Fountain in Greece. Where is

Marble freezing fountain is a sign attraction of Heraklion, the main city of Crete. The evidence of the heyday of the Venice Republic is now decorating the city, and in the old days it was the most important element of the supply of fresh water.

The picturesque structure is popular with local residents, attracts a fountain of freezing and numerous vacationers and travelers who visiting Crete.

Location and appearance of freezer fountain

There is a described object in the central part of the Heraklion, on the Lviv Square. The name marks the symbol of Venice - a sitting predator, the use of images of these proud animals in the design of the freezing fountain is symbolic and more than appropriate.

The fountain pool is fenced with a lowest side in the form of the correct circle, the circular step pedestal serves from the water. The fencing of the upper pool taking water jets from the lion's paste is made as a flower of eight petals when viewed from above. Safety are decorated with perfectly filtered bas-reliefs on mythological stories.

The central eight-marched support ends with a platform with four lions, on the backs of which is resting a large bowl. Water is poured with jets of pasta animals and from roses on the side of a round vessel. There is information that the magnificent statue of the Sea deity of Poseidon was initially elevated in the center of the bowl.

The destruction of this monumental detail of the freezing fountain is attributed to the earthquake, then the Turkish conquerors of Crete, who did not accept the pagan symbolism. Many sources call the freezing fountain to the imitation and almost a copy of the Venetian fountain, allegedly weakened on St. Mark's Square. However, there was never such a structure, and could hardly be with a well-known shortage of fresh water.

The pool at the base of the construction consists of eight round baths combined in a single wavy fence. Frames from marble are decorated with convex carving on a stone depicting mythological plots. Dolphins and nymphs, fish and monsters on bas-reliefs are far from the real events that occurred in the confrontation of the defending cries of Venetians and the attackers of Turk-Ommans.

Meanwhile, the siege of Heraklion entered the global military history by an example of an unprecedented duration and defense durability. Turks could not overcome the resistance of the city defenders for 20 years. A large role in this unprecedented resistance was played by the presence of a drinking water supply system, the composite element of which was the construction under consideration.

Freezing Fountain, his story and builder

The freezing fountain served as a receiving water supply reservoir, built by the proud governor of Crete. Water from mountain sources on the aqueduct was transferred to the underground storage through the freezing fountain. Heraklion, as a result of support from the sea and the provision of drinking water, opposed the Ottoman invaders much longer than the other settlements of the island, but in the end, Turks were left.

The invaders did not destroy the wonderful construction, but used it according to their own concepts and customs. Turks were made in the frame of the basin several holes that provide the free outlet of the water into the external bowl. There were ablutions prescribed by Islam before making prayer.

Strict execution The information plate brings the basic data on the visited object arriving by tourists. The initiator of the fountain construction as a part of the water supply system Francesco Freezini was a highly high Venetian aristocrat and a warlord, in the last period of activity he was elected to the Venetian Republic.

For great merits, his sculpture and picturesque portraits are placed in the Palace of the Guild - the authorities of the Venice, now being a museum. From almost 500 years of Venetian administration of the island of Crete, the last decades headed the leadership of the province of the freezing, a prominent state and military leader of the republic.

In addition to a significant contribution to the arrangement of Iraklion urban economy and its unparalleled defense, freezing is known and other good deeds. His efforts were saved from the Muslims of the invaluable relics of the Holy Titus escaped to Venice in front of the Turkish occupation. Saved him and another relic of the Cathedral of the Holy Titon - the miraculous icon of Our Lady.

With the name of freezing, the construction of not only the system of water supply and fountain, but also many other structures is connected. One of them is a Venetian loggia located near the freezing fountain. A notable building with a gallery under the portal on the columns can be seen from the benches placed near the fountain.

The review simply brings some information about the object without camping for its indispensable visit. It is simply impossible to respect the freezing fountain, staying in Heraklion at least a few hours, and no tourist will not regret it. Snapshots on the background of the fountain with such rich and heroic history will be memorable for a long time.

The Aqueduch of St. Irini (Aqueduct of Agia Irini), sometimes called the aircraft, is the largest construction structure of the Venetian architect Francesco freezer, is located near the concess, in the village of the same name, on about. Crete. Through this, the aqueduction occurred with water heraklion. In Heraklion, there was always a problem shortage of water - in the 17th century, the city supplied saltwateled water from wells, as well as small fountains and water tanks, which were accumulated by rainwater. It is known that in 1639 there were 1270 wells in the city and 273 aquatic tank.

To solve this problem, the general provision of Francesco Freezini developed and implemented an ambitious project of urban water supply - the construction of a 15-kilometer water supply, which carried water from various sources from the northern slopes of the sacred mountain. The construction of the water pipeline lasted 14 months and it was opened on April 25, 1628. The water fell into the water supply system, passing through the aqueduct of Holy Irina and appeared in the city through a source in the fountain, which was named after its creator a fountain of freezer. The aqueduct is posted from stone and has three large arches.

Fountain of Morosini is an ancient fountain located in the historic center of Heraklion, on the island of Crete. The fountain is considered one of the most famous city attractions and is considerably popular with tourists.

Another name of the Fountain of Morosini is the "Lion fountain". It was built in 1628 by order of Francesco Morosini, the then Governor of Crete Island. The foundation of the fountain was decorated with scenes from Greek mythology, and the top of the marble statue of God of Poseidon with a trident. This sculpture was destroyed during the occupation of the island of the Turks, however, over time, the invaders restored the fountain, replacing Poseidon with four lions. It is quite curious that these marble lions are at least three hundred years older than the fountain itself.

Nowadays, Fountain of Morosini is recognized as a historical monument and is under the auspices of the state. It is located in the center of a small, picturesque area, surrounded by ancient buildings and a cozy cafe. This is a favorite place for the walks of the inhabitants of Heraklion and guests of the city.

Coordinates: 35.33919400,25.13317800

Fountain Btembo

Btembo Fountain is the oldest of the surviving fountains of the city of Heraklion. It is located on Cornaru Square. Named Fountain with the name of Venetian Gianmatteo Bembo, which built it in 1588. The fountain is made of pieces of ancient marble, the facade is decorated with pilasters and columns, relief venetian coat of arms and a roman statue. The gelly roman statue was brought from the hierapetle.

Freezing Fountain

Fountain "Freeozini" is located in Heraklion, on the island of Crete, in Greece. The fountain is located in the center of Venizelos Square. Crete Francesco Governor, in honor of which the fountain is named, with the help of George Corner, Rafanelo Monnani and Francesco Basilicata was able to pave a water supply line to deliver water from the slopes of Mount Yuktas. Thus, the fountain opened in 1628 was built not only with decorative, but also with practical purposes: fresh water came into it. It was the beginning of a 15-kilometer network of water supply to the whole of Candy.

The fountain bowl is supported by four marble sitting lions. The lions decorating the fountain are a symbol of the Venetian Republic, which then the rules in Crete. Earlier in the bowl, Poseidon sculpture with a trident was located, but an earthquake destroyed it.

The fountain pool is decorated with embossed images of figures from Greek mythology: marine gods, nymph, dolphins and tritons.

Coordinates: 35.33702000,25.13223900

Fountain "Lev"

Fountain "Lev" has a different name - Fountain of Corosini - an ancient fountain located in the historic center of Heraklion, on the island of Crete. The fountain is an excellent attraction, and is in great demand among tourists.

It was built in 1628, the customer was Francesco Morosini. At the top of the fountain there is a marble statue of the god Poseidon with a trident, the base is decorated with scenes from Greek mythology.

The sculpture was destroyed during the capture of the island by the Turks, however, with time, the fountain was restored, but already replacing Poseidon four lions.

Now Fountain of Morosini is recognized as a historical monument and is located under the auspices of the state, located in the center of a small, picturesque area, and also nearly there are vintage buildings and cozy cafes. This is a great place to walk in the people of Heraklion and of course, guests of the city.

Coordinates: 25.75900000,35.20200000

Square Lviv In Heraklion is one of the most active and visited areas of the city. There are always a lot of young people who use it to appoint dates, tourists are resting here in numerous cafes and shop in local stores.

The most important attraction on this area is definitely fountain freezing. It was originally built not in decorative purposes. The fountain served as a source of water for residents of the city, which came here through a water supply line, 15 kilometers long. And the fountain and water supply were designed by the Italian architect of the freezer, whose name he is wearing.

The solemn opening of the fountain took place on April 25, 1628 on the feast of St. Mark, the patron of Venice. The fountain is located on a round basis and adorn the engraved scenes from ancient Greek mythology, dolphins, nymphs and other mythical beings living in aquatic element. In the middle of the freezing fountain on an octagonal pedestal there are four lions, from the pasta of which water flows.

Initially, these lions were not and they were not connected to the fountain. In the case of the freezing fountain, they symbolized the power of Venice. In the past, in the center of the fountain there was a poseidon statue. The work of local masters, it, unfortunately, was destroyed.

In the time of the Turkish occupation, the facade of the fountain was crooked in many places and was used for the ritual of the ablution of the face, hands and legs before prayers. The marble columns and a memorial plaque dedicated to Sultan Abdul Mesit were added.

In 1900, the fountain was returned his initial appearance. Today it is decorative and very popular both at the locals and tourists. There are many hotels near the square, where guests can be stopped. A detailed list of hotels in Greece can be found here It will help you make a choice in advance.

Next to the Lviv square is the Venetian loggia. This beautiful building was also designed freezing and built here in the 17th century. Here, people managed by the city have met for solving economic and social issues, and also it was used as a place where they rested after public affairs.

To the freezing fountain, we hit randomly. Resting on the island of Crete, it was a few days to walk in the center of the city of Heraklion in search of something like. Because by and large, I can not call an interesting city of Heraklion. But if you study it yourself, walking in the center and walking along the narrow streets of the vintage parts of the city, it is really possible to dig a really good attraction.

Where is

The freezing fountain is located in the center of the Greek city of Heraklion, located on the island of Crete and is its capital. Since we came to the attraction by chance and independently, just in case, just in case, landmarks for the search - the State Gallery of Arts and the Park Theotokopoulos.

The address

PL. EL. Venizelou, Iraklio 712 02, Greece

Where to park

Arriving to the center of the city of Heraklion by car, including the freezing fountain, you need to keep in mind that most of the streets are not intended to move by car. Therefore, it is better to park somewhere away from the city center and most of the way to do on foot. The distances between the main attractions in the capital are not so big, so it was quite real for us to go through most of them on foot. Only one circumstance prevented us in this - it was very hot, therefore it was difficult to move on a slainly in full bake in the bake.

General impressions

The freezing fountain is almost the only significant object of this type in Heraklion. Therefore, we decided for themselves according to the result that it was accurate to come here. They read and studied information about the fountain after his visit, so I had to achieve the impressions after returning from Greece.

It was very surprised that the fountain was not named after an architect or an engineer who created it or designed, but in honor of the operating mayor of the city, who initially belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a whole area in this place. The fountain was created more for practical purposes than for beauty. Although in my opinion, the freezing fountain looks great and impresses a truly beautiful and harmonious facility.

At first glance it becomes clear that the landmark is a monument since the time of the domination of the Venetians in the Greek Islands. The Italian luxury of Baroque style left indifferent even my not dismantling especially in the art of a fellow girlfriend.

The design of the fountain is a complex structure. The fountain pool is made of several volumetric bowls, which depict scenes from Greek mythology. For me, as for a person who disassembled in this area, it was interesting to consider them in detail. Most of the plots with the participation of marine gods, nymph, dolphins and tritons. On large bowls there are lions. They sit and hold one big bowl on their heads and backs.

It is surprising that now the freezing fountain is both a landmark, and a monument of architecture, and a valid fountain.

Advantages and disadvantages

We really enjoyed the Fountain's execution itself and its design. I especially liked to study the plots from the Greek mythology depicted on the bowls. Even a plus, weighing was the fact that there are many different cafes in the district. And since our pastime at the fountain fell on lunch, we decided not to pass by and chose one of the institutions next to the landmark.

It was immediately clear that we were not alone fell in love with this species. There were many local residents around us, who also dined in these places.

The only minus for us it turned out that the freezing fountain did not drive up, and I had to go long under the scorching sun.