Jerrodos waterfalls. Mountain waterfalls Cyprus

Cyprus can please a number of good waterfalls, so the time you will not spend in vain. The most famous waterfall of Cyprus is Caledonia. Often you can hear such a statement that this is the highest waterfall of the island (especially from guides), but it is not so, there are waterfalls and higher, but it does not matter much. In any case, it is this waterfall that is considered the most picturesque and popular among tourists (tens of thousands of tourists are visited annually). The waterfall is located at an altitude of 1330 meters above sea level, and its height is 1330 meters. Waterfall is an integral part of the Cyprus national Park Troodos. So tourists can not only watch the waterfall, but also stroll through the park. For the convenience of tourists in the park, special signs are installed with inscriptions in several languages, including in English. At the foot of the waterfall there are benches on which you can arrange a picnic and at the same time admire the rainbow, which is formed by splashes. You can get to the waterfall from the village of Troodos or the Place of Psul Dendro. In any case, a certain distance will have to go on foot and in some places cross the mountain river, so that the shoes should be as comfortable as possible.

The highest waterfall of Cyprus is a Millomeris waterfall, the height of which is 15 meters, which is only two meters higher than the height of the waterfall of Caledonia. This waterfall is located on the crystal clear and cold river Kryos Potamos. Until certain time, the waterfall was not popular with tourists, as the road to it was difficult to reach, but not so long ago, the road to him was cleared, the dangerous stones removed. And at the foot of the waterfall and at all built the bridge, thanks to which it is convenient to overcome the river bed. In the vicinity of the waterfall, many plants can be found, among which the immortals, ivy, cypresses, pines and much more. From the forest inhabitants most often there are lizards, but if you are lucky, you can see a hare, protein, chameleon or even the Royal Eagle.

The most noisy waterfall of Cyprus is the Hantara Waterfall (in some sources, its name sounds like Handar). The waterfall is located on the River of the Potamos River. Compared with previous waterfalls, this can not boast a large height. It is located at an altitude of 1035 meters and its height is only eight meters. Tourists can combine visiting the waterfall with a visit to a nearby trout farm, where you can buy fresh fish, and then cook it. This waterfall is best at visiting the excursion, as the visit to this place is included in the Jeep safari, which is offered by local travel agencies.

On the Mesa River, the name of which can be translated as an "inner river" is located the smallest waterfall of Cyprus - Mesa Potamos. The height of this waterfall is only seven meters, but the water falls very beautifully: first collapsed on one platform, and then, sliding, falls on the second. Because of this, the waterfall is called double.

Any of these waterfalls can be visited independently, but in this case a lot will depend on what the resort you are planning to stop. It is not always very convenient to get on public transport, as it is necessary to adapt under public transport (In some villages, the bus goes once a day or even less often). As a result, you can spend the whole day to see one waterfall. To rent a car is also not the best option, since local roads you do not know, but on the navigator you can ride long and tediously. As a result, it turns out that buying an excursion is the most optimal option in this case.

Cyprus routes are diverse and offer travel for every taste, any complexity.

In fact, we arrived in Platres to visit a small chocolate workshop. All four of the most famous waterfall of Cyprus are located nearby, so to visit Platres and do not reach at least one of them is an unforgivable nonsense.

Caledonia waterfall is located at an altitude of 1330 m. Its height is 13 m.

There are several options to get to the waterfall. We chose a route starting with Psilo Dendro taverns and a truly owned farm. In brackets, I note that the British, noted at, are rather unanimous in its assessment of the restaurant: not very bad, but too expensive and noisy. We were limited to sandwiches traded from the house, and a thermos with tea.

Why is the waterfall called Caledonia?

Interestingly, Russian-speaking sites about Cyprus tell a story about how in 1878 a certain nostalging scot, visiting Platres, at the sight of local beauties remembered his native Caledonia (so the ancient Romans called Scotland), as notified by his acquaintances. Hence the name of the waterfall.

English websites are not suspected of this version, whether they do not consider it wealthy. They bind the origin of the figure of Caledonia with ... Swallows, allegedly, in the crowns of trees in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfall. It turns out that Chelidon Urbica is the Latin name of the city swallow. This is such a chain: Celidon, Kelidon, Caledonia ... one trouble, I do not imagine swallows, proudly soaring in thickets.

Let's hit the road!

The beginning of the trail to the waterfall is easy and watch. The advertising shield of the taverns rushes stronger than a modest pointer to the waterfall.

If you have forgotten with drinking water, then the very beginning the trail has a small source from which water can be gained and drunk on the track. Further - only from goat hoofs. Of course, you remember how it ended for Ivanushka?

The path takes the path in the mountain, but the rivers are not visible yet. But there is a deafening bird gomon. It lunch horsepads numerous sparrows.

Leaving Sparrow to enjoy the meal, we quickly reached the huge boulder, polished by the backs of numerous tourists. It turns out that take pictures in the Atlanta Pose of Atlanta, holding the back of heavenly firming, "MUST" for every self-respecting traveler. I had to obey:

The road to Caledonian waterfall caused pictures from fairy tales in memory. In my childhood, there would be a kingdom of blasphemy of the immortal or, at worst, some Baba Yaga lived. Modern kids confidently say that this is a magic forest from the films about Harry Potter.

