Where to walk on the sparrow mountains. How to get to the observation deck on the sparrow mountains

Sparrow Mountains - this the main observation deck of Moscow. In fact, it is not a mountain, but the bank of the river, cut by cliffs and landslides. Keys and springs make their way from under the ground. This place is 150,000,000 years old. Previously, there was a sea, and then one of the oldest settlements of man.

About the village, who was here, not very much known. In 1435, he bought one fighting princess, which and the principality managed, and struggled with the specific princes, and the Moscow was defended by Moscow. She bought him in his ass named Sparrow - Hence the name. Sometimes, however, they say that the name of his mountains received because in this area he historically lived a lot of sparrow.

What do Sparrow Mountains remember? Fire 1547, Crimean Khanov, Hetman Hatkevich, who fled here in troubled time. Defense against Napoleon in 1812. They remember the fishery traditions of Peter I, and shooting from guns, and the first mirror factory in Russia. Sand from Sparrow Mountains has long been famous for its quality and has long been used for a long time instead of watering paper. Remember the mountain and the conclusion of the world with Turkey, and a forward prison located here in the XIX century.

From September 1, 1900, Rublevsky plumbing began to build here. The city of Ros, the water was missing, and then from Moscow-River it was through the Vorobyevsky reservoirs that the city has gone.

It came across the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding the park. The idea of \u200b\u200bVitala in the air, but the continuous dreams did not go. Muscovites came here to walk - drink tea, Gypsy to listen. In 1924, there were peasant gardens with rheried tables and shops, with handwritten signs "Wave", "Date of friends", "Eldorado", waiting for their guests.

From 1953, the Era of Moscow State University begins, a platform appears with a magnificent panorama of Moscow and a ski jump. Here the metro station is built, but it is extremely unsuccessful - in order not to disrupt the deadlines, the builders are added to the concrete salt, which leads to the rapid destruction of the structure. After some time, the station for a long time becomes a blind point on the map of the Moscow Metro, leaving the abandoned escalator arch in the edification of Toropagam.

In the restaurant, located on the observation site, often sang Shalyapin. In winter, there were skiing and sledding here, and in the summer it was possible to ride a motor boat or steaming.

The Soviet government conceived to build a whole city here - a stadium for 40,000 seats, a park, an outdoor theater. The latter was going to bring all kinds of transport, including the plane. But for some reason, this idea did not become.

What Sparrow Hills now? Natural reserve with separate garbage collection, excellent information tablets, Father Sokolov, who live here, and with cozy picnic places.

And here the French artist was invited to capture the types of mountains. She looked at the panorama for a long time from the hill. And then lowered the brush with the words: "I do not dare ...".

If you are thinking about starting a new life, come here at sunset and dream. Maybe this is a magical place you will tell you something.

Vorobyev Mountains - a famous place of recreation, possessing its own history and preserved the natural beauty of the Moscow lands. This is one of the "seven hills of Moscow", from which the capital was built. What to look at the sparrow mountains in Moscow? Having come here, you can choose from several offered landscapes: to take a walk, having visited the Vorobyevskaya embankment, and maybe to wander on the environmental paths in the protected forest or look at Moscow with 200 m. The height of the observation deck.



The history of this place begins with the times of the Iron Age - already then the ancient settlements were standing on these hills.

The terrain received its name from Slobody Vorobyevo, who belonged to rich Boyars Vorobyev. The ancient millennial genus Vorobyov enjoyed a special honor and recognition from the rulers. Sloboda is repeatedly mentioned in the chronicles, she was loved to visit Ivan Grozny, Boris Godunov.

At 15 in. Earth crossed the great princess Sofye Vitovtne - and since then has become a place of royal recreation. The residence of the Moscow princes, kings and emperors was built. The beautiful Sparrow Palace did not reach this day, finally destroyed by the fire of 1812. But the estate of Dmitrieva-Mamonov remained the same time, and today the lower part of her park is open to visitors.

In Soviet times, an attempt was made to rename the mountains in Leninsky, but she was not crowned with success - the initial name was preserved.

The main architectural landmark of Sparrow Mountains can be considered a monumental complex of eight buildings of Moscow State University (Moscow State University). In 1949, the first stone was solemnly laid.

The hill of Sparrow Mountains attracted religious ministers. The temple of the lifelong Trinity, built in the 19th century. On the site of the disassembled dilapidated wooden church of the 17th century. - The Orthodox Church acting to this day.

At the foot of the Sparrow Mountains is the Andreevsky Monastery in the prisoners.

What to see?

Sparrow Mountains, being a environmental zone, a large park, green territory, are the island of calm and peace. The area stretches along the Right Bank of Moscow-River from the Setuni River and to Andreevsky Bridge. The local eponymous park will delight three ponds, lost in the broad-sized forest. It collected rare for Moscow Flora and Fauna. There are three ecological trails between old lindens, oaks, maples. Walking around them, audible birds trill - in the park there are special places for feeding birds.

In the summer you can diversify the walk by rolling rollers or bike. There are arbors designed for 7-10 people. Instead of a walk along the embankment, you can swim on the river tram.

In winter, the slope is used to ride on sleds, organize individual ski slopes, the lift works.

To the observation site, in addition to the hiking trail, a cable car was held. Today it is on the restoration, the length of the new funicular will have to be 737 m. The new station of the waterfront will also be a museum.

From this observation deck, the species admired the centuries earlier Karamzin, Bulgakov, a block, etc. Romantic place for lovers, inspiring for the creators. From the site there is a picturesque panorama of Moscow, a view from a bird's-eye view allows you to see as in the palm of the Moscow river, roofs of houses and the domes of churches, a monument to the newest architecture - the business complex "Moscow-City".

Since 2014, the playground is equipped with an interactive map of Moscow, a recreation area is enhanced under the site.

How to get?

Getting to Sparrow Mountains Convenient on the subway. A bridge is thrown through Moscow River, it is an unusually decorated metro station "Vorobyev Mountains" - it passes through the red metro branch.

Coming out from the station, focus on the sign on the output "on the Vorobyev Mountains, Kosygin Street" and you will find yourself right under the bridge in the park zone. Go from the subway to the observation deck on the laid paths of 15-20 minutes depending on the step. However, on the way as many beautiful places, shops and arbors, a lake with birds, that all this wants to inspect, and then a walk to the observation can take more time. However, the pleasure will also be more.

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I found myself on the sparrow mountains in the evening. In winter, on the observation site is low. But with the onset of heat - the present crowd.

Motorists of Kosygin Street are passing out with caution: pass races past on the wild speed, motorcycles fly with roar. At the most observation - crowd of youth: companies, couples in love. Parked nearby - very problematic.

But the reward is fantastic views of evening Moscow. On the left mysteriously sparkle the highlights, then, almost along the horizon line, you can see all the highlights of Moscow (except one, which is right behind the back). On the right glitter the metro station and the white-gold building of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the bottom of the dark ribbon, the Moscow-River is wriggled, in the waters of which lights are reflected. Yes, the picture is worth come here!

Approaching the observation deck fence, we stop, admiring the views of the evening Moscow. How did the capital, in recent years, have looked around!

Luzhniki and Panorama of Moscow

Sproblin on Sparrow Mountains

Moscow City and Other Lights

Hotel Ukraine, White House and Highlight on Kudrinskaya Square

But a small slide show to the music of Jean Michel Herah Oxygen (Part II):

But the most amazing was not this. The time as if turned reversed, and I again felt myself a 20-year-old student. It was a fantastic feeling!

PS. I chose hot music for a slide show: I was not by chance: the grand concert was remembered by Jean Michel Zhrah in Moscow in September 1997, when the capital celebrated his 850th anniversary.

© 2009-2019. Copying and reprinting of any materials and photos from the site site in electronic publications and printed publications are prohibited.

Mountains as such and even rushing in the eyes of the hills is not here. Nevertheless, according to the legend of Moscow - the third Rome, this cool river bank is considered one of the "seven hills", which is worth the first-hearth. The hills in Moscow much more, but no one, in general, does not dispute the legend, for mythology, as historians believe, by itself an integral part of the past. As for Moscow directly, the concept of "third Rome" was extremely important synonymous with its power. And among the conditional "seven hills", Sparrow Mountains are the highest.


The historical factory of sparrow mountains, however, is no less interesting. Here, as well as in their surroundings, the bones of mammoths were found, extincting in the last glacial period (about 10 thousand years ago). Excavations found that people here began to settle in stone and bronze centuries. From the Iron Age (Mamonovo Site, the end of the 1st millennium BC) live on the slope of the Moscow-River constantly.

The village of Sparrow, who stood on the rod of the coast, was arranged, apparently in the XIII-XIV centuries. B XV century He was acquired by Sophia Vitovtna (in the Orthodox baptism of Efrosinya), the daughter of the Grand Prince Lithuanian Vitovt, the wife of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily I and the mother of Vasily II Dark. Sellers made a boyar Sparroweva, descendants of an ancient noble kind. The historian of Moscow P. V. Satent refers to the priest of a local, wooden then, the Church of the Trinity, which is nicknamed by parishings Sparrow for a small height and meek temper. Most likely, an association with a boyars surname also took place: priests were not owned by the villages.

Sophia Vitovtnova was an outstanding personality with a strong character. After the death of her husband, she was entrusted to become a reserve at a small son. In 1425-1453 She ruled the principality together with the prince of Vitovt and uncle of her husband, but her role was the leading role. She led it in 1451 by the Defense of Moscow, when it stormed Tatar Tsarevich Mazovisha (Azov Shah). In a testament, compiled by Sofia Vitovtovna in 1451, in the name of the grandson, Yuri Great, opened after her death in 1453, Toponym Sparrow is mentioned for the first time.

Since then, until the end of the XIX century. The village remained Palace Votchin, however, it was already called red. Summer palaces here had monarchs Ivan III, Ivan Grozny, Alexey Mikhailovich, Ekaterina II. Palaces, or rather, one, several times rebuilt or revived after fires, a wooden palace with a garden existed until XVIII century. Naturally, he could not get around the strategically important height of Peter I. In 1683, he celebrated his birthday shooting from the walls from the walls specifically for such a case of a lined "fun" fortress.

In the people of Sparrow Mountains found the image and glory of the place, nature, the fate and God intended to be a faith of the city and all who wishes to change life for the better. After the Borodino battle, when the fate of Moscow was solved, confusion reigned in the headquarters of the Russian army in filily: the Kutuzov disappeared, and no one knew where he was. And at that time he prayed in the Church of the Trinity on Sparrow Mountains, already stone, but even unfinished. The church happily avoided looting in 1812, was completed in 1813. At the sparrow mountains in 1827, students of the University of A. I. Herzen and H. P. Ogarev gave an oath together to deal with autocracy, in honor of which in 1978 was Installed stela. (Oath friends and like-minded people did not break, even though they loved the same woman.)

Sparroweva left their trail in Russian classical literature. The Trinity Temple sees Pierre Duhov in the novel L. Tolstoy "War and Peace", they look at Moscow Heroes of Roman M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". According to diaries and letters of many Russian writers, artists, composers are known that they all have been here and experienced strong impressions. And Chekhov, not exactly inclined to the manifestation of enthusiastic emotions, wrote about it like this: "Who wants to know Russia, should look at Moscow from here."

Sparroweva Mountains - the area in the south-west of Moscow, stretching along the right, high, shores Luzhnetsky is radically river. According to its geological history, Sparobyeva Mountains - the climbing northern slopes of the heat-station hill, designed by the river stream. The green array of sparrows mountains is located between the Novoandreyevsky Bridge of the District Railway and the mouth of the Setun River.

Perhaps the most exhaustive word in meaning, which can be characterized by a unique atmosphere of sparrow mountains, is the word "harmony". Harmony of nature with the creations of the hands and intelligence of a person.

The natural reserve "Sparrow Mountains", which received this status in 1998, is not so far from the center: hence the Kremlin in a straight line - just 5.5 km. Moscow in its current borders, to the Moscow Ring Road, stretches from here to the southwest of another 13 km. And here almost in integrity preserved the natural environment. Almost, because to completely avoid interference, speaking by the language of science, anthropogenic factors - the consequences of human activity - in a dynamically developing city, is understandable, it is impossible.

The reserve today is the symbiosis of the dendropark and simply the park with the asphalt walking paths along it, with benches along them. But with large areas of the pristine large forest area. The main types of trees growing here - lindens, oaks, elms, maples, birch, chestnuts, alder, willow, aspen and ochers (just about 40 species) with an undergrowth of nuts and juniper. Under the shadow of trees, small streams flow from above, they beat the rods, somewhere frozen the swamp. Trees there are also centuries, and young, both grew by themselves and affected by employees of the park. Typical marsh or forest herbs and flowers grow on meadovinki, about 70 species of birds live in crowns of trees. It is rapidly here and small mammals - proteins, mice (several species) and crots.

The main defender of this green array was the root terrain - rejuvenate, susceptible to landslides - and clay "slippery" soils. To build here anything monumental is simply dangerous. Therefore, from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe erection of the Savior's Sparrow Mountains, the fathers of the city refused. It was laid in 1817, but after 9 years the construction stopped. And the main building of Moscow State University was built not on the browing of the coast, as was conceived by the initial project. And now in our time, the monument to the Baptist of Russia, Knazyu, Vladimir, on the observation platform, after discussing everyone for and against in the end, decided to put here, as was conceived at first, but on the Borovitsky Square.

A stroll along the tracks of the reserve is true pleasure, but most importantly, for which people come to Sparrow Mountain, - see the panorama of historical and continuously updating Moscow from the observation deck. This is a truly unforgettable spectacle. Near the platform, the Trinity Church and the Big Ski Ski Ski Ski Ski Ski, built in 1953, near the building of the former Mamon (or Nooe) Dacha - the estate of Vasilyevsky, who belonged to the princes of Dolgorukov-Crimean, Yusupov and Count Dmitriev-Mamonov. Today in the manor placed institutes of RAS - chemical physics. N. N. Semenova and physical problems. P. L. Kapitsy. In Soviet times, the residences A. N. Kosygin and M. S. Gorbachev were also located in the upper garden of this estate. Not far behind the high fences, cottages and other "nomenclature" were located, as they were expressed, - high-ranking functionaries of the CPSU and government officials. In addition to the Mamon cottage at the sparrow mountains there are other institutes of wounds, whose buildings were erected in Soviet times. At the foot of the Sparrow Mountains the Andreevsky Monastery, "At Sparrow Crucian, in the captives," founded in 1648

In 1953, Sparroweva (at the time - Leninsky) Mountains decorated the silhouette of the main building of Moscow State University. As an architectural masterpiece and the highest building of Europe for 37 years, it immediately became inseparable from the surrounding landscape. As the center of science and education replenished this Moscow space with a new meaning and young energy. Alley of apple trees were planted along the University Square with fountains, with time that turned into real gardens.

general information

The terrain, stretching along the Right Bank Luzhnetsky's radiation of the Moscow River.
The bulk of the sparrow mountains is the natural reserve of the same name, from 2013, which is part of the CPKIO territory. Gorky.
The first mention of the village Sparrow : 1451, promulgated in the testament of the princess of Moscow Sophia Vitovtovna, who died in 1453
The time of the entry of sparrow mountains to the territory of Moscow : 1922
Former names : Sparrow (the beginning of the XIV century. - 1956) and Lenin Mountains (1935-1999).
Organization of natural reserve : 1998
Administrative belonging : Western and Southwest administrative district of Moscow.


Height: 220 m above y. m., 80-100 m (above the river church).
Square: Reserve Vorobyeva Mountain - 106 hectares, Forest park as a whole - 137.5 hectares.
The height of the main building of Moscow State University - 182 m, with a spire - 240 m.
Length Luzhnetsky metro station with overpass - 1179 m, full length - 2030 m.

Climate and weather

Moderate continental.
The average temperature of January : -6 ° С.
The average temperature of July : + 19 ° C.
The average annual amount of precipitation : 708 mm.


Educational services, tourism.


    Church of the Library Trinity on Sparrow Mountains (1811-1813).

    Andreevsky Stavropigial Male Monastery (the foundation date - 1648, revived in 2013).

    Mamonova Dacha (Vasilyevskoe) (1761) - now institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    The main building of Moscow State University (1953).

    Observation deck.

    Botanical Garden of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University.

    Large and small Andreevsky ponds, forest pond.

    Moscow City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (Former Palace of Pioneers, Building of 1962).

    Environmental tourist trails: "On the slopes of sparrow mountains", "Andreevsky ponds" and "on the terraces of sparrow mountains."

    Ecological and educational center "Sparroweva Mountains".

    House-Museum P. L. Kapitsa (at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. L. D. Landau RAS), Memorial Museum Cabins V. I. Vernadsky and A. P. Vinogradova (at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. V. and . Vernadsky RAS).

Curious facts

    It would be strange if such a complex structure, as the main building of Moscow State University, for more than 60 years of its existence did not cover legends and rumors. We give the most stable from them: the building has as many floors under the ground as on the surface (actually the basement technical floors two). A special secret branch of the MGU leads a special secret twig of the metro, but there are no facts that there are no diggers - big fantasies. Somewhere in the same basements is awaited by the disassembled eight meter-meter gold-plated statue of Stalin - again no one has captured it. One of the prisoners-builders, in the specialty aircraft designer, made his wings from wooden planks like Deltaplan and flew into Luzhniki. Here, as it happens in modern plays, - two alternative finals. According to one, this person was liberated for his ingenuity, and in accordance with the other, on the contrary, increased his sentence.

    In the XVII century On the sparrow mountains, plants for the production of glass and mirrors were built. Raw materials served excellent sand from local quarries. With these sand, as a wig paper, used at the beginning of the XX century.

    Newlyweds come to the observation platform of sparrow mountains after marriage. But it's not surprising that, but the fact that, as clarified by a special study, the number of divorces among such couples is much smaller than among those who did not give a narrowed oath in the faithful and eternal love on the sparrow mountains.

    In the palace of children's and youthful creativity, more than 15.5 thousand children and adolescent are engaged in the sparrow mountains: in research laboratories, studios, artistic and technical workshops, sports sections, creative groups, development groups and circles. By 93.3% of classes - free: Palace is subsidized from the city budget.

    In the late XIX - early XX centuries. The most fashionable restaurant of Moscow, the restaurant of the rookin on the sparrow mountains (by the way, the village of Vorobyevo), thanks to, first of all, who opened from his windows and from the terrace of views on the first-hearth. The kitchen and the interior here, however, were also excellent (and at the restaurant there was a greenhouse in which strawberries and greens ripened all year round). After 1917, the main hall of the restaurant was the hut-reading room, and in the 1920s. Wooden building in Russian historical style burned out. Only fragments of brick walls of the basement are preserved.

    The branch of the Botanical Garden at the Sparrow Mountains has a library from almost 40 thousand books, including botanical editions from the XVI-XVII centuries. to the present day.

To Sparrow Mountains. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to get to the very observation deck, since I recently had the passage of personal vehicles on Kosygin leading to the highest point. The movement is closed and on the site of Andreevskaya Embankment, with which it was previously possible to easily drive into the platform. So you have to walk a little after traveling on a taxi.

Sit down on the subway and travel to the "Okhotny Ryad" station. Near this station is Red Square and Gum, from the parking lot near which excursion buses are constantly recoverable. The program of almost all excursions includes visits to the observation deck, which you will also have to walk a little, enjoying the cleanest air in the capital. Similar excursions are organized from other central regions of Moscow (for example, from Calanechevskaya Square, the so-called "area of \u200b\u200bthree stations", Metro Station Komsomolskaya).

Go down to the subway to the train to the station "Vorobyev Mountains." You will also have to go a little bit, and in the mountain, but a wonderful look, opening from the site, literally soaring over the city, is worth it.

If you feel vigorous and full, then you can climb the viewing platform directly from the Moscow River, from the embankment or river transport. Ride on the river tram is quite inexpensive, and, in addition, you can enjoy while traveling with wonderful views of the capital, opening from the board of the ship. Go out on the moor you need and start the rise: first on the steps, and then - along the paths, however, quite well-kept. If you decide that you cannot conquer the sparrow mountains on your two, ride on the funicular right to the observation deck.

Take advantage of land types of public transport to get to Sparrow Mountains. So, from the metro station "University" to Sparrow Mountains can be reached by bus №661 (stop "DC MSU"). In addition, you can use the following public transport routes:
- buses Nos. 113, 119 or 1 (until the "DK MSU" stop), 57, 111 (to the stop "Main Building of Moscow State University");

Trolleybus number 7 (the route passes by the metro stations: "Kiev", "October", "Leninsky Prospect");

Trams Nos. 14, 26, 39 (before the stop "M. University").

Video on the topic


  • how to get to Sparrow Mountains

Tip 2: What interesting can be viewed at the sparrow mountains

Vorobyev Mountains are located on the so-called heat-station hill on the right bank of the Moscow River, in the southwestern part of the city. This locality is obliged to the village of the same name, which was located here in the Middle Ages. According to historical data, the village was purchased by prince Sophia from the clergy named Sparrow, turned into an excellent estate, and then in the summer imperial residence. A little later, the northern slope of the mountains built the Andreevsky monastery, which acted until the end of the XVIII century. In the Soviet times, Vorobyev Mountains were in Leninsky, the buildings of the Moscow State University were built here.

Main attractions

The main attraction of Sparrow Mountains is, of course, the playground. It was chosen by photographers, since here you can remove the most beautiful panoramas of the city, newlyweds come here, they take pictures of the residents and guests of the city, excursions are held for tourist groups. Here, they love to arrange their meetings representatives of various youth subcultures, which turn into colorful dance performances.

It is impossible not to note the extraordinary beauty of the landscape of the Sparrow Mountains - the green zone of broad-sized trees, which stretches from south of this area, places of landslides on the rolling banks and the place of groundwater, forming springs, three natural ponds. In the natural reserve with almost manual animals and birds, excursions are regularly held, during which environmental problems are discussed.

No less interesting will be to look at the skiing springboard, rebuilt back in 1953 and acting so far, or venues for bicycles and motorcycles. In addition, here you can rent and bike, and roller skates. The unusually beautiful spectacle is the design of Luzhnetsky metro station, connecting the sparrows of the mountains and Luzhniki.

The Andreevskaya Embankment at the foot of the Sparrow Mountains is strengthened by granite slabs, on which fishermen love to sit, and on green lawns there are a tan lover. But it is not recommended to swim here, although there are no strict prohibitions than many use.

How to get to Sparrow Mountains

The easiest way to get to the sparrow mountains, but you can also on trolleybus or river tram. And the pier of river transport, and the trolley bus stop, and the metro station wear the same name "Vorobyev Mountains".


  • Vorobyev Mountains - History and Attractions
  • Vorobyev Mountains - Full Description