The narrowest Pisa in the world. Attractions of historic Pisa

The Pisa Tower, she "the falling tower" is a grand error of builders, which, contrary to logic, has become one of the characters of Italy and became famous for the whole world. It was built in two stages, for almost two centuries. Already in the process of construction it became clear that the tower acquires an unnatural tilt, but, nevertheless, it was completely complete for 1360. Since then, to this day, work is constantly underway to strengthen the tower. But all efforts remain in vain - the tower continues to deviate from the vertical at a speed of 1.2 mm per year.

One day, the Leaning Tower will fall, and until the moment the tourists will arrange pilgrimage to this miracle of the world, whose floors are born with elegant decorative arcades, and from the top there is a ringing bell ringing.

Pisa Cathedral

The construction of the Pisa Cathedral began in 1063, and the main construction concept was

organic combination of elements of various architectural styles, among whom even Islamic. Such an eclectic was to emphasize the scope of the Pisan Trade, at that time experiencing his tangible rise.

The architect Bucketo Di Giovanni Judiche, who sought to surpass his competitors from Venice, built the Cathedral of St. Mark.

The year of completion of construction is considered to be the 1118th, when the Cathedral was consecrated by Pope Gelasi II.

The appearance of the cathedral over time has undergone a number of changes associated with the need for restoration of the structure. The interior of the Pisa Cathedral amazing the imagination not only the volume, but also the beauty of the scenery. The finish is predominated with black and white marble, and the ceiling is decorated with frescoes of the Middle Ages. Despite the fact that most tourists come here thanks to the famous Pisa Tower, soon their attention switches to the unique beauty of the cathedral.

And what sights of Pisa did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Church of Santa Maria della Spin

Santa Maria Della Spina Church is one of the main attractions of Pisa. The Gothic Church, erected in the Middle Ages on the banks of the Arno River, became a monument of European Gothic, demonstrating the brightest signs of this architectural style.

Church of Santa Maria della Spina was erected on the sandy bank of the river in 1230.

The facade of the building is made of multicolored marble, and niches are decorated with sculptural images of Christ, Virgin Mary and Angels. The right side of the temple is literally rolled with floral ornament, numerous niches and turrets. Statues for the temple were performed by several generations of Pisan masters, including the forerunners of the Italian Renaissance Giovanni Di Baldchcho and Nikolo Pisano - perhaps the most vibrant representative of the Pisa art.

The name of the church comes from the word "spina", translating the meaning "spike". From the XIV century, one of the main shrines of Italy is stored in this small church - spike from the church wreath of Christ.

The monument to Juseppe Garibaldi was installed in Pisa on a small area adjacent to the Arno River embankment.

Bronze Garibaldi, cast at the end of the XIX century on the project of the Pisa sculptor Ettore Ferrari, thoughtfully looks at the city and its inhabitants.

The monument was set to the tenth anniversary of the death of the Narodnaya Hero of Italy, in 1892. At this time, monuments dedicated to the leader of folk resistance were made in various cities of Italy.

In Pisa, a small bronze monument was installed. The sculptural image of the hero is concise - Garibaldi, dressed in a simple militia costume, peers away.

Figure Giuseppe Garibaldi is set on a stone pedestal, decorated with bas-reliefs with figures of soldiers and laurel wreaths. The inscription on the pedestal of the Little Summer: "Pisa - Garibaldi".

The monument completes the architectural ensemble of the Square, named after Garibaldi, and is a successful example of combining the sculpture of the XIX century and medieval urban architecture.

Pisanskaya Embankment Arno

Pisanskaya embankment Arno - the heart of the ancient city.

The Arno River, known for its turbulent character and has repeatedly flooded both Pisa and the neighboring Florence, was tamed and clogged in the embankment from sandstone and red brick. Their combination creates an amazing atmosphere of the Middle Ages, such a characteristic pisa.

Along the river, the former center of life of the city, which won their wealth thanks to maritime trade, built numerous palaces and temples in the Middle Ages. Palazzo Gambakorti, located on the north shore of Arno, today became a concentration of the administrative life of the city - the prefecture is located here. Nearby are the hulls of the University of Pisa and its library.

Thanks to its "falling" tower is one of the most recognizable places in the world. In addition, this is a city of discoveries, a well-known university, many masterpieces of art, called "Tuscany Gate".

Thanks to the Galileo Galilean International Airport and a well-developed railway network, it seems an ideal starting point for inspecting the entire region and cities of Florence, Siena, Livorno, Pistoia. As we said, pisathe Nawa Tower is one of Italy symbols abroad.

"Pisa, about Pisa, I wonder you a melody of water, which accompanies your quiet life, for those who have ever seen your heart in the blood of dawn and the sky, flowering in the evening with stars and magic moon." Gabriele d'Annunzio

But - this is also the most beautiful historical center with narrow streets and large areas, the palaces of the Renaissance, medieval houses-towers, gothic and romance churches, shops and markets. Anyone who decides to stroll through the streets of this city will be able to admire the university buildings (1343), who were once the palaces of aristocrats. The basis of the foundation of the University - Papal Bulla Clementi VI, since the time almost seven centuries have passed.

About 100,000 people live in Pisa, 35,000 of them are students. Various cultural events, festivals, many restaurants and discos are numerous. - The center of the province of the same name is washed by the waters of the Arno River, one of the four ancient marine republics. The most famous for its falling tower, the Cathedral and Baptistery on Miracles Square (Piazza Dei Miracoli). Also many attract Museums Pisa: Museum of St. Matteo (Museo Di San Matteo), Museum of Modern Graphics, Blue Palace (Palazzo Blu) and the last big job Kate Haring "World" House ("Tuttomondo") (1989).

Field of Dreams (Campo dei Miracoli) - UNESCO World Heritage

Falling tower - One of the four buildings on the "Field of Miracles" (Square of Miracles), listed on the UNESCO list (along with the Cathedral of 11-12 centuries, the bell tower (the falling tower itself is the bell tower) 1173, Baptistery 12-14 V. Diameter 18 m and Cemetery. Cathedral is a bright sample of the Pisanian Romanesque style. A real masterpiece of architecture, keeps the work of Girlandiano, Beckufumi, Andrea Del Sarto, Chimabue, Giovanni Pisano, Jambolonese. Other architectural monuments include the Chiesa Di San Frediano (Chiesa di San Frediano) 11-12 ., St. Catherine (Santa Caterina) 13-14 in., St. Stefano (Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri) 1569 Hours and palaces (Palazzo dell'Orologio) and cavalry (Palazzo dei Cavalieri). When you're in town, walk to the Square of the cavalry (Piazza dei Cavalieri), the second most important after the Square of Miracles, named after the former cavalry military papal Order, known as the Holy Order of St. Stephano. On this area there are many churches and palaces.

Walking on Pisa, if you go through Santa Maria (Via Santa Maria) along the shore of the Arno River, you will see a wonderful gothic church of St. Mary. (Santa Maria Della Spina), in which the spike from the crown of Christ is kept. Initially, the church was located very close to the river, but then it was transferred, due to the threat of flooding (such a fate suffered many ancient buildings).

The embankment is especially beautiful at night, in the light of the lanterns, among the reflections of buildings in the water. Here is located National Museum of St. Matteo, It is worth a visit for the sake of Junta Pisano, Simone Martini, Lippo Memmi, Francesco Traini, Mazacho, Beato Angelico, Benozzo di Leza, Girondayo, Nicola Pisano and Donatello. Also in the museum are kept the most valuable manuscripts, medieval ceramics and wooden sculptures.

One of the most romantic poems for all times - "To Sylvia", Jacomo Leopard - was written during his residence in Pisa. Those who walked along the Arno embankment should be close to these lines.

You remember, Sylvia, still

Your earthly and mortal life time

When Beauty shone

In your eyes laugh and clear

And you thoughtful, smiling,

Perebed the threshold? .. (Gumileva Translation)

In winter and spring, 1828 Leopard was in Pisa. He lived in a family house, checking cheap accommodation to students. Two high windows of his room went to the garden, but the look could be covered by all the space to the horizon. The poet went to the city every day, in the crowd of people walked along the embankment. He was always waiting for the balcony daughter of the owners of the house with which he was friends, Teresa Luchinyani. She reminded him Teresa Fatorini - a girl from his native Recanati, a deceased young. Despite all his love for Pisa, Leopard really missed home and relatives. All those feelings that he experienced, he poured in one of his masterpieces on April 19, 1828.

Second Falling Pisa Tower

Do not everyone know that in Pisa there is another falling tower, less well-known and significant than that that stands on the square of wonders, but still capable of interest to the tourist. it bell Tower of the Church of St. Michele 13 V. It is also strongly inclined.

The city has a Ligurian origin; in 4 c. BC. There was a settlement of Etruscov, and in 179 g BC. The territory has moved the Romans. They made the city the most important maritime center. The presence of the port has favorably affected it in the Middle Ages, especially during the first crusades. Later, as many cities in the Mediterranean, learned decline, especially because of the confrontation of Genoa. The city fell into the power of Wisconti from Milan (the beginning of the 15th century), then turned out to be under Florence. Despite the loss of political independence, he remained a powerful cultural center, Galileo Galilean, Mathematics Leonardo Fibonacci, Physics Antonio Pacinotti. Today, it retains the status of the most important research center of Italy.

Natural beauty Pisa

Green space in the city center - Botanical Garden at the university, the oldest in the world of its kind (1544), and Garden Scotto (Giardino Scotto), where nature is closely intertwined with history. The garden was designed at the beginning of the 19th century. Giovanni Kaluri for the Scotto family.

In the Pisa itself and its surroundings there is something to admire, starting with the Pisa Mountains to vineyards and olive groves Voltranno, with the Pisa Hills to the beaches, dunes and pine groves. Here you can ride freely. Here is the Natural Park Naturale di Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli, which is a bizarre mosaic of landscapes. It is open all year round, and visitors have the opportunity to visit the excursions on foot, cycling, riding or in a carriage. In Pisa, there is a sea, with beaches, pine groves and Mediterranean shrubs. Proximity to the sea gave the city with a relatively mild climate and purity: the sea wind takes the harmful pollution of the city, especially in winter. On the coast, there are several beaches affecting their simplicity and natural beauty.

Neighborhood Pisa

In the vicinity of Pisa, a few kilometers from the historic center of the city, in the 18th century palace. Terms of San Juliano are located (Terme di San Giuliano). Cartesian Monastery, Museum of Natural History and Medieval Fortress Wozpinizano also have visits. Certain interest represents the town of Volterra, where Etrusks and Romans left their mark. In the medieval fortress of San Minyato (San Miniato) in November, the gastronomic festival is celebrated on the local product - white truffle. Also from Pisa you can go and Lucca (less than 20 km) and pistoia (40 km).

Pisa, who did not hear about this city? I think everyone heard and of course first associate him with the most famous falling tower in the world. This article will discuss what we saw in Pisa that we were surprised and pleased that you could see in Pisa, except for a falling tower? How much is all this pleasure and where in Pisa it is better to pack the car.

Despite the fact that in the guidebook it was said that Pisa is still not popular with tourists, I would say that it is not true. People on Piazza Dei Miracoli a lot. Under the rain was still fine, but as soon as the rain stopped people, it became three times more.

The construction of the magnificent cathedral, the bell tower of the Cathedral (the Pisa Tower) and Baptistery was noted only by one historical event - in 1069 the army of Pisa expelled Sacliacin from Sicily. The victory was so large-scale that the city got huge funds and the role of a powerful maritime city was strengthened behind the Pisa. Good luck accompanied Pisa for three hundred years. Later, Pisa fell under the power of Florence, and the port moved to Livorno.

We were parked on underground parking under the Vittorio Emanuele II. Underground parking is always better than parking on the street, because a prepayment is provided in a street parking, and tourists usually do not know how much they will walk around the city. Using underground parking, you can relax and do not follow the time, since the board is taken upon departure.

Parking along the streets are densely clogged, finding free space is problematic.

Vittorio Square Emanuele II, Pisa

Vittorio Emanuele II Square is located in a half kilometers from the field of miracles, so called Piazza Dei Miracoli. It is there that are all the main sights Pisa. On the one hand, not the closest place, but it will make it possible to take a little walk in the city, look at the Arno River embankments and the streets of this ancient Italian city.

Arno embankment

The cowar river is inclined to spill, it is for salvation from this disaster and built such high embankments.

And in the church of Santa Maria della, the spin is stored an important Christian shrine - spike from the church crown of Christ. "Spin" translated and means "spike".

Church of Santa Maria della Spin (Pisa)

Of course, all tourists rushed first to look at the falling tower. Visit all objects on Piazza Dei Maracoli paid.

Ticket price

A total of Piazza dei Miracles can be visited:

  1. Sineopium Museum - There are sketches of famous Italian painters and held an exhibition of works by the famous Polish sculptor Igor Miitai.
  2. Cathedral and Museum of the Cathedral
  3. Baptistery
  4. Medieval cemetery

Accordingly, the price for:

  1. One museum from the list - 5 euros
  2. Two museums from the list - 7 euros
  3. Three museums from the list - 8 euros
  4. Four museums - 9 euros (children under 10 years inclusive for free)

However, the entrance to the Pisan Tower itself costs as much as 18 euros And there is no discount on the entrance to the tower. Children under 8 years old to visit the tower is impossible for security purposes. I think this way the authorities limit human streams. Ticket ticket can be booked. When buying at the box office, your queue can come 2-3 hours after buying a ticket. And in general, in the cash desks a fair Tolkuchka.

We started from the Sineopian Museum, it is there, there we bought tickets.

Sinely Museum in Pisa

The layout of the main square of Pisa, just shows everything that you will see, but in miniature.

Much of Square Miracles in Pisa

All walls of this small museum are hung barely noticeable sketches of frescoes. Sketches are not preserved and imagined the entire plot of the frescoes in alone fragments are quite difficult. These sketches or syopia were found under the wreckage of the destroyed Camposanto cemetery.

The museum hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary art. We just fell to the exhibition of the works of the famous Polish sculptor Igor Mitauch - "Angels". More about sculptor, you can read on the Wikipedia website. Most sculptures are very large, for example, a blue face with a height of 3 meters.

Sosopius Museum - Skulpture Survey of Igor Mitizi - Angels

The exhibition of Igor Mirtai is part of the Jubilee anniversary celebration program from the date of bookmarking the first stone of the Pisa Cathedral. 950 years have already passed from this momentous event.

Sosopius Museum - Skulpture Survey of Igor Mitizi - Angels

The exhibition of modern sculpture on the territory of the Wonderland Pisa is held for the first time. This event, the organizers want to demonstrate the connection of the epoch.

Sosopius Museum - Skulpture Survey of Igor Mitizi - Angels

Sculptures of Igor Mitiza decorate many cities of Europe and even the Vatican. We liked the exhibition, remained impressed by what he saw.

Baptistery Pisa

Baptistery is a premises for baptism. The construction was carried out from 1152 to 1284, but the final view of the Baptistery took already in the XIV century, when the Gothic dome was built. It seems that inside the Baptistery, much more than outside. Probably this is from the fact that there is a lot of free space.


In the center of the room installed a large font. We climbed on the ramp on the upper gallery, it's not at all difficult. A narrow staircase is located between the outer and the inner wall of the Baptistery.

Baptistery San Giovanni, Pisa

The Baptistery Baptistery is the largest in Italy and is famous for magnificent acoustics.

Fragment of the external sheaving Fike Guido yes Como (1246)

In the floors there are vintage graves and all go on them, from the point of view of the Russian tradition, walking on the graves somehow is not good, but the Italians are obvious to other opinions.

Grave in Baptistery

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assund

In the appearance of the cathedral, three architectural traditions are combined - Roman, Islamic and Byzantine, thanks to which a new style appeared, the Pisa Romanesque. And outside and inside the cathedral looks just excellent. Looking a little forward to say that the Cathedral of Santa - Maria - Del - Fiore seemed much less interesting compared to the cathedral in Pisa.

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assund

Nadaltarial space is decorated with a magnificent mosaic Chimabue "Savior on the throne." The mosaic is felt by the Byzantine influence, a similar image of Christ can be seen in Russian churches who inherited iconographic traditions from the same Byzantium.

Pisa Cathedral - Central Neft

Granite Corinthic Colods of the Cathedral previously decorated the mosque in Palermo, and were taken out in Pisa after capturing Sicily. The apse is the noble tomb of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Heinrich VII, who died in Pisa in 1313.

The tomb of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Henry VII

The relics of St. Ranieri stand at all in sight in the glass coffin. All the same, somehow we are familiar with the usual not transparent sarcophagus. It did not seem to me that the power of such nonsense, but I am not a specialist in the degree of preservation of holy bones, the most visible admirers. Holy Ranieri is honored as the patron of Pisa, the holidays are arranged in his honor - on June 16, a festive salute and illumination, and on June 17 sailing races.

Non-relics of Saint Ranieri in a glass coffin

The monumental department of Joanni Pisano also experienced the ill-fated fire of 1595.

Department of work Jovaani Pisano (1302-1310)

Previously, the department was exhibited in Baptistery, now she was transferred to the cathedral. The study of parts admires, very thin work.

Campo-Santo Cemetery

Unfortunately, Pisa has become a place of battle during World War II and suffered greatly from allied bombings in 1943. Camposanto's cemetery was destroyed and was restored in the post-war years, many frescoes were irrevocably lost.

"Camposanto" translated - "Holy Field". This place was chosen for the main city cemetery in the XIII century and built on the end of the XIII- early XV century. In terms of the cemetery is a rectangular club, surrounds his very simple garden.

Campo-Santo Cemetery

According to legend, the land in the cemetery was brought in the XIII century with the Holy Land specifically for the burial of noble citizens. The idea of \u200b\u200bburial in the Holy Land is not unique, for example, the famous Khuznitsa in the Czech Republic also appeared, thanks to the tradition of burial in the Holy Land.

Campo-Santo Cemetery

Famous people and church believers bury on Camposanto today. Clutter is striking the imagination with the enormous diversity of gravestone monuments from the ancient Roman sarcophages to quite modern sculptures

Campo-Santo Cemetery

As a result of the bombardments of the union troops, almost all the frescoes were killed, once adorned walls. A significant part of the fresco of "Triumph of Death" has been preserved, written by an unknown artist in memory of the plague epidemic in 1348. To preserve the fresco, it was removed from the wall and put up a protective screen in one of the halls from the northern side of the cloud. There you can see a documentary about the restoration of the cemetery after the war.

Campo-Santo Cemetery

Next to the Pisanskaya Falling Tower for some reason it is a copy of the Roman sculpture of the Wolf Foresting Romulus and Rem.

Roman Wolf in Pisa

Well, finally, the main decoration of Piazza Dei Miracoli, a falling tower.

Falling Tower in Pisa

The falling tower is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, such is the Italian architectural tradition - to build a cathedral, bell tower and baptistery in the form of three separate buildings.

Pisa Tower - Beautiful Beauty

The construction of the famous falling tower began in 1183. By the time the tower reached about a third of his height, it began to be launched due to soil instability. Trying to fix this slip, other architects began to build a tower at an angle, so in their form it resembles a flat crescent. Construction ended around 1350. Since that time, she continues to lean.

Pay attention to the ships shown on the wall

Interesting images on the Pisan Tower. Ships in memory of the fact that Pisa in the period of his heyday was the powerful maritime city.

And then there the dragon can not assume, probably something religious.

Bullets adorning the Pisa Tower

Experts predict that in the end she still collapses. Not less than one hundred years, architects from different countries of the world offer their solutions to the problem. Latest measures - the use of systems of counterweight and the removal of the soil, which made it possible to reduce the tilt of the tower and, it is possible to extend its life for many more centuries.

Little devils on the caps of the column

Galileo Galileo himself, the native Pisa used the tilt towers in his experiments. The Inquisition condemned the scientist for heresy, as he believed that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and not the sun around the Earth. Only in 1992, the Vatican officially recognized that Galilee's theory was true, they needed almost 500 years to aware of their wrongness, what could be conservative than religion?

All these people are photographed with the Pisanskaya Tower, without their help, she would definitely fall, we also contributed to its support. We watched a similar scene and.

All these people are photographed with the Pisa Tower

Well, simple not famous at home Pisa looks not so well-kept as a field of miracles. Paint has shuddered, shuttering. But it is Italy, there even paint falls off high artistic way.

Pisa Street

At some houses and plaster fell off in places and all this in some hundred meters from Piazza Dei Miracoli.

Palestine's defense appeal

Probably people from Palestine require freedom to their historical homeland.

Church of San Sisto (1133)

Cavalieri Square

The central square of medieval pisa is allegedly built on the site of the Roman Forum. This area already refers to the period of Florentine rule. The palace is a monument to Duke Tuscany Kozimo Medici I.

Pisa is a city in Italy, where many interesting and exciting sights. For these attractions, people almost from all over the world flock in Pisa. The city is very friendly and loves guests, tourists here as anywhere cozy and comfortable.

In Pisa, there is both luxurious expensive hotels and simple hostels, so Pisa is suitable for both the rich and budget tourists. Find accommodation will not be difficult.

In May 2017, I visited Pisa and on the air traffic canal I will leave interesting videos about this city! At the time of the release of the article, they are not yet ready, so the article will be complemented by video content and my useful comments)))

The city is relatively small: the population is about 100 thousand people.

By the way, it was in Pisa in 1564 a famous Galileo Galileo was born. Therefore, despite its small sizes, the city gave us a big person.

Climate Pisa is quite suitable for any Russian: the temperature in winter here is rarely lowered below zero. The average temperature rate in winter is 7 degrees Celsius, and in the summer - 21. It is best to visit Pisa in the summer months, then the walks will bring much more pleasure, and it will be possible to enjoy all the delights of the city.

The most remarkable places in the city are two squares: Piazza dei-Cavalieri and Cathedral. The latter is more visited and the crowd, although we also recommend the first to visit.

Traveling through the streets of the city brings a lot of pleasure, so in addition to the daytime study of local attractions, there will be an excellent addition to the evening walks on Pisa.

The town is not so big, but in order to really penetrate the atmosphere of the city, enjoy them, understand it, we recommend to study the Pisa at least 3 days.

Pisa City Attractions Pictures and a description of which we will look at in this article, has always been a favorite tourist city. But what if you arrived in Pisa just for one day? Read below.

Pisa what to look for 1 day

If your plans are not included for a long time to linger in the city, and you will break in the pisa of the whole day, then you need to look at at least the brightest sights.

To do this, we suggest going to the Cathedral Square, where the main attractions of the city are dispersed. These include: The Pisa Tower, Duomo, Baptistery San Giovanni, Campo-Santo, as well as some museums. After the excursion, you will learn more about the skill of vazari, as well as other outstanding architects and sculptors who took an active part in the formation of historical buildings of the city.

But it should be noted that this is not all interesting places in the city. Pisa is a beautiful city in which hiking brings a lot of fun and are allowed to enjoy the unusually beautiful view of local places.

Therefore, if you managed to run through the main remarkable places, do not rush to leave the city, spend another time to study other areas. After the time spent in the city you will have unforgettable memories and indelible impressions.

We offer you a route one day for those who cannot stay in Pisa for a long time.

Below we describe each of the landmarks designated on the map.

Cathedral of Pisa

(Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta )

Once in Pisa, you are simply obliged to visit this wonderful place, which is the main attraction of the city. The beginning of the construction work of the cathedral was 1064. Thanks to the brilliant architect, Bucketo, the building was an example for all buildings in the pisa-romanesque style.

Independent connoisseurs of history can see in the cathedral and some presence of the Byzantine style - a mosaic interior.

The appearance on the one hand is simple - gray stone, white marble, decorated in some places with colored marble. But in general, when the picture is fully opened before your eyes, you can evaluate this incredible beauty.

From afar, Duomo looks very rich and harmonious, the building flaves with elegance and superiority. No less interesting to see it near, carefully considering each component of the part.

As is known from the history, the main doors of the cathedral were destroyed by fire in 1595, but the skillful masters were able to make new bronze powerful gates, which were not inferior to the original. However, they were still rarely used by entering the entrance through Port-di San Ranieri, created by Gangly Pisano.

Here you can see a copy of the famous Madonna statue with a baby, as well as the Pisa Griffin, with the original of which can be found in the Cathedral Museum. Metal griffin is the most voluminous Muslim sculpture.

Going inside, you can continue to admire this great building. Black and white marble patterns and dome with unique frescoes made in it are especially striking.

One interesting legend is connected with this cathedral, according to which Galilee created the theory about the movement of heavenly bodies, watching the huge lamp of the cathedral. It, unfortunately, cannot be observed on the territory of the Cathedral, but if desired, visit Campo-Santo to get acquainted with this Div.

Made a contribution to the decoration of Duomo's son of the famous Nikola Pisano - Giovanni, who, in fact, is no less known for his father. Giovanni created an excellent carved department, which to this day enters the list of priceless sculptures of the medieval period.

And this is just a small part that you can see in Duomo, to study this masterpiece of architecture in more detail.

Campo Santo Monastery (Campo Santo)

If you believe legends, the place for the construction of the monastery was not chosen by chance, since it was here that the Archbishop of Caldo left the handful of the Holy Land from Calvary.

The monastery is completed in a typical style for romance and gothic architecture. About 2 hundred years left for construction, the beginning put the architect Giovanni di Simone. And, as you know, in his ideas it was not a memorial cemetery, but the church, however, after the death of Giovanni, the plans changed.

Campo-Santo is a rather massive structure, which has 43 deaf arches and several gates. Most tomb are located under arcades. Also for the walls of the monastery, several priceless relics were transferred: a fragment of the Clothing of the Virgin Mary and a spike of a throat crown. In addition to them, there are many other interesting and inquisitive historical values.

On the territory of Campo-Santo, there are three delightful chapels: Ammannati, Aulla, Dal-Pozzo, the last two were created with a difference of 76 years (1518-1594), but the oldest is Capella Ammannati, which was erected in 1360.

It is interesting to look at painted sarcophages and extraordinary frescoes. Their form has been preserved due to the restoration of experienced masters. One interesting event is associated with recovery work. When the frescoes were neatly removed from the walls, then the drawings were noticed on the bare surface, which were depicted even before creating frescoes.

Some restoration work continues to today, since during the Second World War Campo-Santo suffered a lot, especially the roof and some sculptures. However, this does not prevent tourists to admire the cathedral.

Pisa Sightseeing photos and a description of which we describe in this article, are famous for the whole world thanks to one very famous sight. Probably you already guessed that we are talking about the Pisa Tower.

Pisan Tower (Torre Pendente Di Pisa)

For this tower, people know from school age, a special charm and popularity gave her an oblique condition in which the Pisa Tower has been located for many years.

Initially, when construction work began, the architects were known about the unstable clay soil, but the construction of the world-famous facility did not stop. In order to ensure maximum security, it was decided to increase the deadline for the foundation, thereby allowing the soil to seek even before the construction of the tower.

Construction took about 2 centuries, and during this time people are inconspicuously fighting for preserving the integrity of the structure, which in turn then more leans, then reduces the angle of inclination. It is also associated with the flow of groundwater, which are undergoing under the base.

At the moment, the difference between the opposite ends of the foundation of the tower is 2 meters, which would seem to be a critical mark, but thanks to a special structure where the center of gravity is located above the foundation, the tower pleases everyone to this day.

The seven-story building attracts tourists not only because of the sensational problem about falling, but also due to the elegant look, beautiful decorations and unique architects. Also within the tower are the opening of the gallery, the halls of which are decorated with bas-reliefs and ornaments.

The Pisa Tower is definitely one of the most important attractions of the city. And about her fall, as scientists assure, do not worry for another 3 hundred years.

Pisa Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni)

Baptistery is located on the same "field of miracles" next to the Pisa Tower. And how attentive readers have reacted now, but why does this building do not suffer from unstable soil? In fact, the Pisa Baptistery has some angle of inclination, but a very small, less than 1 degree. So the visually it is even unnoticed, the truth that will be hundreds of years, while it is unknown.

Some lovers travel make up their plans and routes in advance, making them on the basis of photographs of the brightest sights of cities. So, judging by the photographic materials, this Baptistery may not produce some particular impression, but the opinion changes in the root, how to see it with the "eye to the eye".

Construction work was launched in the middle of the XII century and continued for several hundred years. The main goal was to replace the old Baptistery. For this work, the competent architect of Diotisalvi took up, in his presentation the form of the structure was to beat other - he managed to only build the wall of San Giovanni, and because of death, Nicola Pisano was completed.

The new architect has seen a continuation in other things, as a result, it turned out a baptistery with pyramidal walls and a semicircular roof in a more modern gothic style. Ultimately it turned out pretty original building.

It is also necessary to note the excellent sculptures of the department, performed by Pisano, it took about 5 years to create them.

Pisa Italy Sightseeing except Field of Wonders

Square Palazzo Della Karanedn

(Piazza dei. CarOnana.)

The building is located on Piazza dei-Cavalieri Square, which pleases tourists with remarkable buildings. Therefore, if you are in Pisa a few days, be sure to visit this place.

As it is also called the building "The Knights Palace" is not very notable forms and an intention of the architect, both outside and inside. The most attractive element is an individual unusual painting on the facade of the walls. It was for her that most people come here to admire and make some high-quality pictures.

As you know, Vazari himself was engaged in the finish, but the coloring, which we now see, appeared by the end of the XIX century. A special luxury is a staircase having a approach from both sides.

Now inside the building is a normal higher urban school. Before its discovery, some restoration work were produced, including a slightly converted main staircase and input.

Piazza Dei Cavalieri Square

(Piazza dei Cavalieri)

The square is the second most important in the city, once there was a celebration of all the people, as well as meetings where the main problems of the inhabitants were discussed.

It was on Piazza dei-Kavali "in 1406 it was proclaimed about the independence of Pisa. The main building on the square is the Higher Educational Institution of the Normal School - Palazzo-della Caravan.

Large changes occurred during the board of Kozimo I Medici. Then, at his order, Georgeo Vazari engaged in architectural works, one of them is the project of the Church of Santo Stefano-de-Kavali. Inside it there are Turkish flags that were captured during the maritime battle.

If you look back, you can see many different buildings that give the square its extraordination and beauty. And even though it is relatively small size in size, to visit it very interesting here, there is something to see.

Church of Santo Stefano Dei Qualeri (Chiesa dei. Cavalieri. DI Santo. Stefano)

The church is distinguished by the construction style, this is not done in the Gothic, but the style of the Renaissance. Part of the title structure takes due to the destination, since by order of Kozimo I Medici the church was intended for knights of St. Stephen. The church was erected instead of the old - San Sebastian-Alla Fabbice Madjori.

The view that is available in modern times is transformed up to 1859, during which time 8 architects managed to work over the church.

The particular value of indoors is various flags that were produced in battles, and numerous pictures.

Palace Palazzo del Orologo ( Palazzo. Dell'Orologio)

The "Palace of Hours" is located on Piazza dei-Cavalieri Piazza, and attracts attention to its extraordinarily shape - a semistrated book. To date, there is a library of a normal school.

But if you look at the story, the building survived numerous restructuring and restoration. In general, it was originally two different buildings that combined the overall basement.

Clock can be seen at the top in the central part of the building (above the arch). If you raise your gaze slightly higher, you can replace a small bell tower.

It looks like it and not to think that at some time it was used for the hungry conclusion of one family, the chapter of which was accused of state treason. But the punishment suffered his relatives.

Church of Santa Maria Della Spin (Chiesa Di Santa. Maria. dELLA Spina)

With the form of the church is small and, it would seem unpretentious, but if you choose a building, you can see that the facade is made of marble and looks pretty beautiful. Especially striking the top of the building with many sculptures performed by Pisano and curly finish.

The building should be accessed from all sides, to do it better in a rush, carefully looking at each element. But if you are in a hurry to get into the midst, but here you have to upset a little, as the interior design is not unusual - one large room with a modest ceiling trim.

True britches the look of the sculpture, located in the center of the room - Madonna Rosa. If you look back, you can see some more pretty interesting statues, but that's all.

Museum of Ospel Nuovo di Santo Spirito

(The Ospedale dI Santo. Spirito)

There is a building on the main square of the city - the field of miracles. And if the tourists are undoubtedly admired by other buildings, then it is not impaired from this, since it is immediately not clear what it is for what.

It looks like a structure and completely fits into the area: a long, low, sullen, dark. Now it is a museum in which visitors can learn a lot of new and interesting about culture and world art. But earlier this building was intended for the treatment of patients.

Hospital of St. The Spirit was built instead of a small hospital in 1257. And played a big role for poor and sick people, as well as for abandoned children.

