Mountains: characteristics and types. The highest mountain in russia and interesting facts about it Prepare a message about the mountains

Many poems and songs are dedicated to the mountains. They attract not only writers, but also artists and filmmakers - no one is alien to romance. Let us give Interesting Facts about the mountains.

The peak of the highest mountain on Earth - Everest, is located at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. The first climbers reached this summit at half past eleven in the morning on May 29, 1953. They were Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, his Sherpa guide. Later Tenzing said that it was Edmund Hillary who first ascended the top of the mountain.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, there is the Konder mountain range, which is unique in that it has the shape of an almost perfect ring. Interestingly, this is not a crater of an extinct volcano, but the result of a magmatic intrusion. In this process, igneous rock comes out of the deep layers of the earth.

The highest point in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro. Its height is 5895 meters above sea level.

Talking about interesting facts about the mountains, the Austrian Gruner Lake, surrounded by mountains, should be mentioned. V winter time the depth of the lake does not exceed two meters. There is a nice park around the lake. In spring, sometimes the snow in the mountains begins to melt, feeding the lake with new water. By May, the depth of the lake increases to 12 meters and the water covers benches, paths and even tree crowns. Thanks to crystal clear water a lake with a flooded park turns into most popular place for diving.

Angel Falls (meaning "angel"), which falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui, is considered the highest in the world. The mountain that gives rise to it, translated from the dialect of the local Indians, is translated as "the mountain of the devil."

The well-known stone-carved heads of American presidents were the work of sculptors during the period 1925-1941. The sculptor Gotsum Borglum supervised the project of the original monument to Washington, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. After his death, his son continued to work, but soon, due to a stop in funding, the project was completely terminated. The monument to the presidents was declared complete, despite the initial intention to depict the leaders of the nation up to the waist.

The Austrian part of the Alps occupies 62% of the entire land area of ​​this European country.

Mount Ararat, considered a symbol of Armenia and depicted on the coat of arms of this country, is not in Armenia. Part of the territory of Armenia with the mountain in 1921 went to Turkey.

The first scientific measurement of the height of Mount Everest was carried out in 1856. The result was exactly 29 thousand feet (equivalent to 8,839 meters). Considering that round numbers are rare in nature, and in an effort to avoid accusations of approximate measurements, scientists have declared 29,002 feet as the height of the mountain.

There are many mysteries associated with the mountains. The height of Mount Kailash is 6666 meters. The distance from this mountain to the English Stonehenge is 6666 km. People living near Kailash age much faster (12 hours are equal to two weeks). This is evidenced by the growth of nails and hair. The mountain has two huge crest-cracks, the shadows from which, especially in the late afternoon, form an image of a huge swastika.

In some areas of Indonesia, China and the Philippines, there are burials in the form of coffins nailed to the rocks. One of the Chinese national minorities, the Bo people, considers the mountains to be the most suitable place for burials. This is explained by their beliefs that the mountains are a staircase leading from the earthly to the heavenly world.

The entrance to the Lemaire Channel in Antarctica is marked by a rock with two peaks, officially designated on maps as Una's Tits, which means “Una's breasts.” The peaks were named after a member of a British Antarctic expedition. Una's name.

Interesting video. Noah's Ark found on Mount Ararat:

Everyday life, everyday life, bustle, reinforced concrete cities prevent us from observing the beauty that we are surrounded by, megalopolises are buzzing like a bee hive. Haste and running around negate attention to the world around you and your own thoughts. Mountaineering, on the other hand, provides an opportunity to get away from all this and, willingly not willingly, makes you take your time, observe the weather and nature, be measured in thoughts and actions. Apparently, that is why I am so attracted to this sport (Ivan Kvashnin).

On July 14, 2017, employees of the AlpIndustria store in the Moscow shopping center Aviapark Ivan Kvashnin and Alexei Preobrazhensky climbed to the top of Kazbek, making their dream come true. From the ascent, the guys brought several films of amazing photographs and a lot of impressions, two different views on the ascent. So, about mountains and about thoughts.

Alexey Preobrazhensky

What does a person think about at an altitude of 3000 meters, step by step climbing the mountain with a heavy backpack on his back? For me, perhaps, this was the most important and decisive question on this journey.

In July 2017, my colleague Vanya and I climbed Kazbek from the Georgian side. I do not want to talk about the technical aspects of our ascent, give exact numbers and describe how and what we used from the equipment. For me, something else was important - thoughts. And how they can affect perception the environment and human behavior in extreme conditions.

