Antique Sami Kefalonia. Kefalonia, Greece

Interesting Facts about the island of Kefalonia

In the center of the Ionian Sea is a large Kefalonia island(Kefalonia, Kefalonia), washed by sapphire waters. Mysterious and romantic, concealing the wealth of culture, giving rest to the soul and body. The island is the largest of those located in the Ionian Sea. It is named after the mythical hero Cephalus.

The landscape of the island is diverse - secluded bays, sandy beaches, mysterious caves. Unlike east coast, Western part Kefalonia is rocky.

Large administrative center province of Kefalonia city ​​of Argostoli.

Greece is attractive for its comfortable Mediterranean climate. Most of the precipitation falls in winter. Winters are mild, mostly without snow. Summer is hot and dry. July is the most sultry, the air temperature stays above 25 degrees.

Amazing natural beauty of Kefalonia

In the cozy village of Karavomylos there is salt lake Melissani- a geological anomaly, water from it enters the sea along a small channel. The lake is fed groundwater. Sea water deepens under the island, travels 17 km in a few weeks, making its way through underground channels, partially desalinated and enters, located in a cave. The water surface becomes unrealistically blue when sunlight enters it, penetrating through the hole in the rock arch. Part of the dome of the cave collapsed about 4,000 years ago, thanks to which this place was discovered.

Scientists have approximately restored the age of the cave - it is about 30,000 years old. This place is a paradise for a photographer, where you can make unique, in terms of beauty and fantastic colors and shapes, pictures. The unreal blue of the lake turns green when the lighting changes.

There are legends about this place. As if one nymph named Melissani fell in love with the god Pan, a windy and fickle tempter. The feeling of the nymph remained unshared. She wept so bitterly that a lake formed from her tears. It took into its waters a girl who suffered from unrequited love.

When this place was discovered, clay figurines of the god Pan and nymphs were found inside.

People believe that if a couple in love join hands and immerse them in water, then their love will be eternal and happy. If a person wants to find a beloved (lover), then you need to wash your face with lake water and love will come soon.

A special pleasure is a boat trip on the lake, the depth of which in some places reaches 14 m. The water is cold - only 15 degrees. Eel and mullet live in the lake.

The water is so clear and pure that it seems to people in the boat that they are floating in weightlessness, because the bottom is visible from any place and the illusion of being between heaven and earth is created.

The unique place of Kefalonia is a huge Dragoratti Cave 40 km long, supposedly turning into a whole gallery of caves.

It is famous for its unique surface topography, bizarre forms of stalactites and stalagmites. It contains stalactites 2 m long, and the process of their formation continues to this day. Stalactites grow very slowly - 1 centimeter per hundred years, you can roughly calculate how old this cave is.

There is a legend that speaks of a dragon that lived in this cave, from which its name follows.

The cave is located at a depth of 60 m. All year round it keeps a constant temperature - 18 degrees.

The cave has excellent acoustics. In its central hall with an area of ​​45x65 m, a unique concert hall for 800 seats. For wonderful acoustics, the room is called the “Hall of Excellence”, its height is 20 m.

The cave was discovered about 300 years ago - a strong earthquake "opened" the entrance to it, bringing down part of the arch. Acquaintance with the beauties of this place has been open since 1963.

Enos mountain range national reserve, on the territory of which there are unique plants listed in the Red Book.

On the mountainous slopes, a rare variety of fir grows - Abiescephalonica - an evergreen coniferous plant from the Pine family. It is found exclusively in Greece. The needles of the tree have a very rich dark green color, seeming black, and the mountains themselves seem black because of the many firs. The Venetians called them "Monte Nero".

An amazing religious phenomenon has been spotted on the island. In the village of Markopulo there is a temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the day of the religious holiday - the day of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos on August 15, snakes crawl up to the miraculous icon, which have a pattern in the form of a black cross on their heads - such is their coloring. On this day, they do not sting people and they can even be picked up. This phenomenon is repeated year after year. locals they say that in the 20th century reptiles did not crawl to the temple twice - this was an omen of tragic events - the war and the strongest earthquake that happened in 1953.

Kefalonia is an earthquake-prone area. The earthquake of 1953 destroyed all the cities and most of the villages, except for Fiskardo (the northern settlement). France, America and Australia provided assistance to the inhabitants - they supplied the inhabitants with food, water, and medicines. That year, many residents of Kefalonia moved to America, Africa and Australia, because their homes were destroyed.

