Fabulous village. Fabulous villages of Faroe Islands

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Each of us has their ideas that the village is and a village rest. However, such settlements around the world differ very much, and at the same time they have something in common: clean air, a small number of residents and a small cozy space.

websitei made a selection of 17 unusual and amazing villages that will conquer your heart and become a highlight of any journey.

1. Galstat, Austria

(HallStatt, Austria)

Bright, like toy houses, arrived in several tiers on the mountainside, azure lake with floating swans, the Alps, which are reflected in the mirror water stroit, - all this impress the fairy tale.

The population of Halstopa does not exceed 1,000 people. And the location is unique: on a narrow strip of the earth between the majestic Alpine Mountains and Lake Halstratteresee.

2. Simian-La Rotond, Provence, France

(Simiane-La-Rotonde Village in Provence, France)

Azure Sky, Lavender Fields, Alpine Mountains, Mediterranean Cuisine and Charm Provence - What else is needed to relax the soul? One of the attractions of this town is the Castle Agu (Château des Agoult), built in the XII century. 12-coal pyramidal rotunda in the castle gave the name of the town. There are summer festivals of antique music.

3. Rainbow Village, Taichung, Taiwan

Rainbow Village, Taichung, Taiwan)

At one of the outskirts of the city of Taichung was a military settlement, which over time almost left all his inhabitants. The authorities decided to carry at home, and the 86-year-old veteran of the war, in order to save their yard from demolition, painted the walls of houses with various characters and patterns. Today it is one of the most visited tourist attractions of Taiwan.

4. Marsachlokk, Malta

(Marsaxlokk, Malta)

Marsachlokk - Coloring fishing village in Malta. The storms in the harbor does not happen, so the houses from the yellow sandstone are located close to the water, leaving only the band for the carriageway and the pedestrian embankment. The population of Marsachlock is only about 3,000 people. Most men are engaged in fishing just like their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers at one time.

5. Floating Islands Urose, Bolivia and Peru

(Floating Islands Of Lake Titicac, Bolivia, Perú)

On the border of Peru and Bolivia on the lake Titicaca lives the urah tribe, which burned 42 floating islands on the lake. These islands are built by the urave themselves from the cane. From the same material, residents make boats on which they are sent for fish. Despite the distance from civilization, on the reed islands you can see the solar panels that allow local residents to watch TV.

6. Alberobello, Italy

(Alberobello, Italia)

Alberobello is famous thanks to the complex of 1,400 houses-trill, recognized by UNESCO part of the historic and humanitarian heritage. Trulli - residential peasant limestone houses - are unique examples of buildings with dry masonry walls (without a solution). They take their name from the Latin word TRULLA, which means the dome.

7. Monsanto, Portugal


The small village of Monsanto is the proud name of the "Portuguese Village of Portugal". The local saying "in Monsanto never know whether the stone is born from home or a house from stone" very accurately reflects the originality of local architecture. Boulders serve as walls and roofs of some houses.

Small houses with red tiled roofs hid under huge granite boulders, and narrow streets seemed to cut the giant from the stone.

8. Scientist, Turkey

(Uchisar, Turkey)

Scientist is one of the most densely populated villages of this area. Most of the population, of course, lives in a modern village, broken near the famous rocks, but there are residential premises in the rocks themselves.

This is the only one of its kind rocks with testers and spiers made of white tuff, located around the central peak. From the top of the cliff opens a chic view of the entire valley.

9. Rice terraces Longji, China

(Longji Rice Terraces, Chinese)

Rice terraces in Longji are considered one of the most beautiful in China. The people are called the terraces of the Dragon Ridge, they are around the picturesque village of Pin An (Ping An). The terraces are the fruit of many years of work, they exist almost from the XII century and are built on the slope of the mountains with a height of up to 1,100 meters. The peasants who built them took care of their survival in the mountainous regions, and it was their only opportunity to feed the family.

10. Parirangan, Indonesia

(Pariangan, Indonesia)

The acting volcano Merapy, towering over this village on West Sumot, is one of the main natural wealth of the country. Pariangan is considered the oldest village of Minangkabau, so a tortured tourist will be able to learn a lot about the culture and customs of the indigenous population.

There are charming pointed traditional houses, including 300-year-old buildings with wicker walls from rattan, as well as the beautiful XIX century mosque.

11. Kua Wan, Vietnam

(Fishing Village Cua Van, Vietnam)

Kua Wan is a picturesque fishing village in Halong Bay. This is one of the largest fishing floating villages, located directly on the water stroit. You can get there on rigorous boats and see local residentsengaged in the extraction of all sorts of gifts of the South China Sea. Local residents live in multicolored houses-rafts, the school is also located in one of the floating houses.

12. "Dutch Venice", Githorn, Netherlands

(Giethoorn, The Dutch Venice, Nederland)

Githorn is one of the most beautiful village in the Netherlands, it is also often called the "Dutch Venice", as it is located on water channels with a total length of about 7.5 km. The settlement was founded back in 1230. To move around the village there is a bicycle path and numerous water channels. The main transport are rowing boats and boats on electrical engines. The houses are located on the islands and are connected by wooden bridges (throughout the village there are more than 50 pieces).

13. Buries, United Kingdom


Burues are considered one of the most beautiful, picturesque and oldest villages of England - the first mention of it belongs to the XI century. It seems that the time here stopped - the vintage houses, beautiful nature and even public transport does not drive, so that nothing has broken the pristine beauty. The poets and artists are going to the village, as well as cinematographers - "Diary Bridget Jones" and films about Mrs. Marple on the stories of Agatha Christie.

Cities and villages in these photos as if they came from the pages of fairy tales. Nevertheless, all these are real settlements created by nature and people with extraordinary love and concern about our planet.

  1. Rotenburg City (Germany)

    Dog-twin city. A sip of medieval Germany. The town is located on the mountain and towers over the Tauber River; around the perimeter is obducted by a fortress wall.

  2. Silakawa village (Japan)

    Since 1995, the village has been a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Site; It is famous for its traditional Japanese houses "Minka", some of which is more than 250 years.
  3. City of Fira, Santorini Island (Greece)

    The city is built on the edge of the cliff; The western part of the city has still retained the traditional architecture. The streets are paved by stone, car movement is prohibited.
  4. "Oral of Light" in Tuscany (Italy)

    Countryside in Italy with an amazingly romantic spirit.
  5. Commune Hamnei (Norway)

    The populated island in Norway, ancient fishing settlement.
  6. Vyatskoe village (Russia, Yaroslavl region)

    The settlement refers to a complex of town planning of 18-19 centuries. Many objects of cultural and historical heritage are renovated in the village: peasant and merchant houses, tea and taverns, allest. In addition, the village is located on a picturesque plain, famous for its web rivers and lakes.
  7. Mountain villages (China)

  8. Costtok City (Greenland)

    Founded in 1775. The square with a square fountain (pride of the city) is surrounded by a wall of buildings of the colonial era.
  9. Oasis City Oasis (Peru)

    A tiny resort town located in a small lake in the desert; About 200 inhabitants. The flourishing of the town came on 1940-1950; Today it is perhaps the best place In the world for sandboarding and riding on buggy.
  10. City of Suzdal (Russia, Vladimir region)

    The city-reserve, which is part of the Golden Ring of Russia.
  11. Commune St. Wolfgang (Austria)

    A small town on the shores of the picturesque lake. This is the fabulous beauty of nature, wonderful houses, residents in national clothes and unprecedented peace.
  12. Bibury Village (England)

    It is considered one of the most vintage villages in England. The first mention of it dates back to the 11th century. It is worth noting that since those times there has changed little here, except for telephone booths, antennas, and cars.
  13. City of Manarola (Italy)

    Old architectural structures have been preserved on the streets of the picturesque town, whose age has more than 500 years. It is famous for winemaking and fishing.
  14. Zelenogradsk city ( Kaliningrad region, Russia)

    The resort city is located on the coast Baltic Sea. The settlement appeared in the 12th century, when the first knights of the Teutonic Order came here.
  15. Abandoned village in Schungsi (China)

    Shengsi - Archipelago at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Fabulous species of how nature absorbed a fishing village.
  16. Commune Egisheim (France)

    A small Alsatian town who received the title "The most beloved French villages."
  17. City of Colmar (France)

    This Alsatian city is literally an open-air museum, where you can find almost all architecture styles - from Gothic, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Ampury, Eclectic to modernism and postmodernism.
  18. Village Gasadalur (Faroe Islands, Denmark)

    The village is located in a stunning beauty of the valley among the highest cliffs of Warrier island. The village is tightly surrounded by cliffs. In 2002, due to the isolated and hard-to-reach location of the village, there were only 15 inhabitants. But in 2004, a car tunnel was trained in one of the rocks, and people began to settle this picturesque place again. Now this is a popular tourist destination.

  19. Village Zermatt (Switzerland)

    Around the village there is most of the 4-kitsychnikov of the Penni Alps, and the picturesque river fell through it, fed from the Alpine Glacier Gorner.
  20. Amazingly fabulous houses (Renndølsetra, Norway)

A selection of photographs of picturesque villages located in the Faroe Islands. Faroe Islands, or Ferrene - a group of islands in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean between Scotland and Iceland. They are an autonomous region of Denmark.

(Only 17 photos)

1. Gjógv village. Population 49 people. Gjógv village is located on the northeastern tip of Eystura Island on the Farara. The village was named after the 200-meter gorge, leaving right into the sea.

2. Funningur village. Population 70 people. Funningur village is located on the north-west coast of Eystura Island. In the west of the village rises the most high mountain On the Faroe Islands Slættaratindur - 882 meters.

3. Bøur village. Population 70 people. Bøur is a small village on the western side of Vágoy Island, Faroe Islands. It offers a magnificent view of the sea and a rocky island Tindhólmur.

4. Old houses in the village are built very tightly to each other, the narrow tracks pass between them. In the western part of the village there is a cozy church, which was built in 1865.

5. Porkeri village. Population of 362 people. Porkeri village is located on Suðuroy Island, on his eastern coast. It leads his story from the XIV century.

7. Village Kirkjubøur. Population 80 people. Located on the island of Streyma.

9. Vágr village. Population 1361 people. Vágr - Váðuroy island village. It is located on the east coast of the island, on Fitard Vágsfjørður, was founded in the XIV century.

10. Village Gásadalur. Population 17 people. This village is located on Vagar Island. She became famous after this photo taken by photographer Gareth Codd in 2009.

12. Village Múli. Population of 4 people. Múli is located in the largest point of the island of Borðoy, on his east coast. Its base is dating XIII century. Múli became the last village for archipelago, where electricity spent. It was in 1970.

13. Múli is considered abandoned since 2002, although four people still officially live there. In the summer, some of the former residents of this village use their old houses, like holiday homes.

There are beautiful places in the modern urbanized world, where time froze: there is the nature of pristine beauty, cozy almost fabulous houses, there people think that they live in a fairy tale.

In these places, time stopped the century ago, and the picturesque houses merged in a single ensemble with their environment. To achieve some of these villages is not so simple - they are more interesting for hunters for rural silence and color species. Visiting ordinary rural villages, you can see how much they are not like each other in different parts of the world. Not only nature, but also the buildings themselves are unusual and not similar. We will see a few examples, simple picturesque villages where you can relax perfectly.

1. Buries, England

Located in West Central England, in the 19th century the village of Biburi was described by the artist William Morris as " beautiful village England. Given the fact that the whole country is famous for its peaceful rural landscapes, these words are something, and mean. The houses of the 17th century of the heat and honeycomb colors and the old church of St. Mary - Village Card Cards. And the most photographed place here is Arlington Row: a number of stone buildings of the 14th century, which in the 16th century were transformed into weaving houses.

How to get here: the nearest railroad station Located 20 kilometers from Biburi, in Clemble. The road to the station from Paddington Station in London takes 80 minutes, and the cost of tickets in both ends is about 57 dollars. Public transport directly to Biburi does not go, however, you can always take a taxi, and, in addition, hotels often organize transfers for their guests.

2. Syracawa, Japan

In 1995, this place was listed in the list. World Heritage UNESCO. This Japanese village became famous for its houses with triangular roofs built in the Gaskho style: such buildings remotely resemble hands folded in prayer. The roofs are tilted at an angle of 60 degrees so that snow is not accumulating on them. There are not many traditional houses in this area, so Siracawa-go became a favorite direction for tourists. A little away from the village is the castle of Ohimachi, from which the picturesque views are opened.

How to get here: first it is necessary to get to the city of Takayama (4 hours by train from Tokyo; about 178 dollars in both ends), and there to take a bus to the village (54 dollars in both ends).

3. Wengen, Switzerland

Thanks to alpine landscapes and traditional woodwide rural houses, Vengen's village seems to be descended from the most beautiful cards. Time stopped here for a long time. Even cars were banned in this area over a hundred years ago! Tourists were chosen by the village since the end of the 19th century; Separately, her writer Mary Shelley fired. To this day, charming hotelors are preserved here. Since the village is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters, it turns into an attractive direction for skiers.

How to get here: since it is not allowed to enter the vehicles in Wengen, travelers are parked in the city of Lotterbrunien and from there go to the 15-minute trip by train. In addition, Vengen can be reached by train from the city of Interlaken in 45 minutes and 7.45 euros.

4. Eze, France

The Mediterranean coast and medieval charm made this rocky town one of the most popular seats French Riviera. Because of its location, Eze at one time survived many invaders, and his hard story was reflected in the architecture in which the baroque churches are interspersed with bell tower in the Genoese style. It is not surprising that this fabulous village has become a favorite place of Walt Disney.

How to get here: Eze is a 30-minute bus ride from Nice and a 15-minute drive from Monaco.


Many say that to understand the soul of Holland, it is necessary to go not only in the frequent Amsterdam, but also in the village of Nevdalae from the capital, the village of Zaanse-Shans. In this open-air museum, the real Netherlands of the 17th century has been preserved. Green meadows, motley Flemish houses, wooden and, of course, windmills - in these species and embodied the old good Holland. Here you can find out how klumps are made (traditional wooden shoes), cheese is boiled and buy Delph painted porcelain.

How to get here: a village is just a 20-minute drive from Amsterdam Central Station. The ticket costs 3.20 euros.

6. Parirangan, Indonesia

The acting volcano Merapy, towering over this village on Western Sumatra - one of the main natural wealth of the country. Parirangan is considered the oldest - and the most culturally significant - the village of Minangkabau. Charming pointed traditional houses are preserved here, among which are 300-year-old construction with wicker walls from rattan, as well as the beautiful 19th century mosque.

How to get here: Pariangan is about 15 kilometers from the city of Batuusangkara on West Sumatra. The nearest airport connecting this place with large hubs is located in Padanga.

7. Savoka, Italy

The ruins of the fortress of Di Pentefur are solemnly towers over Sahavook - the historic Sicilian village, located on the hill between the cities of Messina and Taormina, on the east coast of the island. This settlement with a thousand-year history has become a place of events of the Great Father, and fans of the famous bestseller can visit the Church of St. Lucia, where Michael Carleone married, and then proceed to the newlyweds route straight to the Vitelly bar and refreshing the lemon granite. Kapuchin monastery at the northern end of the commune, in which mummified monks' mummified bodies rest in the 18th century, are also required to visit.

How to get here: Dosta's expense from the international airport by car will take a little more than an hour. Also in Savoki in a picturesque road often drive from the popular resort town of Taormina within the day of the day.

8. Kua Van (Vietnam)

Most seats in this list attract travelers with strokes and ancient architecture. The Vietnamese fishing village of Kua Wan, however, can not boast of any roads or remarkable buildings. But the landscapes around the prosperous architecture! Located right among the most beautiful cliffs of Ha Long bay, this village consists of multicolored houses on the rafts and a set of boats. It is not surprising that the main profit of local residents is fishing. All village buildings are swaying on the waters of the bay - even the school, to which the disciples get on tiny boats.

How to get here: Hay Long Bay is about 160 kilometers from Hanoi. The six-hour trip to the bus to the bay will cost about $ 8 one way. At the pier in the bay, you can hire a boatman who will take you to the village (as a rule, the trip costs about $ 20. As a rule, organized tours in the Hay Long bay include visiting the village.

9. Caleta Tarter, Chile

This settlement could be called the "Chilean Venice" - if, of course, in Venice, instead of lush palaces and stone bridges on the streets, houses on piles and wooden bridges were domicat. Motion village houses in the south of Chile are built on high stilts in traditional style for this terrain. They are connected by a whole web of stairs and bridges stretched over the rocks and tops. Caleta Tarter was founded in 1955 due to the development of the sawmill industry in the district. The fact that wood is the basis of the life of the whole village, resembles a wooded architecture, and the filling air of a sweet aroma of cypresses.

How to get here: as in Venice, cars are prohibited in the calet. Riding a property from the nearest airport is about 130 kilometers. Parking should be outside the village.

10. Sidi Bu Said, Tunisia

Here, wherever you threw your eyes, you will see the beautiful blue and white paints. All the buildings of this village on the top of the cliff in the North Tunisia are painted in a snow-white color and decorated with doors, shutters and carvings of the blue blue color; The background of all this beauty is the blue of the Tunisian Gulf. This village is sometimes called "Tunisian Montmartre": at one time, well-known artists and writers were often visited. The bohemian atmosphere has been preserved to this day: then there are art shops, galleries and creatively decorated cafes on narrow stone alleys.

How to get here: Sidi Bu Said is 20 kilometers from the capital of Tunisia. You can get to it either by train (about $ 3 per road in both ends) or within a day excursion.

"Fabulous village"

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Delivery time for 3 days

    Mon-Fri: 09: 00-20: 00. Sat-Sun: 10: 00-19: 00

    Route on foot - you need the last car from the center of the Nagatinskaya metro station, from the mirror doors to the right, to the street to right, climb the steps, to the left bank of "VTB" will be a free passage with two barriers. Go straight, pass to a large parking lot, Lefter Cross Fit "Idol" and "Working Dining". Ahead will see the Christmas trees, in the middle of them the first rail door under the long visor and the sign "Tommit".

    Mon-Sat 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Aviamotornaya. The last car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro right, according to the transition to the left, to the way out of the signs "Palace of the struggle. Ivan Yarygin". At the exit from the metro bus stop. By bus or route taxi No. M8, 440 to the stop "Dangaue", then on foot to the Sports TRC. The main entrance of the TRK "Sports", the 1st floor, to the right and right to the atrium. Entry under the "7 nodes" sign.


    m. Br Admiral Ushakov. From the subway to the left past the church. Go to the opposite side of the street. Yuzhnobutovskaya. Go down the house number 9 on the right side. Next, move directly between the kindergarten and school to the Cechiri pass. 2-storey Gray shopping center (landmark - signboards "Magnet", "Shatura Furniture"), 2nd floor, hereinafter referred to as signs.

    Mon-Sat 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-VA), Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. ul. Academician of Yangel. Last car from the center, access to ul. Rossoshanskaya, go to home number 3, k. 1a, p. 2, ground floor, white-blue pavilion.


    m. Altufyevo. The last car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left, from the transition to the right. Move directly on Doubles Altufyevsky highway to the intersection with ul. Privain. At the intersection, turn left and go to the shopping center "Emerald". The main entrance, descend on the escalator on the ground floor, left, to the left again.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (14: 00-15: 00)

    m. Prague. Buses: 296, 796 before the Stop "School No. 933". Next right along the street. Mednaya before intersection with ul. Bulanikovskaya. Rotate to the right, go on the street. Bulanikovskaya to home 6a (Landmark Sberbank). To the left of Sberbank, at the end of the building, entrance to the housemagazine. PVZ is on the 2nd floor, the first door to the right.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    From m. Babushkinskaya by bus No. 124, 174, 928, H6 to the stop "Polar cinema". Go down the house number 10 on the left side, a separate entrance with a sign "Territorial Center for Social Services", 2nd floor, right.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-VA), Sun

    m. Baumanskaya. By bus: No. M3, T25, T88 before the stopping "Balakirevsky Lane". Move on per 1st Irininsky before the intersection with ul. Friedrich Engels, then left to the business center (one-story, pink building). 1st floor, office 582 (on passing before guarding).


    Metro Station "Borovskoye Highway". Exit from the metro on Borovskoye Highway. TC "Leader". 2nd floor, pass 10 meters and roll left to the shopping gallery, surfactant. 26.

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Bratislavskaya. The last car from the center, access to the city on the street. Bratislavskaya. From the glass doors, the metro right to the end, from the move along the steps to the left. Go straight in Bratislava Street. Between houses 14 and 16/1 (Landmark McDonalds) turn right, then left to the courtyard. Entrance under the signboard "Service Center", ground floor, left.


    m. "Admiral Ushakov Boulevard". The first car from the center. Approximate distance from the metro station to South Butovo shopping center - 10 meters .. Entrance from McDonalds, then on the stairs to the second floor. Pavilion 220.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    From m. Teply Stan Bus number 895 before the LCD stop "Buninsky". From m. Buninskaya alley route taxi № 967 before stopping LCD "Buninsky". Go across the road to home number 97, 5th entrance, the 1st floor (above the entrance of the signboard "Furniture to order", "Driving School", "CoraLtravel", "Repair of shoes").


    m. Buninskaya alley. 1st car from the center. On the traffic light to switch to the opposite direction. TC "Buninskaya Alley", 2nd floor, 7 pavilion. Signboard "Delivery Point".


    m. VDNH. The last car from the center, further left, exit from the transition to the left. Move along the avenue of the world before crossing the street. Cosmonauts. At the crossroads to the right to the house number 6. Go to the courtyard, the entrance under the sign "Beauty salon", down the stairs, on the corridor to the left, the second door on the left.

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Vykhino. The first car from the center, exit number 2 on the street of Chlobobov, turn right and move right on the street. Chlobystova. Before the supermarket "BILLA", turn left into the courtyards and go to the house number 95, the Corp. 2. Entry through the "Products" store (next after the city library), go straight to the point of issuing orders.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. "Domodedovskaya", the last car from the center, from the glass doors to the left. Approximate distance from stopping to separation - 20 meters. Residential 24-storey house. The issue point is located in the store Intermarc. Between Rosbank and the razor - Barbershop. 1st floor

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Domodedovskaya. The first car from the center, to the right. Move along the Kashirskoye highway before crossing the street. Voronezh. At the intersection, turn left, go straight on the street. Voronezh to the store "Pyaterochka". The issue point is located on the territory of the store, at the entrance to the store, turn right. Get to the end of the sign of picking goods


    m. Dubrovka. The first car from the center. From the door to the right, right before the intersection with the street. Novostapovskaya, turn left and move the road. According to Novostapovskaya ul. Along the house to the arch, near the arch of the rail door, the stairs left, the sign of the issue.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Zhulebino. The last car from the center, on the transition to the left, access to the city is left on the street. General Kuznetsova. Go to the opposite side of the street. General Kuznetsova to the "Dixie" store. Entrance from the yard. Logo "LEGO".

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    Exit from the Metro Kiev to the side of the railway tickets, go to the road to the shopping center "European", to the left to the first crossroads, 2-Bryansky per. and go on zebra towards flower salons, the second entrance from the angle, the entrance to the center of the beauty "Star Beauty", the staircase left, right along the corridor, Cabinet № 208. Sign of Delivery Point


    m. China-city. The first car from the center, entering the city on the street. Moshair (landmark - Cafe "Chocolate"). Without moving the road, move along the Lubyansky Prior to the Archet Per. Next to right in the alley to house number 4, p. 1, enter the arch through the iron gate to the yard to the house number 4, p. 2, office number 16.


    m. Kolomenskaya approximately 30 minutes walk, bus number 156 or 156k 15 minutes before the stop "Simonov library", across the road two-storey shopping center 2 minutes, landmark "Hairdressers", "Dominos Pizza", "Anti-Cafe Leng" . First floor, second door on the right

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Red Gate. The last car from the center, when leaving the subway, turn left. Move through the Garden-Spasskaya to home number 20. Entrance under the sign "Office Center", 8th floor, from the elevator to the left, then right. The door with the inscription "Outcome Issue".

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    railway station. Setun. From the stop of the railway station. "Setun" to go to the opposite side of the street. Barvikhinskaya. 4-storey red, a brick building is a house 13, Cor. 2. Entrance from the courtyard (white door with glazing), 2nd floor, cab. № 9.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00, Sat-Sun 11: 00-18: 00

    m. Medvedkovo, bus stop "Ul. Malygin". PVZ is on the second floor of the TC Perekrestok, Pavilion 15-16


    mitino mitino. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro right to the end of the tunnel, the exit from the transition to the left. On ul. Mitinskaya straight, turn for the shopping center "Mitino" to the right. Left department store in a residential building first entrance, basement.


    m. Nagornaya. From the subway right to the electrolyte drive. 25-storey residential building, first door from the yard, near the entrance number 1.


    m. Novo-Peredelkino. By bus №343, №497 to Lukino stop. Go to the opposite side of Ulukinskaya and move straight to the house number 8. Private entrance from the street (landmark yellow sign "Options for issuing orders").

    Mon-Sat 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Novogireevo. The last car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left to the end of the transition, go to the right. Next, right on the green avenue before the intersection with the street. Martenovskaya. Login through the grocery store, right.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Novokosino. Last car from the center, access to ul. Suzdal. By bus: № 79, 502, 14, 21 before the stop "Novokosinskaya Street, d. 10". 16-storey gray residential building, Private entrance from Novokosinskaya Street (Landmark - Signboard "Children's Clothing"), Next to the signs

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (14: 00-14: 30)

    Railway station "Ochakovo". From the platform to move straight, go to the opposite side of the street. Natasha bucket. Corner house, entrance from the street. Natasha bucket, under the sign of minimarket.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Paveletsky (ring). From the glass doors of the metro left, go down to the pedestrian crossing, the output is the first turn right. Between houses 2 p. 1 and 2 p. 2 Log in to the courtyard and move right to st. Large pioneer. On the right 2-storey building, 1st floor, office 1-6.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat Sat

    m. Park Culture. Exit from the metro with an annular line. Next, go to the Tooth br on the opposite side to the Moscow Museum. Move along the boulevard to home 16-20, p.1. Behind the square house 16-20, the entrance number 2 (landmark - the sign "Hot tours"), the 1st floor, the office "Delivery Point".

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya. From the center: exit from the subway to the street with the old platform (the transition in the middle of the New Platform Hall). From the glass doors, the metro go straight to the shopping center "Vega", entrance from the end of the building, the 3rd floor, office 8.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Printers. By bus number 292 or route taxi No. 426 to the stop "Ul. Guryanova, d. 55". TC "Surf Plaza", central entrance. Social Floor, go along the corridor past the point of issue "CDEK", then left, office 009 (Landmark: "Atelier").

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 12: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Square Ilyich. Go out and move toward the railway platform "Sickle and Hammer". The issue point is located in the Globus hypermarket building, the entrance to the building is located under the sign "Pyaterochka", it is necessary to climb the escalator to the second floor, turn to the left in the direction of the hairdresser and go to the end of the corridor, while climbing the stairs on the third floor.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (15: 00-15: 30)

    m. Polezhaevskaya. The last car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left. From the transition to the left and move along the Khoroshevsky highway before the intersection with the street. Kuusinena. At the crossroads right to home number 2, the Corp. 1. Private entrance with ul. Kuusinena with sign "Legal Advice", Ground Floor.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Prague. The last car from the center, move along Kirovograd Street to the house 22g (store "Products"). Entry through the store, on the stairs upstairs and left.


    m. Proletarian. The first car from the center, output number 2 on the street. Abelmanovskaya. Go to the opposite side of the street. Abelmanovskaya and move along the Volgograd pr-ta to the house number 9, p. 1. Entrance from the end of the building under the sign "Trading Rows". At the entrance to turn right, then left. Ground floor, surfactant. № 16.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), Sat 10: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. trade union. The first car from the center, from the glass doors to the right and once again to the right. Move along the Nakhimovsky Prospect before intersection with the street. Vavilov. Further on the right side of the street. Vavilov before the intersection with ul. Panferov (landmark restaurant Todaso). Go to the opposite direction, turn right. The issue point is located in a residential building, the entrance between the third and fourth entrance, the ground floor, to the right.

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    moscow, ul. Tverskaya, d. 12, p. 2 How to get to us: Input 1 entrance. Landmark: Sign "Notary", 3rd floor, of. 308.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Pyatnitsky highway. The last car from the center, exit № 4. move right to turn on the angels of the alley (landmark of the TC "Tuk-Tuk"). Further on the street. Angels Lane to the store "Perekrestok". Opposite the store "Crossroads" there will be a residential building with a one-story extension in which PVZ is located. Landmark - sign "Beauty Salon".

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. River Station. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro right to ul. Festival. Without moving the road to turn left, go to the preventing streets festival and Smolny. Go st. For the opposite side and right along the street to the building No. 24g, p. 6. Entrance between floral shops and "delon", down the stairs, to the right.


    m. Savelovskaya. From glass doors to the right and right until the end of the tunnel, then left and up the stairs. Go along the building shopping complex "Computer", then turn left, enter the blue-white-orange building. 3rd floor, Pavilion T-1.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Seliger. The last car from the center, the exit to the left. Cross the Park by the Metro Dispatcher Center (former cinema "Yerevan") to ul. Seliger. Entrance from the outside of the house number 18, the Corp. 3 under the red sign "Products". 1st floor left.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-14: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Falcon, access to ul. Alalala. From the subway to the left, then move along the Volokolamsk highway towards the area. Entrance from the Volokolamsk highway, the entrance number 1. First floor, left by corridor, black and red door.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Mon-Sat 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA), Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Skhodnenskaya. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left, from the move on the steps straight. Central entrance to the shopping center "Orange World", 4th floor, surfactant. № 409.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 11: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Textiles. The last car from the center, exit from the subway to the right. Next move along the Lublin street. Before intersection from the 1st st. Textiles. Entrance to the issue point with the 1st ul. Textiles, Blue Door "House of Trade and Services", left "Point of issuing orders."

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Warm camp, the last car from the center. Exit 9. Directly on the trade union to the store "Pyaterochka". PVZ is in the trading floor, next to the last cashier.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 12: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. "Tula", the last car from the center, go towards the mint, go to the traffic light tram, right 200 meters, on the right yellow two-story building, ground floor, office number 7

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat-Sun 12: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Street Gorchakova. From the subway to the left, cross the park to ul. Admiral Rudnev. Move right on the left side of the street. Admiral Rudneva before intersection with ul. Admiral Lazarev. On the traffic light, go to the opposite side of the street. Admiral Lazarev, then left to home number 40. Entrance under the signboard "Magnet" department store, ground floor (staircase from the street), the first door to the right.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), Sat 10: 00-17: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), sun out

    m. Filevsky Park. The first car from the zetra, from the metro left. Next right along the street. Minsk to house number 15, Cor. 1. The point of issuing orders is located at the corner of the house (the landmark of the cafe "Grill").

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop №162,245 "Polyclinic", pass to the business center "Ryazhskaya 13" 100 meters, go to the BC 1st floor turn left to go along the corridor to office №116

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), Sat Sun

    m. Colored boulevard. From the subway to turn right and go to the traffic light. Go to the pedestrian crossing, then go on the street. Small Sukharevsky Lane. At the corner of the house 21, p. 3 Turn left, go through 150 meters and turn right and you are drunk in d.32, p.4. Entrance from the courtyard, landmark travel firm Felicia-tour.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Chertanovskaya. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro right to Balaklava Pros-KT. Bypassing house number 5 on the left side. Separate entrance between the second and third entrances, then right, along the corridor right to the end

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 11: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Shipilovskaya, the first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro right, then right before the exit to the street. Go through between houses number 32, Corp. 1 and 30, Corp. 1 On the street of Musa Jalil to a three-story, gray building with a sign "Pyaterochka". Entrance to PVZ under the sign "Magnet Cosmetics".

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Schelkovskaya. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left, from the move on the steps to the left. TC "Vector", entrance from the end of the building, the 2nd floor, the first pavilion on the right.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. "Ozernaya", the last car from the center (output number 1). By bus C17 get to stop "Olympic Village Museum of the Defense of Moscow". We pass by the shopping center "Festival", moving towards ul. Olympic village, to a gray single-storey building. Go through the barrier and climb the hill up, turn left PVZ is located on the territory of the store "Making Keys"

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. South-West. The first car from the center, exit from the metro on the transition to the right, on the steps to the left. The second building of the TC "Almiral" (Landmark "FIX PRACE"), 3rd floor, from the elevator to the right.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (per 14: 00-15: 00), Sat 10: 00-17: 00, Sun

    m. Yasenevo. The first car from the center, from the glass doors to the right and the last exit to the right (output number 3). On the street turn left, move along the street. Yasnogorsk to intersection with ul. Golubinskaya. Next, go to the pedestrian crossing, turn right to the water park "sea" (main input). In the building climb the steps, turn left, once again to the left. PVZ is behind a sports nutrition store.

