Kremlin tower location scheme. How many towers in the Kremlin

The Spasskaya Tower is considered the most beautiful and slender tower. Built in 1491 under the leadership of the architect Pietro Antonio Solari and laid the construction of the eastern line of strengthening the Kremlin. Spassky gates have always been the main front entrance. When building the tower was quadrangular and was twice the lower. In the 17th century, a beautiful lifting bridge on the arches was suitable for the gate, on which Big Trade was. The facade survived holes from chains for raising and lowering the bridge. In 1624-25, architects Bazhen Cucumbers and an English master built a multi-tier top on the tower, built a stone tent. This tent was the first on the Kremlin towers. But on the tower, not only tent was erected, the bottom was completed by a lace white-shaped arched belt, turrets and pyramids. Fantastic figures appeared ("boobs"). In the 50s of the 17th century, the coat of arms was put on the top of the tent Russian Empire - Two-headed eagle. Later on Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitsky tower, the same emblems were installed. In 1935, a five-pointed star was installed on the top of the Spasskaya Tower. Later, it was replaced by a new (3.75 meters). The star rotates from the wind, like a fluger, and inside the lamp with a power of 5000 watts. Initially, the tower was called Frolov, as the Church of Flora and Lavra was located nearby. April 16, 1658 by decree Alexei Mikhailovich. The new name is associated with an icon of the rescue of the unpretentious. Senate Tower 67.3 meters high (with a star-71 meter). The first hours appeared in 1491, the new hours were created in 1625 by the English master of Christian Galovem, Russian Kuznets Zhdan and Samoylov. Later, in 1706-1975, Dutch clocks were installed. Kremlin chimes were installed in 1851 by brothers Bathotop.

photos around the Kremlin

Tsarskaya Tower

Constructed in 1680. It is a terme supplied on the wall. Once there was a small wooden turret, with which the king Ivan Grozny loved to watch the Red Square. White belts on pillars, high pyramids In the corners with gilded flags, a tent, ending with a weatherproof - all this gives the tower a fabulous terme.

The deaf Nabataya Tower was erected in 1495 in the northwestern wall of the Moscow Kremlin between the two other - the Tsarist and Konstantino-Elenin Tower. Inside it is divided into two tiers. Its lower tier is a complex multi-chamber room associated with the running part of the walls by stairs. In 1676-1686, it was sustained with a tent quad ride.

Built by architect Solari in 1940, on the site of Timofeevsky gate. Named in honor of Konstantin and Elena church. First, the tower was a passage and had a lifting bridge. In 1680, built tent top. At the end of the 18th century, the bridge broke, the gate was laid. Even now, the arch of the gate and the recess for icons are clearly visible. Height 36.8 meters.

Located in the southeast corner. Constructed architect Mark Ruffo in 1487. In the defense of the Kremlin took on the blow of enemy hordes. Architectural solution Towers: high, slim cylinder supplied on the base. The basement was arranged a cache-rumor, to prevent subcords. In the seventeenth century, a tent was installed. This tower has another name - Moskvoretskaya, because of Moskvoretsky bridge. The height of the tower is 46.2 meters.

The name of this tower went from the church of Peter. The tower was destroyed from the shells in 1612. In 1812, the tower blew up the retreats. It was renovated by the architect Bove. 1818 served for the needs of the Kremlin gardeners. The height of the tower is 27.15 meters.

First nameless tower

It was built in 1480. This tower has very stingy architectural forms. In the 15-16th centuries in the tower stored gunpowder. In 1547, an explosion of powder took place in the tower. In the 17th century, they erected again. Inserted tent. Height - 34.15 meters.

Second Unnamed Tower

The tower was built in the 15th century. I carried only a defensive function. In 1680, a pyramidal tent with an observation tower was configured over the tower. The tent is crowned with a gilded vane.

The Townitskaya Tower is the oldest of the Kremlin's towers. The name went due to the cache, which is located under the tower. Constructed in 1485, Architect P. A. Fryazin. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was erected. In 1770, the tower was demolished, but after three years she was rebuilt again. The height of the tower is 38.4 meters.

Blagoveshchenskaya Tower

Constructed 8 1487-88 years. Low, tetrahedral tower. In its foundation lies a white plate. In the time of Ivan the Terrible in the tower there was a prison. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was put, topped with a golden weather vane, a sentigious tower. Name of the tower from the icon "Bearing" and the church. In the depths of the tower there were deep underground. The height of the tower is 30.7 meters, with fluger-32.45 meters.

The tower is located in the southwest corner of the Kremlin. The tower guards the Kremlin. The water tower is one of the most beautiful towers of the Kremlin ensemble. Built in 1488, Jilardi architect. At first I wore the name of the SVIB. The current name appeared in 1633, since this tower contained a watering machine. The tower itself is built in a classic style. Complete tower teeth. At the end of the 17th century, a tent was built over the tower.

The tower is characterized by a stepped form. It received its name from Bohr, who used to cover the entire hill. Built in 1490, architect Solari. On April 16, 1658, she was renamed the Forerun. But we reached us like the Borovitsky Tower. Borovitsky gate had a utilitarian purpose. In 1812, her tent fell. Restoration was engaged in Bove in 1816-19.

Armory Tower

It is a small, strict, deaf building. Built in 1945. At first it was called a criangle, since the Crazy courtyard was near. He received his current title in the 19th century because there was a commandant of Moscow near the tower. In 1676-86, a tent and a tower were installed. The height of the tower is 41.25 meters.

Troitskaya Tower

This tower completed the construction of the River Neglinnaya River. Built in 1495-1499 Alevis Fryazin. He has six floors, deep two-storey basements. In 1585, hours were installed on the tower, but they burned in 1812. Recently, a new clock was installed on the tower. The name went from the Troitsky Foreway in the Kremlin. Before that, she was called the Epiphany, Cure, Znamenskaya. This tower topped with a star is the highest of all. Its height is 80 meters.

The only one of the preserved belongings. Built in 1516, Fryazin architect. Low, surrounded by moat and river, it has two tiers and gates. In 1685, the openwork decorative top was allowed. It is from the versions of the title: because of the strange form, Kutafia was called. (Kutafia - clumsy, ugly dressed woman.)

Average Arsenal Tower

Located in the northwest of the Kremlin. Built in 1495. The name received when the arsenal is erected. Crossing a tower through an observation tower. In 1812, the foot of the tower was built a grotto in honor of the victory over Napoleon.

Corner Arsenal Tower

Of the five travel gates of the Kremlin, who tied him with Posted, the main ones were Spasski. These were the Gate of the Kremlin. In the old days they were called "saints", and they were very worshiped in the people.

Through these gates in the Kremlin, the great princes and kings went down and traveled to the Red Square to the frontal place for the announcement of state diploma; Through them, foreign ambassadors arrived and envoys with a numerous retinue, and starting from the XVIII century until the October Revolution, Russian emperors were solemnly entered. In the days of large church holidays through the Spasskit Gate to the Red Square to the frontal place and the ceremonial procession of the highest clergy was held to the church of Vasily, the ceremonial procession of the Higher clergy took place. Through the Spasskit Gate was not allowed to pass with a covered head and drove on the horse; Even the kings, approaching the goal, was carried away and went on foot, removing the hat.

With his dominant role, the Spasskit did not lose themselves in our day. They are now the front gate of the Kremlin. Through them, the Commander of the Armed Forces of the country takes a military parade on the Red Square to the Great October Socialist Revolution every year on Red Square, through them to the Red Square passes a change of honor guard to Mausoleum Lenin.

Until 1658, the Spasskaya Tower was called Frolovsky Strong, as they suggest, on the Church of Frol and Lavra, who was located near the tower near the Tower. In 1658, the Tsarist Decree was renamed Spasskaya - in the image of Smolensky's rescue, written above the gate of the gate of the Red Square, in memory of the liberation by Russian troops of Smolensk. This ancient fresco is still preserved under a special protective layer in a white-named frame over the gate of the tower.

The Nikolskaya Tower with a travel gate was named back in antiquity named Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, placed in a white-named frame above the gate of the gate of the gate of the Red Square. This an ancient image in a white-stone frame also reached the present day.

The name of the tower was also associated with Nikolskaya Street, departing from the tower in the northern direction (now the street is October 25), on which there was a monastery with the Church of Nikola Old (on the site of the current building of the historical and archival institute). Through Nikolsky gates, they drove into the Kremlin to Boyarsky and monastic courses, which occupied the northeastern part of the Kremlin.

The name of the Troitsky gate is associated with the nearby Troitsky elbow near the Kremlin. Until the XVII century, the gates, like the tower, were called that corrupt, then rizvinodniy, then Znamenski, then the bogous. The name of Troitsky has been fixed with them since 1658. These gates served to travel to the Patriarch courtyard and the female half of the Tsarist Palace, Christie Tsarov and Tsarevien.

All the economic supply of the Kremlin and the entrance to the Grand-Paint courtyard was carried out through the Borovitsky Gate. Near them was a grand jeeping yard, and the Kremlin Wall, facing the Neglinnaya River, were stern, lively and stable courtyards. In the XVII century, the tower was renamed the Forerunner, but this name was not strengthened.

The Townitskaya Tower on the banks of the Moscow River and the gate in it was called from the Town Well, formerly in the Tower. The gate of the tower was used only for travel to the Moscow River and the passage of the congestion.

In the 70s of the XVIII century, the Tainytsky tower was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace on the project V. I. Bazhenov. Upon termination of construction, the tower was restored anew, but without a leaning shower. In 1862, on the project of the artist A. S. Campioni, the tower was attached to the tower, ending with teeth and a special platform inside, on which guns were installed for shooting on holidays. In 1930, the stalls were dismantled, and the gate was laid. The arch of the gate, laid by brick, is now clearly visible on the facade of the tower from the Moscow River.

The name of the Konstantino-Elenin Tower and a traveling gate in it is connected with the Church of Constantine and Elena, who was in the Kremlin near the tower. Previously, the gate was called Timofeevsky - named Voivod Dmitry Donskoy. In the XVII century, the gate was laid. The tower and the thawed shooter began to be used under the prison. In the XV century, the rejected shooter was dismantled, and later, when planning the Vasilyevsky descent to the Moscow River, there were bounced and ditch to the tower, and the lower part of the tower with the goal. The upper part of the duty arch with a niche for a comradized icon and is now visible on the facade of the tower.

The remaining towers of the Kremlin were deaf, i.e. non-lenty, and their name sometimes changed depending on the appointment, use and from the buildings appearing in the Kremlin. So, for example, the infrinal tower got a name from nabat Bellplaced on it until 1771. Despite the fact that the bells on the tower have long been not, the name has been preserved. The Beklemishev Tower, whose name goes into deep antiquity, is sometimes called Moskvoretsky, as the Moskvoretsky Bridge is located near the Moscow River near it. The Petrovskaya Tower was called in the XVIII century from the Church of Peter Metropolitan, which was transferred to the tower after the abolition of the foundation of the Ugreshsky Monastery, located in the Kremlin.

The name of the Annunciation Tower is connected with the icon of the Annunciation, as well as the Church of Annunciation.

The weapon tower is named so because of the proximity to the weapon ward. Before building the Chamber in the XIX century, it was called a stable - from the royal stable courtyard, which was near the tower. The Commandant Tower received its name in the XIX century, when a commandant lived at the tower at the rosy palace. Prior to that, she was called CRIMA - by a crickdy yard, where the carts, carriages and kolymagi were kept.

After the construction in the Kremlin, the Arsenal Buildings in the XVIII century, the corner of the Tower began to be called an angular arsenal, and the faceted - medium arsenal. In the same century, the Senate Tower was named. The 1st and 2nd nameless towers remained unchanged.

The royal tower was built in 1680 on the site of a wooden turret, which hung the bell-Spassky Nabath. According to legend, Ivan Grozny, with this wooden tower, watched various ceremonies on the frontal spot and from the Temple of Vasily Blessed.

The name of the traveling premises Tower Kutafia still remains a mystery. In the old days, she was called Borisoglebsk, Vladimir and Patriarch gates, but these names were not strengthened behind her. This tower closes the Trinity Bridge and is out of the Kremlin. In antiquity, it was circled with water moat and from the sides had a gate to drive to the bridge. Lifting bridges were thrown from the tower gate. In 1780, the brickwork overlap was disassembled by the brickwork, a direct passage through the tower on the Trinity Bridge was arranged, and the side gates are laid. During the restoration of the tower in 1975, lateral drives opened.

The Annunciation Tower is named after the miraculous icon, which was stored in it. Later, a church was built for the icon, but the name remains.

The water tower is an angular and named because there was no time the car swinging water from the river and supplied her lead pipes in tsarsh Palace Kremlin.

In the 17th century, the car was dismantled and transported to Petersburg for the device of fountains. The height of the tower is 61.45 m.

Armory and Commandant Tower

Once the arms tower was standing on the shore of the wronghead, but then the river "closed" into the pipe underground. The structure of the structure is obliged to be built next to the Armory Chamber, where weapons and jewelry workshops were once located. Now there is a museum in it, which presents unique military and jewelry exhibits of antiquity. The height of the structure is 32.65 m.

The Commandant Tower was erected in 1495, but the modern name was obtained only in the 19th century, when the commandant of the fortress moved to the nearby

Troitskaya, Kutafia and Petrovskaya Tower

How many towers near the Kremlin, almost all of them were reversed by the Italian masters in the 15th century. So Troitskaya built aloizium yes Karacino in 1495-1499. This is the highest structure of the Kremlin. Its height is 80 m together with the spire and the married star. The construction of his name was obtained by a number of Trinity Church.

It is interesting to know: at one time, this building was overwhelmed by various names, for example, the ristosautionan, kareny or zannań, until in 1658 received its current name. Sometime in its two-story basis was prison. Until 1935, her spire was distilled by the royal eagle, which was replaced by a Ruby star to the next anniversary of the revolution.

The Spasskaya Tower was built on the site of the former Gate of the Kremlin. A save icon was installed on the passage, and the entrance itself was worshiped in the people of Saint, to enter it, followed by foot with a uncoated head. Nowadays, the famous chimes are installed on it.

The rest of the Kremlin Towers

The first and second nameless towers had solely strategic importance, for example, in one of them was a powder cellar.

Really was equipped with a bell and looking platformon which Sagittarius was on duty. In the 18th century, the bell ringing began a riot in the city, and when he was suppressed, then deprived the "culprit" of the language. So hung a silent bell until he was sent to the museum.

The tsarist can hardly be called the tower, as it's just a tent superstructure where Ivan Grozny loved to see the city.

Konstantino-Elenin Tower was also called in honor of the church of the same name. Built in 1490 and famous for the fact that it was through her that Russian warriors went to war, for example Dmitry Donskoy with the army.

That's how many towers are decorated with the Moscow Kremlin today.

The history of the Kremlin towers began in the 80s of the XV century, when the Sovereign of All Russia commanded to update the Citadel. Then the Italian architects were called upon - the best builders in Europe. As a result, the towers - 20. Of these, 19 were erected from 1485 to 1516. Another, a small turret Tsarist, appeared in 1680.

By this time, the unified architectural style of the Kremlin was already. In 1624, the first tower top rose above the Spasskaya Tower. Gradually, the rest of the towers and the rest of the towers were decorated with elegant tents that soften the original towers. Over the centuries, the Kremlin Towers changed the names, disassembled, again restored, something was added to their unique appearance, some elements were deprived.

Corner towers

In the corners of the wrong triangle formed by the fortress walls, the tower of cylindrical shape were erected.

The water tower is the south-west top of the triangle and one of the five Kremlin towers crowned with stars. In the old days, Sviblova was named - in the nearby court of Boyar Svibolo. In the XVII century, a hitrophic device serves water from the river to the Kremlin appeared in the tower - the first in the capital of the Russian kingdom of the water supply. In 1812, the tower was destroyed by an explosion and 5-7 years later restored.

In the southeast corner - Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya) Tower. This name is connected with the boyar Ivan Beklemishev, whose choirs were adjacent to the defensive structure, the other - with the name of Moskvoretsky bridge. The tower was repaired after the events of 1812 and 1917, but not seriously reconstructed.

The angular arsenal tower is less lucky. The most powerful of all the Kremlin towers was previously called a dog (along the courtyard nearby the boyar of Dogian), had a secret move toward an unborn and well in the basement, supplied during the siege of the garrison of the fortress of water. I suffered in the 1812 to undermining the arsenal. In the XIX-XX centuries, the tower was made to worry repairs, alteration of interiors and restoration work.


Intermediate towers

Quadricular in terms of the tower, located around the perimeter of the walls, were key points of the defense system. The most famous of them is the Spasskaya Tower, built on the eastern wall to protect the main gates of the Kremlin. Earlier was low and called Frolovsky Strongs - by the name of the Church of Frol and Lavra. The name "Spasskaya" is associated with two noteworthy icons - Sven of Smolensky and Savior of the Unclean. The top of the tower of the tower is decorated with chimes, and the spire crowns a ruby \u200b\u200bstar.

Other Eastern Wall Towers:

  • Royal (in the form of a tent on the pillars);
  • Nabatnaya (used to alerts about fires and other hazards);
  • Konstantino-Eleninskaya (the name is connected with the Church of Constantine and Elena; until the middle of the XVII century - Timofeevskaya);
  • Senatskaya (named in 1787 after the end of the construction of the Senate Palace);
  • Nikolskaya (travel tower crowned with a star; named on the icon Nikola Mozhaysky).

Towers of the southern part of the wall:

  • Blagoveshchenskaya (named on the Icon of Annunciation);
  • Tainitskaya ("Construction with secrets", with which in 1485 began the construction of strengthening of red bricks);
  • The first nameless (previously powder - along the powder walla arusted in it; repeatedly restored);
  • Second Unnamed;
  • Petrovskaya (named Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev; The second name is Ugreshkaya, according to the contrary to the Ugreshsky Monastery).

Towers of the North-Western Wall:

  • The average arsenal (before the construction of the Arsenal Building - face);
  • Troitskaya (the highest, travelable, crowned with a ruby \u200b\u200bstar);
  • Commandant (previously crochemny - on the next to the criangle yard);
  • Armory (referred to in the building of the Armory Chamber; until the XIX century stable);
  • Borovitskaya (tower with a ruby \u200b\u200bstar and gate for the passage of government tuples; The name happened from Bohr, in the gray-haired antiquity of the hill).

Opposite the Trinity Tower there is an elegant Kutafia Tower, through the gate of which tourists and other visitors pass to the Kremlin. Its name is associated with an antirefront woman-mistress, it is also associated with the word "Kut". The second name of the tower is the premissory. This is the grooves tower, the only one of the preserved in the architectural and serf complex, in which everything breathes history.

How many towers in the Moscow Kremlin - Question from the school program. It is no less useful to know which as it is called and why it is so called. For each of them - history, time, fate!

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village


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Towers of Moscow Kremlin. Today, it is difficult to imagine without their spiers once the once of the formation structure, and the appearance of the capital - Moscow would lose a kind of highlight.

So how many towers in the Moscow Kremlin? The total number is 20, and in this review we will give their names, former and existing ones, and also briefly we will tell about their interesting history.

Some facts from the history of the Kremlin towers in Moscow

Each tower in the Kremlin is unique. You will not find here fully the same. Also differ and their names that have changed repeatedly for many centuries. True, two of them - First and Second - So remained unnamed.

The very first tower of the Moscow Kremlin, the first stone in which was laid at the same time with the construction of the Kremlin walls, became Tainitskaya Tower. This name is due to the fact that it was from her who was led by the moscow-river, arranged underground. It was necessary in case of siege so that it remains to replenish the necessary supply of water.

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