Fortress of Santa Barbara in Alicante: history and photos. Spain, g

Tourists come to the city of Alicante not only to lie on the beach and admire the beautiful bodies of tourists. In this regard, Alicante may even be inferior to many "lazy" resort towns. They mainly come here to see the sights of Alicante, of which there are many.

We have already said that this city was not captured only by the lazy, and that at one time the Moors inherited it here, who made a good contribution to the development of Alicante. They turned their attention to mount Benacantil (or Benacantil - whichever is more convenient), which is very difficult not to notice ... At a height of just over one hundred and fifty meters above sea level, it stands out well against the background of the rest of Alicante. So, it was here that at one time the first stone of the capital fortress was laid, later named by the Spaniards themselves in honor of Saint Barbara, Santa Barbara (Barbara is read as Barbara in Spanish, yeah), she is El Castillo de Santa Barbara.

The fortress was rebuilt, modified, new fortification elements (towers and walls) were added. At one time, she was impregnable. But the years passed, the fortress was ruffled either by the loving French, or by the boring British ... many did not like it, therefore it suffered greatly in various wars. But what remains of it is enough to satisfy the curiosity of tourists.

Santa Barbara Fortress Walking Tour

El Castillo de Santa Barbara is considered the main historical attraction of Alicante. It is against it that the gaze of everyone who visits this city for the first time rests. You can get here not only by road, but also by a special elevator , whose mine is cut in Mount Benacantil. The most abnormal tourists can try to get here in some other way, for example, by conquering a mountain - there are also such, although this is prohibited.

As a rule, the Santa Barbara Fortress opens at 9 am, and already at 7 pm the workers of this open-air museum politely drive tourists out of its borders. The best time to visit the site is in the morning or late afternoon. An hour is enough to inspect the fortress "inside out".

At the "top" of Alicante

All this fortification consists of three levels. For most tourists, the top of the Santa Barbara Fortress is of particular interest. From here a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings opens. Here you feel like a real king of the mountain, just don't advertise this state loudly, as the ego of other visitors to the historical site may suffer. Having amused our pride a little, we begin to examine Vassal Oath Tower (Vassal tower or else La Torre del Homenaje). It is here that the very "bunker", shelter and the like is located, where you can hide when you feel that the fortress seems to have already been captured by conquerors and other bad people. In this place, for obvious reasons, some parts of the most ancient buildings, which were erected by the same Moors, have been preserved.

What else is of interest to a tourist? For example, Engineering Park, Hall of Fame, English Bastion and some other buildings. If you are not too lazy and direct your feet towards the upper esplanade, you can admire the remains of the ancient citadel. Here is the famous Watchtower in Alicante.

Santa Barbara. We go down to the level below

The middle level of the fortress is distinguished by an abundance of architectural monuments, already erected by the Spanish owners. It houses the Military Corps, the Armory and King Philip's Hall # 2. The ruins of the Varvara chapel, after which the fortress is named, are well preserved ... Here you can also see the Guard Corps and the Queen's Bastion. Stone monotony, especially on a hot day, can get bored, so it's better to wander here in the evening.

El Castillo de Santa Barbara is very good at night: special lighting gives the fortress a bit of mystery. But it is usually difficult to persuade the guards to go for a night walk.

At the bottom of the fortress

Let's just say that at the base of Santa Barbara (Alicante) there is a parking lot and a monument to one of the local militarist heroes Felix Berenguer. And so, nothing remarkable, except that the parking is spacious enough.

Finally, a short video tour of the fortress, however, in Spanish.

Archaeological finds indicate that people began to inhabit Benacantil in the Bronze Age. Many Roman and Iberian artifacts were also found on the slopes. The construction of full-fledged fortifications began only at the beginning of the 9th century, when the Iberian Peninsula was under Arab rule. In the 13th century, the castle was captured by the troops of Alphonse the Wise, who later became king of León and Castile. The citadel was ceded to Christians on the day of St. Barbara, after whom it got its name.

At the end of the century, the fortress was captured by Jaime II of Aragon, who began its expansion and reconstruction. The reconstruction of the castle continued under the following rulers: Pedro IV, Charles V and Philip II. At this time, most of the outbuildings and halls were erected, the fortifications were improved. In 1691, the citadel was shelled by a French squadron, in the 18th century it was held by the British, who participated in the war for the Spanish heritage. After another 100 years, Santa Barbara withstood the fire of the frigate "Numancia", captured by the rebels.

Starting from the 18th century, the fortress gradually lost its strategic importance and fell into disrepair. During the bloody Civil War, its walls were a prison for nationalists, and later for defenders of the Second Republic. Many inscriptions scrawled by doomed prisoners have survived to this day. For a long time the fortress of Santa Barbara remained abandoned. It was only in 1963 that it was recognized as a historical monument of national importance and restored. Since then, the citadel has been opened to tourists all year round.

