Where is the best place to relax in Asia. Where to go in southeast asia

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The best resorts in Southeast Asia

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Region Southeast Asia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The reason for this is the winter seasonality, the unique exotic nature, the combination of skyscrapers and urbanization with snow-white beaches and the azure sea, where you can escape in the middle of our winter bad weather. A big plus is a wide selection of tour prices from affordable cane bungalows to chic hotel complexes with a world name on.

Ready to dive headlong into the exotic? Then go ahead!











So let's start with THAILAND...
Summer resorts: Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Phangan, Hua Hin and Cha Am

"Thailand? In summer? But it's raining there," - such or approximately such words are most often heard from customers in response to an offer to spend a summer vacation in Thailand.

And what is most surprising - both sides are right. And if on the coast of the Andaman Sea the summer season is rainy and sunny days are increasingly replaced by cloudy and windy ones, then on the islands of the Gulf of Thailand and the royal resorts of Hua Hin and Cha Ame, the best weather for the whole year is set. The king rests in his country residences in the Gulf of Thailand in the summer.

Do you know that the most favorable weather conditions for holidays on the islands of Koh Samui, Tao, Koh Phangan from June to September: mild sun, calm sea, clear sky, lack of rain - all this attracts thousands of tourists to this region during the summer months. Full-moon parties, thanks to which Koh Phangan became known to the whole world and became a worthy rival to Spanish Ibiza, are best visited in the summer.

During the summer season, Bali is the most suitable holiday resort. Here, from the beginning of June, a rather pleasant time comes, coolness and freshness blows from the ocean and the temperature drops to a sane level. Regardless of the part of the island during the day, the thermometer does not fall below +30 ° C, but the heat is not at all merciless. You can easily plan scooter trips around the island and not be afraid to get caught in a downpour. The evening is as warm as the day.

Summer holidays on Bali will suit sophisticated travelers. Ideal weather conditions, more than ever, contribute to both passive and active pastime. Sprawling palm trees leaning towards the clear turquoise waters, velvety white sands, picturesque bays, as if revived from the pages of glossy magazines - it seems that all this is a dream.

Surfers can enjoy great waves at all the spots of the southwest coast and spots of the Bukit Peninsula - Jimbaran, Balangan, Dreamland, Padang-Padang, Uluwatu

In summer, monsoons from the Indian Ocean influence the mainland of the country, bringing with them short rains and very high temperatures - up to + 31 ... + 35 in the daytime and + 23 ... + 25 at night.

However, during this period of time, Borneo is the most favorable Malaysian resort for recreation. It is located in a hot and humid climate, the optimum temperature is from +27 to +32 degrees. The weather here is warm and humid. The rainy season here falls on the winter months.

Amazing nature and beautiful beaches annually attract thousands of tourists to the island. The weather in Borneo during the summer is ideal for exploring the island's many attractions, from nature reserves under the shadow of the rainforest to magnificent sandy beaches. In August, there are practically no waves, the sea is turquoise in color and the wind is beautiful in the mornings, the least amount of precipitation falls. If there are rains, they do not interfere with rest at all.

VIETNAM. (Nha Trang, Da Nang)
July is the hottest month in Vietnam. In all climatic zones of the region, the temperature values ​​are almost the same. But the level of humidity and the amount of precipitation in the regions are different. If in Central Vietnam the weather is hot but dry, then in the south and north of the country the rainy season is at its peak. Beach lovers can safely go to Central Vietnam in the second month of summer. The best resorts for summer holidays are Nha Trang and Da Nang.

In July, the weather in Nha Trang and Da Nang is slightly different from the weather in the rest of southern Vietnam, because they are closer to the central part of the country, where the weather is still comfortable for a beach holiday. The total amount of precipitation per month averages 26 mm, which is quite a bit. The air temperature is 25-33° C (night-day), the sea is calm and clear. The water warms up to 28-29° C.

There are many stereotypes about Asia that it rains or is very hot here in summer and you should not go here in the off-season. Despite this, summer programs in Asian countries are successfully visited by tourists, but mostly people from European countries.
And on some islands in Southeast Asia, such as Borneo or Bali, summer is just the high season. About what the weather is like in summer in different parts of South and Southeast Asia, what is the rainy season, as well as other seasonal features of this region, we will tell in our review.

Despite the common belief about the rainy season throughout Asia, both in South and Southeast, during the summer, fears remain just a stereotype among Russians.

"The devil is not so terrible as he is painted"- there is no clearly defined "rainy season" in most resorts.

Let's say that in the region in the summer season there is a high probability of rain, this does not mean that it will rain forever. In fact, a light summer rain passes, which simply beats the dust to the ground and delivers additional coolness, since with a high probability precipitation is possible either in the early morning or late evening. And in most cases, for 2 weeks of stay at the resort, you can not find such a weather phenomenon at all. But as in any rule there are always exceptions, and in Asia there are exception areas where there can be prolonged rainfall.

The most interesting thing is that in summer Asia there is a huge plus, this is the price. And often in the summer, holidays in the resorts of Asian countries can be much cheaper than in winter. As I mentioned at the beginning, many European resorts become more active in the summer and it is they who are in great competition with Asian countries. As a result, there are tempting special offers for flights from airlines, and hoteliers, in turn, offer tourists interesting promotions for updating room categories, meals, or simply reducing the price of accommodation.

Pros of holidays in Asia from April to November:

  • Low prices for hotels, due to the competition of European beach destinations;
  • Discount on air tickets;
  • The virtual absence of Russians, the predominant number of Europeans in the resorts;
  • Freer access to mass attractions.

But consider each country and some resorts separately ...

To see how the weather in a region changes depending on the month, select the tab with the desired month name.


Strong waves possible

Possible typhoons

Perhaps garbage will nail to the shores


Vietnam stretches in a narrow strip from north to south along the eastern coast of the Indochina peninsula. In the north it has a common border with China, in the west with Laos and Cambodia. From the south and east, Vietnam is washed by the waters of the South China Sea.

The length of the country from north to south is 1600 km, the total area of ​​​​the mainland is 331,700 square meters. km. In addition to the mainland, Vietnam owns the islands of Con Dao, Re, Cham, Fukui and many other small ones. The country is in a territorial dispute with China over the Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands.

Most of Vietnam is occupied by mountain ranges and ranges. To the north is the mountainous area of ​​the Yunnan Plateau, where Fansipan rises (3143m) - the highest point in Vietnam. In the center of the country are the famous Annam Mountains. Two large rivers flow through the country - Hongha and Mekong. The main part of the country's population lives along the channel and in the deltas of these rivers. In the mountainous regions of the country, the population density is very low, only a few isolated tribes live there.

Yes, in Southern part of Vietnam(these are the resorts of Phan Thiet (Muine), Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City) there is no clearly defined change of seasons, so the tourist will be comfortable here both in winter and in summer. In the summer months, there is increased humidity, but in general, precipitation is short-lived and comes in the afternoon.

In summer, the South China Sea is much calmer, so tourists with children are advised to travel during this period.

In Central Vietnam (Danang, Hoi An, Hue), on the contrary, the seasons are distinctly expressed. The high season is from May to September.

The only resorts that Tourist Travel is advised to avoid during this time are the islands of Phu Quoc and Con Dao. During the summer months it is very hot and rainy here.

The excursion program in the country is maintained throughout the year in full.

Hanoi April May June July August September October november
Temperature 24,3 27,6 29,5 29,5 29 28 25,6 22,2
Rainfall (mm) 83 200 265 298 312 191 143 58
Ho Chi Minh City April May June July August September October november
Temperature 35 35 33 33 33 33 33 32
Rainfall (mm) 51 213 309 295 271 342 261 119


In Indonesia, there is a clear division into two seasons: dry (April-October) and wet (November-March).