    Mon, Wed, Fri 12: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-15: 00 (without P-BA), wow thu sun out

    m. warm mill. In the direction of the area of \u200b\u200bthe bus number 577, the route taxi number 27 is to stop "School". The first house on the left at the entrance to the village. Resurrection.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "Red Banner". TC "HOUSE", 2nd floor. The place of issuing orders is located on the territory of the Tekhsfer service center.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Stop the route taxi "Crossroads". TC "Planet", 2nd floor, pavilion number 9. The placement of orders is located on the territory of the Tekhsfer service center

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Railway station "Specific". Trading rows along railway (on the side of Zhukovsky), Pom. №5. The place of issuing orders is located on the territory of the Tekhsfer service center.

    Mon-Fri 09: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Academic, first car from the center, from the glass doors to the left, leave the subway and go through 100 m on the street. Trade union towards the area. High brown building, enter the BC through the central entrance, go straight along the corridor to the glass doors, go inside the hall, pass to the second glass doors, enter the gallery with offices. Options for issuing orders is located in the office number 120. Landmark sign "KSE Center Business Services"

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 10: 00-15: 00 (without P-VA), Sun

    m. Bagrationovskaya, the last car from the center, the shopping center "Gorbushka", 4 floor, surfactant. 415.


    Bus stop "MFC". Walk out the building "MFC" on the left side, past the restaurant "La Provence" in the direction of the Square of Glory, to the art gallery. Next to right to the house until the next residential building (Lenin 10a PR). Entrance under the signboard "Stationery". To press the "Parcels" button and on the red arrows to move to PVZ.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-19: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 11: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Bus stop "TC Contour". TC "Contour", central entrance, 4th floor, then left, surfactant. No. 402.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "Ul. Sverdlova". Move along the street. Sverdlov before intersection with ul. Kudakova. Next, go st. Kadakov on the opposite direction and turn right into the courtyard of the house number 16/5. The entrance is located between the first and second entrance (landmark - the sign "Item of the issuance of online products").

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-22: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Running. The exit towards the Khoroshevsky highway, from the underground transition to the right, go to the side of the shopping center "Scarlet Sails". Through the central entrance to the escalator for the 3rd floor, surfactant. C-4, to the left of the escalator

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-22: 00 (without P-BA)

    Mon-Fri 09: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 09: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    From the stop "Mail" towards the bus station and school number 1, by the shopping center Moscow, turn right behind the store Mercury.

    Mon-Fri 09: 30-19: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 09: 30-17: 00 (without P-VA), Sun

    Bus stop "MKR. Konstantina Averyanova". Corner shopping and office building at the intersection of streets professional and defense. Entrance from the street. Defense, Signboard - Beeline, 2nd Floor.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 11: 00-19: 00 (without P-VA), Sun

    Bus stop "Yacht Club Aurora". Go to the opposite side and move on the street. Moscow towards Fock "Vodnik". For the Fock "Vodnik" enter the courtyards to the right between the houses No. 56 and No. 56, the Corp. 2 To the Round Central House of LCD "Moscow Vodniki". Move along home to the right, landmark beauty salon "Palau". Private entrance with the sign "Order Introduction".

    Mon-Sat 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    From the railway station "Domodedovo" to the left to the shopping center "Domos", bypass it on the right, go down to the basement. Next move along purple circles on the floor.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "North Street". House number 45 is located at the intersection of Gagarin and North streets. Entrance to the street. Gagarina, closest to the stop. For landmark, sign "House Bank", "Extreme Fisherman". 2nd floor, left, Pom. 010

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "Ul. Moon". Move right along the street. Moon in the direction of ul. 25 October. To right from the shopping center "Prestige" in a twir to the next residential building, entrance from the end of the building (landmark: Blue Signboard "Item" Mooner 9 "

    Mon-Fri 09: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "Ul. Station. Move in the direction of the railway station "Big Volga" to home number 44. Entrance from the street under the sign "KSE".

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), Sat 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Stop "DC them. George Konified," pass between houses 185 and 187 to st. Working. Next move on the street. Working to intersection with ul. January 9. 5th neighborhood (residential LCD), D.5, Entrance from the street. January 9 (landmark - Sign Salvis), Office 4.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-19: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 11: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Central shopping area. TC "Pavlin", 3rd floor, office number 301.

    Mon-Sat 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sun 10: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop " Shopping center". Move to the intersection of the street. Gudkova and st. Dugina. Go to the opposite side of the street. Dugina to home number 28/12. Entrance from the street. Gudkova under the sign" It's time to give ", 1st floor, surfactant. № 12 / one.

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-19: 30 (without P-BA)

    Mon-Fri 09: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    MIET bus stop. Opposite the Institute "Mieth" Blue Building. The central entrance, on the corridor, the first door to the right of the protection. Sign of "Order Issuing".

    Mon-Fri 12: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Directions to stop "Children's Polyclinic": - Bus: No. 1, 14, 19, 22, 400k, 400t, 5; - Route taxi: No. 476m, 707m. Landmark - Sberbank, entrance between the shop "Flowers" and "Wheel". Signboard "TC 1812"


    From the stop "Ocean Store" (from the side of the 4th District) to move along the central avenue towards the prefecture, to go to the shopping center "Kim", the receipt point is located in the shopping center "Kim", the entrance to the TC to the left of the entrance to the Sberbank of Russia

    Mon-Fri 12: 30-20: 30 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-VA), Sun 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA)

    Shopping center "Family" left entrance, go down the steps, go through 9 meters, turn right, go to the sign point to issue orders. Stop "Universes". Buses number 21, 11, 8, 3, 2, 29, 19, minibus 408m, 419m Stop on the opposite side of the road, buses number 21, 2, 31, 3, 19, 32, 9, 11, minibuses 409m, 419m

    Mon-Fri 12: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    TC "Planet Childhood", Ground Floor. Travel to the stop "Corpus 1501": Buses: № 17, 20; Route taxis: 417m, 460m. Directions to stop "Corpus 1407": Buses: No. 1, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 400K; Route taxis: № 164, 417m, 460m, Auchan-1, Auchan-2

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 10: 00-16: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop 16th neighborhood. TC "Spring" (former Moschleb), 2nd floor, pavilion z2

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Railway station "Kroikovo" ( New town). From a wide underground transition and first platform, pass 50 meters, past railway tickets and 2-storey shopping center "Kryukovo", up to 4-storey shopping and office shopping center, 3rd floor, left by corridor, to the pavilion with signboard "Item issuing orders "

    Mon-Fri 09: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat 10: 00-19: 00 (without P-BA), Sun 10: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "House of Life", move along the movement of transport, at the intersection of a color 3-storey building, on the roof of the sign "Cube". Central entrance, rising by 3 floor, go into the second row, turn on the left, landmark sign "Point of issuing parcels"


    Bus stop "School No. 2". TC "Nika" (landmark - store "Eldorado"), main entrance, 1st floor. In front of the store "Right" turn right, along the corridor to the end (surfactant. With the sign "Teleport"), Pom. No. 30a.

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-21: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. Kolomenskaya. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro in the transition to the right. Move on the street Nagatinskaya to home number 34, entrance to the Pyaterochka from the end of the building (from the subway). Item issuing in the key zone.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-18: 30 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-15: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Tramway "Golutvin". From the stop to move along the odd side of the Oksky Avenue to the house number 3, then turn to the yard to the house number 3a (10-storey brick building). Private entrance near the entrance number 4 (landmark - sign "Photomaster" MiG "), 1st floor.

    W-Sat 11: 00-19: 00 (14: 00-15: 00), Mon Sly

    from Art. Country sublips by bus number 2; 28; 392, route taxi number 4; from Art. Bolevo on bus number 2; 28; 392, route taxi number 4; 44K, from Art. Zaganian on the route taxi No. 58K to the stop of the Act of Cosmonauts. OCH "HELIOS", entrance from McDonalds, 3 floor, shop with sign "316 suvenirzona.ru"

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Stop "Factory Advanced Textile". Move along Tarasovskaya Street, up to 25-storey residential buildings. 1st floor, separate entrance from the courtyard, signboard "Photo sealing. Item issuing orders"

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "MKR. Northern (roadside store)." TC "BEREZKA". Main input, 1st floor. The issue point is located on the territory of the store "Needlewoman".

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    From the station "Pavino": Bus number 549, 542, route taxi № 209 to the stop "Microdistrict" Yuzhny ". Behind the magnets store Brick 10-storey house, 3-way entrance (immediately after Sberbank). Entrance under signs" Good ! "," Women's Clothing ".

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Bus stop "Karbyshev Street". On the traffic light (angle of house number 48) turn right and move right to ul. Assumption. 18-storey, residential building, 1st floor, entrance via the pharmacy "First Honey" (second entrance from the courtyard).

    Mon-Sat 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    Bus stop "School". Next move towards ul. New to a multi-storey, residential building. Entrance to PVZ from the street. New, white plastic door, down the stairs, basement. Right along the corridor, turn left, sign "Item issuing orders"

    Mon-Sun 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    From Art. Metro "Lermontovsky PR-KT" by bus number 546, 51k, from Art. Metro "Vykhino" by bus number 517, from Art. Metro "Kotelniki" by bus number 888 to stop "Pros-Kt Victory". Next, to move along the procove of victory towards the transport ring until the intersection of Gagarin. Entrance under the signboard "Hozmag", the 1st floor.

    Mon-Fri 11: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Nakrasovka, exit from the first car from the center to the left, by the underground transition to the right. Next move 300 m, along the way road traffic, to traffic light, turn right. For a 2-storey building of the Universion "Avoska", residential building, entrance from the end of the building, landmark sign "House of Life"

    Mon-Sat 10: 00-21: 00 (without P-VA), Sun 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Stop "Molodogvardeyskaya, 46". Move along the movement of transport to a 5-storey residential building. Entrance to PVZ from the street. Young Guard, 1st floor, gray iron door. Rotate right, sign "Order issuance"

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Stop "Picture Gallery". PVZ is located on the ground floor of the Mytishchi Historical and Art Museum, entrance from the street, to the right of the museum building, go down the stairs, the first door to the left, the 3rd pavilion on the right - PVZ "Teleport"

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    Railway station. "Mytishchi". Move through the area along the TC "Torus" to the shopping center "Horizon". TC "Horizon", ground floor, along the corridor left, Pavilion No. 20.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-VA), Sat-Sun 11: 00-18: 00 (without P-BA)

    Bus stop "Jubilee Street" and "on demand". TC "Phoenix", main entrance, then on the ground floor (descent to the right of the supermarket "The faithful"), the issue point is located opposite the stairs.

    Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA), Sat 10: 00-17: 00 (without P-BA), Sun

    m. Novoprederkino, the first car from the center, exit to the street right. Go across the road to the cafe "Chocolate". Rotate to the right, walk to the store "Pyaterochka". The central input of the "Pyaterochka" store, go to the store to turn left, through the trading room to pass 20-25 meters and turn right once again. Go to the shopping gallery, turn right

    Mon-Sun 10: 00-20: 00 (without P-BA)

    m. New Cheryomushki. The first car from the center, from the glass doors of the metro left, from the move along the steps to the right. Go straight Trade union (200-250 m.) To the shopping center Tsarskoye Village "Fairy" (second building from the road). Entrance from the end, the basement, to the end of the corridor.