An exotic country for relaxation. The most beautiful places

There are a huge number of places and attractions in the world that you want to visit. All of them are something special and attract the attention of thousands of tourists every year. When planning your next trip, take a look at this list and, perhaps, a visit to one of these amazing places will leave a lasting impression on you.

A large castrate sinkhole located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, an atoll within the Belize Barrier Reef. The diameter of this natural miracle is 305 meters, and it goes 120 meters deep. The Blue Hole annually attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world.

2) "Wave" in Arizona, USA

In the state of Arizona in the United States, there are rocks covered with bizarre layered patterns that give this place an unearthly appearance. located close to large settlements, therefore it has gained great popularity among tourists.

These hills, called chocolate hills, are located on Bohol Island in the Philippines. There are more than 1200 such hills covered with greenery in this area.

This place in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, nicknamed the Gateway to Hell, was formed after an unsuccessful drilling in search of gas. While drilling in 1971, all equipment, including the drilling rig, fell into the formed crater, which was filled with gas. To avoid accidents and poisoning, it was decided to set fire to this gas and since then, it has continued to burn for over 40 years.

In the Chinese province of Hunan, they became the prototype for the fantastic landscapes from the movie "Avatar". More than 3,000 thousand sandy mountains rise to a height of 800 meters and are of great interest to tourists, especially after the success of Cameron's film.

One of the most accessible amazing places on the planet, many Russian tourists have already visited there, since Pamukkale is located just a few hours from the popular Turkish resort of Antalya. Pamukkale, which means "Cotton Castle", is a snow-white terrace filled with water from mineral springs. It is believed that the water in these terraces has healing properties.

7) Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon (Antelope Canyon) is located in the southwestern United States, 240 kilometers from. Wind and water have done a great job over many thousands of years, resulting in this amazing canyon of red and red flowers.

Did you know that the most active volcano is in Antarctica? Erebus volcano (Ice Towers of Mount Erebus) was discovered on January 28, 1841 by an English expedition led by polar explorer Sir James Clark Ross on the ships "Erebus" and "Terror". The height of this volcano is 3794 meters, which makes it one of the highest points in Antarctica. There is a large lava lake inside the volcano.

9) Kasha-Katuwe-Tent Rocks monument, USA

This national monument is located in the state of New Mexico, 60 kilometers from the city of Santa Fe and was formed due to the deposition of volcanic rocks.

10) Ischigualasto Natural Park, Argentina

This park, also called The Valley of the Moon, is located in the province of San Juan in Argentina. Not the most popular place among tourists, as it is located far from the main tourist routesbut this is where NASA tried out its rovers. The landscape of this place looks alien.

11) Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia

Salt Lake (Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia is located near Lake Titicaca - it is one of the most amazing and photogenic places on our planet. Everything in this area is saturated with salt, it is everywhere, but the most amazing sight occurs when it rains and everything is covered with a thin layer of water, the ideal surface of which turns into a mirror.

12) Danxia Landform, China

It may seem that this incredible landscape is just the result of the work of Photoshop, but this is a real geological object formed due to the overlap of sandstone and other mineral rocks. This natural site is located in the Chinese province of Gansu. In 2010, Danxia Terrain was listed World Heritage UNESKO.

13) Crystal Cave of the Giants, Mexico

This cave with the world's largest crystals was found recently in 2000 near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giants are up to 15 meters long and 1.5 meters wide and are composed of zinc-silver-lead salts. The cave has a special climate (almost 60 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity), in which a person cannot spend more than 5-10 minutes.

14) Dry Valleys, Antarctica

The dry valley is the territory of three oasis-valleys (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica to the west of McMurdo Strait. Hurricane winds, lack of precipitation, low temperatures have created a unique climate in this place. Rare lakes have long turned into ice wells, which, according to some scientists, are home to unknown microorganisms.

15) Socotra Island, Yemen

Socotra is an archipelago in Indian Ocean, consisting of 4 islands, located off the coast of Somalia. These islands have preserved a unique plant and animal life, many of which can only be found here. The archipelago's symbol is the endemic dragon tree.

