New federal highway to the Crimea. Tavrida highway in Crimea: Scheme of a new road from Kerch to Sevastopol

The new ring road around Simferopol is a long-standing project, which began with the work of KrymNIIproekt at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s.

Simferopol ring road.
The yellow line is the site under construction, the gray line is the design.

From the airport (now the old one, the new terminal will be launched by the 2018 season), the Okruzhnaya section on Dubki was built in Ukraine. The highway from the Fontana microdistrict was brought to the village of Klinovka and Tyoploy Balka, where the Crimean deputies established their villas. By the time it was taken to the trolleybus line near the village of Pionerskoye, there was nothing left to do.

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Okay, about the good: we will tolerate a little the inconvenience of temporary detours of the 2018 season, but by August 30, 2018, the first high-speed, in the standards of the federal highway Tavrida, section of the SKAD of the Simferopol ring road road will be open to traffic.

Official data:

The four-lane Dubki - Levadki bypass road of category 1B will stretch for 9.1 kilometers. The area of \u200b\u200bthe roadbed will be 170 thousand square meters, with a roadway width of 15 meters. It is necessary to move the main gas pipeline, water pipeline, several power transmission and communication lines, build three overpasses, a crossing over railway tracks and a transport interchange on the highway to Sevastopol. In addition, six culverts with a length of 343 meters will be laid. To protect the roadbed from waterlogging and erosion, surface drainage systems are provided. Fences and lighting will be installed on the road. The warranty period is eight years. The estimated speed of movement along the section of the route will be 120 kilometers per hour. The construction cost of the facility is 6.15 billion rubles, the completion of the work is planned for August 30, 2018.

How the Tavrida highway is being built near Simferopol on the Dubki-Levadki section. In the video, we fly in two places. Half a video in the Dubkov area, and the other half in the Levadkov area ...

The north-eastern sector of the SKAD: a new terminal at Simferopol airport and a new bus station Central. State farm. Bituminous. Yielding. Picturesque. Tavrida track near Trudovoe village.

The federal highway Tavrida from the east of Feodosia and Kerch goes to the Simferopol airport and the new Central bus station from the village of Trudovoye, namely through the dacha massif Ilyushino, Beloe, Aikovan, Solnechnoye, Bitumnoye and Sovkhoznoye.

The owners of summer cottages may not worry, the map shows that the Tavrida highway does not affect the summer cottages. But the conditions will dramatically improve, as will the cost of the plots.
For example, in the suburban area Trudovoye there will be a gas station, and a very large transport interchange, which will allow you to get to the airport in 5 minutes by car, and Dubkam in 10-15 minutes, and leave for Sevastopol or Nikolaevka.

Section of the federal highway Tavrida near the new terminal of Simferopol airport and Central bus station

The approximate average speed on the circuit highways around Simferopol will be 120 km / h. Well, the customers plan to complete the construction by 2020, and this is already a year of commissioning the highway, but according to forecasts, it should be completed even earlier, simultaneously with the Crimean bridge. The construction of a transport crossing through the Kerch Strait is going ahead of the plan.

The southern half of the SKAD will connect through Livadki and Pionerskoye - Sevastopolskoye and Yalta highways. And through Trudovoye, the new Simferopol TPP, Denisovka, Pionerskoye - Feodosiyskoye and Yalta highways.

The first block of the Simferopol TPP thermal power plant will be commissioned in 2018. The SCAD bypasses the TPP on top. In the photo on the left there is a direction to Trudovoe, on the right to Denisovka. At the bottom of the highway Stroganovka - Denisovka - Ivanovna. View from the Ostrich Farm

A bridge will be built across the Maly Salgir River on the southeastern outskirts of the village of Denisovka. Four lanes of high-speed car traffic is something amazing for the local scale. However, it is quite consistent with the size of the new power plant. In short, there will be a city here. By the way, in order to unload Simferopol, the authorities and designers are considering options for the construction of several satellite cities and suburban elite settlements, as well as residential neighborhoods.

The exact data on the alienation of land plots for the federal highway Tavrida and SKAD are posted in village and settlement councils. Property owners receive compensation.

After the return of Crimea to Russia, the development of the peninsula began with renewed vigor. The road that will connect Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol will allow guests of the republic to travel comfortably along the entire coast.

History of the Tavrida track

The construction of the Crimean Bridge changed the distribution of traffic flows on the peninsula. It became necessary to connect the opposite coast of the Crimea with the city of Kerch. This is how the project of the Tavrida road appeared.
In 2016, the preliminary cost of the work carried out was calculated. The amount was indicated at 139 billion rubles.

In the same year, the points of the route were finally fixed, the main characteristics of the future road were developed. The track will be built in parts. Already existing roads will be used in some sections, while a new route will be laid on others. The old roadbed, which is part of "Tavrida" will be reconstructed to meet the requirements.

Route of the highway through the cities and interchanges

The road will pass through the following cities:

  1. Kerch
  2. Feodosia
  3. Belogorsk
  4. Simferopol
  5. Bakhchisarai
  6. Sevastopol

The length of the path is 250 kilometers. Thanks to modern infrastructure, the journey from Kerch to Simferopol will take no more than 2 hours. If you need to get to Sevastopol, the driver will spend no more than 3 hours on the road.
It is planned to create 6 launch sites. At the same time, work on the creation of interchanges is divided into stages:

  • At the first stage, the path length will be 70.8 km... The route starts at the Crimean Bridge junction. The stage ends in the village of Primorsky.
  • Second phase... The road section will be 50 kilometers long and will end at the next junction. Here the road goes to Belogorsk-Lgovskoe and reaches the village of Lgovskoe.
  • In the third stage the path length is 35.6 km. From the village to the road leading to Simferopol and Feodosia. This is the area of \u200b\u200bBelogorsk.
  • Stage 4... The journey duration is 27.5 km. From the road to Simferopol to the road leading to Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol.
  • Stage 5... 24.7 km. The track bypasses Simferopol and continues to move towards Sevastopol.
  • 6 stage... 28.9 km. The end of the path in Sevastopol.

In total, 17 transport junctions are planned to be created along the route. At the same time, 90 bridges and overpasses will be built.

Characteristics of the road

How will the Tavrida track on the Crimea map go?When planning, calculations were made of the strength of the road surface, which was expressed in the load on the road. The indicator was taken from 21 to 39 thousand cars in 24 hours.

What are the characteristics of the new road connecting Kerch and Sevastopol:

  1. As a cover used asphalt concrete;
  2. The road under construction belongs to category IB;
  3. The permissible speed on the highway is 120 km / h;
  4. 4 lanes will be laid for car movement. 2 lanes will lead in the direction of Sevastopol, the other 2 lanes in the direction of Kerch. In this case, the flows are planned to be split;
  5. On the Tavrida highway there is no provision for creating a single-level intersection with other roads.
  6. Will be erected bridges, overpasses;
  7. The designers made it so that the track does not pass through settlements, trying to bypass them as much as possible;
  8. For the convenience of pedestrians overhead passages will be built.

Construction progress of the Tavrida road

The creation of the route began immediately after the approval of the plan and estimate. Construction is ongoing around the clock. Road workers do not have days off, so the road moves quickly. All work planned by the estimate is carried out on time, without delays or stops.

The project is divided into 7 stages. 6 stages of construction will take place on the territory Crimean peninsula... The last and final stage will take place in Sevastopol. The route is supposed to have 4 traffic lanes. The first two lanes promise to open in December 2018. This will be the completion of stages 1 through 4. The remaining 4 lanes will be open by the 12th month of 2020.

The first stage of construction is underway. A section of the road, 70.8 km long, is being prepared: embankments are being made for the main course. The passing engineering communications are being altered. Small corrugated water pipes are being laid. The foundation of the road is being laid, consisting of geotextiles and gravel. Interchange bridges and tunnel overpasses are also being built.

As of January 2018, asphalt has been paved over a section of 24 km. And a piece of two-way traffic is made.

Also, work is underway at the second stage, where the section of the road leaves 50 m. Here 13.5 km of the road have already been asphalted, as well as 2 lanes. Now earthworks are being carried out, engineering communications are being changed and altered, overpasses and interchange bridges are being built.

In the third section, they are working on a storm sewer system. The preparation of the roadbed, the installation of rainwater drainage, and the embankment of gravel are underway. 10 km out of 25.6 km are covered with asphalt.

Fifth stage. The general contractor creates infrastructure along the road. The track is also being improved by installing lighting lanterns. Both single-horn and 2-horn are installed.

In April 2018, the road workers reported that 88 kilometers were covered with asphalt without asphalt concrete. Project readiness is estimated at 29 percent.

As of the 7th month of 2018, 97.7 kilometers are covered with asphalt. At this, the first stage ends and the second stage of construction begins, where 39.4 kilometers of the highway, which are under asphalt, can be reported.

As of September 2018, builders say that the track is only 38% ready. If we look at the sections, then the section where the road comes to Simferopol. This road will open to traffic at the end of 2018.

When will the Tavrida highway in Crimea be opened?

The final launch of the track is scheduled for late 2020. But during the entire construction period, separate areas for the promotion of cars will decrease. The opening is divided into two stages:

  1. Late this year (2018) must start two-lane car traffic... In total, there will be 4 lanes on the track;
  2. The second section leading from the mountain with the name "Sugar Loaf" to the road connecting Sevastopol and Yalta... No final decision has been made on this section of the route, since even the design documentation is not ready.

Where there are no settlements, the road will increase to 4 lane traffic. The maximum permissible speed is 120 km / h. Inside the settlements, the Tavrida highway will merge into existing roads.

Construction cost

Preliminary calculations showed the need to provide 139 billion rubles. The budget of the Russian Federation allocated 14.36 billion to continue the creation of the Tavrida highway.

Finds during the construction of the route

The Crimean Peninsula is a place where every centimeter of land contains various artifacts. What names were found during the construction of the bridge:

  • At the very beginning of the project, things belonging to the Bosporus kingdom... This happened on the Tiriktan shaft. There is a debate about what kind of massive structure it is.
    Shaft attachment systems were found along with other finds. Artifacts date back to the 4th-3rd century BC;
  • Was first warehouse found;
  • In the southeastern part of the city Kerch mound discovered.

Gradually, they moved from ancient artifacts to the events of our time. For example, the stone bridge built by Catherine II. This is both a bridge and an excavation of a part of the road.
A karst cave was discovered in the Belogorsk region.

Trucks ... Huge, heavy, multi-colored, one after another. The old asphalt of the Crimean roads (from the times of the USSR) sags noticeably under their weight. This is what the supply of the peninsula looks like today. And it is clearer that its current transport system cannot withstand such a load. She urgently needs reinforcements, which are not far off. With the launch of the Tavrida highway, Crimea will solve most of its problems in the field of transport.

Where is the highway "Tavrida" on the map

The general scheme of the Tavrida track is quite simple. From Kerch it goes to Feodosia, then - Simferopol - and ends - in Sevastopol.

Its structure will also include a section of the already existing "Presidential" route. A detailed map includes a lot of details. Much has to do with the need to "bypass" resort cities, where heavy vehicles are undesirable. On it, in particular, you can see a large "loop" bypassing Simferopol. "Tavrida" will also make it more affordable for cars and on.

Does Crimea need such a highway?

It all began in 2014, when it became clear that the routes of delivery of all the necessary goods to Crimea would change dramatically. The track system was in many ways "sharpened" for travel along Perekop. Now that direction is not relevant. Since 2015, in fact, the only way to bring goods here has become a ferry crossing.

Its unreliability, which is caused by frequent storms in the strait, especially in winter, gave rise to the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction. But he could not fully justify himself without ensuring the possibility of fast delivery from Kerch to everything. Yes, this city was already an important transport hub in Soviet times. But its capacity was calculated for the limited flow of cars and trains through. By definition, the existing road system of the eastern capital could not cope with the constantly increasing number of cars that the bridge complex is able to pass.

Consequently, simultaneously with the construction, it was necessary at the federal level to solve the problem of dispersing the cargo and delivery flow to large peninsular settlements. This is how a design document for a highway with a high throughput capacity appeared, through which people and goods that got to Crimea by the highway could get to the main points of destination. By winter 2016, he was ready. The large-scale construction site was given its own name - "Tavrida".

Autobahn main characteristics and features

The project is really large-scale - about 140 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation. Many details will be incomprehensible to people far from road construction manipulations, but the most obvious facts about the future road will impress even a pedestrian:

To cross the pedestrian route, it is planned to arrange overhead crossings. There should not be many pedestrians on it - “Tavrida” will not pass through settlements. Interchanges and ramps are provided to get into and settlements. Feodosiya and Kerch bus stations will be enlarged or supplemented to send long-distance buses along the highway.

The work plan divides the route into segments, two of them fall on. Partly it is being built from scratch, but in some places it is a reconstruction of existing tracks. But re-equipment in this case is also a serious matter, since the roadbed must withstand heavy traffic of heavy vehicles.

According to the plan, construction is being carried out in stages. The direction is associated with the difference in the timing of the readiness of the bridge and the route. Moving on the first could not be launched until at least some operations were carried out to provide opportunities for vehicles to cross in Kerch. The completion of the highway is fully planned for 2020.

Construction of the Tavrida highway and its findings

The comments of those who managed to see different work sites on this highway are unambiguous: "Tavrida" is the construction site of the century! The scale is enormous - despite its relatively modest width, it needs a reliable "substrate" so that heavy trucks do not constantly crumble the coating.
There are no days off - bulldozers, excavators, rollers and dump trucks work 7 days a week, around the clock.

But even with such an intensity of labor actions, builders comply with the rule regarding a mandatory preliminary archaeological survey of the territory of future work. And its implementation has already enriched Crimea with new sights. So, near (Belogorsk district), a previously unknown one kilometer long was discovered, and in it - the bones of an adult mammoth and a baby mammoth. This cavity is going to be preserved and turned into a scientific center. Near Sevastopol, the remains of a military camp of the times were found, and a marble statue (presumably of the god Apollo) was found near the ancient settlement. In the Sary-Su mound, a burial of Scythian warriors was found with an accurately dated amphora (the date 340-336 BC was established according to the master's stamp).

At the end of the line, Hermitage specialists are already proposing to triple the permanent exhibition, or even the newly-made museum, Archaeological Finds from Tavrida.

During the construction process, nature-transforming operations were also carried out. So, the place of confluence of the rivers and Sarysu (in the Belogorsk district) has been changed. This was required to guarantee the safety of the route from waterlogging and flooding. now flows to Biyuk-Karasu, as before, but along a new concrete channel. And the two meet elsewhere.

Track readiness and latest news

The first cosmonaut, who made this simple word truly winged, would gladly ride on Tavrida, a space-scale track.
In May 2018, the red cat Mosttik, together with the President of the Russian Federation, opened the passage through the strait - the Kerch auto bridge began functioning. As a result, the launch of the Autobahn has become especially relevant.

The degree of road availability is not the same everywhere, but its general condition suggests that its partial launch at the end of 2018 is a reality. Fundamental construction stages are practically completed - in the vicinity and in the area on the road there is asphalt concrete, workers are applying road markings.

The plan for launching in 2018 is a section of 190 km (to). At first, only 2-lane traffic will be opened, and gradually the second 2 lanes will be put into operation. So far, at the end of the year, the state of the highway as a whole is estimated at over 40%, and the first 4 stages were already more than 80% ready in November.

"Tavrida" is a grandiose project, there have already been many "detectives" and scandals around it. But it is still being built and should start working on time. The head of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, is confident that after its opening the number of tourists on the peninsula will grow to 10 million a year.

Check out the latest video news from the construction of the Tavrida highway below:

12 years of guarantee - this is how much the Tavrida track received from the builders. With its commissioning, Crimea will not have to worry about the problem of delivering goods across its territory for a long time.

Track Tavrida Crimea

Tavrida highway (A150) in Crimea is a 4-lane federal highway the first technical category with a length of 237.5 km with an estimated speed of up to 120 km / h. The route will pass through the territory of Crimea from east to west along the route Kerch - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol and will become the basis of the peninsula's road network. The new highway will not only provide transport links between Simferopol and the western regions and the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, but will also relieve the street network of settlements from heavy and transit traffic. It is planned to build 17 transport interchanges and 90 artificial structures (bridges and overpasses) along the entire length of the route.

News from 2:

May 12, 2017 - laid a memorial stone, symbolizing the beginning of the construction of the Tavrida highway.

In his welcoming speech to the participants of the ceremony, Maxim Sokolov emphasized that the start of construction of the Tavrida in Crimea is a landmark event for the entire transport infrastructure of Russia. “The timing of the construction of the highway will be associated with the pace of construction of a transport crossing through the Kerch Strait, and next year the first stage of construction of this road to Simferopol will be put into operation. Two new lanes will provide all traffic flows, ”he stressed.

Construction and reconstruction works will begin in the summer of 2017 simultaneously almost along the entire route.

Head of the Republic Sergei Aksenov congratulated all Crimeans on the start of construction of the highway and noted that Tavrida is being built under the constant control of federal and republican authorities.

“Contractors have the necessary set of specialists and equipment to complete the task on time,” he stressed.

In turn, the head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoit noted that the newest technologies and highly qualified specialists will be involved in the construction of the highway: “I am sure that Tavrida will meet advanced world standards in road construction”.

The Minister of Transport of the Crimea Anatoly Volkov reported on the progress of the preparatory work, noting that all work is being carried out according to the schedule.

"To date, 100% anti-explosive work has been carried out, archaeological research is underway, the vegetation layer is being removed and the roadbed and communications are installed," said the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Estimated date of road opening (completion of construction):

In December 2018, it is planned to complete the construction of two lanes of the Tavrida highway and open the working traffic. The completion of the entire complex of construction work is scheduled for December 2020.

Launch sites:

Kerch - Lgovskoe: 76 km
Lgovskoe - Belogorsk: 50 km
Belogorsk - bypassing Simferopol: 35 km
bypass Simferopol: 29 km
Simferopol - Bakhchisarai: 34 km
Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol: 30 km

Approx. ed .: according to the length of the route 237.5 km, not 254 according to.

Track characteristics
Estimated load: 21-39 thousand vehicles per day.
Coverage: asphalt concrete
Estimated travel speed: 120 km / h.
4 lanes with separation of flows of the opposite direction.
Lack of single-level intersections with other highways.
Overhead pedestrian crossings.
On May 12, 2017, in Crimea, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, his first deputy Yevgeny Dietrich, the head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit, the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov and the Minister of Transport of the Crimea Anatoly Volkov laid a memorial stone symbolizing the start of construction of the Tavrida highway. Photo source: 2. Sources: 1 - Wikipedia, 2 -

Construction of the Tavrida highway goes according to the schedules. The road workers organized the work as an automobile approach to Crimean bridge, and on the Tavrida highway around the clock, seven days a week.

The Tavrida highway will connect Kerch, from where a bridge was built across the strait, with Simferopol and Sevastopol. The total length of the highway is 250.7 kilometers, the throughput capacity is up to 40,000 vehicles per day. The general contractor is VAD JSC. The total cost of the construction of "Tavrida" is determined at 149.3 billion rubles.

The construction is divided into 7 stages, six of which are located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, and the seventh - in Sevastopol. The project is being implemented simultaneously in all seven stages and is divided into two stages: in a two-lane version from Kerch to Simferopol (first - fourth stages - 190 km), traffic on the road is planned to be launched at the end of 2018; traffic along the entire highway in a four-lane version to Sevastopol will open at the end of 2020.

At the first stage of the 70.8 km long road under construction, work is currently underway to build an embankment of the main passage, reorganize engineering communications, install metal-corrugated culverts, and install a layer of geotextiles and crushed stone base of the road pavement.

Works on the installation of bridges and tunnel-type overpasses have been actively developed. 24 km of two-lane track were asphalted. The overall stage readiness is 36%.

At the second stage of the Tavrida track with a total length of 50 km, 13.5 km were paved in a two-lane design. Currently, the facility is carrying out earthworks, work on the reconstruction of engineering communications, construction of bridges and overpasses. The overall stage readiness is 27%.

At the third stage of the track with a length of 35.6 km, work is underway on the installation of storm sewers, subgrade and crushed stone, as well as, as in the previous two stages, laying of engineering communications, construction of bridges and overpasses. At the same time, 10 km were paved in a two-lane design. The overall readiness of this section is 35%.

General readiness of the fourth stage of "Tavrida" (length 27.5 km) - 10%. The same types of work are carried out here as in the third stage. Asphalt 5,3 km in two-lane design.

At the fifth stage The general contractor for the construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section, the Sibavtoban Group of Companies, continues to improve the future highway along the main course of the highway. The installation of metal lighting poles for single-arm and double-arm luminaire brackets has begun. In total, it is planned to install more than 300 poles for 555 lamps along the route. At the moment, the general contractor has installed more than 50 support pillars.

On the highway Simferopol-Chistenkoe-Trudolyubovo-Nikolaevka, the road workers have begun to form road approaches to the bridge: filling and strengthening of cones, compaction of the earth and the formation of pavement of the main course. Earlier, 12 reinforced concrete overpass beams were installed, each weighing 55 tons and 33 meters long. The length of the two-lane bridge is 73 m (with approaches). The height above the level of the main course of the Dubki - Levadki route is 5 meters.

The road workers continue to develop the excavation and embankment of the future highway. The total volume of land works performed is about 2.8 million m³. Along the main course of the highway under construction, the formation of an earthworks, the device of a water conduit and a cattle drive are underway.

At the sixth stage of the route in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sevastopol transport interchange Sibavtoban is drilling for the construction of bored posts of the future overpass: 70% of the total volume has been completed. The development of the foundation pit for the construction of the junction overpass continues. On the temporary road, the general contractor is cleaning the route and its anti-icing treatment. The traffic junction will be completed in July 2018.

The construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section has been underway since the end of 2016, the road workers began the active phase of work in the spring of 2017. The object will be commissioned at the end of August this year.

At the beginning of December 2017, the official opening of works on the construction and reconstruction of the Kerch - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol highway, 253 + 500 - 269 + 300 km, Sevastopol took place. The new road isseventh stage of construction and reconstruction of the Tavrida highway.

The new section of the Tavrida highway will pass through the territory of Sevastopol: from km 40 + 578 of the existing highway H-06 Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol to km 16 + 320 of the P-27 Sevastopol - Inkerman highway past the villages of Verkhnesadovoe, Pirogovka and Frontovoye.

Currently, within the framework of the project, the right-of-way from forests and bushes is being cleared, the subgrade is being erected, culverts are being installed, and temporary warehouses and modular buildings are being erected. Road construction works are preceded by a survey and cleaning of the territory from explosive objects, as well as by carrying out archaeological surveys.In 2018, the general contractor plans to completely clear the right-of-way of the seventh section of the route from green spaces, complete archaeological work, fill the subgrade and start building bridge structures. The construction of the facility is scheduled for completion in 2020.

In total, more than 800 pieces of equipment and more than two thousand people from the number of workers and engineering and technical personnel are currently involved in seven stages. Working traffic on auto approaches to the bridge over the Kerch Strait is planned to open in April 2018 and complete the work in December in full.

Construction of the eighth section of "Tavrida"(planned), which will begin in 2019, provides for the reconstruction of the "presidential" road and the construction of a two-level interchange on the Yalta ring. After the completion of the technical and price audit (sent to Glavgosexpertiza), the design and estimate documentation of the facility will be developed. The total length of the eighth section of the route will be 6.5 km.

Automobile approach to the Crimean bridge from Kerch with a length of 8.6 km is in a high degree of readiness: 7 kilometers of asphalt concrete in a four-lane design have been laid on the main course. All work on the construction of the auto approach is carried out in strict accordance with the approved schedule.

On the approaches, 7 kilometers of asphalt concrete were laid in a four-lane design out of 8.6 kilometers provided for by the project. The auto-approach roadbed embankment is already over 93% complete. The top layer of the base is 84% \u200b\u200bcompleted, the bottom layer of the coating is 80%. The installation of culverts is completely ready at the facility, rainwater drainage is completed on 2/3.

The auto approach to the Crimean bridge from the Kerch side includes one traffic interchange and three overpasses, one of which is of a tunnel type:

At the traffic intersection, the construction of the subgrade and crushed stone is almost completed - their readiness exceeds 90%. The top layer of the base made of asphalt concrete is already 96% complete. In addition, work on the installation of culverts has been completed;

The overpass, located at the intersection of the auto approach with the Heroes of Stalingrad highway, is 56% ready, the construction of the embankment of the roadbed has been completed by more than 90%, the water supply systems, sewerage and power supply lines have also been rebuilt by more than 90%, and the builders have completed more than half all work on the installation of outdoor lighting, as well as completely rebuilt communication networks;