I think no need to say that for a walk to the waterfall you need to wear suitable shoes? However, the road is not so heavy so that two far from the first freshness of the grandmother was not able to easily overcome it and return home alive and unharmed.

I was even somewhat disappointed. The first time I came here in February 1998. The snow lay around, the stones were covered with a thin ice, the path was covered with the left bank of the river on the right and returned to the left, and then again on the right. The transition from one shore to another by slippery stones was fraught with ice font and was accompanied by the release of adrenaline.

If the origin of the waterfall name has a double interpretation, then the name of the Krio Potamos River is unambiguously translated into Russian as a cold river. Even in the summer water in it is in it. Now for the convenience of tourists over all transitions through the rivers perhaps comfortable, but boring bridges. No driving!

To combine a pleasant with useful, on the way I shot the local flora and fauna. Before the fauna, we will reach a little later, and Flora is here she:

  • arbutus;
  • young shoots of sage;
  • violet, reminding me of childhood;
  • the omnipresent Ivy, who used all the stones and trees along the way;
  • honey Etruscan.

It was quite unexpectedly a gazebo arose before us, let's call this simple structure that way.

After the gazebo, the last 150 meters of lifting in the hill:

It is said that no more than a serious article on the Internet should do without quotes. How without them to ensure the traffic to the site? Therefore, a meeting with the representative of the local fauna at the waterfall itself was very by the way.

From where the cat took in the forest wilderness, away from human housing and what it feeds on, I will not do the mind. But judging by the round and respanted face, it lives a little animal so bad.

That's the waterfall itself. I know I know! Not niagara and not Victoria. But, as they say, than rich ... The height of Caledonia is just 13 meters, but after heavy rains in the winter season, when the river is filled with water, the waterfall is a more impressive spectacle.

Quest "Find a fish"

In the cold flowing water of the river Krio Potamos, trout is found. It does not reach large sizes, but if you stop and carefully look closely, then in small racs you can see shock fry. I found two.

How to drive to the beginning of the trail leading to the waterfall of Caledonia

The coordinates of the waterfall itself are not required. By car to the waterfall, do not get there, but it is impossible to pass by him. The road to the waterfall comes with a slight bias up and takes about 40 minutes. Back under the hill can be reached faster, for 30 minutes.

Once the rivers of Cyprus fell into the sea. Now there are almost no rivers in such an understanding - they are all bombarded with dams, and now fall exclusively in the reservoir. If the "hypothetical" tourist decides to bypass the island of coastline on foot, then he will see many "dry" River River. Yes, it is not necessary to walk - in Limassol, for example, not far from our hotel there is such. Why are we all a clony? Yes, to the fact that the rivers with Cyprus are not going anywhere, but they only flow in the mountains to the nearest reservoir. In the mountains of the river, it happens to the waterfalls, then again peacefully murmur itself down.

Let's try to go closer to the topic of our today's story. We liked the title of one of the articles: "Millomeris - highest waterfall Islands of Cyprus. "I, for example, immediately introduced a conditional device scale -" waterfallometer ". On the one hand there will be a waterfall Victoria or Niagara Falls, and on the other - drop drops from the eyepipette. So, Cypriot waterfalls will be much closer to the "pipette" edge. We did not do this in order to somehow ridicule the local Waterfollas, but only to prepare you for their scale. We just like local waterfalls.

So, really, Millomeris waterfall (synonyms: Milomeri, Millomeris, Myllomeris, Millomeri) is the largest in Cyprus. Its height is about fifteen meters, which is a couple of meters above the waterfall of Caledonia, which we have already told about. You can get to it in two ways: more simple and more complex. We do not choose simple ways, so we will go to it on foot. A simpler path implies an entrance to almost close to Millomeris by car, which more corresponds to this section "passing", and, of course, we will also tell about it. Neigh less, we start with a more complex route.

Walking to the waterfall

To do this, you need to come near the very top of the Troodos Mountains - in resort town Pano Platres, along the road, enveling it in the eastern edge. We twisted the car near the church and went to look for the path to the waterfall.

The benefit that the local girl somehow explained to us with gestures, where the beginning of the trail is. Rising on the road of two hundred meters, we saw a pointer leading on the trail to Millomeris.

Yes, now we stand at an altitude of 1050 meters above sea level. And just above Pano Platres is Caledonia Waterfall. According to them, the same river Cryos Potamos proceeds, which means "Cold River". Although for Cypriots and the sea at +25 water is already very cold. It is strange that they did not name "forever cold river."

Water really burst, but "ours" normally bathe in the jets of the waterfall. However, we will be closer to the topic. We start the descent!

The trail itself is very picturesque. It comes across and benches, on which you can stay in the shade of trees, and wooden steps to make it easier to pass cool races. Yes, and just pretty landscapes are found along the way. We will not give a lot of photos here, but leave them for the photo album. While a couple of pictures from the trail. Here, for example, such a landscape along the go.

And here are the steps on the trail.

The track leads us to the stream, although it is the same River Kryos Potamos.

Then he leaves the river again and finally leads to the end point of our today's route - to the Millomeris waterfall.

For a descent to a waterfall with different stops on photographing, we left 45 minutes. The return path will be longer - returning after all the same in the slide.

Entrance by car

If there is no time for a walk, then the waterfall can be driven by car.

True, at the end of the way, they still have to go down a bit. Just do not miss this sign on the road. As you will roll down to the left - at once on the fork, hold on to the right. The road is quite normal, although for the most part primer. Approximately two kilometers of the way - and we have a goal. If there are many cars, it is possible to get up right at the stairs leading to the waterfall, it will not work - there is too small parking space, if you can call it. It is better to stop a little earlier, in front of the sign indicating a dead end. Next, you need to go down a little down the stairs directly to the waterfall. By the way, on the last plot, a hiking and "machine" paths converge.

Video orientation

It is not necessary to consider the underlying roller as a sample of artistic or technical perfection. We just wanted to show mostly descent on the way to a waterfall, which occupies a lion time from an eight-minute clip, and a little bit of the waterfall, which is that you want to go down to him. And for the quality I do not understand.

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The waterfall is placed on two tiers, downstairs - lake for swimming with water of emerald color. There is a tarzanka and ropted swings for beautiful photos. Visitors-extremals jump into the water from the branches of trees or from the top tier of the waterfall, although NO Jumping and No Diving signs are delicately hinting that it is not worth doing so.

In general, the adonis bath is not only a waterfall. This is a whole park with a home-museum, a picnic area on the roof, sun loungers and a small bar.

There is a ten meter statue from afar, Zeus is sitting at the entrance - smaller, but the whole golden. Inside - a number of statues with a sexy bias of onest way or another, some look at the Too Much.

And here are weddings and cosmetic procedures. To all of this waterfall has its own website.


Mesa Potamos.

What: The smallest waterfall, the height of the cascade - 7 meters.

Where:On the River Mesa Potamos, 200 meters from St. John Monastery.

Description: Mesa Potamos is so small that not everyone recognizes a waterfall in it. Perhaps why he did not even receive a separate name and wears the name of the river on which it is located.

The place around the waterfall is very picturesque. Here is beautiful, the tables are placed right on the shore of the stream. You can walk along the river or walk to the monastery, - in certain hours on the territory and in the temple they let all those wishing.


Green Valley.

What:Waterfall with refined territory, the entrance is paid - 5 euros.

Where: 27 km. From Limassol, in the vicinity of the village of Trimiklini.

Description: A semi-kilometer descent to the waterfall is equipped with wooden bridges, railings and somewhere - steps, everywhere carefully arranged shops and garbage baskets, placed nameplates with names local plants. Near the chickens, ducks and peacocks are walking. Below can be swimming in a small small lake.


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Millomeris Waterfall is a unique natural attraction of Cyprus. It is the largest of all the waterfalls of the island. Its height is 15 meters, and the name in the exemplary translated means "raw place." Although some sources claim that he is so named due to the mill (Millomeris), which used to be at the waterfall before.

Divine beauty

All travel guides are called Millomeris waterfall one of the most beautiful - it is absolute truth. The purest flow of water with noise is lowered into a small lake, as if hidden in rocks. The terrain around the waterfall is a truly paradise place where Nymphs and the Goddess of Diana rested themselves in ancient times.

You can also sit in the shade of pines and cypresses, admire the thick thickets of ivy, blooming wild astrams and other plants. In addition, many hares, birds, chameleons are inhabited here, whites are jumping on trees, and at a huge height you can often see the silhouette of a soaring mountain eagle.

"Young" landmark

Previously, the approach to the waterfall Millomeris was dangerous and tourists were not here, except for the tireless fans of extreme. But now it is led by a landscaped tourist trail. For particularly hurrying holidaymakers, an entrance by car directly to the waterfall is provided.

But if you want to visit the waterfall not just "for a tick" - go only on foot! For all those who wish to fully enjoy the walk through the mountains, it is best to stay in a small town Pano Platres, located on the top of the Troodos Mountains. Approximately 200 meters from the city there is a pointer to the trail - even with all the desire it will be lost very difficult.

Walk, so walk!

The descent to the foot of the waterfall is very picturesque. The stony trail goes around the edge of the cliff itself, but thanks to the wooden railing there is completely safe. In addition, wide steps are made in particularly steep places. In short, you can safely admire nature and take pictures. For relaxing, convenient benches, which are arranged along the entire trail.

Without distracted by local beauty and walking a vigorous step, you will reach the waterfall for 20 minutes. If you do not rush, admiring the luxurious views and take pictures of the most likely places, then the descent will take you no more than 45 minutes. The rise of course will be longer, but no less interesting. In addition, returning to Panza Platres, you will greatly rest in the local tavern or cafe.

Quickly and comfort!

Deciding to drive up to a waterfall by car you will spend much less time. True finding a place in the parking lot is often quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to leave the car without reaching it. The experienced holidaymakers and motorists recommend to do it at the "deadlock" sign. In addition, anyway, you still have to walk on foot - on the stairs leading to the waterfall.

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