Who owns the island of Cyprus. Cyprus from A to Z: holidays in Cyprus, maps, visas, tours, resorts, hotels and reviews

Northern - is under the control of Turkey, called the Republic of Turkey Northern Cyprus. The capital - Nicosia is simultaneously the capital of two states.

Republic of Cyprus- an independent state with a presidential system of government. The constitution was adopted in 1960. The President of the Republic is the head of state and executive power and is elected for a five-year term. The Council of Ministers, which implements state policy, is appointed by the president. Legislative power is vested in a unicameral parliament. According to the constitution, the president must be a Greek, the vice-president a Turk; the vice-president participates in the formation of the Council of Ministers. However, since 1963, the Turkish community has refused to participate in the activities of the parliament and government.

The Republic of Cyprus is a member of the European Parliament, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the Security Council of Europe and many other international organizations.


Civilization arose in Cyprus as early as the 3rd millennium BC. In the II millennium BC. Cyprus becomes the center of Crete-Mycenaean culture.

The favorable location of Cyprus has led to the fact that throughout history, not only neighboring states have fought for possession of it. Cyprus was owned by the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Romans. Cyprus was part of Byzantium in the fourth century BC, Venice - in the 12th century, part of the Ottoman Empire for three centuries, starting in 1571. In 1878 Cyprus was given to Great Britain.

Cyprus gained independence only in 1959 as a result of negotiations between Turkey, Great Britain and Greece. In 1960, Cyprus becomes an independent republic, a constitution is adopted. The incessant armed clashes between the Greek and Turkish population of Cyprus led to the fact that in 1964 the UN sends its troops to Cyprus. In 1974, a coup took place, as a result of which the Greek military regime collapsed, the Turks occupied almost half of the country's territory. In 1975, the Turkish Federative State was declared in the north of Cyprus, and in 1983 the independent Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was proclaimed, recognized only by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Negotiations on the unification of the island are ongoing, but to no avail. In 2004, the island held a referendum in which the majority of Greek Cypriots voted against unification, while the majority of Turkish Cypriots supported the unification plan.


The country is split into Greek and Turkish ethnic communities. Greek Cypriots, who make up 77% of the total population of the island, profess Orthodoxy. Christianity was brought here by the Greeks about two thousand years ago. According to historians, the first Christian state was created in Cyprus.

The population of Northern Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots, professes Islam. Numerous mosques located in the towns and villages of the northern part of the island were partially converted from Orthodox churches.

Cypriots are an educated people, many of them are still able to read the inscriptions carved centuries ago on the walls of temples. Cypriots are proud of their cultural heritage, which has accumulated over many millennia. Being in Cyprus, it is impossible to forget about the history of this island, which can be called an open-air museum. Here you can find traces of each era - Greek temples, Roman mosaics, frescoes of the 15th century. All this, no doubt, affects the work of contemporary artists. In many villages there are folk crafts - pottery, jewelry, basket weaving, tapestry making and Lefkara lace weaving.


30 years of separate existence of southern and northern Cyprus have led to a significant difference in the economic development of the two states.

Despite the fact that during the division, 200 thousand Greeks lost their lands in the north of the island, the economy Republic of Cyprus, based on the free enterprise system, has been successfully restored and even exceeded the level reached before the separation. Successful economic development has contributed to the transformation of the Republic of Cyprus into an international banking and business center. Currently, there are about 30 foreign banks in Cyprus and over a thousand offshore companies registered here.

On the territory of Cyprus, the extraction of copper, chromium, and iron ores has been established. Animal husbandry and sericulture are developed. Fishing and sponge fishing has been established. There are enterprises of the clothing, food, and mining industries. Agricultural products: wheat, barley, potatoes, melons, almonds, tobacco, walnut, olive tree.

Exports: from the Greek zone - garments and pharmaceuticals, potatoes; from the Turkish zone - manufactured goods, citrus fruits. Imports: into the Greek zone - mineral fuels, motor vehicles, metals, textiles, foodstuffs; to the Turkish zone - products of heavy engineering, transport equipment, basic industrial goods, farm animals, food.

Main trading partners: Greek zone - Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Arab countries, USA; Turkish zone - Turkey, Great Britain, EEC countries.

The island became an important maritime center. Despite the small size of the Republic of Cyprus, it has the third largest fleet in the world.

An important source of income is foreign tourism. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus has relied on the organization of tourism. In 1969, a tourism organization (Cyprus Tourism Organization) was created, which provides assistance to travel companies, is responsible for marketing, planning and regulating the tourism services market.

Monetary unit: euro in the Greek part of Cyprus, Turkish lira in the Turkish part.


Population as of 2003 - more than 770 thousand people. Ethnic composition: Greek Cypriots 77%, Turkish Cypriots 18%, national minorities (Armenians, Maronites, etc.) 5%. The number of tourists is more than 2 million annually. Mostly British, Germans, Russians and Scandinavians.

official language Republic of Cyprus is Greek (Cypriot dialect). English is widely used, which is considered the second official language and is widely used as a means of communication. Turkish population Northern Cyprus speaks in his native language.


Cyprus is divided into 6 districts. The capital of the state is Nicosia (180 thousand people) (divided between Greeks and Turks). Large cities: Limassol (130 thousand people), Larnaca (80 thousand people), Famagusta (40 thousand people). Main ports: Larnaca, Paphos and Limassol (among the Greeks); Famagusta and Kyrenia (among the Turks).

Nicosia- the capital of Cyprus, located in the middle of the island. It belongs to two states - the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey. Here is the Government, headquarters of consulates and embassies. Nicosia has an international airport, which is closed due to the Greek-Turkish conflict. Enterprises of food and light industry. Pottery crafts and tourism are developed. Nicosia is a sister city of Odessa.

Limassol located in the south of the island. This is the main industrial and maritime territory of Cyprus, as well as the second largest city in the country. Limassol is not only the main port, but also the leading center of tourism, international trade, industry and winemaking in Cyprus.

Larnaca- the third largest city in Cyprus, located near the southeastern coast. This is a rapidly developing resort and economic center of Cyprus. Larnaca also has an international airport.

Famagusta is one of the richest cities in the world. It is a port city on the southeast coast of the island. Cyprus, in Famagusta Bay. Famagusta is an important commercial center. There are food and textile industries.

Pathos- This is the ancient capital of Cyprus during the Roman rule. Paphos can be called the capital of the western region of Cyprus. Most of the population is employed in various branches of tourism, because. the city does not have a developed industry.

Kyrenia- one of the best coastal resorts in Cyprus, located on the northern coast of the island. Wealthy people have long appreciated the beauty and tranquility of Kyrenia. For this reason, the city has many luxurious villas and bungalows.

A state in Western Asia, on the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The name of the country comes from the Greek kyparisos - "cypress".

Official name: Republic of Cyprus

Capital: Nicosia

The area of ​​the land: 9.25 thousand sq. km

Total population: 794 thousand people

Administrative division: 6 districts.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Composition of the population: 80% - Greeks, 18% - Turks, other nationalities - 2%. Many foreigners, including Russians.

Official language: Greek and Turkish, English is also widely spoken.

Religion: 80% are Orthodox, 20% profess Sunni Islam. Ethnic composition. 80% - Greek Cypriots, 18% - Turks.

Internet domain: .cy

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +357

Country barcode: 529


Cyprus belongs to the subtropical climate zone, the Mediterranean region. Winter on the island is mild and warm. The average temperature of the coldest month - January - +12 degrees on the coast and +4 degrees in mountainous areas. Most of the precipitation (70-80 mm) falls during the winter months. Spring and autumn are short. In summer, the temperature is +28 - +30 degrees in the plains and about +28 degrees in the Troodos mountains. The heat can reach +35 degrees, but by the sea it is quite easily tolerated. There is very little precipitation at this time. You can swim in the sea already in April, when the water temperature reaches +20 degrees. In August, it warms up to +28 degrees.

The height of snow in the Troodos mountains reaches 140 cm.


Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. In size, it is second only to Sicily and Sardinia. The length of the island from north to south is about 100 km, from west to east - about 225 km. It can be said that west and east meet on this island - its eastern part, the smaller one, belongs to Turkey, and the rest, as it were, is a continuation of Greece. But due to its proximity to the countries of Asia Minor, Cyprus is referred to as Western Asia.

Although the area of ​​the island is small - 9.3 thousand square meters. km - on its territory you can meet mountains, and vast fields, and fertile hollows, and forests. The northern coast is mostly rocky, but the southern coast is rich in beaches with sandy bays. Mountains occupy almost half of the island. The main mountain systems of Cyprus are Kyrenia in the north and Troodos in the southwest. The highest point of the Troodos - Mount Olympus (1953 m) - is also the highest point of the island. Between the two massifs are the fertile valleys of the Mesaoria in the east and the Morphou basin in the west.

There are no rivers in Cyprus that flow all year round - they all dry up somewhere at the end of spring. To solve the problem of water shortage on the island, about a hundred dams were built. In addition to artificial lakes formed by dams, Cyprus has salt lakes in Larnaca and Akotiri.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

In the foothills and on the plains (up to a height of 500 m), thickets of evergreen shrubs (maquis, frigana) predominate. Forests are preserved mainly in the mountains and occupy about 20% of the territory, they consist of oak, cypress, Aleppo pine, giant cacti. There are groves of lemon and orange trees.

In total, there are 1890 different types of trees on the island, including endemic ones, i.e., characteristic only for this territory. The flora of Cyprus is not without reason called a botanical paradise. Anemones grow in the forests, and along the edges of roads and in wastelands - asphodiles, which in ancient times were considered the mysterious flowers of the underworld.

Animal world

The fauna of Cyprus is poorer than the flora. There are wild sheep (mouflons), chameleons, lizards, turtles, squirrels, weasels, wild rabbits and snakes. Of the birds, of which there are more than 300 species on the island, there are dippers, great tits, jays, crested crows, crossbills, larks, nightingales, imperial eagles and kites.


Cyprus is an ancient and mysterious land, the center of the Mediterranean trade of antiquity, the crossroads of the sea routes of the Middle Ages, the birthplace of many legends and tales. The abundance of cultural monuments on its land is simply countless, and the wonderful climate, gentle sun and warm sea have made it one of the largest resort regions in the world. The island is relatively small, so if you have a car and a certain amount of time, you can "explore" it in sufficient detail, fully getting acquainted with the culture and history of this ancient land.

Banks and currency

The monetary unit of Cyprus is the Cypriot pound and the euro. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 20, 10, 5, 1 pounds, as well as coins of 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

It is better to change currency in banks, and not in hotel exchange offices, where, as a rule, the rate is less favorable. On the other hand, an exchange at a bank usually takes much longer. Banks are open from 8-30 to 12-30 daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Some banks in the tourist area are open in the afternoon.

Useful information for tourists

Greek Cypriots are friendly, hospitable people. In conversations with them, it is better not to touch on the topic of the occupation of part of the island by the Turks.

For photography and filming in state museums, you need to obtain a special permit, and the request is sent in writing. It is forbidden to photograph the border zone between the two parts of Cyprus, soldiers and military installations.

When visiting monasteries and churches, women must be covered with shoulders, in skirts, not trousers, men - in trousers, not shorts. In addition, photography and video filming are generally prohibited in churches.

Despite the dominance of the metric system of measures and weights, the main measure of weight in Cyprus is the drachma (100 drachmas are equal to 320 grams).

Tipping in a restaurant is usually 10% of the bill and 3% to the Cyprus Tourism Organization. In the hotel it is customary to leave a few coins for the maids. In a taxi, the amount is usually rounded up to the next whole number.

Emotional, temperamental Italy enjoys unceasing popularity among tourists. Here you will find world-favorite Italian cuisine, beautiful beaches and countless sights and attractions. Italy occupies the territory of the famous "boot" - the Apennine Peninsula. It includes the large islands of Sicily and Sardinia, as well as several small ones.

Sunny Bulgaria is located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula. The shores of the country are washed by the Black Sea. In Bulgaria, the swimming season starts at the end of May and ends in September. The beaches in Bulgaria are sandy. The ski season starts in December and lasts until mid-February. When choosing a tour to Bulgaria, tourists most often choose the beach resorts of Albena, Golden Sands,

Camel caravan in the Sahara, Tunisia. Find out the prices for tours to Tunisia People go to Tunisia to relax in first-class spas, bargain at the oriental bazaar, ride a camel through the largest desert in the world and, of course, have a wonderful rest in hotels on the seashore. Holidays in Tunisia have become a good substitute for holidays in Egyptian resorts: tours here are inexpensive, service in hotels is decent.

Croatia is located in the southeast of Europe, its shores are washed by the Adriatic Sea. Croatia has absorbed all the best that is in Europe, the prices here are pleasant, and hotels in Croatia can claim the first place in terms of hospitality. Snow-white beaches, Mediterranean nature, picturesque towns - this is only a small part of the beauties of the former Yugoslav Republic. Summer in Croatia is dry

Turkey is a popular choice for Russian and European tourists. Here, affordable prices, excellent service and warm sea 6 months a year. Holidays in this country are liked not only by fans of beach holidays, but also by lovers of educational excursions and nightlife. It is especially good to travel to Turkey with the whole family, because for children (even the smallest ones) the most comfortable conditions are created here.

I love the sea and Europe! I was in Cyprus 10 times, in awe of Mallorca and the islands.

The resort island state is located in the warm Mediterranean Sea (its eastern part). Millions of guests come here from all over the world. Many inquisitive guests of the legendary places will be interested to know where Cyprus is located and in which country?

Cyprus owes its popularity among tourists to its favorable geographical location and wonderful climate.

But these advantages were the culprits of many events that influenced the geopolitical situation in the country.

Delicious piece of the Mediterranean

Cyprus is located at the crossroads of the sea routes of three major continents. It has always been an object of attention, a strategic target for Europe, Asia and Africa. The conquerors of the island rapidly succeeded each other. What country was not Cyprus. Cypriots managed to be under the control of the Assyrians, Turks, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, British. Cyprus was part of:

  • Byzantium (4th century BC).
  • Venice (XII century).
  • Ottoman Empire (1571-1879).

The island has belonged to Great Britain since 1879. Cyprus was the last British colony (1925-1960). The modern republic has retained a lot from the time of British colonization: left-hand traffic, legislation, English has become extremely popular.

You can find the island on the map here.

Cyprus modern

Nissi beach in Cyprus

In 1959, the country gained sovereignty. This decision was made at the negotiations of three countries: Turkey, Great Britain and Greece. In 1960, the island adopts a constitution and becomes a presidential republic.

The Constitution of the 60th year states that Cyprus is a state with guaranteed observance of the principle of equality of power between the two Cypriot national communities (Greek and Turkish).

A representative of the Greek Cypriots must become the President of the Republic, and a Turkish Cypriot must become the Vice-President. Deputies were also required to be elected from two national groups. But since 1963, the Turks have ceased to take part in the Legislative Assembly.

According to the legendary legend, Cyprus is an island of happiness, because it was here that the goddess of tenderness and love Aphrodite appeared to people from the sea foam. But, unfortunately, modern Cypriot history is far from perfect. Here reigns irreconcilable enmity between the two national clans.

military coups

The aggravated armed clashes led to the deployment of UN troops to the island (1964). 10 years later, Greek Cypriot extremists, with the support of the Athenian government, carried out a coup d'état. The legitimately elected President Makarios was overthrown, and Cyprus was reunited with Greece. In these turbulent years, the country is under the influence of the junta.

A week later, the Turkish authorities sent a military contingent to the island, hiding behind the need to protect the Turkish Cypriots. More than 7,000 people died as a result of armed clashes, and about 300,000 fled the island with refugee status. Soon the Turkish community occupied almost half of the entire territory.

At this time, Cyprus irretrievably lost many of the most valuable relics - cultural values ​​​​were taken out of their historical homeland.

Soon the creation of the Cypriot Federative State of Turkey was announced to the world community. And on November 1, 1983, the world learned about the emergence of the Northern Turkish Republic of Cyprus.

The problem of the division of the island territory also applies to modern times, it is of great concern to all Cypriots.

Who owns the republic

Which country does Cyprus belong to today? Now the island is split into two independent parts - the Turkish (located in the north) and the Greek (southern places) ethnic communities.

Greek Southern Cyprus

Greek Cypriots make up about 77% of the total island population. It is here that tourists come to enjoy an excellent vacation. The southern territory has the status of an independent state. Officially, it is called the "Republic of Cyprus". The Greek community professes Orthodoxy.

  • Christianity originated in this country over 2,000 years ago. According to the conclusions of historians, it was here that the world's first state of Christians appeared.

The south of the island part was admitted to the European Union (May 2004). Southern Cypriots call the northern regions "occupied territory".

Turkish Northern Cyprus

Officially, the island (its northern part), mastered by the Turks, is called the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC). The Turkish Cypriots living here profess Islam. Many mosques were built in the northern regions (most of them were converted from Christian churches).

Despite numerous claims that lawlessness reigns in the TRNC, these places are safe and open to tourists. What person does not like to relax! The northern resorts are no different from the southern ones and even surpass them.

territory of northern Cyprus

Advice. If you decide to relax in the north of Cyprus, pay attention to the best resorts in these places. These are the cities of Dipkarpas, Famagusta and Kyrenia. Turkish Cypriots are known for their warm hospitality.

buffer zone

So, the island is officially divided into two parts. Between them is an artificially created buffer zone. It is also called the "Green Line". The UN contingent is patrolling the dividing territory. The line passes through the island through the Cypriot capital Nicosia from Morphou to Famagusta (Gazimagusta). Both cities belong to Northern Cyprus.

Is the island part of Greece?

The republic has always had close ties with neighboring Greece. But the Cypriot territory is not under Greek jurisdiction and has no control from the Greek government. During the time of the largest financial crisis in Greece, its echoes touched this country, but no more than other regions and Europe itself.

  • Although Cypriot banks are closely related to Greece, all other branches of the Cypriot economy are separate from the Greek country and do not belong to it.

British dominions

The country has a small area, which occupies about 3% of the entire territory, belonging to the UK. Two Cypriot cities belong to England: Dhekelia, Akrotiri and the nearby islands: Kiedes, Mazaki, Agios Georgios, Kordylia, Geronissos, Glyukiotiss and Kila.

Will Cyprus reunite?

What is the problem that most concerns the Cypriots now? The question of the unification of the two communities. The indigenous people of the island (Greek and Turkish) are waiting and hoping for a merger of territories.

In 2004, the country held a referendum for reunification. As a result, almost all Greek Cypriots said "Yes" to the merger of disparate parts, while the Turkish Cypriots were against it.

The Turkish government has an impact on its settlers (and they arrived in the Cypriot north during the unrest of about 150,000 people). The leader of the TRNC, Rauf Denktash, declared the unacceptability of the developed plan. But there is hope that this problem in the most beautiful country will still be resolved through negotiations between Turkey and the European Union.

Summing up

So, which country does Cyprus belong to? This island is an independent state recognized all over the world. Legally, the Republic of Cyprus has sovereignty over its entire island territory (with the exception of 3% belonging to England) and the sea waters adjacent to it.

It is believed that the island of Cyprus has the healthiest climate for humans: sunny, warm, mixing both salty sea and refreshing mountain air. This is due to the favorable location of the island of Cyprus on the world map. That is why here the largest number of centenarians. And that is why this island is worth visiting during your vacation, in order not only to have a good rest on the sandy shore next to the azure sea, but also to improve your health. In addition to the wonderful climate, Cyprus has an interesting and changeable history.

History of an independent state.

Although the island of Cyprus is territorially part of the Asian part of the globe, its history and culture are more connected with Europe, namely with Greece. Of course, it is the ancient culture that can be seen with the naked eye, one has only to be on the territory of the island state. There is even a legend that it was on the shores of Cyprus that the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite was born, which foreshadowed a happy life for the island. But in reality, everything is much more complicated and contradictory than in the legend. In fact, throughout its life, Cyprus has undergone many state changes and armed coups.

Cyprus was not always Greek. Tasty Island, the pearl of the Mediterranean, as it is called, managed to visit the Byzantine Empire, Venice, and was also part of the Ottoman Empire. From 1879 until 1959 Cyprus was a British colony. This certainly influenced the modern life of Cyprus, for example, left-hand traffic, which is familiar to the British, has been preserved, most of the inhabitants speak English.

In 1959, negotiations were held between Turkey, Greece and Great Britain, as a result of which Cyprus was declared an independent state, which it still is. The main population: Greeks and Turks were to live in peace, the government was to be elected from 2 national communities in order to satisfy the interests of each. However, in 1983, Turkish northern Cyprus separated from the main part of the island. And now on the island there are 2 states of the Southern Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, the latter is recognized only by Turkey and Abkhazia.

Guests of the island live mainly in its recognized southern part. It is in the south of the island that you can find many cultural monuments reminiscent of the glorious ancient culture in the history of the island of Cyprus.

Cyprus on the world map.

The island is located in the Mediterranean Sea. Close to the island are Turkey (in the north), Israel and Syria (in the east) and Egypt (in the south).

It is much easier to understand where Cyprus is located on the world map thanks to this interactive map (clickable):

Resort towns of Cyprus and their features.

The island of Cyprus has the main resort administrative centers, where most tourists come:


Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus. Moreover, it is divided by a buffer zone, and is the main city of both Southern and Northern Cyprus. Nicosia is one of the most ancient cities in the world, it dates back to the 7th century AD. On the territory of the Cypriot capital there are many historical buildings. Notable, for example, are the Cathedral of St. Sophia, the Cathedral of St. John, the gates of Famagusta and various museums where you can trace the history of the culture of Cyprus. And in the restaurants of Nicosia you can taste various dishes of the Balkan, Greek and Turkish cuisine. It is the mixture of national styles that is unique and remarkable in this ancient city.


The name of the city of Limassol is translated as "middle city". It is located just between Larnaca and Paphos, where they are located. Therefore, it is convenient to get to it from any outskirts of the island. Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus, therefore, it is also worth paying attention to. The center of Limassol is business-like, there are banks and offices, but closer to the coast, the resort spirit overtakes the tourist: in Limassol there is a beautiful promenade with a white promenade and tall palm trees on the sides. Limassol is also a great city for shopping and fun, as there are many clubs, amusement parks, a zoo,. Also, the city has the largest seaport. And next to Limassol, it is worth visiting Kourion, an ancient city founded in the 12th century BC. Tourists love this place not only for the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity, but also for the beautiful photographs that are taken here.

Paphos is a city listed by UNESCO. It is no coincidence that here in the city you can find a large number of ancient buildings. Near the city there is an archaeological park where historical relics are collected. And it was in the vicinity of Paphos that Aphrodite appeared from the foam of the water. Near the city and inside it, a number of attractions are dedicated to this particular goddess. Paphos now justifies its name by the presence of rather expensive hotels and hotels compared to other cities in Cyprus. The beaches in the city are mostly rocky, but you can also find sandy ones. However, any of them is marked with a blue European flag for environmental friendliness. It is also pleasant to relax here: there are also cultural programs, there are also fun clubs, bars near the city's embankment, and during the day the same embankment is a very picturesque place where you can see the port.

Larnaca itself, like any other popular resort town in Cyprus, is a great place to relax, where you can find both cultural attractions and just enjoy the pleasant climate, lying on the white sand of the coast next to the shallow sea. It is the latter factors that make Larnaca a favorite place for visiting parents with children. Near Larnaca there is a large ancient monastery of Stavrovouni. Also, it is interesting to visit the Salt Lake, located in the vicinity. Young people love Ayia Napa, a city located in the Larnaca district. Ayia Napa is famous for its vibrant nightlife. Also, there is a beautiful Nissi beach, known for its white sand and gentle sea.

Each of the listed city centers has a number of cultural places in its surroundings, therefore, in order to cover each attraction, it is best to rent a car in Cyprus and travel around the island on your own or buy bus tours, visiting attractions with other interested people, as well as with a guide.

Every corner of Cyprus is worth visiting. It is also pleasant to relax here for adults with children who are interested in visiting historical and cultural places, relaxing in a warm climate near the azure sea, and young people will also like clubs, bars, excursions to vineyards where national wine is made. Everyone will find here a place to be happy!

And finally, we invite you to watch a very interesting and dynamic video about Cyprus