Is the profession of military air traffic controller dangerous. How dispatchers work

Can you simultaneously track up to 20 moving objects?
Do you have the ability to see and evaluate the interaction of objects in three-dimensional space?
Will you be able to accept one single right decision in 25 seconds and have time to give the team to emergency services?
Do you have knowledge of aviation English no less fourth level ICAO?
Are you not susceptible to stress and external noise and light impacts?
Do you have impeccable health?
Do you have a quick reaction?
Do you know how to work in a team?

If at least one of these questions you answer "no" - this profession is not for you. In the Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Management (MC AUWD), people who not only meet all the requirements listed above, but also have separate, unique professional skills, without control which today no aircraft will rise to the sky ...

So what calls people in this complex and responsible profession, the price of an error in which is extremely high? Is there any romance in this aviation specialty, love for the sky, to aviation, or everything solves quite high, according to today's standards, the amount of wages and prestige?

Let us try to figure out, and we will help us in this deputy director of the MC Awand Alexander Povaliy. Alexander Pavlovich worked in the center for over 40 years ...

And still began in 1981 ... Then Moscow air traffic accidents began to learn the newly for that time the Terkas system (Tercas). Swedish equipment installed in the newly rebuilt technological building of the MC AUWD. This system is still used, simultaneously with two backup modern monitors. In a separate simulator class, a similar main equipment is installed on which the dispatchers themselves and highways are trained ...

In the workplace, quite cozy even today, in spite of the past years and commissioning new systems and equipment. The warm light of a large round screen, black matte panels of the trim - everything is configured to ensure that the dispatcher is completely immersed in the space controlled by them, without being distracted by external noise and stimuli. It is believed that the experienced dispatcher in the head already sees the picture that will be displayed on the monitor only in a few minutes. All his teams are mentally prepared in advance and are waiting only for issuing. But this is in the usual, calm atmosphere. And if suddenly an abnormal situation on board or the weather begins to present surprises - the load increases at times ... Therefore, the time staying behind the monitor (screen) is rigidly limited and after a couple of hours the dispatcher is inferior to his place to a colleague, and himself goes to the recreation room for 20 minutes ...

Structurally, the Center is divided into two large components: Adz - Aerodrome Dispatch Center and RDC - District Dispatch Center. The ADC manages air traffic in the airfield areas and the approach zones (space of a radius of 100 km from Moscow). Adz has 9 sectors (4 directions), which have geographic borders, and high-altitude division. The lower approach sector is from 1800 to 3,600 meters, above the upper approach sector. Each sector has its radio frequency (VHF range). In areas of airfields, board are transferred under the control of the "Circle" dispatcher. His area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility is almost immediately after the separation of the aircraft from the ground, and when entering the landing - to the fourth reversal ...

RDC manages air traffic on air tracks (23 sectors, 530 dispatchers). There are usually no sharp maneuvering on the echelons, so everything is calmer and the size of the sectors is respectively more than in the adts. Sectors are divided only by geographical principle without high-rise division. Border the Sector of the RDC with the same sectors of other Country Countries of the country and neighboring states: Peter, Rostov, Samara, Ukraine and others. Each dispatcher has tolerance in its sector, which it regularly confirms. To work in another sector, it is necessary for separate internships and training with subsequent certification and receipt of the appropriate tolerance (for each additional sector there is an extra charge to the salary)

In 2007, communications with the transition to the new ATC system, it was decided to build a new air traffic control center. The equipment of the center and the software was entrusted to the air defense concern "Almaz-Antey" ...

The new body turned out to be beautiful and spacious. The eye glands a pleasant combination of colors and finishing elements. Many glass and heavenly blue ...

The air traffic controller controls the aircraft throughout the entire period of the flight - ranging from the start of the engines and corrupting the parking lot and ending the arrival of the vessel on the parking lot after the pilot made a landing. Its main function is to ensure the safe, orderly and regular movement of aircraft within the responsibility zone established for it. Given the specifics and distribution of controlled zones and objects, and the work algorithm was created in the new traffic control center. The location of the workplaces of air traffic controllers corresponds to the geographic directions of approaches. Additional sectors are responsible for outputs beyond zones. The backup sectors are also equipped with identical equipment that will be required after switching to new airspace. Separately equipped places for senior dispatchers and operator dispatchers and flight manager. All are assembled in a single room, but spatially separated from each other ...

The head of the RDC (district dispatch center) Konstantin Vitalyevich Oleinik told in detail not only the common tasks and structure of the new center, but also about the specific equipment of the workplace of the air traffic station. First of all, this is certainly large modern monitors with anti-reflective coating, which is issued information about the movement of aircraft, meteorological situation and many additional parameters necessary to obtain a complete picture of the air situation in the control zone. Additional monitors are responsible for basic and backup radio communications and with a side in the air, and with ground services and dispatchers of adjacent zones. Another additional monitor is assigned to the auxiliary information ...

Now the system operates in test mode without radio engineering, but with a real setting on control zones. Testing is carried out by the dispatchers themselves, which is alternately during their duty they will change to a replacement to a new center. Engineering composition parallel to debug equipment ...

One of the important factors to ensure convenience in the workplace is its ergonomics. For example, chairs, in addition to the basic requirements for them in maximum convenience and comfort, should be strong enough, with a metal basis, which is able to withstand permanent many hours ...

In the hall always equally-smooth soft lighting at any time of the day and supported optimal climatic conditions regardless of the time of year. The commissioning of the new automated system is already planned this year, so the dispatchers need to have time to get used to their new work places. It is the air traffic controller that takes measures to maintain security in the emergence of a complex situation in the air and special cases of flight by providing safe ranges of longitudinal, vertical and lateral echelonation. For external tranquility, huge internally voltage and responsibility, which are the higher, the harder the situation of the sky - in such a blatant, huge and at the same time so close .... On these "invisible people," all those who are currently in the cabins are at the same time behind the steering lines or sidelines of their ships. They trust and believe that in any situation they will be helped and prompt, will make everything possible in order to safely return to Earth ...

Well, if the soul requires to see airplanes not in the form of symbols on the monitors, but really, with your own eyes, hear the sound of their engines is a rapid board and a soft landing? And there is a solution. But for this we will have to move here, on the dispatching tower of the airfield ...

Tower, and more correctly the Vnukovo Center for Air Motion Service (VTS ATS), is a branch of MC AUVD ...

Head of the Mot Motion Service Ov Oleg Viktorovich Fedoseev began his story about KDP Vnukovo with a simulator to simulate a real airfield situation. It is used to teach the dispatcher from the workplace from which he will have to work in the future. The equipment installed here is similar to the one that is on the tower. There is an opportunity to imitate any situations such as weather and technological, to work out a clear and well-coordinated algorithm for the action of the air passcher ...

Professional skills of dispatchers on the tower are very different from their colleagues in the center of Awde. The picture here is more likely two-dimensional, however, attention requires increased. At the same time, dozens of units of equipment, aircraft serving personnel move along the field. In the sky, "hanging" the incoming and torn boarding board, goes on the flights, follow the permanent requests for the launch of the engines ...

At the same time in the head, the dispatcher (does not matter the peer, the taxiing or start) have to hold a huge amount of information - analyze and predict the development of the situation, know all the designations of the flight and trunk tracks, the rooms of the parking lots, the meteorological system, the clutch coefficient, the repair area and all sorts of restrictions and prohibitions . Being ready and instantly react to any abnormal situation on the field - whether it is the departure of the aircraft beyond the runway, or a sudden appearance on the Fox field from the neighboring transfer ...

Control over the movement of everything that can move on the platform is carried out simultaneously on monitors and visually - the terminal building is well visible from 40 meters altitude ...

More recently, at the airport, the next stage of a comprehensive system of monitoring the position of aircraft and special equipment on the CrossPoint Perrone with the use of the GLONASS satellite navigation system was introduced. During the next stage of implementation, the equipment of all the opposite techniques of the airport was completed - more than 800 units. The base function of the CrossPoint system is to display the actual position of the aircraft located both in the parking lots and in the direction of taxiing on the airfield, as well as special equipment on the platform with the preservation of historical information about all movements in a few months ...

Well, when the weather allows you to see the side of the side visually, but it happens that the point of landing has to wait only by the report of the crew, wait and hopes that the pilot will cope, and therefore, for his part, the dispatcher did everything right and accurately did everything that It covered it. At such moments, the nerves are tense to the limit, and the sense of responsibility is most aggravated ...

From the tower overlooks the entire field. Those sectors who for any reason fall into the "dead zones" are equipped with special additional video surveillance cameras. The dispatcher must see and monitor each meter of the airfield. Additional radar tracked the coordinates of the sacrament and taking up aircraft until the transmission of their circle dispatchers ...

Sports in the MC AUWD is paid to a special place. There is a football and hockey team. Sections in volleyball, arm wrestling, tennis and others ...

In the corridor between the corps, there are photos on the "wall of history" - the chronicle of front-line, labor and sports feats of employees of the Center. There is something to remember and what to be proud of new generations. For the most part, people come to work in the center consciously and for a long time, as a rule, while health and age allows, therefore, the frames are practically no frame. Despite all the difficulties and difficulties, the colocious nervous burden and constant need to increase personal skills and qualifications, the profession of the air traffic police becomes the main and beloved for him for life ...

So what is the air traffic controller? What makes young people deliberately choose this particular way to aviation, because the competition for training in the specialty of the erox is always quite high ...
Complicated? - Yes very!
Responsible? - probably even too!
Heavy? - And how! The profession of the air traffic stationer occupies one of the first places on psycho-emotional load on the human body. But the feeling of what from you, your team depends on exactly how the aircraft fly, at what height, with what course and speed. Understanding what you are, and no one else helps them see and interact with each other, sharing it inurely the sky, feel free, easily and most importantly safely, as if in a huge ocean. This is not the same romance profession, then, for what a person and goes to all these severity and tests ... Everyone who is in any way is associated with aviation, there is a "its" sky. At air traffic controllers, it is like a long way of life ...

On the day that happens once every 4 years - February 29 - we managed to get to the most important strategic object, where security is made an order of magnitude more serious than at the airport: there is no such inspection at the entrance to the USA!

Meet the Moscow Center for Automated Air Motion Management. It is here that dispatchers are sitting, controlling all aircraft over the most active in terms of movement of the European territory of Russia. In the West, the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the center is limited to Ukraine and Belarus, in the north - territories of St. Petersburg and Vologda dispatcher, and in the south and east - Rostov and Kazan. 58-59% of all Russian traffic - it is here: hypercentralization in our country is observed in all sectors, and despite the tendencies towards Moscow, he continues to grow.

At the same time, Moscow airports are prevented from each other. For example, the same, next to which the dispatch center is located, could serve 10 times more passengers (talking about the terminals themselves), but here it is difficult to implement the circle of Moscow and the effective way of using airspace (and the bands are intersecting, that is, work can only one). The opening (Zhukovsky) will change little: there will be very little traffic and mostly this airfield is used for experimental aviation, plus it is possible to enter there only on one side - on the other (Course 123), again, Moscow and the airport - in the air will be " intersections. " Ostafyevo is too close: in general, the farther airport from Moscow, the better, but the development of airports or Tver has yet remained in the plans.

Terkas - development of the 1970s, began to be operated in 1981.

The dispatch center is open in 1981. In the USSR, then there were no modern equipment and therefore, as it usually happens, called Varyagov - in the sense, we bought the "Terkas" system from the Swedish company Stansaab (later she began to be called Datasaab, and then was bought by Ericsson). A whole story was connected with this purchase: a part of the system components was American production, and the Swedes could not receive export licenses (restrictions on the export of dual-use products against Russia operate in the United States so far). And then the Swedes dismissed these components and sent them to Moscow smuggling through Soviet diplomats. Later, it was burst, and in 1984 already Ericsson agreed to pay a fine of more than $ 3 million for violation of export patents.

Now the warm lamp "terkas" is used to train dispatchers, and in the very center the new equipment is launched by the Russian production developed by the St. Petersburg Institute of VNIIR. While debugging and mastering occurs, the start of work is scheduled for April.