It was the power of thought that helped me rise higher and realize why this is necessary. There is plenty of time to think and delve into oneself on such a journey. A monotonous ascent with a verified step is akin to meditation. The brain gives commands to the muscles: "Go", "Go", "One more step", "Second". And at the same time sets the mood: "You must!", "You can!", "You can do it!".

Plunging into myself, I thought about life below, about some small joys and the fact that we do not notice the beauty around us at all and take for granted what we have. I was thinking about people close to me, about what I could make them happier, just by giving a little more of my attention ... And with the climb, it seemed to me that my thoughts became more pure and correct.

When an exhausted, exhausted body alarmingly signals the brain “That's it! Stop! This is beyond my strength. If you continue in the same spirit, you will break, "the power of thought enters into action:" This is not the limit! You can! You are not worse than others! You have to get there! " And you go through the same amount.

The hardest part was in the parking lots, when the brain realized that the physical activity was over, and no longer kept the muscles in good shape. The body relaxed and did not obey when they wanted to occupy it with some household chores. There, in the parking lots, mountain sickness caused by lack of oxygen made itself felt, and I had a constant headache. At these moments, did I want to go down, into comfort, into civilization? No. I understood that this was my deliberate choice, that this was happening here and now and, perhaps, would never happen again. All these thoughts, securely fixed in consciousness, helped to move forward and filled the ascent to the top with meaning. Although for me the end point of our ascent was not so important as the process itself. Perhaps that is why the greatest impression on me was made by the Miley-Khokh peak, which we climbed on the eve of the summit assault. The four of us went there, we were the first to go up there for the last days... An interesting route and a stunning view from the top will remain in my memory for a long time and will remind me of our entire journey.

As for the most important and long-awaited event - the assault - as I said, the summit was not an end in itself. The end point of my journey was somewhere deep in me, hiding behind prejudices and limitations, over which I had to rise and look at everything from a new height.

Ivan Kvashnin

Lyosha is a great romantic, and the mountains are even more encouraging to do this. He describes really well what goes on inside almost every person while at altitude.

But I want to immerse you not in the spiritual world, but, probably, to bring you closer to the realities and how I saw the “real” Lyokha, and not that romantic, flying in his thoughts and searching for truth. Well, as Gagarin said, let's go!

Day # 1

Having crossed the border at Upper Lars, we arrived in the town of Stepantsminda (Kazbegi). On the very first evening, we plunged headlong into Georgian cuisine, with the thought that for the next ten days we would eat only sublimates and cereals.

We ate everything and a lot. As my friend's grandmother used to say, if you scratch - scratch, there will be joy for the soul! After these words, Lyokha ordered himself a double portion of grilled vegetables and lemonade.

On the way up to our hostel, Kazbek revealed himself in all his glory. The night was starry. From Stepantsminda the mountain looks very formidable and powerful. In the hostel, I got a room with a view of the top, and I could not sleep until 3:00, looking at her in anticipation through the window. Then the alarm clock rang disgustingly, and the next day came.

Day number 2

We agreed with the locals about a transfer to the Gergeti Church. The transfer was Mitsubishi Delica. Actually, Stepantsminda is the city of these machines. Throughout the entire road, we admired the scenery, and the cliffs a few centimeters from the sides of the car sometimes tickled our nerves and added spice to our adventures.

Having reached the place, we, without thinking twice, put on our backpacks and went to the first overnight place called Zelenka or, as they call it, Green Hotel. Having gained a little height, we went into the clouds. The humidity rose and it became cool. Step by step, we moved away from Georgian kitchen delights and plunged into the realities of climbing in the Alpine style.

When we got to Zelenka, the wind picked up and began to drizzle. We quickly set up our tent and began to cook. Fortunately, here for "centuries" everything has been arranged by tourists. There is a small spring, there are windscreens for tents and "kitchens". Throwing on the fleece and began to cook. While they were preparing, they told funny stories. We ate buckwheat with dried vegetables, drank a couple of cups of hot tea, and on the side after a walking day.

Day number 3

In the morning we were not woken up by an alarm clock, but by the sun. Before us appeared a magnificent clear weather with beautiful views and the snowy peak of Kazbek.

I asked Lyokha how he slept. The answer was not the most cheerful: "I hardly slept." I chalked it up to the fact that the first night in the wild was always like this, and even more so the place in the tent was not the most even one. Lyokha waved his hand with the words "It will still be!". Optimism and cheerfulness spurt out of him like freshly squeezed juice ...

We basked in the sun, had breakfast overlooking the mountain landscapes and set off on our way to the weather station. On the rise from the camp, we got a view of the tongue of the Gergeti glacier and the Chkheri River, which flows from it, which washed out the gorge. This look makes an indelible impression, to goose bumps.

Wading the mountain river, which flows into the Chkheri with a waterfall, we stumbled into the first obstacle - the Gergeti glacier. It turned out to be completely open and did not conceal treacherous dangers in the form of unreliable bridges and closed cracks. The sun was hot. Having crossed the glacier, bypassing the cracks, we ended up at the meteorological station. Here the height is already felt, but not critical, 3600 m. Exhausted by the sun and walking in crampons on the glacier, we put up a tent and went to register at the "meteo". We had supper and made a decision that we would not storm from 3600 - long and tedious. We will reach 3800, look at the state and, if everything is buzzing, we will move on to 4200. We switched off the flashlights and started listening to rockfalls until we woke up from the stuffiness in the tent.

Day number 4

The weather whispers. We woke up at 6 in the morning, there was nothing to breathe in the tent, we open the zipper - the sun burns our eyes. The air is fresh air, you can sit back and think about the day.

I sincerely called Lyokha the beekeeper, since the height was reflected on his face in the form of one continuous tumor.

The morning passes like a groundhog day: we collect equipment, oatmeal, sir, tea and go.

We reached 3800 quickly. Good condition. The weather is good. Without hesitation, we move to 4200. On the way we made a break with a snack. According to Lyokha, it is clear that the height acts, the organism fights, as well as its internal ego. Due to the fact that they had been gathering for a long time, the sun came out on the slopes, stones flew down. We are on the edge of a glacier. In my head, the words of V. Vysotsky:

You walk along the edge of the glacier
Without taking your eyes off the top.
The mountains sleep breathing in the clouds
Exhaling avalanches.
But they keep their eyes on you
As if you were promised peace
Cautioning every time
Rockfall and grin of cracks.

We run through this dangerous section and set up camp at 4200. The sun is simply burning out. We are actually in the lens. We must dig in and set up a camp. I give Lyokha a shovel: we need to cheer him up a little. And physical activity is all the better for acclimuha. In general, I always try not to want to do something during acclimatization, so I decided to give him a shovel, thereby instilling the same habit :) And he sat down to melt the snow.

They set up the camp, got drunk and had a snack. To end sunny day it was still a long time, so they whiled away the time playing cards and sunbathing.

When preparing a supper of sublimates, with sighs they recalled chakhokhbili, ajapsandali, ojakhuri on ketsi and other culinary delights of Georgia. It was with these thoughts that the evening of the fourth day ended.

Day number 5

We wake up. I leave the tent, I understand that the sun will crawl up the slope to us for at least another 2 hours, I dress in everything warm and start making breakfast. While they were melting the snow and going for a radial exit, the sun came down to us and showed itself in all its glory.

We had an acclimatization hike to the summit of Spartak. We did not cut the excess path without climb and decided to move straight, rounding it on the right side, where we started the ascent. It was here that the most beautiful sun, which we had been waiting for all morning, began to burn us out like ants with a lens.

We reached the summit of Spartak quickly enough, with one halt. After sitting at the top (about 4500) and admiring the beauty, we decided to go to Miley, as there was still a lot of time left. On the way back, Lyokha fell waist-deep into a crack. We were in tandem and skillfully worked this moment. Lyokha flew out of the crack like a champagne cork, but the oppressive sense of danger intensified.

We arrived at the assault camp a couple of hours before dark. The scorching sun was very tired. Lyokha is all emotional after being stuck up to his waist in a crack. At supper we looked at the forecast for the following days - it made me think. Having weighed our strength, a bad forecast and a desire to climb, we decided to storm the summit tomorrow.

Day number 6

Wake up at 4 am. It's cold, very cold ... Somehow we begin to prepare breakfast. A couple of tablespoons of oatmeal and a glass of hot tea are a must. Well at least the thermoses were filled yesterday. While the snow is melting, we are going to all. The night is beautiful, starry, calm. I have been waiting for this feeling for a long time, as if everything had stopped. There is no wind, smells, movement, as if the planet stopped rotating ...

By the time I began to actively gather, Lyokha had already cooked porridge and warmed up the remains of yesterday's tea in a pot. We had a snack, checked the equipment - and off we go. Warmed up only when they started walking. The first steps were difficult: still sleepy, the porridge had not completely failed, and Lyokha complained of a headache.

We are gradually gaining height. We met Poles going to the assault without acclimatization from 3600. I certainly did not envy their condition.

We walked with Lyokha at the same pace, making stops every 40 minutes. Somewhere at 4500 I was lucky to meet the dawn. The views, of course, are breathtaking. For the sake of this, I want to return to the mountains again and again.

While walking, there were two funny moments: first, the inscription on the snow “I'm still alive, your Tonya”, then someone went on the air on our wave with the words “Dzhamshut! Quickly to the gate! "

At 4900 there was a very beautiful bergschrund, we managed to walk inside it. After rest, we moved on. We got to the jumper. The weather is just great, there are no clouds, everything is visible to the horizon! The pre-summit takeoff remained. We go by traverse, we reach the stones, those that lie on the right side. Further ice. Without thinking twice, they threw two ropes of the railing. The last steps - and we are at the top at 11:08. Joy filled us from head to toe. But we do not rejoice for long: the window quickly closes, we run downstairs.

With enough determination, any idiot can climb this mountain, ”said Hall. “But the trick is to get back down alive.

John Krakauer

A crumb of ice hits the face, mixed with strong winds and poor visibility, ice underfoot. I closed and removed the railing. Lyokha still had a headache. For myself, everything, I think, the main thing is to go down to the jumper, the main thing is to the jumper, and then we will get there.

A dense impenetrable cloud was waiting for us on the cofferdam, the wind died down, the snow crumb stopped burning. We stopped to take a breath and have a snack. And then down, down and down again. Step by step, slowly and surely, through fatigue. By 15:00 we were in the assault camp at 4200. We ate, drank, warmed up. Awareness that was at the top until it comes. So far, only fatigue and thirst. I couldn't fall asleep quickly, they talked about everything. Then, when it got dark, I fell asleep.

Day number 7

We collect things and run down until the sun came out on the slopes. The descent was long and rather tiring, as they fell directly to Stepantsminda from 4200. At 16 o'clock we were in the hostel, dirty, burnt, but happy.

In conclusion, I want to say, go to the mountains, love the mountains. But keep it clean. The planet gives us life, it is our home. Take care of her!

At the beginning of the puzzle, the children examine the globe and find mountains. Show them and call them. The teacher reads a poem by Alexander Pushkin "Caucasus". Children tell how the poet saw the mountains. Then the teacher invites the children to visit an exhibition of photographs depicting mountains. Children look at photographs in which both waterfalls and mountain lakes, and forests. The teacher invites the children to assemble the "Mountains" puzzle picture. Then the children listen to Edvard Grieg's music "In the Cave of the Mountain King" and talk about their experiences and fantasies. The teacher shows the children a letter sent by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Children find the package and guess the contents of the package using the riddle. There were different stones in the package. The teacher invites children to become geologists-researchers. Each child takes one stone, sits down at the table and examines the stone. The research results are recorded in a table. Then several children, based on the results of their research, talk about their stone. Dynamic pause - an active game - "Wind, rain, stone and mountain". To the music, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain comes to the children and brings various gems as a gift, which the children use in their productive activities. Children decorate the vases that they made in advance with stones.










2010 year


1. Continue acquaintance of children with inanimate nature, give initial information about mountains: what mountains are, who lives in the mountains, what grows, what the mountains are made of;

2. Continue to introduce children to the properties of stones (hard, hard, smooth, etc.);

3. Develop cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, draw the simplest conclusions;

4. Learn to work with the table and record the survey results;

5. Improve the ability to compose a short story about stones using a table;

6. Clarify the knowledge of children about the use of stones (construction of buildings, bridges, roads);

6. Show children products made of precious stones;

7. Develop fine motor skills of hands;

8. To cultivate aesthetic feelings: to teach to see the beauty of the mountains and to teach to admire it;

9. Repeat the rules of behavior in nature.


1. To acquaint children with a new word - geologist;

2. To activate the children's vocabulary through the words: rough, low, gentle, steep, snowy.


1. Globe;

2. "Box of sensations";

3. Vessels with water;

4. Stones for each child;

5. Napkins;

6. Illustrations depicting mountains;

7. Cut-away picture with the image of the mountain;

8. Plasticine vases;

9. Box with items made of precious stones;

10. Letter in an envelope from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain;

11. Riddles about stones and the globe;

12. Tables of research of stones;

13. Music recording: Edvard Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king";

14. Box with stones for crafts;

15. Hero - "Mistress of the Copper Mountain".


Examination of stones in class and in free time;

Collecting a collection of stones;

Creation of an exhibition of stone crafts;

Reading of Bazhov's tales "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain";

Excursion to the library;

Conversations on the topics: "What are the stones", "What are mountains?", "How a person uses stones";

Viewing a film based on P. Bazhov's fairy tale "Stone Flower";

Carrying out games: "Remember the fairy tale", "What disappeared?", "Find your stone";

Listening to the music of Grieg “Procession of the Dwarfs”, “In the Cave of the Mountain King”.


The teacher with the children enter the hall.

The teacher makes a riddle:

Stands alone on one leg

Turns, turns his head

Shows us the countries

Mountains, rivers, oceans.

What is it? (Globe).


Right. Let's come and take a look at the globe. Why is the globe painted in different colors? (Brown is mountains, blue is seas, rivers, green is forests, fields, yellow is deserts).

That's right, well done. Who will show us the mountains on the globe? (The child points to the mountains on the globe).

Tell me, can the mountains tell us something about themselves? (Answers of children).

Today you and I will find out what the mountains can tell us. And poets and writers, photographers and composers will help us with this. Which one of you will name the mountains? (Ural, Caucasus).


Well done, and there are also the Himalayas, Altai, Alps. Guys, mountains have always attracted people. Poets composed poetry, artists painted pictures, composers wrote music, writers composed fairy tales. Listen to the poem by A.S. Pushkin, which is called "Caucasus":

… Here the clouds humbly go under me;

Through them, falling down, waterfalls rustle;

Beneath them the cliffs are naked masses;

Below there is a skinny moss, a dry bush ...


Guys, how does the poet describe the mountains? What did he see? (He sees clouds, waterfalls, cliffs, dry bushes and moss.)


Yes, guys, this is how A.S. Pushkin saw the mountains and told us about them.

Now let's go to our photography exhibition.

Examining photos. The teacher comments on the examination.

What's the beautiful. See what kind of mountains are there? (Large and small, with snowy peaks, with waterfalls, covered with forests, spewing fire and stones).


Did you like the pictures? (Yes).

Guys, can you name the animals that live in the mountains? (Sheep, goats, eagle, hawk).

Well done, what grows in the mountains? (Moss, shrubs, trees).

And there are also the purest lakes and rivers in the mountains. Guys, I have a puzzle picture. Let's put it together and see what we get. Now everyone will take a fragment of the picture and try to assemble it.

Children put together a puzzle picture.


What did we do? (Mountains and lake).


But composers saw and depicted mountains in their own way. Sit on the carpet. Now you will hear the music written by the composer - Edvard Grieg. It is called “In the Cave of the Mountain King”. Close your eyes and think about what you can imagine listening to this music.

After listening, the children stand up and share their thoughts.


Well done, that's what kind of visionaries you are. And I have one surprise for you.

The teacher shows the children a letter and says:

You know, a letter was handed to me today, but how do you know to whom it is addressed?


You need to look at the address that is written on the envelope.


Right. Who knows the address of our kindergarten?

(Answers of children).

The teacher reads aloud the address on the envelope:

Losino-Petrovsky city, Stroiteley street, house 7, preparatory group for school number 5. Exactly, the letter was written for us.

The teacher opens the letter and reads it aloud:

- “Hello, dear children. I know that you love to explore everything, so I am sending you a package. It is square, burgundy, with a lock, tied with a ribbon. I know that the package was delivered to you, you need to find it. Mistress of Copper Mountain". And who is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain? (She lives in grief, protects the mountains and protects them. She is from a fairy tale).


Yes guys. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain asked us a problem. Well, we need to look for a package.

Children find the package and give it to the caregiver.


And here's another note.


Yes guys. Here's another note.

- “You can open the package if you guess the riddle:

In my mother's earrings, it burns with fire.

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.

It changes shape, it changes color,

And in construction it will last for a thousand years.

Heavy, big - you can't lift it alone,

Or maybe easy - to lie in the palm of your hand.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this subject by signs? "


This is a stone, different stones.


Let's check if you have guessed the riddle correctly.

The teacher opens the box:

Look, there are stones here. So we have guessed the riddle correctly. Thanks to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. This is a gift. Guys, do you know where there are a lot of stones? (In the mountains).

- Of course, most of the stones are in the mountains. After all, mountains are made of stones.


Guys, who is looking for stones and examining them? (Geologists).

That's right, now we will turn into geologists for a few minutes and will investigate the stones. Take each pebble and sit down at the tables. You have a table on your table in which we will record the results of the study of stones.

The stones are being examined and the results are being recorded in the table.


Well done, finished? Who wants to talk about their stone?

Story of 2-3 children.


What conclusion can we draw? What have we learned about stones? (There are large and small, smooth and rough, light and heavy, different colors, but they are all stones).


Guys, do you know that scientists can learn a lot about the mountains from the stones: what the mountains are made of, when there will be a volcanic eruption, when the mountains were formed and what destroys them. Do you know what destroys mountains? (Rain, wind).

And you and I know the game "Wind, rain, stones and mountain". Let's play. Be careful.

Attention game "Wind, rain, stone and mountain".


You were all very attentive. And the mountain you have turned out to be high and steep. We sit down.

Children sit down at tables.


Guys, we looked at the photos and listened to the music. And who can tell me which writer wrote fairy tales about mountains? (Bazhov)
- That's right, Pavel Bazhov. He wrote tales. And what are stories? (Fairy tale and truth).

That's right, a tale is both a fairy tale and a reality. What mountains did Bazhov write about? (About the Uralskys),

Right. Let's remember what Bazhov's tales do you know? (Stone Flower, Malachite Box, Silver Hoof, Mistress of the Copper Mountain).

Music plays and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain enters. In her hands is a malachite box.

Hello guys. You recognized me? (Yes, Mistress of the Copper Mountain).

That's right, well done. I heard what you are talking about my treasures, and I could not sit in the stone mountain. Have you guessed my riddle? (Yes, these are stones).

Mistress of Copper Mountain:

Well done. Do you know where stones are used? (For the construction of roads and houses, for the manufacture of jewelry).

Right. I brought you my gems, look how beautiful they are. People learned how to work stones and began to make jewelry out of them.

The guest shows the children jewelry made of stones.

Mistress of Copper Mountain:

I have many different stones in the mountains. And I brought you beautiful pebbles that you can use to decorate some craft. Here they are.

The guest shows the children multi-colored pebbles.


Thank you, but we just need stones to decorate the vase that the children made yesterday.

The hostess of the Copper Mountain gives the teacher a tray on which there are rosettes with pebbles. The teacher places the sockets for the children on the tables.


Guys, let's decorate our little vases with these stones.

Children get to work.

The guest observes the work of the children.


Guys, we're finishing.

The guest examines all the vases and praises the children:

How beautiful it turned out, well done. You made me happy. For your knowledge and handicraft, I would like to thank you. I have another gift for you, magical edible pebbles. Here it is. I will give them to Elena Viktorovna, and she will treat you to them in the group.

The guest gives the teacher a vase of candy-pebbles.

I have to go. Goodbye, see you soon.

He says goodbye and leaves.


Guys, did you enjoy our trip to the mountains? (Yes).

What did the mountains tell us? (Mountains are different: high and low, steep and gentle, with snowy peaks and green forests, different animals and birds live in the mountains; there are rivers and lakes in the mountains; the mountains have very clean air and clean water).

Guys, today we talked a lot about mountains. And you know that the mountains do not forgive a person inattention and carelessness. Can you tell me how to behave in the mountains? (Do not make noise, otherwise there may be a collapse and cover with stones; carefully look if there is a cliff and whether it is possible to walk along the path; if a fire was kindled, then it must be extinguished; do not litter).

Well done. Today you learned a lot of new things and remembered what you knew. This knowledge will be useful to you at school.

Children leave the hall.

A story about mountains

They don't like loud words in the mountains. Mountains are antiworld. People there admire the rainbow UNDER FEET, cook porridge from the repsnur, live high in the magnetic field of the peaks, and even there the wind blows in the face - WIND FROM THE ROTATION OF THE EARTH.

There is a BIGGEST SUPERSHOW in high-altitude mountaineering. It is called "RELEASE TEST". This is when grubs, heavy equipment, barrels of fuel, camping kitchen utensils, and hefty transport bags are dropped from a helicopter onto a moraine near the base camp. It turned out that the gas stove was flying down with the squeal of an uncut piglet.

Wrapped in foam rubber gas cylinders fall on the moraine like bombs, but do not explode. But harmless flour in bags EXPLODES when hitting the ground: a strong jute bag breaksapart! The ghee in tin cans was tightly sealed, but the lid was kicked out ... Marmots licked fat stones for a long time; The marmots obviously liked the ghee. The biggest miracle: after a hard hit on the moraine, the gas stove WORKED!

Best of all, our favorite vobla passed the emission test - at least she had henna! But Doctor Aleksey Shindyaykin let us down ... He saw boxes with a red cross falling on the glacier and shouted to the whole Pamir: “There is my optics! "KODAK" WITH PENTAPRISM! What are you doing ... fuck ... mother !!! " Calm down, doc! When you hit the glacier, your pentaprism will become a SIX PRISM!

At the exit from the tent under Everest, at an altitude of about 8000 m, they are going into open space. The cosmonauts wear a pressure helmet with light filters on their heads, and the climbers wear a motorcycle helmet and dark glasses. They have oxygen behind their shoulders in backpacks. The astronauts have a strong halyard, the climbers have a forty nylon rope.

The doctors stuck a needle in my vein, but the BLOOD PUSHED OUT THE NEEDLE! It turns out that all your blood is in circulation at the height. On the plains, one third of it is usually found in a reserve depot - in the liver. However, about four hundred years ago William Shakespeare guessed about this: “Squeeze all the veins, let all the blood into the battle. Let your great spirit rise to its full height! "

On the Pamir firn plateau I suddenly saw butterflies in the snow. Golden, motley, but they were dead. What brought them into the ice-snow desert at an altitude of 6000 m? Gust of wind? The beauty of the icefall or just curiosity? Ernest Hemingway wrote in the book "Green Hills of Africa" ​​how he saw a skeleton of a tiger on the top of Kilimanjaro.

What a weird climber tiger? Maybe he was tired of the heat in the savannah and therefore made it to highest point continent, where the snow lies? A mountaineer from Moscow, Boris Korshunov, told me that among the snow and ice at an altitude of about seven kilometers, there are quite a lot of living creatures: dragonflies, flies, butterflies, spiders. Athe ubiquitous crows visit the trash heaps at the climbers' camps.

The mountains are the cuisine of the weather. A thunderstorm front is forming right behind the tent canopy: tomorrow's clouds are gathering moisture. I see how the snow-ice or rocks-snow thermocouple works. Any couloir (hollow in a slope) acts like a wind tunnel: it directs the wind. However, the great German Goethe knew about all this about 250 years ago: “On the plains we get the weather ready-made, in the mountains we are present at its birth”.

A story about mountains - under the Becho pass in the Caucasus, a rescue squad was caught in a thunderstorm. At the tip of my ice pick, blue-green lights suddenly flashed - the lights of St. Elmo ... Electric discharges chewed on my earlobes in a funny way. It wasn't scary at all. However, I am afraid of ball lightning: it is smart and alive. This fireball flies into the tent, where three are resting. He will simply circle over two, will not touch, and burn the third. In a word, I LOVE THE STORM WHEN DOWN.

The doctors told the master of sports, the “snow leopard” from Dushanbe, Vladimir Mashkov: “You have a microinfarction. You are already over fifty, lie still, move carefully ... The nanny will bring a duck. It will get worse, swallow nitroglycerin. " On the third day after being discharged from the hospital, Mashkov flew to the Pamirs. And immediately, without acclimatization, rushed to the Pamir firn plateau, there was his scientific base-laboratory - business!

Ascent to 5800 m Vladimir overcame quite easily: residual acclimatization affected. Vladimir "forgot" his medicines at home. A month later, after several ascents to a height of 7495 m (the former peak of Communism), Mashkov returned to Dushanbe, went to see his cardiologist. "Excuse me, where are your scars ?!" - “I threw them there in one kuluarchik ...” Doctors still do not know a lot about human resources, especially SPIRITUAL RESOURCES.

Once in the bamboo thickets under the eight thousandth peak of Kanchenjunga, 15 young Sherpanis appeared - porters. They were still girls of 13-14 years old, citizens of Nepal. Each confidently carried a load of 15 kilograms behind her shoulders. Sherpanis fought their way through the dense jungle, dexterously wielding curved Nepalese knives - kukri. All of them were dressed ... in black naval greatcoats with buttoned anchors, each had the stripe of the Leningrad Nakhimov School on their shoulders.

Surely everyone knows what kind of grief we are talking about. Of course, about Elbrus. But did you know that there is a hotel just one and a half kilometers from the summit where you can stay? And TravelAsk knows and will tell you about it. And about many other things.

5 kilometers and 600 meters above ground level

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. And since the border between Europe and Asia is not very clear, it is often called the very high mountain Europe.

The summit is located in the Caucasus on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. This is a classic stratovolcano: it has a conical shape, which it acquired as a result of multiple eruptions.

Elbrus has two peaks, and both are high: 5642 and 5621, respectively. The distance between these two peaks is approximately 3 kilometers.

For the first time the mountain was measured in 1813 by the Russian academician Vikenty Karlovich Vishnevsky.

Why Elbrus

Elbrus had about ten names. So the indigenous people of this territory admired the huge size of the mountain. In the Karachai-Balkarian language, Elbrus is called "Mingi-tau", which means "reminiscent of a thousand mountains" or "a mountain of thousands." Another name sounds a little different: "Minge-tau", which means "saddled mountain." The Turks called the mountain “Jinpadishah”, which means “the lord of the spirits”, the Abkhazians called the mountain “Orfi-tub” (“mountain of the blessed”), the Georgians called “Yal-buz” (“snow mane”).

There are also several versions about the origin of the modern name: perhaps it came from the Iranian "aytibares", which means " high mountain". It is likely that the origins of the name lie in the language of the Zend, one of the tribes of Iran: "Elbrus" means "brilliant".

When is it better to conquer the top

In July and August, the weather is the most stable on Elbrus. The air temperature here is about -8 degrees. However, as it rises, it can go down to -30 degrees. Winters are very hard and long here: from October to April. During this period, it is better to bask at home under a blanket and drink hot chocolate, otherwise the rise may end in sad consequences, including death.

The conquest of the summit takes about a week. Moreover, civilization made this path easier: there is cable car, which will take you directly to the Bochki shelter. It is located at an altitude of 3750 meters. The camp got its name for its insulated wagons that are located here: they look like barrels.

There are ten of them, each trailer can accommodate six people. There is also a specially equipped kitchen. It is from here that the ascent basically begins.

The next camp is located at an altitude of about 4000 meters. Once there was a hotel "Shelter of Eleven", but it burned down and the building was never restored.

But not far from it is the operating eco-hotel Leap-Rus.

It was designed by Italian architects and has all the amenities: water, electricity and even internet. The price of one night will cost 3250 rubles per bed.

Conquest history

The very first person to climb the summit of Elbrus was the Russian general Georgy Emmanuel. He conquered the mountain in 1829 with a whole group of people from the scientific world: geologists, physicists, zoologists.

The western peak, which is the highest, was conquered much later, after more than 40 years, in 1874. English climbers with a guide who took part in the first expedition in 1829 ascended here.

The first person who visited both peaks of Elbrus was topographer A.V. Pastukhov. He climbed the western peak in 1890, and in 1896 - the eastern one. He made up detailed maps the mountains.


Elbrus is dormant volcano... Neanderthals lived in this territory for a long time. However, after the eruptions that took place 45 thousand years ago, they left the mountain in search of a more favorable place of residence.

Studies have shown that the last eruption of Elbrus was in the 50s of our era.

Fact number 1... It was to Elbrus that Zeus chained Prometheus for his "trick": he gave people fire.

Fact number 2... During the Great Patriotic War, the Edelweiss division of the Germans captured mountain bases, including the Shelter of the Eleven. Nazi banners were erected on the mountain, and enthusiastic articles were written in German newspapers that both peaks were taken. The mountain was planned to be renamed "Hitler's Peak". All participants of the ascent were awarded with a token with just such an inscription.

Fact no. 3... In honor of the 400th anniversary of Kabardino-Balkaria, 400 climbers simultaneously climbed Elbrus in 1956.

Fact no. 4... In 1991, the Shelter of Eleven's toilet was voted the worst toilet in the world by Outside Magazine.

Fact number 5... Elbrus is one of the most dangerous peaks in the world. Accidents happen here on a regular basis; in 2004 alone, 48 people died here.

Fact no. 6... In 1997, the mountain was conquered by car: this was done by the Russian traveler Alexander Abramov. Land Rover was specially equipped for this purpose.

Fact number 7... Elbrus is included in the list of "Seven Peaks" - the list of the highest peaks of the planet.

Fact no. 8... There are 22 glaciers on Mount Elbrus. They form the sources of three rivers: Baksan, Malka and Kuban.

Fact number 9... The viewing radius on the mountain is constantly changing. It depends on the weather and pressure. Sometimes from here you can see two seas at once: the Caspian and the Black.

Fact number 10... Elbrus is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world in Russia.

Who else is in the top three

The second and third places are occupied by the same peaks of the Caucasus: Mount Dykhtau, 5204 meters high, and Mount Koshtantau, 5152 meters high.