Russians are bowing on board cruise liners. Russians are bowing aboard cruise liners of the press of the International Cruise Lines Association for Russians

The cruise industry surpassed the forecasts of 2015 and increased passenger expectations for 2016 - this is a sign that the branch of cruise ships is now stronger than ever. This was announced by the International Association of Cruise Companies - Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) - at the Cruise360 conference in Vancouver.

In 2015, the industry has registered a total of 23.2 million passengers on ocean cruises - compared with 23 million and 4 percent increase during 2014.

As a result of the established year after the year, CLIA has made changes in expectations for 2016 and currently predicts that 24.2 million travelers will go swimming on cruise ships around the world.

"Success in 2015 demonstrates the consistent strength of the cruise industry in the common tourist sector," said Cindy D Ost, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CLIA.

"This is a direct result of the amazing work and the interaction of our community of cruise lines, executive partners, travel agencies and agents. In addition, with the highest customer satisfaction rates among all segments of recreation and travel, he reflects that a cruise vacation is a choice of holiday travelers by All world. "

According to the conclusions of the CLIA, most of the causes of the industry can be associated with developing regions of the world.

In 2015, Asia experienced a sharp jump in the growth of passengers of ocean cruise liners - 24 percent increase from 2014 to 2015, more than 2 million passengers in total in 2015. Australia is not lagging behind - the region comprising Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean, has experienced an increase in cruise passengers by 14% from 2014 to 2015.

A year earlier, interest in cruises in North America increased markedly - the flow of tourists increased twice as compared with 2014.

Experts note that 62% of travelers who once went to the cruise, buy cruise tours again, and 69% of tourists traveling around the water, consider this kind of recreation more interesting than traveling on land.

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The International Cruise Companies Association (CLIA) was formed at the end of 2012. It includes the European Course Council, the Asian Cruise Association (Asia Cruise Association), the Passenger Shipping Association (Association Française Des Compagnies de Croisière), Brazilian Association Abremar, North West and Canadian Cruise Association, Alaska Cruise Association (International Cruise Council Australia) and International Cruise Cruise Lines International Association (Cruise Lines International Association).

82% of Russians choosing sea cruises book expensive category cabins with a balcony or suites. Such statistics was shared by Natalia Bentas, executive director of Royal Caribbean in the Eastern Europe markets, Middle East, Africa at a press conference of the Cruise House MK on November 14.

More Russians expensive placement on board only customers from the Middle East are booking - 90%. For comparison, among tourists from Belgium and the Netherlands, only 52% are ready for this step, and customers from Spain are 28% preferred by balconies, the rest are internal cabins and cabins with a window. In addition, the Russians enter the top three most wasteful tourists on board together with passengers from China and the countries of the Middle East.

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Natalia Andronova, the general director of Atlantis Line, explains this by the Russian mentality. "Russian tourists cruise companies appreciate - they love to engage in shopping on board, leave the most generous tips. In addition, they love balconies. But people choosing cruises provided all over the world. Even statistics says that this kind of rest prefers intelligent customers who want to see the world and have a good job. They spend two or three times more in the city than terrestrial tourists, "she said.

However, according to observers, the Russians now make up less than 1% of the total number of clients of cruise companies. As Jiani Rotondo, General Director of Royal Caribbean, in the regions of Europe, Middle East and Africa, is now supplied by the Russian market for only 6 thousand passengers of the company per year. The tour operator wants to increase the share of this market up to 15 thousand by 2020.

The severity of the plans confirms the introduction of Russian-speaking service on the most modern company liner - Symphony of the seas. According to Natalia Andronova, such solutions suppliers accept when the potential of the market begins to grow. Moreover, other players have already taken similar steps: for example, for the first time in World Cruise History at Costa Cruises, a full Russian-speaking service was introduced on four liners. And Carnival in April descends the new Carnival Horison liner with a Russian service, which will perform cruises in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, immediately on two Carnival liners who perform cruises in the Caribbeans, a service for tourists from Russia has been working during the entire year, despite the fact that this direction is far from our country.

Natalia Bentas confirmed: the marine cruise market in Russia has doubled in five years - from 40 to 80 thousand passengers per year. In her opinion, the Russian segment grows faster than the rest in Europe, despite the fact that in 2016, the company's sales fell in 2016.

In St. Petersburg, the other day, the two-day IX International Forum "Water Tourism" was completed, organized with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Roshurism and other specialized ministries and departments.

The event has already become traditional for the Northern capital this year, about 300 delegates from the federal and regional authorities, scientific and educational and business organizations visited this year.

The site was created to develop a constructive dialogue of all stakeholders: representatives of power, business and the scientific community.

The forum discussed issues of the implementation of the mechanisms of public administration in the field of water tourism, creating at the federal level the necessary conditions for the implementation of the tourist opportunities of the country's water resources.

The Federal Agency for Tourism was represented by the Deputy Head of the Office Alexey Cyewkov.

He told the participants of the event about the work on the preparation of a new Federal Target Program for the Development of Domestic and Entry Tourism for 2019-2025 and provided for as part of the concept of this document decisions aimed at implementing water tourism opportunities in Russia. In particular, 15 promising tourist destinations were defined in the concept of a new FDP, of which 9 to one degree or another are associated with cruise and water tourism.

The overall length of shipping rivers, channels and lakes of Russia is about 100 thousand kilometers. Water arteries permeate 60 regions of the country. There are almost 70 seaports in the country. This is a serious base for the formation of the Russian Federation as the global detention of water and cruise tourism. However, to solve this task requires the adoption of a whole complex of measures to eliminate existing growth restrictions and coordination of the efforts of all stakeholders.

Taking into account the experts of the industry for further increase in demand for domestic and inbound tourists, the development of new mechanisms for effective legal regulation of passenger navigation issues, as well as development of infrastructure of inland waterways and seaports of our country. In addition, at the moment there is a need to increase the attractiveness of water tourism not only for compatriots, but also for a foreign audience. In this regard, it is important to develop existing and create new tourist routes focused on the needs and interests of tourists from abroad.

Special attention should be paid to the creation of conditions for the development of Russian ports as cruise dinations.

Currently, marine cruises of foreign cruise companies are one of the most promising drivers of inbound tourism.

According to the International Cruise Line Association, a seabed in 2016 made 24.7 million people. The most popular cruise directions were the Caribbean and Mediterranean pools, European countries, the states of Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

It comes annually about half a million cruise tourists, which attracts, including the possibility of entering our country for 72 hours, for which they manage to see St. Petersburg and Moscow.

As a rule, cruise tourists arrive at the Russian Federation from economically developed countries: the United States and the European Union. According to CLIA statistics, it should be expected to spend about 3-4 times more money when visiting Russia than the tourists of other categories spend. Also cruise tourists are most of the "return customers". Fans of this type of travel becomes its constant adherents, which provides a consistently growing entry tourist trap.

"Russia is a very interesting and promising deution of cruise tourism. At the same time, the possibilities of receiving cruise liners and the quality of service of tourists in the seaside regions of our country are greatly different. The main mass of cruise ships concerning our country - 209 vessels and 456 thousand tourists in 2016 - accepts Passenger Port of St. Petersburg. At the same time, even dozens are committed to Chukotka and Vladivostok, and dozens are committed in Murmansk. At the same time, the annual number of goals of cruise ships, for example, is about 600 on Alaska. To attract cruise tourists to Russian ports, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of the state and business to make the necessary infrastructure measures, as well as to create the most favorable conditions for tourists and increasing our competitiveness of our The countries among world cruise dinations, "says Oleg Safonov, head of the Federal Agency for Tourism.


The development of water tourism on Sakhalin entered the list of projects of the Federal Target Program

She will earn since 2019

The Federal Target Program for the Development of Internal and Entry Tourism will be updated - the former mechanism for the development of the industry is recognized as ineffective. Special attention in the new concept will be paid to water tourism - in this area there are many problems requiring decisions. According to the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Agency Alexey Cyewkov in St. Petersburg at the International Conference "Water Tourism", the new concept of the program is now agreed. The first projects are already known, in one of them the Sakhalin region is included, according to SakhalinMedia, with reference to the Russian newspaper.

"She (a new concept - approx. According to the promising tourist destinations of water tourism, which will receive special financing. "

The first projects are already known - this is a promising Destination of the Volga Way, which unites Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk Region, Republic Tatarstan, Chuvashia and Mari El. The second direction includes cruises, spa treatment with elements of beach tourism in Astrakhan, Dagestan and Kalmykia, the third - "Russian Arctic" (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk Region, Yanao, Sakha), the fourth - "Amur" with cruises for the same river, fifth direction Water tourism - Kamchatka Territory and Sakhalin. The list will expand.

"You can combine budget and extrabudgetary funds under the program," said the State Duma deputy, head of the State Duma, Head of the Tourism Tourism Subcommittee. Sergey Krivonosov. - Considering the old target program for the ruble of budget funds, three rubles were assumed to the ruble of private investments, and the difficult situation with loans was assumed. In the country led to the fact that many businessmen have taken impossible obligations. "

According to him, it makes sense to unite inexpensive loans for small and medium-sized businesses with federal means, and then the business will be interested in working on passenger water transport.

The number of cruise tourists in the world is growing, in 2017, according to forecasts, it will be almost 26 million people

Director of the tour operator tour operators Alexander Osaulelenko led the data of the International Association of Cruise Lines - the number of cruise tourists in the world is growing, in 2017, according to forecasts, it will be almost 26 million people. Russia has a small increase in sea tourism, but mainly due to the Baltic, which is included in the top of popular cruise directions in the world. According to him, the current power of Russian ports of interest 15-20 is higher than the activity of passenger courts.

To attract tourists, first you need to know where to moor. The reconstruction of the gentle wall in Vladivostok was carried out, this year renovated the pier in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. If one ship came here one vessel in the quarter, getting up in the bay and delivering tourists to the shore of boats, then the demand now originated. First of all, American companies are interested in routes with stops in the port of Petropavlovsk.