Bermuda Sail "Home Yacht Verf. Sailing armament of the Gafel Schooner Basic Sails - Grotto and Staxel

Residents of the French town of Daraden, with a small exception, one way or another are associated with the sea, fish processing, ship repair. They were especially Iieraesen "Saint Nicholas", built according to the old drawings in Petrozavodsk. Local specialists with great curiosity watched, as they have in front of their eyes, Karelian masters stitched from brought home billers a fishing boat. And on drying, we ourselves witnessed how the Bretons eliminate the flow of a wooden case.

Nobody had to get up for any of us, i.e., on the bottom of the coastal shallow water, exposed when slave. It is possible to work on the site only before the start of the tide - a little more than three hours. On that day, the height of the total water reached 4 m. With the beginning of a mound at six in the morning, the yacht was already wounded by longitudinal springs and the clamping ends to the stone wall above the drying platform.

From the top of the grotty, the mast to the fish in the center of the Green Coast Lawn was held and flew back Ker Fal. All existing cranes hung on the right side. We did everything that Bretonets ordered, appointed by the port of the port on the role of the main drying. Water declining pretty quickly. Strong ends, we waited when the yacht touches the fellowship of concrete.

Shortly before that moment was a little covered with a spinker Fal, so that the "Flora" received a small roll and, as it were, leaning on the wall. Then, from the shore, it was ordered to inshet the spinker with the tight shoes of a durable end into the maps of the mast and a powerful brand-launched bracket.

The crew was obliged to leave the yacht and not descend on it without acute necessity. Despite the early hour, the first on the concrete site was young siblings of fishermen. Holoral miners, moving around the velocity in the water in the water, got a small marine animal from her saccha.

We followed them - dropped into the water and began to look for the "tears" yacht on the underwater part of the yacht from the grooves of the trim water. "Tears" turned out to be less than expected. The probable places of the leaks were worked with a felt-tip pen. Then they dismiss a drain plug, dried up, and two young broonts began to work. A little tree cut down in the lower part of the tongue belt and the raw were embedded into cutting the bar on sealant and screws.

Two more small patchwork from veneer on sealant and nails appeared on the feed subzor. And the main useful time of staying on the dryer went to the sealing of the finest slits in the ahterstevnya connection node with a counterbombc ... with a natural lamb souse (such a fat in our markets is called interior).

Bretons alternately drilled two holes of a large diameter in the tree and in front of the wooden "pistons" began to send this packing to the place of connection to the site: the fat was clogged, as a vintage gun, with the only difference that a sledgehammer was used in the work.

When evaluating the geometric characteristics of the sail, it may be found that its profile and completeness of the Pause do not correspond to wind conditions in which the sail is expected to be taken, or it is not suitable for the mast of a certain stiffness or for a given crew that has a certain weight. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the direction of work on the correction of sails and evaluate the quantitative characteristics of the necessary changes. In addition to personal experience, the leadership in this case can serve a comparison of the geometry of the sail and its separate panels with a sail, giving under these conditions the maximum effect.

If the sail is too flat or, on the contrary, it is unnecessary, then most often it is necessary to break the profiled panels on the seams and cut them through the curvilinear edges. Then it is necessary to sew splashing seams and make adjustments to the value and sickle configuration over the front dish.

This may require some addition of material (replacing one profiled panels wider) in order to compensate for the reduction of the linear size of the sail in height. Often it is necessary to fix the sail profile only in one part of it, for example, make a flattest above.

In this case, profiled panels and sickle fix only in this area without affecting the rest of the savage area. Particular attention should be paid to the case when the local grott defect is due to the inconsistency of the bend characteristics of the mast and the sickle on the front dish. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find out what is more appropriate - replace the mast or alter the sail.

Sometimes in the process of operation, the maximum depth of the profile moves towards the rear macarpene, while the sail loses efficiency. Such a defect can be corrected, the seams of the seams of profiled panels in the rear half of the sail and having reduced the curvature of the edges of the cloth in this area. Similarly, they come with a sail that has an excess completeness near the front macator. One of the most common grott defects is:

Weak rear mapping.

What is manifested in its vibration with strong wind and falling down the edge of the sail under the wind in extreme conditions. The causes of these phenomena can be: the wrong sewing technology of sails - the fabric near the rear macarpene is not tensioned enough; Sailing area and wind loads do not correspond to the strength of the tissue; Overly large sickle, a periodic application to the rear dish of considerable effort during sail descent; Too tough bulb or rigid fabric at the rear macarrow.

