The project of the railway approach will have to be adjusted due to the soil. Kerch-Yuzhnaya station and approaches to the Crimean bridge Excerpt from the FTP for the development of Crimea

The KerchINFO team has prepared an incredible photo and video report from the auto approaches to the Crimean bridge and the overpass on Solnechny. We offer to fly to a height of over 100 meters.

This is a view towards the Bagerovo station and the Tavrida highway, behind the Kerch Strait and the Crimean bridge across it -

The four-lane auto-approach route passes under the Heroes of Stalingrad Highway under construction. The picture shows a temporary intersection of the highway and approach at one level. This intersection will be eliminated. As the overpass will soon be completed and opened, so it (the intersection) will be liquidated.
To the left of the road approach, under the same overpass, there will be a double-track electrified railway line "Taman - Kerch-Yuzhnaya - Bagerovo".

The new terminal of the railway station Kerch-Yuzhnaya, with an additional second railway station of Kerch, will be built here -

The diagram also shows the drawings of the park of the new station -

There is also such a scheme -

The new Kerch station will have two passenger platforms and a fleet of five receiving and departure tracks, of which two tracks will be purely transit tracks, and three tracks are available for passengers on passenger and suburban trains.
Of course, the train station will be connected highway, with auto-approach junction. It is quite possible that the trolleybus will fail.
Three passenger platforms are enough for Kerch.

To the left - a new park of the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station with a new station, to the right - Crimean bridge -

Further, behind the new park Kerch-Yuzhnaya, if you go from the Crimean bridge, there are also overpasses at the intersection of railway branches with an auto approach "Tavrida" and a railway tunnel. We have already seen them in the topic.

Within a year, this place will change dramatically. The Russian Crimea is already accustomed to positive large-scale changes. The Crimea federal budget will not be milked forever. Russia has already built and will complete the main significant objects. The business of Crimea is to use them wisely for the benefit of the entire vast country. With their help, to develop a resort service of an appropriate level so that none of the compatriots would be drawn to all sorts of Egypt and Turkey. So that all Russians can have a great rest in their Crimea and, having gained strength, build their huge Power further.

As Kommersant found out, the construction of railway approaches to the Crimean bridge ran into a problem, the project will have to be adjusted. One of the reasons is soil problems. This, according to preliminary estimates, will require the allocation of up to 3 billion rubles. from the budget.

As sources told Kommersant, during the implementation of the project for the construction of railway approaches to the Kerch bridge from the Crimea, problems arose with the soil used for the construction of the roadbed. The project was developed by St. Petersburg "Lenpromtransproekt" by order of the FSUE "Crimean Railway" (KZD), which was directly subordinate to the region, but, emphasizes one of the interlocutors of "Kommersant", the document was "poorly prepared." As a result, Roszheldor turned to the general contractor Stroygazmontazh (SGM) with a proposal to make adjustments. The maximum cost of work to solve this problem reaches 2.9 billion rubles, the real amount and sources of funding "will be known later."

The Ministry of Transport confirmed to Kommersant that the need for repeated engineering surveys was caused by the poor performance of the work of JSC Lenpromtransproekt, in connection with which Roszheldor sent an appeal to the prosecutor's office. Repeated surveys, added in the Ministry of Transport, will be carried out by Stroygazmontazh.

In "Lenpromtransproekt" clarify that the fault lies with the subcontractor. The general director of the company Rostislav Shkurko reminded Kommersant that the company received a positive opinion from Glavgosexpertiza in June 2016, “all work was done with high quality, as evidenced by the positive conclusions both on the technical and price audit, as well as on the technical and estimated part of the project”. Engineering surveys in geology were subcontracted by Krymsetenergoproekt LLC both on the railway approach and on the road, says the top manager. Based on the received drilling materials and laboratory tests, design solutions were developed, the construction time in accordance with the construction organization project was 29.7 months, but the contract with Stroygazmontazh was signed only in April 2017, Mr. Shkurko notes. At the start of construction, he explains, according to the results of control drilling, it was revealed that the actual properties of the soil differ from the survey materials carried out by LLC Krymsetenergoproekt and used for design. The soil is partially unsuitable for the construction of the embankment, it can be used by stabilization, which requires additional time, says the top manager. “Considering the importance of the facility, social significance and construction time frame, it was decided to replace the soil, which requires at least RUB 500 million,” says Rostislav Shkurko, adding that there are no building materials in Crimea now and the question of where to bring the soil is being decided.

“As part of the performance of its warranty obligations, Lenpromtransproekt applied to Roszheldor in May and received permission to re-conduct geological studies at its own expense. Today geology has been re-done, all studies have been carried out, and a re-Glavgosekpertiza is to be held in the near future, ”the top manager notes. According to him, Roszheldor, KZD and Lenpromtransproekt submitted materials to the Prosecutor General's Office, and the company also filed a lawsuit against Krymsetenergoproekt LLC.

2.9 billion rubles associated not only with an error in the project on soils, additional funds are required in connection with changes in the project for electrification, signaling, transport security, etc., concludes Mr. Shkurko.

In "Stroygazmontazh" they say that the construction and installation work does not stop. “The company has developed and is implementing a mechanism of action that involves adjusting certain sections of the existing project, which will not affect the overall completion date for the project and the launch of traffic on railway approaches to the bridge on time,” the company stressed, assuring that the additional volume of work would will affect the timing of the construction of approaches to the bridge.

The head of Infoline-Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, notes that the choice of a subcontractor for soil works was potentially limited due to the limited number of companies operating in Crimea. The company's mistake led not only to the risks of Lenpromtransproekt losing the contract, but also to possible legal costs, the expert said. Taking into account the fact that it was decided to bring the soil, the amount of 2.9 billion rubles. looks absolutely adequate, Mr. Burmistrov believes. According to him, if the situation drags on for another couple of months, there is a risk of failure. Perhaps, it is precisely in this connection that Roszheldor proposes to adjust the SCS project on its own, notes Mikhail Burmistrov. If the situation drags on for another couple of months, there is a risk of a shift in terms, which is not beneficial to anyone, the expert emphasizes.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak (in charge of Crimea) Ilya Dzhus noted that the issue of the need to adjust the design documentation on approaches was discussed with Mr. Kozak, including at a meeting last week in Simferopol. Mr. Juice confirmed that there were serious complaints about the quality of the project documentation, and did not rule out that the designer's work on this project could arouse the interest of law enforcement agencies.

The adjustment of the project will not affect the delivery time of the railway approaches, the deputy prime minister said.

Final decisions on possible adjustments to the construction cost of approaches can be made only after the finalization of the design documentation, concluded Ilya Dzhus. This will not affect the cost and delivery time of the Crimean bridge itself.

A Kommersant source in the KZD said that they are not engaged in the construction of approaches to the Crimean bridge, but will take on the balance of the already finished railway when it is built. “Therefore, these questions are not for KZD. There is a customer - "Stroygazmontazh". There is a designer - "Lenpromtransproekt". Whether the project will rise in price, whether the deadline for its implementation will move - these are questions for them, ”the source told Kommersant. The press service of KZD confirmed to Kommersant that the project documentation for the construction of railway approaches to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait, provided by Lenpromtransproekt JSC, has a number of shortcomings and errors. FSUE "KZD" does not have information regarding the timing and changes in the cost of construction of approaches ”. The Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office has not yet received a response to an official request from Kommersant.

Anastasia Vedeneeva; Vadim Nikiforov, Simferopol

On April 19, at the 21st international exhibition on transportation, transport and logistics "TransRussia", the Ministry of Transport of Crimea presented a video on the construction of railway approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait. The visualization video shows a new railway junction as the designers see it, a new station with an underpass, an overpass over the road to Arshintsevo, a bridge over the Melek-Chesme river and other structures.

A section of the new railway line will run along the North-Eastern part of the peninsula from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The projected approaches are a double-track railway line with a length of 18 km. The expanded length of the laid tracks is 47 km.

An interesting observation. In the Lenproekt video, the M62 diesel locomotive is shown in a modification from the BZHRK - DM62 (the Molodets railway rocket complex). Jawless carts (though the springs were "forgotten" during visualization), block buffer lights (rectangles) and most importantly - a communication and control panel (a box with a serial number) ... so the diesel locomotive is combat and this is not accidental. An unnecessary reminder: we are peaceful people, but our ARMORED TRAIN is on a side track.

The construction of a new park of the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station, located 3 km from the transport crossing, is envisaged. At the existing station Kerch, it is planned to build a base for fire and recovery trains, which is necessary to provide the projected and existing railway infrastructure.