16) Giants Causeway, Ireland

More than 40,000 basalt columns form a path that leads to the foot of the volcano, thanks to the eruption of which these amazing columns arose. The Giants Trail is one of Northern Ireland's most popular tourist attractions.

17) Kliluk, the Spotted Lake, Canada

Local indigenous Indians consider this lake sacred. The water of this lake has bright colors, as it is saturated with sodium sulfates, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. In the hot season, the water in the lake dries up and many small puddles are formed, which have different colors, depending on which element of the periodic table prevails in them.

18) Pulpit or Preikestolen, Norway

Preikestolen Rock - a favorite place for photographers and just tourists, is a huge rock-cliff with a flat platform 25 by 25 meters. The height of the cliff is 604 meters and a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape opens from its top. Preikestolen Cliff is one of the most popular attractions in Norway.

19) Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes are the main attraction of Croatia. There are 16 large and several small lakes, about 20 mysterious caves and 120 waterfalls. In this place you can find many species of plants and animals, which are unique and are found only in the Plitvice Lakes region, therefore they are strictly protected by UNESKO.

20) Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, or "Land of Beautiful Horses" is a unique place located in the Goreme Valley in Turkey. Cappadocia is practically the whole world, which is hidden in caves of volcanic origin, there are houses, monasteries, unique multi-tiered underground cities and much more, all this appeared before our era. This unique place is rightfully popular with tourists coming to Turkey.

21) National park Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone National Park is a unique natural park known throughout the world. The most famous and most visited national park in the United States. Yellowstone is included in the UNESKO World Heritage List. This park is located on the territory of three states at once: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its unique geological features: geysers, geothermal springs and the largest dormant volcano on the entire continent - Caldera.

22) Tunnel of love in the city of Klevan, Ukraine

This tunnel of trees envelops the railway tracks that run near the town of Klevan. Because of its amazing beauty and romance, this place was nicknamed the Tunnel of Love. In the summer, when the tunnel is in its prime, newlyweds love to come here, taking a photo against its background is considered a good sign.

23) Corinth Canal, Greece

It is impossible to believe that this channel was created by human hands. The construction of the Corinth Canal began during the reign of Emperor Nero in 67 BC, and ended only in 1893. This unique creation of human hands connects the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea and the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea. The Corinth Canal is 8 meters deep and 24 meters wide.

One of the most beautiful places in Chile is the Lago General Carrera Lake, which contains the Marble Caves. This unique natural cave is entirely composed of multi-colored marble (pink and blue), there are more than 5000 million tons of it.

25) Monsanto village, Portugal

This small Portuguese town is built among huge stone boulders, many of which serve as homes for local residents. The town of Monsanto almost entirely consists of one-story buildings, which are separated by narrow streets, getting here, you can feel like in the Middle Ages.

The views of this icy canyon in Greenland are mesmerizing, its deep blue water is attractive and you can get lost in the many artfully made ice arches. This canyon is the largest on the island and is home to bowhead whales, seals and walruses.

27) Skaftafell, Iceland

Skaftafell Park is Iceland's natural wonder, home to the Jökulsarlon ice caves.

28) Multnomah Falls, USA

29) Seljalandfoss waterfall, Iceland

This temple, carved into the rocks, truly deserves the title of one of the wonders of the world. Construction of this city began before our era, and is currently included in the UNESKO World Heritage List.

32) Riomaggiore town, Italy

A small town in Italy, where houses are piled up on rocks right at the edge of the sea. Cars are prohibited in Riomaggiore.

33) Loy Krathong Festival, Thailand

A festival is held annually in Thailand, the unchanging tradition of which is the launch of sky lanterns. It is an amazing sight when thousands of luminous lights rise into the sky at the same time is simply mesmerizing. If you are in Thailand in November, do not miss this festival.

34) Mount Roraima, Venezuela

The height of Mount Roraima is 2723 meters, and the summit plateau has an area of \u200b\u200b35 square kilometers. The accounts of the expedition to the mountain region inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write The Lost World.

35) Etretat, Normandy, France

It is impossible to list everything in one place interesting places planet, because each place is unique in its own way and deserves attention, but we tried to collect many interesting places that should be paid attention to when going on another journey.

For most people, travel is an opportunity to relax, but there are those who cannot live without adventure. These places are just for those who like to tickle their nerves.

Bardarbunga volcano, Iceland

Iceland is full of beautiful, unspoiled places and breathtaking landscapes. This small island is also located on top of two lithospheric plates and a sea of \u200b\u200blava, which from time to time boils from the vents of 30 volcanoes. Iceland's second largest volcano began to show activity in 2014. This is an amazing but very dangerous sight, so it is better to keep your distance.

Everest, Nepal

Adventure seekers from all over the world strive to conquer the highest peak and look down on the world. However, since the first expedition, almost 250 people have died on the slopes of the unfriendly mountain. Many bodies of the victims remained on the slopes.

Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

This place is called the most violent on Earth due to the desert salty soil and incredible temperatures, reaching 50 degrees. However, despite the repulsive conditions, the bright landscape of this desert attracts many tourists.

Tatavin, Tunisia

This city has been a mecca for science fiction fans for several decades. The fact is that the city served not only as an inspiration, but also as a set for the planet Tatooine from Star Wars. However, terrorist activities in the region pose a significant risk for those wishing to visit Luke Skywalker's farm. It is worth noting that the Tunisian government claims that the area is out of danger from terrorists.

Death Road, Bolivia

Curving from the Andean peaks to the low-lying jungle, the Bolivian Road of Death is famous not only for its breathtaking views, but also for being one of the most dangerous roads in the world. The three-kilometer serpentine road runs along an almost vertical slope, on which there are no precautions, barriers or signs.

Mount Iger, Switzerland

This is one of the most difficult peaks for climbers, despite its low altitude. Its northern slope was nicknamed "the killer wall". However, the incredible view from the top of the Eiger tempts many adrenaline lovers.

Jalisco, Mexico

Mexico is a popular travel destination. The state of Jalisco is famous for its azure waters, sandy beaches and relatively low prices. However, all this beauty comes with the risk of falling prey to the atrocities of local drug cartels. Even a few American tour operators have opted to cancel the popular Jalisco cruises.


It is a country with an amazingly rich culture, history and unique spiritual practices. However, if you are going to India, take your time to plan a solo trip, especially if you are a girl. The number of attacks on foreign tourists and rapes has increased dramatically in recent years.


The forests and beaches of this small country are beautiful and relatively sparsely populated, probably because Honduras has a high crime rate and a malaria epidemic. Coupled with poor medicine and lack of sanitation, travelers are at risk of contracting illness. If you are still going to visit this place, refrain from going to restaurants and in no case drink water from the tap.

Gufre Berger, France

This limestone cave system is recognized as one of the most beautiful and richest in the world. However, she is also nicknamed "the killer". To appreciate all the beauties of the caves, such as underground lakes, waterfalls and grottoes with stalactites and stalagmites, you need to descend to a kilometer depth. During rainstorms, caves pose a serious danger to life, as they fill up with water very quickly.

Damascus, Syria

Unfortunately, this magnificent city is located in an extremely dangerous region, where the risk of a terrorist attack or military attack exceeds the acceptable minimum, which is very bad for tourism. Damascus is one of the oldest settlements in which people lived continuously, so within the city you can observe the culture and architecture of several peoples and historical eras. Unfortunately, many of the city's art and architecture are at risk of destruction. Although this journey is dangerous today, there is a risk that you will never be able to see some of Damascus' sights again.

Devil's Pool, Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is one of the main attractions in South Africa and is located on the Zambezi River, between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Besides the fact that the waterfall itself is an amazing sight, adventure lovers can find a unique place for themselves. Every year during the dry season, the water in the Zambezi decreases and at the very edge of Victoria Falls, a small natural depression opens up, called the Devil's Pool. Adrenaline lovers can swim a few centimeters from the hundred-meter cliff.

Jacob's Well, Wimbeli, TX

It is a very deep, year-round karst spring. Jacob's well is 4 meters in diameter and has a continuous depth of 9 meters. Then the well is divided by several thin karst partitions, crossing which, divers can descend to a depth of about 40 meters.

This spring is popular with both surface divers and divers. However, only careful and experienced divers should dive deep into Jacob's well. For amateurs or even professionals accustomed to open waters, the first dive into the depths of the source can be fatal. To date, despite warnings, 8 divers have died in Jacob's Well.

Huashan Mountain Trail, China

One of the most dangerous mountain trails in the world is hidden surrounded by foggy mountains and beautiful panoramas. Huashan is one of the sacred mountains for the investigators of Taoism; there are many monuments and monasteries on its slopes. The path to the many monasteries and pagodas is accompanied by very narrow stone ledges and hastily hammered wood scaffolding, which are the only support. A metal chain is attached to the slope of the mountain in especially dangerous places, which you can hold onto so as not to fall. In some places the steps are carved into the mountain, and in some places the only support on the way up are metal rods sticking out of the mountain. Several people died after falling off a dangerous path, but every year a huge number of pilgrims and ordinary tourists travel up the slopes of Mount Huashan again and again.

Jammu and Kashmir, India

This state in northern India is located in the Himalayan mountains and is rich in amazing beauty trails, mountain lakes and meadows, passes and snow-capped peaks. However, the beauty of this state is accompanied not only by its inaccessibility, but also by years of conflict with neighboring states - China and Pakistan. In Pakistan, most of this territory is considered illegally occupied, and China occupies a strategically important part of the region.

Upper Futaleufu River, Chile

Locals call the upper reaches of this river "a landscape written by God", and lovers of extreme rafting or kayaking give the river top marks. It is fed by the waters of a melting glacier located in the Andes. However, the upper part of the river is extremely dangerous for rafting, since there are 6 extremely difficult cascades over several kilometers. This track is for the most experienced only.

There are many places in the world that curious travelers can visit. Ancient ruins, mysterious canyons, majestic temples, white beaches, dizzying mountains ... It is simply impossible not to find a corner for the soul. We have chosen the most exotic places in the world, the trip to which will be remembered for a long time.

Tulum Beach, Mexico

Imagine more than 500 years old stone ruins on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. Tulum Beach in Quintana Roo, Mexico has one of the whitest sandy beaches. It is located under an ancient Mayan temple. Here you can swim on your back and admire the ruins. There are several kilometers to travel from the parking lot to the beach, so the shoes should be comfortable.

Lamu, Kenya

This fishing village is located in the Lamu Archipelago and is one of the best preserved settlements. As you walk through the village, you will be impressed by the buildings and the carved wooden furniture they contain. The donkey is the only means of transport. He who does not have a donkey walks on foot. Explore the village and visit the golden sandy beaches. But don't forget: there is a strong Islamic influence here, so women need to cover their hands and feet so as not to offend local residents.

Peter Island, British Virgin Islands

This private island has more staff than guests. Five beautiful beaches line the lush tropical highlands. Ideal for those seeking privacy and tranquility. This holiday destination is popular with the elite and the price of staying here matches that. You can get to the island only by helicopter or by sea.

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

It is difficult to convey to words the beauty of the orange canyon. This smooth, curved surface allows sunlight to penetrate inward, creating unique lighting that's ideal for photography. The beauty of this place awakens spirituality. The Navajo Indians even used Antelope Canyon as a cathedral. They descended into the canyon and asked nature to send them a gift.

Bay of Fundy

One hundred billion tons of seawater enters the Bay of Fundy at one high tide. So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much it is - know that there is as much of it as there is water in the freshwater rivers of the world, taken together. The bay, 270 kilometers long, has the highest tide in the world. You can stay in the city of St. John in New Banswick, the oldest united city in Canada. It has all the conditions to enjoy the record high tide waves and explore the unique Canadian history.

Campania, Italy

This region of Italy has a huge number of cities, fishing villages, national parks and beaches. You can mingle with a huge crowd in the capital of Campania Naples, or you can find a secluded house in the middle national park Cilento. In Campania, you can walk where the Greeks once walked and see ancient landmarks such as Pompeii, Herculaneum, Paestum and Elea. Campania not only has amazing architecture and great music, but also exquisite cuisine.

Ubud (Bali), Indonesia

Ubud offers a huge amount of adventure in a tiny area. This is a great place for those who do not like to walk a lot, but love to see a lot. Visit Puri Saren Agung Palace, where locals perform traditional and unusual dance performances. The city is dotted with ancient temples; there are open terraces near the river. All this is great for those who wish to have a good rest away from the not quite sober beach lovers in Kuta.

Sardinia, Italy

The large island off the coast of mainland Italy is a stunning blend of ancient history and Mediterranean blue waters. Winemaking tradition alone is enough to visit the island! And the coastline can compete with the Caribbean. Also not to be forgotten are the fantastic dishes prepared with fresh local produce. Here is the best cheese and the best seasonings. To get acquainted with the local history, you can visit the ruins that have stood here since 1500 BC - from the time of the Nuraghe civilization. Civilization existed in Sardinia for several hundred years before people moved to the mainland.

Jiuzhaigou National Park, China

The people of Tibet and Quan consider these lands holy. If you look at lakes and plants, you can see why. In 1992, this region was included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. The nature here is really amazing! Jiuzhaigou is home to many species of animals that are on the verge of extinction. There are also many rare plants here. The local residents are Tibetans and the Qiang people. They sell food and merchandise that will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthis unique corner of the world.

Photo: Good Free Photos (public domain)

Shanghai, China

Shanghai is a city that attracts worldwide attention for its economic, technological and cultural influence. Here old meets new, west meets east, atheists meet believers. It will take more time to figure out the life of Shanghai than most of us can afford. It is a very noisy city, so it is not suitable for people who don't like the crowd. Shanghai is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. Therefore, here you can find tours specially prepared for those who have never been to this amazing country.

Ten beautiful exotic locations.

If the purpose of your trip is a trip to a place where no human has stepped (and if it has, then this is not visible), then this article is an invaluable source of options for you.

10 Bagan

Bagan is home to the largest number of Buddhist temples and decorated tombs in the world. The once powerful city was eventually sacked by the Mongols. Interestingly, it was never included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

9 Arashimaya Bamboo Forest, Japan

The famous bamboo forest is literally strewn with famous tombs and temples. Not far from it you can see the “MoonCrossingBridge”. Both places are definitely worth a visit.

8 Juneau, Alaska - Mendenhall Ice Caves

After watching the film "Frozen" I just want to find myself in such a magical castle of ice. So what's the problem? The Mendenhall Ice Caves are waiting for you. The melting ice gives the caves such an unusual shape. However, it not only decorates, but also slowly destroys this natural miracle. So hurry up to see everything with your own eyes!

7 Belovezhskaya Pushcha - Białowieża Forest

Ever wondered what Europe looked like in the 14th century? Even if not, here's the answer. The Białowieża forest is one of the best preserved forests in the world. Walking along it, you can imagine yourself, say, King Arthur and admire in the 21st century what he admired fifteen hundred years ago.

6 Phowintaung cave complex

Phowintaung is a Buddhist cave complex in Burma. Yes, the topic of Buddhism is already hackneyed and not interesting. But this place is different from anything Buddhist you've seen before. In fact, these are 947 richly decorated Buddhist caves, collected into a whole complex.

5 North Tanzania

Now let's look at something completely different from the previous options. Tanzania is one of the best safari destinations. Place at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Here you should also visit the Tarangire National Park - one of the last unexplored pearls of Africa.

