Sights of sunny sicily. Legends of the Mediterranean coast: bright sights of Sicily and reviews of tourists

I chose interesting places in Sicily using the site
I marked the places of Sicily I liked from the photos on the map.
There were a lot of points on the map and I deleted half: I had 6 days (a week) to get to know the island of Sicily again.

This trip is not the first independent trip to Sicily.
For the first time in Sicily, I survived 2 days, and then moved to, in transit to Tuscany.
Last year Catania (Sicily) was the starting point of the trip to.

Sicily attractions on the map

The points on the map mark the places where I was on this trip.
They are clickable: below them are a photo of the place and a link on the forum with a description.

Sicily route by car

Air ticket to Sicily from Moscow was searched for and bought for.
I bought a one-way ticket, as I assumed that the travel plans could change and halfway through the route I could leave Sicily.
The cost of the Moscow - Catania air ticket was around 120 euros.

Automobile searched and booked on the site.
I was looking for a diesel sedan on the machine.

The distributor that offered this car turned out to be Sicilian by Car.
The unpleasant thing is that the longest queue to get a car was at the office of this particular company:
- after leaving the airport, turn right, 300 meters, do not forget to take the ticket with the queue number.

Upon receipt of the car, he gave the Russian license, the received voucher and a bank card (debit Mastercard of Alfa-Bank).
I did not take additional insurance for the car.
A deposit of 1000 euros was frozen on the card, which was unfrozen after the car was returned.

Hotel: booked an apartment on my first night in Ragusa Antico mercato .
We booked the remaining apartments in Sicily on the same day while on the island.

After having lunch in the city of Syracuse overlooking the Grand Canal for 100 euros, we quickly left this unmemorable city and went deep into the interior of the island of Sicily.
Towards evening, Embrujo and I were already in the city of Ragusa.

What we liked about Sicily

The statue of Apollo lying on the ground is near.

Street play about the last day of Christ c.

The powerful and formidable volcano Etna, home of giants, cyclops and Olympic gods, has existed for more than 500 thousand years and continues to attract numerous fans of extreme recreation.

On average, Mount Etna erupts every three months, and once every 150 years, lava flows erase a nearby village from the face of the Earth. But this does not in any way frighten the indigenous Sicilians, who very densely populate the slopes of Etna, because, thanks to lava ash, the soil here is extremely fertile.

One of the legends says that giants languish in the bowels of Etna. Having lost the war with the Olympian gods, they are chained and awaiting the moment in order to break free and avenge their titan brothers. The god Hephaestus lives on the volcano itself.

Climbing Mount Etna is possible from any side. There are cable cars, daily buses, or excursions on off-road buses. It is also possible to climb on foot, but in this case it is better to hire a guide.


Taormina is an ancient city located on the Sicilian coast, between Catania and Messina. It is subordinate to the administrative center in Messina. Isola Bella Island is located not far from it. The population of Taormina is 10,863 inhabitants.

After the destruction of the port city of Naxos in 403 BC, the Greek settlement of Tavromenion was formed on the shores of the Ionian Sea. Then, in 394 BC. e. King Dionysius the Elder settled here the Siculov (the ancient people of the island of Sicily). In 290 BC. e. this city was ruled by the evil tyrant Tyndarion. And in 210 BC. e. Taormina surrendered to the Romans and gradually fell into decay.

After the beautiful wide beaches and ruins of the city, as well as the Roman odeon and the Greek theater, attracted the attention of the European intelligentsia, Taormina became one of the most popular resorts in Sicily. Nowadays, international prizes are awarded here annually, as well as music, theater and dance festivals.

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Greek theater

The theater in Taormina is an ancient building, built in the 3rd century BC. The stage with good acoustics and the stands with a capacity of 10,000 spectators have survived to this day and are still used for various events.

The structure is perfectly preserved, despite the fact that after its conversion by the Romans for gladiatorial battles in the 1st century AD. and until the 19th century, no restoration work was carried out. Today the building is in excellent condition and is used for various film festivals, concerts and other events.

The deep Alcantara gorge and the river of the same name flowing in its valley is the most interesting natural monument in Sicily. The gorge itself is sometimes called miraculous baroque for its natural architectural beauty.

The gorge was formed due to the activity of the Mojo volcano, the side crater of Etna. More than 2 thousand years ago, it erupted so violently that lava split the rock and poured into the gorge. Later, water rushed there, which polished the solidified lava and gave it a bizarre, folded shape.

You can admire the gorge from a special observation deck, to which tourists are taken by a special elevator. The cost of such an excursion is 3 euros.

Cathedral of Cefalu

Cathedral of Cefalu - Cathedral of the Diocese of Cefalu, which belongs to the Metropolitanate of the Province of Palermo, Sicily. According to legend, it was built by Roger II - the founder and first king of the Kingdom of Sicily - on the site of a miraculous escape from the storm.

The cathedral is located at the foot of the rock of the same name, the Rock (La Rocca), which is also the symbol of the city of Cefalu.

Cefalu Cathedral was built on the site of an ancient settlement. Construction began in 1131 and was completed in 1267.

The architecture of the cathedral has a pronounced Norman style and primordiality, since the cathedral practically escaped the subsequent extensions and rebuildings so common in these places. It was only in the 15th century that a portico was added to the lower part of the facade, which quite organically fit into it. The facade itself is notable for two Norman towers, making the temple vaguely reminiscent of a knight's castle.

The interior of the cathedral is a Latin cross and has a gallery of antique columns. Experts say that the Cefalu Cathedral combines the typical features of the Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with a unique mosaic of the Byzantine school of execution, dating back to 1145.

Piazza Armerina

Piazza Armerina is a commune in the Enna province of the island of Sicily. It is located in the middle of the island, away from the sea, on the slopes of the Ereja Mountains, not far from Mount Enna. The city, located at an altitude of 700 to 880 meters above sea level, is surrounded mainly by deciduous and eucalyptus forests. Piazza Armerino is often visited by lovers of continental travel. The peculiarity of this city is its elevation - from some places amazing views of the whole of Sicily open up.

Many people come here just to enjoy panoramic views of almost the entire island. Also, tourists are attracted by local attractions - Villa Romana de Casale, the main city cathedral, the 14th century Spinelli castle and much more.

Are you curious to know how well you know the sights of Sicily? ...

Vulcano Island

Vulcano Island is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the coast of Sicily. The name of the island comes from the name of the ancient Roman god-blacksmith Vulcan. It was believed that the pipes of his gigantic smithy came to the surface of the earth.

Vulcano is the southernmost of the Aeolian or Aeolian Islands, owing to its incessant volcanic activity. In fact, the island is a confluence of several volcanoes, one of which Fossa is still active. The last major eruption of Fossa occurred in 1888, but the volcano periodically demonstrates its vitality, releasing jets of steam and sulfurous gases called fumaroles.

Once the main occupation of the local population was the collection of sulfur that came to the surface after the eruption. Today, most of the people here work in the tourism sector. People come to the island for the beautiful clear water, unusual landscapes, excursions to the volcano's crater and the famous sulfurous mud baths. In addition, the island is famous for Malvasia from the vineyards growing on its volcanic slopes.

The most popular attractions in Sicily with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Sicily on our website.

More sights of Sicily

The beautiful island of Sicily, located in the Mediterranean Sea, is known not only as the cradle of the Italian mafia, but also as a tourist delicacy with many unique natural and architectural attractions, including ancient temples, cathedrals and amphitheaters. In this article, we have collected the main attractions of sicily that attract travelers from all over the world here.

1. Valley of the Temples

The Valley of the Temples is a vast archaeological complex in Sicily with many ancient buildings dating back to the 6th and 5th centuries. BC. and today are under the protection of UNESCO. This is a place of almost sacred significance, where you can feel the harmony of a person with the world around him. For the most part, Greek theaters have survived, in which performances were held, as well as temples in honor of Zeus, Juno and Vulcan. It is believed that the ancient ruins have collected the best examples of the Doric style outside of modern Greece. It is noteworthy that part of the valley is open at night, so with the onset of darkness you can feel all the monumentality and beauty of the temples in artificial lighting, thanks to which the ancient ruins seem to come to life. Excursions to this sight of Sicily are in great demand among tourists.

In the tiny Sicilian town of Montreal, located on one of the slopes of Caputo, there is a unique and graceful cathedral, known throughout Europe. The construction of the grandiose structure began in the 12th century. The cathedral is magnificently decorated with Byzantine mosaics and is the second largest religious building in the world in terms of mosaic paintings area. It is estimated that over 2 thousand kilograms of pure gold were spent on the creation of paintings that reproduce religious subjects. Monreale Cathedral harmoniously combined different architectural styles: the art of Arab, Norman and Byzantine masters, the features of the influence of ancient culture are also easily guessed. It is a must-see place in Sicily.

Syracuse is an amazing city, this place is the birthplace of Archimedes and the only place in all of Europe where reeds grow. But besides this, it is also famous for its Cathedral, located on the same place where there was an ancient temple dedicated to the goddess of wisdom Athena. Around the ancient temple, erected in the 5th century, there were columns, and in the very center there was a hall where local residents performed prayers. It is also known that not far from the temple there was a bronze fountain with the figure of Athena. The temple was rebuilt into a cathedral only in the 7th century. Initially, it was the Byzantine Church of Our Lady with a colonnade, preserved from the ancient building. Later, the cathedral received its own architectural style and is considered to be one of the most famous landmarks of Sicily.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Sicily is the Val di Noto region, fully recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage. The emergence of an amazing area occurred as a result of a terrible earthquake that destroyed a number of settlements in the southeast of the island, after which the active development of the Val di Noto valley began. This area is an indicator of the skill of Italian architects, it was here that a unique style was born, which later became known as the "Sicilian Baroque". The creators have achieved complete harmony with the environment, when each building is unique, but at the same time remains part of the whole.

Under the Capuchin Monastery there is a world-famous unusual museum, where visitors will be greeted by mummies of more than 8,000 inhabitants of Palermo. In numerous corridors, skeletonized and embalmed bodies of those who perished many years ago lie, stand, sit and hang along the walls, mostly representatives of the nobility. Many mummies have completely retained their robes, even several hundred years after death. The fashion of those times is easily guessed in their clothes. An extensive network of catacombs, which is one of the most terrible spectacles in the world, attracts many visitors, this place is especially popular with teenagers. Impressionable people should be cautious when visiting this massive tomb.

6. La Martorana

This medieval church is especially popular with the newlyweds of Palermo. La Martorana is not only a functioning temple, but also one of the most beautiful and interesting architectural landmarks of Sicily. The church is easily recognizable by its four-tiered bell tower, which has not changed at all since the 12th century. This place is a unique example of the harmonious neighborhood of Baroque, Arabic and Norman architectural styles. The church has preserved amazing 12th century Byzantine mosaics, possibly the oldest on the island. The most valuable of them are the mosaics that were dedicated to the founders of the church.

Etna, the highest and largest active volcano in Europe, located on the east coast, can be called the visiting card of Sicily. In size, it exceeds Vesuvius by almost 2.5 times and is visible even from the moon. The volcano is under round-the-clock surveillance, so periodic eruptions and the smell of sulfur do not bother the locals at all. Since ancient times, Mount Etna has been considered a sacred mountain. Now tourists from all over the world come here in the hope of climbing to the very top, covered with many ancient myths and interesting traditions. A trip to the volcano can be a real adventure, and along the way, amazing panoramas open up. Be sure to visit this beautiful place in Sicily.

Taormina occupies a special place among the attractions of the island of Sicily. It is a beautifully preserved medieval town on a high hill, famous for its beautiful views and ancient amphitheater. Taormina is extremely picturesque: it is surrounded by palm and cypress groves, and the terrace of Mount Tauro offers stunning views of Etna and the sea. The city grew up around the so-called Greek theater, where the ideal theatrical scenery was found - in this place the sea and the sky form a natural decoration. Every year the city hosts a summer festival where you can visit modern open-air performances.

The historic center of Palermo is decorated with the Palazzo Normanni, also known as the Royal Palace. The island's rich history and the struggle for dominance in the region have left their mark on the architecture of the Palazzo Normanni. The Royal Palace combines the features of the Sicilian, European, Byzantine and Arabian architectural styles. The most interesting part of the Royal Palace is the Palatine Chapel, which is a basilica with three apses. The dome and apse of the chapel are decorated with mosaics created by Byzantine craftsmen. Today, the Palatine Chapel is a museum open to the public, except during the daily mass.

Under the reliable protection of the rocks, right on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the town of Cefal is hiding. An integral part of the city is the beautiful ancient cathedral of Cefalu, which has UNESCO World Heritage status. The authentic temple is visible from almost anywhere in the city. The majestic cathedral is one of the few religious buildings on the island that has almost completely retained its original appearance. The construction of this landmark of Sicily began in the XII century and lasted over a hundred years, while the cathedral is still not considered completed. Byzantine mosaics dating back to the 12th-16th centuries are a valuable decoration of the cathedral.

The island of Sicily is unique not only for its attractions, but also for its location - it is located between three cardinal points: Europe, Asia and Africa, and when traveling around the island you can swim in three seas - the Mediterranean, Ionian and Tyrrhenian. If we add to this a variety of beaches, a mild Mediterranean climate and an abundance of attractions, then the rest will turn out to be bright and memorable.

Sicily provides excellent opportunities for excursions - the legendary Syracuse and Taormina, Mount Etna and the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, sandy beaches and nature reserves. We offer you a selection of what to see on the island of Sicily, a description of its main attractions with photos and reviews.

Valley of the Temples (Agrigento)

On the southern coast of Sicily, near the town of Agrigento, there is a whole series of historical and architectural monuments, which is called the Valley of the Temples.

Seven majestic buildings of antiquity facing east, are among the oldest buildings on the island and are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among them are the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Temple of Hercules, the Temple of Juno. The best-preserved of all is the Temple of Concordia, a 14.5 meter high building.

To Agrigento the most popular route from Palermo (regular bus), the fare is 5 euros.

  • The address: Agrigento, Sicily
  • Telephone: 39 092 240 1111
  • Official site:
  • The architectural complex is open to the public on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8.30 to 19.00; on other days from 9 to 13.30 (on holidays, working hours - from 9 to 13.30).
  • Excursion cost- 10 euros. Tourists have the opportunity to purchase a comprehensive ticket to visit the Valley of the Temples and the Paolo Orsi Archaeological Museum (ticket price - 12 euros).

Castello di Lombardy

The oldest and largest building in all of Sicily is located in the small town of Enna. The original purpose of the fortress, built in the 1st century, was a refuge from the invaders, who literally attacked the Sicilian island from the 5th to the 9th century.

Much later, during the reign of the Normans, King Frederick II ordered to convert the fortress into his summer residence. The castle was attached 12 majestic towers, of which only 6 have survived to this day.

Today the castle has been turned into a huge theater arena - here is the "Theater closest to the stars", on the stage of which annual music and festivals, opera performances, bright theatrical performances are held. The Castle also has its own "leaning tower" - the Tower of the Eagles.

  • The address: Via Lombardia 94100 Enna, Italia
  • contact number: + (39 935) 500962
  • The fortress can be visited for free, working hours - daily from 9 to 17 hours.

Mount Etna

An attraction that Nature itself has worked on is perhaps one of the most popular tourist destinations in Sicily... Indeed, few people manage to see with their own eyes a real active volcano, which has caused the island state a lot of trouble. The volcano is located in the east of the island of Sicily, not far from the cities of Messina and Catania.

For security reasons, only organized group tours are allowed on Etna. In Sicily itself, many travel agencies include a visit to Etna in the mandatory excursion program. Tour guides will tell you about the richest history of the volcano, about the legends of Queen Etna, about the numerous eruptions that in antiquity wiped out entire cities from the face of the earth.

An excursion to the volcano can take a whole day and includes an extensive program: hiking up the Sartorius hills, visiting a cave of volcanic origin, walking on mini-craters, lunch on the plateau. A visit to the volcano can be combined with a trip to the vineyards(the tour includes a visit to the winery and wine tasting).

Capuchin Catacombs (Palermo)

The people of Palermo call this place "Museum of the dead" or "museum of mummies"... Underground catacombs serve as the last refuge of mummies (there are about 8 thousand of them here). Some of them are so well preserved that even the smallest details of the toilets are visible: lace, hairpins and combs, shoes.

History of the underground catacombs originates in the 16th century, when the population of the Capuchin monastery exceeded a hundred, and over time the question arose about the burial place of the members of the brotherhood. The crypt under the monastery fit perfectly.

As the crypt was filled, the monks made additional lateral and longitudinal corridors, where the bodies of the deceased monks were placed until the 18th century. Later many benefactors and noble citizens expressed a desire to be buried in the catacombs which have turned into a prestigious burial site.

The catacombs have their own legend - two-year-old baby named (died 1920)... The inconsolable father embalmed his daughter's body and placed it in the chapel of Saint Rosalia in the catacombs. Since then, Rosalia's body has remained absolutely incorrupt, which causes controversy and surprise from scientists from all over the world.

You can get to the museum by passing 2 blocks from Independence Square and turning onto Pindemont, which rests on the Capuchin square, where the monastery is located.

  • The address: Piazza Cappuccini, 1
  • Telephone: +39 091 212-117
  • Working hours: daily from 8.30 to 18.00 hours.
  • Price: 3 euros.

What else to see in this part of Sicily? Read the description and take a look at.

Descriptions and photos of other attractions throughout Italy can be found in this one.

And about the sights of another popular island among tourists - Sardinia -.

Museum of Archeology named after Paolo Orsi (Syracuse)

The Archaeological Museum in Syracuse (all about the sights) bears the name Paolo Orsi, world renowned historian and archaeologist of Italy(was the head of the museum from 1895 to 1934). A visit to a museum can be compared to a journey through the ancient history of Sicily.

Initially (in 1870) the museum was a repository at a theological seminary, then, as the base of exhibits expanded, it was transformed into an urban one, and in 1878, by order of the king, received the status of a national Museum of Sicily.

The museum complex is divided for 4 thematic zones... The first site acquaints tourists with the Paleolithic and Iron Ages - the halls contain the skeletons of prehistoric animals.

Section B is devoted to the things of the Greek colonies in Sicily and objects of ancient art: sculptures of gods, remains of columns, household items and art... Sector C stores items dating back to the 5th-7th centuries AD, while the fourth sector of the museum contains exhibitions dedicated to the Roman and Classical periods.

There is a theme park next to the museum where you can see ancient Greek and Roman artifacts.

  • Museum address: Viale Teocrito, 66 96100, Siracusa
  • Telephone: + (39 931) 464022
  • Working hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm, Sunday - from 9 am to 2 pm. Day off - Monday.
  • Ticket prices: 4 euros.

Ancient Greek Theater (Taormina)

In which at every step there is another architectural monument, in ancient times it bore a different name - Tauromenion. But the most remarkable thing about this town is ancient greek theater located in the center of Taormina, at an altitude of 2000 above sea level. It was laid by the Greeks in the 3rd century BC.

Only the walls remained from the original building, the rest was completed by the Romans, remaking the theater for gladiatorial battles. The theater could accommodate up to 10 thousand viewers simultaneously, and the acoustics were such that they could be heard even in the last high rows.

Today on the stage (restored already in the modern period) the annual Taormina Film Festival is held(held since 1955), which attracts world celebrities.

There is another ancient theater not far from the Greek Theater, this time ancient roman - odeon, its capacity is much less - only two hundred spectators.

  • The address: Via Teatro Greco, 59
  • You can see the theater completely free all day.

All places on the map

You can take a look at all the attractions of the island of Sicily on the map of Italy.

Tourists note

  • Going on excursions, which means a hike or a long walk, take care of comfortable shoes and comfortable clothing from natural fabrics. Don't forget to bring a supply of drinking water with you.
  • When purchasing an excursion, ask is medical insurance included in the price or you will have to purchase it separately.
  • Some attractions (for example, Mount Etna) are allowed to visit only as part of a group excursion.
  • Somewhere entry into the sea and themselves are rocky, therefore, it is better to enter the sea in special shoes.

Sicily is an island that is part of Italy. Sicily is separated from the Apennine Peninsula by the Stretto di Messina canal, and the island itself is washed by three seas: the Mediterranean, the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian. In the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is the largest of the islands. A significant part of the island is covered with mountain ranges that are of volcanic origin. Moreover, the island has the largest active volcano in Europe and several extinct ones.

Sicily has a huge number of attractions, both natural and man-made, but tourists come to Sicily not only because of this. The island is famous for its mild climate, picturesque landscapes and wild rocky beaches that will impress any tourist.

So what is worth seeing in Sicily so that your vacation is not wasted?

The island of Sicily is home to the highest active volcano in Europe - Etna. Its surroundings are a unique biosphere reserve, and a rare black grape variety is cultivated on the slopes. Tourists can climb Mount Etna or, on rare occasions, watch a beautiful and frightening volcanic eruption. It is recommended to walk in the vicinity of the volcano or climb it under the supervision of an experienced guide; such an excursion will be remembered by tourists for a long time, if not forever.

Address: Catania, South Slope.

More than two hundred years ago, a small garden was laid out in Palermo for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants. Nowadays, the area occupied by the botanical garden is approximately 10 hectares of land... There are several greenhouses in the garden, where you can see a huge number of exotic plants, as well as a pool in which aquatic plants are grown. A pleasant bonus for tourists will be a colony of ringed parrots living in the garden.

Address: Via Lincoln, 2- 90133.

The majestic building of the cathedral in Montreal was built in the 12th century by King William II the Good. The Cathedral owes its beauty to the mosaics that cover more than 10,000 square meters of construction... There are 130 such mosaics in total. The cathedral is characterized by an eclectic style, as its buildings combine Arabic, Norman and Greek architecture.

Address: Piazza Guglielmo II, 1- 90046.

Jingaro Nature Reserve is a great vacation spot for flora lovers. The vegetation of the reserve is represented by dwarf palms, shrubs, holly, white ash, butcher and other plants, and on the island you can also find a variety of lizards and funny geckos. Fans of wild recreation will love the walking route along the coast, which gives you the opportunity to admire rocks and cliffs, deserted beaches and deep gorges.

Address: 91010- San Vito Lo Capo.

More than eight thousand people are buried in the ancient catacombs, and this is not a sight for the faint of heart, because the bodies lie not underground, but right on top of it. In ancient times, the Order of the Capuchins was located here, who noticed that the special air in the crypt allows the bodies to remain almost untouched by time. The chapel at the monastery is named after Rosalia Lombardo, a little girl who became the last person to be buried in the crypt of the Capuchins.

Address: Piazza Cappuccini, 1- 90129.

Cefalu is a huge rock located in the city of the same name and considered its symbol. Anyone who dares to climb the top of the cliff will receive an unforgettable panorama of the city of Cefalu, which stands on the sea coast as a reward. While walking on the cliff, history buffs can explore the ruins of an ancient structure that was once the Temple of Diana.

Address: Contrada Presidiana.

Villa Romana del Casale is an ancient Roman palace that was built in the 4th century BC. The building is located near the town of Piazza Armerina. The villa is famous for its huge and incredibly beautiful mosaics that depict various scenes from the life of the ancient Romans. Now the palace is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Address: Strada Provinciale 90- 94015.

The theater in Syracuse was built in the 5th century BC. The majestic building was carved right into the rock, and its places were facing the sea and the legendary Mount Etna. The largest theater at that time contained about 16,000 viewers... Since 1914, theater festivals have been held in the theater in May and June, which have always successfully attracted the attention of tourists.

Address: Viale Paradiso.

The Norman Palace or, as it is also called, the Palazzo Normanni was once the residence of kings. The palace is considered the main attraction of the city of Palermo, which every tourist must visit. The Palatine Chapel was added to the Palazzo Normanni in the 12th century - another architectural masterpiece that undoubtedly deserves the attention of visitors.

Address: Palermo, Piazza Indipendenza, 1- 90129.

Agrigento, the most beautiful city of mortals, was built by the Greeks from the island of Rhodes more than two and a half thousand years ago. The main distinguishing feature and feature of Agrigento is the Valley of the Temples, a natural park with a large number of ancient Greek buildings and temples, which are considered the best representatives of Greek architecture outside Greece.

Address: Agrigento- 92100.

Palermo is the capital of Sicily, an amazing city, teeming with a variety of cultural and architectural monuments. Palermo is worth a visit to every tourist who wants to feel the spirit of real Italy and enjoy the masterpieces of national cuisine. The two main streets of the city intersect in the most beautiful square, Quatro Canti (pictured below).

This city is also called the "Pearl of Sicily". Long ago, Noto survived a devastating earthquake, after which it was rebuilt by residents in a safer place. Many famous architects participated in the restoration of the city, who strove to give the city elegance and sophistication. Noto was recreated in the Baroque style, which is undoubtedly the highlight of the city, giving it an extraordinary fabulousness and almost homeliness.

Taormina is a famous Italian resort, a favorite place for thousands of vacationers. The resort is located on the Tauro hill, which allows tourists to enjoy a magnificent view of the sea coast. Nature lovers can enjoy the beautiful citrus groves, and architecture connoisseurs will not be left indifferent by the ancient cozy streets with ancient buildings in antique style.

It is a natural cave in the vicinity of Syracuse, which has an oblong shape, reminiscent of a donkey's ear. The cave has a very unusual acoustics, thanks to which even the quietest whisper can be heard. There is a legend that a long time ago, when slaves and prisoners worked in the cave, the despotic ruler Dionysius overheard their conversations, after which he punished or executed the disaffected.

Address: Parco Archeologico della Neapolis.

Erice is a small but extraordinarily beautiful town in the province of Trapani. Erice is located high in the mountains, from where you can see the picturesque seascape. The most beautiful places in Erice are the Chiesa Matrice church, the Castello Pepoli and Castello di Venere castles, the San Giovanni Battista church and the central square of Piazza San Giovanni. The city is a must-see for all connoisseurs of Italian medieval culture.

The small island of Vulcano is located a quarter of a kilometer from Sicily. The island has an active volcano that last erupted about 30 years ago. A special grape variety is grown on Vulcano, which, thanks to the characteristics of the volcanic soil, gives an exquisite taste to Malvasia wine. Favorite places for tourists are the magnificent beaches, healing hot springs and relaxing mud baths.

The Church of Jesus is the most beautiful baroque church in Palermo and Sicily. The attention of many tourists is attracted by the magnificent bas-reliefs "The Blessing of the Shepherd" and "The Adoration of the Magi" and the high relief "The Adoration of St. Luke". During the Second World War, the building of the church was partially destroyed, but after the restoration, the Church of Jesus is available for everyone to visit.

Address: Palermo, Piazza Casa Professa- 1.