Map Mediterranean Sea in Russian. Where is the Mediterranean Sea? What countries is the Mediterranean Sea? Largest cities

One of the largest seas in size. The adjective "Mediterranean" is widely used in describing peoples, countries, climate, vegetation; For many, the concept of "Mediterranean" is associated with a special way of life or with a whole period in the history of mankind.

It shares Europe, Africa and Asia, but it also tightly connected to South Europe, North Africa and West Asia. The length of this sea from the west to the East is approx. 3700 km, and from north to south (in the widest place) - approx. 1600 km. On the north coast there are Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Albania and Greece. From the east to the sea leaves a number asian countries - Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Finally, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco are located on the southern coast. Area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean Sea 2.5 million square meters. COM, and, since only narrow straits are associated with other reservoirs, it can be considered the inner sea.

In the West through the Gibraltar shed 14 km wide and a depth of 400 m, it has access to the Atlantic Ocean. In the northeast of the Strait of Dardanelles, the places narrowing up to 1.3 km, connects it with the marble sea and through the Bosphorus Strait - with black. In the south-east, an artificial structure - the Suez Canal - connects the Mediterranean Sea with red. These three narrow water passes have always been very important for trade, navigation and strategic goals. At various times they were controlled - or sought to control - the British, French, Turks and Russians. The Romans of the Roman Empire were called the Mediterranean Sea Mare Nostrum ("Our Sea").

Coastline Mediterranean Sea It is strongly cut, and the numerous ledges of sushi dismember it with a variety of semi-insulated waters that have their own names. These seas include: Ligurian, south of Riviera and the north of Corsica; Tyrrhenian Sea, concluded between the Peninsula Itialia, Sicily and Sardinia; The Adriatic Sea, washing the shores of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia and Albania; Ionian Sea between Greece and southern Italy; Cretan Sea between Crete Island and Peninsula Greece; Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. A number of large bays are also highlighted, for example, Alicante - eastern coast Spain; Lyon - at the southern coast of France; Taranto - between the two southern protrusions of the Apennine P-Ova; Antalya and Iskenderun - at the southern coast of Turkey; Cider - in the central part of the coast of Libya; Gabes and Tunisian - respectively, the southeast and northeast coast of Tunisia.

Modern It is the relic of the ancient Ocean Tetis, which was much wider and stretched far to the east. The relics of the Ocean Tetis are also Aral, Caspian, Black and Marmara Sea, dedicated to his most deep varnishes. Probably, Tethis was once completely surrounded by land, and between North Africa and the Pyrenean Pena, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gibraltar Strait, there was experiencing. The same land bridge associated southeast Europe with Malaya Asia. It is possible that the Bosphorus Straits, Dardanelles and Gibraltar were formed on the site of flooded river valleys, and many island chains, especially in the Aegean Sea, were connected to the mainland.

In the Mediterranean Sea allocate western and eastern depressions. The border between them is carried out through the Calabrian protrusion of the Apennine P-Ova, Sicily and the underwater bank, Advencher (depth to 400 m), stretched almost 150 km from Sicily to Cape Bon in Tunisia. Within both depressions, they are even smaller, usually wearing the names of the respective seas, for example, Aegean, Adriatic, and other water in Western cavity is a little colder and forever than in Eastern: in the West average temperature near-surface layer approx. 12 ° C in February and 24 ° C in August, and in the east - respectively 17 ° C and 27 ° C. One of the coldest and storm sectors Mediterranean Sea Is Lyon Bay. The salinity of the sea fluctuates widely, as less saline water arrives from the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibraltar Strait.

Riding Here are low, but rather substantial in very narrow straits and bays, especially during the full moon. However, there are quite strong strengths in the sheds, directed both in the Mediterranean Sea and from it. Evaporation is higher than in the Atlantic Ocean or in the Black Sea, so in the sheds there are surface flows that carry more fresh water in the Mediterranean. At the depth, below these surface flows, arise anti-case, however, they do not compensate the inflow of water at the surface.

Bottom The Mediterranean Sea in many places is composed of a yellow carbonate il, below which blue Il. Near the mouths of large rivers Blue Ils overlap with delta sediments engaged in large square. Depths Mediterranean Sea Very different: the greatest mark - 5121 m - is registered in the Gellensky deep-water gutter at the southern tip of Greece. The average depth of Western brand is 1430 m, and its most shallow part is the Adriatic Sea - has a middle depth of only 242 m.

Above the total surface of the bottom Mediterranean Sea Significant areas of the dissected relief are towers, the vertices of which form the islands. Many (although not all) of them have volcanic origin. Among the islands, we note, for example, the alboran located east of the Gibraltar Strait, and a group of Balearic O-Gossi (Menorca, Mallorca, Ivis and Formentera) to the east of the Pyrenean P-Oov; Highful Corsica and Sardinia - west of the Apennine P-Ova, as well as a number of small islands in the same area - Elba, Poncian, Ischia and Capri; And north of Sicily - Stromboli and Lipari. Within the East Mediterranean Basin, O. Malta is located (south of Sicily), and then East - Crete and Cyprus. In the Ionian, Cretan and Aegean seas are numerous small islands; Among them are ionic - west of mainland Greece, Cyclades - east of P-ov Peloponnes and Rhodes - in the South-West Bank of Turkey.

Large rivers flow into the Mediterranean: Ebro (in Spain); Ron (in France); Arno, Tiber and Voltureno (in Italy). In the Adriatic Sea, the Rivers and Talamento rivers (in Italy) and Isonzo (on the border of Italy and Slovenia) fall into the Adriatic Sea. To the pool Aegean Sea belong to the River Wardar (in Greece and Macedonia), Struma, or Strimon, and Places, or Nestos (in Bulgaria and Greece). The largest river of the Mediterranean Basin Nile - the only large riverfalling into this sea from the south.

The Mediterranean Sea is famous for its calm and beauty, but, like other seas, in certain seasons can be stormy, and then big waves Wrapped on the coast. Predated Mediterranean attracts people to a favorable climate. The term "Mediterranean" is used to designate climate with long-term hot, clear and dry summer and short cool and wet winter. Many coastal areas Mediterranean Sea, especially southern and eastern, inherent semi-samide and arid features of climate. In particular, semi-diabetes with an abundance of clear sunny days It is considered typical for the Mediterranean climate. However, in winter there are many cold days when the wet cold wind brings rain, dried and sometimes snow.

The Mediterranean is also famous for the attractiveness of its landscapes. Especially picturesque French and Italian Riviera, the surroundings of Naples, the Adriatic coast of Croatia with the numerous islands, the shores of Greece and Lebanon, where the steep slopes of the mountains approach the sea. Through the main islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, important trading routes were held and culture was distributed - from the Middle East, Egypt and Crete to Greece, Rome, Spain and France; Another way passed along the southern coast of the sea - from Egypt to Morocco.

Vegetation I. animal world Mediterranean Sea It has relatively weak quantitative development of phyto and zooplankton, which attracts with itself. The small number of larger animals feed on them, including fish. Number of phytoplankton in surface horizons is only 8-10 mg / m?, At a depth of 1000-2000 m 10-20 times less. Very varied algae (Peridine and diatoms prevail).

Fauna Mediterranean Sea It is characterized by a large species diversity, however, the number of representatives is off. species are small. There are kaki, one type of seal (whiteburhide seal); Sea turtle. Fish 550 species (sharks, macumbrid, herdo, anchovy, kefali, corneter, tuna, pelamids, stavids, etc.). About 70 species of fish endemics, including skates, types of hamses, bulls, mor. Dogs, Guban and Fish needles. Oysters, Mediterranean-Black Sea Middine, Seaidini have the greatest importance from edible mollusks. Octopuses, squid, sepia, crabs, Langstocks are common from invertebrates; Numerous types of jellyfish, siphonophore; In some areas, especially in the Aegean Sea, sponges and red coral live.

Coastal countries of the Mediterranean:

  • Spain
  • France
  • Monaco
  • Italy
  • Malta
  • Montenegro
  • Croatia
  • Slovenia
  • Bosnia
  • Albania
  • Greece
  • Bulgaria
  • Romanian
  • Ukraine
  • Russia
  • Georgia
  • Turkey
  • Syria
  • Lebanon
  • Israel
  • Egypt
  • Libya
  • Tunisia
  • Algeria
  • Morocco

The largest islands of the Mediterranean Sea:

  • Balearic
  • Corsica
  • Sardinia
  • Sicily

Mediterranean Sea From all sides is surrounded by land. One look at the card is enough to agree with such a judgment. This was known yet ancient Greek scientist.

  • Countries and islands
  • Country
  • Islands
  • Eastern Mediterranean

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Features of the geographical position and climate

Mediterranean Sea named not in vain, on all sides it contacts with continents.

Still anywhere in the world is not found big indoor poolwhich is connected to the ocean only tiny, for this scale, jumper - Gibraltar Strait.

Sea in their way geographical position Located between: Asia, Europe, Africa.

Total area - 2 500 square kilometers. Maximum depth is 5 121 meters.

It is connected by channels and straits with Black, Red and Marble seas.

Concerning relief DNAthen he has everything typical for the sea features:

  • mainland slope cut by canyons;
  • shelf narrow.
  • Part Medievable Sea consists and interior seas:

    • Aegean;
    • Alborane;
    • Adriatic;
    • Going to relax on the Adriatic Sea, find out detailed information about his resorts from this article

    • Balearoic;
    • Ionian;
    • Ligurian;
    • Tirren.

    Winter The weather is very changeable, regularly storms happenand pass abundant precipitation. The temperature is significantly reduced due to influence northern winds.

    In summer Here is observed dry fog and a small number ospalkov.

    Tourists massly arrive In these places closer to the middle of summer. By July The reservoir warms up to +27 degrees.

    Countries and islands

    To Mediterranean These are huge territories of countries and islands. We give examples of some of them below.


    • Turkey. Here are the resorts that are very loved. russian tourists. Most attendants are talking in Russianthat simplifies rest in a foreign country for our tourists. There are many excellent beach, inexpensive hotels And one of the best in the world komko. The reservoirs are washes the following large Turkish cities - Mersin, Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir..
    • Italy. It is in the west of the Mediterranean. People come here to eat tasty pizza and spaghettiand also enjoy warm Sun.. Resort cities Consider Rome, Sicily and Milan.
    • Italy is a great place to relax not only in summer, but also in winter. Read O. winter resorts of this country here

    • Spain. Ibiza, Barcelona and Majorca - These are precisely those settlements in which travelers who want to have fun and have a good time come. Especially it concerns youthLoving noisy parties.
    • Croatia. The country attractive For tourists, first of all rapidly gaining momentum yachting. To do this, the state allocates multimillion investment.
    • Montenegro. Especially worth seeking to the beach Ada Boyana. Here purest sandwhich can be found in the whole Adriatic. In addition, tourism is actively developing here nudists.
    • Albania. Gorgeous kitchen, beautiful landscapes - This is how the local resorts characterize.
    • In antiquity it was believed that the Mediterranean Sea is in the center of the world. Roman aborigines called him Inland seaSince all his shores were conquered by them.

    • Morocco. Here intersect european and islamic Tradition and culture. This fact attracts tourists. According to statistics, people are also going here to look at cultural attractions. Especially enjoys popular Casablanca.
    • Tunisia. Ancient museums, mysterious artifacts, monuments Architecture memorable markets - at local resorts what is not found miracles.


    In the Mediterranean Sea also lots of Large and small islandsInteresting for travelers. Among them are a mansion:

    • Djerba. Located in the north Africa. From ancient abroad translates as "Wheat City". The island is mentioned in the famous "Odyssey" Homer. Pink flamingo, ancient synagogue, fiery balls, local delicious rice- Similar simply can not be missed if you find yourself on Djerba.
    • Sardinia. Located near S. Cortic and Sicily. Archaeologists are constantly found different here. tomb and zikcurates. These are the main attractions of the island.
    • Vulcano. Tourists come here to look at numerous volcanic crater.

    Scientists found outwhat because of the catastrophic floodwhich occurred 5.3 million years ago, just filling happened Mediterranean Sea. For two years Formed such a large water pool!

    Eastern Mediterranean

    Most often K. Eastern Mediterranean include the shores of Greece, Italy and Turkey, this opinion erroneous. If you approach this issue in terms of geography and look at the map, it turns out that the Eastern Mediterranean includes:

  • Syria.;
  • Palestine;
  • Cyprus;
  • Decided to relax in Cyprus? Find out what others think about the hotels of the island, from this article

  • Lebanon;
  • Jordan.
  • Israel;
  • Pros and cons relaxing at the Mediterranean Sea

    On the Mediterranean Sea ideal to relax in September. At this time already he drops the heat, moreover, water remains warm. Additional plus is that a large amount contains a large amount in the reservoir. useful salts and no dangerous poisonous plants and animals.

    You can see attractions Top different countries peace and get to know their culture. After all, the Mediterranean Sea is washes the shores of good halves continetins of the world.

    The resorts of the Mediterranean are very developed resort-Medical Infrastructure. Therefore, people suffering diseases of various originsmay easily choose a place for recreation and recovery.

    Minuses are absent. If, of course, the scorching summer sun is not considered a disadvantage.

    Mediterranean Sea - Mediterranean, intermarkets of the Atlantic Ocean, connecting with him in the West by the Gibraltar Strait.

    The sea pool of the Mediterranean sea is washed by the shores of states:, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Morocco.

    In the northeast of the Strait of Dardanelles, it connects to the marble sea and then the Bosphorus strait - with the Black Sea, in the southeast Suez Canal - with the Red Sea.

    Area 2500 thousand sq. Km.

    The average depth of 1541 m, the maximum - 5121 m.

    The most significant bays: Valencian, Lyon, Genoese, Taranto, Cider (B. Sirt), Gabes (M. Sirt).

    The largest islands: Balearic, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete and Cyprus.

    In the Mediterranean Sea, large peeks Ebro, Ron, Tiber, Po, Nile, etc.; General annual stock of them. 430 cubic cm.

    The vegetation and animal world of the Mediterranean are relatively weak quantitative development of phyto and zooplankton, which attracts itself. The small number of larger animals feed on them, including fish. Number of phytoplankton in surface horizons is only 8-10 mg / cubic meters, at a depth of 1000-2000 m 10-20 times less. Very varied algae (Peridine and diatoms prevail).

    The Fauna of the Mediterranean is characterized by a large species diversity, however, the number of representatives of the Depth. species are small. Dolphins are found, one type of seal (whitebury seal); Sea turtle. Fish 550 species (sharks, macumbrid, herdo, anchovy, kefali, corneter, tuna, pelamids, stavids, etc.). About 70 species of fish endemics, including skates, types of hamses, bulls, mor. Dogs, Guban and Fish needles. Oysters, Mediterranean-Black Sea Middine, Seaidini have the greatest importance from edible mollusks. Octopuses, squid, sepia, crabs, Langstocks are common from invertebrates; Numerous types of jellyfish, siphonophore; In some areas, especially in the Aegean Sea, sponges and red coral live.

    Fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea compared to other atlantic basins is secondary value. Industrialization of the coast, the growth of cities, the development of recreational zones lead to intensive pollution of the coastal strip.

    Resorts are widely known Cote d'Azur (Riviera) in France and Italy, the resorts of the Levancen coast and the Balearic Islands in Spain and others.

    Photo of the Mediterranean Sea:

    Menton, France

    Part mediterranean countries European, Asian and African states enter. Tourists attract picturesque nature, clean sea waters, a large number of architectural monuments and history.

    On the coast you can meet pebble and sandy beaches. On a wide and long coastline Mediterranean sea concentrated many places for budget recreation and resorts affecting their luxury.

    Mediterranean Sea on the world map with countries around it

    1. Bizerta;
    2. Kelibia;
    3. Monastir;
    4. Sfax.

    Recently, Tunisia is serious competition Turkey and Egypt. The separation of the service with the European and Asian resorts is constantly declining. In Tunisia, tourists ride not only behind the beach holiday, but also for treatment. Most hotels in Tunisia you can find centers of traditional medicine. They are no less popular than the Mediterranean coast.

    Directions for interest

      Self quiet beaches The Mediterranean Sea needs to be sought on its northeastern coast - in Croatia. In these places, beach tourism is under development, so the rest is available for large number tourists.

      Sandy I. pebble beaches There are surrounded by picturesque mountains covered with dense vegetation.

    • Beautiful Beaches Malta worth visiting not only those who love a comfortable stay on the refined beaches, but also those who wish to get practice in English . It is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the island state.
    • Behind noise and funAs well as for comfortable holidays at an affordable price it is worth going to Greece, Egypt and Turkey.
    • Exotic holiday can be found on the coast North Africa. The best resorts In the south-east of the Mediterranean Sea are located in Tunisia and Morocco. In these regions you will feel not only exotic, but also comfort.
    • Vacationers talking on in Russianwill surround you on Israeli beaches. Excellent service provided by local hotels will not be able to overshadow their cost vacation on the ground promised. Competition Mediterranean Beach here make up the Red and Marmara Sea.

    Much more often asked tourism lovers than schoolchildren. This sea plays an important role in the life of not only modern residents of His coast, it influenced the emergence of many civilizations.

    "Sea in the middle of the earth"

    Mediterranean Sea They began to use long before the new continents were opened. It seemed to people that this substantial water was located in the heart of the planet. So the sea and got its name.

    "The sea in the middle of the earth" became the most important trading way. It helped to forward from Eurasia to Africa. Between the peoples, not only trading ties were established. Ethnic groups living on the coast sought to establish diplomatic contacts with other countries. Someone concluded alliances, and combat actions were conducted with someone. But even the war to some extent positively influenced the development of mankind. The captured peoples adopted the experience and culture of the occupiers. As a result of cultural exchange, new civilizations were born.

    Today, the Mediterranean Sea continues to contribute to the establishment of contacts between different cultures. The main article of the income of the ancient inhabitants of the coast was trade with foreigners. Nowadays, tourism was added to trade. Having learned what countries the Mediterranean is washed, tourists are planning their vacation.

    Where to go on a journey?

    On the seaside there is a huge number of countries. To get acquainted with everyone, you will need not one vacation:

    • Malta. Many people mistakenly believe that the state consists of only one island. In fact, in addition to the main part, Malta, the state of the state is the island of Gozo (Goszo is also called) and somewhat little inhabited islands. A small state inhabits only about 500,000 thousand people. Thanks to its climate in 2011, Malta was recognized as one of best countries For living in the world.
    • Italy. Here the tourist awaits rest for the soul and body. In Italy, you can lie on the beach, and visit the huge number of museums. The rich culture of this country will not leave anyone indifferent. Italy is famous for gastronomic delights. National cuisine is not just tasty, but also useful for health. Beach rest In this country suits lovers of nudism. In 2006, it was legalized on the beach without clothes. It is not possible to sunbathe in this way in every country in the Mediterranean. In some states for such behavior of travelers and local population Looking forward to a big penalty or arrest. Italian nudist beaches annually visits more than half a million people.
    • Spain. This country seems to be a place to hold endless holidays. Some celebrations are horrified on foreign tourists. Tomology is a holiday, during which people throw tomatoes in each other. Not every traveler will appreciate this way to spend your free time. You can prefer less exotic entertainment. Some tourists, returning from Spain, decide to go through the Flamenco or Guitar Games.
    • France. Southeast of this country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. French culture is very diverse. The specificity of the region will be determined by its location. Being in the south of the country, travelers often feel that they were in some Spanish or italian town. And this is a feeling not far from the truth. Most Mediterranean cities are really similar to each other. Some settlements In the south of France were founded by representatives of other ethnic groups. Marseille, for example, is based on the Greeks. Initially, he was called Massily.
    • Turkey. This country has the greatest popularity among Russian tourists. Europeans here can be found much less often. For thousands of Russians Antalya, Mersin, Istanbul and some other Turkish cities are permanent place Summer holiday for several years. Turkey attracts cozy beaches, architectural attractions and local cuisine. Prices in this country are significantly lower than European. Turkish Lira is cheaper than dollar or euro. It is noteworthy that being in Turkey, you can relax not only on the Mediterranean, but also on the Black Sea.