View from the fortress of Santa Barbara

Legends of the ancient citadel

Several beautiful legends are associated with the fortress of Santa Barbara, transmitted by word of mouth. The first story refers to the period of the rule of the Moors and tells of a tragic love. The Spanish nobleman Riccardo and the Muslim princess Zahara were inflamed with passion for each other. They met outside the castle under cover of night to hide the relationship from the girl's strict father. But the ruler had already promised to give his daughter to wife to the Sultan of Damascus, and she was facing separation from her lover.

Upon learning of her father's plans, the princess fell seriously ill. The ruler learned about the reason for Zakhara's worries and, seeing how she withers every day, decided to go for a trick. He promised to bless the marriage with a Christian that he did not like if the earth turned white by morning. The princess prayed all night for a miracle, and it happened - the blossoming orange trees completely covered the city with petals.

But the girl's father was not going to keep his word - by his order, Riccardo was hanged before sunrise. The inconsolable girl threw herself off a cliff. Realizing the consequences of his cunning, the cruel father followed her. They say that if you look at the mountain from the north, in its stone outlines you can see the face of a grieving Moor.

The second legend tells of the heroic deed of the commandant of the citadel, Nicholas Paris. In 1296, the garrison of the fortress of Santa Barbara tried to repel the attack of the army of Jaime II - the soldiers fought fiercely for every step. The last one to die was Nicholas, tightly gripping the sword in one hand and the keys to the main gate in the other. Even after death, his grip did not weaken, so the enemies were able to get the coveted bunch only by chopping off the hand.

The commandant earned the respect not only of allies, but also of opponents. A hand holding a key is engraved on the coat of arms, and a monument was erected to Nicholas Paris inside the citadel. Since then, it is believed that the Santa Barbara fortress has never been captured in battle.

What to see

Fortress Santa Barbara is located in the city center, within walking distance from the beach, so it is impossible to ignore this monument of ancient history. In summer, it is preferable to see the attraction in the morning or late afternoon, as it gets hot during the day. It is enough to allocate 2-3 hours for a visit, during which you will have time to go around all corners of the citadel, visit the museum and current exhibitions, dine in a cafe, and choose souvenirs.

To enjoy a walk through the Santa Barbara Fortress, you do not need to buy a tour - the history of the castle and the entire city of Alicante is presented here clearly. The building consists of three levels, built in different eras. The earliest fortifications were built at the very top. On this level is the Watchtower, founded by the Moors. Medieval buildings have also survived here: the Hall of Fame, the English bastion, the Engineering Park. This site offers the most spectacular views of the city and the sea, equally mesmerizing day and night.

At the middle level, the fortifications of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance have been preserved. Here you will see the Queen's Bastion, the Armory, the Philip II Hall, the ruins of the Church of St. Barbara, the governor's residence. The lower level of the building dates back to the 18th century. Here are the first observation deck with a monument to the military leader Felix Berenguer and parking.

Fortress Santa Barbara has a large number of internal premises: barracks, dungeons, officers' shelters, kitchens, ammunition depots. The restored halls contain historical and modern exhibitions devoted to military craft, culture, art (painting, photography, sculpture, installations). Visiting museums on site is free.

The Engineering Park remains the main venue for craft fairs. Oruzheynaya Square is reserved for performances and performances, concerts, dance evenings. In the evening, performances of artists in national costumes take place on the territory of the Santa Barbara fortress.

The performances are dedicated to ancient traditions and way of life. The actors speak exclusively Spanish, but the event is a pleasure even without knowing the language thanks to the expressive intonations and colorful outfits of the participants. The most massive events take place at the foot of the mountain in Eret Park.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the Santa Barbara Fortress.

  • By lift - the entrance is located at the foot of the mountain, opposite Postiguet Beach (Jovellanos Boulevard). A ticket for it is easy to buy right there in the machine.
  • By car - Entry from Via Vazquez de Melha along the road along the north slope. This path is absolutely free; there is a parking lot on the first level of the fortress.
  • With your feet - the walking route coincides with the car route. It is chosen by tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the old district of Alicante. Here you will see houses, some of which are considered the same age as the fortress. The ascent from the city center takes about 10-15 minutes, allowing you to view the mountain from several angles.

Opening hours and address

The Citadel is open to the public on all days, but the exact opening hours depend on the time of year:

  • in winter (01.10-31.03) - from 10.00 to 20.00;
  • in summer (01.04-30.09) - from 10.00 to 22.00.

On major events, Santa Barbara Fortress is open until 11.45 pm. The MUSA City Museum accepts visitors daily from 10.00 to 20.00 (break from 14.30 to 16.00).

The elevator has been operating since 1963, passing through a 205-meter tunnel carved into the thickness of the mountain. Its mode of operation coincides with the fortress schedule. The last ascent is 40 minutes, the last descent is 20 minutes before closing. The lift ticket costs € 2.7 for adults. Pensioners and children under 5 years old can ride for free. You don't need to pay extra for the descent.

Address: 03002, Alicante, Plaza del Cuartel, 1.

Phone: (+34) 965 15 29 69.

Let's start with the banal, with what can be found in any guidebook or even just a free city map, which can be obtained at any tourist info office - from the Santa Barbara castle on Benacantil mountain, towering 169 meters above the city and the beach.

That is why the panoramic views from the mountain are simply fantastic, in all directions, and its small turrets, undoubtedly, are very decorating. I don't want to let go of the camera!

I would like to stand there longer, enjoying the open spaces!

By the way, you definitely won't be alone at the top - seagulls love this place:

The castle dates from the last centuries of Moorish rule, IX-XII, and in the XIII, when, as a result of the war for the liberation from Muslims, the Reconquista, this zone returned to the hands of Christians, it got its name, Santa Barbara, in honor of the patron saint of the city of Alicante ( The male patron saint is San Nicolas, the cathedral named after him is also not far away, between the mountain and one of the main streets of the city, La Rambla).

Today Santa Barbara is one of the symbols of the city, along with the embankment, lined with three-color mosaic in the form of waves (more on it later).
You must definitely climb the castle!

The most correct option would be to climb there on foot - it's pretty easy, there are several quite comfortable paths, no special footwear or special physical training is required. Unless I advise you to do this in July-August noon, when the sun is mercilessly hot on the top of your head. And take some water with you (you can buy some water in the bar upstairs, but you’ll get there first!).

In the photo: one of the paths up, perhaps the most picturesque, but far from the most obvious ...

For those who do not walk at all, there is an elevator, the entrance to it is marked on the map with a green arrow (blue walking paths up).

You can also call in by car (the road for cars is marked with a red arrow, you can also walk there), there is free parking upstairs, but on weekends and holidays it is not easy to find a place.

The entrance to the elevator from the castle from the "first floor" (from the building on the middle level, and there is still on the almost upper level):

Yes, the elevator is paid, if I'm not mistaken, 2.70 euros a ticket to travel up and back per person.

On my own I advise you to go down towards the sea (look for a path almost from the castle gates, unpaved, which goes around the mountain along the perimeter, and further in that direction along any paths, paths): in addition to the fact that there is a beautiful park planted on the slope with trees, bushes , herbs and flowers (some of this splendor always blooms), there are several more small fountains.

And if you look around carefully and try to enter the small but terribly ancient Moorish quarter of Santa Cruz at the foot of the mountain, you will certainly succeed.

In the photo: the Santa Cruz area, dating back to the 11th century.

Proudly stretching out its grandeur over the Mediterranean Sea, the Castle of Santa Barbara rises on Mount Benacantil. It is located almost in the center of the famous Spanish resort of Alicante at an altitude of 166 m in close proximity to the sea. The fortress is the main tourist attraction in the city and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. And from its observation platforms, there is simply a stunning view of the picturesque bay, city and port.

The first fortifications on the rock took place back in the 3rd century BC, when the ancient Greeks founded their settlement here. And then this territory passed to the ancient Romans and then to the Iberians. And in the 9th century, the Moors (Muslims) began to build their citadel on this rock, and it already looked more or less close to the one that the castle has today. This citadel was the most important strategic point in those days and could control all the entrances to the city. From it you can see the entire bay, as well as the surrounding area right up to the mountains. No one dared to attack these impregnable walls. But the castle dates back to the 13th century, when it got its present name and came to the power of Christians. So, on December 4, 1248, namely on the Day of St. Barbara, the future king Alfonso the Tenth, who bore the nickname Wise and was then still the Infante Alfonso of Castile, conquered this fortress from the Moors. Therefore, she was named after Saint Barbara.

The castle was rebuilt many times over several centuries, it withstood several sieges and was bombarded by the British. The most serious reconstruction of the fortress took place in the Middle Ages. Among the most significant architectural parts of the castle are the Tower of Honor, the Chapel of St. Barbara, the English Bastion and the Queen's Bastion, Philip II Hall, and the Governor's House. In addition, on the territory of the fortress there are cannon grounds and a powder store, an underground prison, drawbridges, various residences and bastions. As for the cannons, some of them bear images of a two-headed eagle and Russian-language inscriptions. This indicates that, for sure, these guns were captured.

Currently various exhibitions are arranged in the castle premises. These are works of modern, as well as ultra-modern art, graphics, exhibitions of avant-garde painting, photography, sculpture, intricate and bizarre installations.

To get into the Castle of Santa Barbara without difficulty, it is worth using a special elevator, in which a green arrow indicates the approximate location of the passage to it. The cost of a round trip is about 2.4 euros. The schedule needs to be clarified. You can also get there by car, focusing on the roadway along the red arrow and leave the vehicle (if there is, of course, a place) in the free small parking lot at the top. For hikers there is also the opportunity to reach the fortress. There are two walking paths for this, indicated by blue and red arrows on the diagram.

Opening hours of the Castle of Santa Barbara: