Western gates are a unique pearl of Industan. Oriental Gats Mount Gata on the map

Eastern gates Located in the east of India between plateau Dean. and Koromandel coastwhich refers to the coast of the Bangale Bay. Start these mountains take in staff Orissaand in the south are connected to Western Gatami in the mountains Nylgiri.

View from one of watching sites In the settlement of Yercaud, which is in oriental gats

In the morning I left Auroville. The road is beautiful. Drive off the coast and begin to occur low rocky elevations. When you haven't seen the mountains for a long time, then so they are happy! One of such elevations on my destination, but I did not climbed to the very top. I thought about the city for a long time Tiruvanamalay. And the city Arunacamshwary At first, one stranger recommended this place to me, then Sergey, my friend according to the correspondence, advised me to miss it. In the end did not miss. Climbed upstairs, but some pleasure did not receive from species. At half past three, he met a woman from Belarus already descending, she said that kinds would not be better, at the top of the temple, in which, after festive rituals, very trash and everywhere of the puddles of oils.

View from the Mountain of Arunacvares to the city of Tiruvanamalay

View from Tiruvanalaya to Mount Aruchanockshevar

Going down, hurried to the bus to g. Salem (Salem). The city is large enough: everywhere lights, shops, cafes, but, like in all India, unfinished junction and overpass, full of garbage and feeling that the city has experienced destructive hostilities, has not been restored, but the surviving people live and rejoice in what is.

I tried to fit into the Catholic Cathedral - did not come out. I risked sleeping on the street at the station on the bench. After half an hour, I tried to drive a watchman, then I demanded 100 rupees. He waved his hand to all my refuses. After some time, I realized that all my ways to cover the body from mosquitoes did not succeed, I survived and saw the roof of bloodsowing, flying out of me. She walked along the pyron and found at the end of his small less clean plot of land. There broke the tent and fell asleep. In the morning I am going to dawn in 18 minutes. All this time, while I was going, I sat in a three-four meter in the bushes some kind of person. He never stirred. Strange - I thought and left.

Decent and more beautiful views Salem city. View from the roof of one of the buildings

Salem is a reference point for visiting the mountain village Yercaud.It is famous for plantations of coffee, oranges, jackfruit, guaava, cardamom and black pepper. Yercaud forests are rich in sandalwood, teak trees, oaks. From wild animals, bridges, deers, foxes, mangoshos, snakes, proteins are found here. From birds there are peaks, sparrows and swallows. The village itself is at the mark of 1515m above sea level.

I liked the city. Very clean and many buildings that were erected by the British

Church in the settlement of Yercaud

Inside Indian churches

The most cool place here Lady "s seat. Here I got early in the morning, before the invasion of tourists and for a long time enjoyed the view of the local mountains and singing of the birds published from there. In Auroville read the book Louis Jaculio "in the slums of India", in which all the obstruction and wildness of these places perfectly describes. More than Western Gat, but also these mountains too. I sat and imagined all this.

Settlement yercaud. Lady sightseeing site "S seat

One of the streets of the Yercaud settlement

Indian woman in the process of washing

In the end, I got acquainted here with a motorcyclist, who threw me up to a pair of cool places, after which I went even south.

IN Madurai (Madurai) I drove because of the temple Minakshi (dedicated to Parvati - the wife of God Shiva).

On the streets of Madurai.

To get to the temple, it was necessary to arouse and pass all their things into the storage chamber that was at the temple for visitors.
Inside the temple, my first surprise was cleanliness. Then one monk called me in the shots, where they distributed food. It was Pongal porridge, which is a mixture of rice and lentils, although it seems to me some more millet added to it.
In general, I liked the temple. 40 minutes meditated opposite some kind of God in silence for the column, where I was not visible. Like throughout the south, believing people wear black clothes and look like sorcerers. On the forehead they make an extensive point of yellow color, then in the center of her smaller red and so it resembles the third eye.

The Temple of Minakshi (Parvati) in Madura. This is the usual temple of the south of India outside

Tamiladskie temples were built by villagers as religious, public, cultural, and political centers. The construction has a specific scheme. Through the gopour (main door) in the wall you can go to the courtyard and further to the porch, in the mandala (hall) and the main sanctuary. Parishioners go out of open space, complete symbolic sculptures into a massive dark, differing simplicity. High walls were made to protect against raids, and on the gopur, all the deities of the Hindu Pantheon were depicted, so that people could also pray for a lower caste, without entering the temple. Often in the temple, all the daily life and merchants occupy their places are concentrated.

Before leaving the temple, I saw an elephant. I like these animals. Some people approached and decided to stroke him. I just stood aside, observed and continued my way ...

Madurai. Winter. Dry rivers garbagebut

Madurai. Winter. Dried garbage rivers

Western gates extend along the coast of Industan Peninsula from north to south. It is customary to call them a mountain range, but in fact it is not quite ordinary mountains. The folds of the terrain were formed in ancient times, when an ancient supercontinent of Godvan disintegrated. Gates are the edge of the huge formative of the entire peninsula. From Indian Ocean The ridge is separated by a small plain stripe.


The name very accurately characterizes the external features of the mountains. Translated from the ancient Sanskrit, the word "gates" indicates steps. Mountains, however, are similar to them. Western and oriental gates differ from each other. The Western Territory is breaking, and the East goes into the plain more smoothly. Northern part The mountains are represented by monolithic ridges formed by the influx of one slab to another more than 150 million years ago. The southern gates, called the Malabar coast, are more similar to solitary sloping hills.

One of the most popular places among tourists who are famous for Western gates is Goa. This little Indian state is tested by river river beds that drain from the mountains and carriage their waters in the Arabian Bay. The traveler will easily select a suitable excursion to the mountains, which will correspond to his wishes. By the way, rest and accommodation in Goa is considered one of the most economical options. Tourist infrastructure The region is in the stage of active development, the owners of the local business are where to grow. But wonderful nature with interest compensates for the shortcomings of the service.

No less popular placeFor the sake of which many seek to visit Western gates, - Mumbai. This ancient city It is the second in the world (after the Philippine capital) for densely population. Here you will find luxurious hotels and restaurants, theaters and museums, coloric antiquities and monuments of contemporary art.

Unique nature

Biologists are called Western gates with a unique nature reserve. There are several types of animals that are no longer anywhere in the world: Macaus lion's, Hoodie Gulman, barbed Sonya, goat-Tar, and others. Along with them, there are less rare animals, for example, Indian Elephant and Pavian. Many tourists are sent here to admire the population of butterflies. IN last years Their number declined, and once was one of the largest in the world. The total number of rare species of animals inhabiting in the gates, exceeded 3 hundred.

Diverse I. vegetable world. A business card of India is tea. The country ranks second in the world (after China) on its workpiece. Most of the crop are obtained on the terraces of the Gatt Mountains. Organized the East Indian company at the end of the beginning of the century. When the British colonialists left indostan, the plantation was preserved and since then diligently cultivated.

The local population is engaged in agriculture. Here, many cultures are grown, brought by Europeans in colonial times.

Man-made and natural sights

Going to Western Gates, consider the route. Lovers of the animal world will be interested in visiting unique nature reserves: Moidumalay, Bandipur, Nylgiri. The luxurious rosary in Lychamandalama is worthy of attention. National parks Erarayklam, Carimpool, Mukurtakh and Silent-Valley Manyat the cool on a hot day and will help you to learn more about the unique nature of the Gatt Mountains.

There is something to see and lovers of antiquities. The city of Palakkad is especially interesting in this regard. Going into it, visit the ancient fort, the Jainan Temple, the Brailian Abode.

  • Mountain Ana Midi is the highest point of India south of Himalayas. Its name is translated from Sanskrit as "Elephant Head". In shape, it resembles an elephant's forehead.
  • Yakshagan - traditional art in these parts. This is a dance with a plot that is performed only by men.
  • IN Botanical Garden You can admire the petrified tree, the age of which has 20 million years.
  • On the terraces of Western Gat, unique tea trees grow, cut from bushes.
  • And the most important thing is as follows. Western gates are a unique place in which there is no concept of "resort season". Nature is gentle here all year round, and you can go on a trip at any time.

Western gates are a natural barrier on the path of movement of a saturated moisture of air masses, fixing on the decan's plateau from the Indian Ocean. Unable to overcome these mountains, moisture is settled here, and the internal areas of Industan get literally drops. So the nature decided, and the Indians themselves belong to this philosophically: the gods more visible, how to dispose of water and life.

Western gates are one of those rare on the ground of mountainous regions, where on the edge of the Plateau Dean, climbing into the Arabian Sea, has been preserved special, nowhere else occurs the world of wildlife.

On the western cliff of indostan

Western gates are not really a mountain, and the edge of the Plateau Dean, who ascended over the plains when the oldest supercontinent of Gondwan disintegled.

Western gates, or Sakhyadri, - an extensive mountain system, stretching from north to south, from the valley of the Tapthi River to Cape Komorin. This mountain system forms the Western Edge of the Plateau Dean, which occupies almost the entire Industan Peninsula. From the Indian Ocean, Western gates are separated by a non-rone lane. The northern segments are called Concan, Central - Canara, South - Malabar coast.

In the title of the mountains, not only their position on the Industry is reflected, but also appearance: Gats on Sanskrit means "steps". Indeed, the western slope of the mountain ridge is tall and steep, and he descends steps to seaside plains, which stretched along the coast of the Arabian Sea. The step landscape of the mountains became the result of ancient tectonic activity, the "hitting" of the tectonic plate of the decan of the decan on the less sublime sections of the earth's crust. The process lasted millions of years at different speeds. Western gates are not in the full sense of the mountain range, but the shift edge of the basalt plateau dean. These sites occurred 150 million years ago, when the Pramateric of Gondwan disintegrated. Therefore, the northern part of the Western GAT is composed of a layer of basalt with a capacity of up to 2 km, and in the south the less significant layers of gneiss and the variety of granite - charnokuit are dominated.

The highest peak of Western Gat is an Ana-Moody Mountain - is also the highest point of India south of Himalayas.

Unlike the monolithic ridges of the North in the south, individual arrays with incorrect outlines of the vertices are dominated in the south.

The eastern slope of Western Gat is a gentle inclined plain, falling towards the internal areas of Industan.

Western gates are the most important watershed of India: here are the origins of the rivers current from the west to the east and flowing into the Bengal Bay, - Krishna, Godavari and Kaveri, and from the east to the West to the Arabian Sea - Caramanians.

Western gates play a decisive role in the formation of the climate of the entire Peninsula of the Industan, preventing the promotion of wet air masses by the Arabian Sea, who brought by Western monscons. If in the west of the mountains falls hardly not 5 thousand mm of precipitation per year, then in the east - in the fall less. Therefore, the steep western slopes of the mountains are covered with wet tropical forests (almost everything is cut on firewood and under the plantation), and more gentle and dry oriental - extensive Savanov, where there are separate candelaborous milk, acacia and palm trees in the middle of the grass.

Communication of people living on both sides of the Western Gat helps separating the mountains of transverse tectonic valleys. He became peculiar roads, tied by the Malabar coast and the decan's plateau.

For the same reason, Western guts have always attracted the invaders who wanted to occupy these few trading routes from the sea inland Sushi. The mountains witnessed the emergence of the largest Indian empires were part of British colonial India. Now they are located on the territory of almost a dozen Indian states.

Five thousand mountain colors

In Western gates, a surprisingly diverse fauna, many types of flora endemic.

There is a clear difference in the population of the population on both sides of the Western GAT. The indigenous inhabitants of the Western slopes are representatives of small tribal groups speaking many languages, but united by common traditions and religions. Here they worship the spirits of ancestors, poisonous snakes, buffalo. The main tribes are Concani and Tuluwa.

Unlike many other geographic areas of India, advanced technologies and tourism are not so developed in Western gates. Basically, they are engaged in agriculture, growing so-called "English" vegetables and fruits cultivated since the time of the British Colonial East India Company: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and fruit - pear, plum and strawberry. The legacy of the British is also the manufacture of solid varieties of cheese.

But the biggest wealth of Western Gat is tea: terraces with rows of tea bushes were made back at the end of the XIX century. Under the guidance of the British Ost-Indian company. After the care of the British plantations were preserved, and today India is the second country in the world by the number of tea produced after China.

For tea in the area of \u200b\u200bWestern Gat, almost all sacred groves are reduced that every church surrounded from ancient times. Few remaining are the property of village communities and are managed by the Council of Elders.

Western gates are also the most a large number of Environmental territories in India. Here they survive the last of the rare animal-remaining species in the country: Lion's Macak, Indian Leopard, Nilgir Goat Tar (living on Mount Ana-Moody), Deousa Zamble and Muntszhaki, Barbed Sonya, Nilgirskaya Harm, Primat Huhlman. The total number of types under threat of complete destruction and inhabitants in the Western Gat area are about 325.

Currently, significant changes occur in the climate of Western Gat. Earlier every year from September to December on the slopes of the mountains of Western gates, especially in Anicati, gathered from all over the world those who wish to admire magnificent butterflies. Now the number of fluttering insects has declined sharply. The reasons for such a phenomenon are seeing scientists in global climate change, and Western guts turned out to be the most sensitive to them from all regions of the world. Forest fires played their role, and the expansion of the network of plantations.

Cities in Western Gaths are at a considerable height above sea level, for example, popular indian resort - the city of Lockamandalam - located at an altitude of 2200 m. The most big city Western Gat - Pune, the first capital of Maratha Empire.

Another famous city In Western Gata - Palakkad. It is located next to a wide (40 km) Palaccade passage separating the southernmost part of Western Gat from North. In the past, the Palaccade passage was the main way of migrating the population from the inland areas of India on the coast. The passage also serves as the most important source of wind energy: the average wind speed here reaches 18-22 km / h, and large wind power plants are built throughout the passage.

Curious facts

■ On tea plantations in Western gates there are rows of trees. This is also tea, in the trees of the bushes turn if they are not trimmed. Tea trees are left for the sake of the shade and saving moisture.

■ There are more than 20 thousand varieties of roses in the State Rosary of the city of Udachamandalam, and in the Botanical Garden - a petrified tree of 20 million years.

■ The males of the Indian deer-Muzzhak marching their territory the discharge of the tear glands.

■ Representatives of the people of Irula almost all suffer from respiratory diseases. This is caused by smoke from the grass burned in the fields: so Irul struggle with rats destroying up to a quarter of the grain harvest.

■ Gasbar is the largest Indian deer, an increase in the withers about one and a half meters, weighing more than three centners and with horns up to 130 cm.

■ The name of the Ana-Moody Mountain is literally translated from the Language of Malayalam means "Elephant Mountain", or "Lob's Elephant": Her lowering Top really resembles an elephant forehead.

■ Small rodent barbed Sonya got its name due to needle wool on the back. It is sometimes called the pepper rat - for addiction to the fruits of greening peppers.

■ Traditional type of art of the Western Gat area - Yakshagan, dance and dramatic performances with plots from the ancient Indian epic "Mahabhara-Ta" and "Ramayana", first mentioned in 1105. Yakshagan is performed only by men.

■ conducted in 2014 research in tropical forests Western Gat allowed to describe more than a dozen new types of "dancing frogs". They are nicknamed because of the unusual movements in the marriage: the males are "dancing", pulling the paws to the sides, attracting the attention of females.


■ Natural: Bandipur and Mooudumalay Reserves, Waterfalls and Picar River Thresholds, Wuenlock River, Mukutrchi National Parks, Carimpool, Eraviklam and Silent-Valley, Nylgiri Biosphere Reserve, Lake Emerald, Portiy Munda and avalanche, Lakki Waterfall.
City of Lychamandalam (UT): State Rosary, Stone Bungalow John Sullivan (1822), Church
St. Stephen (1830), Botanical Garden (1847), Lake Lake, Lake, Lake Toda, Railway Uti (1908), Olenia Park.
■ Palakkad city: Jain Jain Jehp (XV century), Brahmins of Calpati (XV century), Fort Palakcad (1766), Malampuja Dam (1955), Church of Imur Bhgawati.
■ City of Pune: Museum of Raji Kellary, Palace of Aga-Khan, Temple Pataleshwar, Simha-Gad Fortress, Rajgarh, Torn, Puernder and Shivnery, Palace of Shanvarva-yes (1736), Parvati Temple.

Western gates are one of those rare on the ground of mountainous regions, where on the edge of the Plateau Dean, climbing into the Arabian Sea, has been preserved special, nowhere else occurs the world of wildlife.

On the western cliff of indostan

Western gates are not really a mountain, and the edge of the Plateau Dean, who ascended over the plains when the oldest supercontinent of Gondwan disintegled.

Western gates, or Sakhyadri, - an extensive mountain system, stretching from north to south, from the valley of the Tapthi River to Cape Komorin. This mountain system forms the Western Edge of the Plateau Dean, which occupies almost the entire Industan Peninsula. From the Indian Ocean, Western gates are separated by a non-rone lane. The northern segments are called Concan, Central - Canara, South - Malabar coast.

In the title of the mountains, not only their position on Industan is reflected, but also an appearance: gates on Sanskrit means "steps". Indeed, the Western slope is steps to seaside plains, which stretches along the coast of the Arabian Sea. The step landscape of the mountains became the result of ancient tectonic activity, the "hitting" of the tectonic plate of the decan of the decan on the less sublime sections of the earth's crust. The process lasted millions of years at different speeds. Western gates are not in the full sense of the mountain range, but the shift edge of the basalt plateau dean. These sites occurred 150 million years ago, when the Pramateric of Gondwan disintegrated. Therefore, the northern part of the Western GAT is composed of a layer of basalt with a capacity of up to 2 km, and in the south the less significant layers of gneiss and the variety of granite - charnokuit are dominated.

The highest peak of Western Gat - Mount Ana-Moody - is also the highest point of south of Himalayas.

Unlike the monolithic ridges of the North in the south, individual arrays with incorrect outlines of the vertices are dominated in the south.

The eastern slope of Western Gat is a gentle inclined plain, falling towards the internal areas of Industan.

Western gates are the most important watershed of India: here are the origins of the rivers current from the west to the east and flowing into the Bengal Bay, - Krishna, Godavari and Kaveri, and from the east to the West to the Arabian Sea - Caramanians.

Western gates play a decisive role in the formation of the climate of the entire Peninsula of the Industan, preventing the promotion of wet air masses by the Arabian Sea, who brought by Western monscons. If in the west of the mountains falls hardly not 5 thousand mm of precipitation per year, then in the east - in the fall less. Therefore, the steep western slopes of the mountains are covered with wet tropical forests (almost everything is cut on firewood and under the plantation), and more gentle and dry oriental - extensive Savanov, where there are separate candelaborous milk, acacia and palm trees in the middle of the grass.

Communication of people living on both sides of the Western Gat helps separating the mountains of transverse tectonic valleys. He became peculiar roads, tied by the Malabar coast and the decan's plateau.

For the same reason, Western guts have always attracted the invaders who wanted to occupy these few trading routes from the sea inland Sushi. The mountains witnessed the emergence of the largest Indian empires were part of British colonial India. Now they are located on the territory of almost a dozen Indian states.

Five thousand mountain colors

In Western gates, a surprisingly diverse fauna, many types of flora endemic.

There is a clear difference in the population of the population on both sides of the Western GAT. The indigenous inhabitants of the Western slopes are representatives of small tribal groups speaking many languages, but united by common traditions and religions. Here they worship the spirits of ancestors, poisonous snakes, buffalo. The main tribes are Concani and Tuluwa.

Unlike many other geographic areas of India, advanced technologies and tourism are not so developed in Western gates. Basically, they are engaged in agriculture, growing so-called "English" vegetables and fruits cultivated since the time of the British Colonial East India Company: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and fruit - pear, plum and strawberry. The legacy of the British is also the manufacture of solid varieties of cheese.

But the biggest wealth of Western Gat is tea: terraces with rows of tea bushes were made back at the end of the XIX century. Under the guidance of the British Ost-Indian company. After the care of the British plantations were preserved, and today India is the second country in the world by the number of tea produced after.

For tea in the area of \u200b\u200bWestern Gat, almost all sacred groves are reduced that every church surrounded from ancient times. Few remaining are the property of village communities and are managed by the Council of Elders.

Western gates are also the greatest amount of environmental territories in India. Here they survive the last of the rare animal-remaining species in the country: Lion's Macak, Indian Leopard, Nilgir Goat Tar (living on Mount Ana-Moody), Deousa Zamble and Muntszhaki, Barbed Sonya, Nilgirskaya Harm, Primat Huhlman. The total number of types under threat of complete destruction and inhabitants in the Western Gat area are about 325.

Currently, significant changes occur in the climate of Western Gat. Earlier every year from September to December on the slopes of the mountains of Western gates, especially in Anicati, gathered from all over the world those who wish to admire magnificent butterflies. Now the number of fluttering insects has declined sharply. The reasons for such a phenomenon are seeing scientists in global climate change, and Western guts turned out to be the most sensitive to them from all regions of the world. Forest fires played their role, and the expansion of the network of roads and plantations.

Cities in Western Gata are located at a significant height above sea level, for example, the popular Indian resort is the city of Lugamandalam - located at an altitude of 2200 m. The largest city of Western Gat - Pune, the first capital of the Maratha Empire.

Another famous city in Western Gata - Palakkad. It is located next to a wide (40 km) Palaccade passage separating the southernmost part of Western Gat from North. In the past, the Para Laccade passage was the main way of migrating the population from the inland areas of India on the coast. The passage also serves as the most important source of wind energy: the average wind speed here reaches 18-22 km / h, and large wind power plants are built throughout the passage.



■ Bandipur and Mudumalay reserves.

■ Waterfalls and thresholds of the Picar River.

■ Wennock's lowlands.

■ National Parks Mukarth, Carimpool, Eraviklam and Silent-Valley.

■ Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.

■ Emerald Lakes, Portiy Munda and avalanche.

■ waterfall lacquer.

City of Lychamandalam (UT):

■ State Rosary.

■ John Sullan Stone Bungalow (1822).

■ Church of St. Stephen (1830).

■ Botanical Garden (1847).

■ Lake Lake Lake.

■ Toda people huts.

Railway Uti (1908).

■ Oleniye Park.

City of Palakcad:

■ Jain Jene Jain Jene (XV century).

■ Brahmins of Calpati (XV century).

■ Fort Palakkad (1766).

■ Malampud dam (1955).

■ Temple Imur Bhgawati.

Puna City:

■ Museum of Raji Quechar.

■ Aga Khan Palace.

■ Temple Pataleshvar.

■ Simsha-Gad fortresses, Rajgarh, Torn, Puernder and Shivnery.

■ Palace of Shanvarva-yes (1736).

■ Parvati Temple.

■ There are more than 20 thousand varieties of roses in the State Rosary of the city of Udachamandalam, and in the Botanical Garden - a petrified tree of 20 million years.

■ The males of the Indian deer-Muzzhak marching their territory the discharge of the tear glands.

■ Representatives of the people of Irula almost all suffer from respiratory diseases. This is caused by smoke from the grass burned in the fields: so Irul struggle with rats destroying up to a quarter of the grain harvest.

■ Gasbar is the largest Indian deer, an increase in the withers about one and a half meters, weighing more than three centners and with horns up to 130 cm.

■ The name of the Ana-Moody Mountain is literally translated from the Language of Malayalam means "Elephant Mountain", or "Lob's Elephant": Her lowering Top really resembles an elephant forehead.

■ Small rodent barbed Sonya got its name due to needle wool on the back. It is sometimes called the pepper rat - for addiction to the fruits of greening peppers.

■ Traditional type of art of the region of Western Gat - Yakshagan, dance and dramatic performances with plots from the ancient Indian epos "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", first mentioned in 1105. Yakshagan is performed only by men.

■ In 2014, studies in the tropical forests of the Western Gat allowed more than a dozen new types of "dancing frogs". They are nicknamed because of the unusual movements in the marriage: the males are "dancing", pulling the paws to the sides, attracting the attention of females.

■ On tea plantations in Western gates there are rows of trees. This is also tea, in the trees of the bushes turn if they are not trimmed. Tea trees are left for the sake of the shade and saving moisture.


Location: South Asia, West of the Industan Peninsula.
Origin: tectonic.
Internal ridges: Nylgiri, Anaimalay, Palni, Cardamom Hills.
Administrative belonging: Gujarat, Maharashtra. Goa, Karnataka, Tamilad, Kerala, Canyakumari.
Cities: Pune - 5,049,968 people. (2014), Palakkad - 130 736 people. (2001), Lychamandalam (Tamilnad) - 88,430 people. (2011).
Languages: Tamil, Badaga, Kannada, English, Mapaya Lam, Tula, Concani.
Ethnicity: Koncani, Tuluwa, Mudugar tribes, and steering wheel and Kurumbar.
Religions: Hinduism (Most), Islam, Catholicism, Animism.
Monetary unit: Indian rupee.
Large rivers: Krishna, Godavari, Kaveri, Karaman, Tapthi, Picar.
Large lakes: Emerald, Pijmund, avalanche, Upper Bhavanan, Kodaikanal. Major airports: Coimpapers (international), Mangalor (international).


Area: 187 320 km 2.
Length: 1600 km from north to south.
Width: up to 100 km from east to west.
Average height: 900 m.
Maximum height: Mount Ana-Moody (2695 m).
Other tops: Mount Doddabetta (2637 m), Hubab (2375 m), Catatadad (2418 m), Kulkudi (2439 m).


Sub-screen, monsoon.
average temperature January: + 25 ° C.
The average temperature of July: + 24 ° C.
The average annual precipitation: 2000-5000 mm, on the eastern slope - 600-700 mm.
Relative air humidity: 70%.


Industry: Food (cheese, dry milk, chocolate, spices), metalware (needles), woodworking.
Hydoelectroelectric energy.
Wind power plants.
Agriculture: Crop (tea, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, pear, plum, strawberry).
Field of services: tourist, transport, trading.

Separating this plateau from a narrow coastal plain along the Arabian Sea. The mountain range begins near the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra, the south of the Taptti River, stretches about 1600 km through the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, ends in Kanyakumari, the southern end of the indistine. About 60% of Western Gat lies in the carnatack.

Mountains occupy 60,000 km², the average height of 1200 m, highest point - Anamida (2695 m). More than 5000 types of flowering plants, 139 species of mammals, 508 species of birds, 179 species of amphibians live in the mountains. Many types of endemic.


Western gates are not a full-fledged mountain chain, but are a shifted edge of the dean plateau. Probably, they were formed during the collapse of the supercontinent of Gondwan about 150 million years ago. Geophysics Barren and Harisson from the University of Miami defended the version that the West Bank of India has formed from 100 to 80 million years ago, after he broke away from Madagascar. Shortly after a feather, the Peninsula of the Indian fee drifted through the modern Reunion area (21 ° 06 'Yu.Sh., 55 ° 31' V.D.). In the course large eruptions Plateau Dean is a wide basalt reservoir in Central India. These volcanic processes led to the formation of the northern third of Western Gat, their dome-shaped outlines. Rocks underlying, formed more than 200 million years ago. They can be seen in some places, for example in Nylgiris.

Basalt is the main rock, it is found at a depth of 3 km. From other rocks there are harons, granite gneisses, chondalites, granulites, metamorphic gneisses with random inclusions of limestone, iron ore, ruderites and anorthosites. Also deposits of latices and bauxite in the southern hills are also.

The mountains

Western valves stretch from a number of Satpur in the north, pass to the south through Goa, Carnataka, in Kerala and Tamil Nad. The large mountain range starts in the north - sauadhry, there are many mountain stations on it. Among the small chains you can allocate Cardamom Hills, Nilgri, Anaimalaya and Palny in Kerala and Tamil-Nad. In Western Gata, the highest point of India is south of Himalayas - Ana-Moody (2695 m).


Western gates create one of India's watersheds. They give the beginning of important rivers of the Peninsular India, current from the West to the East to the Bengal Bay, such as Krishna, Godvari and Kaveri. On many rivers in Maharashtra and Kerala, reservoirs were built.


The climate of Western Gat is wet and tropical, varies depending on the height and remoteness from the equator. At an altitude of more than 1500 m in the north and more than 2000 m in the south, the climate is closer to moderate. The average temperature here +15, in places in winter the temperature is lowered to 0. The coldest periods coincide with the wet wet.

Mountains stop western monsoon winds carrying rain, and therefore there are many precipitation in them, especially in Western slopes. Thick forests also contribute to the fallout of precipitation in this area. A year drops 3000-4000 mm precipitation.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Mountains, see Geographical names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Western Gati (Western Ghāts ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (Sakhyadri) Western elevated outflow of Dean Plateau, in India. Length approx. 1800 km. The height of 1500 2000 m, the largest 2698 m. Cool breaks up to the Arabian m., Oriental slopes of gentle, top-like tops. On western slopes wet ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Sakhyadri), Western elevated color of Dean Plateau, in India. Length about 1,800 km. The height of 1500 2000 m, the largest 2698 m. Cool breaks down to the Arabian Sea, the eastern slopes of gentle, the tops are plain. On the western slopes ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Western Gati. - Mountains, cm. Sustained gates ... Toponymic Dictionary

    Sakhyadri, mountain range in India, West sublime edge of the Industan Peninsula. Length about 1,800 km, height to 2698 m (Anaimida). The western slope is a cool break of deanic platea, steps falling to the Arabian sea, East ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia