The owner of the Network of Flower Salons "Siberian Orchid" was thrown out of the window. The owner of the Network of Flower Salons "Siberian Orchid" jumped out of the window who twists the "time cutting"

Sipulin Irina and Maslich Andrei were born and grew up in Perm, in intelligent families of employees. Their parents dreamed that children had higher education and decent work. The children implemented the dreams of parents: Andrei - an economist for education, served as an officer in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, worked as an anti-crisis manager, the director of the plant. Irina is a doctor, a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Children's Diseases and Deputy Dean of the Pediatric Faculty of the Perm Medical Academy. According to generally accepted Soviet standards, life has been not bad formed, but in the mid-90s the country was divided into rich and poor. And Andrei with Irina was surprised to find that with their diplomas, education, intelligence and hardworking, they were on the side of the poor. The conditions of the market economy dictated other standards, and in order to fit into new realities of life, it was necessary to do something in principle. Andrei understood that only his own entrepreneurship would allow adequately, but in the era of the emerging in our country and while still wild capitalism did not want to circulate with moral principles, and in the Economic Faculty "taught to consider other people's money, and not earn their own."

Irina and Andrey were looking for an opportunity to allow them to build their own business. They were ready to change, work on themselves and become stronger, purposeful and disciplined. "The day the day was the day when our relatives Marina and Vladimir Lastratov are - today it is a diamond NPA - introduced us to Amway business," recall Andrei and Irina. - We estimated the scale and prospects of this business, the intelligent style of work and the simplicity of the idea, the lack of material risk and the availability of every person, regardless of age, education and social status. We liked that with the help of your intelligence and hard work in a short period of time, you can achieve financial stability. We liked that in this business it is impossible to manipulate people, and everyone works for themselves. We liked that it was a team business, and a whole team of professionals Diamond Alliance is ready to teach you the basics of this case. " Irina and Andrei thank to his wonderful sponsorship line - Marina and Vladimir Ltutovykh, Olga and Valery Yeltsov, Natalia Yen and Yuri Pogorelova for being effective training and joint work in just a few years dramatically changed their lives. Irina and Andrey are proud of their team of friend-friendly friends with whom they live and work under the motto: "Pure life, clean relationship, clean business."

Fitodizainer, an orange artist, one of the most beautiful and talented women of the city of Novosibirsk, she always admired me ...
Once a year and a half before the death of Irina asked me to write a poem for it, like for some holiday. And in fact it turned out - on the funeral ...


Our friendship is light and old,
Our fame is wandering on the heels -
Along the heavenly Aquamarina
By poems, on snow, in colors.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merciless braids and secure,
But we are not the odds and drink
God's gift does not make a copier
And the older will not be forever!

about the death of Irina pry

You probably fly at night,
I ask, dress warm ...

A. Plotchenko

In the seventies, the Union was very popular by the Roman Barrier writer, the Barrier, in the novel, the Soviet reader for himself, for himself, the poetic story about the girl named Dorothea, who had unique dating and including the ability to fly. Dorotheyadget could sometimes take with him in the flights of his beloved. They flew away from the vulgar, mercantile, philanthropic reality, traveled among the stars, clouds and returned to sinful land. Full happiness and delight. The novel ends tragically. However, for the finals of the artistic work, after the end of the book, the whole human finals in real life: the strength of art had a magical impact on the psyche of enthusiastic, young, endowed with fantasy and suggestion of girls, in Bulgaria several cases of literal imitation of the heroine of Roman Nomanin were registered, girls tried Repeat nighttime hollows. All of them died. After that, the writer had to read in the press of accusations to his address, listen to threats and even respond to the courts to the claims of the relatives of the dead.

It was more than thirty years ago. And the cause of trouble was art - the wrong understatement of the poetic word of a big writer, an unexpectedly impact on an unbalanced or even sick psyche of readers.

Since then, a lot has changed in the world. First of all, people almost do not read books on the territory of the former socialist camp. So, the books stopped providing any influence on the public - neither the beneficial, nor such unexpectedly destructive. But many public organizations and charismatic figures appeared, who promised and continue to promise their followers to make them successful, strong, confident in themselves, harmonious, well, in short. A small set of exercises, several courses of psychotraining, several learned nazubes of the vague formulas, the right breath, the right posture, the correct gait and the world obeys, falling your feet. You no longer need to suffer, nor pray or believe ...

Alas, today it is not artists, not Pushkin with Gogol, not ruble with Tarkovsky manage the consciousness of millions. In this science, not only the policies, but also the whole army-preachers, spiders, sectors, who, unlike innocent and useful insects, are mans of human shower. In one of these networks and hit the beauty and harmony of the soul of Irina Shipulina.

From media materials: September 9, 1999, one of the residents of the city of Zarechny Sverdlovsk region, a member of the "Radosya" sect, committed itself. July 16, 2000 Senior Lieutenant Guin MJ in the Sverdlovsk Region Tsarkova Lyudmila Anatolyevna born 1962 Threw out of the window and crashed to death. The list can be continued.

Already two from one years after the opening of the Siberian Orchid Center on the street. Krylov We began to notice the passion for the incomprehensible kind of literature for Irina, she became more and more likely to communicate with an assertive view of women and disappear at the courses of self-regulation, trainings, several times also in Yekaterinburg, although there were no direct interests of her flower business in the Urals.

We were familiar with good twenty years. Irina was a sociable, bright person, her cheerfulness, her amazing inner radiance, the desire to delve, decorate, fill the life and charm the world around us could compare. I have not met any such a unique human gift, such generosity and charm, such aspiration to fill our everyday life with beauty and joy.

Maybe their name in the first moment and attracted her attention to the figures of the "Radosya" sects? After all, her desire for joy was limitless. The joy is the natural state of the Christian soul, this insisted for this still the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. But the souls - free From someone else's and angry will.

For almost seven years, the Master of Modern Psychotechnics, developed in the depths of the special services, and like a AIDS virus, sprinkled around the world, were processed, they urged, programmed the psyche, the immortal soul of Irina, along the way, pulling money from her to expand their activities.

Let's get acquainted with them closer: The founder of the sect - Marchenko Evdokia Dmitrievna, a resident of Miass, Astrophysicist by profession. She graduated from URGA, he worked for 15 years in missile troops, was engaged in stars orientation systems. An active activity was engaged in 1994, according to some reports, since 1991 she drove his theory in Moscow and Yekaterinburg. To date, Radastea is an international public organization that has its own centers in seventy countries of the world, but the main center of activity of the sect is the average Urals.

"The essence of the creed, as in many occult practices, is quite blurred and can change over time, especially considering that the carrier of truth in the last instance is Marchenko itself. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify the main provisions: life on Earth occurred from two hundred spirits, which, bloating, became billions of people. The task of each of the living on Earth is to save and multiply energy and information. Thus, the collection or preservation of the "energy package" occurs. The power supply is called the person himself, who represented only a beam or vibration in this world, which, unfortunately, is addressed to matter, that is, acquires the body. Attitude towards the body by and large negative is what needs to be discarded and overcome. The followers of "Radastei" do not think of themselves with eaves, they must understand that they are all members of the Earth's expedition. Accordingly, those who do not understand this is the individuals are undeveloped, leading animal lifestyle. To introduce their adepts to understand these "great revelations", Marchenko came up with the so-called "rhythmology" - the "Radaste" method, changing human consciousness. Listeners are offered poems-rhythms Marchenko to disclose unknown talents. Poems are a method of neurolynguistic programming, written on topics, depending on which thought it is necessary to inspire. " (More information about this destructive occult organization can be found in the information and advisory center of the temple of Alexander Nevsky, Novosibirsk)

Changes in the behavior of Irina, we began to notice a long time ago, how happy she was, opening their center, his brainchild in 1998, and how went out, closed, stopped responding for a joke soon after the first contacts with Radostei. The last three or four years its condition can be described in one word - "absence."

- Ay, - say, - Ira, where are you?

She sighs, returning, smile and will smile and will be the same for a minute. But only for a minute, the other and ... again it is not.

The photographer Vasily Fedotov told me that immediately after the tragedy went to the railway ADD to a familiar officer and he picked up: "Clean suicide, closed in Baba, took off the room at the 19th floor, opened the window and slammed the visor of the hotel." What you say, outwardly, everything is so, do not sink, nothing needs to be investigated, why do an extra work. But imagine, dear investigators, prosecutors, representatives of power, deputies, imagine for a moment that such a story happened to your wife, daughter, granddaughter, that someone just took and took away your loved one with you, taking advantage of his weakness, cruelly, cynical And methodically spawned his soul? And you would say: "The roof went, it often happens now." At least just such a version, convenient to everyone, unveiled a journalist "VN" I. Inzov.

Executive Director of the Siberian Orchid and the nearest girlfriend of Irina Shipulina Elena Bezeka reported that last week an unknown person was in the office of the flower salon and reported to employees to prepare for change: "You have nothing belong here." It is quite an expected visit, I have no doubt that mastering at first, and then - property and there is a true motive of "prophets" who promise people to make them happy, without departing from the box office.

Poet Stanislav Mikhailov told me that nine days after the death of Irina saw her in a dream, saw it terribly, she, although it was a great-tired, but stood on the windowsill opened windows, on the 19th floor, and fame was as it were in the room, Irina turned to him and said: "Do not defeat me, do not feel so, I feel good here, deceased, joyful," and then I added a little smiling: "It's a pity that is just that such a huge number of colors froze."

For some reason, I believe that the Lord will figure out, he distinguishes the soul without witnesses and real evidence, destroyed by someone else's black will from the soul of a kidding, sacrifice from suicide. It would be nice, of course, that the human court will overtake the perpetrators of this tragedy. But hard to believe.

And sometimes it seems frankly that the state is complete freedom of these sects specifically in order to improve the technology of managing the electorate management technologies as obedient cattle. Thinking free people do not need, the forest is cut - sinters fly ...

At the end of October, Novosibirsk was shocked by the suicide of the 45-year-old owner of the Siberian Orchid Flower Salons Network Irina Shipulina. The woman jumped out of the window of the 19th floor of the Novosibirsk Hotels. Until now, her relatives and colleagues are in shock. Nothing in her life foreshadowed the fatal step.

Grave among orchids

Judging by the reviews, Irina Gennadyevna was a very bright and responsive man. Many many treated her with a huge sympathy. At the same time, softness and femininity did not interfere with the successful conduct of business. I. Shipulin not only created a sustainable business, but herself was the international class arranger master. One of the first in Novosibirsk joined the Euroflorian association, as well as the World Color Arrangers Association (Wafa). She designed over 50 shows of collections of clothing in a large-scale Fashion show. She had no detractors or competitors who wish to take her business to her hands. Note that the network of stores "Siberian Orchid" successfully worked about a decade of years ...

It is known that I. Shipulin arrived at the hotel at about nine in the evening and asked the administrator to settle her in the room. Moreover, the woman wished the number to be on one of the uppermost floors. Paying 4,600 rubles per day and taking the keys, Mrs. Shipulin rose to his 19th floor. On the way, she asked, how much the restaurant was working at the hotel. Her mood hotel personnel seemed the most ordinary.

At about eleven in the evening, one of the hotel guests, whose companion does not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke, came out to smoke on the porch. In his eyes, "something heavy flew past windows and rumbled on the visor of the buildings." This "something" and there was a "Siberian Orchid" owner. She had outerwear: coat, pants, scarf. It turns out that for an hour and a half, the woman did not even remove the outerwear ...

Police officers at the scene have been in a few minutes. They started a survey of hotel workers and inspection of the rooms I. Shipulina. In the room that the owner of the "Siberian Orchid" was removed was full order. No traces of struggle or blood. In the lady handbag was notepad, a diary, a book. On the table - an invitation ticket for a buffet and discovery after the reconstruction of the "Red Torch" theater per person. Investigators found that during his stay at the hotel Irina Shipulin made a couple of calls from his "mobile phone". Later it turns out that the conversations were very short and basically about affairs. The woman did not make any farewell calls and did not leave any notes. Someone from the hotel staff saw, as I made my last step I. Shipulin. She jumped up, spread his hands, and his legs had a little bit. She seemed to fly ...

Irina Gennadevnu buried in a closed white tree coffin at the prestigious Kudryashki cemetery. Her grave was literally littered with orchids.

Today, the investigation on the death of the owner of the Siberian Orchid stores is not completed. So far, the investigation is inclined to the version of "ordinary suicide." That's just what it means - "usual"? ..

Who turns the "time cutting time"?

Immediately after suicide, several Novosibirsk newspapers suggested that the fatal step of Irina hipulin could be somehow connected with sects. However, the investigation at that time has rejected the same version. Meanwhile, in the information and consulting center on sectarianism in the Novosibirsk Cathedral, in the name of St. Alexander Nevsky, the suicide of Irina hipulin is directly associated with its excessive passion for the occultism.

Irina Shipulin has committed suicide on the evening of October 30. And in the morning, on October 31, we had a meeting with her, "Head of the Center Oleg Zaev told the Agency of National News.

He said that in 2001, Irina Gennadevna fell under the influence of the occult totalitarian sect "Radasta". She was an active member of the sect. One of the acquaintances of Irina in a private conversation reported that recently she only spoke about the new teaching and the ideology of his society.

At our disposal, the profile of Shipulina, completed by it in 2007, during preparation for the next "laboratory rhythmological course," said Oleg Vladimirovich Zaev. - In the Sipulin's profile, it claims that he received a special name and "cosmic radiation address" in the sect. She also mentions that all the "rhythmics" of the organizer and leader sects of the resident of the Ural city of Miass Dusi Marchenko took place this year.

O. Oveov explained that the internal content of the sect is "Rhythmology", with which it is allegedly learned, everything is programmed, everything is achievable. The main thing is to correctly read the "rhythms", which is led by the leader of the sect Marchenko. It is she who is a source of mysterious "knowledge."

In the sect constantly inspire that adepts are obliged to spend large amounts of money on the books of Marchenko. At the same time, it is impossible to use books without the so-called "time helm" (personal rhythm of each individual). This "steering wheel" is possible for a certain amount to acquire everything from the same Dusi Marchenko. However, to learn how to use the "helm", you need to buy a few more books. And so without end. Trade "screws", books, audio and video cassettes, as well as extortion of large donations to the needs of the sect is very profitable for Marchenko.

It is extremely difficult to talk to a person who is extremely convinced of the right thing acquired by the occult by knowledge, "says Oleg Zaev. - That is why for a long time it was not possible to establish with an Irina hip contact. However, a person from a close surroundings of Shipulina was able to convince her to agree to come to the center on sectarianism and "at least just talk."

Oleg Zaive believes that, perhaps, one of this arrival would be enough to go in the heart of Irina grain doubt about the truth of the teachings of Dusi Marchenko. But just a few hours before the meeting, I. Shipulin committed suicide.

Most likely, according to her ideas, it was flying to the stars, because in September she visited the next, and the last in his life, the seminar in St. Petersburg under the title "time came." Apparently, her time came to the transition to a different reality created by Dosi Marchenko or those who stand behind her. Apparently, the desired button was pressed. And he did not become many beloved man, "said Oleg Vladimirovich.

"For the teachings of the sect, each adept must become a" cosmic ray "to rush to the stars. Over the years of the stay of Irina Shipulina in the sect, her consciousness has changed so much that she believed in the opportunity of this," explain the staff of the antisectant center.

Space Cheburashka and Orthodox Liver

"Radasta" is an international organization that emerged in Russia in 1991. Now "Radasta" has centers in 70 (!) World countries. According to experts, "Radasta" is close in their ideas to the modern occult movement "New Age" ("New Era"). This sect was created in an environment of the Soviet technical intelligentsia with a typical combination for it - enthusiasm to the Roerichschina, psychic and pseudo-concerning.

The creator of "Radastei" became Evdokia Dmitrievna Marchenko, preferring to be called Dosi. By profession, she was an astrophysicist, graduated from the Ural State University, she worked for 15 years in rocket troops, was engaged in stars orientation systems. And then in the rocket part, where Marchenko worked, each military calculation officer was given printouts with individual rhythms schedules: biological, physical, emotional and psychological. In fact, these were the first developments of Marchenko in the field of "science" of rhythmology created by it.

At some point, Marchenko was chosen by the President of the Association of Psychics of the Urals. She studies the sectarian teachings of Agni Yoga, other occult systems. Her associates penetrated the sect management bodies, got acquainted with Orthodox and Catholic churches, carefully studied Islam. E. MARCHENKO - author 28 books: "radiant recognition", "the prayers of the new century", "disinfection", etc.

The main event that is spent personally inherent is "joy". Gladestes are held on Saturdays and Sundays, every two weeks, in different cities, in different countries. So, recently, glades took place in Hungary, Mexico, Brazil and Cuba. Visit Glyasta costs money. Thus, the cost of the ticket in Kiev was $ 25 US dollars. For joyful, the largest halls are rented, accommodating about 4,000 people. Those who first fall on joyat, you need to register and get your number. For this, too, you have to pay. After registration, you can immediately bring the "steering wheel" - the main tool for mastering the secret forces. But without the personal number "The steering wheel" will not act.

The main method of "Radastei" is the rhythmology - pseudonauka, which studies the influence of rhythms per person and for the entire visible world. He herself wrinkle: "Rhythmology is aimed at explaining to people as this world exists, as it is laid and how to become a real, beautiful, strong and kind person in this world." The main meaning of the exercise is that it is necessary to develop its material body to such a level so that it is possible to make a transition to the antiprospace of immortality without dying. The method of rhythmology allows you to influence the consciousness of a person. With the help of rhythms, it is supposed to "raise a man with star words", and then "Unknown Talents" will be revealed to us. The method itself is very simple - to read the delusional poems, composed by the dusse itself. Here is an example. These lines are dedicated ... Lenin.

What is the body defenseless
On Varvaram, on the enemy feasts?
What are the books of unread books

On the dominance of the unclean, on the bow to ask.

Dusya offers a cleansing melody of the word, which will wash the dirt of the mother's genetic tree. Clean the informational field from the dirt of the memory of past suffering. It is not by chance that at the collections of adept sects only make that "masterpieces" Marchenko read. First, people take hands and monotonously and shout very long: "I am a Radasta, you are Radasta, you are Radastia, we are Radasya." Then the book Marchenko "Universe as it is" is taken and pages 8, 28, 38 are read - this is "Omegovit". Then pages 44, 50, 51 - "Holding". Then 52, 55, 62 - Sachkrovit. We will not describe these "services" further. Let's just say that, according to Dusi, if you master the first 10 rejuvenations, then you will acquire genius. The purpose of the teaching is the improvement of man, its internal rhythms. Man - on Marchenko - this is a manifested rhythm, which turns into a ray, comes to Earth. Physically, a body is born from earthly parents, the soul is born somewhere in the water, and the Spirit is in the mountains. The task of a person is to combine the spirit, soul and body into one ray-rhythm, turn into a radiant. There is something similar in the theosophy of Blavatsky and in the "Live Ethics" of Roerichs. Yes Marchenko and herself calls Blavat and Roerichs with his predecessors.

Doctrine Marchenko is a kind of rhythm cult, and Marchenko puts global experiments. In several countries, 10 thousand people are started to read "rhythms" in several hours. She is sure that this way can be installed "day duty", change the group of blood of people and even ... destroy space shuttles.

However, only the rhythms of the "teaching" of Dusi is not limited. Here are a few positions of her doctrine. It turns out that life on Earth occurred from 200 perfumes, which, blossoming, became billions of people. There were four races of people: fenced, lemuries, Aryans, Atlanta. Now the fifth race lives on Earth. Humanity is controlled by "black". Humanity itself is "yellow." "White" manages the planet. Among people there are "broken". These are those who criticize "Radaste." In general, at first there was a plan of first one. But it turns out, there was a sealing of a radiant person, when the moon intervened in his development! And after the cosmic cataclysms have deployed, a certain "Space Cheburashka" begins to walk on the ground. He has a power gross, but there is no head, no legs. And he is trying to acquire some sizes. It looks at the animals - and chooses four limbs to move to move, looks at the plant that feed on solar energy, and choose a direct form. But when the beam materialized to the Belkovo-nucleic body, he passed through the best representatives of mankind: Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Tolstoy. Then through the rulers, then through the holy and prophets. But on this, the transformation of a person does not end. In the end, each of the Adepts of "Radastei" will become Bogochlovec, and even replace God (!) To do not even think of the devil, tempting Eve in Paradise! He promised only: you will be like gods.

Despite the scientific ranks, it seeks the simplicity. It measures the information not by bits, but buckets ... And if you want to understand Russia - eat cucumbers! And if we eat Banana, then "re-emit" Africa. With potatoes, too, not everything is so simple. She was not given to us as a food product, but in order to understand that his karma drums should dig out of the ground! The seventh raus on the ground will again multiply by the kill. And the flu is the rightest energy of the pyramids walking on the planet. All shortcomings of a person enter it through the stomach. And God, according to the Doctrine of Dusi, is just a certain vibration, "which makes it possible to accumulate a package of substance for registration in the real world."

And all this is pronounced in front of the audience, in which candidates of science, and professors, and teachers and businessmen are sitting. Before them are read here such "rhythms", which will then need to repeat:

Marchenko is confident that if humanity does not master the rhythms, it will cease to exist in 20 years. People have only three years left to get used to the new energy information position. The transformation matrix for three years should align the energy-information field of each person, and after that all people should become fun and happy, most importantly, stop growing. Only here is the quarrel, it is written all this Dosi in 1995. Since then, four times went three years old, but nothing like this happened.

You look at the art of sword!

I must say that "Radastei" turned out to be a lot of influential supporters. At the time of Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin, even in the State Duma had its own regular "rhythmologist." I assures herself that he helped win the elections of 30 mayors of Russian cities. Is it so - no one knows. But it is known for certain the many facts of the suicide of the Radaste Adepts.

In Yekaterinburg, GUIN employee was thrown out of the windows of the eighth floor of the high-rise building, many years held in the "Radasta" sect. The GUIN Commission, which conducted an internal investigation, concluded that the cause of suicide was part in the sect.

In the metallurgical region of Chelyabinsk, two teenagers attempted suicide, leaving on the table the open book Marchenko. Its lines were emphasized in it:

You look at the art of the mischievous
How silence dies in the name of the sound,
You hear how the light burns,
Going to the altar for color.

In Ulyanovsk, a young woman after he began to attend "Radasthe", tried to drown his four-year-old child in the bath. The kid after that had to be treated. The mother itself went crazy and was sent to a psychiatric clinic.

In Nizhny Tagil, a 10-year-old boy died on one of the exit schools of Radastei. According to the stories of the former sequence of "Radastei", it was planned that a 30-year-old man would die, but there was some breakdown ...

In the village of Zarechny near Yekaterinburg, one of the sequences of the sect burned himself, pre-slipping with gasoline.

In the capital of Mordovia Saransk after "Radasta" rented a room in a residential 12-storey house, several people jumped from his balconies.

According to experts, the many hours of reading some rhythmic poems introduces a person to cognitive shock, and a person becomes very susceptible to any suggestion. Plus, a constant washing of consciousness occurs. The follower of "Radashei" must stop feeling himself with an earthquake and man. The one who reads "rhythms" is called a "creature", and ideally, a "radiant person." The sequence sectors inspires: morally only what is useful for energy and information. In the lectures of Dusi itself, negative notes are often sounding towards the motherhood and the birth of children. "The smaller the person of those whom he is obliged to feed (you can say, dependents), the faster the person develops."

In the information and consulting center on sectarianism, with the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky, it is noted that Marchenko began its activities in the cities, based on the intelligentsia, predetermined in its significance and susceptible to various innovations. Intelligentsia, especially technical, is quite understandable to the slogan Dusi Marchenko: Metage methods and do what you want. All moral prohibitions, moral suffering and enlightenment peculiar to Orthodoxy are absent here. Everything is very simple here. Here is the method, rhythms, the ultimate goal, finally, self-addiction. To whom I do not want to feel equal to God? Orthodoxy for such people is something obsolete. As the Romans believed in the first centuries of Christianity, this is faith for weaknikov. People who lost in our complex world are unknown that the depths of Orthodoxy can be comprehended by all life. Comprehend over many generations. And here it is enough to "comprehend" 10 styling randas - and you are already radiant genius.

Experts have been warning for many years that the "Radaste" should be paid to the most serious attention. Registered as a public organization, it has free access to hospitals and schools with their pseudomedicine and pseudo-formational programs. The activists of the sects openly declare that their goal is to capture power, through elections and the introduction of all levels on Wednesday. This is especially dangerous in the military sphere and the sphere of high technology, since there are no borders for "Radastei", there are no states, there are no nationalities and the interests of the Fatherland of Alien to any Adept.

It is not by chance that recently among the supporters of "Radastei" are more and more officials and managers of enterprises of various ranks. It seems that Irina Shipulin became one of such victims. Who will be next? And where? In Novosibirsk or, maybe in Tomsk? .. Or in Kemerovo? And who will be able to prove that the death of people is caused by connections with "Radastei"? Of course, the easiest way to "write off" that has happened to the "ordinary suicide". That's just, we repeat the question, what is it - "usual"? ..

The tragedy happened late in the evening on October 30th. The body known in Novosibirsk the owner of the Siberian Orchid Flower Salons Networks Irina Shipulina found the guards of the hotel Novosibirsk at the visor of the hotel. Later there were witnesses who saw how a woman fell out of the window on the 19th floor of Novosibirsk. Correspondents "KP" tried to figure out the reasons for this tragedy ...

... Irina booked a room at the Novosibirsk hotel on Tuesday evening. A free number on the 19th floor was found quite by chance - it was on that day that the famous singer Zemfira stopped on the floor. The room that she was given, the wall in the wall bordered with the apartments of the singers.

She went with a man of non-Russian appearance, asked the number until the morning, "recalls the hotel staff. - And added: "I, please, higher" ... We just said before this, they said that Zemfira would go, and allowed to book rooms on the 19th floor. They gave her the key from Apartments No. 1906.

We managed to find out who was an Irina satellite that evening - as it turned out, it was a gastarbaiter Batyr, who did repairs in the apartment of the businesswoman. As eyewitnesses tell, the man did not speak Russian well and in general looked as if he did not understand what he was doing in a hotel and why he was brought here.

For almost an hour in the room 1906 nothing happened. Due to the door, Irina laugh was heard, the woman smoked a lot (later in the ashtray found a bunch of cigarettes), something told the Batyr ... Then the cigarettes were over, and, apparently, Irina sent Batyr for another pack down. He returned in an empty room ... Smooed window, a fixed body of Irina below, on a visor over the entrance ...

Police and prosecutors are not in a hurry to give comments on this mysterious and ridiculous death. They say only that there is a check. The hotel staff is also a few. But something to know something.

Someone from the guards saw it fell ... They say, jumped up, spread his arms and legs bent a little bit. As if he flew ... - the hotel worker recalls with horror, which asked not to call his behalf and position. - a terrible spectacle. The batyr of this police interrogated, but achieved a little - at the time of the fall, he seemed to have really been outside the room.

We tried to talk to relatives and close deceased, but they still can say nothing - still in shock from what happened. They all saw Irina on the eve of the tragedy, and nothing in her behavior gave an intention to reduce scores with life. And in the words of law enforcement agencies about suicide as the main version of what happened they believe with difficulty ...

The editorial office of "KP" - Novosibirsk "brings its sincere condolences to the relatives of the dear and close deceased Irina Shipulina.

Our versions

1) Cause lies in the mysterious sect?

It has been rumored that Irina Shipulin has recently been fascinated by campaigns in the mysterious sect. So this or not, we do not undertake to say unequivocally. But in the hotel remember: Irina constantly regrets something about flights and folded all the numbers that they came across her eyes. They say, very happy, folding the rooms of the floor and its number - turned out to be "eight."

She said so: "See how successfully everything turns out: the sign of infinity came out!" The administrators of Novosibirsk recall in his voice.

2) Irina Shipulin killed?

Dump this version is also not worth it. Not the fact that the satellite of Irina Batyr at the moment when it fell out of the window, was not really in the room. This time. Secondly, while a man walked for cigarettes, someone else could enter the room. The business of Irina is prosperous, envious or even ill-wishers were probably ...

And yet it is definitely difficult to speak. "Komsomolka" monitors the investigation of this tragic incident.