What's new found Kerch archaeologists. Under the Kerch, excavations of an ancient settlement continue

The territory of modern Kerch was populated by people with deep antiquity - information about the first settlements here is lost in centuries. It has been proven that at the top of the mountain Mithridate and its foot in the VII century BC. There was a city of Ellinov-Colonists with a defensive wall, stone houses, port, crafts and crafts, and subsequently - with highly developed culture, mansions of nobility, state and public institutions, a mint, temples and all other attributes of the policies of that era. It is believed that from the moment of the appearance of Pantikaty, life here has never been interrupted here, although the epochs, peoples and civilizations were replaced. Kerch therefore recognized in the scientific world the most ancient city of Russia.

However, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern city, people lived before - it is enough to mention the so-called Kimmerians (the conditional name of the Chair-peoples of the Northern Black Sea region), the traces of the life of which preserved the Crimean Earth. Recall at least well-known anthropomorphic sculptures - "stone women" dated Millennium to R. X. Therefore, traces of ancient settlements and burials are hidden everywhere in Kerch in Earth.

It is not an exception and the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower Sunny, in the vicinity of which the mass of traces of ancient people has survived. In the process of building counseling from the Tavrida route to the bridge, some sites of these histories will be lost inevitably, and therefore the archaeologists should extract all possible artifacts and documented finds. Learn more about the configuration of the route and the area, where it will pass in our.

In August 2016, the Crimean Regional Center for Archaeological Research conducted an examination and identified the places of future construction, where it is necessary to conduct preliminary archaeological surveys, denoting 13 objects of cultural heritage that need to be circumvented, to take measures to preserve or explore it in most detail before starting the road laying.

At this relatively small plot on both sides of the Heroes of the Heroes of Stalingrad there are a number of archaeological objects. From the western side - the settlement of "Hospital", the Kurgan "Forest I" and "Forest II", the Tiritak shaft is a length of more than 20 kilometers. From the east, at the dacha cooperative "Bay", - Kurgan "Hospital", the settlement of "Hospital II" and a group of 4 Kurgans "Nizhny Sunny I" with the burials of the Bosporo-Scythian and Panticapeskoy, nav-III century BC, and Directly on the territory of the household plots was the Kurgan "Nizhny Sunny II". Even closer to the bridge - a group of 8 curses "Cement Slobodka I".

Also, the future track of Tavrida is 3 kilometers from the village of Oktyabrskoye, a group of 4 kursany is located, the surface of which is placed, and a little east - a group of two Kurgans "Dzhardav Western". In the same area, but from the south of the future road junction there is a Kurgan "Blook West", and closer towards Kerch - Kurgan "Berochk".

The settlement "Hospital" (the name - from the nearby tuberculosis dispensary) is located on the shore of the River Jarzhaw, which, undoubtedly, was more complete in ancient times, than attracted residents. Its area is estimated at 13,350 square meters. M, of which 8,890 square meters account for the territory of a permanent land construction site. m. This does not mean that the historical monument throughout this area will be lost, but access to it will, of course, stopped. Today, thanks to financing, scientists will be able to spend the largest excavation over the past decades.

Wide archaeological examination of this area on an area of \u200b\u200b3 thousand square meters. M was held before the section of the country, in 1989-1991 under the leadership of Kerch specialists Viktor Nikolayevich Zinko and Nikolai Fedorovich Fedoseyev, and also further studied a small site in 1993. The discovery made during the excavations allowed us to date the settlement by the end of the V - the first quarter of the III century to R. X. four rectangular semi-units of residential and economic purposes were discovered, equipped with a system of sewage drain and receiving holes; The remnants of the estate with the indoor yard, fire traces, garbage points and household items, including fragments of red-bream ceramics, amphoric packaging, ceramic stamps, Panticaipei coins and stones for the patrity. Residents were engaged in fishing and animal husbandry.

Noteworthy and Kurgan "Hospital", which daily see thousands of people passing near the tuberculous dispensary: \u200b\u200bthanks to its position by the road, it is good noticeable. With a diameter of 70 meters, the height of the burial reaches 7 m. The overall area of \u200b\u200bthe security zone is set to 13.7 thousand square meters. m. The mound of Kurgan is traces of perekopov, but some researchers believe that this burial may still remain uncontrollable, at least no one opened in the newest history. If these expectations are valid and archaeologists will decide to dig a mound, then interesting findings are waiting for us. Most of these burial structures are plundered both in ancient times and at the recent time. However, as long as the study of the sequigued territory is 4 thousand square meters. m, adjacent to the future track.

For household plots towards the bridge in the territory of 20.7 thousand square meters. M is located a settlement of the Bronze Age "Hospital II", dating from about ІІ millennium BC. And discovered in 1983. The task of archaeologists today includes a study of historical space on an area of \u200b\u200b8 280 sq. M. The works are carried out by the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the East-Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum of Reserve.

During the expedition in which more than 40 people, ordinary workers and specialists participate participating, thousands of fragments of stupid ceramics of the Bronze Age, household goods and bone, agricultural instruments have already been revealed. There are also objects of antique time.

Perhaps in the summer of the Kerch Museum will demonstrate the most remarkable of these finds within the framework of the Crimean Bridge. There are plans to make it constant and place on the territory of the Kerch fortress, in which many magnificent case-made rooms have been preserved. This will contribute to the safety and development of the fortress as the object of the Russian cultural heritage. Moreover, a giant monument of "reconciliation" is planned to build a giant monument of "reconciliation" to the century of the beginning of the revolution and civil war, as well as an extensive sightseeing platform with a road suspension, that is, to attend museum expositions and the fortress itself will be interested and convenient.

In general, the front of archaeological works in Crimea is much broader due to active infrastructure construction. So, today, on the route of the future Tavrid's track, there are about 50 objects of archaeological heritage, during the same construction, completely new monuments may be discovered: contractors are obliged to inform scientists about all the historical objects discovered, immediately terminating work in these areas.

Last year, when the gas pipeline laying through the Kimmerian shaft, a discovery was made in the Northern Black Sea region of excellent safety with the remnants of adjacent defensive fortifications. And the volume of ceramic fragments with marine areas of the Crimean Bridge supports and is at all overwhelming - in one 2015 in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Ak-Burun there was an excavant of 1,200 square meters. M DNA and more than 20 thousand finds were extracted. Works continued last year, and their scale increasingly increases. In 2017, maritime archaeologists are going to take away from Poseidon on the construction of the bridge for hundreds of thousands of ancient debris. The most remarkable found samples of ancient culture recently Kerch Museum.

The more buildings, the more finds. In recent years, the largest infrastructure projects have been implemented in Crimea - new roads are equipped, power plants are built, airports are reconstructed. Archaeological excavations, which are carried out before the start of construction, radically change the presentation of scientists about the history of the peninsula. I found out that the researchers were discovered in 2017.

Heritage Gold Horde

Most of the findings of scientists committed in the preparation of the construction of the Tavrida highway. The highway will connect the Crimean Bridge, Kerch, Simferopol and Sevastopol - that is, it will become the main transport artery of the peninsula. In the meantime, archaeologists use the moment and study the fact that the earth hidden centuries. However, in the Bakhchisara district shocked even experienced specialists. Here in early December, the expedition employees found a burial in which there were at least 70 decapitated human skeletons. Previously, they date back to the X-XIII centuries and belong to the times of the Golden Horde, when the peninsula survived the invasion of Mongol-Tatars.

"During the excavations in Kurgan, an unexpected find was made. Two RVA found, which are literally clogged with bones. The remains of more than 70 people, all without skulls, with traces of cuts. The corpses were chaotic reset. These are victims of the mass execution, "explained the head of the Crimean new building archaeological expedition, a leading researcher at the department of the classical archeology of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Skulls of victims did not find scientists. Archaeologists suggest that the heads of the prisoners were planted on the stakes and put up for everyone to be found or folded into the pyramids, as was customary from some nations. "The XII-XIV century - the times were harsh, but it is only an assumption," the grandchildren said. More precisely, dating the burial ground can be possible after analyzing two arrow tips found in the Rips.

Frame: Kryminform / YouTube

Another loud - and not so terrible - the discovery took place in the center of Simferopol in November. On the street of the Norivsky group of archaeologists, the remains of ancient engineering communications. Scientists are confident that these are traces of the medieval palace complex of Calga-Sultan - the second person in the Crimean Khanate.

Scientists have found, in particular, coins, fragments of ceramic dishes and glass of the period of Crimean Khanate. The head of the excavation, the researcher of the Institute of Archeology of Crimea Emil Seidaliev explained that it was possible to detect the palace thanks to historical sources: "The place was defined quite a long time and we know for various historical sources. For example, Scripture Peter Simon Pallas. Initially scheduled several shurts that can localize the cultural layer. " Scientists said that a plumbing pipe was preserved in one site, which probably belongs to the period of the Palace's existence and could lead to a fountain or kitchen.

According to the director of the Archeology Institute of Crimea, Ran Vadima Maiko, the complexity is that there is no information about the appearance of the facility: "Neither engravings nor other images of this palace did not reached us, although his location scientist managed to localize even at the beginning of the 20th century." . The deputy from Crimea promised that this object would be entered into the register of cultural heritage monuments.

The oldest Russian bridge

In October, scientists of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences The oldest engineering construction of the Crimea. They were a small stone bridge, which was found in the Belogorsky district, near the village of Nekrasovo (formerly challenges). The arched single-span bridge was built through the stream of Ashil (the left influx of the Bulganak River), which flowed in this place, but by the end of the XIX century completely silent. Designs are composed of a dashean natural stone. The length of the structure is about 30 meters, the width is about 8 meters, the arch of the arch is not more than 2 meters. Parapet (fencing from large dashest stone blocks) was touched on the sides of the bridge.

Cyrp Macedonsky

In the vicinity of Kerch in April of this year, archaeologists ancient Greek crypt, built during Alexander Macedonsky. "This Kurgan was erected in the second half of the IV century BC, when the Bosporian kingdom flourished on the Kerch Peninsula, because the Northern Black Sea region was the main resident of the whole Greek world," explained the head of the excavation, the researcher of the Scythian-Sarmatian archeology department of the Institute of Archeology Irina Mitavishnikov.

She added that detected burial reaches ten meters long. "Most likely, a notable person was buried here. In ancient times, the crypt was blocked by a mound, in which, in turn, six more burials of different eras were linked, "said Muzvishnikov. It is reported that on the steps leading to the entrance to the crypt chamber (Dromos), a child burial was found, belonging to the I century AD. If the crushed curly vessel was buried, a glass bottle, bronze bubber and pasta beads, fragments of the bone box - Pixides were found. Next to this burial was found urn with the ashes of a creeded man.

Immediately in the crypt, bronze and iron nails were found, fragments of the black-andrack front desk. In the layer of filling the crypt, belonging to the re-use-sub-hosting stage, is the wreckage of the South Pepontius pseudocontal amphor, relating to the second half of the I century to our era, fragments of Krasnolankoye dishes, a single lamp, a red-grained urn, two faience pendants in the form of scarab and demon.

Kubrick and steamer

However, not only monuments of distant antiquity were found. In November, on the Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, the road builders accidentally found Kubrick personal battery number 111 under the command of Captain Lieutenant Alexei Matyukhin, who kept the defenses of the slopes of the Sevastopol bay during the Great Patriotic War. In the surrounding area found four Kubricks, two large cellar, as well as three positions of anti-aircraft dshk (Machine large-caliber machine gun) and two 45-millimeter cannons in Dot. Rescuers promised to participate in excavations on the fortification structure in order to ensure safety.

In April, the Boy Federsen steamer, who was supposedly exported to the Boy Federsen (former Kharkiv), who was supposedly exported by the coast of Crimea during the Great Patriotic War. The vessel was found by the Russian submarine-research expedition between Sevastopol and Cape Tarkhankut. In August 1943, Boy Federsen followed the convoy from the Crimea, was attacked by the Soviet sea aviation, damaged by torpedoes and air bombs and sank.

In just a year only in the vicinity of the future Tavrid's highway, 80 archaeological discoveries were made. Experts say that the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Golden Age of Archaeological Research. "This is due to major projects that are now being implemented. Once something like this was during the construction of the North-Crimean Canal (in 1961-1971), although now the scale is larger, associated with huge infrastructure projects, "the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for the Protection of the Crimean Government for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Vyacheslav Zarubin. According to him, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issued 124 permits (open sheets) on archaeological excavations on the peninsula. "It's a lot. In the period until 2014, there were from 20 to 40 open sheets. There are many discoveries, many museum funds are actively replenished. Finds are stored in the Crimea, rinse our Crimean collections, no one exports them anywhere, "the representative of the Crimean government assured. Probably, in the near future, new loud openings will occur, but now we can say that the Crimea has become the archaeological capital of Russia.

The railway approach to the Crimean bridge will be redesigned after the place of construction in the vicinity of Kerch was discovered an ancient settlement of the maniter.

The railway will be held south of the planned route, work on a new project can take about 6 months. This is reported by the Information Center "Crimean Bridge".

"To preserve a unique historical monument, the builders approach to the Crimean bridge will adjust the track of the railway line at one of the sites in the vicinity of Kerch. The road will cost and will not affect the structure of a rich antique estate found during archaeological research that anticipate the construction of the route.

Complex of 40 rooms and 9 yards dated to the end V - the beginning of the III century BC. e., could belong to the family of the Bosporus aristocrat or a representative of the dynasty of the kings of Bosporus. The transfer of the approach site will allow scientists to carry out the preservation of this settlement, study it and save it for descendants, "the infocenter says.

The press service of construction stressed that the transfer of the part of the track will not affect the term of delivery of the 18th approach: it will work, as planned, in December 2019.

As RBC writes, railway tracks can be transferred to 700-900 m south, where "new findings archaeologists do not expect."

"We know and respect the story. We understand, in which region we work. Therefore, the issue of preserving the cultural heritage was and remains a priority, "Stroygazontazh's infrastructure projects emphasized Leonid Rizhenkin.

Unique Nakhodka

The estate found covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 5 thousand square meters. m and is characterized by a solid building characteristic of antique rural complexes.

It is now revealed about 80% of the found settlement. Almost all over the area is open to the upper layers, but the lowest horizon is not yet excavated.

"To understand who was the first owner of this manor, you need to open the earliest level. But it is obvious that it was a representative of the aristocratic top of the Bosporia Kingdom, "says the head of the expedition, doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Grandchildren.

"The analogues of the rural estate of such an area, complexity and such good preservation are not only in the territory of Crimea, but also in the entire Black Sea region.

The uniqueness of this settlement is in a very high level of construction. The monument is located on the Kerch Peninsula, in the western part of the Bosporus kingdom. This is a distant outskirts of the Ellinsky world, but here we see in the best manifestation of antique urban planning.

The one who built this estate was not just big, but very large material opportunities. Presumably, it is not even a representative of the social property assistant, but rather a member of the ruling tsarist dynasty or generally the king of Bospora, "the doctor of historical sciences agrees with a colleague, head of the field research department of the Institute of Archeology, Alexander Maslennikov.

Rescue archaeological excavations of the ancient Kurgan "Cement Slobodka-1" (Kurgan No. 4) are finished in Kerch at the place of the future Tavrida highway. Excavations conducted employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of K.I.N. I.V. Rowkavishnikova. Archaeologists discovered a vaulted crypt for the Bosporovskaya nobility of the IV-III centuries. BC. and several burials II V.Do N.E. - First centuries AD. The crypt was transferred to the territory of the Kerch fortress for use as a museum.
Photos are clichable, with geographic coordinates and binding to Yandex-map, 06.2017.

1. A video interview of the head of the excavation of Irina Mitvishnikova for the channel "Kerch-Net". The sound is very bad due to the strong wind, so you need to listen

2. View of the Kurgan "Cement Slobodka-1" from the south. Cyrp between gaggles and bulldozer. It can be seen that the Tavrid's track goes right through the Kurgan, the photographer is on the future road

4. And here's the top of the sclep

5. A vaulted crypt has repeatedly robbed and destroyed, besides, used again

6. The upper part of the crypt is destroyed by the strengthening of the times of the Great Patriotic War, the bones of horses were found here. Many mounds were used for military purposes as observation points and firepoints

7. The crypt of the end of the IV - the beginning of the III century BC, belonged to the Bosporovskaya nobility. But as many, it was used again. In the photo, archaeologists reached the level of secondary burial, to the master of the crypt still dig and dig. Here were found pieces of the South Ponment Pseudocontal Amphore of the second half of the I century. BC, fragments of Krasnolankaya ceramics, Single lamp, Redoglynaya urn, two faience pendants in the form of scarab and demon

8. Human bones and fragments of ceramics

9. Departed houses of the MKR Nizhny Sunny

10. View from Kurgan towards the Crimean Bridge

11. Promzone Bridge Construction

14. View of the drromos (entrance corridor) and stones of overlapping in the burden

15. Another grave of different eras was found around the crypt, of which two burials-cremation

16. On the stairs of Dromos found Children's disposal of Roman time I.N.E. Next to the remains crushed vessel, glass bottle, bronze bubber and beads. Here Lied Piliside (round jewelry box) and burial urn with ashes

19. Squeepse of the future highway "Tavrida" in the side of the excavation of the Selishche of the Bronze Age Hospital-2, Kurgan and Selishche of Hospital-1, which will be separate articles

20. After the end of the excavation, the crypt was decided to transfer to the territory of the Kerch fortress and to mideify. Next, in the photo, the crypt during the transfer process. Several rows of blocks have already transported. Well visible scleping marking for subsequent collection in a new place

21. The crypt is completely cleaned and the floor plates are clearly visible. You can compare with photo 18, crypt for one unit below

22. View of the entrance to the crypt and drromos

30. Application for assembly. Subsequently, when the crypt has already been transported to the fortress, they have not yet collected, a funny case occurred with markup. In Kerch, storm rains were held with a hail and markup began to smear, the archaeologists had to urgently take measures to protect and restore

Archaeological excavations and finds captured by Kerchen photographers at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Election in the southwest of the settlement of PanticaPay. Data shooting: 1899 - 1910.

Building complex, open excavation director of the Kerch Museum Karl Evgenievich Dumbrg in 1899. The picture shows three outdoor rooms and the door - the remains of the basement of the building.

Kerch antiquities opened in 1896 and 1897 in the exhibition of the exhibition in the Imperial Archaeological Commission, organized in the spring of 1898. Data shooting: 1896 - 1899.

Terracotes found in 1896 on Mount Mitridat, during the excavations of Pentantypey. Data shooting: 1896 - 1899.

The picture is four terracotes, two of which are Satira masks, Demmers and a figurine of a seated girl with Guses and a bunch of grapes. Terracotta were sent to St. Petersburg.

Clay utensils: Pixide, one-handed jug, leek and Scythos. Data Shooting: 1898 - 1899.

Detected on February 24, 1898 in the tomb 2, IV separation of the excavation of Artemis on Mount Mitridat.

Multicolored plaster found in 1896 on Mount Mitridat. Data Shooting: 1896 - 1899.

Fragment of the tombstone of soft limestone, IV century. BC E.Data Shooting: 1873.

The tombstones of the sons of Dzopira were found in mound on the north side of Mitridat in 1873. On the stove inscription in 4 lines. In addition, the snapshot performs the inventory card function - contains a brief description, passport data.

Painted Bosporian crypt with two sarcophagi on low stands of soft limestone. Data Shooting: October 2, 1902 - December 31, 1905.

The crypt was opened by Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Shvcorpil on October 2, 1902 for the railway, to the left of the Katterles bridge. On the walls of the crypt in some places, the residues of the fresco painting in the form of quadrangles and circles painted with dark brown and green paints are preserved. The entrance to the crypt from the inside was closed with limestone plane. The stove was covered with white plaster, in the middle there was an image of the head of the jellyfish Gorgon with wings on the head and snakes under the chin.

Tombstone in situ. Data shooting: 1911.

The moment of detection of the tombstone in the wall of the high stone "booth" at the Forerovanskaya Square and at the Fish Bazaar, 1911. The stove was inserted into the wall of the building built in the 40s of the XIX century. Broken into two parts with a tomb of white marble had a height of 4.2 meters. At the top of it decorated two embossed acroma and a leg. The bust of the figure with raised hands is broken in the triangle, under the fronton two relief: in the top there are two-standing men's figures; And in Nizhny - the rider on horseback, with a spear in his right hand.

Tombstone. Data shooting: 1911-1915.

Detected in the central part of Kerch under the pavement forerunner in 1911. Three figures are depicted on the stove: in the center - the bearded God of Sabazy with a mirror (?), From the heel of God, the wriggling snake rises, on the right women's figure, on the left of Hermes. In the pictures two images of the relief with the image of the Sabasa - to the restoration and after.

Gravestone from marble IV century. n. E.Data Shooting: 1900-1910.

Tombstones with an inscription in 21 string. Almost all the front side of the tombstone is engaged in an inscription carved by thin line. Translation of the inscription: "God is Most High, gracious, vow. Averali Valery Sog, the son of Olympus, the head of Feodosia, known to August, awarded honors from Diocletian and Maximian, also called Olympian in the province, who traveled a lot, who was absent, and in many sorrows stayed, who built a prayer house in 603 from the foundation. The stove for more than forty years served by the threshold of the house in the courtyard of Kerchskaya Meshchanka P. Krasheninnikova.

Clay Wagon (Children's Toy). Data Shooting: June 6, 1903 - December 31, 1905.

A wagon on four wheels from dark red clay, inside which was a set of lambs of astragals (21 copy). The toy was found by Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Shvcorpil on June 6, 1903 in the children's ruined tomb on the clanishche, not far from the local prison and urban slaughterhouse. Probably, the wagon and astragaly, as especially, the child's favorite toys were laid in the coffin of his relatives. The toy is located in the Russian State Hermitage Foundations and is exhibited at the exhibition dedicated to the History of Bosporus.

Marble lion in the excavation of the Lion Kurgan. Data Shooting: 1894 - 1900.

The excavation was opened in 1894 by the director of the Kerch Museum Carl Evgenievich Dumbrog in the garden of Lieutenant Colonel Voloskevich. The garden is located at the bottom of the northern slope of Mount Mridat. The statue occupies a central place in the modern exposition on the history of the Bosporian kingdom in the Russian State Hermitage.

Excavations of the Zelensky Kurgan at the Taman Peninsula, held under the leadership of the director of the Kerch Museum of Vladislav Shvcvpil in 1912. Data shooting: 1912.

Two broth with lids in the removal pit of 1898. Data shooting: 1898.

On the right there is a digger.