Climbing Kailash. The first European on the holy mountain Kailash in the legendary land of Shambhala

Today I want to talk to you about a very interesting mountain in Tibet - Mount Kailash. Today my story will be aimed, as usual, at some general characteristics, and how nice it is, I want to touch the mysterious side of this mountain, although it is difficult to call it a mountain. Kailash is one of the parts of the Tibetan Plateau mountain range. Kailash is located on the territory. ( 11 photo)

Various disputes have been going on around Mount Kailash for many years. In general, Mount Kailash is a mountain range that stands out among all its other brothers, it is the highest. Kailash has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and its edges are clearly oriented in all parts of the world! And at the top is a small snow cap. For rock-climbing lovers, I will note that Kailash has never been conquered by anyone, not one person has visited its summit. Mount Kailash coordinates: 31 ° 04'00 ″ s. sh. 81 ° 18'45 ″ in. d. (G) (O) (I) 31 ° 04'00 ″ s. sh. 81 ° 18'45 ″ in. etc.

And so the first mystery is the fact that the faces of Kailash are clearly formed in all parts of the world. Scientists claim that Mount Kailash is not a mountain at all, but nothing more than a giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are scarlet pyramids, so it turns out that this is a real system of pyramids, which is much larger in size than all those that we previously knew: Indeed, Mount Kailash is very similar to a large pyramid, hence the question - why is it?

Most scientists agree on one point, Mount Kailash is nothing more than the largest point on Earth where energy is accumulated! A unique feature of the Kailax mountains is that various concave, semicircular and flat semi-stone structures literally adjoin Kailash. What can this say, in Soviet times, developments were carried out to implement the "time machine" no, no, this is not a joke, in fact, various kinds of mechanisms were invented with the help of which people would be able to overcome time at the end. One of our compatriot genius, Nikolai Kozarev, came up with such a thing, a system of mirrors, according to Kozarev's system, a time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or mirror spiral bent clockwise in one and a half turns, inside it is a person.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and at one time focuses different types of radiation. According to the results of all experiments, the time inside this structure passed 7 times faster than outside it. After the experiments carried out on humans, it was decided to close the further development, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying saucers, and apparently there is still a lot of things, because they will not tell us everything clearly. But the results were stunning, people saw the past in the mirror reflections like in a movie, in addition, it turned out that with the help of this system of mirrors people can exchange thoughts at a distance. A very interesting experiment was conducted, people placed inside the spirals had to transfer the image of the ancient tablets to other people who at one time were in St.

And what do you think, people not only received and were able to reproduce what they saw, but in addition to this they also grabbed several previously unknown ancient tablets, which, well, it is impossible to invent. One way or another, the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the development was closed. We can see the same principle of operation here! The Kailash system is almost the same only in scale sizes, just imagine a copy 1.5 km long and half a km wide. In the Kailash mountain system, at the center of the entire spiral of various mountain ranges is Mount Kailash. The warp of time near Kailash is confirmed by many priests and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet expedition. By the way, Mount Kailash is considered a sacred place for all peoples who lived here. As well as many other Buddhists and believers, Mount Kailash is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailash, coming close to the mountain, began to make "Kora". Kora is a sacred walk around the entire mountain, after which, according to legend, a person is completely cleansed of the bad karma accumulated over several lifetimes. And so all the participants who performed the "Cora" in the 12 hours they walked, aged for two whole weeks. All of the participants grew two weeks old beards and nails, even though they only walked our 12 hours! This suggests that the biological activity of a person in this place is many times faster. We may not believe, but people come here to make their life fly by in a super short time.

Many yogis spend their amazing meditations here for several days. Surprisingly, if you meet such a person, then infinite kindness and light simply sparkles from his eyes, it is always very pleasant to be with such a person and you do not want to leave at all. We can assume that Kailash is a structure created by someone artificially, to collect and concentrate the energy of the future (from space) and passed (from the earth). There are suggestions that Kylos is built in the form of such a crystal, well, that is, the part that we see on the surface continues with a mirror image in the ground. When Kailash could have been created is also unknown, in general, the Tibetan Plateau was formed about 5 million years ago, and Kaila, well, its very young age is about 20 thousand years.

