The smallest desert in the world. The biggest deserts on the ground is what the smallest desert in the world

I will plunge into the amazing and mysterious world of deserts. How many secrets they have already shared with humanity, and how many are still hidden in their endless expanses, covered with sultry sands and sparkling ice.

All desert existing on Earth, and more than 30 of them, cover 18% of the earth's surface, and differ in size and natural conditions.

Let's go to the extreme journey, at the end of which we are waiting for the largest desert on the planet.

This unique natural zone on the territory of the modern Volgograd and Rostov region was formed during the period of Dniprovsky glaciation, about 300 thousand years ago.

The sands pulled out in the form of an irregular rhombus on an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 thousand square kilometers. In Russia, this is a unique place guarded by the state, for which the reserve and natural park has been created on the territory.

Compared to other deserted, the Tsimlian sands have rich vegetation and are inhabited by a variety of animals, and in Russia the big deserts are also considered the erect sands, spread in the Caspiani.

This desert on the territory of Chile in South America is considered the most dry on Earth. In some parts, attacks rain fall out once a few decades.

Local residents collect water with the help of so-called, "fog traits", collecting up to 18 liters of water per day. But the plants have been so adapted to the harsh climate, that the most arid periods even refuse their natural functions - growth and reproduction.

They happened in this part of the Earth and amazing, abnormal events. In 2010, snow fell in the desert.

Salare de-Uyuni.

The huge salt desert was formed as a result of a lake drying. Solonchak Uyuni in Bolivia, according to different estimates, keeps about 10 billion tons of salt in their depths.

After the discharge of salt mining, the locals adapted to earn money on tourists. They even build houses from salts in which you can relax and spend the night.

Interestingly, but on the surface of the salt marsh, even as a mirror, produce calibration of satellites, and on the edge of an amazing salt zone of the earth there is a cemetery of old steam locomotives.

Translated from the Uygur, the name of the desert in the west of China is translated as "abandoned place." And indeed, permanent population, due to harsh conditions and drought, there is no.

By Takla-Makan Square, stretching for hundreds of kilometers, is one of the largest deserts on the earth's surface. The animal world is poor, and only in the valleys of small rivers you can find hares, tushkans, rare herds of antelope.

At the edges of the sands in ancient times there were small settlements, the ruins of which can be seen from the southern outskirts.

In 30 kilometers from Kherson, the largest desert in Europe - Oleshkin Sands spread out on the expanses of Tavria. It is noteworthy that this is not a solid sandy array, but consisting of seven sites of eoliac deposits in the lower reapers of the Dnieper.

One of the most beautiful places of Ukraine, consisting of sand dunes and bugro. Some of them reach a height of up to 5 meters, and the local population calls them "Kuchuguri".

For the sands do not expand, this territory is now actively planted with coniferous forests.

Taking an area of \u200b\u200b350,000 km², "Black Sands" occupy most of the Turkmenistan, and is divided into two natural zones - Zanguzian doodles and central doodles.

Especially the magnificent desert in the spring, when most of its velvet territory covers small herbaceous plants. Nature comes to life, and the animal world begins an active life.

In addition, in the depths of Turkmen sands there are large deposits of oil and gas.

Estrast, the name of which on Berber means "painting", leads a permanent attack on the territory of South Africa.

In the African continent, it is one of the most sultry places where the average maximum temperature is + 29 ° C. Despite this terrain relatively rich in vegetation, and the flora is represented by giraffes, zebras, antilopes, meerkats and other animal species.

Kalahari is widely represented in the literature and world cinema. The uniqueness of this area adds no rest of the Okavango river through the sands.

Australian desert Victoria

The largest desert of Australia, an area of \u200b\u200b424,000 km², is covered not only by sands, but also in small gravel. Surprisingly, almost half of the continent is deserted terrain.

In total, 8 desert zones are distinguished in Australia, with their special animals and a floral world, and most importantly - various soils.

The precipitation and moisture in the Australian desert depend on the direction and nature of the winds, and the unique natural zones themselves are evenly distributed in the tropical and subtropical climate.


From the mountains of Altai to the foothills of Tien Shan, the endless expanses of Great Asian Gobi desert stretched out. Scarce landscapes stretched out thousands of kilometers and occupy an area of \u200b\u200b1,300,000 km².

Anhydrous place, as this territory of the Mongol is called, for the aggregate of its territories the largest desert of Asia.

Surprisingly, the height difference leads to a large difference in temperatures. Summer is roast, and the sidewar column rises sometimes up to +58 ° C, and in winter it can drop to -55 ° C.

The area of \u200b\u200bthese desert lands is 2,330,000 km², and this, taking into account the sands of the Arabian Peninsula, the largest desert in Eurasia.

Most of this part of the globe is uninhabited, and the full owners enter sandy storms and powerful Sukhov.

There is a unique phenomenon of a sharp drop of daily temperatures. In the afternoon on the sand you can fry the scrambled eggs, and even the century-old stones are cracked from the cold at night.

So we came to the majestic and unique sugar. The largest desert of Africa and the planet, if not to take into account the endless white expanses of Antarctica. Sadkov Sakhara is 9,065,000 km².

Its sands it takes part of nine African states. In addition to the large area of \u200b\u200bsugar is famous for its Mirages, which happen 100 to 200 thousand times a year. Scientists, for many years, studying this amazing natural phenomenon, even made a map of mirageen.

From hot sands to cold ice. The only icy desert on the planet, spread on an area of \u200b\u200b14,107,000 km², the largest desert in the world.

It is noteworthy that Antarctica, surrounded by water and covered with ice, is the most dry place on Earth, since severe frosts literally dried moisture. The precipitation drops very little here, and in 1983 the air temperature was -89 ° C.

Surprisingly, these desert landscapes can be found on the coldest continent of the Earth. These are the Dry Valley of McMarto, which are located in the territory of Victoria in Antarctica.


So we learned that sugar is the largest desert of the African continent, and the largest desert of the planet is Antarctic, covered by eternal ice.

Interestingly, but the Antarctic Desert has its own floral and animal world, represented by Mkhami and some species of the simplest animals.

Truly, amazing and mysterious world. The harsh climatic conditions and enormous expanses of these amazing, in their essence, natural zones, do not allow fully research. But the world does not stand still, and over time, huge deserts will have to open his secrets.

1. Desert with Lagunas - Lensois Maraniensis, Brazil

It is difficult to believe, but this desert that extends in the National Park in the state of Maranyan in Brazil, full of Lagun. An impressive species creates a contrast between white dunes and blue lagoons, which are formed due to rains, the water from which is going in lowlands between the dunes, forming small ponds with transparent water. The lagoons themselves, where fish, turtles and mollusks live, can only be seen after winter and before summer.
2. Color desert, USA

Color desert in Arizona in the USA is the expanses of hills, flatbed and individual elevations with steep slopes. This is a dry earth with scarce vegetation, which has severely undergone erosion. The name "Color Desert" refers to a variety of colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, which are visible against the background of this harsh landscape. The color desert relief is often compared with multicolored layers of the cake. The variety of shades of sandstone and argillita layers is the result of the content of various mineral substances in sedimentary rocks and at what speed they were deposited.
3. The smallest desert in the world - the desert Karkross, Canada

The desert Carcross in the state of Yukon is called the smallest desert in the world. Dry climate and wind created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of rare vegetation, which has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakros is about 2.6 square meters. km.
4. The largest plaster desert - White Sands, USA

Towered right in the center of the pool Tulaarov, is one of the greatest natural wonders of New Mexico in the United States - the flickering sands of the gypsum desert. Dunes cover about 712 square meters here. km of land, which makes this desert the largest plaster desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, here the sand is really cool to the touch due to a large evaporation and humidity on the surface and the fact that the sands are more likely reflected than solar rays absorb.
5. Black Desert, Egypt

The Black Desert is an area where volcanic hills are covered with plenty of small black pebbles. Pebbles lie on top of orange-drone land, and therefore the desert is not completely black. Walking on one of the peaks of numerous hills, you can admire the indescribable scenery consisting of many of the same beautiful gloomy hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is desert and there are no amenities here.
6. The largest salt desert - Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

This desert, located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of \u200b\u200bdeserts. In fact, this is a dried salt lake, whose relief is absolutely flat, and it is so big and transparent that, it seems that the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of this desert is a lot of multicolored lakes that have acquired their color thanks to a variety of minerals.
Solonchak Uyuni is the largest wet saline, which extends 10,582 square meters. km. Solonchak contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, as well as borants. According to some estimates, it contains about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons are mined annually.
7. The most dry desert in the world - the desert of Atakama, Chile

According to the NASA reports, the Atakam Desert in Chile is the most dry desert in the world. She is 50 times land of death valley in California in the United States. The desert covers more than 105,000 sq. Cm and mainly consists of saline pools, lava flows and sand. The average precipitation rate in this region is only 1 mm per year. Some weather stations have never registered any precipitation. The weather here is so arid that even on the tops of the mountains, the height of which reaches 6500 m, there are no glaciers.
8. The desert covered with snow - Takla Maka, China

Takla Makan is one of the largest sandy deserts in the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends 270,000 square meters. KM Basin River Tarim, its length is 1000 km, and the width is 400 km. From the northern and southern edges, it crosses two branches of the silk path, to which travelers usually sought to avoid a dry wasteland.
In 2008, in China's largest desert, the largest snowfall was observed, and the lowest temperatures were recorded after 11 days of continuous snowfall.
9. Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia

Located in Australia, the Simpson desert is striking with its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes.
Another attractive aspect is that there are the most extended parallel dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is the dune Big Red, whose height reaches 40 m.
Although there is a pretty harsh climate, a spinifex plant grows here, which fixes bulk sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds, as well as lizards and silent.

Heat, kilometers of sand, stones and landscapes resembling the lunar landscape - all these scenes are associated with us with the desert. But our world is amazingly diverse and not all deserts are the same. Each of these beautiful deserts has its own unique atmosphere and a picturesque view, sometimes resembling a landscape with another planet.1. Desert with lagoons - Lensois Maraniensis, Brazil

It is difficult to believe, but this desert that extends in the National Park in the state of Maranyan in Brazil, full of Lagun. An impressive species creates a contrast between white dunes and blue lagoons, which are formed due to rains, the water from which is going in lowlands between the dunes, forming small ponds with transparent water. The lagoons themselves, where fish, turtles and mollusks live, can only be seen after winter and before summer.
2. Color desert, USA

Color desert in Arizona in the USA is the expanses of hills, flatbed and individual elevations with steep slopes. This is a dry earth with scarce vegetation, which has severely undergone erosion. The name "Color Desert" refers to a variety of colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, which are visible against the background of this harsh landscape. The color desert relief is often compared with multicolored layers of the cake. The variety of shades of sandstone and argillita layers is the result of the content of various mineral substances in sedimentary rocks and at what speed they were deposited.
3. The smallest desert in the world - the desert Karkross, Canada

The desert Carcross in the state of Yukon is called the smallest desert in the world. Dry climate and wind created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of rare vegetation, which has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakros is about 2.6 square meters. km.
4. The largest plaster desert - White Sands, USA

Towered right in the center of the pool Tulaarov, is one of the greatest natural wonders of New Mexico in the United States - the flickering sands of the gypsum desert. Dunes cover about 712 square meters here. km of land, which makes this desert the largest plaster desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, here the sand is really cool to the touch due to a large evaporation and humidity on the surface and the fact that the sands are more likely reflected than solar rays absorb.
5. Black Desert, Egypt

The Black Desert is an area where volcanic hills are covered with plenty of small black pebbles. Pebbles lie on top of orange-drone land, and therefore the desert is not completely black. Walking on one of the peaks of numerous hills, you can admire the indescribable scenery consisting of many of the same beautiful gloomy hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is desert and there are no amenities here.
6. The largest salt desert - Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

This desert, located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of \u200b\u200bdeserts. In fact, this is a dried salt lake, whose relief is absolutely flat, and it is so big and transparent that, it seems that the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of this desert is a lot of multicolored lakes that have acquired their color thanks to a variety of minerals.

Solonchak Uyuni is the largest wet saline, which extends 10,582 square meters. km. Solonchak contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, as well as borants. According to some estimates, it contains about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons are mined annually.
7. The most dry desert in the world - the desert of Atakama, Chile

According to the NASA reports, the Atakam Desert in Chile is the most dry desert in the world. She is 50 times land of death valley in California in the United States. The desert covers more than 105,000 sq. Cm and mainly consists of saline pools, lava flows and sand. The average precipitation rate in this region is only 1 mm per year. Some weather stations have never registered any precipitation. The weather here is so arid that even on the tops of the mountains, the height of which reaches 6500 m, there are no glaciers.
8. The desert covered with snow - Takla Maka, China

Takla Makan is one of the largest sandy deserts in the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends 270,000 square meters. KM Basin River Tarim, its length is 1000 km, and the width is 400 km. From the northern and southern edges, it crosses two branches of the silk path, to which travelers usually sought to avoid a dry wasteland.

In 2008, in China's largest desert, the largest snowfall was observed, and the lowest temperatures were recorded after 11 days of continuous snowfall.
9. Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia

Located in Australia, the Simpson desert is striking with its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes.

Another attractive aspect is that there are the most extended parallel dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is the dune Big Red, whose height reaches 40 m.

Although there is a pretty harsh climate, a spinifex plant grows here, which fixes bulk sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds, as well as lizards and silent.

Heat, kilometers of sand, stones and landscapes resembling the lunar landscape - all these scenes are associated with us with the desert.

But our world is amazingly diverse and not all deserts are the same.

Each of these beautiful deserts has its own unique atmosphere and a picturesque view, sometimes resembling a landscape with another planet.

1. Desert with Lagunas - Lensois Maraniensis, Brazil

It is difficult to believe, but this desert that extends in the National Park in the state of Maranyan in Brazil, full of Lagun. An impressive species creates a contrast between white dunes and blue lagoons, which are formed due to rains, the water from which is going in lowlands between the dunes, forming small ponds with transparent water. The lagoons themselves, where fish, turtles and mollusks live, can only be seen after winter and before summer.

2. Color desert, USA

Color desert in Arizona in the USA is the expanses of hills, flatbed and individual elevations with steep slopes. This is a dry earth with scarce vegetation, which has severely undergone erosion. The name "Color Desert" refers to a variety of colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, which are visible against the background of this harsh landscape. The color desert relief is often compared with multicolored layers of the cake. The variety of shades of sandstone and argillita layers is the result of the content of various mineral substances in sedimentary rocks and at what speed they were deposited.

3. The smallest desert in the world - the desert Karkross, Canada

The desert Carcross in the state of Yukon is called the smallest desert in the world. Dry climate and wind created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of rare vegetation, which has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakros is about 2.6 square meters. km.

4. The largest plaster desert - White Sands, USA

Towered right in the center of the pool Tulaarov, is one of the greatest natural wonders of New Mexico in the United States - the flickering sands of the gypsum desert. Dunes cover about 712 square meters here. km of land, which makes this desert the largest plaster desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, here the sand is really cool to the touch due to a large evaporation and humidity on the surface and the fact that the sands are more likely reflected than solar rays absorb.

5. Black Desert, Egypt

The Black Desert is an area where volcanic hills are covered with plenty of small black pebbles. Pebbles lie on top of orange-drone land, and therefore the desert is not completely black. Walking on one of the peaks of numerous hills, you can admire the indescribable scenery consisting of many of the same beautiful gloomy hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is desert and there are no amenities here.

6. The largest salt desert - Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

This desert, located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of \u200b\u200bdeserts. In fact, this is a dried salt lake, whose relief is absolutely flat, and it is so big and transparent that, it seems that the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of this desert is a lot of multicolored lakes that have acquired their color thanks to a variety of minerals.

Solonchak Uyuni is the largest wet saline, which extends 10,582 square meters. km. Solonchak contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, as well as borants. According to some estimates, it contains about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons are mined annually.

7. The most dry desert in the world - the desert of Atakama, Chile

According to the NASA reports, the Atakam Desert in Chile is the most dry desert in the world. She is 50 times land of death valley in California in the United States. The desert covers more than 105,000 sq. Cm and mainly consists of saline pools, lava flows and sand. The average precipitation rate in this region is only 1 mm per year. Some weather stations have never registered any precipitation. The weather here is so arid that even on the tops of the mountains, the height of which reaches 6500 m, there are no glaciers.

8. The desert covered with snow - Takla Maka, China

Takla Makan is one of the largest sandy deserts in the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends 270,000 square meters. KM Basin River Tarim, its length is 1000 km, and the width is 400 km. From the northern and southern edges, it crosses two branches of the silk path, to which travelers usually sought to avoid a dry wasteland.

In 2008, in China's largest desert, the largest snowfall was observed, and the lowest temperatures were recorded after 11 days of continuous snowfall.

9. Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia

Located in Australia, the Simpson desert is striking with its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes.Another attractive aspect is that the most extended parallel dunes on the planet are located here. The Big Red Dune is the dune, whose height reaches 40 m.

Although there is a pretty harsh climate, a spinifex plant grows here, which fixes bulk sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds, as well as lizards and silent.

10. Busting Towers, Australia

Australia is famous for the variety of desert landscapes, one of the most unusual deserts of the continent is to search on the territory of National Park Nambung. Here, in addition to traditional sand dunes, you can see incredibly beautiful natural sculptures from limestone, which are directed into the sky for several meters. The towing desert attracts tourists with these unusual formations, as they managed to find out to researchers, the age of limestone formations is more than 25,000 years.

11.Lesoch Maranenshesh

This is a deserted territory of the Brazilian state of Marajan with snow-white sand dunes and turquoise lagoons formed in low-heavy rains. You can see such a spectacle only at a certain time of the year, when the rainy season lasts is the spring months from the beginning of March to the end of May. At this time, turtles, mollusks and other residents of the local lagoon appear among the wild desert in small ponds. In summer, dry weather contributes to the evaporation of the most beautiful reservoirs and its inhabitants until the next season.

12.Badn-Jaran, China

Many interesting secrets keep the desert of Badyn Jaran, located in China. Only in this desert you can see the sand dunes, the height of which reaches 500 meters. For the desert, a permanent and pretty strong wind is characterized, which forms unique landscapes. Under the influence of this wind, the sand dunes make a loud noise that researchers are unofficially called "whistles of sands". Another interesting feature of the desert are beautiful lakes located at the foot of the dunes. Some lakes are fresh, and the water in others is very salty. The area of \u200b\u200bamazing desert is 49,000 square meters. km, in many respects of its own features, she is obliged to mold soil waters. In the desert there are more than a hundred lakes, which constantly feed underground springs, they originate for hundreds of kilometers from the desert borders. The name of the Badin-Jaran desert with Mongolian literally can be translated as "mysterious lakes", its reservoirs are indeed a unique natural attraction.

13.Vadi Ram, Jordan

In Jordan, there is an amazing desert Wadi Ram, who won world famous thanks to its unique Martian landscapes. The area of \u200b\u200bthis rocky desert is more than 740 square meters. km, on its territory they filmed the plots of the sensational modern films: "Red Planet", "Martian", "Transformers", "Recent Days on Mars" and others. During the journey in the desert, you can see a lot of incredible landscapes, including picturesque canyons and mountains, the highest among which is Mount AD-Dami Mountain.

Heat, kilometers of sand, stones and landscapes resembling the lunar landscape - all these scenes are associated with us with the desert.
But our world is amazingly diverse and not all deserts are the same.
Each of these beautiful deserts has its own unique atmosphere and a picturesque view, sometimes resembling a landscape with another planet.

1. Desert with Lagunas - Lensois Maraniensis, Brazil

It is difficult to believe, but this desert that extends in the National Park in the state of Maranyan in Brazil, full of Lagun. An impressive species creates a contrast between white dunes and blue lagoons, which are formed due to rains, the water from which is going in lowlands between the dunes, forming small ponds with transparent water. The lagoons themselves, where fish, turtles and mollusks live, can only be seen after winter and before summer.

2. Color desert, USA

Color desert in Arizona in the USA is the expanses of hills, flatbed and individual elevations with steep slopes. This is a dry earth with scarce vegetation, which has severely undergone erosion. The name "Color Desert" refers to a variety of colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, which are visible against the background of this harsh landscape. The color desert relief is often compared with multicolored layers of the cake. The variety of shades of sandstone and argillita layers is the result of the content of various mineral substances in sedimentary rocks and at what speed they were deposited.

3. The smallest desert in the world - the desert Karkross, Canada

The desert Carcross in the state of Yukon is called the smallest desert in the world. Dry climate and wind created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of rare vegetation, which has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakros is about 2.6 square meters. km.

4. The largest plaster desert - White Sands, USA

Towered right in the center of the pool Tulaarov, is one of the greatest natural wonders of New Mexico in the United States - the flickering sands of the gypsum desert. Dunes cover about 712 square meters here. km of land, which makes this desert the largest plaster desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, here the sand is really cool to the touch due to a large evaporation and humidity on the surface and the fact that the sands are more likely reflected than solar rays absorb.

5. Black Desert, Egypt

The Black Desert is an area where volcanic hills are covered with plenty of small black pebbles. Pebbles lie on top of orange-drone land, and therefore the desert is not completely black. Walking on one of the peaks of numerous hills, you can admire the indescribable scenery consisting of many of the same beautiful gloomy hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is desert and there are no amenities here.

6. The largest salt desert - Solonchak Uyuni, Bolivia

This desert, located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of \u200b\u200bdeserts. In fact, this is a dried salt lake, whose relief is absolutely flat, and it is so big and transparent that, it seems that the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of this desert is a lot of multicolored lakes that have acquired their color thanks to a variety of minerals.
Solonchak Uyuni is the largest wet saline, which extends 10,582 square meters. km. Solonchak contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, as well as borants. According to some estimates, it contains about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons are mined annually.

7. The most dry desert in the world - the desert of Atakama, Chile

According to the NASA reports, the Atakam Desert in Chile is the most dry desert in the world. She is 50 times land of death valley in California in the United States. The desert covers more than 105,000 sq. Cm and mainly consists of saline pools, lava flows and sand. The average precipitation rate in this region is only 1 mm per year. Some weather stations have never registered any precipitation. The weather here is so arid that even on the tops of the mountains, the height of which reaches 6500 m, there are no glaciers.

8. The desert covered with snow - Takla Maka, China

Takla Makan is one of the largest sandy deserts in the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends 270,000 square meters. KM Basin River Tarim, its length is 1000 km, and the width is 400 km. From the northern and southern edges, it crosses two branches of the silk path, to which travelers usually sought to avoid a dry wasteland.
In 2008, in China's largest desert, the largest snowfall was observed, and the lowest temperatures were recorded after 11 days of continuous snowfall.

9. Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia

Located in Australia, the Simpson desert is striking with its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes.
Another attractive aspect is that there are the most extended parallel dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is the dune Big Red, whose height reaches 40 m.
Although there is a pretty harsh climate, a spinifex plant grows here, which fixes bulk sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds, as well as lizards and silent.

10. Desert with elephants - Namib Desert, Africa.

In South Africa there is a grand desert Namib. She, although not so extensive, like sugar in the area, but impressive no less. Namib is part of Namib-Naukluft National Park, which spread out on the territory of the neighboring Angola. It is here that the sand dunes are the highest in the world, towering up to 300 meters. If the travelers are lucky, then here you can hugging the desert Namibian elephants. These animals dwell only in one desert. Namib is one of the oldest formations of this kind in the world, there are many animals and plants. Although the desert has long been already an object of close attention of geologists, it still remains mysterious and poorly intended place. Not far from the shore blows the south wind, it creates fogs and strong currents that caused the loss with many seafarers of the course. The north coast is called the shores of skeletons, since it was here that many ships sank, some of which can be found at a distance of 50 meters deep into the mainland. The fact is that the desert gradually dismisses its meters.

Selection of records