The most famous cities of Spain. The most beautiful cities of Spain: photo and description

There are many reasons for visiting Spain. First of all, the presence of a deep spiritual connection between the Spaniards and the Russians. In addition, only here you can meet an amazing combination of the affectionate sea and hot sun, shrill blue sky and bright sand gold. The location of Spain on the border of Africa and Europe, Islam and Christianity had a considerable impact on the appearance of the country. There are many amazing things here, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world! Each intelligent person needs to at least once to visit this country of passionate dancers Flamenco and brave bullfighters. To admire the famous Cathedral of the Holy Family, the house of El Greco, the world famous Exhibits of Prado. Hear the soft sounds of the Spanish guitar. In order to maximize the magnificence of this country, you need to visit the most beautiful Spanish cities.

It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Seville is the birthplace of the world famous Corrida and Flamenco, which create an unforgettable atmosphere in it. The legend states that Hercules himself opened this city for people, cutting a symbolic ribbon with huge scissors. The divine origin of the city gave its inhabitants to the abilities that manifest themselves in a special relation to the world. Seville cannot be called an ordinary city, it represents a separate world in which residents live, proudly named themselves Sevillos. The city is divided into two contrast parts of the Guadalquivir River. The most famous city attractions include the Golden Tower, the Cathedral, the Alcazar Palace. Numerous tourists invariably come to admire travel in open crews.

Special charm gives the city its location. He is at the foot of the mountains, proudly raising his snow-covered peaks to heaven. Granada is inherent in a completely special atmosphere of rest and peace, which makes it so attractive for romantics. The city crosses narrow streets, on both sides of which beautiful white houses are located. Residents of the city are distinguished by special friendly and good nature. And life in Granada proceeds very calmly and measured. For eight centuries, the city was under the rule of Muslims. In memory of their board, numerous memos of ancient Mauric culture remained. In one of the oldest quarters called Albaisin to the present, the old atmosphere is preserved, in which traditional gypsy dancing is harmoniously woven. The architecture of Granada amazingly combines modern and ancient buildings. Such a contrast gives the city an additional charm. Of particular attention deserves the Alhambra Palace, which is considered one of the most beautiful and best of all preserved monuments of Arabic architecture. The old cathedral is valid to the present. The royal chapel is adjacent to it, causing admiration for the magnificent facade and the roof. Many monasteries, cathedrals and fountains make Granada amazingly beautiful city.

The best time to visit is considered autumn or spring. In these periods, the magnificent beauty of the Spanish capital is best. Extremely picturesque parks, numerous architectural monuments of the past and famous fountains put Madrid in one row with the most beautiful cities in the world. It keeps the creations of such world famous geniuses as Goya, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Rafael, Titian and Rubens. Tourists invariably attract Museums Prado, Tissren-Borneurs, Queen Sofia Arts Center. The Royal Palace is a majestic architectural monument. And the rejection of the famous Retiro Park can be rightfully proud of an amazingly harmonious combination of architectural and natural attractions.

It is impossible to thoroughly learn Spain, without having been in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich is rightfully called the name of the cultural and industrial capital of the country. In fact, it is an open-air museum. It is primarily obliged to such a status, which has more than two thousand years. Barcelona may be proud of its unique architecture, the heart of which is the Gothic Quarter and La Rambla. Every year a large number of different festivals are held in the city. The most famous attractions include the Ricass Museum, the Church of the Holy Family and the famous Hill Tibidabo.

Almost a million inhabitants lived in this fabulous city. Currently, he is one of the most visited tourist centers. Within five centuries, Muslims were dominated in the city. They left behind a large number of architectural attractions. The ancient glory of Cordove, which hesitated through Guadalquivir and the picturesque ruins of ancient settlement. But the famous Botanical Garden is considered the main attraction of the city, conveniently located in the lower river. It presents rarely encountered samples of flora and fauna from all over the world. Not far from the city are the ruins of Medina Ashahar, which is classified as one of the best samples of Mauritanian culture.

Like many Spanish cities, Zaragoza was built more than two thousand years ago. Its founders are the ancient Romans. Architectural monuments of the past, as well as beautiful modern buildings give the city an unforgettable charm. His business card is the castle of Alkhafteria, which is rightfully considered the most beautiful monument of Moorish culture of Northern Spain. The Saragoza Monastery, Church of Santiago, Museum of Religious Art, Numerous Palaces, in particular, Sostago, Don Lope, Kondes de Morata, Torreo, are counted to other landmarks of Zaragoza. And in the Pilarist Museum collected works by the Bayee, Velasquez, Goya.

This city is considered one of the most ancient in Spain. It is located near the border with Portugal. Despite the fairly impressive number of the population (more than one hundred and eighty thousands) in the city, the village charm clearly feels. The main attraction of Salamanca is the Romanesque Cathedral, erected in the twelfth century. Its painted altar is decorated with frescoes of the work of Nicholasia Florentino itself, which is considered one of the most famous artists of early revival. An extension was made to the temple at the beginning of the fifteenth century. In its design, two styles are harmoniously combined - late Gothic and Ploiecera, which is one of the directions of the Renaissance style. Finally, the construction of the cathedral was completed in the first half of the seventeenth century. One of the main treasures of the temple is the bronze crucifix, transferred to El Sith to his spiritual shepherd.

Another landmark of Salamanca is the area called Plaza Mayor. She is rightfully considered a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe country. It was created at the beginning of the eighteenth century the famous architect Churriger. Around the area there are magnificent arches, which depict the kings of Spain, as well as General Franco. In the middle of the square rises a picturesque town hall. Plaza Mayor acts as a kind of living room for urban residents who are often appointed here.

In general, any Spanish city has its own legend, rich in interesting events past and many natural and architectural attractions. The Spaniards love a variety of holidays and festivals, which guests from all over the world come to them.

Spain is the most Western European country, located on the Pyrenean Peninsula. This country is one of the most beloved holiday destinations in Europe. Here, every person can find something for himself: Spanish cuisine, folklore, architecture and local flavor attract and fascinate.

If you prefer to rest in popular places, then among the cities of Spain you will definitely be from what to choose. Excorbated events and festivals are held throughout the country, and local architecture will forever enter your heart. We, in turn, we present you the top ten most famous and beautiful cities in SpainEach of which deserves in order to visit it.

Top 10 most famous and beautiful cities in Spain

Barcelona is a favorite holiday destination for thousands of tourists, business and cultural center of Spain. The city is the second largest with a population of about 5 million inhabitants.

The true heart of Barcelona La Rambla and the Gothic Quarter. The city could be called the open-air museum, thanks to a stunning architecture. Barcelona boasts a two-year-old history, its own Catalan language and unique culture. Barcelona is the capital of modernism, here are 5 UNESCO World Heritage Schools: Park Guell, Palau Guell, Casa Mila, Palau de la Musik Catalana, Hospital de la Santa Kr.

Being in the city, it is necessary to visit the temple of the Holy Family, who is a kind of symbol of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bPicasso Museum, Tibidabo Amusement Park.

Madrid is the capital and the largest city of Spain. Madrid is a lively and friendly city, they say that this is a city that never sleeps. Located in the geographical center of Spain, Madrid borders with Castilla and Leon in the West and Castille La Canch in the south and east. Madrid is a city of kings with its own cultural and artistic history. Here, for example, there is a world famous Prado Museum. About 50 million tourists visits the capital of Spain annually.

There are many beautiful parks and square in the city, it is also distinguished by the presence of a large number of open cafes (terrazas) and a taverin with excellent food.

Acquaintance with the city is better to spend during hiking. The most famous sights of Madrid - the main square of Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace of the 18th century, one of the most visited Museum of Prado, Wonderful Retiro Park, Cathedral of La Almudena, Museum of Contemporary Art of Queen Sofia, Outdoor Rastro Market.

The largest city of Southern Spain and the capital of Andalusia Seville was founded in the 8-9 century to our era. The city is located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River and simply fascinates visitors with hundreds of orange trees and magical nights. This is the city of Carmen, Don Juan and Figaro. Seville is famous for its holidays, but also the city is the center of commercial and industrial activities.

In Seville, you should visit the Seville Cathedral and the Hiralda Tower, located on Virgen de Los Reyes Square - this is one of the most famous architectural monuments of Spain. The tourists are also popular with Square Spain, located on the edge of the northeastern part of Maria Louise Park; Alcazar - Moorish Palace of the 14th century; The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville, Torre del Oro - Tower of the 13th century.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Andalusian cuisine of Seville. Here you can try flamenco eggs, kidney honeycomb with sherry, stuffed artichokes.

Valencia is a dynamic city in the center of the Spanish coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Valencia is the third largest city of Spain. Along with magnificent beaches, Valencia boasts a unique appearance, which gives it ancient facilities, futuristic architecture, famous museums and galleries. The most famous dish of Spain, Paella, was prepared in Valencia.

To see the city, you will completely need at least a week, its architectural and cultural monuments are so numerous. One of the most famous buildings in Valencia is the city of art and science, which is a huge futuristic educational complex. Also famous Biopark Valencia, Touria Garden.

Many tourists come to Valencia because of the opportunity to relax on the magnificent beaches with soft, golden sand, sparkling water and a cool Mediterranean breeze.

Palma de Mallorca - the capital of the Mallorca region. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. In recent years, many Europeans have chosen the city for holidays on weekends. There are many boutiques, designer and cheap stores. The architecture of the city is unpredictable, rustic streets are combined here with ultra-modern buildings in the style of Vogue.

The most impressive plant of Palma de Mallorca is the Cathedral of La Seu - this is one of the best Gothic buildings in the world. Also beautiful and interesting Castle Bellver and the Royal Palace. Palma de Mallorca - Paradise for nightlife lovers with many bars and nightclubs.

Ibiza is a city of entertainment and parties. However, it is worth noting that not only active life is a visiting card of the city. For example, there is an old town (Dalt Vila), which is a UNESCO World Heritage Monument. Narrow streets and charm of the city will not leave you indifferent.

The most popular museums of the city are the Archaeological Museum, Pügete Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art. Also in the old town is open to visit the Dominican Monastery, founded in 1500. Fans of unusual structures will have to taste necropolis of the Puach de Molins - a cemetery with a thousand-year history of more than 3,500 underground burial chambers.

And, of course, Ibiza is famous for its beach holidays with the ability to walk on yachts and many parties.

Cordova - UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city is located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River in the center of Andalusia.

Cordoba is a charming city that attracts delicious sharp snacks, flowers, flamenco, magnificent jewelry and beautiful wines. In addition, Cordoba is famous for architectural and cultural monuments and museums.

La Mexita (Mosque Cathedral) The most popular place in Cordoba. This is the largest mosque in Spain, built in the 8th century, which was reconstructed to the Cathedral in the 13th century. The Mosque Cathedral is surrounded by the old Jewish and Moorish quarters, which themselves are very interesting. Also in Cordoba it is worth watching the famous Alcasar Gardens (Alcazar de Los Reyes Cristianos), Episcopal Palace, Palace Complex of the 10th century Medina Azahar, Roman bridge.

8. Granada

Granada is one of the most spectacular and important cities in Spain, the last refuge of the Moors. Granada is located in the southeastern part of Spain in the mountains of Sierra Nevada. The city is a meeting place for Christian and Muslim cultures. The most famous and symbolic monument of the city is the Alhambra Palace, which is a binding point of visiting for all travelers in Andalusia. The name of the palace in translation means "red", he received it thanks to the outer walls of red-brown brick.

Pamplon is located between Pyrenees and Embro and is the capital of the Autonomous Region of Navarre in the north of Spain. The city is famous for the annual San Fermin holiday with bull battles. This festival of food and dance every year from July 6 to 14 attracts thousands of tourists from around the world.

As in other cities of Spain, there are something to see in Pamplona. Here is the Museum of De Navarre, famous for Roman mosaics, Wall paintings of the 14th century and collections of arts of different artists. Also tourists are worth visiting the Cathedral of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bTanakra Park, San Satumino Church.

Excursions of Pamplon include a visit to the world-famous beaches of the city of San Sebastian, famous vineyards of La Rioja and the Pyrenean Mountains.

Malaga is the capital of Costa del Sol. This is the largest and most visited city in the region of Spain. Malaga is also an international port - one of the three international ports of Spain.

Being in Malaga, you should see with your own eyes the Picasso Museum, the Cathedral and the Gibralfaro Citadel. The latter is interesting for its history. Gibralfaro was built in 1040 to protect against pirates. Later, the fortress was repeatedly completed and in its size was not inferior to the royal residence.

Malaga is famous for its fish and seafood, which are preparing for unique recipes. Here you can try a dish called Pescaito Frito (mixed fried fish), pickled fish, squid and anchovs.

Spain presents one of the most popular cultural centers in Europe. Every year more and more tourists arrive here from all over the world, some are sent here for a walk through the streets, other travelers prefer viewing architectural monuments and picturesque works of great masters. It is pleasant to just sit here in the park where you can become a member of colorful and exciting holidays.

Large tourist cities in Spain

Beautiful stone houses, exotic monuments, fountains are also in Spain. The famous historic city, the capital of Spain - Madrid Visually demonstrates us the most interesting and significant places of the country. Watching the greatest buildings of the capital of Spain is not easy to imagine that once instead of this city had no large sizes. The location of the village was near the walls of the Citadel Madjyri, who over time slowly increased, leisurely transforming into a delightful city.

Nowadays, Madrid is the European Capital Palace. The feeling is created as if you are in the fabulous world among all these magnificent tsarist palaces and excellent fortresses. From Puerta del Sol Square to get acquainted with the city will be the best option. She is also called the heart of the city. Madrid has a large number of museums, however, the most basic museum is Prado. The invaluable collection of Spanish painting, Italian, Flemish, Dutch masterpieces of artists was cloudy.

Just look at Barcelona Once and immediately may just fall in love with her. This famous Spain's resort town is full of attractions that can not even be described while they don't look at them, numerous quarters, such as Gothic, Ramblas, Park Guell, surname, Sagrada Montjuic, a large number of museums and many different things attracts the endless arrival of holidaymakers. Wonderful Barcelona with all its attractions attracts millions of tourists annually, so there is nothing surprising when it is right in the peak of a seasonal holiday, a native speech is heard on the streets of this city, but the delight of foreigners.

Unforgettable European provinces, blooming valleys - it all stores Spain. Girona Brightly demonstrates us a combination of antiquity and modernity. Along with historical sights, modern buildings are quite adequate. A similar situation is observed in a beautiful ancient city. Tarranoga. Spain gave him cathedrals, beautiful streets.

The map of Spain with cities in Russian is located at the top of the site!

Resort towns of Spain on the Mediterranean coast

Affectionate azure sea, an interesting story, delicious dishes, all this gives Malaga. Spain gave this paradise to a favorable climate, interesting sights in the form of port facilities. Local restaurants and cafes are served not only delicious, but also useful dishes. It is noteworthy that medieval buildings are preserved here, which help to deepen in the historic past of the city. In addition, it is worth noting that Malaga is a wonderful healing resort.

The most beautiful city of Spain on the Mediterranean coast is Alicante. Spain is proud of this city, which attracts tourists with an interesting cultural life, a kind of landscape and affordable accommodation prices. The main contingent of vacationers amounted to European tourists. Local establishments serves Argentinean, Chinese cuisine. We are confident that everyone would like to stroll through the ancient streets, to penetrate the atmosphere of antiquity, which Valencia gives. Spain enveloped it with wonderful beaches, art galleries and unforgettable spanish facilities. It is here that you can feel true Spain, in all its manifestations and appearance.

Not only can Spain can surprise this, Self Attracts holidaymakers with its noisy and cheerful atmosphere of the Spanish city on the sea coast. Not for the first year, this resort is referred to as the "Europe Beach". This is due to its wonderful sandy shores, a stormy party life, a huge range of entertainment establishments.

The country is famous for a warm climate, beautiful marine beaches, unique architecture, beautiful nature, original holidays, extraordinary cuisine and delicious wines. To cover its magnificence, you need to visit the most beautiful cities of Spain.

Located in the center of Spain, the city is its capital. To admire his sights that combine modernity and medieval flavor, can be infinite. The most famous - Plaza Major, Royal Palace, Retiro Park, inclined skyscrapers on the famous area of \u200b\u200bCastile, Prado Museum, Football Museum of Real. The city has many exhibition and concert halls, theaters, so that the cultural life of one of the most beautiful cities in Spain is so attractive and diverse.


Popular among many tourists is Barcelona - an extraordinary and beautiful Spanish city. It is considered a city of art and, part-time, is one of the largest industrial and shopping centers of the country. Here, the old palaces and temples with modern buildings are perfectly combined. A very beautiful view of the city from the top of the Tibidabo Mountain located nearby, on which the statue of Christ and the Church of the Sacred Heart.

  • Do not miss:

Tourists will also be interested to see the city aquarium, the Tower of Akbar, designed by the famous architect Gaudi at home. All year-round in Barcelona pass various festivals. This city is an ideal option for leisure of young couples and lovers.


One of the most beautiful cities in Spain, Europe, and even the world. It is located among the mountains of Sierra Nevada, on three hills, among the picturesque nature. A ride to Granada will have to love ski lovers. The most famous attractions are the palaces of General Palaces and Alhambra, the Royal Chapel and the Cathedral, art galleries and numerous museums.


Another beautiful Spanish city is Valencia. It successfully combines several styles: Roman architecture, baroque and gothic. The symbol of Valencia is considered to be the Cathedral of Santa Maria, with the bell tower of which is perfectly visible not only the entire panorama of the city, but also all its surroundings.

  • It is interesting:

In addition, guests of the city have the opportunity to see other sights of Valencia, as the city gate of the XIV century, the Palace of Henellidad, the "Shelkova Exchange" building and many others. The city is known for the Las Fallas festival, held annually from March 12 to 19. During it in the city burns large figures from papier-mache, which personify a variety of human vices.


A major tourist center and one of the most beautiful cities in Spain is Seville. The birthplace of the famous Corrida and Flamenco, who give a romantic and beautiful atmosphere. The famous sights of the city are the Hiralda Tower, the Cathedral, a twelve-grade golden tower, the Alcazar Palace and others. Many tourists who visited this city will delight the crews and horse riding.


Beautiful Spanish city, which will like to fans of a beach holiday. Especially it is popular among young people who come here for rich and boiling nightlife. Beautiful beaches, a lot of sunny days, shallow and warm sea, comfortable hotels, numerous shops, cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops and nightclubs are hung towards numerous tourists.


Beautiful city in the northeastern part of Spain. Located on the eastern bank of the Onyar River, the old part of the city opens the numerous attractions of different centuries: the Cathedral, the Arab bath, the Fortress of Gerunda, the Salvador Museum Dali, the Jewish quarter. If you are traveling in May, you can see the holiday of colors - Girona Streets at this time decorate various floral arrangements.


Beautiful Spanish city with ancient history, in which three cultures are woker - Christian, Jewish and Muslim. Majestic temples and cathedrals, beautiful narrow streets, architectural monuments and vintage buildings will be interested in history lovers.

It is impossible to be passionately not to fall in love with this country, because it is her homeland and a cradle of passion. Almost all here are impregnated here: from the center, where the sun splits the air and the land so much that it seems that the passion itself burns the heart of the country, to the outskirts and coasts, where the passion for life overshadows all other feelings. She awakened a craving for painting from Dali and Picasso ... A country where the passion lives in each word, written, written or ripen in the language of Cervantes. The personification of this passion is such people like Montserrat Caballe, Julio Iglesias, Enrique Iglesias, Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, Javier Bardem, Iker Casillas, Rafael Nadal ... and this is not a complete list! There is no need to reveal the secrets of the Madrid yard to guess that it is about Spain.

I started my journey and acquaintance with Spain not with a popular tourist of Barcelona and her delicious beaches, but with few well-known Valencia. It is the choice that is not so mass that does not mean the worst, directions, allowed to study the country better, feel the culture, finally dispel the stereotype, that Spain is only.

It was after this trip that I realized that I would come to Spain once - almost not to go there at all. This country is impossible to examine during the short vacation. And the visit to just one resort city allows only maternity to meet.

Spain attracts not only with their golden beaches, but also people. Openness, goodwill and friendliness of the local population are able to liberate even the most shy person. They are always ready to help you get lost, and on the way to tell and all the most interesting about your country, traditions and cities.

Of course, they will begin to narrow first in Spanish, but if you do not own the language of Cervantes and Lorca, gladly ready to go to English. However, it is not necessary to hope that each Spaniard will be able to understand you in English, it's not worthwhile - only you will eat from the tourist Mecca and get to the kingdom of Spanish with your local dialects. And this is not yet talking about other languages \u200b\u200bofficially adopted in the country - about it separately below.

In general, Spain fell in love with himself and lures almost every year, offering the most unexpected and crazy routes, where you can successfully combine and inspection of attractions, and relaxation at sea, and delicious gastronomic discoveries. In general, there would be a desire! You can swim, look at the royal castles, visit the ancient monasteries and basilica, to enjoy unusual dishes, and until the morning not to go from the dance floor of the best clubs in the world. In other words, there is no limit to fantasy in Spain.

Visa and border crossing

The process of design of the Spanish visa is quite simple. As is known, it is included in the list of the Schengen countries, so the rules for obtaining the same as most of the territory of Europe.

But despite this, the process of issuing a visa to visit the country of bulk and Flamenco dancers at times easier and shorter than, for example, Germany or the Czech Republic.

In order to apply, the following documents should be submitted to the visa center or the embassy:

A complete list of documents can be viewed on the website of the visa center, evenly, as well as fill out the questionnaire and sign up for an interview directly to the consulate (TSSCS! This is if you want to save and pay only for a visa, without collecting the center service). If you are going to visit or to study, you will need to provide an invitation to indicate the host and contacts.

The cost of registration of a visa for 2016 is 2,700 rubles, as well as 1500 rubles is collecting a visa center.

Spain on the right among tourists wears the title of one of the most kind and generous countries for issuing documents for entry. First, as practice shows, visas are preparing for 3-5 days. However, employees of a visa center or consulate always warn that from the moment of filing before issuing it can still pass and 10 working days. In order to know exactly when you can pick up documents or at what stage there is a process, you can connect an SMS alert. Secondly, the probability of obtaining a visa is longer than half a year, not less than 70%.

How to get

Getting to Spain is not much difficult. Fortunately, the country is with ours on one mainland, and it will not be necessary to make huge transfers and exercise many hours of flights.

Thus, the choice of travel method is limited only by the capabilities and desires of our tourist.

The plane is undoubtedly getting faster and more comfortable.

The question is only in the means. If you need to save - you can think about the option with transfers.

There is no direct rail or bus service with the kingdom. Here we will have to consider the route in more detail, since it will be necessary to implement a non-one transplant. Yes, it is unlikely that it will be cheaper than the plane.

For lovers and owners of a personal car, a trip to Spain will rather turn into travel almost throughout Europe.

However, it appears the opportunity to see not one country, but several at once. And here with the go, like from the horns of abundance, a variety of ways are rareled - the choice of transit countries is truly huge!


The easiest way to get to Spain - getting by plane. Quickly, comfortable and inexpensive if tickets to buy in advance.

In Barcelona

From our main cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - to the tourist capital of the Kingdom - Barcelona - you can fly directly. Moreover, flights without transfers are carried out from another Russian major city - Yekaterinburg. From the rest of the settlements of Russia, both large and small, unfortunately, can be flying only with transfers in Moscow.

In Madrid

By train

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, there is no direct railway links with Spain. But this does not mean that it is impossible to get by train. If you like to hear the knock of the wheels and enjoy the scenery of the European nature with a glass of tea in the iron cupboard in hand, you can find several options.

Spain can be reached with transfers to Paris or Milan, as well as in other European cities. For example, 2 trains run from Moscow from the Belarusian station - and -. The first goes 3 times a week (on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays), the second 1 time per week (on Thursdays). You can get acquainted with the more accurate schedule, prices, and you can buy tickets on the Railways website. From Paris, there are direct trains of the Spanish company Renfe and French SNCF both to Madrid and Barcelona. Moscow-Nice route can be released in Milan and transfer to Barcelona.

A more complex route will be moving from Russia to Spain through Switzerland, because there is a train Zurich - Barcelona through Geneva and. True, from Moscow to Zurich need to go, again, with a transfer to Basel.

However, it is worth considering that such a type of travel may not only be more expensive, but also more expensive. So, for example, only a train ticket to Milan costs about 15 thousand rubles one way, and in the city still have to move from Milano Rogoredo station to Milano Centrale station. And to Paris there are already about 20 thousand rubles also in one direction.

What way to choose - depends only from the tourist, however, it is worth being prepared for the day that the journey will take about two days, and maybe more. So to Milan to go about 40 hours, and through Switzerland only before the first transplant in the Basel day and another 13 hours.


A trip to Spain by bus is a fairly adventurous and calculated on the most stringent, hardened and patient tourists. But the most important thing is to be trembling. The fact is that the bus will have to spend three days. Of course, along the path of the flight makes stops, but exclusively in utilitarian purposes.

Buses travel from Moscow to Madrid and Barcelona. Flights are performed once a week - in Madrid on Fridays, and in Barcelona on Tuesdays.

Data routes cannot be found in the schedules of the schedules of official bus stations, because the point of departure is served by one of the shopping centers on the Leningradsky Prospect.

The cost of the ticket does not change depending on the season. Fixed passage for travel - 23,250 rubles one way per passenger. View schedule, station departure and arrival station, and you can buy tickets online.


If you are a happy owner of a personal car, then the trip to sunny Spain can turn into an unforgettable trip to almost all European countries. Unfortunately, I am not from such, but let it offer several routes that can be easily combined depending on the circumstances and your desires. The main cities that can be reached by car - it is natural, Madrid and.

Before Barcelona

If you drive from the northern capital, the path undergoes some changes, namely: instead of Belarus, the road will run through Latvia and Lithuania.

To Madrid

If you choose Madrid's end point of the route (4240 km, travel time is 41 hours), then scenic views on the road will follow more modest. The beginning will be made through Belorussia, if you go from Moscow, or Latvia or Lithuania, if you travel from St. Petersburg, through mysterious and mysterious Prague, and then with a check-in to the wine tasting in French Bordeaux. And finally, through the country of Baskov - and you are already in dazzling Madrid.

These are just a few proposed options that you can visit during your travel, but having a map in your hands, you can make all the ways as a deck.


Ferry, in my opinion, the most exotic way to get to Spain (never tried, but the considerations that I cite here are still there). Ships run as in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Biscay Bay, and also through Gibraltar.

In general, through the Gibraltar Strait, the journey seems to me more interesting, since on this path you move from Africa to Spain. From the Moroccan tantarian several times a day, ferries go to Spanish cities and algeciras, and daily. In addition, it runs the ferry from the autonomous city of Melilla, which is in the territory, Malaga.

The most frequent ferry message in Spain with Italy, especially with the largest seaport - Genoa. But there are other routes if you search.

Oddly enough, with neighboring France in Spain, the ferry message is quite bad. Directly connect, for example, with Spain, it was not possible. However, it is not necessary to despair - there is a ferry, but from the French lord in that in the north of the country.

These are routes for self-trip ferry. But there is always a chance to go to Spain on a cruise liner.

Tourist regions

In Europe, do not find the countries more interesting and diverse than Spain. It is divided into 50 provinces combined in 17 autonomous communities with their cultural, linguistic and religious traditions.

All of them are different, but still part of one country. Each community has their own reasons for pride. But after all, I would conditionally divided it into several tourist and thematic areas.

  1. I would put it in the first place ... No, not the capital and the province of Madrid, but Andalusia.
    This community can rightfully compete with Madrid for the right to be called the place of birth of the state of Spain, because it was from here that such integral parts of Spanish culture, like Flamenco and Corrida, went. In addition, the most famous cities are located on the territory of Andalusia:, Cadiz. They are located well-known historical buildings in a unique style Mudjar - Alhambra, Hiralda or a Cordrian mosque. It can also be proud of its province where one of the cleanest and warm beaches, as well as the capital of the same name, in which you can go to the Picasso Museum, passing along the embankment, called in His honor, and Embankment Antonio Banderas.
  2. To understand Spain, you need to understand her heart, namely Madrid with the neighboring province of Castile La Mancha. You can write a lot about Madrid, and read for a long time, so I will say one thing - this is the capital you should visit. Ancient narrow streets in conjunction with sunny areas, royal palaces and temples, museums - all this wealth is in here. Madrid is so beautiful that he wondered in one Spanish proverb - "Madrid can only be exchanged for heaven, but provided that there is an opportunity to pry."
    In the province of Castile La Mancha, go to pass along the path of the real Spaniard - Don Quixote Laman, and may even overcome the famous white mills, and also visit one of the most beautiful open-air museums - the city.
  3. The third is on the list, but in no case by the order - Catalonia.
    This community, led by one of the most famous cities in the world - Barcelona - is one of the business cards of Spain. Landscapes of Catalonia are diverse: ridges of the Pyrenees mountains, wooded valleys, many lakes, hilly central part, canals and lagows of the Ebro River, wide extended line of sandy beaches. Manit Haudi's masterpieces, calls to look at his churches, and opens the doors of the Pablo Picasso Museum.
  4. Another remarkable tourist region is. A unique area with the largest autonomy among all areas of Spain. In the country of Basque, there is, as in all other regions of Spain, a huge number of architectural monuments, and among other things there is a delicious Museum of Gugenheim.
    However, I would advise you to visit this area in gastronomic reasons. The fact is that the cuisine of the Basque Country is considered one of the richest in all Spain. The traditions of this place are also a successful example of mixing two cultures - Spanish and French.
  5. Of course, it is impossible to imagine Spain without beach regions.
    All resorts scattered over the coasts of the kingdom begin with the words "Costa", therefore, if you see him, you can safely take tickets or a tour of the planned direction. There is no difference, what a continuation will be the name - almost all resorts with dignity justify the status of the most environmentally friendly areas, which is in the wind of the Blue Flags of the EU (this is the highest assessment of the purity of water and sand) on the envy of other countries. Areas in which the word "Costa" is common: Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia ,.
  6. Surprisingly, in Spain, there is perhaps the only club district in the world. This is all the famous Balearic Island - Ibiza.
    Lovers of nightclubs and electronic music. The island, around the clock living in its special rules, is the main thing from which - no rules. Police beaches are mixed with a variety of clubs, among which the most famous Pacha. Music here is everywhere, lives in a single dance, the rhythm of which unites both students overwhelming with one disco on the other, and young European retirees, at sunset of the lifespan in painted sun beds with whiskey glasses in hand.
  7. I can not unite the following provinces in one very important tourist area: Navarre, Castilla and, Galicia. For all these areas, the famous pilgrims road is the path of St. Jacob.
    Each believer once in his life it is advisable to go through this path, and on foot. Pilgrimage is considered counted if the entire route is overcome on its two.

You can navigate at the prices for tours in different regions of Spain.

Top cities

There is a striking feature of Spanish cities ... Be he a big or small, the city knows how to surprise and fall into the soul so deeply that it will emerge in memory for a long year.

Personally, I cling to our architecture of the house with luxurious bas-reliefs and other outer jewelry, bell tower and roses Basil, narrow cobbled streets with elegant forged balconies over them. But even more I love them for a unique atmosphere, because each settlement, as a living organism, has its own character.

My list of the city-characters, which should be explored, is quite extensive, but still I will present only five.

You can book a hotel in any of the Spanish cities in Bucking -, to navigate at prices on different sites conveniently in the Travevsk section. If there is a desire to live in apartments or in a private apartment, you can watch options and prices.


Holidays in the Spanish Islands are always associated with sufficient, and the names uttered out loud (Canaras, or), forcing the good half of the population of our country a little envy.

All these names refer to the two Spanish archipelagoes - the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.

Canary Islands

This is a year-round paradise for lovers of warm sun and the sea. The beach season does not stop here for a minute.

  • Tenerife worth choosing to lovers of comfortable and enough active recreation;
  • Grand Canaria - for more secluded and calm;
  • - Paradise for surfing;
  • La Homer is a national park with relict vegetation;
  • Lanzarote is a biosphere reserve of volcanic activity.

Balearic Islands

Balearic Islands, and in particular, are known to the whole world. The biggest lovers of parties are treated here. And clean beaches and warm water are nice bonuses to club summer.

How to get to the islands, read in the section above.

Top sights

Spain is one of the leaders in the number of UNESCO World Heritage sites located on its territory. The total number of monuments of both natural and created by the hands of a person - 44, which is 4% of the total number, and puts the kingdom to the third line immediately after Italy and China.

Each autonomous area has at least one, or even several objects. These are the attractions to see every self-respecting tourist who is going to visit Spain in life. Of course, to make such a large-scale trip across the country in order to see them all - it is impossible, but allow me to imagine your Must See the sheet in which I turn on not only the World Heritage sites, but also those attractions, without koie I can't imagine Spain . Perhaps this will allow a little impetuous.

  • Plaza Mayor. (Plaza Major) - Home Square.
    The name speaks for itself. This is the key Spanish area. In no more than the city of Spain will not find a similar and similar name, in contrast, for example, from Spain Square. It was the "PUP of Spain", as Overcoming, the Lope de Vega once called, emphasizes the whole chic and shine, arrogance, splendor and the true spirit of the royal capital.
  • Parque Del Buen Retiro (Park Buen-Retiro).
    The most important and big park of Madrid. Favorite place of rest of all residents of the city - Madrylenyos. The park contains a variety of sports facilities with simulators, running tracks and tennis courts. Retiro's business card is an architectural ensemble with a monument to King Alfons XII and a pond, where a huge amount of fish lives and you can ride boats. In addition, it is worth noting a magnificent Crystal Palace, built specifically for international exhibitions, and one of the few monuments to the devil - El Ángel Caído (Fountain of the Fallen Angel).
  • Museo Nacional Del Prado (Prado Museum).
    To come to Madrid and not to visit the Prado Museum is blasphemy. This is one of the twenty most visited museums of the world! And he rightfully takes place in this top list, because it is here that the most complete collection of Bosch, Velasquez, Goya and El Greco, Parabee, Titian, Breygel and Caravaggio paintings are located. This is a real paradise for painting lovers.
  • Ciudad De Las Artes Y Las Ciencias (City of art and sciences).
    The Valencian city of Arts and Sciences is undoubtedly a masterpiece of modern architecture, but not only Spanish, but, in my opinion, and the world. The Museum and Exhibition Complex, built by Santiago Kalatrava, has so unusual appearance that it makes you think, not the alien of the origin of these buildings or did they come from the future to soar then over the sky-blue water surface?
  • CateDral de Santa María de Valencia (Cathedral of Valencia).
    Perhaps this is not the most outstanding work of Spanish architects. Cathedral of Valencia, of course, loses both in size, and the beauty of Madrid's majestic cathedrals, Barcelona or Seville. But here is not an external beauty, but the treasure that the Cathedral stores inside - the Holy Grail recognized by the Vatican genuine.
  • Temple Expiatori De La Sagrada Família (Sagrada Familia).
    Great Creation Antonio Gaudi, which is impossible to imagine from the chain of Spain-Barcelona-Sagrada Familia-Gaudi. You can change in places, but it is not enough. The church of the Holy Family is most often depicted on all souvenirs who bring tourists from Spain. Watch the most famous long definition is live. And let him not scare a huge queue at the entrance - the beauty of the inner and external decoration overshadows everything, leaving in memory of bright images of the magic and paint stained glass in memory.
  • Plaça d'Espanya. (Spanish Square in Barcelona) and Montjuic Hill.
    In my opinion it is the most beautiful and delightful area in the world. The path from the square to the Montjuic hill and the National Art Museum of Catalonia are decorated with two bell tower-copies of such buildings on San Marco Square in Venice, a huge number of fountains, and closes the entire composition of the singing magic fountain of the Montuuik, which in the evenings not only reproduces popular musical compositions, but And transfers with all the colors of the rainbow. Especially impressive, if it is here in the evening during the sound of the song "Barcelona" performed by Montserrat Caballe and Freddie Mercury.
  • Catedral de sevilla. (Seville Cathedral).
    The largest gothic cathedral in all of Europe. For some parameters, he is even arguing with the Saint Cathedral in the Vatican. The temple is a treasure not only by itself, but also keeps a lot of values \u200b\u200binside. At every step you can admire the pictures of Goya and Velasquez, but the most valuable is a cross made from the first gold brought by Columbus, the iconostasis, which was gone about 3 tons of gold, and a treasury with a huge amount of jewelry.
  • Santiago de Compostela(Santiago de Compostela).
    This city in itself is already a landmark, as it was erected around the largest pilgrimage center - Santiaig Cathedral. This is the third city-shrine of the Catholic world after Jerusalem and Rome, "Christian Mecca", the final point of St. James. "The place marked with the star" - the Cathedral - keeps the relics of the Holy Apostle James, which were discovered here.
  • Basílica De Nuestra Señora del Pilar(Basilica de Nuera Senior del Pilar).
    An incredible temple that fell into love with him with his scope and unusually a large number of domes. The colored roof made in the style of Azulju highlights it against the background of a huge number of baroque temples. Basilica is located in Zaragoza and is considered one of the first in the history of the shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


If we talk about the weather, or rather, about the air temperature, then, compared with Russia, Spain is a country-fire. After all, for example, in winter, the thermometer does not fall below +5 degrees Celsius throughout the country. And what summer? In the summer, it is possible to designate a possible maximum temperature with a number 44. But do not be afraid, so not throughout the country. It all depends on the chosen region and the season.

Coastal areas, such as the Canary and Balearic Islands, Valencia, the Basque Country, and Galicia differ quite comfortable and warm climate during the entire year due to its location.

Hot summer suitable for beach holidays, from mid-May to the end of September and warm autumn and winter - the best time for sightseeing holidays.

Weather in mainland Spain, and in particular, in its central part, you can compare with a capricious woman. Here, the moods of the Mediterranean or the Atlantic Ocean do not affect it - in the summer you can be fried under the groaning sun of Aragon or Andalusia, and in the winter it is practically inhabited by the standards of the local population from Madrid Cold, equal to five degrees above zero.

If you do not want to spoil your journey, whose goal, for example, is acquaintance with architectural masterpieces and monuments, then believe me: Do not go to inspect the sights in July - hot wind, temperature +44 and the inability to plunge into any reservoir, except the hotel pool, beat off all The desire to touch the beautiful one.

Thus, it is worth planning the purpose of your trip, relying on the weather conditions in the season you have chosen.

Summer, ah, summer!

Spain can be called the country of eternal summer. The beach season begins from the end of May on the islands (Mallorca, and Ibiza), and from mid-June on the mainland - in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, and other cities of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast. All summer water temperature does not fall below +22 degrees, and air - +26 degrees. The hottest month is undoubtedly July. This applies both to the maritime regions and to the central part of the country.

If the vacation falls precisely for this month, it is better to pass the daily sultry clock by the sea. Figure 44 is a not fictional horror, but a completely ordinary reality for residents of such areas, such as Castile, Aragon and. Soothe yourself with what can be adapted, it is not worth it - when traveling for the first time, the unusual tourist can become bad both from the solar strike, and from the heat, with a hot breeze.

The velvet season occurs in September and lasts until mid-October. The weather in the first half of September is close to summer - in the air is still warm at the level of +30 degrees, and water is kept at +26 ... + 27. But by the end of the month, the autumn squeezes a quiet saup - cloudy days begin, the temperature gradually falls, but globally is still warm. True, in September, the weather can and take it when it rains for several days. October on most of Spain closes the beach season - the temperature of the water drops to +20 degrees, and the temperature of the air is slightly higher. But you should not despair - the beaches of the Canary and Balearic Islands still hold open. Fortunately, the temperature allows: air +26, water +22.

Meanwhile, autumn ...

Autumn in Spain is the best time to travel and inspection of the sights.

The lack of heat and the scorching rays of the Sun will come up for long crossings between cities and long-term excursions on local attractions. Late autumn - time is unstable: it can be overcast, and it may be raining at all, but will definitely be warmer and more pleasant than in Russia - +15 day the case is quite ordinary for Spain.

No matter how winter was, and all the time summer

In winter, the country is very comfortable. Of course, Egypt is not loved by all Russian tourists, but compared to our winter-Ohasis heat. The average temperature in Spain at this time of the year is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+14 degrees, it rains periodically, snow can sometimes go in the north.

The difference of December temperatures varies depending on the region - in the southern regions about +17 degrees of heat, in the north about +13 ... + 15. But if the soul requires the "heat", then the Canaras are waiting for the temperature of the water in December here +16 ... + 18, and an average of +20 air. In January, the weather in the northern regions is soft, but rainy: +8 ... + 14. In Central Spain, several degrees below: +5 ... + 12. On the east coast, the winter is still softer and the temperature does not fall below +12. In February, the weather in the country rainy - up to several days in a month, snow is also possible. This situation is observed especially in North and Central Spain.

Fliced \u200b\u200bin the spring ...

The first month of spring is the rainy season.

Nature is preparing to sufficiently dry and sunny summer. For the most part, the weather reminds autumn, but in relation to the temperature, everything is exactly the opposite - it rises. April is increasingly similar to spring - the smaller rainy intensity, the temperature reaches +20 during the day and +10 at night. And in the north of Spain on degrees 3-4 cool.

In general, what time does not choose - Spain is always beautiful.


Spain is a member of the European Union, and full, without any preferences and special conditions. It means and the currency is one with all countries - the euro.

With the exchange of money, the country is not as good as I would like, so some part needed to everyday needs, it is better to translate into euros before the trip. First, it is impossible to find exactly the "exchanger" in Spain, only banks are engaged in such operations with currency.

Secondly, rubles in principle can not be changed anywhere because of their abnormality in the country, and if we are talking about dollars, then in this case it will also have to find a bank that will provide this service not to the client, and besides, the country's still no resident. In addition, it is better to ask to calculate before the exchange, what amount will in the end it will be in your hands, since different banks have different commissions on this kind of operation.

A wand-cutter in this situation may be a credit card. They are taken everywhere. Perhaps only grocery shops open on Sunday can be exception. With plastic cards, too, has its own parsley, but not so much problem as with the exchange points. There are 2 Visa and MasterCard payment systems. Be careful when choosing what card to take abroad for non-cash payment. Since salary in our state can only be received by rubles, then when paying abroad from a ruble account, a conversion to local payment units should be made. For Europe, in particular for Spain, take the MasterCard map, as the conversion is trained directly from rubles to euros, bypassing dollars, as it would be with a Visa card. And from recently, it becomes increasingly the opportunity to make payment on the map in its currency, that is, in rubles. If you need to withdraw money from the card, then this can be done with any ATM, but for this will additionally take a commission of 1% or a little more than the amount, which at the same time, depending on the bank, can not be less than the amount bank .

Moving around the country

Spain's transport infrastructure, in my opinion, is one of the best in the world. The quality of automobile and railways, as in all countries of the European Union, at the highest level. So it is possible to move around the country between cities with incredible comfort, both naturally by car and bus and by train.

On a personal car

The Russians-owners of a personal car travel through the highways of Spain will make a special pleasure - the cars on the roads are not so much, as in the Russian Federation, as well as for understandable reasons, the risk to spoil their personal car is minimized. But, as they say, free cheese only in the mousetrap, for such pleasures will have to pay - the passage of most roads and the tunnels of Spain is paid.

With prices and related conditions can be found. The road payment system depends on several parameters: the distance traveled, the category of vehicle, the season and even from the time of day.

For traveling around the country, many prefer to take a car for rent, prices and cars can be viewed.

By bus

Alternative to the journey by car - moving on buses. In Spain, there is a huge number of carrier bus companies like small, suburban and large like Alsa. Buses can be delivered to any city as Spain and for its borders.

The diagram of the internal routes of ALSA is presented in the photo above.

Each city is exactly alone, but in larger cities and several bus stations. The journey can be very long, as, for example, the path from Madrid in Seville, which is about 15 hours, or from Madrid to Barcelona - 7-8 hours, but it is very comfortable: air conditioning and Wi-Fi works in all buses, and Togo on such long crossing can treat all sorts of snacks and water. Prices are quite democratic, and you can select the route and purchase tickets on the site or buy directly at stations.

The largest bus stations:

  • Estación sur ()
  • Barcelona Sants and Barcelona Nord (),
  • Estación de Autobuses de Valencia (Valencia),
  • Estación del Prado de San Sebastián y Estación de plaza de armas ()
  • Estación de Autobuses de Málaga and Estación de Muelle Heredia (),
  • Termibus (),
  • Estación Intermodal de Zaragoza-delicias ().

On high-speed trains

But my heart belongs after all the type of transport - Spanish birds. No, it is on the birds that will not work far, but on the fact that the movement facility that I like, on trains you can. Especially on high-speed AVE (Alta Velocidad Española), which translated from Spanish just means "Bird".

The railway transport system in Spain is the most successful example of the ratio of price and quality. The cost of tickets is one of the cheapest in Europe, but it is surprising for our citizens, at the level of comfort, this is not reflected in any way. The road network connects all the major cities of Spain, and as for the suburbs, the corresponding trains can be used for trips.

If the journey promises to be long and long distances, then best, in spite of everything, choose the railway. According to Spanish ways, the length of which is about 15,000 kilometers, trains can be divided into 2 species - high-speed Talgo and high-speed Alvia, Avant and Ave. Talgo trains are more similar to our usual compounds with jewery cars, and AVE is sedentary expressions.

Ave reaches very high speed - an average of 300 km / h, thereby, for example, the path from Madrid to Seville is about 470 kilometers - takes about two and a half hours. In addition, during the journey it does not have to miss - in the cabin there are films in Spanish and English.

There are several passenger service classes:

  • Turista,
  • Turista Plus,
  • Preferente.

In my opinion, choosing the latter is only if the journey lasts more than 3 hours, and you did not have to have a snack before it starts, because, in fact, the difference between Turista Plus and Preferente only in the upholstery of the chairs and the ability to eat on the way.

As with us, there is also a state-owned carrier company in Spain, which is called Renfe. She also heads the suburban transport of Cercanías. Select route, train type and service, see the schedule and buy tickets, you can get acquainted with special offers on the Renfe website.

Main railway stations Countries:

  • Puerta de Atocha and Chamartín (Madrid)
  • Barcelona Sants and Estación de Francia (),
  • Estación Del Norte and Estación Joaquín Sorolla (Valencia),
  • Estación de Teres de Santa Justa ()
  • Estación María Zambrano (),
  • Estación de la Concordia and Estación de abando Indalecio Priety ()
  • Estación intermodal delicias ().

Transport in the city

Public transport directly in cities is most represented by buses and trams. They go clearly on a schedule, and the information board at stops allows you to find out what time you will arrive.

In some cities, in particular in Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Malaga, Palma de Mallorca is the subway.

However, it is not necessary to think that it is the same as we. Be prepared for the fact that the intervals between trains can reach 15 minutes.

Taxi in Spain is inexpensive. It can and you need to catch in special places designated taxi stop signs on the road.

Most of all the Spaniards love bike. Yes, and for tourists, this type of transport is quite convenient for movement: specially isolated stripes are laid throughout the city, and every about 200-300 meters there are bicycle rental stations.


When you go abroad, in this case, in Spain, a reasonable question arises - how to keep contact with your homeland? How to tell all your friends, what is the beautiful sea today, or how interesting did the stained-glass windows hurried in Sagrada last illuminated by the sun?

In touch with the whole world

You can always stay in the zone of the native network, but expensive enough. As soon as we cross the border, the SMS message comes, which says that the phone will be served by one of the local companies with which our arrangement has an agreement. For the granted communication services, money will be removed for rent - both for calls and SMS and for mobile Internet. In addition, if a service is not connected like preferential communication in roaming, that is, the risk remain without funds after the first submitted Sms to Russia or an incoming call. The best advice in this situation is to read the cost of communicating in the roaming of your operator and connect all services for conversations abroad. In addition, every year the tariff policy of cellular operators is changing every year.

Subscriber in the Foreign Network Area

But more profitable and convenient option, in my opinion and experience, is the acquisition of a SIM card of local operators. In Spain, there are a huge number of virtual operators, but since they work on the basis of 4 main cellular companies - Vodafone, Movistar, and Yoigo, it is better to immediately use their services.

Since they act on the territory of their country, they are at times less tariffs as calls, so in particular to the mobile Internet.

An increasing population proceeds to communicate via the Internet through its smartphones, therefore all listed cellular operators have special tariffs only to use the Internet. The number of minutes of calls and SMS is reduced to a minimum in favor of more gigabytes.

All tariffs are divided into 2 types:

  • Contrato. To buy, you need to have at least a residence permit and bank account from which the subscription fee will be written off.
  • Tarjeta Prepago. For tourists this option is just the most convenient. Tarjeta Prepago is an analogue of our prepaid system. For purchase, only a passport will be needed, a certain amount declared in the tariff is already translated into account, and you can replenish the account in any office.

You can get acquainted with the value on the websites of companies.

If the Internet needs occasionally, but to stay completely without it, then not only the hotel complimentary available Wi-Fi, but also points of access at airports, stations, cafes and popular tourist sites come to the revenue. But you should not count on great generosity - the Internet can only be provided there in the first 15 minutes, then you should pay a whole package. In the cafe of the Internet is free, but you need to order something there, and then you can safely require a password from Wi-Fi. For those who want to eat and eat fish and do not climb into the pond, there are common access points on the street, in popular tourist destinations, but you have to register.

Language and communication

Before a familiar state of Spain appeared on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, there was a huge number of peoples. Not one generation of Spanish monarchs tried to conquer them, then unite the common enemy in the face of the general enemy called Maur. When the danger passed, and all dynastic marriages were concluded, the influence of a centralized monarchy strengthened and, finally, the state of Spain was educated on the territory already known to us.

Spanish Babylonian Tower

However, the United Nations always possessed their culture and their tongue, which they were not going to forget, no matter what.

Therefore, having arrived in Spain for the first time, for me it turned out to be a surprise that some literally do not speak Spanish. The point is everything that was previously said, Spain is a multicultural country, so in addition to the main state language, which is customary called Castellano (Casteiano, Castile), there are regional, which have the status of official and semi-official. So it is not to be surprised that when we find, for example, in the Basque Country, not every local Aborigine will be able to answer your questions.

In Spain, they talk in Catalan directly in Catalonia, as well as in Valencia and the famous Balearic Islands, in Basque and Galician in the same names. Also, do not forget about dialects with your peculiarities of pronunciation.

As for international languages,, for example, in English, they speak mainly in more tourist areas, such as or, and in the rest of the country, only people working with foreigners. But it is not necessary to be afraid of misunderstanding - there is a tourist center in each city, where they can help and with joy to explain everything.

Spaniards are a very sociable people who love to chat.

If they do not understand the language on which they are treated, they will certainly find someone who can translate and help. In addition, you can try to use several phrases in their native language.

Useful phrases

So, a few of the most popular to help with communication in Spain:

  • BUENOS Días! - Buenas Diaz! - Good day!
  • HOLA! - Ola! - Hello!
  • USTED PUEDE AYUDARME? - Using the Ayurma Point? - Could you help me?
  • Dónde Está ...? - Donde et ...? - Where is...?
  • Dame, Por Favor, ... - Lady, Favor ... - Give me, please ...
  • Muchas Gracias - Much Grasias - Thank you very much.
  • NO Entiendo / No Comprendo. USTED PUEDE HABLAR MÁS LENTO / DESPACIO - but enthendendo / but compote. Using Puete Ablarie Mas Lanto / Despasio - I do not understand. You can speak slower.
  • Perdoname - Perdoneme - Sorry.
  • COMO PUEDO LLEGAR A ...? - Puedo Yegar Ah ...? - How can I get to ...?
  • Sí / No - Si / But - Yes / No.

Features mentality

Do not think that the whole people living in Spain is Spaniards. Surprisingly, all residents rank themselves to one or another nationality. So I do not amaze, as I once, that Catalans or Basks - this is no case the Spaniards and there were no such and never.

In Spain itself, the Spaniard is called a citizen of the state, but the inhabitants of the country themselves do not consider themselves one. Here everything is subordinate to regional identity, besides, not only in Galicians, Catalans and Baskov, which are considered independent peoples, but also in others. They call themselves by Valenissors, Aragons, Canar, Castillas, Asturians and further on autonomies. So the concept of "Spaniards" is quite stretched.

They are separated by not only languages \u200b\u200band dialects, but also traditions and holidays. There are nationwide, which cope with the whole country, and there are local. However, there is a catch.

Each nationality tries to bring something from anything, such as Catalans in the Christmas Celebration. Like all Catholics, which is all the population of Spain, they celebrate this holiday on December 25, but here children are waiting for gifts not from Santa Claus, but from Tio de Nadal (Tio de Nadal).

A very strange creature that has no analogues in the world. It presents it from pallets with a painted face and with two legs. In order for children to receive gifts, they should beat it with sticks, and this subject then should "issue" gifts under the plaid, which are covered with a "fuel" part.

However, in spite of such differences in national identity, traditions and languages, the inhabitants of the country, many people unite and allows you to call the Spaniards in one word. They are very cheerful. The holiday of them in the blood - after all, they came up with the word "Fiesta". There is no need to talk about temperament: they talk loudly and passionately, vigorously waving his hands and not forgetting to use strong words. Very loving and romantic, and it is not only about men. In this, they, perhaps, can align only with the Italians. In addition, the Spaniards, despite its temperament, lead very measured and quiet life - they do not like to hurry. One of the most favorite expressions is "Manyana", which means "tomorrow" - they always love to do not rush and put it off for later, if it is not extremely important.

Food and Drinks

A variety of Spanish cuisine is directly proportional to the number of provinces and nationalities in the country. In addition, it is not necessary to be a detective to discover such a pattern - the closer to the coast, the more there are dishes with seafood.

As for the central districts, it can be said that meat dishes are dominated - beef or veal, pork, lamb, bird. Among the garnings are leading potatoes, various kinds of peppers and, in particular, legumes, namely the beans. However, there is something uniting all 17 national cuisines, besides its caloric content: olive oil, garlic, aromatic herbs and wine. In addition, they are most often lemon, tomatoes and rice.

But there are dishes in Spain - business cards that personify the whole kitchen of the Iberian Peninsula. About them further detail.

5 dishes that are worth trying

To talk about the most important dishes of Spanish cuisine, it seems to me, as well as when taking food in a restaurant, starting with snacks.


In Spain, they pass under a more noble, in our opinion, the title is Tapas.

Tapas is a traditional snack to beer or any other alcoholic beverage. In part, therefore, it is called - historically it happened that the drink should be covered (Span. Tapar - to cover) from the flies and dust of the snack: a piece of bread, hamon or the fact that the establishment treats. Poses a dish of sandbrokes with a variety of fillings. Currently, each self-respecting bar or restaurant has its own branded tapas. Among other things, there are entire tapas bars, where this appearance is all the menu. The most popular tapas - with Hamon in combination with any other product. The most interesting tapas that I found were with lamb, as well as surprisingly, with Olivier. True in Spain, he is called Russian Salad.


After the snacks there is a drink that you will pull throughout the dinner. The honorable place in the Spanish menu is tightly occupied by Sangr.

This is a low-alcoholic drink, easily cooling under the hot sun of Spain. Sangria is prepared on the basis of red, less often white wine with the addition of a small amount of brandy or dry liquor and a huge amount of fruit. Red, like blood - Sangre - Sangria is served only cooled and perfectly quenched thirst, preparing taste receptors to the main one, in my opinion, the dish of Spain.

Basic dish

The central place in my menu occupies the most beautiful, most delicious and delightful yard, the aromas of which make the stomach happily clap into non-existent hands, and the mouth fill with saliva, - Paella.

This is the most that there is a traditional dish of Spain, which is most famous around the world. There is a huge number of options and recipes for Palelia and with meat, and with seafood, and with ink Caracatizens, even vegetable, and so on, but the most traditional Valencian paella is considered, because it is the original dish of this autonomy, it is. The main ingredient - rice, tinted during the preparation of saffron. Also in the composition of Valencia Palelia, the meat of rabbit, white beans and snails are included. The cooking process is quite complicated for an inexperienced person, so it is necessary to try it in restaurants, only by no means in the most tourist places - there are already being prepared from the semi-finished product, which does not allow to progl each taste notch. A dish is served in a large pan, which is often called a paeeear. Before it is, be sure to sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cool soups

Another mandatory point in the tasting list of Spanish cuisine is Gaspacho - cold tomato soup.

Traditionally prepares, as I have already said, from tomatoes, but also with the addition of cucumbers, bread and olive oil. More reminiscent of tomato juice with additional ingredients, but such an unusual soup is very tasty due to its temperature - as I said, it is served cold, and on such a heat, as in Spain, this is one of the easiest and most well-hearted dishes.


As a dessert to your attention - Churros with chocolate.

This sweet tooths will have to taste, as Churros is a sweet baking fried in oil, and there is it necessary, dipping into chocolate.


If you want to admire on the mounted glitter of Spanish products from gold and silver, decorated with national ornaments, it is worth going to Cordoba, Salamanca.

Here you can arrange not only the tasting of local alcohol, but also look at the first projects of the Gustava Eiffel, climb to the highest Tower of Portugal - Clereigush. Unfortunately to those who do not have a personal car, to travel by train on this path is impossible - only by car or by plane.

From the south, getting to Lisbon is much easier, and more pleasant. Starting your way from Seville by bus, first you get into the most pleasant area of \u200b\u200bPortugal - the district of Farra, spreading on the very warm coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Here you can stay briefly in the village of Albufeira, one of their favorite places of recreation of German and English tourists.

After continuing the way, you can already travel, however, from the neighboring city, to which you need to get to the taxi. The cost of the road in such a journey will not be more than 60 euros.

Travel to France

However, if you are more attracted, then after visiting Spain, you can go in two ways - through the north of Nanta or from the south of Barcelona. Both of these routes possess their charm. If you decide to go through Nantes in, then it is necessary to call in Bordeaux to try one of the best French wines, and also simply get to La Rochelle, where Louis Xiii fought with Huguenotes, which described Dumas.


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