Everything about Iceland for children. Interesting facts about Iceland

Of course, players of the Iceland team were the main heroes of Euro 2016, who managed to eat victory from the England team, and, perhaps, this is the only team at the championship to which the warmth includes fans of all countries of the world. Today we publish a selection of 30 curious facts about what it is - the country of Iceland, and what people live there.

1. Iceland is one of the most unclosed countries in the world, a little more than 320 thousand people live in it, and before World War II, the population of the island was only 50 thousand people. About 30 thousand fans arrived at the European Football Championship, that is, about 10 percent of the country's population.

2. If you drew attention, then all the names of the Iceland national team players are similar, they end on "Son". Here the whole thing is that in Iceland instead of the names are used cartridges, in fact, this is an analogue of our patronymic. The boys to the name of the Father adds a "Son" particle (son), in the girls - "Dottir" (daughter). Thus, for example, if in the family two children of different sexes, then they will have different "surnames", for example, the girl Palmarsdottir, that is, the daughter of Palmarce and the son of Palmarsson, that is, the son of Palmarce. In 1925, a special law was even issued in Iceland, prohibiting citizens of the country to acquire surnames in a classical understanding. By the way, if the father for some reason does not recognize the child, then the son or daughter is received as a surname, that is, the very patronymic, but by the name of the mother.

In the photo: Icelandic wedding

3. However, this does not mean that Icelanders do not seek to keep the surname at all, simply, they do it peculiar, some through the generation give children the same names, that is, they call the child by grandfather or grandmother to, so to speak, it was possible to trace the line kind

4. The classic names of Icelanders many of us are familiar, because we met them in the ancient Scandinavian sahagas. Yes, Ragnar, Sigur or Aðalsteinn, which means "the main stone", in Iceland the same normal human names as Ivan, Dmitry or Alexander in Russia. The most popular names in Iceland: Male - Jon and Women's - Gudrun.

5. In Iceland, with everyday, especially long and complex names reduce, for example, a young man named Aðalsteinn, they can just call Ali, Guvrun - Gunna, Stefan - Stamp, Jon - Nonnie and so on.

6. Until recently, it was believed that Icelanders were descendants of Vikings from Norway and Sweden, but the recent genetic examination found that in the gene pool of modern Icelanders, the Irish genes were prevailing, which in Iceland in antiquity existed on the position of slaves. On the other hand, this is perfectly consistent with the local believe that the Wikings Icelanders were stolen from England and Ireland of all beautiful women with the goal of love premises, well for breeding.

In the photo: Reykjavik panorama

7. Icelandic due to the long-term isolation of the island from the rest of the world very little evolved compared to other Scandinavian languages, that is, the percentage of words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bis extremely small in it. Because of this, Icelandic is very close to the very language of the northern peoples, in which the Vikings communicated in antiquity, and the ancient Sagi Icelanders can read at all what is called, not straining.

8. Icelandic household sagas, unlike other works of folk creativity, represent a dry list of facts, because of this, the modern reader is sometimes quite difficult to perceive them. That is, there is no description of the feelings of heroes or experiences in the saga, only the meticulous listing of events: I went there, I won something, married such that, killed such something, was killed by the fact. At the same time, much attention is paid to the one or another event that happened, and at what period of time it happened. Previously, in many respects due to the meticulous manner of the presentation and the absence of the emotional component in the descriptions, many researchers considered Icelandic household sagas - historical documents that do not require careful checks and historical reconstruction, but now Sagi is perceived by scientists yet, rather, as artistic works, And the facts set forth in them are inspected.

In the photo: Church of Hatlgrimskirkia in Reykjavik

9. Another reflection of this feature of national thinking is the names of geographic objects. In essence, complex and multi-stage words are simply the definition of the place in question. So, Reykjavik means - the "smoking bay", the name of the city of Kopavoguur is deciphered as the "bay of young seal", and the complex name of the famous volcano Eyafyadlayukyudl, as the "Island of the Mountain glaciers".

10. At the same time, 90 percent of the country's population is fluent in English. No less curious and the next fact is a foreigner in order to find a job in Iceland, no knowledge of the Icelandic language - free English more than enough. For this reason, many immigrants that moved to Iceland, even after 10 years of residence in the country do not know Icelandic; English and for life, and for work they are more than enough. Even interesting, if a citizen of another country has lived in Iceland for 6 years, he can submit documents for Icelandic citizenship and to get it without any problems.

In the photo: Priest Church Ásatrúarfélagi and his follower

11. Including because very few people live in Iceland, there are practically no crime here. As a result, young mothers, for example, others leave the babies to sleep in the strollers on Reykjavik Street, and they themselves go with girlfriends to drink coffee in a cafe, the keys to cars are often thrown in cars, and Reykjavik's prison is empty, and sometimes tourists even night in it I managed to find a room in a hotel. In addition, the police in Iceland do not wear weapons, and the Armed Forces in Iceland are not, their functions perform the coast guard to some extent.

12. Today, the neo-language religion Ásatrúarfélagi is very popular in Izland, which is a slightly upgraded cult of the Scandinavian gods. The priests of Ásatrúarfélagi are allowed, for example, commit the rite of wedding, it is considered the official procedure in the country, while the mines of the cult can be wary and homosexual pairs.
Today, 2400 people are officially ranked today to the followers of the cult of Ásatrúarfélagi, and now in Iceland, the large-scale construction of the full church of the Scandinavian gods is being conducted, this will be the first such structure since the Viking times.

In the photo: stones in which spirits live in legend

13. The traditional date of adoption in Iceland of Christianity - 1000 year, which is curious, after that, Icelandic Christianity developed without a careful supervision of Rome, as a result, Icelanders kept their ancient beliefs and traditions. For example, they still believe in trolls (giants) or hidden residents (elves). Elves - Huldoufflocks, these are creatures living in round stones of a certain type, simple mortals can not see them, except in cases where the spirits themselves decide to seem like people.
The presence of such a stone, for example, on the site of the construction of the road or at home can deliver the problem, because Huldoufoulkov can not be disturbed without extreme necessity. Therefore, before moving the stone, it is recommended to make magic manipulations above it.

In the photo: Evil spirits Yule Lad

14. Christmas in Icelandic will be Yule, that is, it is direct tracing with the words "Yol" - the ancient holiday of the winter solstice among the German peoples, so, it is not surprising that Santa Claus is here - the character is unpopular. Here, for Christmas, Yule Lad (Yule Lad) works for Christmas, but they do not give gifts to kids, on the contrary, the heroes of the folk folklore are the evil spirits of winter. Spirits fifteen, but they come from those the most hidden inhabitants of Holdedofulls. In the city of Perfumes come strictly on schedule, the first on December 12, Gryla and LepPaludi are descended from the mountains - Mom and Pope Thirteen Yule Lad. In this case, the dad is a lazy and high-speed male spirit, and his wife is an evil old woman, an analogue of Russian women-jaga, by the way, she also has a key. Following the parents one after another, their kids come to the cities - the evil spirits of Yol.
Each of the spirits, according to beliefs, is engaged in hydration as their strength and opportunities: one steals the dishes, the other blows the candles in the houses, the third stealing sausages, the fourth licks the dairy supplies, the fifth confuses the wool in sheep, in a word, everything. Accompanies the spirits of the evil cat Jolocotturin, according to legend, she steals young children and eats them. Yole's figures in Reykjavika can be seen on the eve of Christmas on every corner, their images are glued in Icelandair airplanes, and projections with them are broadcast on shop windows and facades of houses.

15. It is believed that the National Dish of Iceland is Haukarl - a rotten meat of the Greenland shark, chopped by small pieces. The Grenland shark has no urinary tract, its meat contains poisonous ammonia, so, so that the meat becomes edible, it is left to shine underground or in the basement. The taste (and the smell) of HaUkarl is a clean urea, so stinks usually in some dirty public toilet. So, in fact, modern Icelanders Haukarl are almost never eating - this is entertainment for tourists, many of the locals never tried this messy, as they say, one smell was enough to fully understand the scale of disaster.

16. But the roasted breast of birds deadlock, on the contrary, the popular local dish, such a delicacy. The dead end is caught in the summer when they fly to the island nestly, the meat of a dead end is very tasty, that's just a bird very sorry, see what kind of cuties they can even kiss them! In a word, ate and cried, ate and crying.
Many shocks many that whales eat in Iceland, they taste, by the way, like a steak. But, according to Icelandic fishermen, if you do not cut forward a whale population, then they multiply very quickly, and then eat all the fishing fish. Iceland regularly violates quotas on the call of whales, and kindsmanship, and all Europe is regularly unhappy with this.

In the photo: National Icelandic Dish Plokkfiskur

17. In general, if we talk about Icelandic cuisine, then the cracks, a pike, smoked salmon, a lamb in a variety of species, in particular - lamb fillet, small lobsters (in size they are a little more large shrimp) and, of course, the herring . From vegetables, by itself, potatoes are popular, by the way, the delicious local Plokkfiskur dish is preparing from the residues of pikes and potatoes.
In addition, Icelanders love to abundantly water the food with ketchup and mayonnaise, the most popular local drink - Coca-Cola. From sweets here in honor of candy and lollipops with Lacrice, and in the summer, local residents are laid on the berries with which everything is fine in Iceland. But in the country there are no restaurants McDonalds, the latter closed in 2008 during the crisis.

18. Still in Iceland eat horseback, and it is also a little sad, because local horses are a real miracle of nature. They are low, hardy, and in winter are covered with thick wool. At the same time, Icelandic horses are non-PUB, there are no predators dangerous for them on the island, and they are not accustomed to fear for their lives, they easily come up to unfamiliar people, allow themselves to stroke and feed.

