In the Barents Sea will create artificial islands. For which the bulk islands are used in Russia

Chairman of the Government of Russia Dmitry Medvedev ordered build in the Barents Sea four new islands. They will produce equipment for the extraction and storage of natural gas.

Government is noted that in accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law "On artificial land plots created on water bodies in federal property, and on amending the individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation" to determine that Rosmorrechflot concludes with a limited liability company "Kola shipyard" Treaties on the creation of 4 artificial land plots in the Kola Bay (Middle Knee) of the Barents Sea in order to build and operate facilities "Large-Room Construction Center marine facilities (TsSKMS). The complex for the manufacture of the bases of the gravitational type and the integration of the upper build modules "without an open auction for the right to conclude such contracts.

Grand project: "Yamal LNG" \u003e\u003e

New plots of land will appear in the Kola Bay by 2020, and the cost of the project is estimated at 25 billion rubles. The government guarantees that not a single penny from the budget to the Barents Sea will not learn - to invest in the project will be the company Kola Verf LLC, the subsidiary of Novateka. No competitive procedures have passed the company - at the disposal of the premiere it is the only contractor.

On the artificial islands in the Kola bay, the construction center for large-tonnage marine structures will be located, which will be engaged in the manufacture of marine complexes for the extraction, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas on the shelf in Murmansk region, as well as repair and maintenance of marine equipment. The premiere is noted that new objects will create about 10,000 jobs in the Arctic, as well as "increase tax revenues to all level budgets", attract investment in the region and develop new technologies in production. It is known that the construction will be carried out in the framework of the project on the development of the Arctic shelves of the Arctic-LNG gas, and the Gydan deposit will serve as a resource base for the center of the islands. It is planned that every year there will be about 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas.

Gazprom began marine laying of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline \u003e\u003e

"NOVATEK" reports that the company's subsidiary Arctic SPG-1 LLC won the auction for the right to use the subsoil of the Gydan region In order to geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials. The license is issued for a period of 27 years. According to the results of the auction, one-time payment for the use of subsoils is determined at the level of 2,222 million rubles.

The company already has a significant raw material base on the peninsula, including the morning, geophysical and laderctoy field, as well as three-book, Navuykh, West Solpatinsky, Tanaman and North-Tanaman sectors. The Gyda site is located in close proximity to the morning field, which will serve as a resource base for the Arctic SPG-2 project. Obtaining a license to the Gydan region allows you to significantly increase the NOVATEKA resource base on the Gydan Peninsula and consider new large-scale LNG projects of the company. According to the Russian classification, the total resource potential of the site is 4,740 million barrels of petroleum equivalent of hydrocarbons.

The largest gas processing plant in Russia \u003e\u003e

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Licenses for the development of Geophysical and Salmanovsky (morning) deposits at the Gydan Seninsula were acquired in September 2011 and valid until 2031.

Salmanovskoe (morning) deposit located in the northern part of the Gydan Peninsula and partially in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Orsk lip in close proximity to the South Tambae deposit was open in 1980. In the magnitude of recoverable reserves, it is the largest deposit at the given moment on the Gydan Seninsula, and consists of 34 deposits, including 16 gas, 15 gas condensate, 2 oil and gas condensate and 1 oil. Proved reserves of the SEC standards at the end of 2014 amounted to 259.8 billion cubic meters. m gas and 9.6 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

Come causes of high development efficiency "Northern Flow - 2" \u003e\u003e

The geophysical oil and gas condensate deposit, located in the middle part of the Gydaninsky Peninsula on the coast of the Orsk Lip, was opened in 1975 and consists of 35 deposits, including 19 gas, 12 gas condensate, 3 oil and 1 oil and gas condensate. Proven stocks of the SEC standards at the end of 2014 amounted to 125.6 billion cubic meters. m Gas and 0.4 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

In December 2014, Arktik LNG 1 LLC (a subsidiary of the company) won auction for the right to use the subsoil of the three-liter site located on the Gydan Seninsula and bordering the company's geophysical license area. The stocks of the three-liter area according to C1 + C2 categories of the Russian classification is 5.9 billion cubic meters. M of Natural Gas, recoverable resources exceed 1 trillion cubic meter. M gas and 90 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

In 2016, NOVATEK continued full-scale geological exploration on sites on the Gidan Peninsula in order to clarify the resource potential of this strategically important for the region. In the period 2014-2016 In the morning field, a total of 5 wells drilled, the results of their tests allowed to increase the reserves of the deposit and confirm the higher well productivity.

Moscow, Jun 17 - RIA Novosti. In the Barents Sea, four artificial islands will appear - the chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the creation of land plots in the Kola Bay for the construction center of large-tonnant marine structures. This is a part of a large-scale project on the development of gas fields of Yamal, who is developing NOVATEK.

The construction contract will be concluded between Rosmorrechflot and OJSC Kola Verf (subsidiary "Novatek").

The center is designed for the manufacture of marine complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas, as well as for repair and maintenance of marine equipment and equipment used for the development of marine oil and gas condensate deposits.

The islands will be created at the expense of own funds of Kola shipyard, the volume of capital investments will be more than 25 billion rubles. The corresponding resolution of the Rosmorrechflot company has already received.

"Construction of the center will create about 10 thousand jobs only on the shipyard itself, increase tax revenues to the budgets of all levels, attract additional investments to the region, develop new high-tech production," is noted in the document.

Strategic investment project

The construction center for large-tonnage maritime structures is planned to be created in the village of Belokamenka of the Murmansk region by the end of 2020. The first dry dock should be commissioned in the first half of 2019.

In early June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum "Novatek" signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the conclusion of a special investment contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Government of the Murmansk Region, which enshrines the intentions of the parties to conclude a tripartite special investment contract for the creation of Kola shipyards.

"For the effective development of a huge resource base of the extreme north, reducing the cost of construction and increase the competitiveness of our future LNG projects, we consider it extremely important to create a center for the construction of large-tonnant marine structures in Russia. With the help of Kola shipyards, we plan to achieve maximum localization of LNG factories on the bases-platforms. Gravitational type and their readiness for the production of products, "said Leonid Michelson, then Chairman of the Board of Novatek.

Governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun, in turn, noted the scale of the planned volume of investments - more than 50 billion rubles first. Therefore, the project was assigned the status of the strategic investment project of the Murmansk region, she explained.

According to Kovtun, the decision on the construction of the Center was also accepted because the project of the integrated development of the Murmansk transport hub is implemented in parallel, which will provide the West Bank of the Kola Bay of the railway.

Gas with Yamala

Yamal is the richest place for gas reserves. According to the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of Dmitry Kobylkin, taking into account the resources of the Gydan Peninsula on Yamal, it is possible to produce more than 70 million tons of LNG. "NOVATEK" leads active work in the region.

So, the modules that will produce on the Kola shipyard are intended for a new center for the production of liquefied natural gas, which NOVATEK plans to build on the Gydan peninsula.

Its resource base will be the morning oil and gas condensate deposit with reserves of more than 1.2 trillion cubic meters. The concept of the project involves the construction of a complex on platforms in the Ob Lip near coastline Peninsula.

This LNG plant will be the second on Yamal. The first "NOVATEK" is already building within the framework of the project "Yamal LNG", which is implemented on the resource base of the South Tambia field. The total factory capacity is 16.5 million tons per year. In total, it is planned to build three lines, the first of them should be put into operation already this year, and at full capacity the company will be released in 2019.

The seaport of Sabetta will provide year-round navigation through the Northern Sea Route. The latest tankers gas carriers are built for LNG transport - the first of them recently received a name in honor of the French entrepreneur, the head of the oil company Total Christopa de Margesori, who died in 2014 during a catastrophe at the Vnukovo airport, and all such vessels should be built.

As the Minister of Energy of Russia, Alexander Novak, was stated, the launch of Yamal LNG at full capacity will increase the volume of gas exports by more than 10 percent and increase the share of Russia in the global LNG market to 8-9 percent.

In the Kola bay, the Barents Sea will create four artificial islands. The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed the appropriate order on June 15. Return new islands entrusted to Kola Verf.

On the islands themselves, the construction center for large-tonnant marine structures will be operated, where complex mineral mining complexes will be created.

"The center is intended for the manufacture of marine complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas and a stable gas condensate on the bases of gravitational type, sea production complexes, as well as repair and maintenance of marine equipment and equipment used for the development of marine oil and gas condensate deposits," is specified on The site of the Cabinet.

"Kola shipyard" is a subsidiary of NOVATEK, which decided to invest 25 billion rubles to the project. The project will help create about 10 thousand jobs and will attract new investments in the region.

Experience is available

Russia began to create artificial islands a few more centuries ago both to expand its territory and for military purposes. At the beginning of the 18th century in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, the island of Cherepakh, where the citadel was located. Later, the island lost its strategic importance, but still during the low tide it can be seen.

And today in Russia is actively creating artificial land plots. Director of Environmental Programs "Green Patrol" Roman Pukalov noted that there are already similar successful projects in Russia. So, in the Kerch Strait, bulk dams were created during the construction of the Crimean Bridge.

"There were similar projects, the same Tuzlin braid, which comes from Taman towards Kerch is a largely artificial structure. When the Kerch Bridge was built, Spit expanded, slept and modified, "explains the expert.

  • Serguei Fomine

Bridge over the Kerch Strait will connect Crimea and Krasnodar region. It is planned that he will become the most extended in Russia. His length will be 19 km. Motorists will be able to try out the new bridge in December 2018.

Builders have already completed the assembly of the railway arch.

Projects for Better Life

In 2006, the western part of Vasilyevsky Island began in St. Petersburg. The area of \u200b\u200bthe new territories of the island will be about 476 hectares. The project called "Sea Facade" is one of the world's largest projects in the world for the development of coastal territory.


The extension of the island has not yet completed, but there is already functions specialized sea \u200b\u200bportwhich is popular with foreign tourists.

In the future, residential buildings, schools, hospitals and commercial facilities will also be built on this part of the island.

Solving many problems

As the director of the Energy Development Foundation Sergei Pikin notes, for Russia it is an important step, since at present there are not many similar projects in our country. In addition, according to expert, artificial land help simplify production natural resourcesSince they will be located the necessary complexes.

"The construction system of artificial islands is the most advantageous, because it will help solve many problems related to infrastructure," expert believes.

Ecologist Roman Pukalov notes that this construction requires not only a well-thought-out project, but also an independent environmental impact assessment.

"The Kola Bay is a natural environment, you need to look very carefully, as it goes on the bay itself, whether it will prevent the movement of aquatic organisms, for what time work will be carried out to avoid anxiety factor in the spawning period. It is necessary to consider everything very carefully, "says the ecologist.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order for the creation of four artificial islands in the Kola bay of the Barents Sea. According to experts, it will greatly simplify the development of mineral deposits in this region. However, this is not the first similar project in Russia. RT found out for what other goals a new land is created.

  • © Wikimedia / Tom Thiel

In the Kola bay, the Barents Sea will create four artificial islands. The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed the appropriate order on June 15. Return new islands entrusted to the company "Kola shipyard"

On the islands themselves, the "Center for the construction of large-tonnage maritime structures" will function, where they will create complexes for marine mining.

"The center is intended for the manufacture of marine complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas and a stable gas condensate on the bases of gravitational type, sea production complexes, as well as repair and maintenance of marine equipment and equipment used for the development of marine oil and gas condensate deposits," is specified on The site of the Cabinet.

"Kola shipyard" is a subsidiary of NOVATEK, which decided to invest 25 billion rubles to the project. The project will help create about 10 thousand jobs and will attract new investments in the region.

Experience is available

Russia began to create artificial islands a few more centuries ago both to expand territories and for military purposes. At the beginning of the 18th century in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, the island of Cherepakh, where the citadel was located. Later, the island lost its strategic importance, but today during the low tide you can still see its parts.

And today in Russia is actively creating artificial land plots. Director of Environmental Programs "Green Patrol" Roman Pukalov noted that there are already similar successful projects in Russia. So, in the Kerch Strait, bulk dams were created during the construction of the Crimean Bridge.

"There were similar projects, the same Tuzlin braid, which comes from Taman towards Kerch is a largely artificial structure. Building the Kerch Bridge, Spit expanded, slept and modified, "the expert explains.

  • © Serguei Fomine.

Bridge over the Kerch Strait will connect Crimea and Krasnodar region. It is planned that it will become the most extended in Russia. His length will be 19 km. Motorists will be able to try out the new bridge in December 2018.

As reported by RT, the builders have already completed the assembly of the railway arch.

Projects for Better Life

In 2006, the western part of Vasilyevsky Island began in St. Petersburg. The area of \u200b\u200bthe new territories of the island will be about 476 hectares. The project called Sea Facade is one of the largest projects in the world to master the coastal territory.

