What a tourist needs to know. Tips and rules for beginner tourists What a tourist needs in this

According to statistics, every hundredth of them will face medical problems. One in 2,000 will go to hospital, and one in 12,000 will need high-tech treatment. And some of the victims, despite having health insurance, will have to pay for part of the treatment out of their own pockets. How to choose the right policy that will work in case of an accident?

Tells Artur Zulfikarov, head of service department of insurance companies:

Standard medical insurance offered by travel agencies provides for a minimum coverage in the EU countries - 30 thousand euros. And medical care all over the world is very expensive, so before leaving you need to carefully study your insurance. Please note that insurance terms and conditions may not include payment for treatment in some situations.

At a known address

There are other situations when the insurer may refuse to pay for treatment.

1. Self-appeal to the wrong address

Case from practice: A 6 month old baby has a fever. The mother did not have the opportunity to call the insurance company. She gave the phone number to the insurance at the reception and asked to call a doctor. The staff called a doctor they knew. The insurance company refused to pay for his visit.

Expert commentary: If you go to the doctor yourself, bypassing the service department, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay the costs on the spot yourself, and upon arrival provide the documents to the insurance company - the costs incurred will be reimbursed to you only if the experts consider the appeal justified.

2. Handling over trifles

Lyudmila asked to send a doctor - it seemed to her that her blood pressure had risen. When she got to the medical center, she had to wait about three hours for an appointment.

Expert commentary: Medical insurance is not a VHI policy. It provides for assistance in emergency situations and acute illnesses. Calling a doctor to just listen, look at the throat, measure the pressure, will not work. And in medical centers, first of all, they deal with serious patients, and then - the rest.

3. Medicines - for your money

Galina Sergeevna, who applied for the poisoning, expected that all the necessary medicines would be provided to her by the doctor and refused to buy them for her own money.

Expert commentary: There is a system of drug reimbursement abroad, but it applies only to citizens of the country. Tourists buy medicines with their own money at the pharmacy (doctors are not allowed to distribute them), and only those that were indicated in the doctor's prescriptions. The cost of drugs purchased in excess of the doctor's prescription is non-refundable.

Heal for their

What happens to tourists who come on vacation to visa-free countries without insurance and are, for example, in an accident?

In no country in the world will such a patient be thrown out into the street and he will be given the necessary treatment, - explains Artur Zulfikarov. - There are intergovernmental agreements, according to which emergency assistance is provided to citizens. But the invoice for the treatment (often quite tangible) will still be sent to the patient. And until the patient pays for it, he will not be able to enter any country in the world - states exchange bases of “unreliable citizens”. Therefore, if you do not pay the bill for treatment in Greece, you will not receive a Schengen visa next time (today it is needed to enter 26 countries).

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If this is your first time going abroad, our little guide will help you prepare for this trip. First, we will list the most important things that a tourist going abroad needs to know, and then we will talk about individual countries - first of all, about Thailand and Egypt.

What a tourist should know

First of all, keep it in a safe place and do not lose your passport, because this is the main document, without which it will be much more difficult to help you in case of something. Therefore, make several photocopies and scans of your passport so that there is also an electronic copy. Do not be lazy before the trip to get on the Internet and find out the addresses and telephone numbers of Russian missions - embassies and consulates in the country and cities where you are going to go. Remember, our most important allies abroad are our diplomats. Also find out in advance the list of goods permitted for import and export - food, alcoholic beverages, souvenirs, etc. Money, as always, should not be kept in the same compartment of your purse or in the same pocket as your documents. And, of course, do not put money in a handbag - according to statistics, this wardrobe item is most often stolen. Avoid intrusive people. Surely they offer you help for a reason. It often happens that such a person turns out to be a banal accomplice of the robbers and will simply lead to them. Don't save money on health insurance. Of course, today you can travel to many countries without insurance, but if something happens, you will have to be treated for a lot of money, and insurance will cover everything. If you are attacked or robbed, shout "police" (say "polis) - there will certainly be a person who will help you, or even the police themselves will come. Also, avoid large gatherings of people - meetings, demonstrations. You don't know if they are authorized or not. In addition, a pickpocket can easily be in the crowd and will handle you so deftly that you will not feel anything. And the last important note: if you nevertheless find yourself in an unpleasant situation, do not say anything and, moreover, do not sign until an employee of the Russian embassy or consulate arrives. The fact is that later, on the basis of your testimony, you may well be presented with any accusation.

What a tourist needs to know more

You need to know that you should not buy things on the street that are of a certain value - for example, jewelry. This is especially true for Asian and African countries. They almost certainly want to foist you into a fake. If you are walking with the camera, do not let go of it. You can behave freely only in countries such as, for example, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries, but in the East there is sure to be a thief who will not fail to take advantage of things left unattended. You should always have a city map at hand. Do not hesitate to ask the staff of the hotel where you are staying about certain places. And, of course, you should know the name and address of your hotel well, so that, if something happens, you will be quickly taken there. Therefore, it is better to have a hotel card in hand. Finally, it is advisable to find out as much as possible about the country you are going to visit. Some local traditions and customs may surprise you, but you need to know them in order not to get into an unpleasant situation. We will talk a little about Thailand and Egypt - countries that have recently been very popular among Russian tourists.

What a tourist should know. Thailand

Thailand has two main shrines to be treated with the utmost respect: Buddhism and the Royal Family. Therefore, avoid speaking in harsh terms about this religion and about the members of the royal house. It is unacceptable to point your foot at images of Buddha and members of the royal family (for this, according to local laws, you can even go to jail). In addition, it is undesirable to be interested in the king's private life. When entering a temple, a hairdresser and beauty salons, you must take off your shoes. If you want to take a photo next to the Buddha statue, do not lean on it. And a few more important tips.

  • Pornography and gambling (like drugs) are prohibited in the country. Please note that the death penalty has not been abolished there either.
  • Do not drink tap water.
  • Elders must be respected.
  • Do not show love relationships on the street and do not ask Thais about sex - this is indecent.
  • You can't touch the head of a person - not even a child.
  • Do not sort things out on the street, do not shout or swear.
  • All tickets must be bought only at official places - at the ticket offices of terminals and train stations.
  • Get the necessary vaccinations before traveling - against cholera and hepatitis A.
  • Do not leave your passport on bail.
  • Remember that vehicles in the country are not insured.
  • You can easily buy food in the supermarket if you don't have money for restaurants.

What a tourist needs to know. Egypt

Egypt, like Thailand, is a country with a completely different culture, very different from ours. Therefore, in Egypt, one should behave calmly and with restraint. However, you should not be shy and call the police if they try to pester you on the street for some reason. Please note that this is an Islamic country, therefore women should not appear on the streets in revealing clothes. Please note that in Egypt you need to declare a video camera, and you may be asked to show what you filmed when you leave. As for photography, shooting indoors is usually paid, but as for photographs of people, be sure to ask the person if it is possible to photograph him. It is generally recommended to do this in any country, not just in Egypt. As for the rest of the rules, the best advice is to exercise restraint. This means that you should not cuddle and kiss in public, drink alcohol, in a word, do everything that can offend the feelings of the Egyptians. That, perhaps, is all - happy rest!

Most people are not born seasoned tourists. Everything comes with experience and time spent on the road. In the beginning, you make many mistakes, you make countless mistakes. Any travel is a real art. You can learn some secrets from this article.

1. Take pictures

Take as many pictures as possible - nature and people. Years later, you will want to look back - to those nights that you cannot remember and the people who made them unforgettable.

2. Take care of the charger

Another great tip: get a charger. Batteries are dying and your good mood shouldn't.

3. Take earplugs

Noise and snoring are everywhere, and you need to get enough sleep.

4. Don't plan your trip

Almost all tourists make this mistake. Allow your days to unfold naturally, plan just two or three things, let the rest happen on its own.

5. Be patient

In the end, you will certainly succeed, you should not rush. You will get to where you are going in due time. Travel is a journey, not a destination.

6. Get insurance

Don't be silly. If something goes wrong, you hardly want to spend thousands of dollars. Travel insurance is the most important thing you should do, even if you never want to use it.

7. Eat street food

If you skip street food, you skip culture! If you are afraid, just look for places where children eat: if it is safe for them, it is safe for you.

8. Get vaccinated

Agree, becoming a victim of a disease in a foreign country is not the best entertainment.

9. Choose good shoes

You have to walk a lot while traveling. Take care of your feet and they will take you to amazing places.

10. Take pictures of luggage and clothing

If your bags are lost, this will allow you to find them much faster, and it can also speed up your travel insurance process.

11. Pay attention to free walking tours

In addition to being free, these tours will allow you to navigate the city and get a feel for its atmosphere.

12. Take an empty bottle

Fill it out as needed. Drink tap water whenever you can. This will save you money and help the environment.

13. Try new food

Don't ask what it is. Just put it in your mouth and listen to how you feel. If you're constantly on your guard, you might skip the delicious local cuisine.

14. Be open to strangers

They don't bite! You will be able to make lifelong friends.

15. Relax in hostels

They're incredibly cheap and you'll meet a lot of people. By the way, the bars in the hostels are also inexpensive.

16. Prepare a first aid kit

Accidents happen, so be prepared for them. Bring patches, antibacterial creams, and ointments for cuts and scrapes with you.

17. Don't forget the flashlight

It allows you to see at night, you stop stepping on things and you can tell ghost stories.

18. Eat at an expensive restaurant

During lunch, restaurants will offer you the same food as for dinner, albeit half the price.

19. Go shopping

Locals don't dine every night in restaurants, and you shouldn't either. Go shopping, so you can learn a lot about the taste preferences of the locals.

20. Visit historic sites at lunchtime

The fact is that any sights at lunchtime are more accessible, there are almost no queues.

21. Request an upgrade

Do this when you check into the hotel. Most hotels are flexible.

22. Always watch out for business travelers

Especially on the security line. They move very fast, try to keep up with them.

23. Seek

When booking air tickets, it is sometimes cheaper to fly to airports close to your final destination, and then take a train or bus to your destination.

24. Don't be ashamed to go to Starbucks

Sometimes calling by name is calming.

25. Check with the hostel staff

Do this even if you don't stop there. They deal with budget travelers every day, so they know exactly where to go to try inexpensive cuisine.

It is especially worth doing this while in a country where the traffic flow differs from that to which you are accustomed.

27. Carry a castle with you

It comes in handy when you need to lock your belongings.

28. Take only what you need

Limit the amount of cash and bank cards you carry with you. So, if something happens, you can easily restore everything.

29. Visit your local tourism office

Here you will be told about the events that take place in the city.

30. Use the card

It is better to seem like an inexperienced tourist than to get lost.

31. Check your local laws

Don't get drunk on the streets of Dubai or spit gum out in Singapore. Do not think that your country's legal system will follow you around the world.

32. Scan your passport and all travel documents

Give copies to family and friends. If you lose your passport or tickets, backups can take the pain away from you. By the way, this will help your family find you in the event of a disaster.

33. Learn a few phrases in the local language

Talk to locals, get to know their culture. This is much more interesting than just wandering around the city.

34. Become familiar with fraudulent schemes

Spend some time on the Internet and find out what tricks are being used by scammers in the country you are going to.

35. Learn the art of bargaining

It will save you money and teach you to be bold. Plus you can buy coffee with the $ 4 saved.

36. Take a jumper on the plane

During the flight, you can freeze, because it is equipped with air conditioning.

37. Take thick socks flying

Cold feet will keep you awake.

38. Find out if tampons are sold in the country you are going to

In some countries, no. Or they are hard to find. Yes, even in places that you would not think of, such as Athens.

39. Learn as much as possible about altitude sickness

Give yourself time to adjust, drink more when you are high.

40. Be respectful

Pay attention to how local women dress to see how you should do it.

41. Wash your clothes in the sink

Use hotel soap, take some washing powder with you. It's much easier than looking for a laundry in another country. It also allows you to take less laundry with you.

42. Learn How to Say "No Thanks"

Of course, more often than not, you say, “Hi. Yes please. Thanks". However, in some countries, you might actually want to say, "No thanks, please leave me alone." Think of the crowded markets in Asia. Knowing how to politely refuse in their language will give you peace of mind.

43. Keep your money in a cache

In the event that you lose your wallet, you still need to eat something. Empty chapstick is a fantastic hiding place.

44. Learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission

Stuck at the airport after your flight was canceled? You can get behind the wheel! True, you have to bang your head on the table if they only have mechanical gearboxes.

45. Before going on a trip, stock up on plastic bags

They come in handy for dirty clothes or shoes.

46. \u200b\u200bLearn to swim

You never know when you might need it!

47. Find out how much a taxi ride costs

Please bring your hotel address card with you. Ask the taxi driver to use the meter. Make sure he is a legal taxi driver.

48. Make sure your bank cards work

There is nothing more annoying on holidays and weekends than phone calls to the bank.

49. Learn How To Take Decent Pictures

Don't come home with tons of Instagram selfies. Memories fade away, and you may want to remember the landscapes that surrounded you.

50. Take folders for travel documents and cards

This will prevent you from digging into the pockets of your bag when checking in at the airport.

Many people dream of traveling to different countries, personally enjoying the culture and architecture of nationalities, taking pictures near memorable places and against the background of beautiful overseas landscapes, swimming in the seas and oceans, enjoying, so to speak, life to the fullest. And upon arrival in your native land, print the travel photos in your family album or send photos of different countries to your friends.

When going to a distant country on a trip, it is important to know all the necessary information about the country where you are going, what you need to take with you, information about the country's currency, and so on, so that your intended vacation does not turn into a nightmare ...

What a tourist needs

Before you go on a tourist trip to a particular country, prepare properly and find out the necessary information. What do you need to know when going abroad for personal safety?

  • The political situation in the country (whether there are wars or any armed conflicts there).
  • The economic state of the country, prices for rooms in hotels, cafes and restaurants, modes of transport, etc.
  • Climate features (do you normally tolerate high or low temperatures, humidity or dry air, oxygen levels, etc.).
  • Habitat of dangerous animals, plants or insects (perhaps, before the trip, you should get vaccinated or take the necessary drugs with you for providing first aid for animal and insect bites, or exposure to poisonous plants).
  • Country rules and customs.
  • Find out everything about the customs rules of the country where you are going to go.
  • You need to find out and write down in your diary or notebook the address and telephone number of the embassy or consulate of Ukraine in the country where you are going to go on vacation.
  • It is necessary to make photocopies of all documents even before departure.
  • Find out what plastic cards are accepted for payment in the country.
  • Already while on a trip, when walking or on excursions, it is important to always have with you a photocopy of your passport, a hotel card (where you are staying) and a travel document. You also need to have a so-called guest card with you, which is a pass to the hotel, as well as a guide for taxi drivers.
  • In case of loss of personal documents in a foreign country, you must obtain a certificate of return, valid for 15 days.
  • Be sure to tell your relatives exactly where you are going (country, city, etc.), with whom, when you are returning. You need to leave your relatives phone numbers and addresses of hotels in which you plan to stay. Already while on a trip, if possible, notify relatives about your trip.
  • Take care of your personal safety - do not tell anything unnecessary to your fellow travelers. Being too frank can sometimes hurt.
  • Make it a rule to leave your room keys at the reception every time you leave the hotel.
  • Before a tourist trip, take care of travel insurance and luggage insurance (usually travel agencies insure all their clients automatically when purchasing a ticket, check this).
  • Be vigilant - refrain from traveling in a private taxi and drinking alcohol with unfamiliar people, do not leave children unattended.
  • In some countries it is customary to always leave a tip for services (taxi drivers, waiters, hotel porters, etc.). Usually this is 10% of the cost of the service itself (invoice), but in each country it is different.
  • Drink only bottled water when traveling (be sure to check expiration dates) and be wary of the local cuisine.
  • Don't keep money next to documents. Pack up some small amount in different places, so that in case of an emergency you at least have the opportunity to get to the hotel or call from a pay phone.
  • Don't buy expensive jewelry on the street. Most likely it is a fake.
  • Avoid large gatherings and demonstrations. Pickpockets and scammers of various kinds and levels can operate there.
  • Avoid intrusive people. These can also be scammers.
  • Keep track of your personal belongings.
  • You cannot wander alone in an unfamiliar city. When attacking, shout "Police" or "Police".

What should be in a tourist's first aid kit

The tourist's first-aid kit should contain the entire list of mandatory medicines (which is presented below), as well as additional medicines necessary for the traveler when traveling on a trip to distant countries.

Mandatory medicines for tourists:

  1. Pain relievers (analgin, citramone, etc.).
  2. Antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, aspirin, etc.).
  3. Remedies for diarrhea and constipation.
  4. Anti-cold remedies.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide 3% for wound treatment.
  6. Ammonia (for first aid for fainting - the smell of ammonia brings a person to consciousness).
  7. Zelenka.
  8. Allergy remedies.
  9. Sterile and non-sterile bandages.
  10. Enzymes and means for normalizing digestion (activated carbon, etc.).
  11. Bactericidal plaster.

Additional medicines:

  • Burn remedies.
  • Sunscreens.
  • Harnesses (for those who are going to the mountains and the forest).
  • Drugs that relieve the symptoms of "Sea Sickness" (if the trip is planned by water, that is, by the sea, ocean, river).
  • Means of protection against insect bites.
  • Means that help accelerate the adaptation of the body to new environmental conditions and to a different climate.
  • Before traveling to a foreign country, be sure to consult with your doctor and if you have any chronic diseases and the doctor prescribes medications, do not forget to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and on vacation, without violating the medication regimen and dosage.

India is a popular country among travelers.

Tourists go there to meditate, do yoga, climb the Himalayas or swim in the ocean. At the same time, India can be unsafe.

Here are the main things you need to know while traveling. If you are already going on a trip, download

What will you learn

📌 Input data

High season: December to March.
Difference with Moscow: 2 hours 30 minutes.
Average temperature in season: +25 ° С in the southeast, +13 ° С in the north.
Currency: Indian rupee (INR, ₹), equal to 0.98 Р.

✈️ Road

Tickets Moscow - New Delhi - Moscow from Aeroflot cost 18,000-20,000 per season R . Moscow - Goa and back - from 32,000 R .

Sometimes you can catch a charter for 6000 R. Check with carrier and Indian customs before purchasing a charter.

💸 Money

In Indian exchangers, it is more profitable to change one hundred dollar bills: they will give 64 rupees per dollar. If you change $ 50, the dollar will cost 61 rupees.

In banks, the rate is unfavorable: the dollar is 3-4 rupees cheaperthan in the exchanger.

Important: ATMs may not have cash - it is better to find out the addresses of several ATMs in Google Maps in advance, so that you do not look on the street later.