Digoria Ossetia. Digorsk gorge

Digoria is not a mystical country from the world of Harry Potter, but a picturesque area in North Ossetia. It is so unique nature that she was taken under protection, organizing the National Park "Alania". Digoria - a great place for hiking!

Under the protection of the Caucasian ridge

The Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya stretches on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasian Range. In its western part there are two areas - Iraf and Digorsky. It is here that the mysterious Digoria is located. Since the terrain is not administrative, but historical status, it does not have clear boundaries. Unlike the Natropark "Alanya", the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is strictly defined.

The Iraf District is the third largest in the republic. Mountains take almost all of its territory. The administrative center is considered to the village of Chicola. In the whole area there are just over 15 thousand people. Perhaps during the year tourists arrive here. There are many vintage buildings in these places, there are many natural monuments. Travel and environmental trails are laid through the Alania Park. There are places attractive for climbers and climbers.

Digorsky district is two times less than Iraf in Square, but 18 thousand people live here. The administrative center is the city of Digor. It was founded in 1852 on the banks of the Ursdon River. It is curious that the population of the town took an active part in the 1917 revolution. Local attraction is a reduced copy of Christ, installed in Rio de Janeiro. The city has a local history museum.

Digoria often imply a Digorsk gorge. The whole area is conditionally divided into four parts - Stur-Digor (Big Digorius), Tanpan-Digor (flat digger), ChoniFars (side of the river) and Wallagk (upper gorge). The city of Digor, the village of Chikola, Dur-and Lesken is considered large settlements. It is believed that the name of the terrain occurred from the Ossetians-Digor residents, which lived here for a long time.

Winter in these edges is pretty soft. Summer can not be called sultry. During this period, frequent guests are rain. Often, tropical cyclones are visiting Digoria, which bring thunderstorms with abundant rains. The wind rose is such that in the winter season, sediments come from the Caspian side. The average temperature of July is +20 degrees, January - minus 3 degrees. Of course, it decreases with a height.

Iron water

The largest River Digori is considered 104 kilometer long urum. Its origins are on the Mostocet glacier, the shell of which covers the mountain slopes in the upper part of the Digor Gorge. Urum flows into the famous Terek, every second delivering him 20 cubic meters of water. The mouth is located near the village of Aleksandrovskaya. In narrow gorges, the mountain river creates standards.

The very beautiful place is called Akhhekhta, where the river as if the black mountains cut the river. Urum feeds several rivers, which also have ice origins. These include Aigamuga, Tadadon, Karagomdon and Haznidon. If in the upper course of the river has a clearly defined direction, then in the lower it is divided into many sleeves.

On the shores of Urum, several small settlements were scattered. In Ossetian language, its name means "wide." In the lower current, it is really so. However, among the locals there is another name - Iraf, which is translated as "ion water". The ions are the branch of the Ossetian people.


The wealth of local nature led to the creation on the territory of the Digor of the National Park "Alania". It happened in 1998. You can get into it in the only road that loops on the banks of the Urum River. The lower boundary of the park is located at an altitude of 1350 meters, the top is at 4,4646 meters. The northern tip of the security zone borders with Georgia. Animals are in full safety.

There is no doubt that in such comfortable conditions fauna flourishes here. Twenty-five of her representatives are listed in the Red Book. Among the mammals is the Caucasian otter, the Caucasian Forest Cat and the Small Middle Ages - a rare type of volatile mice. The list of valuable birds is much wider. This is the Berkut, Caucasian Tetrayev, Sapsan, Philin and many others. In the Red Book, Krasotel Pahukhuki - Beetle, which during the danger allocates a sharp smell.

On the territory of the reserve it is realistic to meet the boar, yak and brown bear. Very graceful local roebles. Tours and sulfas in the mountains live high in the mountains. The forest is a hometown for foxes, cunits and protein. Pretty many "migrants" live in the park. From Siberia, cladows and bullfights moved here, from Europe - singeling thrills, from Central Asia - Borodachi and Ulary. In total, there are 34 species of mammals and 116 species of birds in the park.

No less diverse flora reserve. In total, about thousands of plant species grows in the mountains. But the number is not the main thing. The uniqueness of the local flora is that many of its representatives are found only here. This includes a Dolomitic bell, Digor Rye, Caucasian Gulch and others. Almost 60% of the park is covered with forests, where Pine Koch, Birch Litvinova, Gray Olha grows. The spectacular decoration of subalpine meadows are the Mountain Mak and Alpine Astra.

Recreation is impossible to change

The tourist plan is most attractive by the Iraf District, which is part of the historical digury. Fans of hiking, riding walks and skiing come here. Of particular value is the magnificent ecology, since there are practically no industrial enterprises. The work of the Fasnal Power Plant for the purity of the air does not affect. Since the Russian-Georgian border goes to the south of the district, it should be disturbed in advance about receiving the pass to the border border.

Traditional hotels in the area are a bit, but the turbases are enough. Among them is "Orlinic Nest", "Sky Threshold", "Tana Park", "Thaimazi", "Dzinaga", "Rostselmash". The village of Kamata is a visit center of Alania Park, where you can also stay for the night. Here, tourists take two guest houses - "Katyatazhable" and "Hon". By the way, the whole 12 tourist routes on the diguri starts from here. In the summer there are four children's camps in the area, including "Balts" and "Coma-Art".

Alania Park provides a rich choice of classes and entertainment. Tourists offer mountain biking hiking, horseback riding, rafting, paragliding, agricultural tours, mountaineering and even photo octot. For those who wish, they organize excursions to the Galdoridon waterfall, on the Tana Glacier, to the Glacier Karagom and the Swamp Chifandzar. The first two rounds are available even for children and the elderly. Two others have the 3rd category of complexity. The length of the routes from 3 to 16 kilometers. Passage time - from 2.5 to 12 hours. Excursions are carried out from May to October.

Hits from God and Man

As it is relumed to the National Park, in Alanya, most attractions have natural origins. In total, there are 22 facilities that have the status of a monument of nature. Perhaps the most large-scale of them is the Karag Glacier having an area of \u200b\u200b35 square meters. kilometers. In the Digor Gorge, he is a undoubted leader, and in the entire Caucasus it takes an honorable second place. In length, he is inferior only to the Bezengyan Glacier and Dye-Su.

The glacier begins on the tops of Wilpat, the Bubis-hook, Burjula, Karagom and descends down the slope of the Chief Caucasus Range, stretched 15 kilometers. Its width reaches 9 kilometers. Down it is squeezed through a narrow depression in the ridge of a width of no more than one kilometer. Since the pressure in this place is maximum, down, from a height of 3.5 kilometers, it is condensed with an enchanting icefall. The end of the glacier is at an altitude of 1750 meters.

For a long time, the Karagom was a lackless piece for climbers - too much uneasy was on him. For the first time, the glacier conquered the English climber Douglas Freshfield. In 1868 he managed to climb the icefall and translated through the main Caucasian ridge. In 1902, the Russian climber Nikolai Pogotepol tried to repeat the climbing of the British, but he failed to rise to the very top. Were on the Karagoma and their recordsmen. So the Alpanist Jerzhevsky stormed the glacier 40 times, but never rose above the end of the icefall.

In this difficult to believe, but the Natural Monument of Digori is considered a swamp Cefandzar! It would seem where to get a hurry high in the mountains? The fact is that at an altitude of 2400 meters was once a nasty lake formed by the glacier. Gradually, it overgrown to such an extent that turned into a swamp. The power of his peat sediments today reaches three meters. Chefandzar has a length of 3 kilometers and a width of about one and a half kilometers. Externally, it is an ideal intermountain plain, covered with yellow vegetation.

Digoria is rich in waterfalls - Taimazine waterfalls, Bayradi, Galauses and others will be buried here from time immemorial. The waterfall with the sonorous name is the GalDoridon has five steps and falls from a height of 35 meters. It is located on the River of the same name in the Harestsk Gorge. A powerful flow of water knocked out in black shale an extensive bowl. Among the tourists are also popular for the name "Pearl". And he is called "Crochkin's Waterfall" - in honor of the deceased climber from Taganrog. Very picturesque high-mountain Lakes Hupapa and Gulars.

The landmark is the Beanal Pine Bor, stretching on the slope at the height of one and a half kilometers. The Dzinaginskaya Polyana Fatanta is very picturesque on the banks of the Karaugomidon-Urum River. She is impressive by gigantic boulders who once brought a glacier here. A part of an ancient irrigation system has been preserved in the Dzagaraski tract. This place is just two kilometers from the turbase "Dzinaga".

In the Donar Gorge, at an altitude of 3 thousand meters, heating the glacial donomarist lake. It is necessary to visit the source of the Mineral Water "Scottat" on the bank of the river Aigamihidon. In addition to him in the reserve, the sources of "Atrakort", "Koltisur" and "Humez" are font. All of them are cold - the temperature of "mineral water" all year round does not exceed 6 degrees. Water is strongly gasped with carbon dioxide.

Photo: Digor mineral water is a natural gas

But not only natural masterpieces are under guard in the park "Alania". On the territory of the Digoria there is a lot of ancient facilities - scleps, tower complexes. For example, the Galiat mountain village is entirely an architectural complex of the period of the Middle Ages. Ossetians were built at home in the form of four-story towers, which were called Ganach. The buildings were located on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house served the yard for neighbors. Petroglyphs are preserved near the villages. Once a silk path passed through Galiat.

Photo: Abisalov Tower in the village of Makhchch

In the village of Makhsky you can see the Assalic Tower, an ancient crypt complex and the sanctuary of Gummerhan. The famous digorsk sanctuations are Izad, Avd Dzuar and the river. By the way, the river is the male sanctuary, so the input is prohibited to women. Inside the temple you can get only during religious holidays. Alupinist routes for Glaciers of Taimazi and Tanantanet are held through the village of Fasnal. Fans of deltaplanism are also coming here. In the village there is a club, there is a deltadrome.

How to get

The path to the diguria lies through Vladikavkaz or mineral waters. These cities are railway stations and airports. Next, you should take the bus to the village of Chicola, which is considered the starting point for traveling through the western part of North Ossetia.

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Mountain Digoria is divided into the eastern and western parts. The conditional boundary between them is considered to be the main water artery of Digori - Urum (Irafa on the Digor Master), which in the upper reaches is formed from the merger of the Karagomdon and Hares rivers. After a merger with the Karaugomdon River (ABS. The height of 1490 m) flowing from under the Karagomsky glacier, urum becomes immediately multi-way, increasing in terms of water by 2.5-3 times. Believing further on the bottom of the wide Urumsky Gorge, the Urum River takes the two biggest inflows: on the left - Bilyagidon, right - AigamiDon. On the plain Urum comes around the village of Kalukh (abs. Height 750 m). Thus, on a relatively small segment - 20 km, reset the height of almost 750 m. You can imagine the flow of water.

The road to the rover of the Digorsky Gorge was laid along the Urum River and passes the "gate" of the National Park "Alania" in the village of Matsuta.

Almost all natural sights of Western Digoria are located on the territory of Alania Park, the passage to which is still free (2016).
For Matsuta, the road goes to the left bank of Urum. The valley is gradually narrowed, the slopes become cooler, the forest appears. The outlines of the surrounding mountains become sharp, peaks with sharp, rocky, and the slopes are incisive and steep.

6 km from Matsuta, we get to the village of Akhsau, behind which the Digor Gorge becomes wider. From here, everything is clearly visible, the whole Urumsky gorge is a grand tri with a flat wide bottom and steep cloth slopes. The spurs of the Suiga Range will come to the right of the road, on the left - the Kazanyokh massif - the huge links of the lateral ridge, separated by the transverse valley of the Urum River. The river flows along the wide bottom, looping and divided into numerous sleeves.

A peculiar rubberlike (trough) form indicates that it was created not only by the river, but also an ancient glacier, descending 20-25 thousand years ago from the northern slope of the main waterproop.

Another 4 km of the road, and at the foot of the Chirch Ridge, where the Karagomdon and Harez rivers are merged - two two main sources of Urum River, the road splits. To the left through the bridge along the Karaugomdon River, the road goes to the turbase "Dzinaga" and further into the village of Dzinaga.

We will continue the way on the other road along the Hares River to the Harez, or the Verkhne-Digor Gorge. It will appropriate here to talk about the origin of the name of the Digor Gorge. It happens from the name of the Ossetian ethnic group - Digortsev (in Ossetian - "Digoron" or "Duguron"), which doubtedly inhabited Urum's gorge.

The Upper-Digor Gorge is very beautiful. From the south over the greens of forests sparkle on white snow vertices of the main waterproof ridge, exceeding 4000 m, from the north, no less high granite arrays of the Sugan ridge are raised.

The road passes through the villages of Mosca, Odola and Stur-Digor, which is 6 km from the road. At the end of the XIX century. It was the biggest settlement in the mountain digger. In 1884 there were 588 inhabitants in it (67 yards).

Nowadays, like all Mountain villages, Stur-Digor (Ustur-Digor, Big Digoria - Osset.) I am experiencing not better times. The number of courtyards, and, accordingly, the number of residents sharply decreased. But there are many new brick houses under the tile and slate. In Stur-Digore, the old buildings (Hudzara) are well preserved. The lower floor of this house had an economic purpose, and the top - served housing.

In the village in 2007, the chapel was sanctified in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "the recovery of the dead." This is one of the most highly mountainous (2300 meters above sea level) in Europe and the Russian Federation Chapel. A kind of landmark.

Blue (the color of the Virgin) The pyramidal dome of the chapel seems to be more synne against the background of snow-white vertices, because from the village of Stur-Digor, a wonderful view of the mountains opens. Perfectly visible sacred for djittsy cube-shaped green Cubus mountain, which shares the valleys of the Hares River and Tadadon.

The last village in the gorge - Kussu, which is located near Stur-Digora - 3 km. When you are on top of Cubus, we notice that the village of Verkhne-Digor Gorge is located on the left bank of Harez almost nearby. Between them there are country villages and new recreation centers, so it seems that the villages of the villages stretch along the road with a single street.

1 km from Kussu, and we approach the recreation center "Rostselmash".

From here begins the resort zone of the Digor Gorge with databases of various sizes and comfort - for every taste and wallet. On the segment of the gorge 3 km from the Rostselmash recreation center among pine forests there are such comfortable shelters as the "Orlinic Nest", "Sky Threshold", "Tana Park", "Coma-Art".

Digorsk gorge In the Iraf District of North Ossetia - one of the most beautiful and wild gorges of the North Caucasus. It is a breakthrough by Urum River in a rocky ridge, parallel to the main ridge. The road here comes around the narrow eaves, knocked out in the rocks above the stormy waters of Urum.

Conditions for recreation and recreation in the gorge - at different heights above sea level there are dry mountain steps, wet forests, alpine meadows, a forest-steppe zone, lakes, glaciers, streams, waterfalls. There are opportunities for hiking on environmental paths, you can enjoy educational tourism, making excursions to different landscapes with their historical and cultural and architectural monuments, to engage in water slalom.

Currently, you can relax here mainly in the warm months. In winter, in the season of heavy snowfalls, there is no rest of the rest, but the landscapes at this time of the year here are beautiful here, and see these places will also be interesting in the winter months.


There are the following accommodation for tourists for recreation: Turbasa LLC "Dzinaga", Health Mountaineering Base "Digoria - Rostselmash", Mountaineering Base of the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute "Taimazi", Mountain Base "Komi-Art", Eagle Nest Recreation Center.

Tourist base "Dzinaga" Provides for touring campaigns and walks through the territory of the National Park "Alania", multi-day trips to Bartuy's gorge, to the Paradise Polyana and Polyana Tamahazi, on the Karagomsky Glacier - one of the largest glaciers of the Caucasian Mountains, in the village of Sacrolor - the place of revival of Alan, to waterfalls, "Digor Ring" with a visit to the Aules and historical and architectural monuments.

The turbase is more oriented for summer holidays of children and adolescents, whose stay here is funded at the expense of budget funds and extrabudgetary sources. There is an opportunity for family reception, tourist groups and individual holidaymakers. On the territory of the base there are eight buildings designed to relax 450 children. The cost of one day with a three-time stay is 500 rubles.

Distance from Vladikavkaz to the turbase "Dzinaga" to Vladikavkaz - 115 kilometers, passing by the bus (Gazelle Minibus) from Vladikavkaz from Avtosta No. 1, the fare is 75 rubles. Time on the way 2 hours 30 minutes. Check out daily at 15.55.

Vacationers on recreation center "Digoriya Rostselmash" They have the opportunity to take walks to waterfalls, hiking are popular for Paradise Polyana, Karaugomsky Glacier, excursions around the territory of the National Park "Alania", acquaintance with his Flora and Fauna, to the sanctuary of Nana's chuck.

Summer houses and brick buildings are located on the territory of the recreation center. The total capacity is 250 people. The cost of accommodation along with three-time nutrition is from 300 rubles at a quadruple room and up to 600 rubles in a double room.

The distance from Vladikavkaz to the recreation center - 125 kilometers, passing by bus from Vladikavkaz from Avtostania No. 1, the fare is 75 rubles. Time is on the way for about three hours.

Tourist base "Coma-Art" (Former name "Digoria"). Total capacity - 150 people. Accommodation in two and quadruple rooms in wooden cottages and brick houses. The cost of living is 500 rubles per day per person.

The most popular in the summer are routes to the tops of the eastern part of the Sugan ridge and hiking to the GEBE gorge. For more trained climbers, it is assumed to climb the tops of the central and western part of the Sugansky ridge.

For experienced climbers there are high-categorized routes, which involve ascent to the tops of Urumimagovaya Mountain, Aychwa, riddles, Agiantova, Acrelated, which are located in the eastern part of the Sugan Range.

The distance from Vladikavkaz to Komy Art - 125 kilometers, the bus departs from the bus station number 1, the fare of 75 rubles, the route to the settlement with. Stur-Digor, and from there five kilometers to the base.

Recreation Center of Taganrog State Radio Engineering University "Taimazi" Located in the picturesque location of the Digorsk Gorge on the Urum River, at an altitude of 2100 m. Accommodation in houses for 4-6 rooms (in rooms 2-5 people), the total capacity is 100 people.

For vacationers, two-three days of tourist routes of all categories of complexity are possible. The proximity of the mountains of the main Caucasus ridge allows the camp as a base for climbing climbing.

During pedestrian excursions, you can familiarize yourself with the historical monuments and old towers, a collection of unique medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms, forest nuts is possible.

The formation of groups and transportation to a rest is under the jurisdiction of the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University, and the trips are purchased directly in the Administration of the University.

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Climatic conditions

The climate of the mountain digoi is distinguished by a great variety. The most important climate-forming factor for this area is relief. Mountain ridges and their sangs, many valleys, gorges and intermediate boilers greatly complicate the overall circulation of the atmosphere and create a large range of microclimatic features.

Within the climate, the climate is allocated for two territories: the tassel is a sketch of the middle ground zone and the high-mountain zone.

Tasklace Body , like all the basins of the North-Jurassic depression, is distinguished by a peculiar dry climate. The rocky ridge protects it from the invasions of cold arctic air. Therefore, winter temperatures are small here. In the Fasnale, the middle January temperature is -2.4 degrees. This is the highest winter air temperature in North Ossetia. Rare temperature decreases here can reach -30 degrees. The average July temperature reaches 15.8 degrees. In the summer, although there are separate hot days, but nights are always cool. The annual amplitude of air is usually small and amounts to 18-19 degrees. For the basin, a small amount of precipitation is characterized (400-500 mm) and optimal relative humidity (62%).

The protective effect of the relief affects not only in the insignificant amount of precipitation, but also in a small speed of the wind. Local winds include mountain-valley winds and hair dryers.

Alpine zone , located above 2000 m, is distinguished by a harsh climate. Within a long winter, there is a significant saving accumulation. Stable snow cover holds 120-160 days. Winter here is relatively cold. The average monthly temperature of February at an altitude of 3000 m is 11 degrees of frost. Spring occurs at the end of April and in early May. Summer cool. At an altitude of 2500 m, the average temperature of August is a little more than 10 degrees.

A great influence on the local climate has an olelification of the waters and the Suiga ridges. The significant reflectivity of ice and the cost of heat on the melting of glaciers create a marked temperature difference between the upper and lower parts of the valley. It gives rise to descending glacier winds, which at night merge with mountains.


The main attraction of the Digor Gorge is lake Tsada (Tabarachtsad). This is a unique mountain natural reservoir, the relic lake is the only one, located on an ancient lake, at the southern foot of the rocky ridge in the Digorsk Gorge, in the River Valley of the Aigamugidon, over the village of Upper Faraskat (1500 m above sea level). In 2004, the first joint expedition of the employees of the North Ossetian reserve and the National Park of Ossetia was taken to the specified lake.

According to experts, the lake is in the age stage, called "old age," richly overcomes and gradually turns into a pond. The bottom and walls of the initial basin throughout are covered with a more or less powerful layer of il, completely hiding its original shape. Initial Wpadina turned into a lake bed.

Above the lake rises the Rock-Oven - Alkhoan ("spindle") from limestones, once sluggish from the rocky ridge. Near it - traces of collaps with separate boulders and fuses. From under the cliffs hits a karst spring, and the noise of water is heard constantly. The west of the lake flows a small neperbating stream.

The lake has an oval form of about 60 m in length and 20-25 m wide. According to the periphery, the lake has already overgrown with reed and other moisture-loving herbs. On the dam itself - separate birch trees. From wood plants around the lake, shrub willows, birch and lapping shrub (Kuril tea) grow around the lake. This overgrowth, apparently, is amused with water only during periods of snowy and heavy rains, that is, when the lake is overwhelmed with water.

In winter, the lake freezes. Ice formation begins at the end of November-December. The shallow content of the lake, its relatively small sizes and small water exchanges are not much remarkable, but for this area, that is, the southern foot of the rocky ridge, it is the largest natural reservoir. The lake is a good object for naturally scientific excursions.

In the south of Russia there are other places that are well suited for a winter holiday. A wide selection of materials with practical information about resorts and attractions of the Caucasus is offered to the attention of readers on the "Tourism" page and in the appropriate thematic section of the "Director" on the website of the Caucasian Knot. We also invite you to see and evaluate the natural beauty of the Caucasus, with its unique landscapes and landscapes, in our special photo album "

A trip to the Digorsk gorge was scheduled for a long time, but specifically on this day, we were not going to go, there were completely different plans ... But, probably, the stars were like that, and we in the morning, for a cup of coffee, we decide - we are going!
The weather pleased, sunny autumn day + good mood and we are on the way.
Immediately I want to say that I did not like - there are no pointers to the sights, I hardly found where to eat (cafes practically no), well, the absence of refueling (gasoline must).
But for now, pass through Kabardino - Balkaria

We visit in Ossetia

We score to the nafigator the end item S. Dzinaga. There are small work on the route with you, but we did not think that objects were not identical anywhere for tourists and would have to look for them a tyk method ... and this is a time loss (((.
I am moving to the tunnel, a little without reaching it, there is a turn right - this is a path leads to a black bridge, which is thrown through R.Uurh.

The location is called Canyon Ahsinta, and if driving through the bridge, the road will lead in a tract of the dynamy (flower), to hay meadows. Highness of the canyon is about 70 meters

We pass by the Bronze Monument Wastrji. Its weight is 13 tons, height is 6 meters + cliffs of 30 meters.

Not far from the monument is the male sanctuary, there is a legend about how it appeared -
Hundreds of years ago, a lonely traveler drove along a narrow road. Suddenly, Arba almost broke into the cliff, only a miracle man stayed alive, as if some unknown force did not give to fall on the bottom of the ravine. In gratitude to Saint Wastardji and was delivered by this sanctuary, which was updated several times

And around the mountain, sun and the purest air!

Place where great prayer wald passes

On the opposite shore, we see the remnants of the towers high in the mountains and decide to roll. The turn is about five km. From the tunnel and leads to the remnants of the villages of Lezgir, DoniFars, to the Satey's glue Obao and to the necropol.

Lifting up, pumped up on an archaeological expedition, which leaves for about 20 years to these places and are excavating the settlement of Saoire. On the plot of only 70 sq.m. A powerful production center was discovered, including 5 potter workshops, 2 metallurgical complexes for the smelting of black metal and bronze, costelus complex and a workshop of the coal! Sentence age 2-4 V.V. BC!
The guys have already canned excavations to next year and the most interesting has already been covered and packaged, but we still snorched to the camera for memory

Raise even higher to the ruins of S. DonyPars

A little away is S.Lezgorm

DoniFar-lezkorsky Necropolis

A little story. S. Lesgorm is one of the most ancient villages of Mountain Digoria, in 1886 there were 58 yards in it. Residents left him in 1927 after the desired village, which brought many victims and destruction. The village was part of the Donimi Far Society and an important strategic point. From here reflected attacks of Digorsky feudal. Residents of Lezgora and other DoniFar villages never obeyed local nobility.
s. Doninfars is the only Muslim settlement in Ossetia.
Donimi-Lesgug Necropolis - a large number of stone crypts and stone stele. It is not so famous as the city of the dead in Dargava, but much larger in the area and includes the tomb of different types. Presumably, burials were made from 5 to 18th century.

Over S. Zadlessk, on the edge of the cliff is visible tower of sedan

Will road Tsyrt - Roadside stone in memory of the deceased person

Before the turbase of jinag, on the stone, a pretty shabby portrait of Stalin.

We pass a tourist account and enter the village of Dzinag

In general, we fulfilled the planned plan, the time is three in the afternoon, and we are terribly hungry))). Unfortunately there are no cafes, we were told on the campus that holidaymakers prepare themselves, because The season is closed ...
And only returning to S. Matsut, immediately before entering the reserve, we found a shop in which we were fed with delicious Ossetian cakes of a huge amount. For me, a master class was held in their manufacture, so I hope that winter evenings we will have Ossetian pies and to remember Sunny Ossetia)))

Much we did not see that we would go back ...

Route Tour: Mineralnye Waters - Digor Gorge - Matsuta - Karagomsky Gorge - UAZAHOKHSKY AREAS - Medieval settlements Scrolls and Canaz - Gorge r. Tana-Don - Tana-Century Glaciers - Taimazine Waterfalls - Mineral Waters

In the mountain diguri you will be found with clean soft air, silence, violated only by the eternal splash of the Hares River, the fertile sun, which becomes closer to you for the whole 2000 meters, the endless blue ocean of the sky, ice rocks, indescribable on the beauty and the grandeur of the mountains and, of course , indescribable feeling of the infinity of the universe and a lively connection with him. Active walks to glaciers and waterfalls are the main part of the program, and will decorate her visit to the locals, touching the history of this ancient land.

Suitable for active tourists who do not have contraindications to active physical exertion.
The tour does not require special physical training, but the normal state of health.
Recommended age up to 65 years.
By number of places, one group may consist of 6-10 people.

Transportation: bus / minibus.


1-, 2-seater:
"Tana Park Hotel" 3 * It is comfortably located in the most distant picturesque corner of the Digorsky Gorge on the left bank of the Hares River in the "horseshoe" of natural attractions: Melalaska Waterfall, Mountain Kubus, Sobs of Labody and the Suiga Range. In the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe complex there is a hotel building and a Bar-restaurant "Hares". In the lobby, there is a small library and a chess table. The hotel's plumbing system enters the purest glacier water, so you can drink from under the tap. The hotel has an outdoor pool and a Russian bath.
The Standart number assumes one or double placement (22 sq.m). The room has a hairdryer, refrigerator, television, internet (Wi Fi), bathrobes, slippers.
Bar-restaurant "Hares" will be happy to offer you Caucasian and European dishes, with a soul prepared by a team of cooks from the products of local farmers and gifts of nature. In the cozy, performed in the author's style of the restaurant halls, you will be serviced by attentive staff and oriented on the menu.
Buffet breakfast from 08.30 to 10.00.
Check-in from 14.00.
Check-out before 12.00.

Tour program

1st day

Arrival. Acquaintance with Digoria.
Arrival in the morning to the airport (railway station) Mineral waters.
Group transfer at 11.30 to the Digor Gorge of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya (up to the border on the way 3 hours).
Lunch yourself. The National Café of Chicola offers dishes of Ossetian cuisine.
In the company Gida, you will drive to the chief goal of the Mountain Digori - Canyon Ahsinta. It is in this place that the canyon narrows so much that it turns into a stone chute, and it becomes visible how at the seventieth meter depth among the rocks the Urum River beats. Canyon amazes with his grandeur. His stewed walls are formed by rocks from gray layered Jurassic limestone. Several karst sources are spectacular in the pulp.
On the way you will be met and spends the sculpture of the most honored by the saint in Ossetia - St. George (Ost. Wastardji). You also visit the village of Matsuta, located on the merger of the rivers Agomogidon and Urum. "There is no path," this name is translated.
Arrival at the Hotel Tana Park, which is comfortable at the most distant picturesque corner of the Digorsky Gorge on the left bank of the Hares River in the "horseshoe" of natural attractions: a waterfall of Melalaska, Mountains of the Cubus, the revolt of Labody and the Suiga Range. In the evening, the group acquaintance, discussion of the tour program.

Cities: Mineral Waters, Matsuta

Sights: Canyon Ahsinta, Sugan Range

Ponds: River Hares.

2nd day

Walk through the Karaugomsky Gorge.
Breakfast in the hotel.
Meeting with a guide, departure on an SUV on a car and walking route to the Karagomsky Gorge (length of walking in both End 10-12 km).
For the village of Dzinaga, you place the pass to the border zone and go to the side of the glacier. The trail goes along the Karagom-Don river among deciduous and coniferous forests, in which there are many strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Once the Karaugomsky glacier was the only glacker in the Caucasus, deeply cut into the forest zone, but his ice was moved and approached it is now dangerous now dangerous because of the stonepads. The route ends at the crossing through the Karaugom-Don River with a magnificent view of the glacier and picturesque mountain peaks. The length of the Karaugomsky glacier is now just over 13 kilometers, it has two magnificent icefall and is considered one of the largest in the North Caucasus.
Lunch on the way (dry bucks).
Return to the hotel, rest. Dinner independently at the hotel's restaurant.

Food: Breakfast, lunch (dry bucks).

Cities: Dzinaga

Sights: Karagomsky Gorge

3rd day

Mountain Cubus and Taemnian waterfalls.
Breakfast in the hotel.
Today you are waiting for a rise to the top of the Cubus Mountain. This low mountain washed with legends and legends. Climbing will delight you with beautiful panoramas and virgin forests covering the slopes of Cubus. Going away from the mountain, you will continue a walk around her foot to Taimazine waterfalls, which look especially spectacular from afar. Three snow-white fluxes fall at a distance of 150-200 meters from each other. Waterfalls originated on the Tummazy glacier and picturesquely break away from the sheer cliffs.
On the shore of the crystal clean river Tana-Don you are waiting for dinner (dry. Dye) and tea on herbs.
On the way to the hotel, the Guide will suggest you to get acquainted with the Bayradi waterfall, which falling from the rocks is broken by thousands of splashes, if you do not be afraid of the icy soul, then this waterfall can be approached very close.
Return to the hotel, rest. Free time at the resort.
Dinner independently at the hotel's restaurant.

Food: Breakfast, lunch (dry bucks).

Sights: Tamaja Glacier, Tana Don Gorge

Ponds: Taimazine Waterfalls, Bayradi Waterfall

4th day

Ancient Ossetian villages Canaz and chopper.
Breakfast in the hotel.
Today you will travel on a trip to the Middle Ages Ossetian settlements and get acquainted with the life, culture and architectural traditions of medieval Ossetia. Rising on the SUV in the village of Canaz, you will see unique monuments of medieval architecture - the castle "Frigate", similar to the ship, Ossetian circles and crypts, the sedano tower, located on an irreparable rock. Next, you will go to the village of Scroll. Next to the village there is the main existing sanctuary of these places of Dzaire Digori-Jad (Angel Digoria), which is honored by djiters from time immemorial. Digori-Jad is a large cave in which there are tables for sacred meals, the ceiling is composed of deer horns, and the walls decorate the skulls of sacrificial animals. In the village of Sacrolor, you will visit the Mother Savior Museum of Alark Children - Nana Scroll.
Lunch is waiting for you in the gorge of Wallagk, in a hospitable Ossetian family, where you will be treated with homemade Ossetian cakes and tea on herbs collected in the mountains. During the meeting, you will learn about the lifestyle and customs of modern locals.
Leaving Wallagk, you will raise the battle tower of the Abyss, located in the village of Makhsky. The tower is built on a mountain ledge and, as it were, boil over the gorge.

Food: Breakfast lunch.

Sights: UAZAHOKHSKAYA array, medieval settlement chummers, medieval settlement Canaz (North Ossetia-Alanya Republic)

5th day

Glaciers Tana-Tseet.
Breakfast in the hotel.
Exit route. Today you have a campaign on Tana-Don Gorge to Tana-Tsenet glaciers. The length of the route in both of the end is 10-12 km. During the walk, you will find yourself in captivity of unique intricate vegetation: juniper, dwarf perennial deciduous trees. The mountain trail will lead you to the Amphitheater of Mountains: Thaimazi Western, Zashura, Citel, Peak Digoria, Verse Western and Main Labody. On the slopes of these vertices are glaciers, among which the largest Tana-Tseet glacier is.
Lunch on the way (dry bucks).
Return to the hotel. Dinner independently at the hotel's restaurant.

Food: Breakfast, lunch (dry bucks).

Sights: Tana Don Gorge, Tana-Tseet Glacier

6th day

Tracking in the ridge of the Hares River.
Breakfast in the hotel.
Not in vain the diguria is often called the "valley of thousands of waterfalls and rainb". Waterfalls here really great set. Today, under the guidance of the guide, you will go on a campaign on the Hares River Gorge (the length of the foot parts in both of the end 11-12 km). During the walk, you will see a deep and narrow canyon of the Hares River, many waterfalls and rocky vertices of the Suiga Range.
Lunch (dry bucks). Return to the hotel.
In the evening, a festive dinner of the group, during which you will share your impressions of dating from Digoria.

Food: Breakfast, lunch (dry bucks), dinner.

Sights: Sugansky Ridge

Ponds: River Hares.

7th day

Breakfast in the hotel. Eviction from the hotel to 12.00. Free time at the resort.
Optionally, you can take an excursion to the village of Galiat (add. Fee).
Galiat village is located in Wallagkom Gorge. This is a unique medieval architectural complex. Houses here used to be built by tiers. The roof of one house served the yard for another, so the Galiatians could safely walk to each other, without leaving their own yard. Preserved in Galiate and typical Ossetian towers consisting of four floors.
Lunch yourself.
At 14.00, departure from the Gorge to Mineral Water Airport (on the way 5 hours) to evening flights after 19.00.

Food: Breakfast.

Cities: Mineral water

Conditions on Tour

Meeting point A meeting On the day of arrival at the airport or on the railway station of mineral waters with the sign "Legends of the Mountain Digori".
Meeting at the airport of mineral waters in the parking lot opposite the arrival hall, bus / guide with a sign "Legends of the Mountain Digori". A group transfer from a / n is sent at 11.30 (the number and brand of the bus, the phone driver) is reported in advance.
It is possible to meet at the railway station Mineralnye Waters with the arrival of trains to 11.00, contacts in the meeting are transmitted before check-in. At the railway station of mineral waters, the meeting in front of the central entrance to the railway station.
Wires - On the day of departure (from the gorge) at 14 o'clock, a group transfer is carried out (on the way about 5 hours) to the airport (on the railway station) mineral waters for trains / flights departing after 19.00.
Moscow time. Transport bus / minibus. The price includes transport services in the program, including group transfers Airport (railway) Mineralnye Vody - Hotel - Airport (railway) Mineralnye waters, accommodation in the hotel Tana Park, Food in the program (breakfasts at the hotel, lunch Dry solders on days 2, 3, 5, 6, dinner in the family on day 4, festive dinner on day 6), mining guide services, eco-fees of the National Park. Possible supplements nutrition not included in the program (dinners - in 1 and 7 days, dinners), additional. Services at placement, Alcoholic beverages, Individual transfers, Luggage tray, Insurance.
Individual transfer - extra. Board 6000 rubles / car. Discounts according to the price table. Food in the program. Comprehensive. Breakfasts at the hotel, lunch in the form of dry soldering days 2, 3, 5, 6, dinner in the family on the 4th day, a festive dinner on day 6. Important in case of deterioration of weather conditions We reserve the right to change the program or route of the tour.
Citizens of the Russian Federation, we recommend to take a mandatory health insurance card on the journey for each participant of the trip.
The travel agency reserves the right to change the order of excursions, as well as replacing them to equal when maintaining the total excursion program.
Travel agency reserves the right to replace the hotel on an equivalent.
In case of failure of tourists to the appointed time, the return of money for unused excursions is not made.
It is necessary to arrive at the meeting place at the appointed time, otherwise the responsibility for joining the group completely falls on the tourist.
Subtleing to a 2-seater number (i.e., booking of one place in a 2-bed room) is possible in coordination with the tour operator "Dolphin". Children are accepted with 12 years. Attention, the route passes through the border area. For citizens of the CIS countries, it is necessary to issue a borderpropus, submission of documents in 45 days. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the pass will be decorated during the tour. Useful advice Recommended things: Sunscreen and glasses, a headdress from the sun, easy to walk shoes (sneakers on non-sliding sole or shoes for easy tracking), comfortable clothes for the season (insulated jacket, sweater, light hat, gloves), waterproof windscreen jacket (raincoat), Bathing supplies, towel, individual medicines in the presence of chronic diseases, polyurethane foam "Sidushka", trekking sticks, lantern ignion with spare batteries, flask or plastic bottle for drinking water. Documents on the trip Tourist voucher-voucher, Memo By tour, passport (general), for children under 14 years old - birth certificate. Cancellation conditions under the contract.