We can see such a kind of plaster in some places of Kailash. One can see the delamination of this certain mixture, which is in no way inferior in strength to concrete. The solidity of the mountain itself is clearly traced behind this plaster. How and by whom these creations were erected, of course, remains a great mystery. Who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, pyramids from stone is not clear. As well as whether it was earthly civilizations, or is it the intervention of unearthly intelligences. And maybe all this was created by some kind of super smart civilization, which possesses some gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep secret.

There is a very interesting geographic feature associated with Mount Kailash! Look, if you take and draw the meridian from Mount Kailash to the legendary pyramids of Egypt, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious, as the pyramids of the Incas appear on this line! But that's not all, it is very interesting that the distance from Mount Kailash to is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailash to the extreme point of the North Pole hemisphere, the distance is exactly 6666 km. and to the South Pole exactly twice, 6666 km each, note no less than exactly twice, and that the most interesting is the height of Kailash is 6666 meters.

Isn't this all not very likely a coincidence. Perhaps the mountain is hollow inside and there are in deep meditation all the greatest sages who were sent to us on Earth, this is Jesus Christ, Buddha and others .. Perhaps a new era of people will appear for whom all those mysteries that are beyond our power remain unsolved. If you believe the manuscripts of different peoples, this new, sixth civilization will appear, and will differ in the level of intelligence, well, you and I have nothing to do but enjoy life. Feel free to comment on your thoughts. All good emotions.

There are many unique places in the world with unusual properties. One of such "places of power" is Mount Kailash in the high-mountain valley of Tibet. Pilgrims come here to the southwest of China to make a ritual walk around the mountain - koru

Until now, scientists argue about the history of this amazing mountain. Is Kailash an artificial pyramid or a mountain of natural origin? Today there is no reliable information about this, as well as how many years ago Kailash was born and why it has the shape of a pyramid, the edges of which accurately point to the parts of the world. It is also surprising and inexplicable that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailash to the Stonehenge monument is 6666 km, and the same is to the North Pole, and to the South Pole - 13 332 km (6666 * 2).

Kailash is a place shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends. And until now, no one has conquered the top of the sacred mountain. Kailash does not allow mere mortals to the summit, where, according to legend, the gods live. Many tried to climb there against all odds. But no one was able to overcome the invisible wall, which, as the would-be travelers assure, arose on their way, preventing them from following to the sacred peak. Kailash seems to repulse them, allowing only those who really believe - to perform ritual kora.

The 4 greatest rivers of Asia, possessing powerful energies, originate from Kailash. It is believed that when a person walks around Kailash, he comes into contact with this power. Kailash is a very powerful center of power. It carries within itself the energy of dissolving everything old. The performer of the bark is filled with energy and vitality to help people.

Walking around Kailash is a custom. A custom of faith that contains tremendous power. It is said in Kailash that one who passes the crust with faith and a feeling of union with God gains special divine power here.

The large crust around Kailash takes 2-3 days. Throughout the entire path, a person passes through the strongest energy centers, where divine flows are felt. Kailash is like a temple. All stones on the way have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or higher souls live in stones. According to ancient legends, many divine beings who once visited here turned into stones. And now these stones have a special divine power.

The first day of the bark is anticipation, lightness, elation. On the second day, the highest and most difficult pass passes - Death Pass. It is said that during this period one can experience death. For example, a person may fall and go into a trance. Many say that during such a trance, they felt their body at the very top of Kailash.

The Drolma-la pass symbolizes a new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that this is how a person clears his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, a certain dark, negative part of the soul. Having dropped everything unnecessary on this pass, it becomes easier and freer to go further.

Around Kailash, you can walk either along the outer circle - the big one, or along the small - the inner one. Only those who walked around the outer 13 times are allowed to enter the inner one. They say that if you immediately go there, then the high divine energy will block a person's path.

There are beautiful lakes on the inner crust, the water in them is sacred. A monastery is located on the banks of these lakes. People believe that the enlightened ones still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them, he will be blessed.

When a pilgrim passes the bark, he turns to the higher powers and turns to them with prayer. Kailash is a symbol of the highest deity. And the outer journey to Kailash is actually an inner journey to your deity.

There is a belief that the god Shiva lives on Kailash. For Hindus, Shiva is a force and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the universe: creation, maintenance and destruction. The power of Shiva is the connection with the universal energy.

On the way of the wanderer, obstacles often appear, both physical and spiritual. Kailash tests a person for strength and indicates weakness. Overcoming all the hardships of the pilgrimage is the best way to purify and change.

When a pilgrim leaves Kailash, sinks lower - he realizes that much is not needed for happiness. We have air that we can breathe, food, a roof over our heads - and this is enough for the happiness of the external material, everything else must be sought inside.

For millions of years people have been coming here and bringing prayer in their hearts. Lake Manasarovar, like Kailash, is revered as sacred. To the right of it is the peak of Gurla Mandhata. According to legend, she was a king in a past life. Then there was no water and the king began to pray. One day God heard his prayers and created a lake out of his mind. This lake is the sacred lake Manasarovar.

Another lake near Kailash, called Rakshas Tal, is considered cursed. It is separated from the sacred lake by a narrow isthmus. Surprisingly, with such a close location, these two bodies of water have huge differences. You can plunge into the sacred lake, there are fish and water from it you can drink. The water in this lake is fresh and is considered curative. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the contrary, is salty and you cannot plunge into it. And places where a source with dead and living water is located nearby are considered places of power since ancient times.

Kailash also has another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, because of which her body was severely exhausted. After swimming in this lake, Parvati gained a new body, and since then no one else can touch its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Lake Gaurikund.

There are 4 caves in the vicinity of Kailash. One of them, Milarepa Cave, is located southeast of Kailash next to the sacred path. According to legend, the great yogi Milarepa laid two boulders at the entrance of the cave, on which he installed a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be moved by hundreds and even thousands of people. And Milarepa hewed it out of granite and laid it with his spiritual strength. And it was in this place that he attained his enlightenment.

There is a legend that Milarepa and Bonn priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailash. During the first confrontation of supernatural forces on Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa stretched his body over the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung stood on the water surface from above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued the fight, running around Kailash. Milarepa moved clockwise and Naro Bonchung against. Having met at the top of the Dolma-la pass, they continued their magical battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung proposed to climb to the top of Kailash on the full moon day immediately after dawn. The one who rises first will win. On the appointed day, Naro Bonchung, riding his shamanic drum, flew to the top. Milarepa was quietly resting below. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailash, Milarepa grabbed one of the rays and instantly reached the top, gaining power over the sacred mountain.

Kailash has prayer flags everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them up to succeed in some kind of good endeavors. These flags are also called "Horses of the Wind". The symbol of prayer flags is a horse carrying a jewel on its back. It is believed that it grants wishes, brings well-being and prosperity. The flags are made in five primary colors, symbolizing the five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied to them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and carry encrypted messages around the world.

Kailash is a place of spiritual power that awakens believers, purifies their minds. People come here to say the prayer that everyone carries in their hearts. It is believed that those who make this pilgrimage will be cleansed of all their sins and will learn the secret of the universe.

There are a huge number of stunningly beautiful and at the same time mysterious places on Earth that attract the attention of travelers and researchers. One of these is Mount Kailash (or, as some sources call it, Kailash), which is located in the southern part of the Tibetan plateau of the Trans-Himalayan system (Gangdis) and belongs to China. Kailash is translated from the Tibetan language as "The gem of the snow." Kailash is the highest part of this mountain system, its height is 6638 meters above sea level, although the data may differ - the question is a few tens of meters.

The four largest rivers of the Indian subcontinent originate from the slopes of Mount Kailash: the tributaries of the Ganges - Brahmaputra and Karnali, the Indus and its tributary Sutlej.

Due to the height and lack of civilization, difficulties arise in the study of the mountain - so far very little is known about Kailash, but this mountain is fraught with many mysteries, unconfirmed theories that are waiting in the wings. Many attempts to conquer the very top of the mountain have failed. Until now, no one has managed to do this. Expeditions were denied permission by the authorities of China, the UN and the Dalai Lama; pilgrims staged demonstrations and blocked the path.

Its appearance is already a mystery in itself. The faces of Mount Kailash are located in accordance with the four cardinal points, and some scientists believe that this is an ancient pyramid, to which smaller mountains adjoin and form a whole system. Geologists believe that the shape of the pyramid over the millennia was given to it by wind and water, and the mountain itself appeared under the ocean, as a result of movements and collisions of the earth's crust, pushing out to the surface.