Throughout the year, the temperature fluctuates around 30º.

And on the island of Bali, summer is the high season among tourists from all over the world. At this time there is a little cooler than in winter and there is no rain at all. And closer to November, tropical rains come and the air temperature rises significantly.

Pontianak April May June July August September October november
Temperature 28,2 28,2 28,2 27,7 27,9 27,6 27,7 27,4
Rainfall (mm) 292 256 212 201 180 295 329 400
Bali April May June July August September October november
Temperature 28,2 28,2 28,2 27,7 27,9 27,6 27,7 27,4
Rainfall (mm) 292 256 212 201 180 295 329 400


In Cambodia, there is a clear division into two seasons: dry (November-April) and wet (March-December).

Rains are possible in summer, in most cases passing in the afternoon, late afternoon or at night, which is why we attribute this period to the low season. But to refuse to visit this wonderful country is still not worth it. In the summer, here you can direct your eyes to excursions that do not stop working. And what pictures can be taken (people who are fond of photography will understand me). But in winter, welcome to a beach holiday!

Phnom Penh April May June July August September October november
Temperature 29,9 29,8 29,3 28,6 28,6 28,3 27,5 26,3
Rainfall (mm) 101 112 177 196 172 249 319 135


There are 3 seasons in Laos: hot and dry (February - April), hot and humid (May - October) and dry and cool (November - January).

Lao summer is the rainiest time of the year. As in most Asian countries, precipitation most often falls in the evening or at night. As in Cambodia in the summer, we recommend excursions that usually start in the morning. If you are going on excursions to the mountains, do not forget about the mudflows after the night rains.

Vietnam April May June July August September October november
Temperature 29,4 28,8 28,5 28,1 27,8 27,7 27,3 25,3
Rainfall (mm) 84 254 273 265 322 295 87 9


The traditional season in Maylasia is winter. But in the summer it is best to refrain from traveling to this country, if you do not like prolonged rains for several days, then you have nothing to do there.

An exception to the rule is the capital Kuala Lumpur and the nearby island of Penang - you can relax in these resorts all year round.

All excursions are also available all year round.

Kuching April May June July August September October november
Temperature 31 32 32 31 32 31 31 31
Rainfall (mm) 261 242 211 189 214 257 327 347
Langkawi April May June July August September October november
Temperature 32 33 32 32 32 32 32 32
Rainfall (mm) 134 95 76 81 93 113 232 285
Penang April May June July August September October november
Temperature 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31
Rainfall (mm) 158 100 49 65 90 100 173 221
Sandakan April May June July August September October november
Temperature 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31
Rainfall (mm) 118 153 196 185 205 240 263


There are 3 seasons in Myanmar: hot (March-May), rainy season (June-September) and favorable (October-February).

In the summer, heavy rain showers await you in the late afternoon. And only in the central part of the country, in the Mandalay region, precipitation is less intense.

In the main resort area of ​​​​Ngapali, which is in the coastal part of Myanmar, the maximum amount of precipitation falls in summer, respectively, and the number of domestic flights from the capital is reduced.

In October and November, dry and cool weather awaits us. And in April in Myanmar, Tourist Travel recommends visiting the Tinjan water festival, which precedes the Burmese New Year.

Yangon April May June July August September October november
Temperature 36 36 33 30 29 29 30 31
Rainfall (mm) 15 303 547 559 602 368 206


Wildlife attractions attract tourists from all over the world to Thailand. Only here you can visit the crocodile and snake farms, the magical garden of the Buddha, see the pearl plantation and the butterfly garden. Holidays in Thailand are unique nature reserves, ancient relics, extreme diving and luxury hotels with day and night entertainment. At all resorts in Thailand, the atmosphere of cheerful holidays and bright fairs reigns all year round.

The peculiarity of Thailand is the year-round temperature +30˚ +35˚ and there are no sharp drops, but still there are two dry seasons (November-April) and wet (May-October).

In summer there may be prolonged rains, but it is almost impossible to predict them, and often during a two-week vacation we do not observe any showers, but only a light 5-minute rain that nails the dust to the ground

Most of all, bad weather is felt in the south of the country on the island of Phuket and Krabi). So in Phuket, during the rains, dangerous undercurrents can occur, strong waves are possible. The only exception is Koh Samui. Here we are waiting for dry and cool weather.

The private ferry service to Koot Island is closed during the summer due to the threat of storms. Public ferries run along the route.

Excursions are held in full, but not less often than in winter. From mid-July to the end of September, excursions to the Golden Triangle area are limited.

Bangkok April May June July August September October november
Temperature 34 33 32 32 32 31 31 31
Rainfall (mm) 72 189 152 158 187 320 231 57
Pattaya April May June July August September October november
Temperature 34 33 32 32 32 31 31 31
Rainfall (mm) 61,6 154,6 104,9 87 98,7 217,1 242,6 82,8


The geographical position of Singapore, located almost on the equator, blurs the boundaries of the seasons in the country. Throughout the year, hot and humid weather awaits us. Since we fly to Singapore mostly for excursions or shopping, we are not afraid of a light rain.

Singapore April May June July August September October november
Temperature 28 28,3 28,3 27,9 27,9 27,8 27,7 27
Rainfall (mm) 170 178 141 174 165 153 159 282


Summer in the Philippines begins in April. At this time, the weather on the islands is dry and warm. But already in June, heavy rains and winds come. Between October and mid-November is the typhoon season.

Each of the 7,000 islands has its own microclimate, and the island of Boracay, beloved by tourists, is no exception. Its geographical position allows avoiding most cataclysms and typhoons simply do not reach here. Tourist Travel recommends Boracay Island to visit in the summer.

During the summer in the Philippines, all international airports are open, but domestic flights may be canceled due to weather conditions. With excursions to waterfalls, volcanoes and mountains, they can also be canceled or rescheduled.

Manila April May June July August September October november
Temperature 34 34 33 31 31 31 31 31
Rainfall (mm) 21 165 265 420 486 330 271 129
Boracay April May June July August September October november
Temperature 36 36 35 33 33 33 33 33
Rainfall (mm) 45 120
255 400 450 300 170 170


Sri Lanka is a country of fulfillment of desires: many kilometers of beaches, a boundless sea, many historical sights of various eras and religious affiliations. Excellent conditions are created by nature itself for diving and snorkeling. An island of the richest nature, endless parks and reserves with virgin untouched nature, home to unique species of flora and fauna

In Sri Lanka, you can easily distinguish seasonality in different parts of the country.

In winter it will be comfortable in the southwest and west of the island, and in summer it will be more comfortable on the opposite side of the island, on the east and northeast coast.

If you are a surfer or a kite lover, whether you are a pro or a beginner, Tourist Travel recommends visiting the resorts Hikkaduwa, Koggala, Unawatuna- in the southwestern and southern parts of the island from April to November. And if the underwater world of diving is closer to you than a board on the waves, welcome to the resorts Nilaveli, Trincomalee, Passikuda to the east coast. You can also go snorkeling or whale watching here!

The main attractions of Sri Lanka are located in the center of the island and excursions to them are available in full throughout the year.

Colombo April May June July August September October november
Temperature 31 30 30 29 29 29 29 29
Rainfall (mm) 254 366 190 120 90 150 350 300


Average temperatures and precipitation in the regions of the country

Hong Kong April May June July August September October november
Temperature 25 28 30 31 31 30 28 24
Rainfall (mm) 175 305 456 377 432 328 101 38


China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, which managed to preserve the country's pristine nature and national traditions. Tours to China are unforgettable impressions, new discoveries and amazing travels. To understand the life principles of the Chinese people, you need to visit the sights of China and feel their atmosphere. Holidays in China are boundless beaches, majestic mountains, unique nature, excellent cuisine.

