The names of the historical of the natural regions of Oceania. Oceania Geography: Characteristics of the region, climate, animals, plants, population and country

ruzhna deposit phosphorites. In the past, the many Islands of the region was actively developing guano, laid out the litter of seabirds, which was used as nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizer. On the oceanic day of the exceptional economic zone of a number of countries there are large accumulations of iron-manganese concretions, as well as cobalt, but at the moment there are no development due to economic inappropriateness.

5. Climate

Oceania is located within a few climatic belts: Equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, moderate. In most of the islands, the tropical climate is dominated. The subequatorial climate dominates the islands near Australia and Asia, as well as to the east of 180 meridian in the equator zone, Equatorial - west of 180 meridian, subtropical - to the north and south of the tropics, moderate - most of the southern island in New Zealand.

The climate of Oceania islands is determined mainly by the trade winds, therefore, at most of them, abundant precipitation falls. The average annual precipitation varies from 1500 to 4000 mm, although on some islands (in particular, due to the design features and on the leeward side), the climate may be more arid or more wet. In Oceania, one of the most wet places of the planet is located: on the eastern slope of the Vaileal Mountain on the island of Kauai, up to 11,430 mm of precipitation drops each year (the absolute maximum was reached in 1982: then 16,916 mm fell). Near the tropics, the average temperature is about 23 ° C, at the equator - 27 ° C, with a slight difference between the hottest and most cold months.

At the climate of Oceania islands, such anomalies as the currents of El Niño and La Niña also have a great influence. During El Niño, the interdropic convergence zone moves to the north towards the Equator, with La Nier - south away from the equator. In the latter case, a strong drought is observed on the islands, in the first - strong rains.

Most Oceania islands are subject to the destructive effects of natural cataclysms: volcanic eruptions (Hawaiian Islands, new hebrides), earthquakes, tsunami, cyclones, accompanied by typhoins and strong rains, droughts. Many of them lead to essential material and human losses. For example, as a result of Tsunami in Papua - 2,200 people died in July 1999.

On the South Island in New Zealand and on the island of New Guinea high in the mountains there are glaciers, however, due to the global warming process, there is a gradual reduction in their area.

6. Soils and hydrology

Soils are very diverse due to different conditions of soil formation. On the large mountainous islands of West Oceania in a hot and wet climate under wet evergreen forests, the soils are developed red-yellow latice, above the slopes - mountain varnish latice, yellow-bees and red and yellow-brown; At the highest peaks - mountain meadows. In the Central and Eastern Oceania, latic soils are only on large islands folded by the weathered lavami. On fresh ashes and young lavas - Andosoli, dark color and fertile. Minding forests, disarm and natural disasters cause severe erosion. The soils of the atolls are low-power, carbonate, often saline.

Rivers and lakes are mainly available on large mountainous islands in the western part of Oceania, folded by sedimentary and crystalline rocks. Rivers and lakes are very few or not at all on volcanic and coral islands and in East Oceania, where the atmospheric moisture seeps into porous basalts and limestone. River food is mainly rain, only some Mountain Rivers of New Guinea and New Zealand have extra snow and glacial nutrition. The maximum flow occurs at the end of summer (with ice-diet during the summer). Maximum winter stock - on the short Rivers of New Zealand (southern). Almost all the major rivers begin high in the mountains, where they flow into deep valleys, have a browning channel, have large reserves of hydropower. On coastal lowlands, they dramatically slow down the current, shipping, have wetlast valleys. The mouth of small rivers is overporn sandy braids, mangram. The largest rivers of Oceania - Fly and Digul on New Guinea.

On coral and small volcanic islands there are lenses of fresh waters that occur over salty in soils near the coast. The largest ocean of oceania volcanic or glacial, smaller in size - old-old in wide valleys on lowlands. In areas of active volcanism, many thermal and salty lakes. Most of all lakes on New Zealand (on the North Island many geysers).

The greatest number of lakes, including thermal, is in New Zealand, where there are also geysers. On other islands Oceania, the lake is a great rarity.

7. Flora and Fauna

The position in a huge water space, the small dimensions of the sushi and the remoteness from the mainland and each other had a significant impact on the nature of the islands and the life of the peoples of Oceania.

Oceania is included in the Paleotropic region of vegetation. 3 subdomains are allocated: Malezia, Hawaiian, New Zealand. Numerous tropical families are characterized by numerous tropical families (pandanus, palm trees, ficus, laurels, pita, banana, as well as widespread beans). Very many epiphytes (ferns, orchids). In Hawaiian there are no vicious, ficuses, there is only one genus Palm (Priechadia), few orchids, but many ferns are the first plants that are in the cracks of the cooled lava flows. In the New Zealand subdomains are numerous types of comprehensive, ferns, dying, cereals.

Among the most widespread rich plants of Oceania, coconut palm trees and breadwinners are distinguished, which play an important role in the life of local residents: the fruits are used in food, wood is a source of heat, construction material, from the oily endosperm of coconut palm nuts produce a copp, which is the basis for exporting countries of this Region. On the islands also grows a large number of epiphytes (ferns, orchids). The largest number of endemics (both representatives of flora and fauna) are registered in New Zealand and in the Hawaiian Islands, while from the West to the East there is a decrease in the number of species, childbirth and plants.

In the high mountainous islands on wet windscreens up to a height of 300-600 m, xerophilic tight forests are common, shrubs, savannahs; Up to 1000-1800 m in a more wet, but still hot climate - wet evergreen forests. Up to 3000 m in a cool and very humid climate - "Forests of the Tumanov strip" with less high trees, abundance of moss, lichens, fern. The tops of the highest islands have alpine vegetation (pillow-shaped cereals, low-spirited shrubs and shrubs). On leeward dry slopes below - deserted savannahs and semi-deserts with xerophilic prickly, often pillowidal cereals, mellular shrubs, low trees; Above - xerophilic tight forests, shrubs, savannah. With a height of about 1500 m, a narrow belt of evergreen forests appears. On the coral islands, vegetation is especially poor species.

Large areas are occupied by plantation crops, pasture areas (New Zealand); Forest area has greatly reduced. Greater harm was carried away with animals.

The animal world of Oceania refers to the Polynesian faunistic area with the subsection of the Hawaiian Islands. The Fauna of New Zealand stands out to an independent area, New Guinea - to the Papuaski subland of the Australian region. New Zealand and New Guinea are distinguished by the greatest variety. On the small islands of Oceania, first of all, the atolls, mammals almost do not meet: only the Polynesian rat lives on many of them. But the local ornithofaun is very rich. On most atolls there are bird bazaars, where sea birds nest. From representatives of the fauna of New Zealand, birds of Kiwi, who have become the national symbol of the country are the most famous. Other endemics of the country - Kea (lat. Nestor Notabilis, or Nestor), Cocoapo (Lat. Strigops Habroptilus, or Sovic Parrot), Taka (Lat. Notoronis Hochstelteri, or Outless Sultanka). In all Oceania islands, a large number of lizards, snakes and insects live.

In the course of European colonization of the islands on many of them, foreign species of plants and animals were delivered, which had a negative impact on the local flora and fauna.

In the territory of the region there is a large number of protected areas, many of which occupy significant areas. For example, Phoenix Islands in the Republic of Kiribati from January 28, 2008 are the world's largest marine reserve (area of \u200b\u200b410,500 km²).

Over time, fauna and the animal population of the islands change significantly. The study of the dynamics of island faun is a great practical interest. The replenishment of the island biota depends, as already noted, from the island area and the distance from it to the mainland or other source of settlement.

The larger the island area, the more species on it live. This is explained by the fact that large islands are more diverse habitats suitable for population by different types.

The feature of the island faun is that they are often the last refuge of archaic animal species.

8. Man in Oceania

Man appeared in Oceania many thousand years ago. How the islands occurred is not yet clear. The population is 10 million people. The indigenous residents of New Guinea refer to the Equatorial race (Papuans). The indigenous population of other islands refers to a special Polynesian group. In New Zealand, most people are descendants of immigrants from Europe.

Oceania is a part of the world, which is a separate geopolitical region, which consists of a variety of islands and atolls located in the western and central part of the Pacific Ocean.

Geographical position

Oceania islands are between moderate latitudes of the southern hemisphere and subtropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Often in the geography of Oceania is considered with Australia.

There is even a geographical name - Australia and Oceania. The total area of \u200b\u200bOceania is 1.24 million km. 2. The population is 10.6 million.

Oceania is divided into three geographic regions - Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Oceania is washed by numerous seas - coral, Solomonovo, Novogvinoy, Tasmanovo Sea, the seas of Coro and Fiji, which belong to the pool of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Arafura Sea (Indian Ocean).

Climate Oceania

In most part of Oceania, a tropical climate prevails. For most islands of Oceania, abundant precipitation is characteristic. On the islands that are located closer to the tropical belt, the average annual temperature is 23 ° C, on the islands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator - 27 ° C.

The climate of Oceania also affects such flows like La Ninia and El Niño. Most Oceania islands are subject to negative impact of active volcanoes, tsunamis and typhoons.

For this region, a sharp change of weather conditions is characterized - droughts are replaced by heavy rains.

Oceania population

The majority of the population of Oceania islands are represented by indigenous people, which include Micronesians, Polynesians, Papuans. Polynesians are mixed racial types - they look at the features of the Europeanoids and the Mongoloids.

The largest peoples of Polynesians are Hawaiians, Maori, Tongganza, Taitian. Each nationality has its own language, which is represented by almost the absence of consonant sounds.

Race type of Melanesian - Australia. Language fragility of the Mellanesian tribes is very large - frequent phenomenon is that residents of neighboring villages cannot understand each other. Papuars inhabit some regions of Indonesia and New Guinea.

All Papua Russian languages \u200b\u200bare very similar to each other. They are based on English, so often, even residents of remote regions own English perfectly.


The absolute majority of states of Oceania has a very weak economy. The reasons for this are such factors as the remnantness of the islands from developed superpowers, the limited natural resources, a shortage of personnel.

Many countries are in full economic dependence on Australia and the United States. The basis of the economy is agriculture. Among the most common crops, coconut palms, breadwinning, bananas can be distinguished. Some states possess the fishing fleet.

Message Oceania 7 Class briefly tell you a lot of useful information about this geographical region. Also, information about the oceania of the report will help deepen their knowledge in geography.

Oceania message

Oceania is a separate part of the geopolitical region. It consists of a large number of atolls and islands that are located in the central and western parts of the Pacific.

Oceania: Quick Feature

Oceania is located between the subtropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere and the moderate latitudes of the southern hemisphere. Often geographers view oceania as part of Australia. For this there is a geographical name that sounds like Australia and Oceania. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe geopolitical region is 1.24 million km 2. It is inhabited by 10.6 million people.

Oceania is divided into 3 geographic regions: Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia. It is washed by the seas of the pool of the Pacific Ocean as Solomonovo, Coral, Novogvinskoye, Coro and Fiji, Tasmanovo Sea. And the Arafur Sea, which belongs to the Indian Ocean Basin.

Climatic features of Oceania

For most of the Oceania, the tropical climate and abundant annual precipitation dominate. Islands that are located closer to the tropical belt are characterized by an average annual temperature in +23 ° C. On the territory near the equator - 27 ° C. The climate of the geopolitical region is influenced by the flow of El Niño and La Nina. Most of the islands are susceptible to the negative impact of tsunami, active volcanoes and typhoons.

Oceania differs from other regions with a sharp change of weather conditions: pouring rains are replaced by a long drought.

Oceania minerals

Deposits of minerals are due to the geological structure and the origin of the islands. Nickel, chrome and other metals are mined in the New Caledonia region. New Guinea has bauxite, coal and oil reserves. The island atols are rich in phosphorites.

Oceania floral and animal world

The largest island is covered with wet evergreen forests or savannahs. Among the trees are dominated by Pandanus, bamboo, ficuses, casuarins. Some types of trees are useful for human activity - Sagovaya and coconut palms, mango and bananas, a melon and breadwinner. Also on Oceania Islands There are endemic species: tree fern, Pine Kauri, New Zealand flax and cabbage tree.

The animal world is represented by the dish, wood kangaroo, crocodiles, kiwi bird. There are no predators and poisonous snakes on the islands, mammals practically do not live. In Oceania, Europeans brought pigs, cows, horses, goats, rabbits, cats.

  • Indigenous inhabitants of Oceania are representatives of the Austaloid-Mongoloid race.
  • Here is the country of Karibati, which lies in all hemispheres.
  • In the region there is a valid volcano, not attenuating since 1902.
  • Haydeoway Island is characterized by the fact that its territory is the submarine post office, the only thing in the world.
  • In the past, the inhabitants of Oceania practiced cannibalism.

We hope that the report on "Oceania" helped you learn a lot of useful information about this part of the world. And you can add a message on the topic "Oceania" through the comment form below.

Geographically Oceania is the world's largest cluster of the islands, which are located in the western and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. Far from us, between subtropical latitudes of the Northern and moderate southern hemispheres. Many classifications usually combine Oceania with Australia, although Australia is known to be the continent.

Oceania is the world of large contrasts, many interesting plants, unique nature and an unforgettable culture grows here.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands is 1.26 million square kilometers (and with Australia 8.52 million km²). The population is almost 11 million people. (for the company with Australia - 32.6 million people.).

Oceania is divided into three geographic regions, the names of which test the thoughts about adventures and the virgin nature. Their names are Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Oceania islands are washed by many seas of the pool of the Pacific Ocean - Coral Sea, Solomonovo, Novogvinoy, Tasmanovo Sea, Coro and Fiji, as well as the Arafura Sea, belonging to the Indian Ocean basin.

Origin of Sushi in Oceania

From the point of view of geology, only Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Tasmania have continental origin. Once they were part of the Gondwana proto-path, which broke up into parts. Then these islands were a solid land, but the waters of the World Ocean rose to a significant height and part of the surface turned out to be flooded. Now over the water protrude the highest parts of that sushi, which belonged to the Gondwan.

The relief of most islands is mountainous and strongly disseminated. There are in Oceania and truly high peaks, including the mountain Jaya (5029 m mark), which is on the island of New Guinea.

Types of islands

Call transformations occurred once in these places apparently. Avened that most Ocean Islands arose as a result of volcanic activities. The part is the tops of large underwater volcanoes, some of which still exhibit high volcanic activity (for example, in the Hawaiian Islands).

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Also in this region a lot of coral origin islands. This is the atolls that arose as a result of the growing corals around the volcanoes immersed under the water (for example, Gilbert Islands, Tuamotu). In such islands, large lagows are often found, which are protected from the open sea with numerous islands, the average height of which does not exceed three meters above the water level.

In Oceania, an atoll is located with the world's largest lagoon - Kwajalein (Marshall Islands Archipelago). It strikes the ratio of its Sushi area - 16.32 km², but the Lagoon Square is 2174 km². So it is written in reference books, I did not prefer that the area of \u200b\u200bthe island may be less than the area of \u200b\u200bthe bay (lagoon).

There are in Oceania and another atoll recorder. This time the largest land area. The name of Christmas island (or Kirithmatima) in the Line Archipelago, has an area of \u200b\u200b322 km².

Among the atolls also occurs a special type - raised (or raised) atoll. Such an atoll is a limestone plateau with a height of up to 50-60 m above sea level. This type of lagoon islands there is no traces of its existence in the past. Examples of such atolls can serve Nauru, Niue, Banaba.

In the Oceania district, the bottom of the World Ocean has a complex structure. The region is characterized by active volcanism, seismicity and contrasting relief.

Oceania countries

All-knowing Wikipedia gives such a classification:

Name of the region, countries
and the flag of the country
(Evaluation for July 2002)
Population density
(people / km²)
Capital Currency
Australia 7 692 024 21 050 000 2,5 Canberra AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
Ashmore Islands and Cartier (Australia) 5 uninhabited - -
Islands of the Coral Sea (Australia) 7 uninhabited - -
Norfolk Island (Australia) 35 1 866 53,3 Kingston AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
12 190 196 178 16,1 Port Vila VUV (VATU)
Irian Jaya() 421 981 2 646 489 6,27 Jayapura, Manokvari. IDR (Rupiah)
New Caledonia (France) 18 575 207 858 10,9 Noumea
Papua New Guinea 462 840 5 172 033 11,2 Port Moresby PGK (Kina)
Solomon islands 28 450 494 786 17,4 Honiara SBD (Solomon Islands Dollar)
Fiji 18 274 856 346 46,9 Suva FJD (Fiji Dollar)
GUAM (USA) 541 160 796 292,9 Hagatna USD (USA Dollar)
Kiribati. 811 96 335 118,8 South Tarawa AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
181 73 630 406,8 Majuro. USD (USA Dollar)
Federated States of Micronesia 702 135 869 193,5 Palikir USD (USA Dollar)
Nauru 21 12 329 587,1 AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
Palau 458 19 409 42,4 Ngerulmud. USD (USA Dollar)
Northern Mariana Islands (USA) 463,63 77 311 162,1 Saipan. USD (USA Dollar)
Atoll Wake (USA) 7,4 - - -
Baker Island (USA) 1,24 uninhabited - -
Hawaii (USA) 28 311 1 211 537 72,83 Honolulu USD (USA Dollar)
Jarvis Island (USA) 4,45 uninhabited - -
Atoll Johnston (USA) 2,52 - - -
Reef Kingmen (USA) 0,01 uninhabited - -
Kiribati. 811 96 335 118,8 South Tarawa AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
Cook Islands (New Zealand) 236,7 20 811 86,7 Avarua NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
Islands Midway (USA) 6,23 - - -
Niue (New Zealand) 261,46 2 134 8,2 Alofi NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
New Zealand 268 680 4 108 037 14,5 Wellington NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
Palmyra Atoll (USA) 6,56 - - -
Isla de Paskua (Chile) 163,6 5806 23,1 Anga Roa. CLP (Chilean Pesso)
Islands Pitcairn (United Kingdom) 47 47 10 Adamstall NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
French Polynesia (France) 4 167 257 847 61,9 Papeete XPF (French Pacific Frank)
American Samoa (USA) 199 68 688 345,2 Pago Pago, Fagat USD (USA Dollar)
Samoa 2 935 178 631 60,7 Apia WST (Samoan Tala)
Tokelau (New Zealand) 10 1 431 143,1 - NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
Tonga 748 106 137 141,9 Nukuulof Top (Tongan Pa'anga)
Tuvalu 26 11 146 428,7 Funafuti AUD (AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR)
Wallis and Futuna (France) 274 15 585 56,9 Mata-Tsu. XPF (French Pacific Frank)
Houland Island (USA) 1,62 uninhabited - -

Oceania. Climate

Tropical climate prevails. Oceania is characterized by a large amount of precipitation. On the islands located closer to the tropical belt, the average annual temperature is +23 ° C, on the islands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator - +27 ° C.

The climate of Oceania is influenced by such flows like La Ninia and El Niño. Most ocean islands are subject to negative impact of active volcanoes. Tsunami and Typhoon also happen here.

There are no harsh changes for weather conditions here - heavy rains are changed by droughts.

Oceania population

Although the colonializers from Europe and America actively tried to exploit these territories, but most of the local population are indigenous people. Such as Micronesians, Polynesians, Papuans. Polynesians are mixed racial types - they look at the features of the Europeanoids and the Mongoloids.

The largest groups of Polynesians include Hawaiians, Maori, Tongsans, Taitian. Each nationality has its own language, whose feature is almost complete absence of consonant sounds.

Melenezians have the language fragmentation of the tribes is very large. Often, residents even neighboring villages cannot understand each other. Papuats As and during Cook, some regions of Indonesia and New Guinea are inhabited.

All Papua Russian languages \u200b\u200bare very similar to each other. But now they are based on the native language of the very Cook, who ate legend, i.e. English. So if you speak English, with Papuass, deal with talking on you and easily.

Flora Oceania

Oceania has a greater length and over latitude and meridian. Therefore, the plastic world of the islands is very diverse. There are here very amazing representatives for us, such as:

  • breadfruit,
  • coconut palm,
  • fern
  • orchids.

Animal world

The fauna of Oceania islands is less diverse, because mammals are practically absent.

New Zealand and New Guinea are distinguished by the greatest variety. On the small islands of Oceania, above all, the atolls, mammals almost do not meet: only rats live on many of them, and it is not enough (there are probably guarded there !?).

But very rich island on bird bazaars, where sea birds nest. From representatives of the fauna of New Zealand, birds of Kiwi, who have become the national symbol of the country are the most famous. Other designed species of KEA birds (or nonzero), Cocoapo (or Sovic parrot), such as (or loonless sultanka).

Welcome to the best travel blog in Oceania.

Oceania is a million islands scattered in the Southern Pacific Ocean between Australia and South America, and the most rarely visited by tourists part of the world, so the editorial office of our site comes over for you the farthest archipelago and brought photos and stories (almost guidebooks!) On the most powerful tika And the most sacred marae.

Oceania is divided into three regions: Micronesia (in the North-West; it is here - and), Melanesia (in the West; here - Papua, and) and Polynesia (in the East and South; here are located, for example, and). The separation is based not directly directly on geography, climate, or geology, and the ethnographic - boundaries of parts are held on the borders of races, peoples and language groups.

This is the directory page and the guide page: here the complete list of Oceania states (large are divided into archipelago), and then - links to the stories about the island:


Hawaii, USA

Cook Islands

New Zealand

Pitchern Island

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)




Wallis and Futuna

French polynesia

Nobody knows what French Polynesia is and where she is, but in fact everything is simple: French Polynesia is a grand island country size with Western Europe, the overseas territory of France in the south of the Pacific Ocean, consists of about 6 (six) scattered across the archipelago . From the western archipelago of society (where the capital island of Tahiti) to the extreme Eastern Gambier archipelago - 4 hours of flight on the turboprop aircraft.

Islands of the Company

Marquis Islands

Tuamot Islands

Rapa Island




Marshall Islands

Federated States of Micronesia

The state in the Caroline Islands, divides them with Palau. Do not be confused with the geographic region of Micronesia. F.Sh.m., on the manner S.Sh.A., 4 states: Yap, Koshrey, Ponay and Truk / Chuch. Islands F.Sh.m. Only a common colonial past first under Spain, then Germany, Japan and the United States (from which they have received independence and steel, actually by the federal states of Micronesia, are connected.

Yap Island

Truk Island (Chuch)

The most dangerous place in Oceania: the local population, when he drinks in the evening, very unkind. But at the same time, this is the most cool place for diving in the whole Oceania: at the bottom of the crystal-clean lagoon on the white sand, ships and aircraft are flooded in World War II.