And the cracks on the south side of the mountain look like a swastika, which in Buddhism means the highest divine power and perfection. Perhaps such cracks may have formed as a result of an earthquake, but Tibet is such a place where incredible miracles happen. It looks like someone did it on purpose for their own secret reasons. According to some assumptions, it is one of the ancient civilizations.

Mount Kailash is mentioned in many ancient myths, legends and religious texts of Asia, it is recognized as sacred among four religions:

  • Hindus believe that the beloved abode of Shiva is located at its peak, in Vishnu Purana it is indicated as the city of gods and the cosmic center of the universe.
  • In Buddhism, this is the place of residence of the Buddha, the heart of the world and a place of power.
  • Jains worship grief as the place where Mahavira, their first prophet and greatest saint, gained true insight and interrupted samsara.
  • The Bonts call the mountain a place of concentration of vitality, the center of an ancient country and the soul of their traditions. Unlike the believers of the first three religions, who make the kora (cleansing pilgrimage) salting, the followers of Bon go towards the sun.

Mount Kailash is overgrown with many myths and legends. This is one of the most famous places of pilgrimage, because the Hindus Kailash - sacred mountain, where the god Shiva resides, and Buddhists consider it to be the Buddha's palace. Many are firmly convinced that the mountain is supposedly hollow inside and that the enlightened ones found refuge there. To make a complete detour around it, you need to walk a distance of 53 kilometers along the valley at the base. The special name for such a pilgrimage is "kora" and it came from Tibetan monks. Whoever has committed kora at least once in his life is freed from karma, all the sins he has committed in his life and can be calm about his next incarnation - he will definitely be lucky with his future incarnation. There are three monasteries around the mountain, where pilgrims always come during the tour. The entire tour (always clockwise) lasts about three days, during which the believing pilgrims stop for the night right in the open air. Burial rites are also performed in the valley and being buried in this place is considered a blessing, since the soul is cleansed and the torments of hell do not threaten it. And the one who performs the kora 108 times will attain the highest enlightenment, like Buddha.

Publication 2017-12-04 Liked 13 Views 993

Sacred bark: 13 + 1 around Kailash

Myths about Mount Kailash

There are many legends and stories around this mysterious mountain. Kailash or Kailash is one of the highest mountains in the Gangdis ridge, which is located mostly in China, in the Tibetan plateau.

Kailash is unusual at night too. The Milky Way seems to be a stone's throw away

4 main mysteries of Kailash

It was easier for the ancestors looking at the mountain - they saw the divine will in everything. In the age of scientific and technological progress, the riddles of Kailash do not give rest to rational and inquisitive minds. Perhaps descendants can find all the answers.

  1. No one has ever conquered this mountain. Although it is not the highest point in the world, not a single climber has managed to climb its summit. According to Buddhist legends, not a single living being has the right to ascend to the abode of the gods. Otherwise, he will have to die.
  2. The sides of Kailash are facing the four cardinal directions. As if it were not a mountain, but a man-made pyramid. Was nature really so accurate in its measurements, and why? There is no answer to this question.
  3. On the southern side of the pyramidal peak of Kailash, you can see the swastika sign - a sacred symbol of many peoples of the world. In fact, these are two cracks or depressions intersected at almost right angles, deepened by watercourses. And then the human consciousness decides whether to see inexplicable signs in this or not.
  4. The height of Kailash is 6666 meters. Scientists continue to argue about the accuracy of this data, according to some sources, the height of Kailash is slightly less. You can find a dark beginning in this figure, but it is worth translating the measure of measurement from meters to feet and all the mysticism dissolves.

Lake Mansarovar - another mystery of Mount Kailash

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1

Pilgrims come to Mount Kailash to make a ritual tour around it. During the tour, they recite the sacred mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". Religious texts say that one who circumambulates Kailash 108 times will forever gain liberation and achieve nirvana. Nevertheless, even one or several detours around the mountain are the most powerful worship of the deity in which the visitor believes.

External cortex diagram. 53 kilometers are usually covered in 3 days

Walking tour or detour around Kailash is called "kora". There are several trails, but the most popular are the outer crust and the inner crust. It is believed that the inner crust can only be performed by one who has completed the 13 outer cortex around Kailash.

Tibetan pilgrims make kora around the sacred mountain

Why Kailash is a universal shrine

Mount Kailash is considered a sacred site for several believers. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and others aspire here. Hindus believe that Shiva lives on Kailash with his family. The mountain is the center of the universe, the most energetically strong point of the earth, from where the deeds and blessings of Shiva diverge.

Shiva's smiling face was found on Google maps on Kailash

Buddhists believe that Buddha dwells on Kailash. He has been sitting here for centuries in a state of samadhi and can only be seen by one who himself reaches this state. Followers of the Buddha perform prostrations near Kailash as a sign of curbing their own rushing mind and in order to acquire good merit.

Pilgrim at the foot of Mount Kailash

Spiritual asceticism in the form of a difficult and long journey burns karma, purifies the mind and body, connects a person with higher forces. This is a kind of challenge to yourself, your comfort zone and mental limitations that do not allow self-realization. If you leave at Mount Kailash what you are most attached to, even mentally, after the pilgrimage your life can change dramatically.

Clergymen of different religions conduct their rituals near the mountain

The entrance to Shambhala, the invisible land of great teachers and knowledge, is located at the foot of Kailash. This is how Buddhists and Hindus think, Helena Blavatsky, Helena and Nicholas Roerich wrote about this.

Get blessings from sadhus - People go to Kailash for this too

Myths about Kailash

Some pseudoscientists are convinced that the mountains of Tibet are the work of ancient civilizations, and all the peaks of the Himalayas line up in a single chain of mysterious pyramids. Some "wise men" have calculated that there are exactly 6666 kilometers from Kailash to Stonehenge. This is certainly not the case. And no living beings could build the Himalayas.

Make sure that the myth, and where the truth can only be on the spot, listening to your soul

Information about anomalous "Tibetan mirrors", the theory of Nikolai Kozyrev, is also woven into the myths about the man-made Mount Kailash. Allegedly, at Mount Kailash, time can slow down and speed up, it can flow in the opposite direction, and so on. All this is very interesting, but extremely uninformative and unconvincing - there is no scientific evidence for these theories yet.

Around Kailash, all man-made is of great importance

Tours to Tibet, to Mount Kailash and to the sights of this officially unrecognized country are organized by many tour operators. The Chinese authorities opened Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, to visit as recently as 2008 after the Beijing Olympics. From now on, the tour to Mount Kailash can be done from Nepal by car or plane, or from China by train or plane. Visa and entry permit are issued in travel agencies.

“In this wild land, strangers were rarely. In places we could look across the Tibetan border and see Mount Kailash. Although Kailash is only 6666 meters high, Hindus and Buddhists consider it to be the most sacred of all Himalayan peaks. Near it there is a large lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and a famous monastery. At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia. " Tenzing Nogrey, the conqueror of Everest.

Fact number 1. Many names

Mount Kailash (Kailash) is one of the most mysterious places on our planet. It is also known by other names: Europeans call it Kailash, the Chinese call it Gandisyshan (冈底斯 山) or Ganzhenboci (冈仁波齐), in the Bon tradition its name is Yundrung Guceg, in ancient texts in Tibetan it is called Kang Rinpoche ( གངས་ རིན་ པོ་ ཆེ; gangs rin po che) - "Precious Snow". Many interesting secrets and legends about Kailash do not leave indifferent people, both pilgrims and researchers.

Fact number 2. Center for 4 religions

Mount Kailash is the sacred center of 4 religions: Hinduism, Jainism, the Tibetan religion Bon and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindu is to see Kailash with his own eyes at least once in his life. This desire is associated with serious restrictions on the visa plan issued by China for Indians wishing to visit these places. In the Vedas (ancient texts of this religion), Mount Kailash is the favorite place of residence of Shiva (cosmic consciousness, personifying the masculine principle of the Universe).

The ancient Tibetan religion of Bon considers Mount Kailash to be the origin of life in the universe and the focus of power. According to their legends, it is here that the mystical land of Shangshung (Shambhala) is located, and the first Jain master Tongpa Shenrab descended into the world from Kailash.

Buddhists revere this mountain as the abode of Buddha in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist religious festival Vesak (other names are Saga Dawa, Vishakha Puja, Donchod Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of Mount Kailash.

Fact number 3. The beginning of 4 rivers

According to Hindu mythology, the four main rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal originate on the slopes of Mount Kailash: the Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. The Jains believe that at Mount Kailash, their first saint, Jina Mahavira, attained enlightenment, after which he founded his own doctrine - Jainism.

Fact number 4. Swastika symbol from shadow

Swastika mountain - another name for Kailash. The appearance of this name is associated with a pattern that is formed by two cracks on its southern side. In the evening, the shadow cast by the rock ledges draws on it a huge image of the swastika. The swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is seen as a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of the god Agni. In the form of a swastika, a wooden instrument was made for obtaining the sacred fire. They laid him flat on the ground; a recess in the middle served for a rod, which was rotated until a fire appeared on the altar of the deity. The swastika was carved in many temples, on rocks, on ancient monuments in India. The swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Fact number 5. Orientation to the cardinal points

Mount Kailash has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented to the cardinal points. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers who have studied the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailash is an unnatural artificial formation, erected in distant antiquity by someone unknown and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, pyramids.

Fact number 6. Release from sins

In the Bon religion and Hinduism, there is a legend that says: bypassing around Kailash (kora) allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins committed in a given life. If the kora is performed 13 times, the pilgrim who performed it is guaranteed not to go to Hell, who committed the kora 108 times - breaks out of the circle of rebirth and reaches the level of Buddha's enlightenment. A bark perfect on a full moon counts as two. That is why today there are always many pilgrims around the mountain, making their own way of atonement for sins.

Fact number 6. Climbing Kailash is impossible

Mount Kailash is closed for climbers: not a single person has ever visited its top. This is due not only to the fact that officially climbing it is prohibited. There are legends that Kailash is able in an incomprehensible way to change the desire of climbers to ascend, thereby not allowing anyone to visit him. Those who get too close to it and those who intend to climb to its top are suddenly instructed to go in the opposite direction.

Whether it is true or not, the top of the mountain still remains unconquered. In 1985, the famous climber Reinhold Messner received permission from the Chinese authorities to climb, but refused at the last moment.

In 2000, a Spanish expedition acquired a permit (permit) for the conquest of Kailash from the Chinese authorities for a fairly significant amount. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but could not step up the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the path of the expedition. The Dalai Lama, the UN, a number of large international organizations, millions of believers around the world expressed their protest against the conquest of Kailash and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Fact number 7. Mirrors of Time on the surface of Kailash

Another mystery of Kailash, around which there are numerous disputes and judgments, is the mirrors of time. They mean a lot of rocks located near Kailash, which have a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces were created artificially in ancient times or are the play of nature is still not known.

There is an assumption that these formations are a kind of "Kozyrev's mirrors" - concave mirrors, in the focus of which the speed of time can change. A person who falls into the focus of such a mirror can experience various abnormal and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailash are placed in a certain system in relation to each other, which creates something like a "time machine" capable of transferring the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.

Fact number 8. Lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - so close, but so different

Two lakes located at the foot of Mount Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar are located nearby and are separated by only a small isthmus. However, both of these lakes are strikingly different from each other, which is another mystery of Kailash.

The waters of Lake Manasarovar, revered by the Tibetans as sacred, are fresh. According to legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first object created in the mind of Brahma. This is where its name came from: in Sanskrit, “Manas sarovara” means “Lake of Consciousness” from the words manas (consciousness) and sarovara (lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is the legendary Anavatapta lake, where the Mayan queen conceived the Buddha. Manasarovar, as well as Kailash, is a place of pilgrimage, around which a ritual circumambulation is also performed - kora in order to purify karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in the purifying waters of Manasarovar. It is believed that this lake is a place where "purity" dwells, in its bottom layer, near the north-western coast, the water is alive. Anyone who touches the sacred land of Manasarovar or swims in this lake will definitely go to heaven. The one who drinks the water from the lake will ascend to heaven to God Shiva and be cleansed of his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The bark around the sacred lake is 100 km away.

Near Manasarovar is the salty dead lake Rakshas tal (also Langak, Rakas, Langa Tso (Chinese: 拉昂 错, pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the ruler of the Rakshasas demon Ravana and on this lake was a special island where Ravana sacrificed one of his heads every day to Shiva.On the tenth day Shiva gave Ravana superpowers.Langa Tso lake is opposed to the lake Manasarovar created by the gods.Manasarovar has a round shape, and Langa-Tso is elongated in the form of a month, which symbolizes light and darkness, respectively.Touching the water of a dead lake according to local customs is prohibited, as it can bring misfortune.

The number of legends, stories and various legends associated with this place is simply enormous: hardly any other place on our planet can boast so many secrets and mysteries.