  • ©

The expansion of the island has not yet been completed, but there is already a specialized seaport, which is popular among foreign tourists.

In the future, residential buildings, schools, hospitals and commercial facilities will also be built on this part of the island.

Solving many problems

As the director of the Energy Development Foundation Sergei Pikin notes, for Russia it is an important step, since at the moment there are not so many such projects in our country. In addition, according to expert, artificial land plots will help simplify the extraction of natural resources, since they will be located the necessary complexes.

"The construction system of artificial islands is the most advantageous, because it will help solve many problems related to infrastructure," expert believes.

Ecologist Roman Pukalov notes that this construction requires not only a well-thought-out project, but also an independent environmental impact assessment.

"The Kola Bay is a natural environment, you need to look very carefully, as it goes on the bay itself, whether it will prevent the movement of aquatic organisms, for what time work will be carried out to avoid anxiety factor in the spawning period. It is necessary to consider everything very carefully, "says the ecologist.

The Chairman of the Government of Russia Dmitry Medvedev approved the plan of priority activities to create in the Barents Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Center for the construction of large-tonnage marine facilities - artificial islands, on which work on gas production will be carried out, as well as operation and repair of marine equipment.

"The center is intended for the manufacture of marine complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and stable gas condensate on the bases of gravitational type, sea extraction complexes, as well as repair and maintenance of marine equipment and equipment used to develop marine oil and gas condensate deposits," - Specifies in the Cabinet report.

The document also explains that the construction of artificial land plots in the Kola Bay water area is necessary to accommodate the center objects. Artificial land plots will be created at the expense of their own funds LLC Kola shipyard. The volume of capital investments on the project will amount to more than 25 billion rubles.

"Kola Verf LLC LLC received the permits of the Rosmorrechflut on the creation of artificial land in a water bodice. The signed order of Kola Verf LLC was determined by the person with which Rosmorrechflot will be concluded on the creation of four artificial land plots in the Kola Barents Sea's Kola Bay, "explained in the text.

In addition, the explanatory note states that the construction of the center will allow to create about 10 thousand jobs only on the shipyard itself, increasing tax revenues to the budgets of all levels, attract additional investments to the region, as well as develop new high-tech production.

The administrative address of the object will be the village of Belokamenka of the closed administrative and territorial education Aleksandrovsk of the Murmansk region. In addition, it recommended that federal executive bodies, the authorities of the Murmansk region and local government to help reduce the timing of land plots for the construction of the Center, as well as the deadlines for examinations and issuing permits. Local authorities were also invited to consider providing tax benefits for taxes.

Construction in Belokamenka will be conducted in the framework of the Arctic-LNG project, which involves the production of 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year. The resource base will serve as the Gydan field. NOVATEKA Denis Khramov's deputy chairman had previously said that in aggregate with Yamal-LNG (the second project of a gas liquefaction liquefaction) "Arctic-LNG" will be able to take about 7% of the global market for liquefied gas.

In July 2015, the Minister of Natural Resources of Russia appealed to the Prime Minister with a letter in which he made an initiative to revise the existing restrictions on the access of non-state companies to the Murmansk gas field in the Barents Sea.

According to Donskoy, after the decree of the President of Russia on the liberalization of access to the shelf filed a sentence for consideration into the government on this topic, but the final decision was not taken. The president, which on a par with Gazprom, issued documents giving the right to exploration and develop deposits, previously expressed a protest against the emergence of other companies on the shelf.

According to the director of Small Letters, the shelf field in Murmansk will be effective only in the form of a project focused on exporting liquefied natural gas. At the moment, the resolution of the export of LNG is, Rosneft and Yamal LNG.

A year earlier it was reported that Gazprom and Rosneft received the rights to two sections of the shelf.

In August 2014, Gazprom received the right to use the Hayovsky section of the depths of 83,590 square meters. km located in the Barents Sea. Forecast oil resources - 393.7 million tons (geological resources) and 118.1 million tons (recoverable resources), in Gaza - 2081.4 billion cubic meters. m, according to condensate - 32.6 million tons (geological resources) and 22.8 million tons (recoverable resources). At the same time, Rosneft was granted the rights to use the PrintyMyrian section of the depths of 20,619 square meters. km in Laptev Sea. PrintiyMirskaya Plot has predicted geological resources of oil 348.6 million tons, recoverable resources - 104.6 million tons, gas - 362.8 billion cubic meters. m.