Considering mainland China, high humidity and hot weather await us here, but this is not a hindrance for city excursions.
Heavy rains come to Hainan Island from June to September.

Beijing April May June July August September October november
Temperature 19 25 29 30 29 25 18 9
Rainfall (mm) 20 35 75 205 180 5 15 5
Sanya April May June July August September October november
Temperature 29 32 32 33 32 30 28 25
Rainfall (mm) 32 112 187 152 212 257 222 42


India - a unique ancient country with a special climate provides exceptional conditions for recreation in an original and rich in traditions country. The combination of ancient wisdom and modern flavor in India allows tourists of different ages and hobbies to get an excellent vacation. The splendor of ancient palaces, the luxury of modern hotels, the grandeur of high mountains and the richness of numerous oriental bazaars are amazing and remain in the memory of tourists who visited India for a long time.

Summer in India is the rainy season, but depending on the region, you can observe different climatic features of the country.

So, in Goa in the summer there are heavy showers and tourists are not recommended to go to this resort. And Delhi has relatively little humidity. And you can visit the Golden Triangle.

goa April May June July August September October november
Temperature 33 33 30 29 28 29 31 32
Rainfall (mm) 11,8 112,7 868,2 994,8 512,7 251,9 124,8 30,9
Delhi April May June July August September October november
Temperature 35 38 38 33 32 33 32 27
Rainfall (mm) 21 25 70 237 235 113 17 9
Kolkata April May June July August September October november
Temperature 35 34 32 31 31 31 31 28
Rainfall (mm) 56 146 290 377 327 314 160 33
July 24, 2016, 14:33


This is my first post on Gossip, and I decided to write it because I really love travel and Asia, and it seems to me that the site lacks posts about tourism, beautiful places in the world, etc.

Traditionally, I ask "not to judge strictly", as well as "to understand and forgive"))

So, a variation on the theme "10 best places in Asia worth seeing." It can be this summer, it can be anytime.

10. Taitung, Taiwan

He is Taitung, Taidong, 台東 in Chinese.

The coastal town of Taitung has an understated charm that takes days to unfold. The Pacific Ocean, mountains, traditions, temples, cultural diversity and the strong influence of local folk color create a very special atmosphere here. The streets of Taitung smell of the sea and incense, life flows slowly here. The relaxed atmosphere attracts Taiwanese bohemians, some of whom have settled here and opened small cafes or made art. There's always something to do here, whether it's a concert by a local pop group or the most significant event of the year, the Paper Lantern Festival, which has been held since 1954 around the time of the Lunar New Year. In the summer, the Taiwan International Balloon Festival is held here. In the vicinity of the town you can find activities such as whale watching, surfing or visiting the hot springs.

9. Meghalaya, India

The mountainous state of Meghalaya, also called the "Land of the Clouds", separates the valley of Assam from the plains of Bangladesh. This is a cool area, on the rocky mountains of which fir trees grow. The towns of Cherrapunji and Mosinram are statistically one of the wettest places on the planet; most of the rain falls here from June to September, creating spectacular waterfalls as well as carving out caves that are among the longest in Asia. The population of the state is mainly made up of the Jaintia, Khasi and Garo tribes who live in the eastern, central and western parts of the state respectively. Autumn, when the four-day Wangala festival takes place in the Garo mountains, is a good time to visit Meghalaya.

8. Islands of Trang Province, Thailand

South of Krabi in the Andaman Sea is the province of Trang, which includes several magnificent islands. At the service of those who love adventure, rich nature - dozens of waterfalls and limestone caves. Transport links are improving year by year. In the high season, you can easily get to Malaysia by moving from one island to another.