At the beginning, the building was even more gloomy, but during the board of Kozoo I, the Medici, by the decree of the Duke, a reconstruction was made, which allowed more or less to join the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe square.

The role of the Museum Hospital began to play at the end of the 20th century, when in the premises were to keep various fresco and values \u200b\u200bdamaged after the Great Patriotic War.

We met with the city of Pisa Attractions of the photo and the description of which was considered in this article. When traveling in Europe, be sure to highlight at least 1 day to visit this beautiful city. Good luck!

  • Pisa is known to the world, thanks to the Pisa Tower. Tourists who believe that the tower is the only landmark here, let the rest of the wonders of the architecture and the art of this beautiful city.
  • A half-day walk from Campo Dei Miracoli (Wonderland) to the railway station flows through a pedestrian street with many attractions, shops and restaurants. The best way to get acquainted with Pisa is to walk along the streets, since the center is very small.
  • The city comes to life thanks to students who organize parties, shows and cultural events. They fill the centerpiece of the city at night. 60,000 students study at the University of Pisa, when the total population of the city is about 100,000. You will feel the student spirit, barely leave the tourist Campo dei Miracoli.
  • Pisa is a quiet city, you do not need to worry about your safety (except for some places at night, for example, the territory around the station). Whatever it was, you should respect obvious precautions (if you stop in a very cheap hotel, then keep valuable things with yourself) and beware of pockets in tourist sites.
  • You can book a hotel in Pisa on, and check if there is no more attractive price, you can. Some travelers prefer to remove private apartments - such offers can be found. If you are looking for a batch tour from Russia to Pisa - go

How to get


Pisa Galileo Galilei Airport

Tuscany's main airport with multiple airlines that make hundreds of departures per day, both internal and international. Countless companies offer charter flights from several European and not only directions. Flight to Pisa is really simple and convenient: the most well-known and inexpensive airlines serve flights to Pisa. You can choose the optimal option. The airport is located close to the city center - in just a few minutes you can get to the center by bus, train or taxi. From the airport you can also easily get there on foot, which will take about twenty minutes.

Do not count on the airport will be open around the clock. Many little airports in Europe operate on a specific schedule.

How to get to the city?

You can buy bus tickets on the rack of information in the arrival hall. The RED Line or Lam Rosso to Jacobo) walks every 10-15 minutes. The bus goes to Piazza Dei Miracoli and to the central station. Since, the ticketing machine "Says" is only in Italian, it is better to buy tickets at the rack of information. The cost of one ticket € 1.20, but if you buy them from the bus driver, then it will cost you at € 2.00. In all shops and books you can buy a ticket. The automated road is now being built, which can be moved between the airport and the station.

Bus station

The bus station is opposite the airport. Once you find yourself in the city, you can easily determine the location of all the main attractions that are located within walking distance. If you get on a bus from the railway station, then you will need to cross the road before the station and go right.

If you prefer a more convenient way to travel, a taxi will cost you about € 6-8. Otherwise, as an alternative, you can order transport to the airport in advance. This service is especially convenient for large groups.

"Easy Private Taxi" will provide transport to the city for € 36 Mercedes Class E, € 43 Minivan.

"123 TRANSFERS" offers transport to the city for € 37.50 Sedan (3 people), € 50 Minivan (8 people).

By car with a fellow traveler

This is one of the most convenient ways to get to Pisa. You can distribute costs and make a trip cheaper. You can find a car on which you can get to Pisa on the website:

By train

In Pisa, daily trains to Florence and Lucca (usually every hour) can also be reached by bus, there is an international airport.

Pisa Centrale - Main Station in Pisa. Trains from Rome to the wife stop at Pisa Centrale. If you plan to move only within Pisa, it is also convenient. The Pisa Centrale has storage chambers available from six in the morning and up to nine evenings. Storage of each bag costs three euros. If you are in the city only then to see the Pisa Tower, you can go down to the Pisa S. Rossore station, which is closer to the tower. Be sure to check the train schedule, as not all trains can stop. Anyway, there are regional trains to Florence who go every hour at forty-sixth minute (as July 9, 2012).


Pisa - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 1.

Kazan 1.

Samara 2.

Ekaterinburg 3.

Novosibirsk 5.

Vladivostok 8.

When the season. When it is better to go

Pisa - weather by months


Pisa - weather by months

Main attractions. What to see

Pisa is divided into four historical squares. There is something to see, in addition to the Pisa Tower. Several different routes are available.

Piazza Dei Miracoli or Wonderland Located in the north of the center of Pisa. This UNESCO World Heritage Site represents different attractions of the city:

Other historical buildings include: Church of San Rocco, Parish Priest, Palazzo Carovana and Palazzo Dei Dodici.

Museo di San Matteo, Piazza San Matteo, 1, Lungarno Mediceo, +39 50 541865. This is a fantastic Museum of History and Art, whose buildings are full of paintings. He is pretty small, but one of the biggest for the Tuscan painting of the Renaissance era, located in the premises of the monastery of San Matteo. This treasure is overlooked by many tourists.

Lungarno Mediceo and Lungarno Pacinotti on the north side of the Arno River, Lungarno Galilei and Lungarno Gambacorti on the south side: These coastal streets give Pisa a completely unique character, especially in the evening, when lights are reflected in Arno's waters. Along Lungarni are interesting places:

Piazza Garibaldi and Piazza XX Settembre, two opposite city squares, at the ends of the Ponte di Mezzo (middle bridge). They are considered the city center. From Piazza Garibaldi begins Borgo Stretto - an old street with a lot of shops, which, together with Corso Italia, create a pedestrian zone (interrupted only by the bridge), which is the city center. In Piazza XX Settembre, you can find Logge Dei Banchi, a 1600-year textile market building and a city town in Palazzo del Comune.

Santo Sepolcro, on Lungarno Galilei, this is an octagonal Romanesque church with a conical spire, built by diotisalvi.

USSero Café, founded in 1775, Lungarno Pacinotti 27. Monument to Italian culture in the 1400th Palazzo Agostini, on Lungarno. In 1839, the first meeting of the Congress of Italian scientists took place.

Santa Maria Della Spina. A very small Gothic Church on Lungarno Gambacorti, built in 1230 to accommodate a spike there from the crown of Jesus. This church is considered one of the brightest representatives of Gothic art. In view of small sizes, the church moved from the Arno River in 1800 a little higher to protect from flooding.

Giardino Scotto, on Lungarno Fibonacci at the end of Lungarno Galilei. The former fortress converted to the public park, an open in the summer for the open-air film, concerts and other events.

La Cittadella (Citadel). The fortress at the end of Lungarno Simonelli, built to protect the entrance to the Arno River, as well as former shipyard of the Middle Ages.

University Botanical Garden, through Luca Ghini 5. First Botanical Garden in Europe, created by order Kozimo de Medici in 1544. The garden is open in the morning on weekdays, the entrance is free.

Beautiful Romanesque Churches - San Paolo A Ripa D "ARNO, San Michele in Borgo, San Paolo with a sculpture gallery inside.

Tuttomondo, Fresca Kita Harring. Keith Haring visited Pisa and fell in love with this city, and therefore he decided to draw a magnificent fresco as a gift. Although it is incredibly big, it is easy to miss, so be careful. It is located between the Giuseppe Mazzini and Massimo D "Azeglio, not far from Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.

Food. What to try

Take the rule not to eat near the Pisa Tower, as prices are high there, and the quality is low. Instead, go to the central part (5-10 minutes walk from Piazza Dei Miracoli). You will find there very good and cheap restaurants. For example, there are cute cafeterias with respectable prices in a small, but lively vegetable market, Piazza Delle Vettovaglie. Also, Via San Martino, not far from the southern bank of the river there is a couple of places with good food and low prices.

It is known that not far from the Pisan Tower, in Via Roma, there is a good Indian restaurant with an excellent atmosphere and very good, although not always cheap dishes. Piazza Dei Miracoli has a good Kinzica Pizzeria Restaurant. In any case, do not miss Salza, in Borgo Stretto, with delicious chocolate, sweets and baking all varieties. Do not sit inside, if only because, ultimately you pay € 10 for two coffee.

Finally, there is a good pizzeria next to the tourist, the road leading to the lecturer.

Security. What to beware is worth

Do not purchase sunglasses, umbrellas and other trinkets from illegal merchants. Stay away from fake luxury items. Upon arrival in Pisa, tourists surround merchants. Some can be annoying or exercising open aggression. Even a simple "no, thanks" can cause unwanted attention. It is better to just ignore them. Do not be afraid to seem rude.

Although the low prices are seductive, especially when you are limited in travel products, please remember that recently the Italian police penalizes tourists for purchases from illegal merchants. These fines can be very dashing (up to € 1000). Opposite the tower there are several merchants who are allowed to sell various items. Remember responsibility and buy from them. Legal merchants are located at the shelves walking along the main road.

Things to do

On June 16, the Lumaria festival is held in Pisa, in honor of the Saint Patron (San Ranieri). At sunset, all lights along Arno fade and ignite more than 10,000 candles. Various actions unfold on the streets, and the night ends with a big fake.

Another summer attraction is Gioco Del Ponte (Game Bridge). Every year is held on the last Sunday of June, when the two sides (Tramontana and Mezzogiorno, geographically separated by the Arno River) take part in the historical procession in the company of 709 extras, and then compete with each other in physical strength. Teams of twenty people are trying to conquer Ponte Di Mezzo (the main bridge in Pisa), pushing the cart from the bridge to force the opponent's team to leave the bridge.

Mineral springs

Casciana Terme: Thermal Water in Casciana Terme is used since ancient times. In recent years, its use has been expanded to modern methods of rehabilitation and treatment of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, treating digestive function.

San Giuliano Terme: Water with a positive effect and calcium-magnesium water with sulfate content are rich in vital medical elements, fountaining at the foot of the San Giuliano Mountain from the source, where various sources originated in two groups and named "Eastern Baths" (Temperature 40 ° C) and "Western Baths" (Temperature 38 ° C).


Pisanskaya school of advanced training of St. Anna or Scuola Superiore Sant "Anna. Public University of Applied Sciences, formed from SCUOLA Normale Superiore Di Pisa (School of Higher Learning in Italy, Ie. Scuola Superiore Universitaria).

Located: Scuola Superiore Sant "Anna, P.Zza Martiri Della Libertà, 33 - 56127 - Pisa ()

Scuola Normale or Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa was founded in 1810 by the decree of Napoleon, as a branch of Parisian École Normale Supérieure. Recognized by the National University in 1862, a year after the reunification of Italy and is named during this period "Normal School of the Italian Kingdom". (School of higher education in Italy, i. SCUOLA SUPERIORE UNIVERSITARIA).

Located: Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa - Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7 - 56126 Pisa ()

Pisa University or Università di Pisa is one of the oldest universities in Italy. Officially founded on September 3, 1343 by decree of the Pope Clement VI, although lectures were lectures on the right from the eleventh century. The university is the oldest Botanical Garden in Europe, i.e. ORTO BOTANICO DI PISA, based in 1544.

Located: Università di Pisa - Lungarno Pacinotti, 43 - 56126 Pisa ().