4 Psychedelic river Caño Cristales

This river is known as the most beautiful river in the world. Some call it "Pure Rainbow". As you travel across South America, be sure to find out how you can get to this natural wonder. There is not a single fish in the river itself. It must be fun to bathe there.

3 Canaima National Park Mount Roraima

Want to see something in between Conan Doyle's Lost World and Avatar? This place is definitely not from our world. Mount Roraima in South America was home to many Aboriginal legends before the arrival of Europeans on the continent. According to them, there was once a tree on which all the fruits and vegetables known to the world grew.

2 Angkor

The capital of the ancient Khmer Empire has become the home of the magical Angkor Wat, the largest temple in the world. it the best place for tourists lovers of exotic in Cambodia. When you stand near the temple, admiring its beauty and grandeur, it seems that everything around - forest, grass, streams - everything is talking to this great temple.

1 Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

This place is a little difficult to find. It is a five-hour high-speed train ride from Tokyo towards Nozomi. In fact, it is a blossoming 15-kilometer tunnel full of vibrant colors. It is better to visit in April.

Exotic places: countries and resorts, islands and hotels. Exotic as a form of recreation, photo, video. Exotic tours and travel.

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There is no more grateful tourist for a travel agent than one who wants to “see something exotic”. Exotics is an almost all-encompassing concept for northern people. Only “snowy” countries with painfully familiar winter landscapes, decorous Europe and habitable, albeit once exotic, “south” - Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and similar states with an orientation towards mass beach tourism are not included here. Otherwise, the choice is huge: South America and the Caribbean, secluded islands in the heart of the ocean - you want it, the Pacific, you want it, the Indian or the Atlantic, motley Africa and mysterious Southeast Asia, distinctive Australia - in a word, about a hundred countries on four continents and in their surroundings.

What is attractive about the exotic in the modern globalized world with common currencies and united visa regimes is isolation, isolation and unusualness. Agree, it's one thing to go to Italy: opera houses, museums, sculptures, cobbled streets and high-rise buildings - almost like St. Petersburg, only with a southern slope. And it is quite another to visit Japan: the "stick" ritual, the rules of politeness, which only a genius can remember, the tea ceremony and rock gardens - everything surprises, fascinates and makes you consider again and again. Or, say, entering under the arches of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is certainly exciting - but a visit to the conical huts of the Dogon gives a much more amazing feeling, evoking subconscious memories of unknown civilizations of the past, who knows, maybe even some aliens from Sirius!

Chinese tea ceremony

If we try to divide the exotic into categories, then we will have a natural and, so to speak, “human” exotic. The first includes landscapes that are unusual for the Russian eye - whether it be the foggy Rwenzori mountains in Rwanda or the Kilimanjaro bowl, the rock giants of the islands of Thailand thrown into the ocean like an incautious divine hand, or sandy spaces escaping beyond the horizon, the Uluru monolith burning in the sunset lights or the formidable Victoria Falls. Exotic "human" - this is amazing for us traditions, culture and rules of behavior. What is, for example, a visit to the performance of the traditional Indonesian shadow theater Wayang Kulit: the shadows of the heroes of the Ramayana and Mahabharata moving on the illuminated canvas, the audience frozen in the face of the mystery - and this is throughout the endless starry southern night. Or a visit to the festival of the Berbe peoples in the Tunisian Douz: a game of traditional checkers (the ornate rules of which easily plug the popular mahjong into the belt), a camel marathon race and authentic wedding processions with a bride inside a palanquin, regularly swinging on the back of a dromedary.

What is attractive about the exotic in the modern globalized world with common currencies and united visa regimes is isolation, isolation and unusualness.

Exotic voyages will give a lot to the sensitive traveler. First of all, of course, admiration for the diversity of the world, in which, at times, so strikingly different cultures coexist. At the same time comes a rare understanding of the uniqueness of native traditions - and pride in belonging to them. And finally, there are hardly those who would argue with the fact that, admiring the diversity of landscapes and peoples, you invariably come to the realization of the unity of everything and everyone.