Ends - right and left noks, respectively, the sides of the ship. Noki Reia are supported by Rei-Topenants, the ends of which are attached to the bougiels on the mast or wall. The masts are equipped with two and even three speeches. Nizhny Rey on the Fock Machet is called Foca Reen; On the grotto-mast - grotto-rema. The upper rei is respectively called FOR-MARS-REUM, Mars-Rehey grotto.

G and F E L L I is located on the grotto, below the grotto, at an angle to the mast and is kept in the diametrical plane of Ehrens-Bortstags, which are attached to the noku hafel and go to the sides. The lower part of the Gafel is called the heel, the upper-nok; Nok Gafel is supported by the Topenant. In the Nok Gafel embedded pulley, through which the Fal passes for lifting the naval flag on the campaign or gaffle lights at night.

F l A G T about to - Metal hollow or wooden rod, installed on the stern of the ship and intended for lifting the naval flag when the ship is anchored or by the wall. At the top end of the flagpole (top) naked clot. The design of the flagpole allows you to quickly fill it on the deck.

G Y Ya S W T about K is installed in the nasal part of the ship and serves to lift Gyus, and at night - anchor fire when parking the ship by anchor. When swimming at night in the back of Gyusshtok, the box of a drawer type is lit to orient the steering on the ship going to the Kilwater front.

Standing rigging (Fig. 1.28) - Tackle designed to support and fasten the mast in a vertical, horizontal or other position. Standing rigging tackle is firmly and not conducted through blocks; These include: guys, stalls, Butstags, stagnock carnac, Topenants, strings of resivers, etc.

Fig. 1.28. Standing rigging scheme:
1 - Stag Carnak; 2 - FOR-STAG; 3 - Topenants of the resivers; 4 - the strings of Reia; 5 - guys; 6 - Taldays; 7 - Butstagi

B al t s - tackle, which strengthen the masts and walls so that they do not clone towards sides. The top ends of the Want are attached for the footers of the Bugel on the top of the mast or wall; Bottom ends - through screw talps to special doors (Want-Pitnesam), which are attached to a falseboard, onboard trim or deck in sides.

F about P - W t a g and - Tackle, located in the diametrical plane of the ship, which do not give a mast and wall clone to the stern of the ship.

B and K W T A G and - side gear, coming from the top of the mast to board a little behind the mast and holding a mast in the diametrical plane of the ship and do not giving it to the side of the ship's nose.

WA T A G - K A R N A K is a horizontal tackle, the mattime between the masts, which holds the mast and wall and does not give them to be cloning towards the nose (stern) of the ship.

T o p e n n t y and with t p u n y r e e c serves to suspend and retain the residence in the position perpendicular to the diametrical plane of the ship.

Standing rigging is always performed from a steel rigid cable having greater strength and low flexibility.

Running rigging - Tackle that are in motion and intended for service and change the position of the parts of the mast, as well as to lift and shutting goods, boats, boats, ladders, signals, sails. Before bike rigging belongs: Fals (signal, etc.), a blades of tale, pride, boat bunch, shots, branches, chipmunk, deceit, shock and other moving gear. For bike rigging, flexible steel and grow gel cables are used.

By the beginning of the XIX century. In the fleets of European marine powers, several main types of warships have been preserved. Linear ships with displacement of 1000-2000 tons carried from 70 to 130 guns, which were mainly placed on closed battery decks (decks). Depending on the number of decks distinguished two- and three-way ships.

A team of such major vessels could reach 1,000 people. In Russian Fleet, linear ships were divided into four more ranks: the 1st rank - 120 guns, 2nd - 110, 3rd - 84,4th - 74. In the 5th and 6th ranks there were frigates who had One closed battery deck and from 25 to 50 guns.

The crew of the frigate was limited to 500 sailors. American frigates, of which the Konvenyusn ship is most famous, to this time, preserved in Boston, were larger and more powerful European.

The latest of them were sailboats only half - next to full sailing armament, the real miracle of the XIX technology was adjacent to. - Steam engine.

Linear ship "St. Pavel". 1794

Smaller three-volume Corvettes had one open battery deck with 20-30 guns. Usually, Corvettes were supplied with sailing arms of the frigate, and with small displacement, their bizan-mast was carried only oblique sails. A variety of corvetts with a smaller number of artillery guns were a boat.

Frigate "Konvenyushn" 1796

Their displacement was 300-900 tons. Two-volume briga with displacement 200-400 tons and 30-36m long, in which all guns (up to 22) were placed on the upper deck, were used for the messenger and watchdog. Despite the small sizes, a maneuverable brig, which carried direct sailing weapons could withstand the battle with much larger courts.

3-Room 110-cannon ship of the first quarter of the XIX century.

Big fight "Mercury" with two Turkish ships. 1829

An example of this is the history of the Russian Walking Bag "Mercury". Being in intelligence not far from the entrance to Bosphorus, on May 14, 1829, he entered into battle with his two linear Turkish ships, which carried 184 guns. Skillfully maneuvering under the sail and using the oars, Brig, all the time unfolded to the enemy so that the Turks could not shoot it from numerous on-board guns.

Mercury himself could lead a targeted fire and struck the enemy ships significant damage to the mast and rigging. Two giants were forced to lie in a drift, refusing to persecute the little "Mercury". The famous Brig was built in 1820 in Sevastopol shipyard.

The vessel had a length of 29.4 m, a width with a 9.4m trim and a small sediment - only 2.9m. For the fight at the close distance on the deck stood 18 carrices. Two more guns of small caliber, if necessary, could be transferred from the stern into the nasal part of the vessel, performing the role of "robust" guns.

Slot "East"

Raven implements - guns on sailing ships installed for shooting directly on the nose.

Although the karts were relatively small ships, they preferred to use them in long-haul swimming. "I walked around the ocean of a southern hemisphere at high latitudes and did it so that it was indisputable rejected the possibility of the existence of the mainland," the famous James Cook wrote. But the opening of Antarctica still took place - and largely due to the Russian Sluts "East" and "Mirny".

The East's gate was lowered by the Oktinate shipyard in St. Petersburg (1818). The ship had a length of 40m, the width is about 10m, the displacement is 900 tons. East armed with 28 guns, gaining 117 people team. July 3, 1819 Gate "Vostok" under the command of Captain II rank F.F. Bellingshausen, chief of the circular expedition, and the "Mirny" gate, which commanded M.P. Lazarev, then another lieutenant, came out of Kronstadt and on January 16 of next year reached the coast of Antarctica.

After repairing in the Australian Sydney, the boat was investigated by the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, and then again took the course to Antarctica. The hardy boats did not let down their captains, allowing them to reach the most southern point - 69 ° 53 "South latitude and 9219" Western longitude. July 24, 1821, having completed the most difficult swimming, the ships returned to Kronstadt. For 751 days, they passed 49,723 miles (about 92,300 km). The expedition was crowned not only by the opening of a new mainland - 29 unknown islands were put on the map and complex oceanographic works were performed.

East and Mirny's Crates off the coast of Antarctica

With significant sizes and one-piece sides, the court of the first half of the XIX century. Gradually acquire a pointed shape of the nose and is supplied with low feed superstructure. Heat began to connect with a tank with a solid deck. Improvements in sailing equipment entailed a change in the nasal tip of the vessel: now the prince has been tilted at a smaller angle to the horizon.

English 110-cannon linear ship "Prince". XIX century

Shipbuilding technology itself and itself. Many wooden vessel design elements are replaced with metal. Since 1815, anchorage chains occupy the place of the anchor ropes. Iron chains for the falats of the lower resivers, Shkot and Marseilles are selected a little later; Standing rigging starts to produce from wire cables, and wooden slut-beams are replaced with iron.


Slut-beams - beams in the sides of the vessel serving to descend the boats on the water and their lifting.

Made a step forward and ship artillery - they became the appearance of small large-caliber carrontads. The creator of the Carronada is the Scottish shipbuilding company "Carrons" - she tried a new tool with a sufficiently large caliber (24-68 pounds) remained short-escaped, easy, did not require a powerful powder charge and was convenient to maintain.

Thanks to this bouquet of valuable qualities, the carronadas quickly received universal recognition, although there were a smaller range than the previous guns. The barrel of carricades was cast from cast iron. First, new guns were put on sales ships only. However, the popularity of carrontade is very popular as much as they become the basis of the weapons of any warship. The gun masters did everything to ensure the accuracy of the tip.

The slope of carricades in height was adjusted using the screw mechanism. At the bottom of the trunk there was a vertical ring connected to the horizontal pin support. The support itself moved along a powerful platform on wooden sled. And even the platform could move: she rotated on the pin connected it with a set of vessel.

ZB-pound gun of the sample of 1804 for closed decks (left) and 8-pound carronead of the sample 1805g. (on right)

Together with the overall design of guns, the system is also being improved. At the beginning of the XIX century. A capqual tube appears - a close analogue of the powder sleeve. The combustible mixture in the capsule tube flammed against friction or impact. In the latter case, a trigger was used with a special striker - the invention of the American Hidden.

Improving its design sailing vessels of those times are largely obliged to the Russian School of Shipbuilding. Russian ships upgraded the masts and rigging, put the swords and new cuts of sails, and instead of Staxelle, Tresnel was put on the grotto Mast. Interesting innovations were special ship nails system I.A. Knocker.

Old nails had a parallelogram form in cross section and went on a cone from the hat to the top. Such their design led to the splitting of the hull boards, hidden leaks and weak fasteners of wooden parts. Kurochkin offered to make nails square and flat, and more short. The longest of them did not exceed 10-35 cm, and short - crutches - had a length of only 2.5-7.5 cm.

However, a wonderful ship master was famous not only with his "nail" system. It is he who owns many new items in the field of large-tonnant shipbuilding: additional cannon ports on the cabbage and in the cabins of the upper deck, shoals that prevent moisture from entering the lines of the lower ports, special ventilation to remove powder smoke during shooting, etc. For the Ship "Strong", descended from the stapelles in May 1804 (it was the first linear ship of Kurochkina), Emperor Alexander I complained to Master a magnificent diamond ring.

Round feed on a military sailing ship

Old-timbers are wooden books connecting ahterstevin with Kilson.

But the most impressive technical innovation that firmly substantiated in Russian courts was the round feed. Admiral Lazarev wrote about her indisputable advantages: "The main benefit of the round feed is much stronger than the ordinary, because the oldmost bushs go, like the splits, from the keel himself and minimize it as strong as the edge. In addition, there is no point with which the guns would not have acted, and, therefore, the feed never remains without protection, no matter how the ship turned ... "

The Russian fleet begins to arm a "new manner". The drawing of the 74-gun linear ship "Svyatoslav" was used for the construction of 15 combat units at the Archangelian shipyards. True, sometimes it was not without incident. In 1812, a detachment of eight ships, built by the same church, enters a strong storm. The results were disappointing. From a rigid side pitching on the flagship ship "Nord Adler" broke the grotto-wall. Having reached the fragments of the grout mast and sailing weapons, she fell on the right side of the ship. Under her weight began to roll to the right side of goods stored in the trum. The ship was tilted and gave a strong flow. However, everything ended well: the water was able to pump pumps.

The formidable inspection did not see the shipbuilder's guilt: the cause of the accident was the damp ship, which had to use to speed up the construction of the vessel. Russian ships firmly learned a lesson. Now they tried to "sleep slowly": the first year they led the workpiece and drying of the forest, and then the ship was built for two years, as the technology required.

Meeting Napoleon III Queen Victoria on board Linear Ship "Brittany"

For the design of ships of the first quarter of the XIX century. - The period of classicism - very clear and simple lines were characteristic. Solemnity and monumentality came to change the decoration of the decor. Few carved decorations now did not hide the vessel design details. So, if the feed was flat, then it often emphasized the closed balcony, closed the space of interior. The balcony usually had a metal lattice with a simple pattern: crossed circles, ovals or diamonds.

For windows used small "Dutch" glazing. Due to this, it was not even a strong hatching to worry about the safety of glasses. Elements of ancient ornament appeared on the stern and side galleries: wreaths, licorous bundles, spears, banners. The ornament was distinguished by raise and carrier parts of the vessel.

This made a "transparent" building structure, emphasized its verified proportions and volumes. The decoration of the stern no longer paid a lot of attention - the main focus was put on a nasal figure. Usually it was the sculpture of an ancient deity, which gave the name of the ship. Pollux, Cerer, Diana, Juno, Arsis, Mercury - not just the heroes of Greek mythology, but the names of Russian military vessels glorified in the battles.

In the color of the ships of the XIX century. dominates strict black color. Eymentarity The housing was given white stripes over the cannon ports. The ships of the first two ranks had three such bands, and the 3rd and 4th ranks - only two. If the vessel did not have indoor batteries, then the only wide white band took place under the root. The thread is usually golden or covered with ocher, close to the color of gold. Shopping vessels, in order to protect them from pirates, preferred to mask under the military. For this, sides painted false guns (lotsports). They still can be seen on sailboats who lived to this day.

Corn Videos of English Ships

Rublies - platforms on the outer sides of a sailing vessel, located opposite the mast of the tip of the top deck. Serve for Vant's spread.

Cannon ports are hermetically closed cuts in boards of ships.

Gakabort - the upper part of the stern from the top windows to the plank.

One of the most beautiful 74-cannon linear ships built in Arkhangelsk under the leadership of I.A. Kurochina and V. A. Yershova, was "Azov" with a displacement of 3000 tons. Its slim building 54,5m long and 14.7 m wide was decorated with a thin carved ornament. The Gakaborta Center held a double-headed eagle - the peculiarity of Russian stylistics. A nasal figure with a height of about 3.5m depicted a warrior in gilded armor and helmet. Arms of the ship constituted four heavy 40-pound and seventy-24- and 36-pound guns. The 36-pound guns were placed on the lower deck - the Gondkee, and the lighter 24-pound guns, including carricades, were installed on the upper deck, swanks and a tank.

In October 1827, during the next Russian-Turkish war, the union squadron of France, England and Russia leaves Kronstadt to the enemy shores. The ships of the squadron entered the Navarino Bay, where the Turkish-Egyptian fleet was stood. Russian ships took over the majority of the combat that ended with the destruction of the Turkish flotilla. The flagship of the Russian squadron "Azov" under the command of M.P. Lazareva managed to sing five enemy ships alone. Crew "Azov" (about 600 sailors) managed to light and blow up two Turkish frigates, one Corvette, 80-cannis linear ship and flagship frigate Tunisian admiral Tahir Pasha. For this feat, "Azov" for the first time in Russian maritime history was awarded a higher combat difference - the fodder of St. George flag.

74-cannon linear ship "Azov"

And yet, despite the fair art of shipbuilders masters, the Russian fleet gradually declined. Probably, Alexander I policy was to blame for this, which saved too small amounts from the budget for the construction of new vessels and repair of the dilapidated. Be that as it may, as of 1825, only 15 linear ships and 12 frigates were listed as part of the Baltic Fleet, and they needed significant repairs. More or less fighters were only five ships and 10 frigates. A hundreds of years have passed, and almost nothing left of the greatness of the legendary Petrovsky fleet.

1 - Bushprit, 2 - Sorrow, 3 - Bom-Utlelekar, 4 - Martin-Gic, 5 - Blind Gafeli, 6 - Bushfritis Ezelgooft, - 7 Gyus stock, 8 - Fock Mast, 9 - FOR-MARS, 10 - Fortune, 11 - Mastovye Ezelgofts, 12 - Fort Saling, 13 - Stenging Ezelgofts, 14 - Form Brahma, 15 - Clothes, 16 - Grotto Mast, 17 - Grotto Mars, 18 - Mast Ezelgofts, 19 - Grotto-wall, 20 - Grotes-Saling, 21 - Stenging Ezelgofts, 22 - Grotto-Brah-wall, 23 - Clothes, 24 - Clutchybizan Mast, 25 - Cryu Mars, 26 - Machtovy Ezelgofts, 27 - Cryers Steng, 28 - Cryers-Saling, 29 - Stenging Ezelgofts, 30 - Cryers-Bram-Steng, 31 - Foca-Rey, 32 - Form Marsa, 33 - Fort-Brem-Rey, 34 - Form -re, 35 - Grota-Rey, 36 - Grota Marsa-Rey, 37 - Grotto Brah-Rey, 38 - Grotto-Bom-Brum-Rey, 39 - Bizan-Gic, 40 - Feedlands, 41 - Begin- Rey, 42 - Bizan-Gafel, 43 - Cryers-Marsa-Rey, 44 - Cryers-Bram Rey, 45 - Crys-Bom-Bram Rei

Running rigging

Running rigging is needed to control sails and solutions. All operations are made with decks. Only for cleaning straight sails is required that the crew was on masts. The overall length of rigging tackles was sometimes calculated tens of kilometers.

1 - Blind-Topenants, 2 - Blind-Tris, 3 - Gardene Foka-Reia, 4 - Foca-Brass, 5 - Fock-Topenants, 6 - Form-Mars Braza, 7 - Form Mars Topenants, 8 - Form -Bub-branded Topenants, 9 - Fort-Boy-Bram-Topenants, 10 - Fore-Boy-Brum-Brass, 11 - Fort-Brah Brass, 12 - Fort Mars Drill, 13 - FOR-Mars Fal , 14 - Garder Grota-Reia, 15 - Grott Brass, 16 - Grott-Topenants, 17 - Mars-Mars Brassy, \u200b\u200b18 - Grotto Mars-Topenants, 19 - Grotto-Bram Fal, 20 - Grout-Brah Topenants, 21 - Grotto-Brum-Topenants, 22 - Grotto-Bump Brum-Brass, 23 - Grout-Brah Brass, 24 - Cryers-Bump Brum Brass, 25 - Cryers-Bram Brass, 26 - Grota Mars-Drill, 27 - Cryers-Mars-Brass, 28 - Begin Brassy, \u200b\u200b29 - Grotto Marsa-Fal, 30 - Hardhell \u200b\u200bBegin-Reia, 31 - Begin-Topenants, 32 - Cryers-Bump Brum-Topenants , 33 - Cryers-Brah-Topenants, 34 - Cryers Mars-Topenants, 35 - Dirik-Fal, 36 - Cryers-Mars Drill, 37 - Gafel-Gaddel, 38 - Cryers Marsa Fal, 39 - Bizan-Gica -Topenants, 40 - Bizan-Gica-Skil

Standing rigging

Standing rigging is designed to attach fixed parts of the mast.

1 - Water Stophai, 2 - Martin Stag, 3 - Martin Stagi from Bom-Utlegar, 4 - Fock Stag, 5 - Fock-Elk Stag, 6 - Form-Los-Wine Store, 7 Step-Stag, 8 - Cleaver-Leer, 9 - Form Brah-wall Store, 10 - Bom-Kliver-Leer, 11 - Form-Boy-Brum-Wall Store, 12 - Gota Store, 13 - Grotto Elk Store, 14 - Grotto-Slelk-Steng Stag, 15 - Grotto-Wall Store, 16 - Grotto Brah-Wall Store, 17 - Grotto-Bump-Brah-Wall Store, 18 - Bizan Store, 19 - Cryers-Wall Stag, 20 - Cryers-Brah-Wall Store, 21 - Cryers-Bump-Brah-wall Storeg, 22 - Water-Butstagi, 23 - Utlelekar-Bak Stophai, 24 - Bom-Utlegar Butstagi, 25 - Fock-guys, 26 - Form-wall-guy, 27 - Form-brown-wall-guy, 28 - Form-wall-Farduna, 29 - Form Brah-wall-Farduny, 30 - Form Brah Brother-Wall-Forentuna, 31 - Grottoan, 32 - Grotto-wall-guy, 33 - Grotto-wall-wall-guy, 34 - Grotto-wall-Farduna, 35 - Grout-wall-wall-Farduna, 36 Grotto Brum-Wall-Forentuna, 37 - Bizan-Guate, 38 - Cryers-wall-guy, 39 - Cryers-Bram Wall -an-Guate, 40 - Cryers-Wall-Farduny, 41 - Cryers-Bram Wall -Forduna 42 - Cryers-Bom-Brother-Wall-Farduna

Source: Central Sea Club DOSAAF RSFSR. Publisher DOSAAF. Moscow, 1987.

§one. Rank.

The rabstom is all the wooden, and on modern ships and metal parts that serve to carry sails, flags, lifting signals, etc. The rabstock on a sailing ship includes: masts, steps, rei, hafel, guy, bushcrites, utlegari, leissel alcohols and shots.


Salonigi and Ezelgoft, depending on their place, belonging to one mast also carry their names: Form-Saling, Form-Brah Saling, Ezelgoft Mast. Form-wall-Ezelgooft, Cryuce-wall-Ezelgooft, Bushhprint Ezelgoft (connecting a bushprit with a calm), etc.


Bushpritis is a horizontal or several inclined timber (inclined mast), protruding the nose of a sailing vessel, and an employee for making straight sails - a blond and bubblid. Until the end of the XVIII century, Bushpret consisted of only one tree with a blond-strip (), on which straight sails were put on the blond-rehe and bubluda-rete, the bublite.
From the end of the XVIII century, the bushprit is lengthened with the help of uttegar, and then bomb-uttegar (), and the sails of the blond and the bubblid on it are no longer set. Here it is already served to take it out of the Fock-mast stalls and its walls and for fastening the nasal triangular sails - the clients and staks, which improved the weather and turning the vehicle. At one time, triangular sails were combined with straight.
Bushrite himself was fucked on the nose of the vessel with the help of Water-free from a strong cable, and later (XIX century) and chains. For the mating of the highway, the main end of the cable was fed on a bushprit, then the cable was passed into the hole in the prince, around the bushprit, etc. Usually, 11 shlags were tightened, which were tightened by in the middle transverse shoes. From slipping of the shlags and stalls on Bushfriti, it was made by several wooden doors - bis ().
Bowls with Utegret and Bom-Utlegarem had vertical Martin-Gick and horizontal gafelle snapshots for the standing of the standing rigging of Utlegar and Bom-Utlegar.


Rey is a circular spindle-shaped halter tree, evenly narrowing to both ends, called noks ().
Both NOVOs are made by coshares, which are close to whom the flames of peppers, blocks of blocks, etc. are applied. Serve repeat to attach direct sails to them. Riot your middle is attached to masts and steps in such a way that they can be raised, lowering and turning in a horizontal direction to put the sails in the most favorable position relative to the wind.
At the end of the XVIII century, additional sails appeared - the levels, which were put on the sides of the main sails. They were fastened to a small river - the leissel alcohols put forward to the sides of the vessel in the main rejucet through the bohels ().
Rei also take titles depending on their belonging to one or another mast, as well as from the location on the mast. So, the names of the resivers on various masts, considering them from the bottom up, the following: on Fock Mast - Foka-Rey, Form-Mars Rey, Form-Breum-Rey, Fort-Boy-Brem-Rey; On Grotto Mast - Grota Rey, Grotto Marsa-Rey, Grotto Brah-Rey, Grotto-Bump-Ray; On Bizan-mast - Begin Rey, Cryssel Rey, Cryers-Bram Rei, Cryers-Bom-Bram Rei.

Gafles and gicks.

Gafel is a special rey, reinforced obliquely at the top of the mast (from behind it) and climbing up the mast. Sailing ships served for fastening the upper edge (chamber) of oblique sail - trisel and oblique bizani (). The heel (inner end) of the gaffower has wooden or metal-sheets of the skin of the mustache, sticking the gafel near the mast and covering it like grasp, both the end of which are interconnected by bayfuet. Baifut can be made of vegetable or steel cable, skin-skinned or with balls that are mounted on it, the so-called rax cloths.

To produce and clean the sails on shit armaments and oblique sails, Gafel rises and descends with the help of two runoff tackles - Gafel Gardeel, raising the gaffle for the heel, and the Dirior Fala, raising the gaffle for the NOC - an external thin end ().
On ships with direct weapons, oblique sails - trisels are pulled up (when cleaning them) to Gafel Gite, the gaffel does not ignore.
Gicks serve to stretch the lower chains of oblique sails. The gick is movably fastened with a heel (an inner end with a mast with a swivel or mustache, like a haffel (). The external end of the guy (NOC) with the sail is supported by a pair of the Topent, reinforced from one and the other side of the guy.
Gafles and guits, armed with oblique sails on the bizani, began to be used in the Russian fleet around the second half of the 18th century, and in Petrovsky times, the Latin Latin Rei (Ryu) was suspended to the bisani, to carry the Latin triangular sail. Such a ray risen in the inclined position so that one NOK (rear) was highly handled up, and the other is lowered almost to the deck ()
After reading each digout tree separately, now we will list all the randa trees according to the location of their location on the sailing ship, with their full name ():
I - Knyavdiged; II - Galun; III - Kramball; IV - Falsebort, on top of it - sailor beds; V - Foca-Route and Vant-Pitnesses; Vi - grotto-rusken and vant-phenin; VII - Bizan-Route and Vant-Pitnesses; VIII - Right Sink: IX - Balconies; X - Main Wels-Barhout; XI - Clan-Wels-Barhout: XII - Shir-Wels-Barhout; XIII - Shir-Stark-Barhout; XIV - feather steering wheel.

Fig. 9. Rankout of the three-year 126-cannon linear ship of the middle of the XIX century.
1 - Bushprit; 2 - ship; 3 - Bom-Utility; 4 - Martin-Gick; 5 - Blind Gafels; 6 - Bushfritis Ezelgoft; 7 - Gyus rod; 8 - Fock Mast; 9 - Top Fock Mast; 10 - for-trisel mast; 11 - walls; 12 - Mast Ezelgooft; 13 - for-ground; 14 - Top Form Brah-wall; 15 - FOR-SALING; 16 - Ezelgoft for-wall; 17 - FOR-BRAM-STENIG, made in one tree with Form-Bohr-Brother-pinway; 18-19 - Top Form-Bom-Bram-Stone; 20 - chototch; 21 - Foka-Rey; 22 - FOR-MARS LISEL-ALIRT; 23 - Fore-Mars Rey; 24 - FOR-BRAM-LISEL-ALIRCHES; 25 - FOR-BRAM-REY; 26 - Fore-Boy-Brem-Rey; 27-Thief-Trisel Gafel; 28 - grotto mast; 29 - Top grotto mast; 30 - Thrisel Mast; 31 - Grotto Mars; 32 - Mast Ezelgooft; 33 - Grotto-wall; 34 - Top grotto-wall; 35 - Grotto Saling; 36 - Eselgoft grotto wall; 37 - Brother-wall Grotto, made in one tree with grotto-brother-pinway; 38-39 - Top grotto-brother-wall; 40 - chototch; 41 - Grota Rey; 42 - Mars-Mars-Lissel-Alcohol; 43 - Grotto Mars Rey; 44 - grotto-brother-leather alcohols; 45 - Grotto Brah-Rey; 46 - Grotto-brother-ray; 47 - Trisel Gafel; 48 - Bizan Mast; 49 -Top Bizan-mast; 50 - bizan-trossel mast; 51 - Crys Mars; 52 - Mast Ezelgooft: 53 - Cryers-Stone; 54 - Top Crys-Stone; 55 -Kryuys-Saling; 56 - Ezelgoft Crys-Stone; 57 - Slyus-Bram-Stone, made in one tree with a housse-brother-brown-string; 58-59 - Top Crys-Bump-Brah-wall; 60 - chototch; 61 - Begin Rey; 62 - Cryers-Mars Rey or Cryissel Rey; 63 - Cryers-Brah-Rey; 64 - Crys-Bom-Braram Rei; 65 - Bizan-Gick; 66 - Bizan Gafel: 67 - Feed flagpole.

§2. The main proportions of the rangout trees of linear ships.

The length of the grotto-mast is determined by the length of the ship on the horse, folded with its greatest width and divided by half. Length Fock Macht 8/9, and Mast Maxt 6/7 The length of the grotty mast. The length of the tops of the grotto and fock-mast 1/6, and the top of the Bizan-mast 1 / 8-2 / 13 of their lengths. The largest diameter of the mast is at the Opeteka and amounts to Fock and Grota Machet 1/36, and the Bizan-mast 1/41 of their length. The smallest diameter is under the top and is 3/5-3 / 4, and the spur 6/7 of the largest diameter.
The length of the grottoes is 3/4 of the grotto-mast length. The length of the tops of steps is 1/9 of the entire length of the wall. The largest diameter of the walls falls in mast ezelgofts and is equal to the grotto and former 6/11 diameter of the grotto-mast, and for the cylide-pin 5/8 of the diameter of the Bizan-mast. The smallest diameter under the top 4/5 is the largest.
The length of the brother-wall, made in one tree with bump-walls and their flagpoles (or tops), is compiled from: the length of the brother-walls, equal to 1/2 of their walls, bomb-brother-wall - 5/7 of his brah- Steps and flagpole, equal to 5/7 of your brother-broth. The largest diameter of the brother-wall near the wall-ezelgoft is 1/36 of its length, brown-brown-wall - 5/8 of the brother-wall diameter, and the smallest diameter of the flagpole - 7/12 of the brother-wall diameter.
The length of the bushprit - 3/5 of the length of the grotty mast, the largest diameter (at a falseboard over the belt) is equal to the diameter of the grotto mast or less than it 1 / 15-1 / 18. The lengths of the uttegar and bob-utlegar - 5/7 of the length of the bushprit, the largest diameter of the uttegar - 8/19, and the bob-uttegar -5/7 diameter of the bushprit is 1/3 of their lower ends, and the smallest - at the KNOK - 2/3 The largest diameter.
The length of the grotto is equal to the width of the ship multiplied by 2 plus 1/10 width. The total length of both HOWs is 1/10, and the largest diameter is 1/54 of the length of REA. The length of the grottoes-Marsa-Ray 5/7 of Grota-Reia, Noki - 2/9, and the largest diameter - 1/57 of the length of the grotto-Marsa-Ray. Mars-Reia Grotto Mars-Ray 9/14 Length, Noki - 1/9 and the largest diameter - 1/60 of this Rea. All sizes of Foca-Ray and Form Mars - Ray are 7/8 of the magnitude of the grotto and the grotto-Marsa-Reia. Begin-Rey is equal to the grotto Marsa-Rey, but the length of it is both HOW - 1/10 of the length of Reia, Crysisel-Rey is equal to Grout-reween, but the length of it is both nooks - 2/9 of the length of Ray, and Crys-Brother Equal - 2/3 Grout-Brah-Reia. All Bas-Brum-Rei is equal to 2/3 of their brams-resivers. Blind-Rey is equal to Marsa-Rey. The greatest diameter of the resivers - in their middle. Rei from the middle to each end is divided into four parts: on the first part of the middle - 30/31, on the second - 7/8, on the third - 7/10 and at the end - 3/7 of the largest diameter. Bizan-gic is equal to the length and thickness of the form or grotto Marsa. Its largest diameter - above the gakage. Bizan-Gafel 2/3 long, and 6/7 gick thickness, its largest diameter at the heel. The length of Martin-Gicks is 3/7, and the thickness of 2/3 of Utlegar (they were until the second quarter of the XIX century two).
Grotto-Mars has a length of 1/4 of the length of the grotto wall, and the width of 1/2 width of the ship. Fore Mars is 8/9, and Crys-Mars 3/4 Grota Mars. Grotto Saling has a Longo Saloni in 1/9 of the length of his walls, and the colleples are 9/16 the width of Mars. Form-Saling is 8/9, and Crys Saling - 3/4 Grota Saling.

§3. Standing rigging mast.

Bushprit, masts and walls on a sailing vessel are fixed in a certain position with the help of special gear, called standing rigging latch. To standing hardware belongs: guys, forthuny, stalls, bacon, peppers, as well as Kliver and Bom-Cliver Leera.
Being once, the standing rigor always remains fixed. Previously, it was made of a thick vegetation cable, and on modern sailing ships - from steel cable and chains.
The guys are called the tackle of standing rigging, which are strengthened by masts, steps and brothers-walls with sides and a few rear. Depending on how the maternity tree of the guy is held, they receive additional names: Fock guys, shaped-wall-guy, Form-Bram-wall-guy, etc. The guys also serve for lifting personnel on masts and walls when working with sails. To this end, the vante at a certain distance is strengthened by hemp, wooden or metal chips. Hemp seals were tied to the guys with a removal node () at a distance of one from another 0.4 m.

The lower guys (hemp) were made on sailing ships with the fattest, their diameter on linear ships reached up to 90-100 mm, the wall-guy was made thinner, and the brother-wall-guy is still thinner. Chooms were thinner than their want.
Steps and brothers-walls are additionally held off the sides and a few rear forduny. Forentows are also called on masts and the walls on which they cost. For example, form-wall-frown, form-broth-wall-frowns, etc.
The upper ends of the Vant and Forentow are attached on the mast or wall with the help of fires (loops), put on tops of the mast, steps and brams-wall (). The guys, wall-guys and brother-wall-guys are made by pair, i.e. From one piece of cable, which is then folded and the flame is made in the thickness of that top to which it is superimposed. If the amount of the vante from each board is odd, then the last guy to the feed, including foreduss, is made by broken (). The number of Want and Forentow depends on the height of the mast and the ship's carrying capacity.
The guys and Furdons were stuffed (tightened) with cable lines on the Journeys - special blocks without pulleys with three holes for the cable talrepa, with which they are stuffed (stretched) guy and Fardone (). On modern sailing ships, rigging is tightened with metal screw telepa.
In former times on all military sailing ships and large merchant courts in order to increase the angle, under which the lower guys and Furdons go to masts, from the outside of the shipboard, at the deck level, powerful wooden platforms are strengthened ().


The guys of Vant-Pitnesses, found from the iron strips, were fed. The lower end of the Vant-Pitnesses was attached to the board, and the apperisers were attached to their upper ends so that the latter almost inigned with their lower part with the rustles.
Upper Journeys are binding to the guys and foreflows with fires and benzels (mark) (). The root end of the Talrepa is fixed into the hole of the Vant-Yufers with the help of a tallying knob, and the running end of the Talrepa after the tightness of the Vant, making several slags around them, fasten on the guy with two or three benzels. Based on the ramps between all the Yuhers of the Lower Vant, they tied the iron rod to them on top of the Yufers - Vest (), which did not give the yuhers to bother, holding them on the same level. The guy Steng equipped the same way as the bottom guys, but they were somewhat less than the size.
Tackle of standing rigging, supporting the masting trees (masts and walls), in the diametrical front plane, are called the stranges that, like the bottom guys, were made from a thick cable. Depending on how the maternity tree includes stalls, they also have their own names: Focal Stag, Form Store, Form-Bram Store, etc. Fires at the stood make the same as the guys, but the dimensions are more (). Pock the brackets of talrepa at the stagno blocks ().
Personal rigging is also peppers - vegetable cables on the rims (see), for which sailors get up while working with sails on the rim. Usually one end of pep is attached to the noku, and the other in the middle. Perth are supported by counterpart - cable sections attached to rey.

Now let's see how the standing rigging will look completely on the sailing 90-cannten two-time linear ship of the late XVIII and the beginning of the XIX centuries with its full name (): 1 - Water Stophai; 2 - Martin Stag; 3 - Martin-Stagi from Bom-Utlegar (or Lower Butstag); 4 - Foka-Stag; 5 - form-elk stag; 6 - Form-elk-wall-stag (serves as leder for-cloth-stayn); 7 - for-wall stag; 8 - Cleaver-Leer; 9 - FOR-BRAM-WINE STAG; 10 - Bom-Kliver Leer; 11 - FOR-BA-BRAM-WINE STAGA; 12 - grotto stag; 13 - Grotto-elk stag; 14 - Grotto-elk-wall stag; 15-grotto wall-stag; 18 - Bizan Stag; 19 - Cryers-Wall Store; 20 - Crys-Brah-wall Stag; 21 - Cryers-Bump-Brother-Wall Store; 22-water-tank straps; 23 - Welegary-Butstay; 24 - Bom-Utility-Butstay; 25 - Fock guys; 26 - for-wall-guy; 27-form-brothers-wall-guy; 28 - Form-wall-Farduna; 29 - Form Brah-wall-Farduna; 30 - FORDOUN FORDUNO FORDUNY; 31 - Grotto guys; 32 - grotto wall-guys; 33 - Grotto Brah-wall-guy; 34 - Grotto-wall-Farduna; 35 - Grotto Brah-wall-Farduna; 36 - Grotto-brother-wall-Farduna; 37 - Bizan-guy; 38 - Cryers-wall-guy; 39 - Crys-Bram wall-guy; 40 - Housse-wall-Farduna; 41 - Housse-Brah-wall-Farduna; 42 - Crys-Bom-Brother-wall-Farduna.

§four. The order of overlapping, the place of thrust and the thickness of the hemp standing rigging.

Water stalls 1/2 thick strokes are carried out into the hole in the front edge of the prince, they are attached there and climb a bushchprit, where the cable talrepaes are based on the Journeys. Water-Butstay (one by one from each side) is laid by nuts for the footage, driven into the housing under the astronomy, and it is drawn from a bushprit like Water Stands.
Then the guys, which are made by pair, thick in 1/3 of their masts are superimposed. Each end appointed to a couple of VANT is folded in half and in the fold with the assay of the benzel is made a Sgon. On the top mast is put on the fire of the front right, then the front left pair of VANT, etc. If the amount of the vant is odd, then the latter is being broken, i.e. Single. The guys of cable talrepa, based between the Journeys, enhancing the lower ends of the VANT, and the Journeys bonded in the rivers with the Vant-Pitnesses. Focal and grotto straps are made thick 1/2, Bizan Stophai - 2/5 of their mast, and elk straps - in 2/3 of their stalls, (hemp cables are measured around the circumference, and the rangoual trees - the largest diameter).
They are put on the tops of the mast so that they are covered by the flames of Longo Saling. Foka-Stag and Fock-Elk Stag is drawn by cable talrepa on a bushprit, a grotto-stall and grotto-elk stag - on the deck on the sides and ahead of the Fock Mast, and the Bizan Stag is branched onto the paws and attached to the deck on the sides of the Grotto Masts either passes through the coast on the grotto and stretches on the deck.
The wall-guy thick 1/4 of their walls is drawn at the Mars of Talrepa, based between the Journeys entered into the wall-guy, and the Journezes bonded with the Puntens-guys. Wall-Farduna thickness of 1/3 of their walls stretch in the rusts like guys. Step-stalls have a thickness of 1/3, and elk-wall stages - 1/4 of their walls, the for-wall stag is carried out in the pulley on the right side of the bushprit, and the form-elk-wall-stag - with the left. Grotto-wall-stag and grotto-sleeves-wall-stag are held through the pulleys of the blocks on the Fock Mast and stretch the gypsy on the deck. The housse-wall stag passes through the plot of the block on the grotto and stretches on Mars.
Standing rigging of Utlegar and Bom-Utlegar is made with a thickness of 1/4 of their mast trees. Each Martin-Stag is carried out sequentially into the holes of his martin-guika (two of them), where it is held by the floor, then into the plot of the unit on the NOKTEGAR NOK, in the pulley on the martin-guy and on the bushprit and stretches on the tank. The UTleplek-Butshkhoda (two on each side) are tied by the middle of the end of the Utlegar NOK, their ends are carried out in the coasty near the nobs of the blond-resy and stretch on the tank. Bas-Utlelekar-Butstag is also superimposed. Martin-Stagi from Bom-Utlegar is fastened to the middle of the end of the NOK Bom-Utlegar. And passing through the pulleys on Martin-Gicka and Bushfritis, stretches on the tank.
The brother-guy and Brahm-Farduna are made in thickness 2/5, and the brams-stalls - 1/2 of their brams-wall. The brother guys are held through the holes in Salon's silence, pull up to the ground and descend along the wall-guys on Mars, where they stretch the talrepa through the coosy at their ends. Form-Bram Stag is spent in the pulley at the root of Utlegar and stretches on the tank, the Grout-Brah Store takes place in the pulley on the shadow, and the Schuis-Bram Store - in the pulley on the top of the grotto mast and both stretch on the deck.
Bump-branded rigging is carried out and stretches like brams-rigging.

§five. Running rigging ridingout.

The route of the Rankout rigging is called all mobile gear, with which work is performed associated with the rise, choosing, etching and turning the rangoual trees - resivers, buffels, shots, etc.
To the bike rover of the Rankout includes Gardan, drainers. Fools, Bras, Topenants, Shkoth, etc.
On ships with direct sailing weapons, Gardan serve to lift and descend the lower seconds with sails (see) or gaffes (his heels); Drimes for lifting Marsa-Resii, and Fals - for lifting Brahma and Bom-Brum-Resii, as well as oblique sails - Cluters and Staxel.
The tackle, with the help of which rises and is supported by the NOC of the Gafel, is called the Dirik-Fal, and the tackle that raises the gaffle for the heel on the mast, is called Gafel Gardela.
The tackle that serves to maintain and align the NOVOs of the resivers is called the Topenants, and for turning the robes - brams.
Now let's get acquainted with all the route of the harassment of the Rankout, with its full names, according to his location on the ship ():

Tackles, employees for lifting and descent of residence: 1 - Gardene Foka-Reia; 2 - FOR-MARSA-DRIP; 3 - FOR-Mars Fal; 4 - Form-Bram Fal; 5 - Fore-Bom-Bram Fal; 6 - Garden Grota-Reia; 7 - Grotto Mars-Drink; 8 - Grotto Mars-Fal; 9 Grout-brother-Fal; 10 - Grotto-Bump-Bram Fal; 11 - Garden-Begin-Reia; 12 - Cryers-Mars-Fal; 13 - Crys-Mars-Drink; 14 - Crys-Bram Fal; 15 - Crys-Bom-Bram Fal; 16 - Gafehel Gadl; 17 - Dirik-Fal.
Tackles that serve to maintain and leveling the Nobs of Rei: 18 - Blind Topenants; 19 - Foka-Topenants; 20 - Fore-Mars-Topenants; 21 - Form Brah-Topenants; 22 - FOR-BOM-BRAM-TOPENANTS; 23 - Grott-Topenants; 24 - Grotto Mars-Topenants; 25 - Grotto-branded topovents; 26 - Grotto-brother-Topenants; 27 - Begin-Topenants; 28 - Cryers-Mars-Topenants; 29 - Crys-Brah-Topenants; 30-Cryers-Bom-Brother-Topenants; 31 - Bizan-Gica-Topenants; 31A - Penate Bizan-Gica-Topenants.
Tackle, employees for tapping resivers: 32 - Blind-Tris (Braram-Blind-Reia); 33 - Foca Braza; 34 - FOR-MARS-Bras; 35 - Form Brahms; 36 - Fore-Bom-Bram Brassy; 37 - grotto-boas; 38 - Gott Bras; 39 - Grotto Mars Bras; 40 - Grout Brah Brass; 41 - Grotto-brother-brass; 42 - Begin Bras; 43 - Crys-Mars Brass; 44 - Crys-Brah Brass; 45 - Crys-Bump Brum Brass; 46 - Erins-Butstagi; 47 - Balt-Tali; 48 - Bizan-Gica-Shkot.

§6. Wiring a bike rigged on.

Fock and Grota Gardalo are based between two or three-plugs, two are strengthened under Mars and two - near the middle of the rhea. Begin-Gardell is based between one three-plug-in block under Mars and two single blocks in the ree. The chassis ends of Gardells are attached to knecht.
The form and grottoes-drapes are attached to the middle of the end behind the top of the walls, their running ends are carried out each in their blocks in the rema and under Saling, and in their ends pushed the blocks. Marsa-Fals are based between these blocks and blocks in the rushes. Their blades are drawn through onboard fuckers. The Cryssel-Mars-Drinp is taken by the indigenous end for the middle of Ray, and the chassis is carried out through the pulley in the ground under Saling and in his end, the Mars-Fala Block is based on, which is based on the mantle - an indigenous end is fastened on the left turbine, and on the right - Tali.
Brahms and Bom-Brum-Fals are taken by a radical end for the middle of her reya, and the moves are held in the pulley of their simple and stretch the Ginters: Brother Fals on the deck, and Berm-Fals on Mars.
Gafel-Gardel is based between the Gafel's heel and a block under the Housse Mars. Dirik-shaped with an indigenous end is attached for the top of the housing, and the move is carried out through the blocks on the hafel and the top of the mast. Their running ends are attached to the knecht.
Topenants are based between the blocks on both sides of the bochprid ezelgoft and on the noks of the blond-reya, and their blades are drawn on the tank. Focus and grotto-tray are based between three- or two-cabin blocks, and Begin-Topenants - between the two- or single-zone blocks on both sides of the mast ezelgoft and on both sides of the resivers. Their running ends spent through the "dog holes" are attached on the knecht. Marsa-Topenants of the middle end are attached for the top wall, and the running ends taken by a halftone for the front wall-guys are held in the blocks on the s) in the lower pulleys of the Kolly blocks. Through "dog holes" and are attached next to the bottom topovents. Brahms and Bom-Brother-Topenants are put on a glasses on the Noki Ray and, spent through blocks on their walls, stretch: Brother-Topenant on the deck, and Berma-Topenants on Mars. Gick-Topenants take the middle of the end of the NOK gica, are carried out on both sides, as shown in the figure, and they have grip-tali in the heel Gick.
Foca-Brassy are attached to the middle of the end of the top grotto mast, are held, as can be seen in the figure, and stretch the grotto masts. Brassy Brasse are based between the blocks in the boards on Utah and on the noks of the grotto-rhea and stretch through the onboard knekti. Grotto-breast grottoes are based on on top of the beams between the blocks on the Fock Mast and the Knocks and stretch from the Fock Mast. Begin-Braza is neutral to the rear grottoes, and the chassis are carried out through the blocks on the s) and on the rear grottoes and are attached to the boards. Mars Brassy is attached to the middle of the end behind the top walls are held in the guys, as shown in the figure, and stretch on the deck. Form and Grout-Brah Brass are attached to the middle of the end of the brother or brother-broth and are held in blocks on the s) and in the blocks of the root end and stretch along the deck. Crys-Brah Brass and all Bas-Brah Brass are put on the glasses on the Noki of their resivers, are held, as shown in the figure, and stretch on the deck.