Monster Hunter World: how to kill all monsters, their weakness and awards for murder. Lavasiot: Strong and weaknesses

R. L. Stein

How to kill the monster

Why do we definitely need to go there? - Smelling from the rear seat of the car. - Why?

Gretchen, I have already explained for you three times why, "Dad sighed. - We are urgently needed in Atlant. For business!

I know this, "I replied, having frowning through the back of his seat. - Well, why can we not with you? Why should we stay with grandparents?

"Because we said so." As soon as these fatal words pronounced, the dispute can be considered exhausted.

I leaned back on the seat.

Mom with dad has any urgent business in Atlanta. They were called there this morning.

So dishonest, I thought. They will visit such a cool city as Atlanta. And to us with Clark, this is my consolidated brother - you have to go to the mud-hail.

Dirt-hail. Well, in fact, he, of course, is not called dirt-hail. But the name is suitable. Because it is a swamp. Grandma Rose and Grandpa Eddie live in South Georgia - on the swamps.

Can you imagine?

On swamps.

I stared out the window. All day we drove along the highway. Now they moved along a narrow road through the swamp.

The day clone in the evening. And the cypressions were discarded long shadow on swamp grass.

I leaned out of the window. Wave of hot, wet air hit the face. I dragged my head back and turned to Clark. He sat, bouncing his nose into the comic book.

Clark Twelve - We are with him peers. He is much lower than me. Much lower. And he also has curly brown hair, brown eyes and tons of freckles. He is very similar to Mom.

I am rather sharp for my years. I have long, straight blonde hair and green eyes. I look like my father.

My parents divorced when I just turned two years. Just like Clark's parents. My dad and his mother got married immediately after our third birthdays have guessed, and together we moved to a new home.

I love my stepmother. And with Clark, we, in my opinion, get along well. Sometimes he behaves like a jerk. So even my friends say. Well, then their brothers are probably more than once again behave like assholes.

I stared at Clark.

Watched him reads.

His glasses gone to the tip of the nose.

He corrected them.

Clark ... - I started.

Shh-sh, he dismissed from me. - I am in the most interesting place.

Clark adores comics. Namely - horror. But by nature he is coward, so she takes them a barely alive from fear.

I looked out on the window.

I looked at the trees that swept past. On branches, fired by a long gray cobweb. She hung from each tree, exactly gray curtains. Because of this, the swamp looked especially gloomy.

Mom told me about the gray cobweb this morning, when we collected things. She knows a lot about swamps. She believes that there is a charm in the swamps - the truth is somewhat urgent.

Mom said that a gray web is actually such a swamp plant that grows right on the trees.

"The plant grows on the plant. Strange, I thought. - damn strange. "

It is almost as strange as Grandparents.

Dad, how did it happen that grandparents never visited us? I asked. - We have not seen them from four years old.

Well, they are a little eccentrics. - Dad looked at me in the rearview mirror. - Travels do not like. They almost never leave their homes. Live in the depths of the marshes, so it's not easy to get to them.

Well beautiful! - I said. - We will live in a pair of eccentriced older hermals.

Stillching eccentriced older herbs, - Clark's breath, raising his eyes from the comics.

Clark! Gretchen! - Mom indignant. - Do not dare so to talk about your grandparents.

And they are not mine. They are her. - Clark woven his head in my direction. - And they really stink. I still can't forget.

I knocked the brother with a fist. Although he was right. Grandma and grandfather really hang. With a mixture of mold with naphtalin.

I leaned back on the seat and yawned loudly.

It seemed that we were going for several weeks. In addition, in the rear seat was too closely - we are with Clark and Charlie fed to each other like herring in a barrel. Charlie is our dog, a golden retriever.

I packed Charlie to the side and reached out.

Stop push it on me! - Clark was indignant. His comic book fell on the floor.

Sydi Smirno, Gretchen, - murmured mom. "I know, it was necessary to attach Charlie for a while.

I tried to arrange him in the shelter, "said Dad. "But in the last minute no one could take it."

Clark collided Charlie from his knees and bent over the comic. But I grabbed him first.

Oh, Brantz, - I gone, after reading the name. - "Warri from Mud"? How can you read such a trash?

And not the trash at all, "Clark snapped. - That's cool. You're better than your stupid magazine about nature.

What about what? - I asked, overflowing pages.

There are about such terrible monsters. Semi-supersays. They set the traps to catch people. And then hide in the quagm. At the surface itself, "Clark explained. He snatched comic from my hands.

And what then? I asked.

They are waiting. Waiting for as much as you need - while people do not fail in their traps. - Clark's voice trembled. - And then drag them deep into the swamps. And go to slavery!

Clark shuddered. Look out the window. Looked at the sinister silhouettes of cypresses with long gray beards.

Mattled. Shadows of trees slid on high grass.

Clark went down the back of the chair. He has a violent imagination. He fully believes in any nonsense that reads. Then scares - this is how now.

And what else do they do? I asked. I wanted Clark told me more. He frightened himself greatly.

Well, at night, the monsters get out of the bog, "he continued, even lower sliding on the back of the chair. - And they pull out children from beds. They drag them into the swamps. Take off in the quagger. No one else sees these children. Disappear with the ends.

Clark has been prolonged by order.

In the swamps, there are really similar creatures. I read about them at school, I lay down. - terrible monsters. Half people, half alligators. All in swamp fat. And under it they have barley scales. You will run such creature - cut the bones.

Gretchen, stop, "Mom warned.

Clark pressed Charlie to himself.

Hey! Clark! - I showed the window to the narrow old bridge ahead. His wooden boards asked. It seemed that he was about to fall apart. - I bet: under this bridge there will be a marsh monster.

Clark looked at the bridge from the window. And even tightly pressed Charlie to him.

Dad cautiously drove on the dilapidated wooden flooring. The boards rumbled and embroidered under the weight of the car.

I hid my breath when we slowly rolled forward.

"This bridge will not stand us," I thought. - I will not stand it. "

Dad led the car very, very slowly.

It seemed that we were going so much eternity.

Clark pressed to Charlie. He burned out the window, without tearing off the eye from the bridge.

When we finally got to the end, I let the long sigh of relief.

And immediately almost suffocated - the car shook a deafening explosion.

Do not-eat! - I screamed with Clark when the car brought cool.

The car lost control.

She crashed into the railing of the bridge, with ease breaking the drunk tree.

We ... we fall! - shouted dad.

I climbed when we plunged into the swamp.

We landed hard, with a loud "boom!".

Clark and Charlie threw on the seat. When the car finally slowed down, they both were sitting on me.

The shovels at the wall were big and heavy. I grabbed one of them for the handle with both hands and tried out.

I swamped ... and felt the floor shoved under his feet.

I turned around ... and heard the roar.

Roof monster roar.

He did not die.

The creature with the roar arose in the doorway.

Clark and I sneak when the monster stepped into the room. His ugly head with a grinding of the door jamb. However, he seems to not notice that.

Clarka and I clung to the wall.

Charlie clogged into an angle, a complaint. From horror.

We were in the Western.

Hence not to get out.

There is no way.

The monster's look fell on Charlie, then on me, then on Clark. On Clark, he was delayed for a moment. Then the monster threw his head and overwhelmed.

He ... He will deal first with me! - Clark buried. - On ... In vain I threw the comic in it ... In vain I knocked him comic on my head ...

He will deal with both of us, you, moron! - I screamed. - Because we both tried to kill him!

Clark had to shut up here.

"I have to do something," I thought. - I have to do something. But what? What?"

Marsh monster slapped forward.

He clicked down the mouth, exposing sharp yellow teeth.

Sharp yellow teeth through which oocked saliva.

His eyes burned with red fire. He approached. Approached everything closer and closer.

I lowered my eyes and then I just realized that I still squeeze the shovel in my hands. I raised it with both hands and made a fad forward. I poked and poke her in front of myself, trying not to let the monster.

Back! - I shook. - Well back! Leave us alone!

The monster blocked.

Well back! Back! - I was wildly shovel. - Get out!

I swung on the creature.

Swallowed - and hit the stomach with nauseous "Chvak!".

The room hung silence.

And then the monster threw the head and broke out violently.

He rushed forward. I ripped off my hands. And threw out the door. Throwing out with such ease as if it was toothpick.

I almost suffocated when the shovel was drunk at the floor of the kitchen.

I looked at the second shovel leaning towards the wall. The monster traced my gaze.

He grabbed his shovel with both paws and one movement broke in half. After that, she burned the wreckage there, in the kitchen.

What should I do? I have to do at least something!

And then I painted me!

The second letter from the grandparents is the one that we still have not opened!

Clark! Rather! Second letter! - I screamed. - Maybe there is said what to do! Read it!

Clark looked at me. Cooked. And again stared at the angry monster.

Clark! - I learned through my teeth. - Open ... Same ... Letter. Vividly!

He clings to a trembling hand in jeans pocket. Zoomed with an envelope.

Rather, Clark! - I begged.

Finally, he managed to spend the corner of the envelope.

And then I desperately shouted.

Monster rushed forward.

He grabbed my hand. Rough rushed.

And the tops to ourselves.

The monster traded me closely.

I stared at his disgusting face ... and abuned.

His eyes were deeply deep, the dark pools - they floated tiny worms in them!

I turned sharply to not see these terrible, worms.

The monster strengthened his grip.

Its hot, sour breathing fought my cheeks.

He widely uncovered the mouth.

His mouth kishel insects! I saw how they sink up and down his tongue.

I screamed. And struggling began to escape. But he kept me too tight.

Let me go! - I hung. - Oh please!..

The monster was bored in response, hiding me with hot breathing.

He smells like a swamp, I realized, trying to snatch my hand from his dead grip. He is a swamp. He is a living embodiment of the swamp.

With a free hand, I shook the creature on the wrist. And almost fed, feeling under the hand of Moss. All his body covered the layer of raw moss!

Let me go! - I chemished. - Well, please ... let me go!

Clark rushed forward. He grabbed my hand and pulled me.

Leave her alone! - he squeal.

Charlie jumped out of the corner and attacked the monster. After pulling the lip, he grieved threateningly. And then he dug his teeth into the monster's burst leg.

From the surprise, the monster came down to the side, dragging me over.

But Charlie did not let go. Having dropped his eyes, I saw that he was deeply brazed in the feet of creatures.

Zaring, the monster raised his leg. And one violent movement has highlighted Charlie across the room.

Charlie! - I shouted. - Charlie!

I heard Charlie bored in the other end of the room.

He is intact, "Clark said, choking. And even more pulled my hand.

Again, buried violently, the monster swung on Clark Peta. The blow discarded it to the wall. Then the monster leaned forward and pulled me to his ugly face.

He opened the mouth again.

The disgusting language sided insects fell out.

And he licked me.

He slid his hot, bugly tongue up and down my hand.

And then lowered his head and prepared to gnaw my palm.

No-e-e-e-em! - a desperate screeze broke out of my throat.

The jaw monster fell. The mouth opened onto the whole width. Insects were swallowed over his yellow teeth. He tried to my hand.

And then froze.

And let me go.

He backed back, staring at me. Staring at my hand with stolen eyes.

I also stared at my hand. It was covered with a disgusting saluded monster.

The monster raised the paws and grabbed the throat. And gave way. He was given something.

He raised his deploying eyes on me.

You ... are you a man? - he squeezed.

Speak knows how! - Church of Clark.

Are you a man? Are you a man? - Monster was preparing.

D-yes, I am a man - I swallowed.

The monster tracked his head and groaned.

Oh no. I have allergies for people.

His eyes rolled out.

He, staggering, went ahead and collapsed on the door. That with a crash swung open under his huge weight. The lunar light hurt the room.

Monster lying on the belly. He did not move.

I walked wet hand and stared at a fixed enemy.

Is it really dead now?

Gretchen! We go! - Clark pulled me to the open door.

We stepped over the monster. I looked at the defeated monster for the last time.

His eyes were closed. He did not breathe. Did not move.

Go, Gretchen! - Clark cheated.

Is it really dead?

I looked at the marsh monster. I was not sure to end. But one thing I knew exactly - I will not hang around here to find out.

Clark and I ran out the door. Charlie we met in the courtyard: he was already waiting for us. We rushed along the trail - away from home. In the swamp.

I was great surprised, finding that he was already dark. Are we fought with a marsh monster all day?

The pale moon hung over the cypresses, illuminating them with a crazy light.

Swamp dirt reached the ankles when we laid the way on the bodice of the soil. Through high weeds. Through a solid curtain of the fog.

My legs fell into the puddles.

They knocked on the raised roots.

I shrugged from the long gray "beard" hanging from the trees. Shake them from the face when we were farther and further went deep into the swamps.

When the house finally disappeared, we stopped running. Stopped to catch his breath.

I listened to the dark, waiting for hearing steps.

Steps of a marsh monster.

There were no steps.

We did it! We killed a monster! - My voice enthusiastically ranked in the night.

And we got out! - Lyclah Clark. - We are free! We survived!

Yes! - I cried. - We really did it!

Manual, damn, for beginners, practitioners and masters of their business. It is no secret that it is periodically filmed by war, apocalysis and other destruction of the world - not our, which is already plus, but usually purely fantastic, but in real-scenery. Sometimes it happens terribly, more often funny, sometimes tiring. I will not tell you entirely, because with the invaders of all the masters of the battle went for a long time, but it ended with a big green dinosaur. He clicked at the level of the second floor with his teeth, stretched with clawed paws and flew enough. For me and other people with the aim of breaking the neck rather than dinner. The way to kill the fossil animal was exactly one - you need to get an apple in the left fang. Somewhere here my consciousness was trying to rebel - because already the third circle in the yard cut into search of a fruit, maybe it's easier to launch a stick?

No, - sorted by the director sway, - Von under the bench has a thumbnail lying around!

I was not quite decent in response, because it's one thing to choose food in a single copy, but quite another to throw it in such a way that to get to a certain tooth. It was possible to get an apple just in the mouth and we made a circle in anticipation, when the dinosaur, having chewing food - push it to the right place. Since the condition of the murder was fulfilled on half, then the green was not going to fall out, just as in a stupid state slapped on all fours next to the table. Massive, wooden. The table was a bench, three previously stunned monsters benches. From the edge of the Giant. Here, I decided to pincher not to finish the enemy. It was no longer necessary to do anything - a slightly pushed in the back and the forehead of the woman met with a population of the animal. Dinosaur turned out to be pinned to Earth. The apple slowly did the same black thing with the tooth, the Giant was so in oblivion, and here very well on them also fell apart.

Won well.

The next night I was visited by aliens. Round such. Whiten. In the diameter of the meter. And the eyes like a blister. It was possible to destroy this disgust. By the way, I, by the way, is so rare in the usual life, which is nowhere to go, and then suddenly came in handy. You stick to the aliens in the eye and the ball flows on a white liquid. Through a piece of time you repeat the action. And so while all milk does not run away. Extremely tedious occupation. It is good that aliens were only three things and one of them at the time of the meeting was already quite truncated by life.

Outside the window, the sun rolled out due to the horizon.

And here I'm tired. How much can you look at night nights in a dream? We need to see good colorful cinema in reality and look the brain will switch. I wanted blooming sakura, luxury soundtracks, and beautiful fights on the background of nature. And therefore, causing a list of films saved in the memory, I stopped at * seven sisters *. My memory giggled, but argued that he is Chinese-Japanese-Korean and everything will be very exciting there. Therefore, the first ten minutes I picked up the jaw from the floor and returned to the place the eyebrows flew to the ceiling. The film is English-French-Belgian. Oss. Agasy. Pancake. Cinema about a distant future, where the greens of nature) is only in the chronicles and somewhere on the moon. Two. Approximately, in the first half, fragile girls kill specially trained military (in the hands of which automata) with the help of iron and saucepans. In short, you understand, I had a hysterical. And no, there was no special advantage among the girls. And they even became less after the battle, and in general, the screenwriter did not gem. He initially not in vain seven pieces invented.

Three. I helped me. At least two weeks already sleep without dreams. Like a baby. And therefore below the official data about the film. And not quite official.

Mystery 7 Sisters (Seven Sisters) 2017

The film was filmed in Romania.

The film was removed in 94 days.

In the world where married couples are allowed to have only one child, seven twins are born. Grandpa with character decides to keep everyone and gives babies names in honor of the days of the week. So girls and appear in humans - each on his day. But one day Monday does not come home in the evening.

Each meeting with a cyuter in Far Cry 3 is a landmark event. Acquaintance with the Government of Rakyat will occur in the plot when Dennis will lead Jason to the temple at the southern tip of the island. To overcome the pirates alone - a flexible idea, and the only potential allies - Rakyat. But no one will take the risks for the sake of salvation to save strangers, so the only way to conquer respect and get help is to become a warrior. The warrior path is difficult. There are several tests to go through, the main of which will be the battle with the ink monster in the citra temple. When an ancient dagger was delivered, sometimes the blood of Rakyat, and the dead will be resented, the citrate will tell a beautiful legend about the island: "Once a long time ago there was a lake with lotus and clean water. His shores were made of soft sand, and the air filled the flavor of flowers. But under his surface, a giant lived, who eaten anyone who approached the lake. The warrior from the North Kingdom has risen about Giant and swore him to kill. He struck Tatau on his body, taking power from the ground of the dead. Then he gathered and went along the trail to the lake with the lotus. The giant rose from his water, and the warrior raised his dagger. It is compiled the head of the body from the body. The head of Giant fell to the ground and became our island. And the descendants of that warrior became our people ... "

Another portion of the "Withe Wimewn", which, as it turns out, is inserted no worse hemp from the burning fields of Hoiste Volker and the magic mushrooms of Dr. Ernhardt, the straight line will take Jason to the place of battle with the ink monster. The legend will immediately become a reality. A huge head will appear above the temple. Despite all the illusion of what is happening, the battle will not go for life, but to death. Winning ink monster will help relieves good tactics. Of the entire variety of weapons available in Far Cry 3, you will have to do with a small - constituent bow with endless discontinuous arrows. The set is not impressive, but sufficient for victory. The test is broken into three parts. In the first part, the ink monster will try to fry Jason with a fastening of the flame, in the second - will be reborn in sempode-like monsters, which will arise on the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple, in the third - will begin throwing ink stones. During the battle, we move from the wall to the wall, and when the enemy approaches the shot, shoot from the arms on the mask, trying to get into or mouth or eyes. Two dozen of successful hits will eventually make their job. When the monster collapses on the stage of the temple, climbing his hand and finish the dagger (the [space] key). The test award will be worthy - tits citra and the army of warriors Rakyat ...

The permanent monster (or Sewer Beast, if in the original) is, oddly enough, one of the most severe bosses in the game Vampyr. The animal is fast, very damage and unpleasant living. Because to defeat it, you need to push it ...

I confess, I managed, from the first time, but in fact, a miracle and then thanks to the pre-rolled endurance.

For those who still do not know, just in case we will explain. Monster monster Waiting for you in the second part of the game (it is called " White robe") When after communicating the sister Crane, you have to visit urban sewage.

Here, in one of the periods of the halls you will come across the beast, which looks like a rolim from horror. Here he is a permanent monster, your first is noticeably difficult to boss in . And since you have come to this article, that is, suspicions that you have not turned out to defeat it. This is normal, because it is brief about that ..

how to kill a monster monster

So, as you already probably understood, the beast attacks very quickly and for sure. Then the first thing you need to catch it to dodge from his paws. For this, it is enough just to go left or right, i.e. Perpendicular to the side of the alleged impact line. When you have to come to terms with the fact that while you are applied to throwing messengers, a couple of attacks you will inevitably skip.

Moment Second: Control endurance and attack start, only if its level is maximum. By the way, notice, after the very first attack, the mandatory monster moves away and for some time it does not attack. You need to catch this interval and attack yourself, applying your most severe attack and trying to inflict the opponent as much as possible damage.

Then just follow his movements, doubt the blows, gain endurance, and then in the same way, choosing the right moment, quickly attack and leave again. Repeat if the endurance is missing, it is better not to attack. In addition, try to keep the distance not to fit close to the beast and not to give it to get yourself. While you go, stamina slowly, but grows. So, after each attack, move in a circle, but if possible, not very quickly and so that the beast remains at about the center of the room and you had a place for maneuver (in any case, do not run into the corners).

Well, by itself, wait for a stunning attack. It will definitely be and not alone. Her mandatory monster applies in a bundle with a subsequent throw and a series of strikes that can either knock your health glasses to a minimum, or even kill. When he is stunning you, then try to get away from the throw so that the beast does not jump on you. After try to strike / shoot, I will immediately follow the "Promotion", we are driving and repeating the attack.

As for weapons, more aware and experienced kamrads write that they work well against the permanent monster, for example, even old amputation knife (+5 blood absorption) in combination skills " Claws"And" Cutting", Plus the ability to conduct combo attacks. Like that: