World famous Chinese attraction "Huashan - Mountain of Death". Mount Huashan China - Death Trail - why was it so nicknamed? Death trail huashan mountain china extreme tourism

Many people are not ardent supporters of extreme recreation, but there are quite a decent number of fans of the thrill, the chilling sense of danger, and if you are one of them, then Mount Huashan in China is what you need. The walking route, known as the death trail, does not require any special technical skills, but special care is required when climbing the long trail of stone steps of the so-called celestial staircase.

The cure for fear

Famous for its majestic cliffs (death trail) - this is China, which is located near the city of Xi'an (Shaanxi province). It offers many breathtaking routes, including cable car climbing, rock climbing and walking. The ascent of about 14 kilometers is accompanied by a certain degree of risk, in some places there is not even a road, but there are only steps carved into the stone.

For many tourists, it is preferable to climb from the foot of the North Mountain to its top using a funicular. This saves everyone a lot of time and energy. But there is a tourist route of passage from north to south, which will make the most daring travelers simply petrify with fear or, conversely, feel a sense of wild delight.

Death trail

The number of tourists wishing to visit the death trail on Mount Huashan is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing every year. Daredevils who dared to make such an extreme journey overcome the path made of boards built over the abyss and move to the peak of the mountain, holding on well to the chains attached to the vertical rocks. There are no fences, on one side there is a powerful rock, on the other - a bottomless abyss and a crazy wind.

Of course, there is still a minimum safety kit, this is a belt with a small cable and a carabiner. The prize for brave climbers will be not only a wonderful view from the top of Huashan (mountain), but also a whole storm of emotions that will not leave those who have managed to overcome the deadly climb in peace. Climbing a dangerous path is not a one-way trip, it is a round trip, but the descent is usually a little easier, and sometimes more difficult, as the accumulated stress and fatigue make itself felt.

How dangerous is climbing Huashan Mountain? Climbing there should not be considered mountaineering, which involves the use of modern equipment, and therefore mountain tourism is more suitable here. Numerous photographs show people in ordinary clothes and without special shoes. They resemble ordinary pedestrians, only very brave.

Mountain traditions

There is a big difference between mountaineering and mountain tourism. The climbers have received appropriate training, experience and special equipment. They are also fairly well aware of the risk they are taking. - this is what amateurs usually do, the more you need to be very careful and be in good physical shape.

Those who managed to get to the very top usually leave some personal thing there. For example, among couples in love, it is customary to attach shiny locks and red ribbons, from the abundance of which their eyes simply run up. Each of those who conquered the dangerous path joyfully shares the pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the ascent. The famous flowing far below looks like a thin trickle, and everything seems so tiny. An unforgettable, awe-inspiring view from a great height, and the pictures will continue to remind you of a crazy and exhilarating adventure for a long time.

Mount Huashan in China

This huge mountain world resembles a separate reality, its own small world. Huashan (mountain) has five peaks, the highest of them is the South one, it reaches 2154 meters. The eastern summit is 2096.2 meters high and is the best place to watch the rising of the sun. The western peak has a height of 2082.6 meters, the Central one - 2037.8 meters (another name for the Jade Maiden), and the North peak with a height of 1614.9 meters is also called the Terrace cloud.

In ancient times, Mount Huashan (death trail) was called the most dangerous and steep mountain in all of China. The most famous part of the path is called the edge of the green Dragon, on the sides of which there are two huge abysses. Overcoming the distance from the village to the top of the mountain takes from 6 to 9 hours, but if you wish, you can stay overnight in the village itself, where there is a small but cozy hotel.

Sacred place

In the second century BC, this place was a major religious center, in the heart of which a Taoist temple was built. It is also a center for traditional martial arts training. Many emperors came to this sacred place to pray and offer sacrifices to the God of Mount Huashan.

They say that Lao Tzu, the founder and patriarch of Taoism, once lived and read sermons here. Since then, pilgrims, monks and nuns gradually began to populate the mountainous surroundings. Access to five mountain peaks, each of which is of religious importance, is possible thanks to a network of narrow paths built of wood and stone. There is a tea house on one of the three peaks.

Mount Huashan: deaths

In recent years, thanks to the large influx of tourists, the paths have been more or less improved, but still the road to the top remains an extremely risky venture. Although there are no official mortality statistics here, it is said that Huashan (mountain) abducts about 100 human lives each year.

Making their way along the narrow and winding path, tourists risk their lives every time. There is a high probability of getting all sorts of injuries while climbing. These precipitous mountains under the skies are a true natural wonder. The breathtaking sharp cliffs and cliffs are a daunting task for those climbers who dare to conquer them. The landscape changes dramatically at every step of this winding path. It seems that the beauty of the mountain has a real magical effect on everyone who visits it.

Even the pictures taken show how dangerous this route is. On some stretches of the path, it is enough to make just one mistake to cost your life. Despite this, many tourists make a pilgrimage to Mount Huashan every year. World famous attraction in China Huashan - Death Mountain is not free. Admission to the mountain costs about $ 30 dollars ($ 15 for students).

And once again the unique China. In the Shaanxi province, 120 kilometers from the city of Xi'an, one of the sacred places of China is located - the Huashan mountain range, Huashan - in translation, the flower mountain. The flower mountain became because it has five peaks, located in such a way that their shape is similar to the petals of a lotus. Climbing to the top is very dangerous, there is practically no road, in some places the steps are carved into the granite rock.

The peaks of the mountain range are named according to the four cardinal points, and the fifth is the Central. The ascents to the Western and Northern Peaks, although winding and steep, are not associated with special risk, only require good physical shape. But the transition from North Peak to South Peak scares tourists to the point of insanity. And it bears the appropriate name - "the path of death."

At a great height along the steep cliffs above the abyss, a very narrow boardwalk, about 35-40 centimeters wide, is nailed. There are no railings or safety barriers, you can only hold on to the chains driven into the wall or move, tightly hugging and hugging the rock.

Before the "path of death" became known to tourists from other countries, there were no chains at all, local residents simply climbed the boards. For those who overcome their horror and are able to take even a step over the abyss, they also put on a safety belt, which is attached with a carabiner to a rope stretched along the path. There is also a very dangerous section on the route - a steep ascent along a narrow edge of the rock - "The Edge of the Green Dragon".

A flurry of emotions overwhelms the daredevils who decide to complete the route, from panic fear, up to loss of consciousness, to extraordinary euphoria from the sight of a fantastic panorama and victory over oneself.

Good day, dear extreme lovers! Today's post will be dedicated to a place called Huashan Mountain in China. What's interesting there? And everything is simple, there is the famous death trail. This exciting place will be discussed today. They drove.

Mount Huashan Death Trail

Another extreme attraction in the world is Huashan mountain trail in China... Mount Huashan is one of several sacred mountains in China that are revered by Buddhists and Taoists around the world. There are only five sacred mountains, and they form a figure like a cross, the sides of which are oriented to the cardinal points.

  • In the east is Mount Taishan (Shandong province, 1545 meters above sea level).
  • In the west - Mount Huashan, which will be discussed in this story (Shaanxi province, 1997 m).
  • In the south - Hengshan Mountain (Hunan, 1290 m).
  • In the north - Hengshan (Shanxi province, 2017 meters).
  • In the center is Songshan Mountain (Hunan Province, 1494 meters).

Recently I saw a video from this place on the Internet, and decided to figure out a little more in more detail what this terrible route is.

Mount Huashan death trail video:

Climbing Mount Huashan is considered very interesting,

due to the fact that the surroundings in which this happens are very picturesque, and the ascent itself is very extreme, since it passes almost over the abyss.

The altitude at which you are moving along the route is almost 2000 meters above sea level. Tourists go upstairs, walking along a thin boardwalk, fastened with rusty nails, while holding onto a chain that is embedded directly into the rock. There is also insurance, which, apparently, does not give much confidence, since there is a huge abyss below, and the insurance resembles a straw that a drowning man grabs at. And so, slowly, "sticking" to the rock, you have to go from the beginning to the end of the route, and then come back. At the end of the route there is no exit, you have to go back 😉

Another video about the death trail on Mount Huashan:

I look at the video of the mountain trail in Huashan (huashan cliffside path) and the adrenaline is enough for my livers, despite the fact that I am at the computer. I can imagine how people who find themselves in place feel. Judging by the reports on the Internet, there are people who, after taking one step, cannot advance even a centimeter, their arms and legs are stiff with horror and they are carefully removed from the walking route.

By the way, while I was studying the materials on this route, a natural question arose: "Did anyone jump from there with a parachute or?"... If you know something on this issue, let me know in the comments, please.

Huashan Walking Route attraction cost: 30 yuan (about 160 rubles).
Interestingness: 9.0 out of 10 (breathtaking, and I think this is a serious test of strength for those who are afraid of heights).

Text- adventure lover (s)

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Welcome dear friends!

Today we will go to one of the 5 great mountains of the Celestial Empire and one of the most dangerous mountains in the world for tourists - Mount Huashan in Shaanxi province (not to be confused with a mountain, Anhui province).

The mountain has a bad reputation. According to unofficial statistics, Huashan takes up to 100 lives annually. It is here that the world famous "Path of Death" is located, attracting extreme lovers from all over the world.

For the sake of fairness, we note that Mount Huashan is not a secret one. The climate here is cooler and not humid enough to grow tea. Our goal is the "Path of Death".

It is for the sake of the "Path of Death" that we drive 120 km from the ancient capital of China - Xi'an, spending about 2 hours on the way by train.

10 minutes by local bus, and here we are at the foot of Huashan Mountain. The entrance to the mountain will cost you 180 yuan ($ 30), and if you are a student, it will be 2 times cheaper. Go!

At first, the ascent is quite comfortable, it is easy to walk.

But gradually the steepness of the steps increases.

In some places we are forced to stand on four limbs.

The hike to the highest southern peak takes about 6 hours. Incredibly stunning views!

At the southern peak we find our Death Trail. Oooooooooooooooooo here at first! But then the fear disappears, not for everyone, but for someone it decreases ...

The path of death is a few roughly nailed planks to each other at a height of 2 km.

But when the board ends, we have no choice but to walk along the grooves in the rock, which Taoist monks made many centuries ago for their own needs.

Until you realize that the movement along the path goes in two directions, and you have to manage to bypass the Chinese coming towards you.

The goal has been achieved, the trail has been passed, and we received an unreal charge of positive and adrenaline rush!

Huashan is also a sacred mountain, there are many Taoist temples and pagodas here, at the foot of the mountain there is a huge park.

If you are in Xi'an, be sure to climb Huashan!

More photos below. The photos are in chronological order.

Attaching a 10 minute video from Mount Huashan:

Would you like to taste tea on a mountain 2160 meters high? How about getting an adrenaline rush along with a constant fear of death? If you agree to this, then you should visit the most dangerous hiking trail in the world on Mount Huashan in China, climbing along which you will get straight to the teahouse.

Since the 2nd century BC, when a Taoist temple was built at the foot of the mountain, Huashan Mountain is the most important place for the Taoists. Since then, monks and pilgrims have lived on and around the mountain. In order to get to one of the five peaks (on one of which there is a tea house), a whole network of very dangerous trails was laid here.

Together, these tops form the lotus petals. In connection with the recent influx of tourists, the trails were strengthened. Even so, it remains the world's most dangerous hiking trail and has a bad reputation. The "path of death" is made of narrow planks that hang over a bottomless abyss, without any railings or fences. Some parts of the trail are terrifying, so it's best to watch where you're going ... and not look down. According to uncertain data, up to 100 people fall from these trails annually.

In some places, the locals also carved steps, making a staircase with a handrail. In other places, the only security measure is iron chains (before, locals simply walked on planks). Some daredevils, having taken the first step, are petrified with fear, unable to disengage their fingers and move from their place, which is not at all surprising.

Despite the fact that the trail is "famous" for its bad reputation, many adventure seekers come here to test themselves.