The described defect is corrected using bookmarks. Their length should be 100-150 mm overlap the width of the defective gearbox, and the value of "B" is 1-5 mm (Fig. 1, a). This work is recommended to perform in several techniques, so as not to get an excessive "closed" rear mackelon at the expense of bookmarks of excessive size.

Due to the use of wedge-shaped cuts, the bookmarks can be removed excessively deformed with stretching, the material is near the rear macarrow (Fig. 1,6). The sickle, outlined by the smooth line of the macator, can be replaced with a straight line - in the form of segments connecting the ends of the lat. These lines are recommended to perform slightly concave - with an 8-15 mm arrow.

In the case of an excessive sickle, its width can be reduced to 0.25-0.35 lat length in the appropriate place (Fig. 1, B). Smaller values \u200b\u200bof numbers belong to sails, stitched from a softer material, large - to more rigid sails. Sometimes the cause of the dumping shaft under the wind is the low stiffness of the mast in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 2).

In this case, you need to try to correct the work of the grotto by replacing the mast or the corresponding stood tension. Stakes sew with a concave rear macarpecker, which makes it possible to ensure the efficient operation of this part of the sail.

If it is required to increase the rigidity of the rear mapping, it is possible to increase its concave, but not more than 2% of the laster length. The maximum concavity arrow is closer to the faual corner (especially for sails designed for strong wind).

Excessively stretched back of a grotto.

It causes a premature separation of the air flow from the sail, while the aerodynamic force developing them is reduced. The main reasons for this defect are: amplification of the rear macarrow at the sewing of the sail under the preliminary tension or the use of material for it with other characteristics of the stretching compared with the main material (Fig. 3, a).

Errors in profiling cloths at the rear mapping in the form of a sharper profile change (Fig. 3.6); Excessively large sizes of lining at the design of the posterior chairs (Fig. 3, c); Excessive part of the sail (Fig. 3, d). In the first case, to eliminate the defect, it is necessary to resort the reinforcement in the defective area, eliminate the preliminary tension of the material and coordinate the characteristics of the stretching of the reinforcing material with the corresponding characteristics of the base material of the sail.

This is usually achieved at the location of the reinforcement material under a slightly different angle than the main fabric of the sails, with respect to the current efforts. In the second and third cases, the pin profile near the rear mapping must be changed by reducing the curvature of the crosslinkable edges or the magnitude of the bookmarks in the same area. To do this, it is necessary to resort the seams of profiled cloths and after fixing the profile again firm.

If the sail has an excessive completeness for weather conditions, it is inevitable its redistribution or replacement is flatter. Needless stretched rear mackerel stacker has a greater negative effect than the tight back of the grotto. In addition, Staxel works poorly, it directs the air flow on the leeward surface of the grotto, worsening his profile and thrust.

At the Staxel, the causes of excessive tension of the rear macarrow are the same as the grotto. Therefore, their elimination techniques are similar. It is also recommended an increase in the concavity of the rear mackerel of the Staxel, but not more than 2 % from the length of the larger.

Defects of the front mackerel.

To the defects of the grotto and Staxel include the wrong profile in the first third of the sail - the displacement of the maximum of the bease to the mast or to the rear mackerel (Fig. 4, a); Incorrectly selected sickle configuration (bulge or concave) in the upper quarter of the front mackerel (Fig. 4.6).

To eliminate the first defect of the panel, starting from the front macator, it is necessary to stretch for a length, approximately equal to 1/3 of the sails in this section, then the edge of the cloth is fixed in the same way as when eliminating the sail profile defects. In the second case, with an excessive curvature of a positive or negative sickle in the upper part, the rear mackerel can be "closed", the sail will be less twisted in height.

With an insufficient cruise curvature, twisting increases, the rear mapping becomes "open". In accordance with the nature of the defect, it is necessary to adjust the sickle configuration on the front dish (sometimes it is required to change the shared profile at the entire height of the sail).

The most frequent defects of the bottom of the grotto.

There are an irregular profile of the back third of the sail (with a large curvature, the "closed" rear macarpene is formed here, and with a small one - too open) or the wrong profile of the entire bottom chain, which causes the deformation of the sail profile when it is processed from the guika to the main part.

In the first case, the correction is subject to approximately 25 % the rear part of the bottom chain profile, in the second - it is necessary to adjust the outline of the bottom macarpe along its entire length. Lower mackerel Staxel can be too weak, and too stretched; Have an overly large, and overly small sickle.

The first two defects are corrected by making new bookmarks with too weak or freeing the available bookmarks in this area with an overly tight mackerel. The total width of the bookmarks should not exceed 5 % the lengths of the larger, and the ends of the bookmarks should not cross the line connecting the squirrel and the gallery corners of the sail. The sickle of the lower Macket Staksel is advisable to reduce only if it really interferes.

Defects of sail corners.

It is primarily expressed in the form of wrinkles emanating from the surrounding corner of the sail. Near the Shkoti corner of the grotty wrinkles can appear due to:

Excessive curvature of the profile of the bottom chamber near the squirrel corner (Fig. 5, a);

Excessive tension of the rear macarpene, especially if it has a small convexity near the squirrel corner (Fig. 5.6);

Too long latter and maximum sickle rear macaripes shifted to the shkotoy corner (Fig. 5, B);

Incorrect location of the chalome (Fig. 5, d).

Wrinkles caused by an excessive curvature profile of lower macarpets near the squirrel corner can be eliminated by reducing the curvature of the profile. With an excessive stretched rear macarine, bookmarks are given (reduce their value) near the rear macarrow or reinstall the panels in the same region. By eliminating surplus Sickle, it is recommended to simultaneously reduce the length of the lower lat.

Wrinkles at the gallery angle of grotto can be caused by an incorrectly installed in the guy (Fig. 6, a), an excessive curvature of the front and lower macarin near the angle (Fig. 6, b), incorrectly supplied by the chief (Fig. 6, B). In the first case, the joke is necessary so to rearrange so that when attaching a sall angle of sails, excessive efforts are not created, bothering sail tissue.

In other cases, you need to change the curvature of the profile of the front and bottom macarin at the gallery duck or rearrange the lover. Wrinkles in the tank corner of the grotto in most cases appear due to improper fastening of the mapping plate to the sail or the wrong direction of the grotto-pala (Fig. 7).

In the first case, you need to disconnect the fault plate and consolidate it on the paved sail, in the second - to move the point of fastening the panel on the skip closer to the mast. Wrinkles at the gallery angle of the Staksel arise in the case when the coolel angle is poorly sewn into the sail material (Fig. 8, a, b) or the Lower Staxel macarrow has a large curvature at this angle.

Incorrectly supplied COUCH should be removed, and wrinkles caused by a large curvature bottom chain, eliminate the repugroduction and application of the technological laying in the gallery corner (Fig. 8, B). At the railway, the wrinkles often occur in the strong winds of the Staksel. This is caused by uneven transmission of effort from the shkot to the sail.

To eliminate these wrinkles in a skot of the corner, it is recommended to deliver the amplification - the maximum size and thick fabric are combat. The fabric in the booklet should be so focused that the bases of the bases coincide with the direction of active efforts. Elimination of wrinkles in the corners of sails is very laborious, so it makes sense if you are confident that wrinkles worsen the aerodynamic efficiency of the sail.

Defects sewing sails.

The movement of the cloth along and across the process of their crosslinking causes a distortion of the sail profile, the appearance of wrinkles, the presence of areas with an unnecessary strained and too weak material. The maximum profile arrow on the panels ranges from a few millimeters to one and a half tens of millimeters.

You can imagine what relative error gives 2-3-millstone shifts of the panels when sewn! To eliminate such faults, it is necessary to resort the defective seam area and 200-250 mm in both sides of the defect, then apply the correct profile of the contour of the panel and gently sew a spin plot. The panels are recommended to fix sticky ribbon.

Sewing incorrectly adjusted machine causes wrinkles along the lines. Such a defect is occurring more often in the spinackers and is eliminated, as in the previous case. If Liktros is under voltage relative to the main material in the initial liking or decreased during operation, wrinkles appear along the anterior or lower macator.

To eliminate them, it is necessary to repeal Litros from the sail, then sew, pre-secure it. The cause of wrinkles may be lover, supplied too far from Littros. It should be put on a new place, hinged the old hole in the sail.

Spinacker defects.

Unlike the main sails, the completeness of the spinacker is formed only with the help of profiling of the cloth. Therefore, it is possible to increase or decrease the completeness of the profile of the spinacker only due to the corresponding change in the shape of the edges of individual cloths (Fig. 9. A, b). A similar method is used to adjust the completeness of the upper or lower parts of the spinaneger.

As in the case of the main sails, the spinacker may have a profile distortion near the mackerel and in addition to this distortion of the middle part of the profile. These defects are also eliminated by changing the profiles of clouds in the respective areas.

Wrinkles in the Shkotovoy and Brass Corners of the Spinacker arise mainly due to uneven transmission of efforts from bike rigging tackles to the sail and large curvature of the larger near these corners. The elimination of these defects begin with strengthening - boudts in the corners of the sail. Their sizes should be made by the maximum allowed rules for the construction of the yachts of this class and apply the maximum allowed number of the layers of the tissue. To improve the distribution of efforts from the Skyrov on the sail, it is advisable to perform bouts, as shown in Fig. 10. If necessary, you can adjust the profiles of the larger near the corners.

The resistance of the hood is determined by stretching the fabric with their hands on the diagonal, as well as along the threads - by the duck. It is necessary to pay attention to the homogeneity of the filaments of the base and duck, since with different density of their density, for example, like a bosy, stretching in different directions will be uneven. From this point of view, the sails are unsuitable, for example, fabrics with lavsan. Almost for all major sails it is impossible to use kapron fabrics that have very large elastic deformations.

The first chapter said the basic requirements that the sail should answer from the point of view of aerodynamics. The simplest way to giving the savage of the necessary form is the loaf of its macarin with a given curvature - sickles. Sickle sizes for different types of sails designed for the middle wind are shown in Fig. 79. For the Bermuda grotto, the sickle size is accepted on the upper limit if the mast is not sufficiently rigid, since when it is bent, the sail becomes more flat.

Fig. 79. Cutting sail, providing the correct form of the Bureau: A - Bermuda Grotto; B - Staxel; B - Gaari and Gafle; G - Reiki (the barcode is shown by the sickle on the bottom chamber in the absence of GICA)

The "belly" obtained at the expense of Serpov is located close to the mast - such a sail works well only in the fresh wind. For medium winds, it is desirable to push back the belly back to 1/3, and for weak even 1/2 sail widths from the mast. This is achieved by the use of wedge-shaped bookmarks (pulp) on the seams from the front mackerel. On the sail for the middle wind, the bookmarks are made equal to 1/4 of the seam length from the mast, and for the weak wind - 1/3. In the height of the length of the bookmarks, it is reduced, mining gradually no. In the amount of bookmarks, 1-1.5% of the length of the front macarpecker should leave.

The backbone of the grotto is drawn with hump, which can increase the sail area from 10 to 30%. The hump of considerable magnitude should be supported by lats, otherwise the mackerel will be spinning and creating additional resistance.

Stakel, rising at the stag, or simply stretching for the failed, shkoty and the galks, are susceptible to distorting their profile under the influence of wind. When the front and stretched rear, bacon of the belly in the upper part becomes disproportionately, and the air flow flowing down from the Staxel, prevents the effective work of the grotto. Taking into account this feature, the anterior mackerel of the Staksel is cut off with two sickles - in the upper part with a concave negative sickle), at the bottom of the bulge (positive sickle). The concave prevents the excessive "pusability" of the Staxel at the top, prevents the bending of the rear macarpene in the winding side and stirring the grotto. At the lower dish, a small sickle is made (sometimes in combination with cloth bookmarks), the rear mapping is usually straight or slightly concave.

To improve the aerodynamics of the grotto, a pocket pocket is used, which the sail is put on the mast. With the galls change, the shape of the pocket is automatically rearranged and the sail always takes the desired concave-convex profile.

Even more perfect is a two-layer sail. Between his closers, it is possible to place not only the mast, but also the lats, bouds, the seams - everything that disrupts the smoothness of the surface, besides, it is easier to sew it than a sail with a mast pocket.

Stakeli with highly raised shkotovy corners and "hairstyles" with straight masts, barely plated and diamonds, lie completely flat, without bookmarking. Puzo sails are set, approaching the skylight angle to the mast, while it will gradually decrease as it removed from its middle part to the gallery and palm corners. In the tips of the sail, the pressure drop on its parties will be small, and inductive resistance will decrease accordingly. The lifting force of such sails is somewhat less than the maximum possible, but at sharp courses this loss is compensated by a decrease in resistance. The yacht will be against the wind not only faster, but also with a smaller drift and roll.

Factors affecting the choice of sailing weapons abound. Here, as in any area, it is impossible to create perfect weapons. Different sails are suitable for different purposes. But due to the habit and stereotype, on most yachts we are seeing the Armament of the Bermuda Slut. Try the manufacturer to offer completely unusual sailing arms, let it be a specific request better than the classic, and he will simply lose its customers.

So another of the most important reasons to begin is the ability to choose the necessary sailing weapons. 🙂

The desire to be the first is an important factor in today's progress, including in Yakhting. Sailing syndicates of the top regatta (America's Cup, etc.) put large means in testing, designing and construction of perfect racing machines (the budgets of the 33rd Cup participants exceeded the amount in half a billion dollars). It is logical that successful ideas in the field of new trends of sailing weapons are broadcast for mass boats. But as far as it is right, because it is necessary to take into account the minimum of two factors: racing cars initially go to a completely different swimming mode, and not all cruisers chasede speed.

Let's go back to the history of the sail in the old world. Literally 100 years ago, when another steam engine did not win the success of merchants, it was the straight sails that were narrow and low "in fashion". They have disagreeed trial, especially in passing courses, but were very bad lavars. Small fishing vessels and the first yachts, pursued a little other goals, and besides, thanks to smaller sizes, they allowed to use more complex designs. Gaffel armament was classic. But soon the engine finally "won" the sail, which remained only on the yachts used for recreation, entertainment and in sports. And a new requirement is presented to racing yachts - to be flawed in flawless. It is avavivation today is decisive for victory on classic racing distances.

So the yachtsmen abandoned the Gafel, and the profile of sails becomes everything and above - Bermuda sails are gaining popularity.

And although in the 60s of the last century, Caclaw Marhai and proved that the shape of the sail type "Guari" is more effective than the sail "Marconi" (Bermuda on a rigid mast), it takes another time that the sails of the ellipsoid form can be replaced by Bermud. Today, technologies and materials make it possible to create a mast and rigging, thanks to which masts are perfectly bend and do not create too large aerodynamic resistance, but in principle, there are still negligent masts and triangular ineffective sails on mass yachts. True, not because it is not allowed to make technology today, as another 40 years ago, but because it is now convenient to twist the sails in the mast, but the mast is obliged to be smooth.

The breakthrough was carried out in 2000, when Dutchman Jens Nickel proved the effectiveness of a wide grotto. Improved aerodynamic shape with a large hump of grotto had a large craving, and with a larger area, which is surprisingly less blurred power. The yacht dice also decreased significantly. Nickel explains this that although the CT of such a sail became higher, but the CPU, on the contrary, shifted down. And it's not by chance that it was Jens Nickel who came to this conclusion - Dutch fishermen from old times used a short curved gafel, which allowed sailing armament to develop high traction.

However, the evolution of sports sails continued. Now it is not in the mode of sails of an elliptical form. The modern grotto has a pronounced nok gas angle, and the most upper end-to-end Lata is very similar to the Gafel. On America's Cup, such armament was first demonstrated in 2007.

Why so, is the most famous theoretical sails Cheslav Marhai mistaken? Not. The elliptical form of Pouro and is really the best. But only in ideal and stable flow conditions. But the yachts are moving along the agitated sea, and practice makes its own adjustments.

By the way, small nuances, but it is necessary to understand that modern sports weapons, competently can not be called Bermud, although we continue to do it. The grotto today has a clearly expressed top mackerel and four corners.

An interesting solution of today's development of sailing weapons can be considered a yacht class Open 50 Adecco - "Etoile Horizon". Perhaps someone will seem strange, but! The gaffling sail below is the center of sailboat, respectively, with the same area - a smaller string moment. Further. Ocean riders do not seek a lavaling at all - it is unprofitable. They need speed, and for the sake of finding the right wind, you can make an extra hook in the ocean, not to mention the fact that on the route races of the oncoming wind is not very much. And here again, the hansel sail is better pulling than Bermud. Yes, and not so much by the Bermuda advantage on the railway. This can be seen on the graph given here. In general, Bermuda "won" the Gafel is not really because it is beneficial on the racing part of the distance against the wind, but thanks to the relief of the mast, especially in its upper part. And modern technologies and materials allow not only masts to do light, but gafels 🙂

Let us now recall the two-time weapons. In the 60s of the last century, armament by IOL was considered ideal in many respects. This is a large sail area in the absence of technological opportunities to make high masts, and lighter sails, with which it is easier to work, and the possibility instead of taking reefs to simply remove one sail ... In general, the yachts are longer than 12 meters long.

But evolution takes its own, and the boat due to the smaller resistance of sailing weapons retract the two-volume weapons into the past. A long-tightened Renaissance of two-tailed weapons was the round-the-world race "Vibred" 1989-90, when Peter Blake and Grant Dalton arranged a delightful duel, having an advantage at full courses at a wide and large armament area. But the next race has shown the failure of two-way weapons, against modern gaters overlooking the surfing mode.

Until now, we disassemble the evolution of sailing weapons in Europe.

Brief summary: Progress pushed the sail from the commercial channel to entertainment and sports. Design consistencies, plus measurement formulas led to the result we observe today. But in the countries of Southeast Asia, very other sails. We are not familiar to us, but that it may seem amazing, much more efficient to Bermuda sails. And due to the shape of the sail, and at the expense of control, and at the expense of the low center of sailboat.

Sailing arms is used to create thrust to move the ship using the wind. Consists of a mast and sails. Sailing arms can be different. There are dozens of types of sailing weapons. We will not consider them now. Mostly, you will deal with a very common type of Bermud's Slut.

Sailing arms "Bermuda Slut".
Basic and extra sails.

  1. Fal corner
  2. Sorcerer
  3. Luff
  4. Galway corner
  5. Gick Shkot
  6. Staxel Shkot
  7. Shkoty corner
  8. Sorcerer

Basic sails - Grotto and Staxel


front sail in Bermuda armament. Genoa or Genoese Staxel, Staxel, Storm Staxel - all this names of the front sail.

Staxel on the twist

One sail for any wind strength. When the wind is strengthened, its area can be reduced by spinning it partially around the wordstage using the cable and drum of the twin from the cockpit.

Shrotka Staxel - Mechanism, drum, allowing you to wind the Staxel at the stag. Staxel's twist allows you to not install or remove the sail every time you go out or approach the parking lot, but simply wind it at the stag. His minus is that it is not optimal for all weather conditions.

Staksel on the carbines

Replaceable Staxel is attached to the carbines (raksha) to the fort. Such a fastening reliably and will not allow falling the savage when climbing or descent. It can be quickly changed to a smaller sail or more. Such a sail is convenient for long journeys, but not convenient on regattas.

Staxel at Pierce Stag

Replaceable sail, can be rolled without a staklock. A face-cable is sewn to the front mackerel, which is held in the face-lick stagcup. Stag-pier plastic or aluminum plank at the stitch. Such Staxel provides the best dynamic characteristics, but it is difficult to twist on yachts more than 35 feet. Manage Staxel (translate it from side by side) with the help of Staxel Skyrot tied in a skot of sails, and spent on different sides of the yacht.


Grotter sail is located behind the mast.
The classic grotto is lowered and raised by the palm through the top masts. For small yachts, the patent reef is used, the design of the swivel, which allows you to wind the grotto on the GIC.
When the wind is strengthened, the grotto is reduced - "take reefs". The grotto is twisted in part in the mast or on the GIC (with patent reef). If the grotto is classic - the sail is lowered on the fala and pick up the resulting "pocket" reef gertemas.

The grotto can be removed on the twist located inside the mast.

Gick Shkot - Tackle, which is managed by GIC and, respectively, the grotto.
Carriage Gick Schock and Gick Shkot - Tackle to control the grotto.

Parts of Sails

Fal corner - Upper, for him the sail is risen.

Shkoty corner - Staxel Shkaty, which control the sail, ties in the lubertress of the Shkotovo Angle

Galway corner - Front, shows how a yacht goes like a galks

Distribution - The edge of the sail may be the back, front and bottom.

Additional sails


Spinnaker - Light sail is a large area, sews from nylon. Used for full courses - Fordewind and Butstag.

Spinnaker carry on a special rabort - spinker guy


Genetaker is an asymmetric spinnaker, a hybrid between the genuine and spinaster. With the spinaster, it is similar to the fact that it is not attached to the straggment, the same light and large area. He, as Genoa, is attached to the nose of the yacht or on a bushprit for the galks. He is not needed guy. Manage it is much easier than spinker

Storm sails

Trisel and Storm Staxel

They are sewed from very dense fabric smaller compared to the main sails.

Trysail - Storm grotto, small area of \u200b\u200bvery dense fabric. The PRISEL's sail is used instead of a grotto, but it is not attached to the guy, and goes away from the cockpit with two separate shcats.