Prologue. Sometimes eating useful

Incredible facts

There are still places on Earth where the man's leg was stood.

But also on our planet there are places where people should not live, but they still live there.

Whether it is unbearable heat, Siberian frosts, or an island to which it is almost impossible to get, some people do not want or cannot leave their accommodation in one way or another.

Here is a list of 25 such places.

25. Atakama Desert, Chile / Peru

This desert is considered the dry place on Earth. The rain is 4 times in a thousand years..

Temperature can vary from incredibly cold in the dark, to suffocating heat during the day.

Despite such conditions more than 1 million people They consider the desert to be their home, and most of them work at the mine mine.

24. Verkhoyansk, Russia

Despite the fact that it is one of the coldest places on our planet, and officially the coldest city on earth, Verkhoyansk is still inhabit.

In place where the temperature reached the mark -69.8 degrees Celsius, Lives a little over 1,200 people.

23. Vulcan Merapy, Indonesia

This largest in the country active volcanowhich is located on the island of Java, next to the city of Jokyakarta.

Merapy also called the "fire mountain", and for 500 years, he everacted more than 60 times. But this did not make almost a quarter of a million inhabitants leave their homes on the fertile land in the shadow of the volcano.

22. Kivu (Lake), Rwanda / Democratic Republic of the Congo

At the depths of this lake are several millions of cubic meters of methane and carbon dioxide. If all this goes on the surface, more than 2 million people may suffer.

21. Islands Pitcairn

Sometimes they are called "the smallest democracy on earth." This state is a place of residence for 50 inhabitants of 9 families.

On the island no harbor and airport - You can get only on canoe. But there are high-speed Internet.

20. Cook Islands, Australia and Oceania

There are only 4 people here. I used to be here railroad stationwhere the trains reflated to cross the longest straight road on earth.

Since there is nothing growing on the island, residents have all the products and drinking water to bring on boats.

19. Mincin, China

This terrain is awaiting a sad future. The rapid growth of the population led to the fact that at the site of the only river passing through the district, desert formed.

It remains here total 155. square kilometers fertile land.

18. La Rinconada, Peru

The city is located in Andes at an altitude around 5 100 meters above sea level. It makes la-rinkonad the highest settlement on the planet. You can get into the city, only rummaged by a narrow mountain road.

Plus, his ecology is completely unfavorable. Besides almost undeveloped sewage and wastewater systemhere you can detect high content of mercurywhich remains after gold mining.

Around here 30,000 peopleMany of whom suffer from mercury poisoning.

17. Chernobyl, Ukraine

After the tragic accident, which happened in 1986, almost all residents of this city were evacuated.

To date some workers still live in the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPPBut the time of their stay is limited - just a few days a week they can live there.

It is worth noting that the zone of alienation is the territory in which no free accesssince after the accident she was subjected intensive contamination with long-lived radionuclides.

16. Linfen, China

Until 1978, this city was known for his pure spring water, greens and a rich agricultural culture, thanks to which he got a nickname " Modern city Fruit and flowers. "

But after the city was turned into main Industrial Coal Mining CenterFitting ambient Carefully changed.

On the this moment This is one of the most polluted cities in the world: air is polluted by ashes, carbon, leadand Organic chemicals.

15. Pompeii, Italy

After the destruction of the Vesuvius volcano brought by the eruption on August 24, 79, this Ancient Roman city, located in the Campaign region and buried under volcanic ashes, still stays a place of residence for some people.

And all due to the fertile land. Even despite the fact that at every step, there are frozen lava, people consider risk of living in the city justified.

14. Socotra (Island), Yemen

Known as "the most unearthly place on earth", this island is in northwest Indian Ocean, approximately 250 km from Somalia Peninsula, and 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

It makes it so isolated from the rest of the world that most representatives of flora and faunaunable to findmore nowhere.

There are only two roads here, but the inhabitants of which are numbered just over 40 000, it does not bother.

In Sokotra, there are mainly shepherds, fishermen and farmers - they all dilute incense and aloe, as well as sheep and goats.

13. Barrow (Alaska), USA

Barrow is the northern city in the USA. It is about 2,100 km from the North Pole, which makes the city incredibly cold.

In addition, Barrow enters the list of settlements, which can "boast" the most severe natural conditions.

Only 109 days a year, the temperature may rise above 0 degrees Celsius. On average temperature in the city - below zero for 324 days a year. Plus, freezing and snowfalls can begin at any month, and the polar nights are incredibly long here.

12. Tristan da Cunya (Islands)

Together with Easter Island and Pitcairn Islands, he is included in the list the most remote settlements on the planet.

Located Tristan da Cunya at 2,816 km from South Africa and 3,360 km from South America. You can only get here on fishing boats or scientific courtsbut be careful - local residents Not very friendly to tourists.

It is worth noting that immigration is illegal here.

11. Bajo, Philippines

This is not so much inhabited as an ethnic group that lives in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Indigenous peoples and tribes from nearby areas were nicknamed by the "marine gypsies", because of their lifestyle. Despite the fact that more and more Bajo are decided to move to land, there are families who continue all life live on the water.

They live without drinking water and electricity, and to the shore only when you need to bury the dead.

10. Kifuch, Democratic Republic of the Congo

If you are afraid of zipper, then you will not like right here. This village is a place where true lightning regularlyAnd for each square kilometer accounts for about 60 lightning strikes every year.

9. Meghala, India

This state in India is known for its abundant rains and monscons. The town of Cherapundy, which is in this state, became famous as the most rainy place on Earth - the rate of precipitation exceeds 11,000 mm. Such a number of precipitation led to the appearance of unique plants.

8. Mouli, Faroe Islands

Despite its own extremely unstable weather and the complete or partial absence of minerals and vegetation, four residents of this tiny village on Faroe Islands Not yet going to leave your home.

7. Moto, China

This place where it is incredibly difficult to get. Way to this isolated settlement It is considered the most difficult in the world. Live here about 10,000 people.

Here no roads and communication with the outside world. To get to the mysterious (the word "Moto" means "hidden, mysterious lotus") you need to be witched through the mountains, and the path can take a week.

6. Norilsk, Russia

In addition to the fact that Norilsk is one of the coldest cities on earth, it is also one of the most environmentally polluted cities on our planet.

5. Dallolol, Ethiopia

This settlement can "boast" the most high average annual temperature on earth. Between 1960 and 1966, the highest average annual temperature was recorded here - 34 degrees Celsius.

In addition, Dallol - one of the most remote places on the ground. Here no roadsAnd to get to it, you need to use caravan paths that are directed to collect and deliver salt.

Next to the sea level below vulcan Dalllol. (Last eruption in 1926). There are no accurate statistical data on how many people live here.

4. La Oroy, Peru

It is famous for this city mining and metallurgical industries. But these industries have brought the city to the list. the most environmentally polluted cities in the world.

Due to the smelting of lead, literally all residents, including children, have one degree poisoning lead.

The average life expectancy in this city is 51 years old among men, and 55 years old among women. It is worth noting that in the middle of the country, people live for 20 years more.

The main cause of death is oncology. Here is observed many genetic deformitiesbecause Already several generations do not leave this lead shell.

3. Oymyakon, Russia

This village is known as one of the "Poles of the cold", i.e. region where is registered the lowest temperature on earth.

About 500 people live here (2012). The duration of the day in Oymyakne may vary from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in the summer.

In January, the average monthly temperature is -46.4 degrees Celsius (Sometimes it can go to -50).

You must be the change that you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Happy one who is satisfied with the place of residence. But many do not like something: surroundings, nature, climate.

Most lives with thoughts: "What a difference is where, I can't change anything else ...".

With the development of transport mobility and the Internet, people are increasingly and more often about changing the place of residence.

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Beautiful pictures of Manyat, the stories of experienced turn into a dream, but often it happens that the move does not help find harmony in life.

In a new place, it also turns out to have shortcomings, difficulties and difficulties.

What to do?

  • To put up with this or look for a new place of life?
  • To spend your life in finding the ideal or create this ideal for yourself?
  • Is it possible to make a place where you live, source of vitality forces? And how to do it?

Today we will talk about it.

So it happened that I chose life in a small village. The village is beautiful, the life is wonderful, but very not similar to life in Big cityin which I conducted the bulk of life.

First time I rushed between the village and the city, getting inspiration in the city. And then the trips became difficult, and I buried the old friends and in the possibilities that the big city gave.

I realized that I had two ways - or I fell in a state of the victim and I begin to slowly hate the place that I myself chose myself for life, or I go on another way.

I understood that the first way would lead to me to the fact that at any point of the world I will find the shortcomings and I will not be happy.

Therefore, for execution, I had only a second option.

I got acquainted with people surrounded by me, with earth, with its cycles and gifts. I started thinking than I can be useful For it, what can I do to make life here better and harmonious.

What edges I have to open for myself to love and take it unconditionally.

From this point on, another life began. I gave attention and energy to the help of the place in which I live.

Google and Facebook rummage in search of local communities. Found a few interesting resources dedicated to nature, animals, plants and environmental initiatives.

I got acquainted with no-indulgered initiative people, and finally began to feel "in its plate."

I got on the way Guardian place, deeply in love and peaceful, giving and receiving energy, support and care from the place where I live.

How to turn the lifespan into a source of vitality

Step 1. Discover the place where you live

The first thing to do is to understand that we live here and now.

On earth seven billion people. Someone is in a huge city, someone in a small village. Someone all his life spends where it was born, someone travels, moves and looking for his place under the sun.

Someone never travels beyond the native country, and someone changes the country and cities.

Perhaps we will once there be another home elsewhere, but now we are where we are.

And only on us depends - whether we will feel that we live in a boring village or in a place filled with smells, sounds and energy.

Whether we spend your life in crowded people and machines of the megalopolis or rejoice in the fact that it is a point of cultural and historical heritage.

Only we can decide whether there will be all the juices in response to our dislike and indifference, or we allow ourselves to fill it with energy and power by having loved it with all your heart.

Step 2. Learn to see the beauty of the place

Beauty manifests itself in different ways: in natural phenomena, in humans, in architectural monuments, in the diversity of fruits on trees, in the relics of rivers and mountains, in a fun drawing, obtained at Square asphalt.

We just need to want to see it and show in your life. Even the industrial view at sunset may be beautiful.

I suggest not only see beauty, but also generously sharing She with surrounding. Having helped it with any ways - words, verses, photographs, paints.

Step 3. Watch and connect with nature

You can see beauty only watching only raising your head to the sky and lowering to the ground.

If you stop and listen, then you can see the butterfly or snowflake, sparrow with a crumb in the beak or unusual pebbles.

When you allow yourself to slow down and look around, you can feel the energy present in this place.

The more such compounds occur, the greater this energy you misses through yourself, the more you can connect with the place where you are.

You can do this in different ways, choose what the soul:

  • Divide flowers or take care of the garden;
  • Grow vegetables or take the custody of the landing room at the entrance;
  • Watch the local flora and fauna, study flight birds or a living world living under their feet;
  • Get acquainted with Diharos - herbs and plants, including edible;
  • Learn crystals and stones that are "found" near;
  • Follow the planets and stars, changes in the moon and shift weather conditions and seasons.

And this is just the beginning of the list!

Step 4. Show care of the world around

So that the world cares about you is necessary take care of him.

It does not matter where you live - in the big city or a small village, the problems of environmental pollution almost everywhere are very acute.

Only in individual countries on the streets purity and order, and the garbage is assembled and processed with the benefit for the planet.

In most part, the municipal authorities cannot or do not want to cope with this acute problem, and volunteer efforts are necessary.

Any activities that you by the forces will be taken by Guy with love and gratitude:

  • The collection of garbage on the street near the house, in local parks and forests, dividing it to processed and transfer to special places for garbage collection.
  • Propaganda eco-responsible lifestyle.
  • Feeding birds and animals.
  • Caring for homeless animals.
  • Participation in voluntary fire fighting teams.

In a place where I live, the practice of charity stores is common, in which people bring unnecessary things and books, and volunteers running there implement them for a symbolic fee and transmit revenue for charity.

Different projects appear in the world, the purpose of which is to help the local community or nature.

Such a project "Food Is Free" (free food), within which people are divided with independently grown vegetables and fruits.

When there is a desire to help the planet and feel unity with her, then a huge field appears for ideas.

For a more spiritual advanced audience, we offer.

Step 5. Thank the place in which you live

One of the easiest, but very effective practices - gratitude Mesal.

There is always a reason for which thank the place in which you live. Beyond the rain, behind the snow, for the heat, for twitter birds, for a generous harvest, for the sunbeam or for the purring cat.

Feelings of gratitude and unconditional love raise vibrations, and accordingly, change our lives.

Step 7. Connect children

Children are easier adapting and get used to a new place and find friends. They serve as a guide in new world For adults through school, kindergartens and endless walks.

Attract children to get acquainted with the place of residence. With them, much more fun and more interesting to search for edible herbs and observe the living nature.

In addition, they can make postcards for neighbors and acquaintances for holidays, or share with friends and familiar fruits from the garden.

Adolescents are completely able to arrange a garage sale of their toys and books, of which they have already grown.

Children are happy to join the cleaning of the territories, especially if they distribute cute gloves.

Of course, I'm a little worried when my two-year-old son begins to collect broken windows on the playground to throw them into the urn, but on the other hand, I hope that this experience will lead him the habit of cleaning up and not to litter.

Per last years I received a tremendous experience in interaction with the Earth.

He learned to distinguish wild edible plants and prepare them. I prayed for the forest when the strongest fire was hung in the mountains, and sent Miriad Angels there to help people.

We are pleased to communicate with the neighbors and exchange harvest and different goodies, we collect garbage in the territory without any problems. National Park And on the nearby streets.

I do not have any questions - why the municipality or government does not make something and that, I have questions only to yourself: what I want and I can do.

I live here, my children live here, I love this place, and it took me.

And if in the future I want to move, I can do it with a light heart, because I know for sure that there will be one more love ahead!


Sometimes eating useful

Cat, what happened?

I was finished. I can't stand these idiotic nicknames - cat, bunny, hedgehog. One, I remember, called me a mouse - we didn't come to bed with her, I decided almost immediately and did not call her anymore. Did I really, for some women, are associated with these small animals, and this is with my height?

You don't want me at all? - Sponges picked up, rolled children's children - a little girl offended! Maybe with someone similar and rolled, but I have such a behavior of a thirty-year-old woman nothing but rejection did not cause.

But the point is not even in this, I have already seen such grimski's previous girlfriends, but never reacted. In the end, it is just sex, and for me - the last in front of the long years of celibate. So what's the deal? Why my body refuses to listen to the voice of the mind speaking - fuck her, get his pleasure, handing her a precious stronger trinket and go, how he was constantly done in the last twenty years with hundreds of other women.

Nothing happens. Fatigue, stress. But I have a magic tablet, believe me, you can't stop until the morning, checked!

And what should I answer this? What is no tablet I do not need? What the help is intended for those who can not, and I just ... I do not want! I, young, healthy man, I am in bed with a nude woman with a luxurious body and considerable experience, and just do not want her, because it ... wrong! Here it is, this word, that is the same block that keeps me enjoying to enjoy anything who does not bind sex with a woman, knowledgeable rule games.

True, today I slightly retreated from my rules and dragged her to issue diplomas - my younger brother finished, finally, school. Yes, I understand, in vain, but it happened. To be honest, I just forgot about it, twisted in the hospital, passed the case, then made some emergency operations - the bus accident, many wounded, the surgeons were missing, so that, although I have already officially quit, but the hospital building did not have time, so Just could not, joined the work. Under the morning I collapsed on the sofa in the office of the head doctor, he, part-time, also my older brother, so I had the keys.

I woke up from the call of Isolde, she joyfully reported that he took off the fellow, because I knew that from today I was free, and she decided that we would spend this day together. I was asked, and only I can justify what I completely forgot what day today, so, on the machine, I agreed. In addition, we have already met twice, and she clearly gave to understand that it was not against it to be with me in bed, which, in fact, was my goal of acquaintance with her.

And so, when we have already listed in a luxurious restaurant, which she chose, more precisely, she dined, and I had breakfast, and I was already going to go home to her, I rang from my daughter-in-law. She asked if I remember about the graduation of my younger brother, because the whole family leaves fifteen minutes, and I still do not. I promised to come directly to school, thought it would have to postpone the planned "event" with Isolde for tomorrow, but she suggested going to me. Probably thought that he had acquainted with my loved ones, would translate our relationship to a higher level. Naive. We sat all the boring ceremony of the presentation of diplomas, just away from the members of my rather big family, and then left immediately, I didn't even introduce her with anyone, why?

And now I am lying, naked, on a wide bed in her bedroom, and I think - what I do it at all, and under no one to take away. Because it is definitely not intended to swallow her wonder-tablet.

Sighing heavily, I opened my mouth to push something, at least something, and then rush out of this house and from this woman, who with every second annoyed me more and more, and at that moment the salvation was to me in the form of a call to a door.

They came to you, - I picked up, hardly hid a sigh of relief.

I'm not waiting for anyone, - she tried to put me back. - Call and leave.

But the caller was persistent. The trill of the call did not have a thirty seconds, then a knock on the door rang out, and it was clearly knocked out.

Maybe you will open? - I suggested, because the whole situation annoyed me more and more.

"The place where the leader lives"

In 1871, the German traveler Karl Mouth, drove through the Zambezi River, found the magnificent ruins of which no one ever met in Africa. Right in the jungle, overgrown and braided with creeping plants, mightily stood the mighty walls, elevated from the dashest stone and folded without any solution, and round massive towers with a simple ornament of strips.


Of course, this is only one of the hypotheses, one of many assumptions. Surely there were still hundreds of other reasons for the progress of human evolution. But geological african catastrophes cannot be discounted. Not in vain, it was in Africa that the most ancient remains of man-like creatures were found - hominids. They are still very similar to the monkeys, but they are already firmly standing on two legs, they live with a herd, together hunt and do not be afraid of meat food. Something very significant differ their remains of monkeys, very important. So important that scientists, not picking them up to people, can not from carrying them and to monkeys ...

Powerful defensive structures were fencing the dilapidated inputs inside. Who lived here? Who built these cyclopic fortifications in the very center of Africa - the "wild" continent, whose peoples, on the conviction of white researchers, did not know other buildings, except for global huts with roofing from leaves?

When the traveler accompanied by porters entered the construction, he saw that the second circle of the wall was the second, separated by stone masonry on small spaces. That's where numerous melting furnaces, ore, slag and the remains of ancient smelting vessels came across there. Mouth passed from one crucible to another, carefully looking at the remnants of their contents. Several years ago in the area between the rivers Limpopo and Zambezi, he opened the rich golden placer. Suddenly, and this find has some kind of attitude to the precious metal?

And there is! Some triggers are noticeable traces of yellow metal. So maybe he came across the ruins legendary country Olfir - Gold Countries? She was looking for in India, then in Africa, but did not find anywhere ...

A few years before Karl Mauch, the Englishman Adam Render was visited in these places. He briefly described some ruins of Zimbabwe that in the language of the chaffers meant "the place where the leader lives." But his article did not pay attention. But as soon as in the message of Karl Mauch, the word "gold" flashed, it immediately attracted greedy views, especially in colonial England.

And when in Earth, diamonds and gold, the UK colonizers were found in the Earth, the UK colonizers were found. Again, regular troops in the British colonial form switched the borders to "help the booms." Started the Anglo-Board War.

The whole European world sympathized with the colonists who fought English invaders. Family then thought that the borants themselves took these lands local population. They knew and felt it only warring parties. The British diligently raised the African tribes on the drills, and the borax was observed with the unreliability of their rear ...

In the end, the to the colonists had to fold the weapons and submit to the British. From the Borsk Republics and English colonies, a new state formed - the South African Union. His government has become in all supporting England and organized a real terror directed against the local African population.

White minority policy in South Africa Determined by one word: apartheid. In the Afrikaans language, which is spoken by descendants of the drills - residents of South Africa (since 1961, the country accepted the old name - the South Africa), this word denotes the "separate existence of white and non-ferrous residents of the country." At the same time, all wealth and rights are in the hands of "White", and if the "color" is accounted for.

The lands of the Republic of South Africa were extremely rich in rare minerals. There are a lot of gold and platinum, uranium, antimony, manganese and chromium ores, beautiful diamond peasants. Grew up in the country and its own industry. Appeared a working class. Every day, the consciousness of the working class of South Africa is growing, the power of democratic forces increases. And no terror will stop the movement of those who defend the democratic rights of the peoples of the country. The imperialists know it. Know and afraid ...

Well, what ended the history of the opening of the mysterious stone complex Zimbabwe - the place where the leader lives? For a long time, scientists did not know what to think. There were hypotheses for which these buildings allegedly erected visiting specialists from Asia or from Europe. Or maybe they were built by aliens in general ...

Nowadays, Zimbabwe ruins are investigated by the most advanced physical ways. Found nearby and other buildings similar to the place where the leader lives. Everywhere during excavations, archaeologists found many iron tips for copies and arrows, hoes and axes, found a shards of Persian faience dishes, Chinese porcelain and arabic glass. Therefore, people who lived in these walls were not only skilled builders, experienced metallurgists, but also by enterprising merchants. Won from which distant countries brought to them the goods ...

When did the first settlements appear here? Accurate physical instruments have shown that the oldest buildings belong to the VI century of our era. Scientists came to the conclusion that the Culture of Zimbabwe created the ancestors of modern peoples of the Bantu. And on its basis, at about the XIV century, here in the area of \u200b\u200bMezbezi - Limpopo there was an extensive state formation of monomotape.

Few travelers who visited here in those days, told real wonders. The king of monomotapes was, according to them, so rich that he took the guests, sitting on the Golden throne, and weighed the golden sand with gold girks depicting various fish, insects and plants.

Oh, as I wanted to Portuguese and Dutch, Arabs, British, Indians and French, Persians, Belgians, Danes ... Get to the gold of Monomotapes! Not succeeded! The fabulous wealth of the African kings remained legends. And when the first conquerors nevertheless penetrated the virgin forests, the city turned out to be abandoned and overgrown with jungle. As in other countries of that era, African states fought with each other. Some rumped up, others fell. The monomotape weakened by inner turmoys and the struggle with the Portuguese colonizers in the late XVII century was captured by the tribes of other African peoples, which have changed new conquerors. Big citiesStanding on the shores of full-flow rivers came to decline. Trading tracks thickets. Metal production secrets were forgotten. But there was a time when life was boiling here.

There is an opinion that it was in Africa for the first time who became acquainted with iron. Even no one else on other continents knew this solid refractory, compared to copper and tin, metal, and here already puffers of the bellows, hot burned mountains and stoves. The blacksmiths rushed out of the new metal. Beautiful guns that were convenient to handle land and relieve a crop.

In the western areas off the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, the amazing varieties of velvet were built off the shores of the Gulf of Guinea. Today, his secret is irretrievably lost. The fabrics are not low-dry materials, shiny and flexible, like silk ... wonderful sculptures are cut out of wood and ivory. And the spears and onions decorated with the ornament of such an amazing beauty that they would adequately occupy a place in any weapon ward. And which magnificent masks, gold pendants and bracelets produced black jewelers!

As with the rest of the world, its original civilization has developed on the Black Continent, which is not inferior to nor Asian nor European cultures.

Inrogen colonialists captured it by surprise, trampled, destroyed. The peoples of Africa were mixed, setting the borders of colonial possessions regardless of the historically established national borders.

But the time of the colonial regime passed. One after another young African states shake off the remnants of foreign domination and choose their fair development path. Never return past the past of Africa.