About how the horses originally hit the island, disputes are still underway. In ancient times, Icelanders assumed that all local horses are the descendants of Slapnira - the octopoid horse of God the same, historians believe that the horses in Iceland were delivered by Vikings in the region of the 9th - 10th centuries of our era, and genetics claim that horses were delivered to the island from the shores of Scotland. Even in Iceland, hippotherapy is popular - the treatment of neurological disorders through communication with horses.

19. Iceland stands on thermal sources, so there is mainly used renewable energy sources. As a result, thermal water flows from the crane, which, however, very much smells with hydrogen sulfide, but they gradually sniffed to him, they are generously, they are generously, and since the pipes with hot thermal water in Reykjavik are laid directly under the sidewalk, the streets of the Icelandic capital can never be get out, so there is no point in sprinkling their chemistry.

In the photo: Icelandic jeep for trips around winter off-road

20. But, do not think that everything is so beautiful. Outside the cities, many roads in winter in Iceland become impassable: both icing, and a gym, and snow dawns are here. Therefore, the most popular type of car used in the event that you need to go in winter from Reykjavik to Akureyri - jeep, and the more, the better. On excursions to national parks or to the geasers of tourists and in general, they are in such monsters, as in the photo below.

21. But that in Iceland and, however, is fine, it is thermal pools with hot water, built outdoors. About the famous Blue Lagoon, erected near the thermal power plant, of course, heard everything, but it is more entertainment for tourists. Icelanders themselves most often go to ordinary thermal pools, which are open in quantity, about one thing for 10 houses. There everything is simple: you go, wash, we climb into an open thermal pool. When buying a subscription, the cost of visiting is obtained in the region of 2 euros.

What is curious, when visiting the thermal pool, guests should wash their heads, and since most pools are located outdoors, the fact that local residents are bathed with wet head and do not get sick, can not cause admiration. In general, a visit to the term in Iceland is the same version of evening leisure, as a trip to the bar, it is most often young people invite girls to the first date. It turns out very convenient, and cheaper than in the bar to go, and you can immediately consider in all parts.

22. In fact, in Iceland in the winter is not as cold as we used to think, the temperature here rarely falls below the minus 6 degrees, but piercing, and sometimes the wind compensates with the legs to fully. But in the summer in Iceland, never hot, the temperature of the air here is rarely rising above 20 degrees, and all the same wind, do not forget about the wind.

23. Unless recently the most popular resort for Russians was Turkey, the same function for Icelanders still serve the Canary Islands. The reasons for the love of Icelanders to the Kanara Prosaiski: Nature is similar, to fly relatively close, on Icelandic standards is very fiscal, but the main thing is warm, and the fact that in the ocean the water is cool, they do not confuse them.

In the photo: Northern Lights over Reykjavik

24. Winter in Iceland is not just dark, and very dark, December 21 - on the shortest day of the year - the dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sits down already at 16.00. But in winter, it is possible to regularly observe the northern lights here, in Iceland, it is usually green, and there is even a site that shows the likelihood of the emergence of the Northern Lights in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe country, its address: http://www.vedur.is .
In the summer, long nights come to replace long nights, compared to which white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing about anything, in June in Iceland, the sun sits just a couple of hours.

In the photo: the building of the Icelandic Parliament

25. At the heart of the state system of Iceland - democracy, and these are not empty words. It is worthwhile to turn to the history of the country: as the island settled in the areas of Iceland, Tinggi was formed - an analogue of the ancient Russian evening. In Tings, the courts were made, disputes were allowed and a collective discussion of vital issues relating to the community took place. Once a year, at the beginning of the summer, representatives from each community went to the overall collection - the alttention, in order to settle relations between the regions. As a rule, success during Alting managed to achieve those who had powerful support for rich landowners. The first alttention was held in Iceland in 930, and this year is considered to be the beginning of the epoch of democracy. True, in the thirteenth century Iceland fell under the authority of Norway, until the forties of the twentieth century was ruled by Denmark, in 1940, the island seized the United Kingdom, which, in turn, handed over to Iceland. Independence already from the US region found only June 17, 1944. So, the victory over the national team of England for Icelanders is a kind of revenge for the years of occupation.
Nevertheless, re-Icelandic alttention was assembled in 1845, and today it is considered the oldest parliament in the world. In the finalization of the last text of the Constitution of Iceland in 2012, the entire population of the country, the proposals of citizens were accepted by means of social networks and even through YouTube. But, the most curious, with all this of the country over the past 16 years, was the same president - Ołlavyur Ragnar Grimsson. He ruled the country since 1999 to 2016. For the second term, Gimsson remained due to the lack of applicants for the post of head of state, for the third time - won during the voting, for the fourth time again went due to the lack of candidates for the presidency, and for the fifth time - again won the elections. On June 26, 2016, a 48-year-old history teacher Gudni Johanneson became the new president of Iceland.

In the photo: Haftor Bjidnson in the role of Grigor "Mountains" of the clip

26. In Iceland - socialism, everything is obtained about the same salary and live in the same houses. At the same time, it is believed that "all professions are needed, all professions are important," that is, you do not care about the waiter or scientists - you are equally worthy of respect. It is curious that many local celebrities before the glory fell on them, they worked for not too honorable positions, for example, Haftor Bitunson - the strongest person on the planet and the performer of the role of Grigor "Mountains" of the clip in the "Games of Thrones", like many Icelanders For a long time not only was engaged in bodybuilding, but also worked in the restaurant.

In general, almost all Icelanders are not one work, but two, the first - for money, the second is for the soul. That is, almost every waiter or bartender here is still another artist, decorator, photographer, designer or jeweler.

27. And the local population loves to read, today, according to some reports, Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

In the photo: Girl in the blade

28. In Iceland, absolute tolerances to everything, Gay marriages are allowed from 2010, the percentage of open bisexuals in the country is also very high, and the gay parade takes place in Reykjavik every summer. At the same time, all the pairs, regardless of whether hetero, or homo, are trying to preserve a friendly relationship when parting, because the country is small and completely stopping communication will not work anyway. Icelanders are easy to marry and easily bred, in case of divorce, children tend to live 50 to 50 each parent. At the same time, almost all Icelandic girls are feminists, they do not allow you to pay for themselves in restaurants, and without any difficulties, there are bags, make repairs, nails and so on. True, the advantages of tolerance give birth to the cons, in Iceland with personal space - it is extremely difficult, because everyone knows everything about everyone.

29. Iceland exists practically according to the rules of the Australian economy, which is based on a support for its own strength and construction of a closed reproduction system of the community with a minimum dependence on exchange with an external environment. No, of course, you can buy western food here, but they are at times more expensive than local, and the choice is small. With wine, in general, ridiculous, it is expensive, regardless of the type, that is, a bottle of decent wine and a frank border will cost approximately the same. Clothing - also, mostly local production. And the main national thing that is in the wardrobe of any Icelander - Lopapeysa (Lopapeysa) - knitted sweater from sheep wool with recognizable national pattern. By the way, it is worth a blade expensive enough, but it is worn about the years.

30. Iceland, according to statistics, one of the most active countries in
in social networks. Almost all its inhabitants have accounts on Facebook, however, in addition to Facebook, there is a local social network www.ja.is, where all Icelanders are registered from Mala to Velik. When registering on this website, users indicate not only their name and surname, but also the phone number, address and place on the map, where their homes are located. So, if you want to meet one of the players of the Iceland national football team, and he still lives in the country, look for it on www.ja.is, he will definitely.

Evgeny Melnik

Composes music, poems, prose. He reads a lot and writes: about art, football, rock and nude jazz. Crazy from Dadaism, Iceland and Mamleevskaya prose.

Iceland is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. This is the place where the rights of the elves are legalized in the Constitution, and the postrooms and police are playing football better than guys who are able to delay 250,000 euros on champagne in one night.

Perhaps now you want to learn more about the country of ice and fire, and maybe even start to postpone your salary to ever go to this mysterious island. And there will be a lot of postpone, as prices in the country of sheep and impasses are one of the highest in Europe.

Anthony Doudt / Flickr.com

Products and prices

Iceland is known for its high prices for products. A liter of milk here stands a little less than the euro, a kilogram of potatoes - 1 euro, bread - 2 euros. At the same time, the price of fantastic prices. For example, one kilogram of pork is sold for 14 euros, chicken - for 17 euros. But this is not the worst thing.

If you want to kill with some softening lady in the restaurant, then it's worth getting a loan, because for lunch from three dishes you can easily lay out more than a hundred euros! But there is an alternative - to go to the local fast food and to improve for "some" 15-20 euros.


But souls, exhausted Narzan, it is better to stay at home. Icelanders are known for their skill to get drunk. At the same time, in the morning, they didn't go to work in the morning. But the head can begin to hurt already after you familiarize with the value of the "fiery water" in Iceland.

For a bottle of ordinary wine, there will have to give about 15-18 euros, beer - 2-4 euros. The drink is stronger, the more expensive. So the bottle of boards can cost more than a bottle of good, but light French wine.

When simplicity is better than theft

Vegetables in Iceland are also very expensive, as they grow them in greenhouses. Vegetable bench stands just on the street, only there are no sellers in them. Prices are written on the signs, and there are weights and boxes for money. Yes, yes, people themselves come, weighed, put money into the box, take the surrender and go on. It's not easy to believe in this, so it is better to go to Iceland and make sure.

Doors in homes here are also not locked, but this is not the most unusual. It is interesting that a completely unfamiliar man can go into a lonely, lost in the mountains in the mountains, and it will immediately go, they will be squeezed and sleep. At the same time, if you are prominent man, and in the house one defenseless woman, the alignment and the attitude will not change in any way - verified on your own experience.

Freedom of views

The freedom of views on certain tabulated themes in Iceland are legends.

For example, it is well known that one of the prime ministers of Iceland Johanna Sigurdardotir was as follows in the history of a man ruling in the status of an open bisexual. Such a free attitude to the orientation is not surprising, because it is imganly with mother's milk.

How? There are many geothermal sources in the country for which not only tourists come, but also locals. Take a shower before they are necessary.


There are shower in Iceland, the truth is located in public places, while most of them do not have doors and walls. And the fact that Icelanders are customary to ask the name of the partner only after sex, and it is not always, it is probably known to many.

Nation of multi-axle

In Russia, the concept of "multi-service" is usually associated with a tortured life by a person who is spinning in several works for the sake of feeding the family. Oddly enough, but Icelanders also have something similar.

Here people do not order designers and make repair exclusively themselves. Each second Icelander considers himself a great artist, creative man. For this reason, many things that include sometimes tailoring, selection of furniture, home improvement, they are made exclusively with their own hands.

But this is not all. In Iceland, a musician comedian can become an outstanding politician, the son of a hairdresser - president, and the Director-General of the Bank - Fisherman. Gudmundur Benedictson, famous for the whole world, is not even a professional commentator, since the main place for his work was the Reykjavik football club, where he served as an assistant coach.

And the son of the hairdresser, President Olavure Grimsson, is in his post for 20 years. At the end of the fourth term, he wanted to add responsibilities from himself, but he was not allowed by citizens.

Iceland and her music

Music in Iceland is not simply self-sufficient, but also influential in the context of world culture.

In 1997, the Sigur ROS team appeared here. Their music is called "magic", "paradise", "Divine". They play a mixture of ambient, post-rock and minimalism. The leader of the Junci Group Birgisson is known for its unearthly falsetto, and also by what is an open homosexual and plays an electric guitar bow. At the same time, only one has an appropriate education.

Icelander compositions are often used as soundtracks. If you say something about the names of the films "Vanilla Sky", "Immortal: War of the Worlds", "Penelope", "Millionaire from Slumbi", then it's time to listen to the Hoppipolla track.

Iceland - country of amazing relations

Gary Lineker (legendary English football player) admired that there are more volcanoes in Iceland than professional football players.

Volcanoes are actually more - 126 against 120. There is really a lot of things "more than people", so it is not surprising that people are mastering many different professions. For example, sheep is larger than Homo Sapiens, - 420,000 versus 332,500.

But even more in Iceland of charming bars of deadlocks, which are as many as 4 million!

David Reid / Flickr.com

On the other hand, there is absolutely no ants on the island, and scientists do not know why.

About conservatism

If you look from the side, Iceland may seem an extremely liberal country. Doors in houses do not close here. As the long-awaited guest takes any person from the street. The army in the country is not, the police are almost too. Products stand on the street without any sellers. A nude man in a public place is a familiar phenomenon, and sexual orientation has no conservative social labeling. But in fact, Iceland is one of the most conservative countries of the world.

Get a residence permit here is extremely difficult. Moreover, Icelanders are so meticulous that they even have a special language commission. For what? If a foreign word is being introduced into the language, the Commission is engaged in the fact that it creates a local equivalent for him. For this reason, the Icelandic language is hardly the only one that has almost no archaic forms, words with the outbreak meaning and other relict phenomena.

In which language wrote Skalds, the older EDU 1,000 years ago, they read it on the same now. Iceland is very zealously refer to the whole national, here literally everything is shrouded in tradition. Each encyclopedia is written that the local parliament (altint) is considered ancient in Europe - he is 1,000 years old. And Icelanders wanted to join the EU, but changed his mind.

In general, if you decide to splash in geysers, yes, to admire the Northern Lights - put the suitcases with Icelandic crowns and ahead, on a trip! True, it is better to use banknotes in this country, as it is not customary to pay in cash.

Interested in how waiters live and other service personnel without tips? Yes, you live! Leave tips in Iceland is considered an insult.

And China is considered real and quite understandable.

Old house in Iceland

But that Russians who are accustomed to live and in the extreme north in the tundra, and in the mountains of the Urals and the Caucasus, pulled an even greater adventure, should happen something extremely tempting, which will benefit. But in connection with the events occurring in Russia and in Ukraine, in 2020, many began to consider all possible options for moving to calm countries with a higher standard of living.

However, not everything is predictable, sometimes fate makes such turns, to which it is impossible to prepare, which learn at the time of the commission. If fate stretches you a one-way ticket to Iceland, is it worth refusing? Maybe there you will find a paradise for your soul.

It is impossible to compare the mentality of Icelanders with European, but he is kind of similar to Scandinavian. This nation before the middle of the 20th century lived very ascetic, due to its remoteness from the mainland. Descendants of Vikings retained their traditions, honor them today. True, modernity did not bypassed the side of the party, which we told on.

Panoramic view of Reykjavik

People here are hardworking, accustomed to make money with their own hands: catching fish, to grow agriculture, miner minerals. When the United States and the United Kingdom considered Iceland "their" territory, the inhabitants of the island responded in kind of intervention, wrapped the situation in their favor.

They managed to establish the fishing industry with the sale of products to these countries, and then around the world. The state is rich in his eyes. To this day, residents are working in traditional sectors of the economy, partly began to develop the sector of services, such as tourism.

Europeans can calculate the Icelander village because of their habits from past rural life, because the urban population has become relatively recently. People are simple, but honest and accustomed to abide by the rules and laws. Sometimes the pedantic, however, are perfectly having fun and walk on holidays, pouring strong drinks without stopping and biting Hauclem.

Hawcarl - National Dish of Iceland

This National Icelandic dish will seem to our taste completely nasty and terrible, as it is the swirl shark meat. Another Vikings came up with such a way of eating meat of the Greenland shark, so as not to deteriorate into poisonous connections contained in it.

Another feature that is attributed to the national mentality is the love of neighbor.

There are almost no accidents in the country with the participation of pedestrians, as no motorist will allow the departure and will miss a person, even if you have to wait long.

Similarly, it takes with other cars: Icelanders miss each other. Participating or waiting for meal in traffic until two drivers overhead overwhelmed traffic due to dialogue.

In the country, more than 98% of residents are indigenous Icelanders, they care about the purity of the nation and are rarely mixed with other peoples; The visitors of foreigners are very few and they oblige them to strictly observe the local rules of life, so immigration to the country is insignificant.

Hospital building in Iceland

The high standard of living is manifested in the personal position of each citizen in relation to the whole society and the future. Thus, about 96% of the inhabitants of the island have faithful friends and, in general, trust politicians; The voter turnout reaches 80% and personifies the good civil position of the population. About 85% of people are satisfied with their lives and consider themselves happy.

Economy Iceland.

Let us talk more about work in more detail, because thanks to constant income, a person buys goods and services and is a trade engine that promotes the development of the region's economy as a whole.

We have already said that 80% of the adult active population has a job, and 90% are people with a diploma. Men are more busy than women, but the difference is small.

The average annual salary in Iceland is 40,000 US dollars or 3300 per month: 20% of people receive income above and below average, but in general the state provides equal opportunities, regardless of gender affiliation, age and education.

There is practically no long unemployment in the country, only about 13% of the active population in the moment in finding work.

Now we will raise the question of pensioners who become citizens (approximately half of all) aged 65-69 years. Perhaps among all the Europeans are the most courageous and ready-to-risk pensioners, for there is no age border in order to retire. A person can do it before, but then his income will be very small compared to others, so people work as much as they want.

Such a model exists in all Scandinavian countries, which probably explains a stable social life. Pension in Iceland is an average of 1,550 US dollars, which is again comparable to all the Scandinavian countries and is considered a fairly high level in Europe.

Prices for major products in the metropolitan Reykjavik in 2015: water costs 2 US dollars, for the same amount you can buy bread; dozen eggs will be twice as expensive; 1 kg of chicken breeds is sold for $ 20, and the bottle of wine is on average $ 17 US dollars.

As you can see, prices are much higher than in Moscow. A liter of gasoline costs 2.07 US dollars, which is again higher than today we have in the capital.

Such a high cost of life applies to housing, whether it is a rental or purchase of your own apartment. 1 square M Housing in the Sleeping Area Reykjavik costs $ 2,200 against 2800 in the city center.

Residential building in Reykjavik

You can rent a one-room apartment in a residential area for $ 880, and in the center for 1170. True, for a three-room apartment in the center will have to post only 1,800 dollars. This is more or less equally with the Moscow Rental Market.

World Bank Staff

Since the collapse of the USSR, our countries interact perfectly for a number of economic agreements. Particularly promising are the dialogues to increase fishing, aluminum industry and tourism.

Iceland and the European Union

Relations with the European Union (hereinafter - the EU) from Iceland complex. Back in 2009, an application for accession was submitted; Today's president of the country won the election thanks to promises to improve the quality of life of the population after Iceland is approved by the EU member.

Many expected membership to take place by 2011, but the situation has changed dramatically by 2013. The fact is that the main income of many Icelanders is still associated with fisheries, the quotas for which the EU decided to reduce, in order to redistribute them between other seaside states.

fisherman in Iceland

Such a situation did not suit the Icelanders, and they demanded a referendum from the government. On it, it was decided to withdraw the application. Proud nation decided not to belong to the European Union. Someone did not suit, there were rallies, but in general, the life of Icelandians remained the one that was.

Iceland is not included in the European Union and will not enter it with the conditions that Brussels put forward. In 2015, she recalled his application for joining the EU.

Iceland and Schengen Agreement

Since 1996, Iceland has been included in the Schengen zone, obtained gives the right to visit all other countries participating in the contract. It also imposed a significant positive imprint on its foreign policy with neighboring countries and the rest of the world.

Internal migration among the countries of the Schengen Agreement remains approximately at the same level, although less developed states lose their inhabitants in favor of rich states. The external migration of the population is practically absent from Iceland. The world has very few states that could boast the absence of foreign inhabitants.

Useful information for tourists about Iceland, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of Iceland, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Iceland.

Information about Iceland.

  • Capital: Reykjavik
  • Territory: 103 thousand square meters. KM
  • Country Code: +354
  • Domain: .is
  • Network: 220V.
  • Time: Moscow: -3 hour (in summer), - 2 hours (winter).
  • For entry required visa

Geography of Iceland.

The Republic of Iceland is an island state located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (northwest of the UK). The territory of the state consists of the island of Iceland and small islets near him.

There are more than 120 glaciers on the island, a large number of lakes and rivers. Iceland also differs in a large number of volcanoes, crater and hot springs. Of the more than 100 volcanoes 25 were erupted for the last thousand years. The most famous among them is Gekla (1491 m) and varnishes that have about 100 crater.

Popular cities and resorts


State device

Iceland is a republic with a presidential form of government. Executive power in the country is in the hands of the president and government. Legislative authorities belongs to the President and the unicameral parliament - Althere.


State language: Icelandic

Almost everywhere they speak English.


State religion - Lutheranism (96% of believers), Catholics and other Christian communities make up about 3%. Strong influence of old pagan traditions.


International title: ISK

Icelandic crown is 100 auras. In circulation there are banknotes in more advantage of 5000, 1000, 500 and 100 crowns, coins of 50, 10, 5 and 1 krona, as well as 50 and 10 aura.

You can exchange cash currency freely in banks, the offices of The Change Group and hotels. Travel checks are accepted everywhere. Credit cards of leading global payment systems are accepted everywhere. ATMs are located in all banks, large stores, hotels and most central streets, and work with all kinds of credit cards.

Map of Iceland.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Iceland

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Iceland

Iceland is an island state washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The main attraction of the country is its unique nature. Here you can see the unimaginable beauty of the waterfalls, geasers, bizarre volcanic landscapes, fjords, glaciers and much more. Iceland is ideal for lovers of outdoor activities and wildlife.

The capital of Iceland Reykjavik is the northernmost capital of the world. This is a fairly young and modern city. There is not a single industrial facility, but at home they are heated due to hot water of thermal sources, so the city is famous for real clean and fresh air. Among the attractions of Reykjavik are the most interesting alttention (house of parliament), government building, Reykyavika Cathedral, Hatlgrimskirki Church, Reykjavika's free Church, National Museum of Iceland, National Gallery of Iceland, Museum of Art, Person, Hywei and Institute of Arni Magnusson. The city also has many restaurants, bars, nightclubs and discos, as well as a very stormy nightlife. Not far from Reykjavika is the famous Spa-Complex of Iceland - "Blue Laguna". The unique composition of the water of the geothermal source (with year-round temperatures + 38- + 39 ° C) and its healing properties make the resort very popular.

One of the country's business cards is considered geyser fields. In Iceland there are more than 250 individual groups of geysers (approximately 7,000 hot springs). The most interesting is the Haukadalur Valley, which is included in the popular tourist route "Golden Ring". The valley are two of the most famous Icelandic geysers - the row (height of the eruption up to 20 m) and Geysyr or Great Geysyr (height of the eruption up to 60 m), as well as the famous Gudelfoss waterfall - one of the most picturesque places of Iceland. The same route includes the famous TingWelir National Park (included in the UNESCO Heritage List). Here is the so-called Silfra crack (Rift) - the only similar place in the world, where the fans of extreme diving have the opportunity to swim between the joint of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.

Iceland is famous for a huge amount of waterfalls. In addition to Gudelfoss, the Goudafoss is the most powerful in Yeropod, the Black Waterfoss, Lava Falls, Khrinfossar, Celyalandsfoss, and the Waterfalls of Eksaraurfoss, Glimur, Hauphoss, Glimur, Haifoss and Tafafoss, and Tafafoss. There are also many volcanoes on the territory of Iceland, the most famous of them is Gekla, which is considered the most active volcano country and the largest in Europe.

One of the most famous sights is Vatnaiyuküdl National Park, which united the parks of Skafatoothle and Yykulsurgulvur. It is located at the foot of the same name of the glacier - the largest in Europe. Unique natural park landscapes create indelible impressions. There are mountains and plains, giant glaciers and volcanoes, acting geasers and lava fields, as well as stunning ice caves with hot springs and amazing waterfalls.

Every year Iceland is becoming increasingly popular and attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world.

Kitchen Iceland.

A feature of Icelandic cuisine is a variety of product processing methods. Meat smokes, salts and marina. Almost all parts of animals are used by tradition. There are a lot of fish and seafood dishes. Fish as well as meat is often dried, knit or smoked. One of the national fish dishes is Hakar - shark meat, which was kept in the land of 2 months, which serves small pieces and washed with Icelandic schnapps. Dairy products are also very common.


Tips are not accepted, they usually give them only to the Swiss in restaurants and hotels. In all other cases, tips for maintenance are included in the account. In fashionable hotels, restaurants and nightclubs, the wardrobe is paid.


Work hours of institutions

Banks usually work from Monday to Friday from 09:15 to 16:00.

Shops usually work from 10:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturdays - from 10:00 to 14: 00-16: 00. Some large department stores on Fridays are open until 22:00 hours. On Sunday, and in the summer - and on Saturdays, all stores are closed.


Special caution should be exercised during an independent movement on unfamiliar area, especially in mountainous areas, since volcanic activity here is quite high, even outside of volcanic fields. Therefore, "run" on a sudden eruption of a geyser or to please in the mud pit is quite real.

Iceland is a small state on the island of the same name. Despite the fact that Iceland is located far in the north, the hardworking descendants of the Vikings managed to recreate the real corner of Paradise on Earth. Iceland has been occupied by one of the top lines in the list of countries with the highest standard of living. The harsh northern nature, the friendliness of the indigenous Icelanders, the incredible beauty of the landscapes - all this is undoubtedly it is worth visiting these edges at least one day.

  1. The territory of Iceland due to harsh weather conditions was settled by one of the last on Earth - people came to this edge only in the 9th century of our era.
  2. The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik is the northernmost capital on Earth.
  3. Iceland consistently belongs to the top ten most prosperous countries of the world.
  4. The inhabitants of Iceland will seriously believe in the existence of trolls and elves - for example, before the design of the new road, the builders are advised to folklore specialists in order not to accidentally invade the possession of these fantastic creatures.
  5. Icelanders often build small churches in their gardens, hoping to turn into Christianity a little folk Holefolk, who, according to legends, hides in the local mountains.
  6. The Icelandic Parliament is the oldest of those working in the world, he was first formed in 930.
  7. Icelandic cuisine is widely known for its unusual dishes - for example, Icelanders eat a little fierce shark meat (hacarl), as well as sheep hips, sweep in lactic acid.
  8. The territory of Iceland for an unknown reason is not allowed to import horses. If the hill take out from the country, it is also impossible to return it back.
  9. Iceland has no own armed forces, and the coastal and police officers do not issue firearms.
  10. Hot and cold water supply of Icelandic houses provide local sources and geysers. Water in them is so clean, which is suitable for drinking without additional filtering.
  11. The inhabitants of Iceland have patronymic, but no surnames. The newborn name is chosen from a special registry. If there is no desired name there - you need to contact the authorities and agree with them this question.
  12. There are no railways on the territory of Iceland. Yes, there is no one.
  13. In Icelandic, there are practically no borrowing, so that it has been kept unchanged for more than a thousand years. For Icelander, there will be no problem to read the book, published several centuries ago.
  14. A common view that in Iceland is very cold, does not correspond to reality - for example, in January, the air temperature on average is -0.4 degrees.
  15. The modest sizes of Iceland due to its natural resources could provide energy to the whole of Europe (see).
  16. To the residents of Iceland until May 1, 1989, it was forbidden to sell and drink beer. Now the day is canceled by the ban is almost a national holiday.
  17. Iceland is a global leader in sales of scientific literature.
  18. Almost all inhabitants of Iceland (90%) have access to the Internet - even the United States cannot boast such a prevalence of the network.
  19. There is not a single mosquito in Iceland.
  20. The Icelandic Dettifoss Waterfall with a width of 100 meters and a height of 40 meters is the most powerful in Europe (see).
  21. There are 130 volcanoes on the territory of Iceland, almost half of which was erupted in the last 1000 years (see).
  22. Iceland is the only European country where striptease is prohibited. The ban was introduced in 2010.
  23. Latrabiang rocks in Iceland are not only the western point of Europe, but also the world's largest bird habitats.
  24. In Iceland, the Glacier is the largest on Earth (not counting those covering the poles) with an unprofitable name of Vathanyukyudl.
  25. Icelanders go to the cinema more often than residents of all other countries of the world.
  26. In Iceland, the world's largest number of children (65%) born out of marriage.