7. Pemuteran, Indonesia

This is a popular oasis in the northwestern part of Bali. There are several resorts located on the shores of a small bay. Most of the tourists who come here do scuba diving and snorkeling off Menjangan Island. Singaraja-Gilimanuk Street is the main artery of the town. Here you can find many shops and travel agencies that are focused on visitors.

6. Ipoh, Malaysia

Ipoh is experiencing a quiet renaissance. This pretty town has become a convenient stopover for tourists on their way from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. Now, a resurgent enthusiasm for Ipoh's heritage is allowing old shops to be restored, and new cafes to open in historic buildings. The network of hotels is also growing - from modest hostels to luxury hotels.

5. Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong welcomes its guests with signature skyscrapers and legendary cuisine, but it also has a surprise in store for its heavily protected nature and rare birds. The embankments of Victoria Bay, in the waters of which you can often see a junk with red sails, as if they were made for filming. Walking along the streets of Kowloon, you will see a lot of banks and shops of the most famous brands. It is worth visiting Lantau Island, which is reached by cable car. Here, on a hill, there is a huge Buddha statue and a breathtaking view of the surrounding islands opens up. In the pre-sunset hours, do not forget to climb Victoria Peak and enjoy the view of the bay, on the banks of which lights on skyscrapers light up. And children will undoubtedly appreciate Disneyland and Ocean Park amusement park.

4. Con Dao Islands, Vietnam

These islands can be called the jewel of Vietnam. The place, where political prisoners used to be exiled, is now becoming increasingly popular among tourists due to the magnificent nature. On Con Son, the largest of the 15 islands, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, beautiful bays and dense forests. In addition to hiking, scuba diving, exploring coastal roads and deserted beaches, here you can watch rare species of wildlife. Almost 80% of the island's territory is occupied by a national park.

3. Jeonju, South Korea

This city is known as the birthplace of the Korean Joseon Dynasty, as well as one of the country's most famous dishes - bibimbap (boiled rice and meat, fresh vegetables, fried egg and spicy sauce). In the central part of the city, ancient "hanok" buildings have been preserved, where museums, tea houses and workshops are now located.

2. Shanghai, China

If you are looking for the center of the world, you are here) It seems that the 24 million inhabitants of the city have made it their life's goal to have a good time. Ballroom dancing in the park, tasting rare varieties of tea in tea houses, a dinner of Chinese dumplings in vinegar sauce - scenes from the daily life of this metropolis. Great cocktails and craft beer can be found at the rooftop bars. And it shows how international the city has become. But the old Shanghai is always there. Life flows between the lines of old "shikumen" houses in the area of ​​the French Concession, and art deco buildings still stand on the Bund. This year, the first Disneyland in mainland China opens here.

1. Hokkaido, Japan

The magnificent "powder" in the mountains of Hokkaido has provided the island with a place on the tourist map of the world. Wild mountain scenery begs to be explored on foot or by bike. You will also find here alpine-looking villages and seafood freshly caught from the sea and served at your table. Thanks to high-speed trains from Tokyo, Hokkaido has become much more accessible in recent years.

Updated on 24/07/16 16:01:

Sourced from Lonely Planet

Better than the mountains can only be a beach holiday. Or better this way: there is time for the mountains, but there must be time for the beach. In recent years, European winter resorts have been losing popularity, giving the palm to the hot beaches of Asia. But Asia is big and the weather in different parts of it is different. Where to go to truly relax, and not sit in an exotic hut, fleeing the monsoons and downpours? We made an overview of places where the weather is good in winter, where you can go on your own or by buying a tour. Where you can sunbathe and swim together, with a company, with children. We present you 12 resorts in Asia for every taste, color, interest and budget.

Of course, you can just lie on the beach, but it is better to combine business with pleasure. Ancient temples, jungle cities, fantastic shows, new tastes and aromas. And all this, as a rule, is located some 1-1.5 km from that very luxurious white sand beach. Read on for a quick look at 12 of Asia's best resorts with time for the sea, fun and relaxation for the whole family.


They wrote about Bali, talked, shouted, made films. This is probably the most desirable island in the world. Not that big, but almost perfect. Weddings, romantic vacations for lovers, the most fabulous dinners on the beach are held here, and parents with children come here. Bali has everything that lovers of the sea, sun and unhurried lazy rest can like. This is a fabulously beautiful place, a tropical paradise and a corner of earthly delights. And yet, there are good-natured dolphins and a good wave for surfers. If you have not been to Bali yet, then you should consider this option.

You can find and book a flight to Bali (Denpaser) here.

Housing cost: from € 25 per night.


First of all: Goa is not an island, as many people think. This is the western coast, a former colony founded by the Portuguese. Let there not be such white sand, but the sea is the most ordinary warm sea. On the other hand, you can combine your vacation with a visit to the snow-white Catholic churches, you will see the old fort in Chapora. The relics of Saint Francis are kept here. There is a very colorful old town. Goa is the spirit of freedom with the scent of the ocean breeze. And most importantly - a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Shops, service and lots of housing offers. From expensive hotels to simple guesthouses.

You can find and book a flight to GOA (Dabolim) here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.

Sri Lanka

Yes, this is Ceylon. Home of delicious tea. But, - not the only thing that will surprise you with the island. It is a very beautiful nature, ancient architecture and a very pleasant environment. Here you can take a walk on, dive on a coral reef, go windsurfing. Here you will be offered to feel for yourself what real Ayurvedic medicine is. Warm, gentle and very clean sea will appeal to all of you: there is also one for surfers. Don't forget the abundance of tropical fruits. You can’t gain extra pounds from such a lazy rest.

You can find and book a flight to Sri Lanka (Colombo) here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.


The most popular beach town in Thailand. Here really for every taste and color, as they say. Want an active nightlife right on the beach? Then you are in Patong. If your priority is calm measured days with your family, then the quiet Nai Harnom beach will be such an ideal option. For a stormy romantic adventure, Karon is suitable with a picturesque cape, cafes, places for the solitude of a couple in love. By the way, we do not recommend swimming far into the sea, it can be dangerous. There is not only active life, but there is a predatory fauna.

You can find and book a flight to Phuket here.

Housing cost: from € 22 per night.


Beaches squeezing tropical hills of all shades of green into a golden ring. Here it is, the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Here you should always be on your guard, otherwise the little monkeys will easily steal your towel, camera or cap. You will need a camera, especially during the flowering period of red jasmine. Here you can enjoy fresh papaya, yellow watermelons and rambutans and exotic durian. The best freshly squeezed juices, fruit and even alcoholic cocktails await you in the bars. The food is delicious, Asian-style spicy. Lots of fish, noodles and, of course, where without spicy curry?

You can find and book a flight to Kuala Lumpur here. From KL to Langkawi can be reached by local airlines, ferry, bus or train.

Housing cost: from € 17 per night.


Here you will not need shoes, but you can immediately forget about a bad mood. The Maldives is not one island, but 1200. A whole archipelago of small islands covered with amazing white sand. It's not even so much sand as shells crushed by the ocean. Some islands are larger, with larger hotels or bungalow complexes. And there are very small ones, only 1-2 houses on stilts. They don’t really like TVs here, there is little Internet. Yes, all this is not so necessary on vacation, when you can swim, walk, look at incredibly beautiful birds and butterflies, go scuba diving. Take a day or two of aromatherapy at the spa. Here they really know how to do a massage, which brings even the most inveterate hard worker back to life.

You can find and book a flight to the Maldives (Male, Hulule Atoll) here.

Housing cost: from € 34 per night.

Koh Samui

It was opened relatively recently. Just something in the 1970s. Tourists on a boat quite by accident swam into these waters. And they could not hold back the cries of admiration. The island looked as if no one had ever been here. Paradise island with coconut trees and a couple of huts. Very soon, a riot of construction began. Everyone wanted to invest in this new paradise for Europeans. No wonder, because there is clean white sand, an amazing blue sea, green jungles come right to the shore. Only 50 years have passed and now Koh Samui has become a luxurious resort in Thailand. It has not lost its charm, and hotel owners are careful about this.

You can find and book a flight to Koh Samui via Bangkok here.

Housing cost: from € 21 per night.

Vung Tau

An excellent solution for those who appreciate the rest "50/50". The resort is far enough away from the noisy big cities of Vietnam. But not so far away that you can't visit Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It is warm, beautiful, tasty and very interesting here. You have the opportunity to take a break from beach life, plunging into city life. Vietnam is a very beautiful country, it is worth visiting.

here. From Ho Chi Minh City to Vung Tau can be reached by speedboat or bus.

Housing cost: from € 9 per night.


China also has beautiful tropical islands. Previously, by the way, objectionable nobles were exiled here to live away from the capital and secular pleasures. Now, tourists are tearing off tickets to this best resort in China with their hands. All 12 months of the year there is a season here, a warm sea and a lot of interesting things. Let's not forget that this is the best health resort in the whole Celestial Empire. Here you can improve your health, strengthen your immune system and prepare for life “after the holidays”.

Find and book flights to Hainan (Sanya Airport) you can here.

Housing cost: from € 12 per night.


Now let's move to the Arabian Sea in South India. Here is another famous resort. Kerala or the Kerala Coast, the resort of Varkala in particular, looks like someone has worked hard to perfect it in Photoshop. White sand, tall palm trees with coconuts, unhurried days in blue light during the day, pink sunsets, clear air. It is convenient to enter the sea, the descent is gentle. It is said that Ayurveda was born here. So, welcome to spa treatments, massages, all kinds of relaxing treatments. For almost 5,000 years, masters of oriental medicine have been polishing their skills here. Not only the body is treated here, but also the spirit. Do not pass by the offer to relieve stress right on the seashore.

You can find and book a flight to Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala here.

Housing cost: from € 13 per night.


On the shores of the Gulf of Thailand is the one and only resort of Cambodia. Yes, he is only one, but what a! 500 km closer to the equator than Thailand resorts. But, unlike Pattaya, it is calm and rather secluded here. Although, the laurels of the famous neighbor do not allow Sihanoukville to sleep peacefully. Perhaps another 10 years, and we will not recognize Sihanoukville. It will become the "Pattaya of the future". If you need to visit Cuba before the arrival of McDonald's, then you should go to Sihanoukville before it becomes the second Pattaya.

Find and book flights to Phnom Penh, the nearest airport to Sihanoukville can here.

Housing cost: from € 18 per night.

Phan Thiet

Only 200 km from Ho Chi Minh City. But, there are such roads that count on 4 hours minimum. An increasingly popular resort in Vietnam among Russians in recent years. So, if you wanted to be away from your native speech, this will not work here. There are a lot of cheerful young people, there are married couples, adventurers on their own head, lovely English elderly couples. In short, there is a very diverse audience. This is because Phan Thiet can offer an excellent holiday for all categories of tourists. Pleasant climate, warm sea all year round. What else can you dream of?

You can find and book a flight to Ho Chi Minh City here. From Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet can be reached by taxi, bus and train.

Housing cost: from € 9 per night.

All these resorts are suitable for winter holidays. But we must remember that the islands are in the sea, and where the sea, there is the monsoon period. On one side of the island it is warm and dry, on the other it is windy and unpleasant. Specify the details - they are the key to a relaxing holiday.

If you decide to buy travel agency ticket and you have been made a “profitable” offer at a very low price, check for yourself if there are any monsoons during this period, in this particular place. The weather on the islands is very different: on one coast - paradise, on the opposite - boredom.

Relax in pleasure, but choose the place carefully!