The new park of the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station will receive, send, pass freight passenger and suburban trains, embark and disembark passengers. The construction of an underground pedestrian tunnel is envisaged for the safety of passengers.

The project provides for the reorganization of engineering communications falling into the construction zone. To cross at different levels the existing Kerch-Arshintsevo railway line and the projected Kerch-Yuzhnaya - Bagerovo station, a single-track railway overpass was designed for 14 km of the Kerch-Arshintsevo line.

Due to the difficult terrain, a large number of artificial structures had to be provided on the site.

The employees of CJSC Lenpromtransproekt have designed a technically complex modern artificial structure - a double-track railway tunnel 1 km long, designed for seismicity of 9 points.

There is a bridge on a curve with a radius of 1,500 meters across the right tributary of the Melek-Chesme River.

The construction of a double-track single-span overpass with a length of 44 meters is envisaged for the passage of agricultural machinery and for driving cattle.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bagerovo, it is planned to build a railway overpass over the projected road bypass of the city of Kerch.

It is planned to reconstruct the Bagerovo station, which will allow handling freight trains of all directions, as well as serving passenger and suburban trains.

CJSC "Lenpromtransproekt" carries out engineering surveys and the development of design estimates for the construction of railway approaches on the territory of the Republic of Crimea to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait.

Location:Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district

The design goal is to ensure the connection of the existing railway network of the Crimean Peninsula with the bridge over the Kerch Strait. A section of the new railway line will run along the northeastern part of the peninsula, from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The projected approaches represent a double-track railway line with a length of 17 kilometers with the possibility of subsequent electrification.

The project provides for:

  • to develop basic design solutions and technical and economic indicators for several options for passing the route, on the basis of which, to offer the Customer the most optimal option;
  • to design a new railway line according to the variant proposed and agreed by the Customer
  • design related engineering infrastructure facilities to ensure normal operation
  • to design an additional park of the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station, taking into account the provision of suburban and passenger traffic
  • to develop a project of a double-track railway tunnel with a length of 1 kilometer, designed for seismicity of 9 points

Customer:State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Railway"

A source:

CJSC "Lenpromtransproekt"

Excerpt from the Federal Target Program for the Development of Crimea:

Five traffic interchanges will be built on the access road to the bridge over the Kerch Strait on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. Together with the new highway, they will significantly relieve the road network of the Taman Peninsula and divert transit traffic from settlements.

The transport corridor will be fully operational after the Kerch bridge is put into operation. From this moment on, the way to the Crimean Federal District through the Taman Peninsula and the Kerch Strait can be overcome in less than one hour.

1st road junction will connect the new highway with the existing M-25 highway, which will change the main direction of traffic towards Crimea. Thus, it is the new highway that will become federal, and the road in the direction of the Kavkaz port will go through the ramps of the interchanges.

2nd roundabout with the regional highway Sennaya - Vyshesteblievskaya on the sixth kilometer of the access road, it will provide continuous traffic over the existing railway tracks.

3rd junction at the intersection with the Taman - Veselovka road at 27 kilometers - the projected road will pass under the overpass, where 2 spaced ramps will allow traffic flows in all directions.

4th roundabout will be erected on the 34th kilometer, where the highway will cross the Taman-Volna road at the upper level, and 2 exits to settlements will be arranged for motorists.

5th road junction with the promising area of \u200b\u200bthe seaport "Taman" at 39 kilometers will become the largest and most difficult. Its configuration will be due to the proximity of the projected railway - the railway part of the Kerch bridge, as well as the need to ensure road communication between the village of Taman and Rybkolkhoz.

Comfortable and safe traffic along the entire length of the new access road will be provided by barriers and modern road lighting. On both sides of the road, recreation areas for drivers and passengers, as well as automatic complexes for weight and dimensional control will be improved. Variable information boards will inform drivers in advance about the traffic situation.

Kerch ferry: instructions for tourists \u003e\u003e

An important factor influencing the construction of the route to the bridge across the Kerch Strait is the preservation of the unique archaeological monuments that the Taman Peninsula is so rich in. To this end, the designers changed the planned position of the route, which will make it possible to bypass most of the historically important territories. A full complex of security and rescue excavations will be carried out without fail, the artifacts discovered will replenish the largest museums in the country.

As a reminder, Moscow hosted the 21st International Exhibition for Freight, Transport and Logistics TransRussia. At the exhibition, which was held from 19 to 22 April in Moscow, the Ministry of Transport of Crimea, with the participation of CJSC Lenpromtransproekt, presented a video on the construction of railway approaches to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait from the Crimea.

Where and how the Sevastopol section of the Tavrida highway will be held \u003e\u003e

CJSC "Lenpromtransproekt" carries out engineering surveys and the development of design estimates for the construction of railway approaches on the territory of the Republic of Crimea to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait ... The design goal is to ensure the connection of the existing railway network of the Crimean Peninsula with the bridge over the Kerch Strait. A section of the new railway line will run along the northeastern part of the peninsula, from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The projected approaches represent a double-track railway line with a length of 17 kilometers with the possibility of subsequent electrification.

Help portal 24RosInfo:

A new 4-lane category 1B highway will run from the existing A-290 (M-25) Novorossiysk - Kerch Strait highway across the entire peninsula to the Tuzla Spit. Its length will be forty kilometers, and the design speed will be 120 km / h. In the long term, by 2034, the traffic intensity in both directions on this road will be at least 36,000 vehicles per day. At the moment, the main route along which transport links are carried out through the ferry between Crimean peninsula and the mainland of the Russian Federation, is a 2-lane section of the M-25 road.

P.S. Construction of approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait February 2017:

junction to A-290 0:00;

finished section of the highway A-290 - Sennoy-Vyshesteblievskaya 1:20;

flyover over the railway road Sennoy-Vyshesteblievskaya 2:06;

the junction at the intersection of the highway and the Sennoy-Vyshesteblievskaya road 2:20;

construction of approaches in the area of \u200b\u200bst. Taman 6:55.

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait near the Tuzla Spit, October 2017:

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait near the Tuzla Spit, December 2017:

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait near the Tuzla Spit, April 2018:

The Crimean Bridge became part of the transport system of the Crimea and Kuban. August 2018:

The Russian Agency for Railway Transport (Roszheldor) and Stroygazmontazh LLC signed a contract for the construction of railway approaches to the Crimean bridge from the Kerch side. This was reported on Wednesday April 12 by the Russian media with reference to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Transport.

"The contract was concluded in pursuance of the order of the Russian government dated January 26, 2017, which determined the SGM as the sole executor of work on this project," the Russian ministry said in a statement.

Russian "Interfax" informs that the price of the contract is 16.9 billion rubles (about 7.8 billion UAH) and cannot be exceeded.

“Settlements under the contract are subject to treasury support in accordance with the procedure established by Russian legislation,” the Russian ministry said.

The construction management of railway approaches in Crimea will be carried out by the Stroygazmontazh department for the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait. It is reported that the company is ready to "immediately begin construction and installation work at the facility."

The construction involves the laying of an 18-kilometer line across the territory of Crimea, which will adjoin the section of the Kerch-Dzhankoy railway. The line will be double-track, non-electrified, with the possibility of electrification in the future. In addition to the tracks themselves, special operational structures will be built, a tunnel will be laid, the Bagerovo station will be reconstructed, the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station park will be equipped, and bases for the deployment of fire and recovery trains will be organized. The start of the temporary operation of the railway line is scheduled for August 1, 2019, the completion of work and the commissioning of the facility for permanent operation on December 1, 2019.

In April 2017, it became known that Russia had approved an estimate for the construction of a railway in the Kuban, which will go to the Kerch bridge. According to the Russian Ministry of Transport, the construction of a railway near the village of Taman will cost 49.1 billion rubles (about 23 billion hryvnia).

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the need to build a crossing over the Kerch Strait immediately after the annexation of Crimea - in March 2014. They promised to build the bridge by 2018, and put it into operation in the summer of 2019.

In early July, the Crimean Bridge information center reported that the total cost of building a bridge across the Kerch Strait from Russia to Crimea would amount to 227.92 billion rubles in prices of the respective years.

Prior to this, it was reported that the Russian government had postponed the start of temporary operation of the railway section of the bridge across the Kerch Strait for a year - from December 2018 to December 2019.

The Ukrainian side withdrew from the agreement with Russia on the construction of the bridge in 2014 - after the annexation of Crimea by Russia.