Canyon Crimea. Grand Canyon of Crimea how to get there by car

One of the amazing natural attractions on our planet are canyons- very deep gorges with steep rocky lateral limits and a narrow low-lying passage through which a mountain stream usually flows. As a rule, in these natural corners, their own ecosystem is created.

The most famous canyons are located in Europe and America, but Crimea has something to be proud of in this regard! From the northeastern border of Mount Ai-Petri, about Sokolinoye village and a little away from the Bakhchisaray highway, located Great Crimean Canyon.

This amazing natural attraction was formed here about two million years ago as a result of a powerful tectonic fault. And along the bottom of the canyon flows the mountain river Auzun-Uzen, formed from small mountain streams and underground sources.

History of the formation of the canyon

The largest canyon of the Crimea with a depth of about 320 meters stretches deep into the peninsula 3.5 kilometers, parallel to the Ai-Petri Yaila. It began to form in the distant times of the Jurassic period, when the peninsula itself was still the seabed. Harder sedimentary rocks in the form of sandstones, siltstones and mudstones formed the base of the canyon, and limestones formed from the organic remains of then living sea creatures were located above.

The rock formations of the Grand Canyon formed over millions of years.

Then, as a result of numerous movements of the earth's crust, the Crimean peninsula became dry land. It happened over 130 million years back. As a result of the shrinkage of the formed rocks, they began to undergo cracking and fractures. The resulting crack was subjected to constant impact water, which sharpened the stone bottom and dissolved the limestone.

Mountain streams formed the bottom of the canyon gorge and its microclimate

At the same time, the peninsula continued to rise, and the canyon gorge rose with it. The water, in turn, deepened the bottom. So for millions of years this unique Crimean corner of nature was formed with its microclimate, fauna And flora which is a must visit.

Under the influence of water, the hollow of the stony riverbed deepened, from the sides, fenced with smooth rocks. The bottom itself was formed as a heap of large stones in the form boulders, which in turn created low waterfalls and deep pit baths.

Although the canyon itself has long been known to the local population, its first detailed description as a natural phenomenon belongs to Professor I. Puzanov who discovered it in 1925 and named it the Grand Canyon. And since the 30s, this natural landmark has already been included in all Crimean guidebooks.

In 1947, the canyon received the status of a Natural Monument, and in 1974 its territory has been declared a protected area.

How to get to the Grand Canyon

The best option is to take from your place of residence sightseeing tour. This solution will save you from many problems and difficulties, but pleasure is not cheap.

At independent movement It is most convenient to get to the Grand Canyon by a personal car from the side of Bakhchisarai along the Bakhchisarai highway, or along it from the side of Yalta (depending on where it is more convenient). In any case, the car will have to be parked in the Grand Canyon parking area and then move on foot along the chosen route.

On public transport following along the Bakhchisaray highway, you must also get off at stop Grand Canyon, from where to follow the sign for about 5 kilometers.

Yusupov trail

For lovers of hiking, there is an opportunity to get to the Grand Canyon from the village of Sokolinoye along the well-known tourist route - the Yusupov trail.

Like the similar Tsar's path from Livadia to Gaspra, Yusupovskaya was laid out for walking, both on foot and on horseback. Such walks were made by members of the Yusupov family, who owned these lands and had a beautiful Yusupov Palace in Koreiz. Walked along these paths and their many guests.

Today the Yusupov trail is a popular hiking route.

The trail starts in the village of Sokolinoe, which can be reached by bus. Further from the bus stop, you need to move along Lenin Street to N. Rechnaya Street, and then along Gornaya Street to the left branch of the dirt road.

Trail easily passable. Its length is about 5 km, so it is quite possible to overcome it in an hour, admiring the mountain landscape along the way. Boyko massif, behind which there is a canyon, and a pointed Mount Syuyuryu-Kaya located opposite. From the village of Sokolinoye, you can also walk to the canyon along the Bakhchisaray highway and along the bed of the Kokkozka River. However, the path along the Yusupov trail will be the most convenient.

post oak

The Yusupov trail ends near a local attraction - post oak where the Grand Canyon begins. This 300 or 400 year old the oak has long been dead, only the withered part of the mighty trunk remains of it. But it is quite possible that hollow this tree was once a joke mailbox where the Yusupovs themselves and their guests put letters.

Even after dying, the Postal Oak remained a local landmark.

Here one involuntarily recalls the touchingly tragic story of love correspondence between Masha and Dubrovsky, who also used the services of an oak tree. IN postwar period, during the heyday of mass tourism to the Crimea, leaving letters with wishes, narrations and requests in the hollow of the Postal Oak has become a well-established tradition.

The oak became a memorial tree, mentioned in guidebooks and a local landmark, around which everyone was eager to take a picture. However, in early 80s someone set fire to the tree and it died. But, as often happens in Crimea, even this sad fact has turned into a local legend. Allegedly, a terrible curse was placed in the hollow by some evil person. The tree could not stand such a manifestation of human hatred and turned to the heavenly gods for help. And the gods sent lightning, which destroyed the letter carrying the curse, and along with it, other letters, and the oak itself.

Nevertheless, although the tree died, the tradition and belief in the fulfillment of desires could not be destroyed. To this day, tourists leave in a partially preserved hollow notes with their various stories and reflections, and continue to photograph the famous tree.

From Post Oak to see the Grand Canyon, you can go down- to the riverbed of Auzun-Uzen and get acquainted with the sights of the bottom of the gorge. And you can keep going up- to travel along the right side of the upper edge of the canyon.

Description of the canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and popular natural attractions of the peninsula with unique rocky cliffs and river valley. If you look at the canyon from the upper observation decks, which are located on the protruding cliffs (Storozhevoy, Pine, Fourth, Fifth and Trapis), you can see almost the entire gorge, resembling a huge mythical beast.

Since the depth of the canyon gorge is quite decent, and the width sometimes does not allow the sun's rays to reach the canyon bottom, this amazing closed world has formed its own special microclimate high humidity and coolness with its specific flora and fauna. Even in the hottest time of the year in the gorge there is no higher 18 degrees, and the temperature of the water in the spring baths does not warm up above 8-11 degrees.

As already mentioned, a unique natural closed system has been formed in the Grand Canyon over millions of years, the main life energy of which rests on the presence of spring sources, mountain streams and Auzun-Uzen river. Numerous stone boulders have led to the creation of numerous picturesque waterfalls reaching 3-4 meters in height.

And under the action of water corroding limestone rocks, river boilers were formed - depressions reaching 2-3 meters deep and up to 10 meters in diameter. There are more than 150 such cauldrons throughout the canyon. Some of them have become attractions in the form of Baths (Youth, Love and Sobriety, etc.).

Flora and fauna

The vegetation of this unique territory is represented by very rare relic representatives of trees and shrubs. Moreover, if on the slopes of the canyon grow mainly grey-stemmed pines, then in the very lowland the riot of broad-leaved forest strikes.

There are oaks and hornbeams, ash and beeches, mountain ash and maples, and the rarest of the local forest are considered unique 10-15-meter yew berry reaching a diameter of up to one and a half meters.

Shrub vegetation is represented hazel, dogwood, barberry, buckthorn, etc. Unique species of ferns and orchids, saxifrage and needles. Many of the plants are exclusive, and are not found anywhere else in the Crimea.

Formed in the canyon and interesting fauna. Here you can meet lizards, hedgehogs, Crimean weasel, badgers and roe deer. And trout swim in the cold mountain water. The bird world is diversely represented, among which you can admire the Crimean Muscovite and long-tailed tit, robin and warbler, jay and woodpecker.

What to see in the canyon?

Before going to the Grand Canyon on a walking tour, you need to remember that this protected area! And this means that here you can’t pick flowers and break trees, kindle fires and set up tents, but it is advisable to move along a specially provided route, which is fixed on signs and marked with marked arrows.

Features of tourist routes

The Grand Canyon is very popular with tourists of all skill levels. Our recommendations are designed for the average vacationer who wants to explore the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon. Tourist routes related to active recreation can pass both along top its edge, which is quite impressive, so along its hollow-bottom, along the channel of Auzun-Uzeni.

In terms of impressions and perspectives, these routes differ greatly. They also differ in the complexity of movement, i.e. moving along the upper edge is much easier and safer, but you can get to know the world of the gorge only at its depth. Therefore, many hikers prefer to move one way at the top of the canyon and back- at its bottom. In this case, you can see the beauty of this Crimean landmark from all sides.

Tourist route signs are located in the direction of travel

An independent tour of the canyon gorge is very unusual, extremely picturesque and unforgettable. But it is best to do it only in good weather, because after or during the rain, movement is fraught with the dangers of rockfalls, washed out paths, turbulent currents and other surprises.

Walking through the Grand Canyon Gorge is, in general, sports and tourism event requiring physical endurance, some training and skill. Therefore, if there is no great confidence in your abilities, or if you have small children and the elderly with you, then it is better to refuse to move along the route, limiting yourself to descending to the river and a short walk along the riverbed. Another option is to use the services of experienced guides.

Taking into account the fact that self-examination involves movement along mountain paths, it is of paramount importance equipment- comfortable shoes, preferably waterproof, sports and warm clothes. It is recommended to have a spare food and drink. The best time of the year to visit the Grand Canyon is summer. By this time, the river is not as stormy and not as full-flowing as in spring and autumn, small streams almost completely disappear and movement becomes safer and more convenient.

And, most importantly, in no case should you leave the route, which is marked with marked marks. Himself almost 6 km the route is decorated with railings and steps. And do not forget that the trip is paid. At the entrance, you will have to pay a fee of 100 rubles and familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the reserve.

The most popular tourist attractions canyons are considered in sequence - Blue Lake, Apple Ford, Pania Spring and Youth Bath - a deep cauldron filled with spring water.

Blue Lake

This natural attraction of the Grand Canyon is very large pit bath the Auzun-Uzen river, fed from numerous mountain streams, springs and underground springs. It is located not far from the village of Sokolinoe, which in the pre-revolutionary period belonged to the owner of the famous Korean palace, Felix Yusupov. You can get here along a marked hiking trail.

The lake is popular for its numerous legends, with its beauty and, most importantly, with its amazing color. Especially blue color of the lake is obtained when photographing it from a high point of the upper edge, called the Fifth Cape.

This spill of the Auzun-Uzeni river is also called lake of love, for it is believed that everyone who decides to plunge into its cold waters will receive happiness in the love field as a reward for determination. As for love, there is no exact evidence, but the lake can definitely relieve fatigue, recharge with vigor and new strength. Don't believe? Try it yourself!

Near this amazingly picturesque lake there are fantastic rocky grottoes, which have very original names. For example, about the cave cow grotto it is rumored that it is from there that an incredible howl of an indefinite source is heard at night, which suggests the existence of mythical creatures there, or, even better, an open portal to the other world of hell.

apple ford

Tourists usually make one of the first stops around apple ford. This amazing place got its name due to the many wild apple trees growing here without human supervision. In this place, which is very favorable for tourist recreation, the main river of the Auzun-Uzen canyon connects with the “apple stream”, as its name Almachuk is translated.

It is believed that a very long time ago, at the dawn of Christianity, there was a certain settlement of the ancient Principality of Theodoro with the temple of the All-Holy Mother of God (Panagia), and at the temple there was an apple orchard, the feral fruits of which modern travelers can treat themselves to.

Apple ford has a very convenient bridge

On a wooden bridge across Auzun-Uzen, you can cross to the other side of the river. Not far from here is a unique natural spring, which is called the source of Pania.

Source of Pania

After Blue Lake, a must see is the famous and stunning source Pania, described for the first time in 1915. This water spring is of karst origin, located deep in a cave. Since the spring was at one time near the sacred chapel (or rather, the chapel was built near it), the spring not only received a temple name, but was also revered miraculous and holy.

The site of the former Orthodox chapel is marked with a cross

Pania is one of the most full-flowing sources of fresh water on the peninsula. And the water flowing out of it forms a bath in a rocky pit, which is called sobriety bath because its temperature is only about 5-6 degrees.

The source produces the most full-flowing release of water at the beginning of spring, when a large amount of snow melts in the gorge. And then the flow weakens, because the source is fed in the summer only from underwater springs.

From the Pania Spring you can go to the Bath of Youth

500-600 meters from the source of Paniya there is another water attraction - the Bath of Youth.

Bath of Youth

Another natural pit bath - Bath of Youth, is usually the final object in the list of attractions of the Great Crimean Canyon. This body of water is one of the deepest 5 meters. Traditionally, it is necessary to take a dip here in order to recharge with youthful energy and vigor in 9-11-degree water. This mountain lake is also called Karagol, which in Turkic means Black Lake.

Here, as already mentioned, the mass tourist route ends, but the most advanced and extreme tourists like to continue it further, exploring new picturesque and sometimes difficult corners of the amazing Grand Canyon. After all, getting to know him in a day can't finish!

But we must keep in mind that further movement is designed for experienced tourists who have the necessary equipment and equipment. For ahead are narrow and rocky mountain corridors, deep baths and so on.

What to see near the canyon

The territory of the Grand Canyon is located on the right side of the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. But on the opposite side of this highway, there are other amazing natural beauties and attractions. small canyon, formed by the channel of the river Sary-Uzen.

If you move to the right from the Postal Oak, then crossing the highway and going up a little, you can see two beautiful Crimean corners. First of all, this is the Silver Jets Waterfall.

Waterfall Silver Jets

This one of the most full-flowing Crimean waterfalls was formed on the Sary-Uzen River, in the gorge of the Small Canyon, on the opposite side of the Grand Canyon. Between the Small and Grand Canyons, the distance is about three kilometers.

This waterfall, sung poet A. Fet back in the middle of the 19th century until recently was extremely picturesque. From under a large stone semicircular canopy covered with bright emerald moss, the thinnest streams of water flowed down, like a tulle curtain covering the entrance to a dark grotto.

Unfortunately, due to strong temperature fluctuations in January 2016 the connection of the powerful visor to the base cracked, and it collapsed. A huge block blocked the view of the waterfall, which has lost its former fantastic charm.

True, scientists expect that somewhere in 10 thousand years, a new moss visor will grow over the waterfall. So, you need to be patient.

Nevertheless, the waterfall itself remains a natural attraction today and attracts many tourists. The falling water is somewhat reminiscent of a kind of musical instrument, and the water jets, in which the sun's rays play, really sometimes seem to be silver. Moreover, the location of the waterfall is considered place of gaining power. Those. tourists who are here in a very short time will feel the return of vitality and physical activity.

In winter, this waterfall, like the famous Wuchang-Su, freezes, forming fabulous icicles. At this time it is called crystal. But in the spring, Silver streams amaze with their high water.

Around the waterfall, as in the Grand Canyon, there are rare relic trees that create an amazing feeling. abandoned world.

Yusupov Pond

If you go further from the Silver Falls meters 200 up, you can see the Yusupov pond, or lake. It is often confused with the Blue Lake of the Grand Canyon. However, the real Yusupov Lake is an artificial reservoir formed as a result of the creation dams or dams.

This reservoir was created by order of the owner of these places, Prince F. Yusupovbut, who often rested in the current village of Sokolinoe (formerly Kokkozy). dam-covered recess Sary-Uzen rivers filled with water, and for a long time served as a pond for breeding trout. This delicacy fish was often supplied to the Livadia Palace, where representatives of the imperial family were treated to it.

After the revolution, there was no special care for the lake. Old stone fence and spillway covered lime deposits and resemble the ancient remains of fortress loopholes. But the banks themselves, overgrown with viburnum and wild rose, look very picturesque framed by a dense and cool forest of beech and yew trees.

Abandoned Yusupov pond looks very attractive

Today, of course, there is no trout in the lake, and the water warms up a little under the sun, so if you get over the stone wall, you can swim in the reservoir created by the famous Prince Yusupov at the beginning of the 20th century.

Yellow Cave (lost)

Not far from the Yusupov Lake is another of the karst springs, flowing from a small crevice and feeding the Saru-Uzen River with its waters. There is a small waterfall that adorns the source of the river, and the missing entrance to the Yellow Cave, which has become another lost creation of the Crimean nature.

Opened this cave in 1958 speleologist V.Sedov, and originally it was called Sokolinsky. More recently, it was theoretically possible to visit it, of course, in appropriate equipment. But the passage there was very narrow, you had to practically crawl on your stomach between the stones, and then move for some time waist-deep in water. So, this attraction was only suitable for extreme sportsmen and lovers of such natural dungeons.

The cave hall was rather small. There was a lake in it, into which, from an eight-meter height, fell waterfall. Main the cave hall was represented by a 150-meter triangular gallery, rich in fantastic stalactites and stalagmites. From the main passage there were two branches to other halls. There were amazing helictites and unique baths here.

Alas, our active contemporaries decided to expand the inlet explosion, which led to the collapse of the upper slab and the loss of the entrance to the cave.

And in the end, I would like to add that in addition to exploring the natural beauties of the Grand and Small Canyon, tourists will not pass by a small outlet, where you can taste honey and locally produced jams, all of which are very healthy and very original recipes. After trying the sweets, it will be possible to purchase a jar or two of honey with spruce cones or dogwood jam, although someone may want jam with Crimean rose petals more! In any case, it is more convenient to buy this product on the way back!

For a large army of tourists, there are places on Earth that are very popular. But gradually interest in them cools down, as a conveyor visit by everyone turns this place into an ordinary route, devoid of attractiveness.

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is both a visited and at the same time not explored place on the tourist map of Crimea. Primordial and most majestic of all the gorges in the Crimea. Everyone who visits it discovers something new every time.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea? Can you climb it on your own? What places in the canyon are worth visiting? We will talk about this in our article.

Location Description

The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of a break in the earth's crust. Its age is approximately 2 million years. As a result of earthly transformations, the Grand Canyon in the Crimea turned out.

A tectonic fault divided a single mountain range into two: and Boyka. This is a mountain funnel 3000 m long, 320 m high, and in some places it is only 2 meters wide. But as a tourist route, it was opened relatively recently, in 1925. This year a documentary film about the canyon was released, which made it popular among tourists. The territory of the Grand Canyon of Crimea covers an area of ​​300 hectares.

However, it is not so easy for many to walk along its bottom because of the great difficulties and obstacles during the journey. Therefore, to facilitate the route and enjoy the hike, all tourist routes were laid along the upper edge of the canyon. They do not require special tourist and physical training. You do not need to have special tourist equipment for these routes.

But for those who are not afraid of difficulties along the way, the route along the bottom of the canyon is more attractive and informative, since few people visit these places. Therefore, untouched nature, not visible from above, fascinates with its extraordinary beauty.

See photos of the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

The Crimean canyon is fed by numerous mountain streams. The water temperature in them never exceeds 11-12 degrees.

The main decoration of the canyon landscape is the Auzun-Uzen River. Its waters, replenished by numerous tributaries and springs, the main of which is the Pania spring, are the main "architect" of this reserve. It was the influence of water over many centuries of its existence that allowed the canyon to acquire a unique look.

The waters of this river formed about 150 different water baths and boilers. Along its channel there are many grottoes and niches. The second important river in this canyon is the Sary-Uzen River. These two rivers, united, form the Kokkozka River. A tourist route runs along the entire gorge of the canyon.

There are places on it where you need to prove yourself a little rock climber. The narrowest hole in it is only 3 meters. Very beautiful vegetation: many unusual fruit and berry bushes, rare species of ferns and juniper, pistachio, strawberry tree. It is here that there is a unique grove of yew trees, of which there are only 1000 specimens and they belong to endangered trees.

Unique vegetation, freshness of river water, heady air - these are all components of an unforgettable time spent on this route. And it is very interesting to travel with the whole family, no matter what, there will be fatigue from the distance traveled on foot, but the general positive emotions from everything seen around will make even children forget about the difficulties on the road.

Some experienced tourists know an inconspicuous path that leads to ledge rocks. Standing on these ledges, you can admire the beauty of this majestic canyon.

Waterfall Silver Jets

This beautiful creation of nature is located 4.5 km south of the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisarai district), in the Small Canyon gorge. It, like many "creations" of the Sary-Uzen River (from the Tat. "Yellow River") was formed by its waters for a long time.

Outwardly, its entire structure resembles a musical instrument, and the jets look like silver strings. This gave him one of the names.

Another name for the waterfall is Silver. The third name is “Crystal”, as in winter the jets freeze, forming many icicles. It is located away from the Grand Canyon, 3 km west of it. A very unusual waterfall in appearance: a huge “cap” of moss from under it numerous jets of pure “silver” water are knocked out. This whole composition hides the black hole of the entrance to the mysterious grotto. The waterfall is surrounded by a forest in which a lot of hornbeam, beech, oak, mountain ash, dogwood grow

bath of youth

It is located above the Pania spring among numerous small baths and boilers. But it was she who gained fame as a special bath, the waters of which keep young and return youth to older people. This beautiful belief made visiting it especially desirable for all, without exception, organized tourist groups and independent travelers.

This bath is up to 5 meters deep, the temperature of the water in it, even on a strong hot day, does not exceed 10 degrees. Until the early 60s, it was called Kara-Gol, which means "Black Lake". Usually, at this bath, the tour of the Grand Canyon of Crimea for mass groups ends. To move on, you need a good preparation of a climber.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map and how to get there

This canyon can be found by everyone on the map and on the ground. This is due to its huge popularity among vacationers. Therefore, there is a well-established infrastructure that allows you to get only positive emotions when visiting this magnificent place in the Crimea.

The starting point for the Grand Canyon is the famous. Shuttle minibuses to this city from all major cities of Crimea run systematically.

Grand Canyon on the map:

You can also get to the Grand Canyon from Sevastopol. In both cases, from these cities, you need to take regular buses to the village with the beautiful name Sokolinoye. However, there are only three such flights from Sevastopol per day. If by personal transport, then having reached the village of Sokolinoye, then on the road to the south from it, drive 3 km. And before you will open in all its indescribable beauty - this is a magnificent natural reserve of the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

See the map (diagram) of how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car from Bakhchisarai:

Let's summarize:

  1. There are areas on the territory of the Grand Canyon that are prohibited for tourists to visit. The probability of rockfalls is very high in their territory.
  2. In the reserve, it is strictly forbidden to pick flowers, fruits from trees, cut down trees, spend the night, make fires.
  3. It is recommended to visit the Grand Canyon during the dry season, as during the high water, it is impassable and dangerous for travel in many areas.
  4. If on the way you come across a “boiler” or “bath” with a black water surface, then swimming in them is undesirable. This happens often at low water (in dry times). The water in these "tanks" stagnates and begins to turn black from rotted algae, acquiring an unattractive brown color and smell.

Watch a video about a trip to the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not only the most beautiful and fascinating place, but also in many ways a rather mysterious and mysterious corner, surrounded by many legends and tales. At the sight of this gigantic rock formation, like a giant scar stretching for kilometers in the body of the Crimean Mountains, one involuntarily takes one's breath away and there is a feeling of respectful awe before its silent, calm grandeur.

All the beauty of this place, as well as the feelings and emotions that it generates during contemplation, is difficult to describe in words. On the one hand, it is quite multifaceted, nature did its best in this, enriching its flora and aesthetic world, and on the other hand, the mouth simply goes numb from the breathtaking spectacle. It is completely different from the gloomy, dark crevices that arise in the imagination at the word "canyon". On the contrary, it is filled with unimaginable colors, charm, the spirit of ancient legends, as if hovering in space, and life, seething literally under every stone.

Where is the canyon in Crimea?

It is located on the southern tip of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region. It lies between two mountain ranges - and, approximately at an equal distance, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoye.

Gorge on the map of Crimea

What is an attraction?

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a geological fault formed as a result of high tectonic activity, accompanied by catastrophic earthquakes and platform shifts approximately 2,000,000 years ago. His education seems quite logical. Having soft rocky ledges with a predominance of limestone rocks, it actually divided two powerful mountain ranges - the Main Ridge and the Sredinny Ridge. Over many thousands of years, it deepened and expanded under the influence of the environment, landslides, weathering and water erosion. This process continues even now.

Of course, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot be compared with the fault of the same name in the US state of Arizona, but its parameters are also impressive. It stretches for 3.5 km in length, has an average depth of 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 m, with a width ranging from 3 to 187 m, then narrowing, then expanding throughout. The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom, fed by many streams and springs, turning into beautiful, sonorous waterfalls, cascading from a small height. The mouth is replete with depressions or boilers filled with water, forming small but rather deep lakes, called "baths".

Nature of the Grand Crimean Canyon

Due to its depth and gorges, where the sun's rays rarely penetrate, a peculiar microclimate is formed in the canyon, thanks to which it is cool and damp on the hottest days. The air temperature rarely exceeds +18 degrees, and the water remains at +11, so it is not possible to soak up one of the famous "baths". The plant world in the closed space of a giant fault is very rich and diverse.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is represented by hundreds of species of trees, shrubs and flowers, many of which are endemic and have survived to this day only due to the peculiarities of the formation itself. Orchids are especially noteworthy in this regard, most of their species (about 70%) grow only here, as well as relict plants, such as berry yews, sublingual needles, saxifrage, etc., are not found anywhere else on the peninsula.

Routes and excursions to the Grand Canyon

The tour, introducing its unforgettable beauties, runs in two directions - along the fault, along its right edge, and along the bottom. Both options are good in their own way, and in both cases you will get wonderful photos, but they are very different from each other. The route passing along the upper "side" is not so picturesque, but it is completely safe -
You can walk along it at any time of the year and also on your own. Along the way, stunning views of forested mountain slopes and shady valleys open up, but the main impressions still lie deep below - where you can only look from a dizzying height, standing on a ledge.

The route passing along the bottom is more interesting, truly exciting and picturesque, but it is extremely difficult, and sometimes represents a considerable danger - during rainy periods, for example, it turns into a death trap. As a result, it is worth abandoning such a trip until at least mid-July, and going on it yourself is fraught with great risk - the map will not let you get lost, but ignorance of the area can lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to go here with an excursion or with an experienced guide, to have skills and good, comfortable shoes.

How to get (get there)?

You can use public transport, by bus "Bakhchisaray - Yalta", get to the stop "Grand Canyon of Crimea" and walk about 5 more km on foot or hitchhiking. Often, tourists are also interested, wanting to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there by car, which indicates a desire to look into it on their own. It is best to focus on the route from the side, from where you need to drive along the T0117 highway 32 km in a southerly direction to and further 3-5 km to the southeast.

Are you better on a map? See on it how you can get (walk) to the desired object from Sokolinoye:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: pos. Sokolinoe, Bakhchisaray district, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.

Speaking of the Grand Canyon, one thing is for sure - you won’t find a more amazing and beautiful place in Crimea! Thanks to objects such as, or the source of Pania, he became widely known far beyond the peninsula. But here everyone finds a reason to visit it. Someone is attracted by extreme sports, someone is attracted by the inimitable beauty and rare species of flora, and someone comes at all attracted by terrible Tatar legends. One way or another, everyone finds here what they went for, what they were looking for, and even though everyone has different reasons for visiting, the common ones are bright, unforgettable impressions and delight that remains for a long time, if not for life, then for many years. Watch the video about this enchanting place in the conclusion.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea - this popular route is somewhat akin to a Russian classic novel, in which some see just a curious everyday story, while others see a deep philosophical subtext, finding, behind the interweaving of phrases, a second, third and even fourth meaning. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a seemingly canonical place, worn almost “to holes” by the feet of a whole stream of tourists, while most of them do not even realize that they see only a fraction of its breathtaking beauties.

In order to fully enjoy the impressive views of the most famous Crimean gorge, you need some physical, and ideally, climbing, preparation, comfortable trekking shoes, and, most importantly, the willingness to spend the whole day traveling along the bottom, shores and capes of the Grand Canyon of Crimea . And only then, convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, he will open all his hidden corners before you.

Grand opening of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Until the 20s of the last century, this giant crevasse was known only to scientists, and there was not a word about it in guidebooks around the Crimea. He told the world about this unique canyon in his books, and, in fact, gave him the name Professor Puzanov. But the real popularity of the Grand Canyon of Crimea was brought by a documentary made about it in 1925 and today, alas, lost.

After the picture was released, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, a hitherto unknown route, became a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Its length is 3.5 km, the height of the walls is 320 m. Usually the canyon goes upstream. The most popular section is from Postal Oak to the Bath of Youth, which is located approximately in the center of the gorge. What goes beyond its borders usually escapes the sight of organized tourists.

The hard-to-reach Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth, as it were, cuts off from inexperienced tourists. This section of the path almost always passes through the dry bottom of the gorge. Its length of 2 km, trained hikers pass in the summer for 3-4 hours. Such a low speed is due to the large number of obstacles that you mainly have to climb around.

During the spring flood and after heavy rains, this area is almost impossible to overcome.

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Grand Canyon of Crimea: route "Great Around the World"

The ring route, when travelers go along the channel of the Grand Canyon of Crimea upstream of the Auzun-Uzen River, and then return along the upper path, admiring the gorge from numerous capes, is called the "Big Around the World".

It starts from the Yew Cascade, which is located a little further downstream than the "classic path" that starts from the Postal Oak (or rather, the remains of a tree where tourists leave notes).

Along this route, there are many interesting objects that you should definitely pay attention to.

Yew cascade. A waterfall under old yews, which flows to huge stones, overgrown with moss and braided with plants. If you walk from it along the right bank, then on the way you will meet a narrow gap between huge boulders. An old tourist tale says that unfaithful spouses get stuck in it.

Blue Lake. It is an extension of the channel. Its water is emerald in color, but only in early spring. In summer there are many bathers, so it becomes cloudy and turns greenish.

Apple Ford (near the descent of the path leading from the Postal Oak). This is the name of the place opposite the mouth of the first left tributary of the Auzun-Uzen River - Almachuk (translated from Tatar as Apple). In autumn, it brings many wild apples into the mainstream, which fall into its waters from apple trees growing upstream. Here the fruits accumulate, and this gave the place its name.

Source Pania (from "Panagia" - "All Saint"). He was one of the holy springs that were worshiped here in the Middle Ages. Today it is included in the TOP-20 Crimean springs, spewing 370 liters of water every second.

Bath of youth.
This is one of the eurosive cauldrons, "drilled" in the bottom of the canyon by stones rotated by a turbulent spring stream. Decorating the Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth or Kara-Gol attracts hordes of tourists who take its name too literally. But it appeared quite recently - in the 60s. The people who plunged into it jumped out of this black lake too fast, because the water temperature here, even in the heat, is about + 9 degrees.

The depth of this “trough”, as the Crimean Tatars simply called the baths, is no more than 5 meters. It is fed by an ever-living spring located 150 m upstream.

Yohagan-su tributary (missing water), right, flows upstream. In summer it dries up, exposing a steep slope with a suite of smooth-walled baths. It is chosen by canyoning fans who climb up it to get to the right wall of the canyon.

If immediately after the Bath of Youth the Grand Canyon of Crimea is still full of water, then, literally, after a few hundred meters, its channel completely dries up. Nature has prepared natural barriers for travelers here in the form of heaps of huge boulders and smooth-walled baths, narrow corridors where you can hardly stand up with your arms outstretched.

There are only four such restrictions. The largest corridor is the first, 200 m long, the smallest is the last. But even between them, the channel does not expand to more than 6 m.

Having conquered the extreme Grand Canyon of Crimea, the route can be laid in two directions - either continue it, returning to the starting point along the upper trails, or go to Ai-Petri.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: how to get to observation points

Capes from which you can view the Grand Canyon of Crimea from above are located on both sides of it. They are numbered, marked with numbers, although there are also "nominal" ones.

It is not difficult to reach them - numerous paths lead to them, they are marked on the map.

A particularly impressive view opens from Watchtower Cape, aka the First, which literally reigns over the canyon.

An excellent observation point is the Fourth Cape, next to which the Cow Grotto (Taur-Koba) blackens. According to the stories of tourists who had to stop here for the night, the wind extracts absolutely incredible sounds from the grotto, turning it into an Aeolian harp, all the rustles here are amplified many times over. It got its name cow because the shepherds hid their cattle here in bad weather.

A breathtaking panorama also opens from Cape Trapis (from the Greek "trapezus" - table), but only in spring and autumn, because in summer it is covered with green thickets.

A hike through the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the summer will take only one day and will be a wonderful family adventure. And those who are ready for more severe tests can try to overcome the canyon in the off-season or become a pioneer of their own climbing route.

The cleft is located next to the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway. Therefore, the answer to the question: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there on your own?” uncomplicated. There are many buses and minibuses running between these settlements.

Regular buses run from Bakhchisaray to the village. Falcon, from there to the entrance to the Grand Canyon 5 km towards Yalta. It is impossible to pass by - a landmark parking lot and an abundance of sightseeing buses.

On the territory of the entire Crimean peninsula, the Grand Canyon is the wildest and most majestic gorge. That is why this area attracts a huge number of tourists every year.

If you want to get closer to nature and see incredibly picturesque panoramas with your own eyes, you should go to the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon photo:

Useful information

To begin with, we offer a brief educational program on the main features of this territory.

  • Geographically, this object is located in the north of the main Crimean ridge. The territory of the Grand Canyon is a few kilometers from the village of Sokolinoye. The most popular tourist routes run from there.
  • The height of the rocks that rise above the rivers and the gorge reaches three hundred meters.
  • A canyon formed in the space of a tectonic crack. The beginning of creation dates back 1.5 million years to the present day.
  • The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom, which grinds these limestone rocks for more than one thousand years. Due to this, along the course there are many rapids, waterfalls and so-called boilers.
  • The water temperature in the river is almost always 11 degrees.
  • The total territory occupies about 300 hectares, the length is about 3.5 kilometers, there are narrow sections where from wall to wall no more than three meters.

Now let's take a brief excursion into history.

History of the Grand Canyon

As mentioned earlier, the history of the canyon goes back over a million years. Water erosion gradually carved out its patterns, thanks to which the canyon has now become what it has become.

The population that lived here always knew about the deep crevice. There were even legends about strange sounds that come from the bottom of Auzun-Uzen during the dark period of the day. Some considered the canyon to be the abode of spirits.

The first documented evidence dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when researchers began to actively study the region. Moreover, in 1925 they even shot a movie dedicated to the gorge, and five years later, an excursion to the Grand Canyon became part of the program of some tourist centers.

In the second half of the 20th century, the territory first acquired the status of a natural monument, and then a landscape reserve.

Terrain features

The space of the canyon appeared thanks to the river, which gradually carved and continues to carve limestone. Now there is a deep depression, which has rather smooth walls and many boulders and waterfalls along the bottom.

The unique microclimate allowed many plants to survive here during the Ice Age. Until now, high humidity and lower temperatures compared to the surrounding lands are factors that determine the unique composition of the flora.

According to the composition of plants, the Grand Canyon is a unique space; a considerable number of endangered plants grow here, in particular, there are:

  • yew grove, where ancient relic berry yews grow, having up to one and a half meters in girth;
  • unique ferns;
  • Crimean orchids, in particular the incredibly rare variety of the lady's slipper.

Of the representatives of the fauna, the composition here is not much different from the rest of the lands in the middle and south of the country. Separately, it should be noted numerous lizards and brook trout that live in these waters.

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What is the Grand Canyon today?

Now the territory is completely developed by tourists, but since they do not put up tents here and do not stay for a long period, the space is still clean and pleasant for hiking. At the same time, the canyon is interesting at any time of the year:

  • spring - from March to April, mountain snows begin to melt, many waterfalls and the majestic rumble of mighty rivers appear in the gorge;
  • summer - in the midst of the heat, many rivers dry up, where there is even no water, but the tourist route only becomes more picturesque from this;
  • autumn - the walls of the canyon, which were full of green earlier, turn yellow-red and such saturation can turn your head;
  • winter - it is cold in the canyon, but this fact does not scare many tourists, there is still something to do here.

The most popular attractions are the Blue Lakes, the Youth Bath and the Pania Spring.

  • Blue Lake. As a rule, it is the first stop on the way of the tourist route. The water here really has a slightly bluish tint, and the water here is also the warmest in the entire canyon. Therefore, in the summer they often swim here.
  • The Bath of Youth is one of the main attractions, most often the tourist route ends here. According to legend, every visitor to the canyon should take a dip here. In fact, this name hides a small erosive cauldron that is filled with spring waters.
  • Source of Pania. It is located half a kilometer from the bath of youth. This source has been known since ancient times. Previously, there was a Byzantine temple here, then it was just a space for worship. Until now, the source is considered miraculous. Here you can see the stones of the ancient temple and feel spiritual uplift.

The walk through the canyon takes about 2-3 hours, the route is easy and suitable even for hiking with children. There are a number of explored hiking trails and each trail is marked so it's hard to get lost.

How to get to the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon runs almost under the Ai-Petri mountain from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. In order to get there, you can use the Bakhchisaray-Yalta highway. When you eat from Yalta, you climb AiPetri, cross the plateau and go down to the foot.

On the track you can see many signs to the Grand Canyon stop. There are almost always a lot of cars at the bus stop itself; in summer, tourist buses also park there. By the way, you can also go there from different cities by bus.

Regarding buses, flights from three cities should be noted: Bakhchisaray, Sevastopol, Simferopol. Every day 3-4 buses depart from each city, usually in the morning, afternoon and evening. These buses reach the village of Sokolinoe, from there it will take about an hour to walk, the route will be indicated to you by almost every inhabitant of the village.

When you reach the beginning of the canyon from Sokolinoye, you can see the ticket office there, where they charge for a walk. Therefore, you should take some finances with you, especially in summer. In winter and off-season, the ticket office is usually closed, and you can enjoy this tourist route freely.

Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 44.527778 E 34.016667 Latitude/Longitude