Read more in the video:

About 530 dispatchers work in the MC AWUD. In one shift, at least 10 people, of which there are 2 on vacation, one on the hospital, i.e. 7-8 go out, and at the same time operate at least 5.

They have strict health requirements - practically like pilots - and work is considered harmful: they are sent to retirement for 50 years (and women in 45, there are 15-18% of them), vacation - 67 days, there are surcharges for harm, sanatorium -Curry treatment, and the working week consists of 36 hours. Nevertheless, wishing much more than the places: the average salary here is 180 thousand rubles, and also give an interest-free loan in the amount of 1.9 million, which can be used as the first contribution of the mortgage. After 3 years of work, you can buy airline tickets to anywhere in the world for 50% of their cost, and after 7 years fly free. The dispatchers have their own football and hockey teams, and even the gym right in the center of flight control - however, you can go to it only after changing, because you will suddenly get injured?

Suiting sports, do not forget to remove dumbbells

A typical schedule looks like this: a shift from 14 to 22 hours, then overnight in a rest room (pretractor) and a new shift from 8 to 14:30. Then until 16:30, the analysis of flights, studying documents, and from 21:30 to 8:30 - night duty, after which 3 days off.

Each dispatcher prolongs the testimony once every two years, passing a medical examination. Quarterly, annual and premium inspections are also held.

Initially, the dispatcher is assigned the third class - in the process of development it is easy to grow to the first (and 70% such here). And in every possible way is stimulated by the study of English: for his knowledge, the salary increases by 50%.

Thought on dispatchers best in St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation (SPBGUGA), there are also graduates of MGTU, Ulyanovsky Institute of Ha and College in Krasnoyarsk.

You need to be able to distinguish aircraft visually

Aerodrome dispatchers have their own simulator

And, by the way, the dispatch center is very active in social networks: VKontakte (

Aviation Driver - an employee of aviation services, controlling and serving the movement of aircraft of all categories. The safety of military and civil flights depends on how the air traffic controller depends.

In the hands of aviation specialists, the most valuable life and health of millions of people - passengers and air fleet workers.

What are the professional duties of the air traffic station? What are the advantages and risks of this specialty? How high the wage of the Aviavatcher? Where for your hard work, people of this profession get more? What benefits and additional payments can they expect, leaving a well-deserved rest?

Professional duties

In order for the pilots safely soared and planted the aircraft at the point of arrival, the aviation dispatcher is obliged to act clearly and right. And for this he should know well:

  • air navigation;
  • how the phenomena in the atmosphere of the Earth are affected by aviation, i.e. aircraft meteorology;
  • instructions and rules on the distribution of aircraft relative to each other, in order to avoid their collision.

Air Transport Dispatcher is able to manage all the steps of the aircraft movement: take-off, planting, route, the movement of the aircraft at different heights.

Control and guidance for air transport is carried out by the method of learing on airspace with a special monitor, more precisely four monitors and an overview window, to observe the real situation in the air and on the airfield.

Human life depends on the attention and speed of the response to the situation of the Aviavitcher, so there are simply no rights to make an error in the people of this profession. All their activities are aimed at ensuring such mistakes in flight management.

What depends on the salary of air transport dispatcher

Specialists who have high physical and emotional endurance can perform qualitatively. In order to get admission to work, the employee must have a diploma of a higher education. It will not be taken to work without the conclusion of the medical expert commission on professional benefits.

In addition, the air traffic controller needs to know English well according to international standards. Increasing the level of English proficiency can lead to a salary increase of up to 50%.

Additional bonuses

The working conditions are complex. The dispatching service works around the clock without interruptions and weekends. Therefore, I work by air transport control experts.

A typical schedule - shift from 14.00 to 22.00, rest in the pretty, the following shift 8.00 to 14.30. Passing and exploring flight documentation from 14.30 to 16.30. Night duty from 21.30 to 8.30. Every two hours of operation alternate a 20-minute break, if the operation of a high intensity of 10 minute breaks are made every hour. Between shifts Three days of the weekend. A week working time Aviavatcher not more than 36 hours.

Employees providing flight safety, airlines provide additional preferential programs and bonuses, for example:

  • young professionals can count on monetary compensation of the initial contribution to buy an apartment, compensation sizes in some airlines can reach 1.9 million rubles;
  • one-time material assistance is made by young professionals who have begun to work in the airline;
  • specialists who do not have their own housing have the right to 50% compensation for rental housing;
  • after five years of work, it is granted right once a year to fly anywhere in the world for free;
  • tickets for spouses and children traveling together with Aviodome Parents will cost them half of the cost;
  • there is a possibility of free visits to sports and gym, pools;
  • every year free trips to the sanatorium and the preteracting;
  • annual paid vacation 67 days.

How much does the air traffic controller earn in Russia

Salary air transport dispatchers fluctuate from 90 to 270 thousand rubles per month. Analysis of vacancies of specialists of this profile has shown that firms that organize air traffic are ready to pay a month from 75 to 250 thousand rubles.

The average salary is 110 thousand rubles. This is significantly higher than the salary of specialists of other professions. Moreover, it is planned to increase the magnitude of the remuneration of air traffic controllers in 2017 by 25-30%.

In Moscow

Moscow Aviadpetchers earn 60 - 250 thousand rubles per monthIt averages 90 thousand rubles. and significantly exceeds the average salary in Russia and in most other regions of the country.

In St. Petersburg

The magnitude of the remuneration of air traffic controllers in the northern capital is relatively small. On average, they earn a month 35 thousand rubles.Maximum salary - 65 thousand rubles.

In other regions of Russia

The level of salaries of air dispatchers in the regions of Russia is as follows.

  • In Saratov and Voronezh, the average monthly salary is 22-60 thousand rubles,
  • in Novosibirsk - 24-49 thousand rubles,
  • in Magadan and Vladivostok - 60 thousand rubles,
  • in Samara - 21-53 thousand rubles.

That is, there is no significant difference in different regions of Russia, there are no air traffic controllers.

Salary of Aviavathetcher abroad

Aviation Dispatcher revenues in Europe are significantly higher than that of Russian colleagues.

  • The highest income in Germany and the United Kingdom - 7 thousand euros (420 thousand rubles).
  • France's air traffic actuators earn a month - 6.5 thousand euros (390 thousand rubles).
  • But earnings in Latvia and Poland modestly Russian, total 100 - 75 thousand rubles. respectively.
  • Income record holders can be called US aircraft operators, their monthly income - 8 thousand dollars (480 thousand rubles).


One of the most important advantages of the profession is the right to early pension. Men's air traffic controllers can retire from 50 years old, and women from 45 years old, subject to work in air transport control service for at least 12.5 years.

Pensions of air dispatchers are low, so on average the country's monthly pension provision is about 20 thousand rubles. Aviavatcher who earned a pension in the north can count on 25 thousand per month.

When detecting an employee of the airborne dispatch service under the state of retirement age, compensation is made in the amount of 6 average monthly payments.

Compared to employees of other specialties, aeronautical specialists receive a worthy salary for their hard work. Specialists of this area are in demand in the modern labor market. Aviadpetsers are preparing civil universities - civil aviation institutions in Moscow and Ulyanovsk and the highest military schools in Krasnodar and Yeisk.

"The Investigative Committee removed the accusation from the Svetlana Krivsun Armenian dispatcher in the case of a crash in the Vnukovo Falcon Airplane" is a message of TASS two-weeks about the event that happened almost a year and a half ago. Then the young specialist fell under house arrest and all this time experienced significant stress. Pretty career start!

Yes, it is one of the risks of this profession. But such risks do not reduce its attractiveness. After all, the air traffic controller is a special profession, but what is it expressed?

How it's called?

The air traffic controller is the name of a whole family of professions on air traffic. If you think that the plane scored the height flies as he wants, they are deeply mistaken. It is closely following the dispatcher controlling the horizontal flight on its territory. It not only ensures flight safety, offering pilots the necessary height and corridor of the movement, but also recommends that the optimal path is promoting fuel economy.

All dispatchers are connected and interact between themselves within the framework of the Unified Air Traffic Organization System in the Country, and outside of its limits - guided by unified international rules. What dispatchers are there?

  1. The departure dispatcher issues permission to the flight on the stated flight plan.
  2. The ruling dispatcher controls the movement of the liners from the moment the engines starts to the pre-start and from the moment of depressing to the steering paths after planting.
  3. The starting and landing manager allows the board and landing, manages the aircraft, controls the movement on the runway and the preset direct.
  4. The "Circle" dispatcher controls the movement of aircraft in the zone of takeoff and landing at altitudes up to 1500 meters and within a radius of 50 km from the airfield. It gives permission to perform a landing attachment attachment and guidelines for the initial set of height with departing aircraft.
  5. The approach dispatcher controls the movement of liners at altitudes 1 800-5 700 meters and within a radius of 90-200 km from the airfield.
  6. The control manager monitors the movement of aircraft at altitudes above 3,350 meters within the limits of the established boundaries in the horizontal plane and transfers control over the next dispatcher when the plane goes beyond its responsibility zone.
  7. The local airlines dispatcher controls flights to a height of 1,500 meters within the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility (usually commensurate in the area with the administrative region) in the horizontal plane.

Seven types of dispatchers are listed here, but there are other types of, such as a procedural and radar control manager of the area, procedure and radar approach control, the aerodrome dispatcher, the planting radar manager, the simulator instructor dispatcher. So, they are different.

How to become a fleet?

Preparation of aviation dispatchers, as well as representatives of any other complex profession, a serious and responsible process.

Specialists are preparing at specialized annual courses, in secondary specialized educational institutions (for example, St. PetersburgAviation-Transport College of Civil Aviation) and in universities, for example, in St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Ulyanovsk Supreme Aviation School of Civil Aviation and Moscow State Technical University civil aviation. These universities have branches in different cities.

Dispatchers regularly undergo advanced training and certification with different frequency, depending on the class - annually, once every two or three years. The managers are trained and certified less often.

Training is carried out either at the airline, or on the basis of specialized educational institutions.

The future dispatcher before entering the medical commission is held. And becoming a specialist, does it regularly. The Medical Party Expert Commission issues a conclusion about professional suitability, allowing to continue working for the next 4 years, if the air traffic controller is not over 40 years old, then once every two years and from 50s, the air traffic controller must be held a medical and flight expert Commission every year, if he has not retired to this age.

What qualities should be posted to be successful in this profession?

The workplace of the air traffic station is equipped with navigation devices, radio communications with pilots and telephone communications with other dispatchers and airfield services. In addition to the computer with specialized programs, in the workplace there are monitors of air and meteorological situation, various scoreboards, indicators and sources of sound and visual signals, tablets, graphs, documents and reference books.

At the same time, a specialist is negotiating with the crew, monitors the flight of the radar or monitor, supports communication with the meteorological service and carriers of liners, informing them about weather conditions or reporting a change in the route.

At the same time, under the control of one air traffic station, there may be at the same time 10-20 aircraft.

Working with machinery, different sources of information and communication channels of different levels, has a number of requirements for dispatchers.

Requirements for professional qualities:

Average special or higher education in the specialty "Operation of aircraft and an air traffic organization" or "control of air traffic".

The air traffic controller should own English and know professional flight terminology in this language. According to modern requirements, only those who own the fields at the 4th level (out of 6-s) on the ICAO scale (International Civil Aviation Organization) are obtained. If the dispatcher does not have such a certificate, it can only work on local lines.

Requirements for psychological qualities:

According to psycho-emotional load, this profession is one of the most difficult, since the dispatcher is responsible not only for expensive techniques, but also for human life. Moreover, the emotional resonance in the media and the consciousness of people from the plane crash is stronger than, say, car accidents, although they occur hundreds of times less.

Therefore, in addition to absolute health, for successful work, the air traffic is necessary to have a high responsibility and discipline, stress resistance, volumetric memory, spatial imagination, the ability to maintain attention at a high level of activity for a long time.

He must be able to quickly determine the air situation, since it has to simultaneously monitor several objects moving in three-dimensional space in different directions with different speeds, and manage them. The dispatcher must give commands to ether and synchronously listen to negotiations of their colleagues working in adjacent sectors. In addition, you must monitor the radar screen and record on the graph.

How is career built in this profession?

Primary career step - Trainee dispatcher. Next, the dispatchers can be specialized, for example, in the direction of air traffic control or in the direction of airfield management. But, anyway, they can be assigned classes: the first, second or third. They reflect the degree of qualifications of a specialist.

Further steps: Senior Manager, Instructor Manager.

The head of dispatchers is the head of the flight, the head of the dispatching point or the dispatch center of a different scale - the district, zonal or main center of the organization of the air traffic.

If you visit the Dispatcher Forums on the Internet, then you can see how these people are involved in their work, how they are proud of it, aware of the complexity, the importance and uniqueness of such work. They feel part of the global system, and this is not words: anyone who owns the English dispatcher can work abroad, since the air traffic control system is international.

The daily record of takeoffs and landings at Domodedovo Airport - 724 operations. The maximum hour intensity when working with two parallel runways is 43 aircraft. All of them are controlled by air traffic controllers working on the command-dispatch point (CDP) or "tower" (from the English word "Tower"). In total, the Moscow Domodedovo Airport employs 6 shift dispatchers of 10 people each. The profession of the air traffic stationer occupies one of the first places on psycho-emotional load on the human body. Today we will talk about people, from whose actions the life of tens of thousands of passengers depends daily ...

For all aircraft in the sky over Moscow responds to the Moscow Automated Dispatch Center, located near Vnukovo Airport. The Domodedovo Air Motion Service Center is the structural unit of the branch "Moscow Center for Automated Air Motion Management" (this phrase specifically recorded literally during the visit). The center is responsible for ensuring the safety, regularity and efficiency of aircraft flights in the area of \u200b\u200bDomodedovo Airport:


In Domodedovo 2 runways (runway). For each of them, their dispatchers are responsible. On the tower are the workplaces of the flight manager, the senior dispatcher, controllers of the starting control room (SDP) and the subsidiary dispatching point of the approach (VDPP):


The responsibility zone of the start manager (SDP) includes control of aircraft in airspace, which includes a height set sectors after takeoff and the final stage of landing approach, as well as the runway and cargo tracks:


The SDP dispatcher also controls the movement of special vehicles, the system of light-signal equipment on the runway and taxi tracks, performs all the necessary additional operations:


I imagined the dispatcher with a harsh peasant, in large headphones, screaming something into the microphone and straightened in a round kinescope, along which a green strip runs in a circle, as in the old Soviet films. It turned out all at all. Headphones do not use, the kinescopes are not round and not green, and not only men work, but also very charming girls work:


The dispatcher on the monitor screen marked all airplanes located near the airport. He sees, they type height or decline, at what height are and at what speed are flying:




From the tower perfectly seen the whole territory of the airport. It has modern equipment that includes an automated information display system. The flight field survey system ensures control over the movement of any means by airfield.

If the dispatcher causes any suspicion, he can use binoculars:


If the strip is occupied, then the SDP dispatcher includes a special ERP Employment Board with a beep:


In addition, the ATIC dispatcher is located on the tower (automatic information service in the airfield area) -sleva in the photo, the flight manager (head of the shift), senior dispatcher and replacement dispatchers (right in the photo):


Each dispatcher relies a 20-minute rest every 2 hours. At this time, the replacement manager replaces it:


The actions of dispatchers are following the senior dispatcher. He is constantly moving from one dispatcher to another and controls their actions (on the photo stands on the left):


Also on the tower there is a flight manager (on the left in the photo). He is responsible for organizing the work of the personnel of shifts:


The minimum time between the plane landings is 2 minutes, and between the takeoffs from 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the classification of the aircraft. The atmosphere on the tower is calm and quiet. When the dispatcher leads radio exchange with the crews of the aircraft, then everyone is silent, or they say in half aols:




To get on the tower, the dispatcher must go through the door with the window:


Here you need to attach a special card to the lock and confirm your fingerprints:


The dispatcher is on the spiral staircase:


The tower is notable and its balcony. From here there is an excellent view of the airport:










Domodedovo Globe:


Well, the road view leading to Domodedovo:
