Road worker military object on the island of ITUURUP. For the Russian military base on Kurilla, the Japanese have already created an infrastructure

Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already responded to this information, stating that Tokyo "is closely following the movement of Russian troops" and exploring the issue of construction on the Kurils of the Navy of Russia. So what is Russia for Russia on the smoke, the appearance of which will definitely provoke discontent of the Japanese side, and where will it be located?

To begin with, the chickens from a military point of view should be considered a strategic territory, if only because, on these turns, with our nearest neighbor, Japan, we still do not have a peace treaty, and Kunashir Islands, Shikotan, ITUURUP and Habomai Archipelago Tokyo are still He considers its "northern territories." At the same time, the United States has its military facilities in the territory of Japan.

In particular, the Japanese island of Okinawa has tremendous strategic importance for the United States. In fact, this is the pentagon outpost on the Pacific. It deployed a whole network of military bases, polygons and airfields. There is a Military Base of the United States Caden, which plays an important role for the American presence in South Kazakhstan. In addition, at the bases of Camp Hansen, Camp Schwab and Camp Toseran serves about 16,000 American marines. In total, Okinawa contains about 30,000 thousand US military - approximately half of the entire US military contingent in Japan.

Even even theoretically assume that the potential enemy captures Russian smokers, it immediately opens him a direct path to the entire territory of Russia from the Pacific Ocean. That is why during the time of the USSR, Kuriles were reliably protected by large groups of troops. In particular, a powerful division of marine infantry was stationed there. But then, with the collapse of the Union, the number of troops on the churillas began to decrease rapidly. Support troops from the center was expensive, the bosses for checks were rarely made there, and numerous reformers preferred to "cut" and "optimize", rather than prove the need to strengthen the Far Eastern Group. So, in fact, the current decision on the creation of the Navy base here is just the recovery of the "Status Quo" - the previously existing position.

It is known that today the 18th machine gun-artillery division of up to three and a half thousand people is based on Kurilah. It is not bad equipped with self-propelled artillery, air defense agents, jet artillery and tanks. The attack from the sea on the island of Kunashir is able to reflect the complexes "Ball", and on the island of ITUP - complexes "Bastion".

In addition to rocket complexes, the coastal parts are strengthened by universal high-automated complexes of Leer-3, which are in their composition of the control station and drones "Orlan-10", which can use different types of troops - from motorized rings and tank workers to parts of the radio electronic combat.

However, according to the military, for the anti-defense of the islands, as well as for a more tangible military presence of Russia in the area, especially given the fact that the Japanese still claim them, after all, it is necessary to strengthen the fleet grouping.

Now parts of the Pacific fleet are actually divided into two components - one is based in Vilyuchinsk, the other is in Vladivostok. "The intermediate base is absolutely necessary," said Alexander Khramchychin Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis.

What exactly from the Kuril Islands will be the place of deploying a new military facility of the Russian fleet, is not yet clear. But over this task in the military department thinks for a long time. Our sailors have repeatedly conducted multi-month expedition campaigns on the islands of the Big Curil Ridge for the purpose of (this was told by Sergey Shoigu) to study the possibility of prospective basing forces Tof.

In particular, the joint expedition of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Geographical Society (His, by the way, as the military department also heads Sergey Shoigu) visited the Matua Island, which the Japanese during the Second World War was used as a marine and aviation base.

Matu is an island in the middle of the Kuril Ridge formed by volcanic activities. By the way, Japan does not pretend to him that it is important if we consider the island as a potential place for the Navy base of the Russian Federation. From this point of view, Matu is very successful. There, the Japanese still survived three runways. And the participants in the joint expedition were very surprised when it was established that, taking into account the winds of the winds, even the most modern aircraft can still be sitting on these WFP for almost any weather conditions.

According to a number of military experts, this is the island is likely to be considered as the location of the new Russian Navy base.

Volume of the current until 2015 FTP "Socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands for 2007-2015" It is 21 billion rubles.

The bulk of this amount is allocated from the federal budget. Also, the Sakhalin region plans to attract the development of private investors for the development. Private investments in the economy of the islands are now a billion rubles per year, and by 2015 to 6 billion will increase. details about the new infrastructure of the Kuril Islands (many photos) The Kuril Islands include 30 large and many small islands. The population lives constantly only on Paramushir, Itupe, Kunashir and Shikotan. Population of the Kuril Islands - 18,735 people kunashir Island - The southernmost island island of the Kuril Islands. Population - near 8000 people. Yuzhno-Kurilsk - Administrative center of the South Kuril district.

Social housing

In August 2012, the ceremony of awarding orders and keys from new apartments took place in Yuzhno-Kurilsk. The 10-apartment house is built on the funds of the regional and local budgets on one of the regional programs.
House of Culture (Medical and Education Expedition "List of Russia", August 2010)
New kindergarten port of Yuzhno-Kurilsk new deep-water pier

Commissioning of modern deep-sea mooring complexes on Kunashir and ITUPUP will lead to a qualitatively new level of transport infrastructure on smoking and will increase the quality of life on the islands. The ship "Igor Farhutdinov" was first moored from the new pier (February 2011)
The funds of the federal program of socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands and the budget of the Sakhalin region are building marine Station On the territory of the constructed moisture complex in the South Kuril bay. In this building, except passengers will be located various services - border checkpoint, customs post, portoridzor, administration and dispatching seaports. The end of construction is planned in 2012.

Mendeleevo Airport The airfield was built by the Japanese when Kunashir Island was still running Japan and has since been practically not rebuilt since. In 2006, it was closed due to the complete wear of the infrastructure and destruction of the runway. During the reconstruction, in the framework of the FDP of the socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands, a new passenger terminal was commissioned, the steering tracks, a new peerron, a runway (runway), a landing system and lighting equipment. On the island acts Mendeleevskaya geotes (Geothermal Power Plant), which provides the island with warmth and electricity. The energy of the volcano as a source of heat and light for a person is the principle of operation of this station. Commissioning in 2007 II stage turns provided 100% the need for heat of South Kurilsk. The planned modernization of Mendeleevskaya GEOTES will increase its power from 3.6 MW to 7.4 MW.
On about. Kunashir employs two fish processing production - LLC PKF "South Kuril fish farter" and Delta LLC. The South Kuril fish processing plant upgraded its production processing lines. All fish and seafood, caught by their own trawl fleet, are delivered ashore without loss of quality. Complex shift Of 25 people successfully copes with large volumes of incoming raw materials. In 2011, the first kilometers of asphalt were laid on. Kunashir.

island ITUPU. - Southern Group of Large Ridge of the Kuril Islands, the largest island of the archipelago. Population - 6387 people. Kurilsk - Administrative center of the island. In P. Kurilsk in recent years, a modern northern microdistrict has been built. In his feature it is planned to build a large palace of culture and sports, under the roof of which the sports complex, swimming pool, the house of culture and other institutions will be scented. In 2006, a modern fishing processing complex "Raidovo" was launched on the island.
Six air frost cameras provide the release of 74 tons of finished fish product ice cream per day.
On about. Itaroup is also located the fish processing shop "Clear", equipped with the only genuine freezer for air freezing of fish, allowing you to continuously freeze 210 tons of finished fish products per day. There is an α shop, where 3 tons of caviar per day are manufactured. In addition, the mining shop with a capacity of 25 tons per day and a refrigerator with a capacity of 2300 tons of one-time storage. There are several other fish industry enterprises, the largest of which are "Skit", "Bug", "Continent". On the island, the buildings of the Kuril high school at 250 students, as well as a modern Central District Hospital by 50 beds with a polyclinic for 100 visits to shift. New Hospital
Sports complex

Work on landscaping

In February 2012, two 8-apartment houses were commissioned.
The new airport "ITUURUP" is located on the sunny side of the island, which will allow you to easily get to the island even in bad weather. An enlarged runway with a length of 2.2 km will take all types of aircraft operating in the region. Next to Kuril is a geothermal source with radon waters.
A few years ago, the sources were two concrete cars to salting the fish, in which there were bathdings and baths, not forgetting at the same time to grasp the vicinity by a broken bottle glass. Landscaped geothermal sources of the company "Hydrostor"
schikotan Island - The largest island of the small ridge of the Kuril Islands. Malokurilsky - Administrative center of the island. Population - near 2100 people. The funds of the federal program also built and operated deep-water pier in the Mahuril Bay on Shikotan, and in the neighboring bay, Kabobzodskaya on the same Shikotan is nearing the conclusion of the construction of the berth on the conditions of co-financing - own funds of the CJSC Hydrostroy and the regional budget.

The fish processing complex "Krapzodsk" is equipped with the most modern equipment.
The capacity of the workshop allows you to take it daily and process up to 300 tons of raw fish.
New kindergarten for 70 seats (2010)

At the end of March, it was announced that in the near future, the location of the Pacific Fleet of Russia may appear on the Basivation of Ships of the Pacific Fleet of Russia. Previously, there were statements about the serious strengthening of the Eastern Military District and garrisons on the disputed islands. "Our version" figured out, for which, with an increasing military threat on the Western borders, there is a significant strengthening of the Russian military group in the Far East.

According to Sergey Shoigu, already in April, the Navy will hold a three-month expedition trip to the islands of the Big Curil Ridge, the purpose of which will be the study of opportunities to create a new base of the Pacific Fleet on the smokers. According to the Minister of Defense, the islands have an important military-strategic location to ensure the territorial integrity and national security of Russia, which is why accommodation here the bases "will help the country more effectively solve these tasks." Earlier in the Ministry of Defense emphasized the attention of the planned re-equipment of forces deployed on the smokers.

In 2016, the region is planned to transfer powerful and modern weapons, including coastal missile systems "Ball" and "Bastion", as well as drones of a new generation.

At the same time, the Russian leadership understands that such activity will complicate relations with Japan. It is not by chance for a former military, and now the head of the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security, Viktor Ozerov, has already called on Tokyo to not consider the possible basing of Russian warships on Kurili as a threat. However, noting that the number of ships of the Pacific military fleet, which can be placed on Kurili, will depend on the quality of relations with Japan and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan today can return the chickens by force

The dispute of Russia and Japan because of the "northern territories", as in Japan they call the southern chickens, continues for more than 60 years, and there is still a diplomatic way to reach any compromise. Therefore, in response to the statements, Shoigu in Japan immediately stated that the strengthening of military infrastructure at controversial territories causes concern. The main reason is that the Kuril Islands have an important economic and military-strategic importance for the entire region. And primarily for Russia: the deep-water does not freeze the strait between the Islands of Kunashir and Itupuru is for the Pacific Fleet, the only way out into the ocean. That is why the question about the return of Japan islands in principle can hardly be solved positively.

Today, none of the parties intends to give up, it seems that the political methods have been exhausted, but also in the future of the fourth war of Japan with Russia, no one believes. Although, as shown by the latest events, the situation in the world can radically change in a matter of weeks. So the military potentials of countries can play in this dispute in the last role. And here, unfortunately, much is not in favor of Russia. According to experts, too few forces are concentrated in the east, while parts are scattered on a great distance from each other. Another problem for the Eastern Military District, which ensures the safety of the Kuril Ridge, is its remoteness, which does not allow for a short time to increase the grouping of troops. Therefore, experts believe that theoretically, Japan is already able to carry out a lightning war today, quickly landing on the smoke, capturing the harbor and anchor parking, and cover it all from the sea and from the air. That is why Russia's attention to the military component of the Kuril Islands is so great. Especially since it arose against the background of strengthening the Japanese self-defense forces. So, in mid-July, an amendments to the law were adopted in the country of the rising sun, which make it possible to use the Japanese army to help defend their allies outside the country. The amendments also expanded the possibilities of Japanese forces to conduct peacekeeping operations abroad.

In addition, in recent years, the Japanese have significantly strengthened their armed forces. Today, the sea defense forces of Japan are among the most powerful in the Asia-Pacific region and more than 2 times the Russian Pacific Fleet. In total, the Japanese Navy has more than 250 modern warships and auxiliary ships and boats, including one light aircraft carrier and four Esmina-helicopter. Most of the destroyers are equipped with anti-submarine helicopters and anti-relocatious rocket complexes with American Garpun missiles. The landing ships are represented by the pennants of the type "Osumi", the tank modest "Miura", "Atsumi", small landing ships of the types "Yura" and "Yusotay". They are militant to transfer to one brigade of the land forces at a time. There is even a lung aircraft carrier of Hyuga.

In service with 20 diesel submarines: 7 of the "Harusio" type, which are in service with anti-religious missiles (PCR) "Garpun". Saysio submarines are silent, with a 20-noded underwater run, capable of shooting from six nasal torpedo devices (533-mm) torpedoes or Sabrpun missiles. There are two boats like "Soriya" - with an increased dive range.

Alexander Khramchikhin, Head of the Analytical Department of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis:

- The re-equipment of the Eastern Military District and the Division in the Kuril Islands undoubtedly passes within the framework of the planned re-equipment of the Russian armed forces, they have long been talking about this. Apparently, within the framework of this, the Kuril group will be re-equipped, it may be paid to her special attention. The reason for such re-equipment is obvious - these islands are disputed by Japan, while they are strongly isolated by geographical reasons. Therefore, there you need to have a grouping, which can completely autonomously reflect the opponent's attack.

Pacific fleet is restored, but slowly

At the same time, the Pacific fleet of the Navy, the Pacific Fleet, the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, is not as fast as I would like. Today, hundreds of ships remained from his former power, and the third part of them is in repair, reserve or conservation. At the same time, the Pacific fleet is divided into two groups that are based on Kamchatka and in Primorye. The remaining part in Primorye, in fact, turned into a small flotilla of heterogeneous forces, where the main battle power constituted the 20-year-old rocket cruiser "Varyag".

Submarines are deployed on Kamchatka. In service with the 16th squadron submarines stand the same type with the "Antey" underwater cruisers of the 749A project, Athuk-B atomic torpedo boats (project 971), Diesel-electric "Warshavianki" and 667 KDR strategic boats.

Directly, Kurila protects the 18th machine gun-artillery division with a number of 3.5 thousand people. The 46th machine-gun-artillery regiment is located on Kunashir, the 484th machine gun-artillery regiment - on the ITUPU. At the same time, the division is extremely poorly connected with the mainland, especially in winter. This means that the garrison is strongly dependent on the weather, the delivery of ammunition, food and medicine will be difficult with the mainland. All weapons and techniques are obsolete, according to different estimates, up to 80% of technology and weapons require overhaul or should be written off. Only last year there were reports that the T-80 tanks were in service with the division, this is, of course, not the most modern weapons, but if you recall that earlier, IS-2 tanks, IS-3 and T -34, then this is serious progress.

For some information, last year the coastal anti-develop missile complex "Ball" was transferred to the controversial islands, adopted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2008. It is intended to control the territorial waters and pouring zones, the protection of naval databases, other coastal objects and the coast infrastructure. It is also reported that at the moment there is a modern air defense system at Kurilah - "Tor" complexes and "beech" are permanent combat duty. We have repeatedly sounded statements that the Ministry of Defense is considered an option for the accommodation on the smoke of modern anti-aircraft missile systems S-400, but so far it is in the plans.

However, it seems that now they will be accelerated. Recently, it was announced about the creation of modern infrastructure. The construction of military townships and rearmament of divisions based there - until the end of 2016, 392 objects of various purposes will be built on ITIUP and Kunashira. Thus, the Ministry of Defense is preparing seriously to strengthen the "Eastern Front" of the country, the problems in which in the case of armed conflict may arise much more than on West.

Kuril Islands / Photo:

A number of new military facilities will appear on the Kuril Islands ITUURUP and Kunashir, the press service of the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Specstroy) reports.

The press service noted that social infrastructure is also built on the islands: hostels for military personnel, cultural and leisure and sports centers.

The total construction area reaches 400 thousand square meters, it is planned to build 392 buildings and structures. More than 500 builders and 100 units of equipment are engaged in the construction of military infrastructure.

Also, according to a specialist, all military facilities on the smoke will equip the newest Sagittarios-hour security system, which will allow for the protected communication channels to transmit messages about abnormal situations, reports RIA Novosti.

reference Information

Sagittarius on the protection of military facilities and enterprises of the defense and industrial complex

By the end of 2015, national superheroes will defend the boundaries of Russia, applying unique bracelets

More recently, fantastic bracelets from films about superheroes were only utopia. However, the company "Sagittarius" managed to realize fantasy into reality.

Superhero bracelets are peculiar security points for obtaining and transmitting information that form the basis of an integrated complex of technical means of protecting "Sagittarius-hour". With the help of bracelets, you can not only monitor the state of each guard (GLONASS sensor, immobile sensor), but also to secretly impose it about an abnormal situation on the object by vibrating signal. In other words, the company "Sagittarius" was able to combine the entire complex of technical means of protecting the object directly with a person carrying combat duty. In the event of an emergency on the object, the alarm will immediately go on a bracelet and headquarters.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev meets the mobile complex "Sagittarius-Clock" on the Russian Defense Forum of Russia / Photo:

"We must implement!"

"We must implement!" - concisely denoted by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, having familiarized himself with the Mobile Complex "Sagittarius-hour" at the International Military Technical Forum of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The Minister of Defense said that the complex was already adopted and entered in the Russian army in 2015.

Today, the "Sagittarius-hour" complex is already applied to protect the most important military facilities, such as the National Defense Directorate of Russia in Moscow, as well as Patriot Park in Cuba.

At the official closing ceremony of the Forum, the company "Sagittarius" was awarded the award "For the contribution to the preparation and organization of the International Military Technical Forum" / Photo:

Patriot Park under the sign "Sagittar"

All Security Systems Patriot Park: Video Surveillance, Access Control, Perimeter Protection and Personal Alarm Signaling - were implemented on Sagittarius-hour technology, including wireless.

As a result of the use of modern wireless technologies, the company "Sagittsky" in a short time has created a reliable security system at the Russian Ministry of Defense Forum.

"Uralmashzavod" chose "Sagittar"

The largest industrial enterprise of state value was fully equipped with a radio channel "Sagittarius".

Uralmashzavod / Photo:

Decisive factors for choosing "Sagittar":

  • Installation in a short time (the cable lines and wires are not required).
  • The absence of false alarms (for example, welding works lead to interference in long wires - peculiar antennas for interference).
  • The possibility of phased reconstruction of buildings without violating security systems.

Wireless and traditional technologies of the Sagittarios-hour system provide a qualitatively new level of security of defense complex objects.

A few years ago, the Russian government drew attention to the smokers as a Russian outpost in the Far East, deciding to create an updated military and social infrastructure - on the basis of existing ones from Soviet times.

Construction work in the active phase began in the second half of 2014. For a relatively short time, the forces of contracting organizations: "Specstroy Russia" and "Insprot-project" - a preparatory stage was conducted for the normal operation of construction units. A temporary landscaped housing for workers and engineering composition was prepared (two household towns function). It is organized in the dining room, a bath and laundry with dryers (an important moment on the smokers with their unstable and divestime weather). Delivered mainly from the mainland, and placed the necessary contingent of qualified specialists: from drivers to carpenters concreteers. Building materials, fuel and fuel and required new construction equipment are taken: Autocans, excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, and so on. And the building process went - both in the village there are hot keys and in the petrel.

There were pitched and began to construct the foundations of buildings. But for some time, a pause has come for a while, due to the fact that the Russian Ministry of Defense has decided to increase the number of construction sites in all directions of military-social infrastructure on Kurilh. And this led to the need to expand the being built-in territories and, accordingly, conducting additional research and design work.

Today, construction resumed. In hot keys, a residential complex of two-storey buildings continues to be erected. At the first stage, six such buildings should be built. The basis for them is steel frameworks, covered with light hinged panels. Such structures are safe for earthquakes: they are designed for underground shocks by force to nine and more points. In parallel, all engineering networks are summed up: electrical, thermal, plumbing and drainage.

It is scheduled for the next time to start the construction of the leisure and sports center, on the queue - the hospital at 100 beds (already there is a set of medical and medium medical staff), school and kindergarten. Open sports grounds will be created. That is, everything will be done so that military personnel and their families, as well as civilian staff, did not feel torn off from the mainland. From them will be required to be one - to serve and work more effectively than it was in the past. To intensify construction work, in the future, another household town for 150 people should be installed (more than 300 people work) and add the number of construction equipment on the eve of the already starting warm season. But in order to place the above objects, that is, to prepare construction sites for them, according to the management of the construction, it is necessary to make a demolition of a number of existing old buildings and transfer engineering networks.

In addition to objects, social purposes, the construction of military training towns, fleets for military equipment, repositories and warehouses of various purposes are being carried out. It is planned that some objects will be presented to the State Commission acceptance by the summer of the current year.

It should be noted that from the Soviet period of the construction of military towns on the Kuril Islands has passed for more than 30 years. People who have such an experience have long been not with cases, and the new generation of military builders only gains their experience in conducting construction work in a distant region with its special climatic conditions. Of course, no one pleases delays with the supply of building materials. It is on the delivery of materials a significant proportion of construction costs lies. Most of them are absent on the island, but those that are available on an inert, for example, inert materials, according to the laboratory conclusions of "Special Constitution", not everywhere suitable for use due to their insufficient strength and frost resistance. Local materials can be used for subfolding, for some types of bases, for example, road. They cannot be used in the manufacture of responsible structures, so the same crushed stone military builders are forced to deliver from the sea from Vladivostok. It is clear that such a logistics costs very notice, although the material itself is quite inexpensive.

The bulk of building materials enters the island through the Kurilsk port terminal, which allows the "hydrostroy" JSC, which is servicing, to earn on unloading vessels decent money. The port turnover in 2015 amounted to about 70 thousand tons, of which building materials for military builders occupied approximately 45-50 percent. He earns on the transfer of goods from the port to hot keys and a petrel (not the shortest shoulder for local standards) and a number of island entrepreneurs who have their own cargo vehicles. Of course, for all participants in the delivery of materials, this is good. However, this situation suits the organizers of construction, and it is clear for what reasons. Let me remind you that in the years of the USSR, cargo steamers unloaded almost near construction sites in the lingerie, temporary moor facilities were used, which, by the way, perfectly coped with the tasks set. Today we are talking about the need to build a capital deepwater berth on the type of what stands in the port of "Kurilsk" (after all, loads are needed not only for construction, but also for regular supply of troops), and such a decision, according to our information, has already been accepted. In a good way, such a berth was needed "yesterday", but it's better late than ever.

The builders faced the eternal Curil problem - with sending people to rest when changing the watch and leaving for a vacation. As always, there are difficulties with the acquisition of tickets in both directions, and both on air transport and marine. The leadership is trying to bypass them, at least with the help of the organization of expensive charter flights, but it is not always possible, since everyone knows the situation with the presence of free "sides" in Avrora Airlines.

It is impossible not to say that in connection with the reduction in the winter of 2015-2016. Construction works in Kurilsk and Raidovo Part of people with construction specialties switched to work in "Specstroy Russia" in hot keys. Of course, his personnel service does not take everyone, but produces a selection, but the possibility of employment for the local people is available. Vacancy information is served in the Kuril Employment Center.

Significant for the island budget is the fact that "Specstroy Russia" has its ITUURAUNIKY Divisions (General Directorate No. 2 and "Specstroy-Service") issued in the Kuril district. So, income taxes of individuals working in these organizations will come to the area.

We add that the forces of "Special Constitution of Russia" in almost the same amount are under construction and at the neighboring island of Kunashire.