Taxi kamikaze. Passenger security does not guarantee no one

All urban land transport moves according to the established road rules. For the execution of these rules, the driver, pedestrian and passenger - road participants, that is, we are with you.

During the day, being on the roads of the city, we can turn many times in different participants in the road. Pedestrian sat on a bike or in his car, and now he became a driver. If we are in the cabin of the bus, tram, trolleybus, then we are passengers.

You may think that the passenger is a person who travels on any form of transport. This is not quite so. For example, when we enter the lounge of the bus or leave it, we are passengers and must comply with the rules prescribed to us.

We expect transport we are on the landing site, which can be on the sidewalk or on the side of the road. If it is located on the roadway at one level with it, in this case its boundaries are celebrated on the road with a solid white line. The landing site may even be in the middle of the road, but on the plot, raised over the roadway - as, for example, the tram stop. Mostly landing platforms are equipped with a canopy, a seat for seating, route schemes of transport.

Landing in public transport should be carried out organized, with a complete stop of the tram, bus, trolleybus or route taxi. The same applies to landing from the vehicle. No need to push, fuss until the passengers pay their travel. It is categorically impossible to jump into public transport on the go when it is sent - you can be pinned with the doors or fall under the wheels. It is better to wait for the next trolley buse or bus.

In the train or tram car, a trolley buses salon, see where emergency exits are located, read the instructions as they use. To avoid injuries and do not fall during the movement and sharp braking of transport, do not be leaving for the doors and be sure to hold the handrails. If you have to go far, do not attend the exit, where the accumulation of passengers.

Being in transport, do not push, do not go to people on your feet and do not speak too loudly, do not merbyi. In case of danger, contact the surrounding or driver (driver). Get ready for the exit.

On the lines of the tram and trolleybus there is another danger that increases with rainstone rains, thaws in winter - with high humidity, with strong wind. In these cases, it is possible to defeat the current, because both of these types of transport operate on electricity. Do not go into trolleybus, tram, if it was found that someone hit the current.

At any trip, watch the situation in the cabin and on the road. This will help in time to notice the threat of a collision, fall, take the correct position of the body and tightly grab the handrail, chair.

Fire in public transport

If we are in the cabin of public transport or train carriage, we should alert the appearance of the smell of Gary and smoke. We know that they are the harbingers of a fire. It is urgent to inform the driver or a driver.

To ensure safety, in addition to primary fire extinguishing facilities - fire extinguisher, in the salons of buses and trolley buses, in the cars of trains and trams there are emergency exits - this is the windows. The prominent places contain information about which window loops (coupe) are equipped with additional outputs.

Remember the procedure in case of fire:

    without delaying report on the appearance of smoke or fire to the driver (driver, conductor);

    execute passengers, wake sleeping;

    protect your mouth and nose from smoke with a scarf, scarf, sleeve, hollow jackets. If there is an opportunity, the fabric is watered with water. Walk, choosing from the burning salon. Do not touch the metal parts in trolleybus, tram - in the fire they may be under electrical stress;

    the train leave the fire to the front wagons. If it is impossible, close all the doors tightly - in the coupe, tambura and interval transitions;

    if there is a threat to your life, do not try to save baggage;

    jump out from the car only as a last resort, putting on yourself for amortization more clothes or together with the mattress.

Safety in a passenger car

A passenger car for the passenger and driver is a greater danger than large public transport. In a small car, it is more difficult to create all systems and security space than in the cabin of the bus or carriage. Cars are usually driving with a greater speed, which increases the likelihood of emergency situations. Inside the car for safety, belts and airbags are responsible.

Collision statistics shows: the most dangerous place in the car - next to the driver. Therefore, children under 12 years old without special children holding devices, seats sit there prohibited.

Security flights.

The safety of the aircraft movement on Earth and in the air is the most important question regarding not only transport and military aviation, but also private. At all stages of creating an aircraft, the safety of flight safety is paid to the biggest attention. The close study of the safety challenge shows that many existing safety regulations are already outdated. If there will be new rules that meet modern conditions in practice instead of them, then this can be considered one of the greatest achievements of aviation for all the time that has passed since the first aircraft has risen. Improving flight safety is the direct responsibility of aviation leaders and flights, which must combine their efforts to achieve maximum success in this area. Many believe that the absolute safety of flights is a thing that is practically impracticable. It may be that, but, nevertheless, we must strive to reduce the number of flight accidents, accidents and unnecessary victims. In order for the aircraft and further increasingly entering the life of society, aviation leaders should feel their responsibility in this regard and should strive to turn into reality a general desire for maximum safety of flights. Safety - does not mean only security. It depends on it to a large extent, the efficiency and nature of relationship with personnel and clients depends. Radical security enhancement in transport - time of time. As part of the administrative reform of the industry, a new structure was formed - the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport. In addition to controlling its tasks, in particular, coordination (together with law enforcement agencies) of the use of preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of technical means and passengers in transport. Together with the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Service is developing a draft law "On Transport Safety".

Safety of passengers.

Before you purchase a ticket, most people want to know, safe or no airline, on the plane they are going to fly. However, it is very difficult to do, based on the statistics of aviation incidents. Sometimes statistics indicate that safety does not always depend on the airline itself. Many factors affect the safety of flights: the environment (complex mountainous terrain, complex meteorological conditions, powerful thunderstorm activity), region of flights, where frequent cases of aircraft treatments are prevailing, attempts of explosions and other terrorist acts. However, in the world there are integrated methods for assessing and drawing up airline ratings in terms of flight safety. Every year, the world-famous German company JACDEC conducts a deep study and publishes information about the 60 best airlines in terms of flight safety. For many years, the Australian airline Qantas is ranked first. In second place Finnair from Finland. In 49, Russian Aeroflot. Closes the list of Turkish airline Turkish Airlines.

Passengers can advise to fly at the airlines that have passed, or seek to undergo an international audit on the safety of flights of the International Air Transport Association (IOSA IATA). In the CIS and Russia, the following airlines passed this check: Aeroflot, Aeroflot-Don, AeroSvit (Ukraine), "Air Astana" (Kazakhstan), "Armavia" (Armenia), "Belavia" (Belarus), " Moldovan Airlines "," Eyre Moldova "(Moldova)," Ural Airlines "," Azal "(Azerbaijan)," Russia ", S7, Sky Express, Transaero," International Airlines of Ukraine "(Mau)," Uzbekistan Hoo Yullar "," UTair "," Vladivostok-Avia ", cargo airline Volga-Dnepr.

During the flight

You need to know a few simple things and perform them:

· Always listen to the stuardess information very carefully, watch the video game feature.

· Carefully read the safety map for the passenger (it is on all aircraft). All this is intended not only to indicate important aspects. All this is designed to make you more competent passenger in a short time. And the main thing is that you felt more confident, because the information you received will increase your chances to survive when salvation in an emergency.

· Be sure to know the nearest emergency exit to your chair, where there is a life jacket, as it works precisely how to wear an oxygen mask in case of depressurization of the aircraft.

· Always be fastened during the flight, while in the chair. In aviation, there is a concept - "Turbulence of a clear sky", which occurs unexpectedly and can lead to serious injury.

· If there is an opportunity, you need to fly by non-stop flights, as most aviation events occur at the rise, set of height, reduction, landing, landing. Creamers reduce the likelihood of entering these events.

· You need to choose large aircraft - they are safer than small.

· Do not place heavy things in the upper branch above your head designed for hand-made. There are many examples of obtaining serious passenger injuries with severe turbulence.

· Do not bring dangerous materials with you. There is a rather long list of hazardous materials that are not allowed, but common sense should tell you that you should not carry gasoline, caustic, poisonous gases, etc.

· In no case do not drink alcohol on the plane. In the cockpit, you, as it were, are constantly at an altitude of 3500-4000 meters, so the effect of alcohol will be much stronger than at sea level. Remember, drunk will not leave.

· And last. Even if an aircraft happened, do not be fatalists. Sawn, statistics show that active passengers survive. Passive - dying.

We are all with passengers and are obliged to know the rules of the passenger behavior and measures of safe behavior in transport. The passenger is called a face except the driver located in a vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (sits on it) or comes out of the vehicle (coming down from it).

City transport, which transports passengers, is called public. These are trams, trolley buses, buses and metro. All types of public transport are driving on certain routes, learn about which you can by number. Public transport stops equipped with special landing platforms are indicated by pointers.

The rules of conduct in all types of public transport landing into the vehicle is made after its complete stop and when passengers will come out of it. When landing, it must be borne in mind that the doors open and close automatically, do not push, do not fuss, do not interfere with other people. Entering into the salon, it is necessary to look around, choose, not interfering in the bus passengers, a comfortable place, wherever you interfere with anyone and no one bothered. You should see where the spare and emergency exits are located. If there are no free seating sites in the vehicle, you need to try to get up in the passage, without interfering with the movement of passengers, keep the hand of the handrail or for special suspensions. It is impossible to stand at the entrance door, and even more so rely on it, it may accidentally open.

The rules of conduct in all types of public transport move around the cabin is recommended only at a complete stop of the vehicle. It must be remembered that in public transport it is impossible to make noise, stitch, talk loudly, behaving ourselves, there is ice cream. Cannot be littered from windows.

The rules of behavior in the trams, buses and trolley buses when landing in the tram, if the tramways are located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway to go to the tram stop, it is necessary to inspect both sides of the road and, making sure the lack of moving transport, head to the stopping tram. Landing into transport, equipped ASKP (automated passenger control system), is made through front doors, and disembarking through the doors on which there is an inscription "output" (except for vehicles equipped with ASKP). As a rule, landing should be done through the rear doors, and disembarking through the front or through the doors on which there is an inscription "Exit".

The rules of behavior in trams, buses and trolleybuses after disembarking from public transport when moving the roadway of the road, it is necessary to be especially attentive, given the intensive movement of transport. When leaving the tram and the bus, if you need to go through the roadway, safer to reach the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go through the roadway to the other side of the street. In the country road, where there is no designation of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait when the bus will go away, and, making sure the possibility of a safe transition, go the road.

When traveling on a cargo, it is necessary to remember and comply with a number of security measures: you can not stand in the body while driving a truck; You can not move from place to place while driving a truck; You can not leave the truck towards the roadway. Rules of behavior when traveling on a cargo car

Rules of behavior in the subway when descent in the metro on an escalator: Stand on the right, go on the left; It is impossible to run along the steps of the escalator and sit on them. Waiting for the train on the platform: do not go for the restrictive line; If you have fallen on the rails, do not attempt to get this subject, refer to the duty.

Dangerous situations in transport If you have noticed the emergence of a fire on the bus, tram, trolleybus must immediately report a fire to the driver and passengers; Complete the transport and open the doors. When blocking doors for evacuation from the gear of a tunnel, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and outputs through side windows (if necessary, you can knock down with your legs). When evacuating, do not allow panic and perform the directions of the driver. In any transport there are materials that are distinguished by poisonous gases when burning, so it is necessary to strive to leave the salon quickly, but without panic, closing the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or sleeves.

Immediately inform the machine to the negotiation device immediately and continue to perform its commands. When an open fire appears in the train car while driving traffic, try to put it out using fire extinguishers or remedies under seats. In no case are in no case attempt to stop the train in the emergency stop tunnel; Stay on the ground until the train moves to the tunnel. When stopping the train in the tunnel, do not try to leave it without a driver team. After resolving the output, open the door or, if there is no other output and your life threatens mortal robes, fold the windows, exit the car and move in the direction indicated by the machine. If the fire has arisen in the metro car 14

    Waiting for the train on the platform:

    stand on the right, go on the left;

    Rules of behavior in trams, buses and trolley buses

      Trucks used to transport people are specially equipped with an awning, a staircase for planting and disembarking, seats in the body. If children are transported, a truck must have a body-van and identifying sign "Transportation of Children". With children there should be an adult.

      It is necessary to remember and follow a number of security measures:

      It is impossible to stand in the body while moving the truck;

      You can not move from place to place while driving a truck;

      Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks.

      You can not leave the truck toward the roadway road

      When descent on the metro on the escalator:

      Expect the bus, trolleybus, the tram is only necessary on the landing site, and in case it is not - on the sidewalk or the side of the road.

      When landing in the tram, if the tram paths are located in the midst of the street and you need to cross the roadway to approach the tram stop, you need to examine both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving transport, go to the stopping tram.

      Waiting for the train on the platform:

      do not go for the restrictive line;

      Landing in transport, produced through front doors, and disembarkation - through the doors on which there is an inscription "Exit"

      As a rule, landing should be done through the rear doors, and disembarkation - through the front or through the doors, on which there is an inscription "Exit".

      To pay for travel in transport, tickets with a magnetic strip and non-contact smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards are used.

      After disembarking from public transport when moving the roadway, it is necessary to be especially attentive, given the intensive movement of transport. When leaving the tram and the bus, if you need to go through the roadway, safer to reach the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go through the roadway to the other side of the street. In the country road, where there is no designation of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait when the bus will go away, and, making sure the possibility of a safe transition, go the road.

      stand on the right, go on the left;

      it is impossible to run along the steps of the escalator and sit on them.

      if you have fallen on the rails, do not attempt to get this subject, refer to the duty.

    Man for the convenience of movement created vehicles. Today, we can not even imagine our life in the city without buses, trams, trolleybuses, metro.

    We are accustomed to using vehicles to travel to school, shop, to the stadium, in another city or country. For this, there is urban, water, air and railway transport. Passenger A person, except for the driver, located in a vehicle (on it), as well as a person who is included in the vehicle (sits on it) or comes out of the vehicle (coming down from it). So, we are all with passengers and are obliged to know the rules of the passenger behavior and measures of safe behavior in transport.

    Urban transport that transports passengers is called public. These are trams, trolley buses, buses and metro.

    All types of public transport are driving on certain routes, learn about which you can by number. Public transport stops equipped with special landing platforms are indicated by pointers.

    In order for the transport trip to the transport, it is important to comply with the generally accepted rules.

    Secure transport behavior

    Rules of conduct in all types of public transport

     Landing into the vehicle is made after its complete stop and when passengers will come out of it. When landing, it must be borne in mind that the doors open and close automatically, it is impossible to push, you can not fuss, you can not interfere with other people.

     Entering into the salon, you need to look around, choose, without preventing the passengers who are in the bus, a comfortable place, wherever you interfere with anyone and no one bothered. You should see where the spare and emergency exits are located. If there are no free seating sites in the vehicle, you need to try to get up in the passage, without interfering with the movement of passengers, keep the hand of the handrail or for special suspensions. It is impossible to stand at the entrance door, and even more so rely on it, it may accidentally open.

     It is necessary to remember that in public transport it is impossible to make noise, stitch, talk loudly, behaving ourselves to behave, there is ice cream. Cannot be littered from windows.

    Rules of behavior in trams, buses and trolley buses

     Expect the bus, trolleybus, the tram is only on the landing site, and in case it is not - on the sidewalk or the side of the road.

     When landing in the tram, if the tramways are located in the midst of the street and you need to cross the roadway to approach the tram stop, you need to examine both sides of the road and, making sure the lack of moving transport, go to the stopping tram.

     Landing in transport, equipped ASKP (automated passenger control system), is performed through front doors, and disembarkation - through the doors on which there is an inscription "Exit" (except for vehicles equipped with ASKP).

     As a rule, landing should be done through the rear doors, and the disembarkation is through the front or through the doors on which there is an "output" inscription.

    To pay for travel in transport, equipped with ASKP, tickets are used with a magnetic strip and non-contact smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards.

     After disembarking from public transport during the transition of the roadway, it is necessary to be especially attentive, given the intensive movement of transport. When leaving the tram and the bus, if you need to go through the roadway, safer to reach the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go through the roadway to the other side of the street. In the country road, where there is no designation of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait when the bus will go away, and, making sure the possibility of a safe transition, go the road.

    Rules of behavior when traveling on a cargo car

    Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks.

    Trucks used to transport people are specially equipped with an awning, a staircase for planting and disembarking, seats in the body. If children are transported, a truck must have a body-van and identifying sign "Transportation of Children". With children there should be an adult.

    When traveling on a cargo car It is necessary to remember and follow a number of security measures:

      it is impossible to stand in the body while moving the truck;

      you can not move from place to place while driving a truck;

      you can not leave the truck towards the roadway.

    Rules of behavior in the subway

    When descent on the metro on the escalator:

      stand on the right, go on the left;

      it is impossible to run along the steps of the escalator and sit on them.

    Waiting for the train on the platform:

      do not go for the restrictive line;

      if you have fallen on the rails, do not attempt to get this subject, refer to the duty.

    Dangerous situations in transport

    , it is necessary to immediately report fire to the driver and passengers; Complete the transport and open the doors.

    When blocking doors for evacuation from the vehicle salon, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and outputs through side windows (if necessary, you can knock down with legs with your feet). When evacuating, do not allow panic and perform the directions of the driver.

    In any transport there are materials that are distinguished by poisonous gases when burning, so it is necessary to strive to leave the salon quickly, but without panic, closing the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or sleeves.

    If the fire has arisen in the metro car, immediately inform the machine to the negotiation device and continue to perform his commands.

    When an open fire appears in the train car while driving traffic, try to put it out using fire extinguishers or remedies under seats.

    In no case are in no case attempt to stop the train in the emergency stop tunnel; Stay on the ground until the train moves to the tunnel. When stopping the train in the tunnel, do not try to leave it without a driver team.

    After resolving the output, open the doors or, if there is no other output and your life threatens a mortal danger, get the legs of the glass, exit the car and move in the direction indicated by the machinist.

    1. Who is considered a passenger?

    2. What transport do you use more often? Make the rules for using this transport.

    In the Safety Diary, write down the summary of the rules of behavior in the event of dangerous situations on transport.

    1. Imagine that there was a fire on the bus. Describe passenger action.

    2. You go down on the escalator in the subway. Suddenly drop the package, and it slides down the steps down. Your actions?

    Thing Basics of life safety
    Class 5
    Theme lesson Passenger. Passenger safety
    The purpose of the lesson Consider the overall responsibilities of the passenger, to systematize their importance on the rules of safe conduct in public transport to provide personal security.

    Educational: To summarize knowledge about urban transport. Create conditions for studying and consolidating the rules of the behavior of passengers in emergency situations.

    Developing: The development of cognitive interests of students, the ability to work in a group with a textbook, additional material, analyze, draw conclusions; Develop creative, communicative abilities, student imagination.

    Educational:educating caution, form a sense of responsibility for your actions and for the security of others.

    Wood Personal Wood: The development of sustainable cognitive motivation and interest in the topic studied, the formation of the ability to self-determination, the development of empathy, respectfulness to other things. Regulatory Wood:the ability of students to set educational goals and lesson tasks; Plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher, to evaluate the work of classmates, work in accordance with the task, compare the results obtained with the expected. Cognitive Wood:independently allocate and formulate the informational purpose of the lesson, to define the concepts; structuring knowledge; consciously and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral and writing; Making analysis and selection of information, process information to obtain the desired result. Communicative Woods: Collaboration with teacher and classmates in finding and collecting information, the ability to express your thoughts.
    Planned results Subject:know the overall duties of the passenger when using public transport. Personal safety rules when using tram, trolleybus and subway. Providing personal security in the event of a dangerous situation in public transport.

    Personal:the ability to express your attitude to what is happening, give your assessment.

    MetaPered:the ability to independently determine the goals of training, set tasks; the ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, information selection; develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity; The ability to evaluate the correctness of the learning task.

    Basic concepts Passenger; Public transport types.
    Interdimensional connections History, geography
    Lesson resources Tutorial, workbook, multimedia equipment.
    Forms lesson Frontal, group.
    Technologies Technology of problem reading, ICT, training in collaboration.
    Description of the stages of the lesson
    Stage lesson Content and teacher's activities Activities teaching Wood (Universal Training Actions)
    I. . Organizational
      Greeting Checking Folding Study Checking Ready Help to Lesson I wish you a good mood and interesting work in the lesson
    - Teachers will decide, -Asually control your readiness for the lesson-disposable to jobs.

    Personal: Self-organization.

    Regulatory: Ability to regulate your actions, predict activities in the lesson
    II. . Repeat material passed. Activation of students using trap issues. The requires, I suggest you recall the material passed. What is the road? (This is equipped or adapted and used for vehicles strip of earth or surface of artificial structures.) Why do you need the markup of the road?(To ensure safety on the streets and roads, controlling the flow of vehicles and pedestrians.) What are the names that inform the driver about the approach to a dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe road?(warning signs.) Well done know well material - Assign on questions, are inspired, - give examples

    Personal: The ability to express your thoughts, bring examples, to conclude.

    ability to reasoning

    Communicative: interact with the teacher by the group.


    Ability to analyze, allocate and formulate the task; The ability to consciously build a speech statement.

    III . Motivation of training activities And now I ask you to turn your attention to the screen (slides 1) Tell me guys what you see on the screen? How do you rate this situation? Let's try to formulate theme of the lesson? "Passenger. Passenger Security " What is the purpose of studying the subject of the lesson? Consider the overall duties of the passenger, the rules of safe behavior in public transport. To come to our goal, we will need to solve a number of tasks. To achieve the objective of the lesson, what will help us?(textbook, notebook, projector, reference material) answer questions; - are optimal solutions; - fixing the topic of the lesson in the notebook; - and fixation of the observed processes (writing and orally) Personal: building logical reasoning Communicative : the expression of your thoughts, the argument of your opinions Regulatory : planning consecutive actions
    IV . Statement of new material

    Man for the convenience of movement created vehicles. Today we can even imagine our life.

    We are accustomed to using transport to school trips, shop, to the stadium, in another city or country. For this, there are different types of transport.

    What types of transport do you know?


    urban water air rail

    Now I suggest you to unite in groups of 2 people, and using the material of the tutorial page 39

      What transport is called public

    City transport that transports passengers is called public (tram, trolleybus, bus and metro)

      What do you think who is a passenger. Let's formulate the definition of the passenger.

    This is a person in the vehicle, as well as incoming or coming out of it.
    In the course of independent work with the textbook and students allocate the necessary information, write down

    The ability to express your opinion, listen to the opinions of others

    Performing educational actions in accordance with the task (P). The ability to express your opinion, listen to the opinions of others (K)

    V. . Phizkultminutka Video Fizkultminutku perform
    VI .Practical work I now suggest you to unite into small groups of 2 people and consider the rules of behavior in public transport: Tell the guys, someone from you drove in the subway?Are there rules for behavior in the subway? (Yes) What, can you call them?The guys also can meet with dangerous situations in public transport. Let's read them in our tutorial page 43 and find out what they can be. formation of safe operation; - Execution of practical work using instruction cards.

    Personal: mastering the norms and rules of labor organization;

    Development of hard work and responsibility for the quality of its activities


    the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice to monitor the result, identifying mistakes in the labor process and the rationale for their correction

    Cognitive: The ability to navigate in the concepts.

    Communicative Interact with the teacher by the group.
    VII Framework material I gave you sheets with a task where you need to choose the correct answer. If you agree to the statement, then put the figure (1), if not (0). I will ask you to sign the names and answer them.

      City public transport follows a definite route and transports passengers. (one)

      On a special signpost of public transport stopping, you can find out which stop will be the following (0)

      During the movement of the bus, try to keep the handrails (1)

      In case of locking doors, you need to sit and wait for the locked doors (0)

      In the event of a fire on the bus, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the cabin (0)

    - Associate, - answer questions, Reasoning (L). Formulation of answers (P).
    VIII. . Reflection

    Guys now let's look at our scale and determine how much

    Give an assessment of its activities in the lesson and the achieved learning outcomes. Regulatory: evaluation of the results achieved
    IX .Homework Make up your rules for using the transport that you most often use.To perform your homework, you can use the textbook, or the Internet source.


    listen and record homework in diaries.

    Personal : Development and deepening needs and motives of educational and educational activities

    Rules of behavior in trams, buses and trolley buses

      Trucks used to transport people are specially equipped with an awning, a staircase for planting and disembarking, seats in the body. If children are transported, a truck must have a body-van and identifying sign "Transportation of Children". With children there should be an adult. It is necessary to remember and observe a number of security measures: it is impossible to stand in the body during the movement of the truck; You can not move from place to place while driving a truck; Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks. You can not leave the truck towards the roadway during the descent of the metro on the escalator: to expect a bus, trolleybus, the tram is only on the landing site, and in case there is no - on the sidewalk or the side of the road. When landing in the tram, if the tram paths are located in the midst of the street and you need to cross the roadway to approach the tram stop, you need to examine both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving transport, go to the stopping tram. Waiting for the train on the platform: do not go for the restrictive line; Landing in transport is made through front doors, and disembarkation - through the doors on which there is an inscription "Exit" as a rule, landing should be made through the rear doors, and disembarkation - through the front or through the doors on which the "output" is available. To pay for travel in transport, tickets with a magnetic strip and non-contact smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards are used. After disembarking from public transport when moving the roadway, it is necessary to be especially attentive, given the intensive movement of transport. When leaving the tram and the bus, if you need to go through the roadway, safer to reach the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go through the roadway to the other side of the street. In the country road, where there is no designation of a pedestrian crossing, you should wait when the bus will go away, and, making sure the possibility of a safe transition, go the road. Stand on the right, go on the left; It is impossible to run along the steps of the escalator and sit on them. If you have fallen on the rails, do not attempt to get this subject, refer to the duty.
    © Evgenia Ivanovna Soshen, teacher Obzh 2015.

    Objectives lesson

    Consider the overall duties of the passenger, the rules of safe conduct in public transport to ensure personal security

    • Remember public transport.
    • Examine the basic passenger safety rules.
    • To form knowledge about dangerous situations in public transport.

    Types of transport

    well \\ Road



    What is public transport

    public transport.

    If there are many people in the car, then such a car is called public transport.

    If there are many people in the car, then such a car is called public transport.

    If there are many people in the car, then such a car is called public transport.

    Bus station

    Route taxi


    Stop this is an important part of the road

    Wait for the bus, trolleybus or tram you only need to stop - places marked with such signs, as in the drawings. And where they are not - on the sidewalk. In rural areas, if there is no equipped stop, the bus await on the side of the road.


    At the bus stop can never stand at the sidewalk. You can inadvertently push, and you will be under the wheels.

    Passenger - face located in the vehicle, as well as incoming and coming out of it.

    • A number of rules of behavior in the bus
    • A number of rules of behavior in trams, trolleybuses
    • A number of rules of behavior when traveling on a cargo vehicle

    Dangerous situations

    in transport

    If you notice the emergence of a fire on the bus, tram, trolleybus

    • you must immediately report a fire to the driver and passengers; Complete the transport and open the doors.
    • When blocking doors for evacuation from the vehicle salon, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and outputs through side windows (if necessary, you can knock down with legs with your feet).
    • When evacuating, do not allow panic and perform the directions of the driver.
    • In any transport there are materials that are distinguished by poisonous gases when burning, so it is necessary to strive to leave the salon quickly, but without panic, closing the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or sleeves.

    In trolleybus and tram, metal parts may be under voltage, so, leaving the interior, it is better not to touch them.

    Leave the tram or trolleybus in this case it is necessary to jump with a landing at the same time on both legs.

    If the fire originated

    in the metro carriage

    • immediately inform the machine to the negotiation device immediately and continue to perform its commands.
    • When an open fire appears in the train car while driving traffic, try to put it out using fire extinguishers or remedies under seats.
    • In no case are in no case attempt to stop the train in the emergency stop tunnel; Stay on the ground until the train moves to the tunnel. When stopping the train in the tunnel, do not try to leave it without a driver team.
    • After resolving the output, open the doors or, if there is no other output and your life threatens a mortal danger, get the legs of the glass, exit the car and move in the direction indicated by the machinist.
    • City public transport follows a definite route and transports passengers.
    • On a special signpost of public transport stopping, you can find out which stop will be the following
    • During the movement of the bus, try to hold on the hand
    • In case of locking doors, you need to sit and wait for the locked doors
    • In the event of a fire on the bus, you need to open all the windows and venture the cabin
    • Remember public transport.
    • Examine the basic passenger safety rules.
    • To form knowledge about dangerous situations in public transport.
    • Make up their rules for using transport that you most often use

And the maximum speed of many cars exceeds 300 km / h, the efficiency of using these funds is gradually decreasing, and in some cases pillows and belts can be simply dangerous for motorists.

As a result, all the drivers in the event of an accident impose their hopes are inventions of the last century. Naturally, all automakers work on passive safety of cars. However, security system suppliers are forced to save both time for testing and at the cost of developments and materials, since it can lead to cost reduction. Therefore, a high degree of security that belts and pillows could have been forgotten.

Yes, airbags perfectly protect the head and torso drivers, but they put their legs and hands under the blow. According to the study of the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire according to injuries as a result of an accident in the United States for 1988-2004, airbags and belts do not protect the driver's hands from fractures, moreover, they are 35 percent increase the risk of injury .

Present cushions a serious danger and for the eye of the driver and passengers. The study of the Spanish Dr. Carlos Ruisa Lapunde showed that as a result of the triggering of pillows, even at low speed, 35% of drivers and passengers suffer from their rather strong impact, which often falls on the face, especially if we are talking about people below 175 centimeters in growth. The pillow pillow is approaching a sharp blow to a fist in the face. If you wear glasses, consequences can be even more deplorable.

In addition, sodium acid, due to which the airbag is instantly inflated, can get into the eyes of drivers and passengers, leading to the detachment of the retina, damage to the cornea and other consequences. According to the Spanish Society of Blind ONCE, road traffic accidents are now one of the most common causes of blindness.

Of course, all this can be avoided, but new, more advanced models begin to put only on expensive models. Only recently, manufacturers began to put the cushions on their models to protect their knees, on Mercedes E-class, for example, they will appear only this year.

The optimal protection from the blow invented Toyota. Unlike ordinary pillows, which consist of one section, the new version has two. Swolving, they create a deepening in the middle, and distribute the pressure of the triggered pillow through other parts of the head, shoulders and the upper part of the body. New airbags are designed based on the overall support concept (Omni-Support) and give a much less chance of the front seat passenger to get injured, without reducing the level of protection at first shock. However, they will only be put on some Lexus models.

The time when the belt, and then the airbag were the only means designed to mitigate the consequences of the collision, remained in the last century. The new driver's safety system developed by the German department of Delphi Corporation in Wuppertal is based on the technologies of mechanics and should reduce the likelihood of damage to the limbs during a collision. The system provides the best protection of the driver's legs during frontal impact. The protective module consists of a steering column, a knee roller and a qualitatively new pedal system. In the collision, the module moves away from the driver, giving an airbag more time for opening. Airbag and knee roller under the steering column redistribute a blow to the dashboard. Pedals in a collision change the direction, advanced to the top, reducing the risk of damage to the legs. The new system should, according to the company, enter the market by 2010.

Of course, no one will challenge the positive potential of all integrated systems. However, autocompany will continue to save on the introduction of new security systems. Therefore, many hundreds of motorists will still cut off pillows and seat belts that are still calmer than without them. After all, as you know, it is better not to be quite alive than the very dead.