Sightseeing in Kefalonia

The locals lead an active vibrant life, which can be seen in the crowded squares and markets where there is a brisk trade. Narrow streets, with houses in an original style under red tiles, pleasantly delight the eye. In many national cafes, tourists taste traditional centuries-old cuisine. Kefalonia is a place rich in sights, which can be explored only with active recreation and visiting many excursions. The multi-colored overflows of the sea, the blue of underground lakes, the grandeur of huge stalactite caves will amaze you with their natural mysteries and wonders.

Sightseeing tour of Kefalonia includes visits to unique places:

  1. Castle of the peninsula of Assos.
  2. Katavothres.
  3. Drogarati caves.
  4. Cave lake Melissani.
  5. Monastery of St. Gerasimos.

To overcome such a voluminous program and restore energy will help a cafe in a picturesque the village of Fiskardo.

In Kefalonia, many ancient shrines have been preserved. Operating churches and monasteries keep rare icons and unique altars.

The monastery of St. Gerasimos is located in the Omala valley near Argostoli. October 20 - St. Gerasim. He lived for 5 years as a hermit in the caves of Lassi. In 1560, Saint Gerasimus restored the chapel of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is still active today. In the same year, St. Gerasim laid the first stone of the current nunnery, in which his relics are still kept. If you visit this temple, you can see the cave where the saint lived as a hermit.

People believe that two ancient plane trees growing on the territory of the monastery were planted by St. Gerasim. The area was waterless, and the saint dug 3 large and 37 small wells with his own hands.

The beaches of Kefalonia

Greek island of Kefalonia famous for its beaches. Its unique places have been awarded the Blue Flag label, an international award that has been awarded since 1987 to beaches with clean water that meets strict quality standards and is safe to swim in.

The most popular clean and comfortable beach - Myrtos. It is comfortable due to the protection of rocks from the wind. The waters are mostly calm, striking with a play of colors: cornflower blue, ultramarine, turquoise, blue - the color changes from the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. Included in the top ten most beautiful beaches in the world. The beach is not with sand, but with large white pebbles, smaller pebbles near the water. The beach is permeable to the winds, there are waves on the sea.

On Kefalonia Beach, Xi is striking in the color of the sand - rich red, but sometimes it can appear red. The proposed rest can be supplemented with wellness procedures with the help of therapeutic mud (balneotherapy).

For those who prefer silence and unity with nature, the coasts of Antisamos are suitable. Antisami is the most beautiful of the white pebble beaches. Almost from the first steps of entering the water, a great depth is noted. It is not comfortable for families with children, but expanse for those who like to swim.

Lassi beach- clear water, light sand. The entire coast is in Kefalonian firs. This is especially convenient for families with children, because the water is shallow near the shore.

Legendary Skala beach- the standard of accuracy and comfort.

petani beach- White sand beach. The purest water and surroundings.

15 the best places Kefalonia, which are not in the guidebooks

The island of Kefalonia is one of the most beautiful in Greece. Svetlana shared her impressions of her journey through it and spoke about the places that she liked the most. And we have designed it into an ideal holiday program, which allows you to relax and see all the most interesting.

Greece. Unique country where is the story ancient world densely mixed with culinary traditions and winemaking, the ancient ruins coexist perfectly with the Athenian Acropolis that has survived to this day.

It's no secret that in, like in any other tourist developed country, there are popular places which are on everyone's lips. Usually, the Greek titans of a package holiday loom on the surface of a Russian-speaking traveler: Crete and the island of Thassos, the resorts of the Halkidiki peninsula and the monasteries of Meteora, the islands of Corfu, Rhodes and Santorini. Along with them, Greece has a huge number of not very popular, sometimes completely unknown to the general public, but at the same time no less amazing and beautiful places to stay. Since we are independent travelers, in most cases we do not favor crowded tourist locations. That is why this time our choice fell on the Greek island of Kefalonia (Kefalonia / Cephalonia), which is not very well known in wide tourist circles.

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It is the largest of the Ionian Islands in southwestern Greece and is said to be the greenest. We went to explore Kefalonia in the second half of September 2017.

Transport logistics

The island of Kefalonia can be reached in two ways - by air and by sea. The island has an airport, but there are no direct flights from Ukraine. Alternatively, you can fly to Kefalonia with a connection in Athens. But the most interesting option for the price-schedule of flights for the dates we were looking for was offered by the UIA airline, whose services we used. The logistics turned out as follows: a direct flight from Kyiv to Athens, at the international airport in Athens, Eleftherios Venizelos, we had a car booked in advance. Then we transited along the upper tip of the Peloponnese peninsula on the way to the port of Kyllini (Kilini / Kyllini), from where ferry flights to the Ionian islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia start.

On the island of Kefalonia, apartments were also booked in advance for 10 nights in the village of Mousata, 15 km from the capital of the island, Argostoli. In many Russian-language reports that I met before the trip, tourists mostly admired the northern tip of the island or the western coast of Kefalonia. I liked the coastline in the southwest and southeast of the island more, although at that time I could only judge by the photo on google maps. Therefore, housing was chosen closer to the desired beaches. During the 10 days spent on the island, we managed to drive and see quite a lot. I will not talk about those places that are abundantly replicated on the net. I will focus only on what really impressed us.

One of the closest to our “base” in Musat and, indeed, one of the best beaches in Kefalonia is Koroni Beach. It is located in the southwest of the island at the foot of a high mountain. This is a long unequipped beach, that is, you need to understand that it is conditionally wild, where you need to take a towel and a sun umbrella with you. As a bonus - a minimum of people on the beach. We have been here several times different time day, and invariably there were very few people. In my humble opinion, Koroni beach is ideal for a romantic getaway and inspiration: fine golden sand, smooth entry into the water, emerald waters of the Ionian Sea and a stunning panorama before your eyes.

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A little higher up the hillside above Koroni beach, we discovered another amazing place Sesto Koroni Hill Bar - a wine bar with a panoramic view. Amazing place, great atmosphere. It would seem that everything is so simply done, sometimes from the simplest materials at hand, but the essence is in the sincere atmosphere and hospitality of the owners of the institution (a married couple of Englishmen). It is equally pleasant to be in Sesto Koroni both during the day and in the evening, especially at sunset. The panorama that opens up is breathtaking! Nothing superfluous, only the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and the neighboring island of Zakynthos spreading in a light haze.

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Nearby you can also drop in for a tasting at the Melissinos Winery (one of the best wineries on the island), and we move further along the coast to the south of Kefalonia.

Next stop is Cape Mounda, the southernmost cape of the island. Unusual landscape of the coast: sand beach smoothly turns into a powerful stone slab, which goes far into the sea, and closer to the tip of the cape, rocks with bizarre weathering forms and hidden grottoes hang over the shore. From a high hill above Cape Mounda, you can go down to a long, seemingly endless, deserted beach. Beautiful scenery... and space, space! And the same stunning wind, which happens only at the extreme points of the earth.

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We get into the car again and drive further, moving to the southeast of the island. First, we pass the lively village of Skala, and literally after a few kilometers we park the car near the next object of our interest, the bay with the poetic name Kato Lagadi. There are no landmarks or signs along the route, only a small spot along the road, where the cars of those who are in the know are left ... That's right: the bulk of tourists are brought to the bay on yachts and boats by sea, so there are no signs along the road. But there is still a land passage to the bay. The trail and the descent to the sea are moderately extreme, but if you have at least minimal physical fitness and experience in hiking, there will be no problems.

The bay of Kato Lagadi is an amazing landscape of the coast, a series of grottoes and tiny coves with small pebbles and a smooth entry into the water. Great place for snorkeling! It is better to come in the morning, when the sun's rays brightly illuminate everything around and the cave grottoes can be seen in all their glory. After lunch, the sun goes behind Mount Enos and the grottoes hide in the shade. However, pictures speak louder than words:

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Our next point of interest is the famous Antisamos beach, one of the most beautiful beaches Greece according to TripAdvisor. A side note: we don't like public beaches by default. According to our version perfect beach- this is when there are at least or no people on it, and there is also a minimum of tourist infrastructure. Being alone with nature is our main desire on vacation. In the case of Antisamos beach, this is the rare exception when we changed our principles. The beach is really amazingly beautiful. First, the view! The view of the bay, deep and elongated like a fjord, and the neighboring island of Ithaca opens up indescribably. The legends and myths of ancient Greece, the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer come to life before your eyes ... and it's really breathtaking that you just see it with your own eyes! By the way, as the local Greeks say, in the strait between Kefalonia and Ithaca, there is ancient city the time of Odysseus. It remains only to take their word for it. In general, on the island, quite a lot of reminders of the Mycenaean culture (the period in the history of Greece from the 16th to the 11th century BC) and later periods have survived to this day, in particular the museum under open sky Acropolis of Ancient Same (located high on a mountain above Antisamos beach, admission is free).

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Antisamos beach is also unique in that it is usually completely calm here. This is due to the fact that the bay in which the beach is located is “covered” from the sea by the mainland and the island of Ithaca, and from the land side it is reliably protected by the amphitheater of high mountains. And indeed, it was verified by experience, even when a serious storm broke out one day, the sea in Antisamos Bay was calm and comfortable for swimming. In fairness, it should be noted that for all the aesthetic beauty, the beach has its drawbacks: there are quite large pebbles underfoot, and the depth starts literally from the shore, so this beach is not very suitable for families with small children. But if you are an aesthete and your rich inner world is in dire need of new doses of earthly beauty, then Antisamos beach is at your service.

However, you will not be satisfied with natural beauties alone, so we are going in search of Greek goodies. Each country has its own signature dish or product - a specialty. This is part of the gastronomic history and culture of a particular country, where culinary traditions are respected. In Greece, one of the most famous specialties is, of course, Greek yogurt. It is difficult to do without it in Hellas.

Our guesthouse neighbors, the Italians, warmly recommended one place in Kefalonia where you should definitely have breakfast in the Greek style. What can I say, Italians know a lot about gourmet food! This is a real oasis… a very small open area, but making and submitting an order, easy communication with a young and cheerful hostess of the establishment – ​​this is exactly the rare case when the memory of something sticks in the memory for a long time and is mentally savored with a slight nostalgia over time.

Breakfast in the tiny and inconspicuous Myrtillo is worthy of a separate story. This is not only a positive charge and a full stomach, but also a real taste pleasure. We only once stopped by for breakfast at Myrtillo on the way to Myrtos beach (Myrtillo cafe-shop is located on the main road west coast, between two observation decks on Myrtos Beach), but I really remember this place. Here you can buy local homemade and other only nature Greek specialties (honey, jam, jam, nuts) as souvenirs, and there is also a small outdoor area with tables where you can eat.

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A proper Greek breakfast, like everything ingenious, is extremely simple. Greek yogurt, honey, tahini (sesame paste), nuts. You can also add seasonal fruits or homemade jam. It is not for nothing that, according to statistics, it is on the Greek islands that the most centenarians are, because with delicious natural food you can afford to live healthy and healthy for many years.

If it is ideal to come to Myrtillo for breakfast, then for dinner it is advisable to climb higher into the mountains. For example, excellent young lamb can be tasted not far from resort town Sami. Our goal - mountain village Poulata. The owner of the house where we rented an apartment told us about this place. In fact, this is an ordinary village in the mountains, which is notable only for the fact that the local specialty is excellently cooked here - the meat of a young lamb. You can also try lamb, goat and other mixed meat grills. But it is the rack of lamb on the coals - a masterpiece of the local Greek cuisine.

In the village of Poulata there is a popular tourist establishment "Rambolis Grill Lamb Reataurant", where tourists are brought by bus after an excursion in the cave of Melissani (this is the "visiting card" of Kefalonia, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Sami). And very close to this restaurant there is a small family tavern, the name of which cannot be reproduced in Greek (look at the photo). You need to come in the evening, by 8 o'clock is ideal. Because at 7 pm the workers are just getting ready to receive guests, and at 9 pm there may already be no empty seats left. They work until late as long as there are visitors. Very tasty, the portions are impressive, the prices are democratic, and the attitude towards the guests is good-natured. The owners of the institution receive guests in a family way, and the food and service are beyond praise!

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By the way, the basic principle of choosing catering places in Greece (however, this applies to many European countries). Many domestic tourists can find stereotypical thinking about how an institution should look right. Catering(restaurant, cafe, confectionery or coffee shop). How are we usually? That's right: a cafe-restaurant will be cool and tasty if it looks at least decent: a beautiful interior, fabric tablecloths and napkins, expensive dishes, etc. This is a delicious restaurant. Tasty and expensive, otherwise nothing. As you understand, the rules of "appearance" of taverns, familiar to compatriots, in Greece do not work from the word "completely". In Greece, taverns focus primarily on the quality and taste of the food. That is, if the food is tasteless, then you can do nothing further - there are no people in this tavern, and there will not be. Then the second most important is the view from the tavern, and only after that, almost in the last place, we are talking about design, beautiful dishes, napkins, etc.

Ask me which tavern in Greece is the most memorable and sunk into the soul? The answer is simple: it is a tavern somewhere in the mountain wilderness or inconspicuous nooks and crannies of the old city, in a completely ordinary room, with the same ordinary ordinary people who cook and serve food. After all, it is the delicious food and the sincere atmosphere that are remembered, and not the well-trained waiters and the original design. Although this also has the right to be, but definitely not in Greece.

It would be worth starting with the fact that in Greece you always need to pay attention to the sign of the institution. It is a great rarity that in front of the tavern on English language was written "taverna", most likely they will write "restaurant" in English. But a restaurant is exactly a restaurant with all the attributes: waiters, white tablecloths, etc. Real restaurants in Greece - a rare event which you can only find in major cities, for example, in Athens or Thessaloniki, or at hotels. Their cuisine is also usually European. Therefore, the sign "restaurant" is a deliberate substitution of concepts for foreign tourists. If you want to taste real Greek cuisine, you need a tavern with its discreet simplicity and "family".

When the stomach is full, usually you also want circuses. Or if you suddenly get bored from a measured rest, and there is a desire to dilute the languor of being, you can go to the north of the island, in Big city ok Fiskardo. Here is a large marina for yachts, around which everything is sharpened for tourism for the discerning public. In short - pathetic, expensive, cocktail bars, taverns, restaurants. Anything your heart desires, for every taste and budget. In Fiskardo, in addition to the ancient architecture, I remember impudent and not at all prudish young Englishmen, blond Scandinavians, cheerful and loud Italians, drunken and noisy Czechs ... the marina in Fiskardo is large, the audience is motley and colorful. You won't be bored, that's for sure! But for a relaxing holiday It is better to choose housing in the immediate vicinity; you should not be based in Fiskardo itself.

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In the meantime we're circling northern part Kefalonia and smoothly move to the western coast of the island, closer to impregnable rocky bays and the piercing blue Ionian Sea, well known from publications in glossy magazines. The first thing that catches the eye from the height of the main route is a long cape protruding into the sea. The view is incredible, so it's impossible to just drive by! This is Assos - perhaps one of the most beautiful and spectacular places in Kefalonia.

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Assos is a small cozy town located on the isthmus between the mainland and the peninsula crowned with a Venetian fortress. The town itself is miniature and very touristy, which is not surprising in view of its special external attractiveness, and in terms of the number of idle tourists it can easily compete with pathos Fiskardo. Assos looks equally great from far and near! Houses with bright colored facades stretch up the slope of a small enclosed bay. In the narrow cobbled streets, large tubs and tall earthenware pots full of decorative and profusely flowering plants are found everywhere, which I especially like in the south. Fishing boats and small yachts sway in the marina, taverns with tables along the water, inviting smells of cooking food spread, and then spicy aromas excite the receptors. Colorful reality is pleasing to the eye, and emotions are overwhelmed inside ... a real Mediterranean idyll.

If you are not too lazy and climb along a wide winding path lined with marble to the top of the peninsula to the Venetian fortress (Castle of Assos of the 15th century), then you will be rewarded for your work and perseverance - the views are grandiose!

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We move further along the western coast of Kefalonia. In this part of the island, the main road is laid at a decent height. At a decent height along the sheer cliffs! I don't know how anyone perceives reality, but I'm always impressed when a Man masters mountains, "taming" them to his needs. Just imagine: along the western coast of Kefalonia, the road is cut in places in huge boulders, which causes genuine surprise and, of course, respect for the people who built it. And now driving on ideal mountain roads is a real pleasure, despite the endless turns. After all, behind each of them a new unique view opens up, and you want to make stops as often as possible to capture this beauty as a keepsake. But, alas, suitable places very little for this. The track is laid out in two lanes, fences on both sides, blind closed turns…

Next to the settlement of Assos is the famous Greek beach Myrtos and one of the few equipped sites along the route where you can stop. it viewpoint Myrthos Beach Viewpoint. There are not enough words to express the fullness of feelings and emotions when you see the piercing blue in real life!

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Myrtos beach, along with the Melissani cave, is the visiting card of Kefalonia. We did not go down to the beach itself, according to reviews it is not very convenient for swimming. It is usually very stormy here and a strong wind often blows, due to the fact that the beach "looks" into the open sea. There are large pebbles on the shore, and the depth begins immediately from the shore. But outwardly, especially from a bird's eye view, this is a dream beach.

Further along the western coast of Kefalonia between the beach of Myrtos and the village of Zola there are several more moderately beautiful beaches and lagoons, but we go further - to the "secret" bay. Lost in the mountains at the northwestern tip of the Paliki Peninsula, Atheras Bay strikes with its beauty at first sight. In a carefully closed bay, a promontory protruding far into the sea, everything is perfectly suited for swimming and a relaxing holiday - moderately secluded, small pebbles on the shore, a clean bottom and a calm sea. And the view is awesome, it is very important!

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I can not ignore the capital of Kefalonia - Argostoli (Argostoli). This is the main transport hub of the island, most of the hotels and large supermarkets are concentrated around the capital, and the promenade along the coastal part of the city will bring a lot of pleasure. The city center and the beautiful embankment, lined with multi-colored pebbles framed by date palms, are interesting. And it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon or evening – there is something to do in the capital at any time of the day.

The city of Argostoli spreads widely in the form of an amphitheater along the shore of a large lagoon. There is an airport near the capital and for spotting fans this is a place of power. In addition to a large selection of beaches in the vicinity of Argostoli, there are several notable places. For example, the observation point on the edge of the cape, the active lighthouse of St. Theodora (Agion Theodoron), better known as the Fanari lighthouse, and near it is the Katavothres Sea Mill. Actually, usually this section (between Argostoli and the lighthouse) tourists fly by in cars without stopping. But in vain! From Argostoli, a path stretches along the sea through a natural park, where along the way you meet small coves suitable for swimming, pines, cypresses and junipers, thanks to which you can breathe in the heady Mediterranean coniferous air. I can’t even believe that there are such quiet, relatively deserted places very close to the noisy capital of the island.

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The mill, located near the lighthouse, is very unusual place. It is not so much an engineering structure that is interesting as Katavotres, a unique geological phenomenon of the island of Kefalonia. Usually on the island the river flows into the sea, but on the island of Kefalonia everything happens the other way around. streams sea ​​water fall into underwater karst crevices near the village of Katavothres (on the outskirts of Argostoli), then they pass under the island from west to east and appear on the surface already in the village of Karavomylos (near the town of Sami), where they then flow into the cave lake Melissani.

In 1963, geologists from the Austrian University dropped 160 kg of paint in the area of ​​the underground tunnels of the village of Katavotres., and 15 days later, traces of this paint appeared in the water on the eastern side of the island. The Englishman Stevens was the first observer to describe this unusual phenomenon. It was he who decided to use the energy of the water that was lost in the “catavotra” (in the crevice) and built a water mill there, which we can see today.

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What else is remarkable in Argostoli? Every day in the morning and in the evening on the embankment you can take part in a free "attraction" - feeding sea turtles. On one of the days, we specially arrived early in the morning on the Argostoli embankment in order to see Caretta-caretta turtles up close. It happens like this: at 9 am, fishermen with their morning catch moor to the pier on the embankment, where the first buyers of fresh fish are already waiting for them. A spontaneous fish mini-bazaar is being formed. The fish is immediately butchered for the buyers and the giblets are dumped here into the water. Turtles come to them to feast on them. If you see crowds of people on the embankment, it means that there are turtles there.

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And, completing the topic of Argostoli, I want to note that it is in the capital that an active tourist life is in full swing. Here is the brightest evening promenade and, in principle, only in this place the night life was noticed. In addition, Argostoli has a huge selection of establishments: taverns, restaurants, nightclubs, cocktail bars, pizzerias. And, of course, the Greek version of fast food “giradiko” and “suvladzidiko” is widely represented (the first is called “gyros” after the dish, and the second takes its name from “suvlaki” - these are small skewers). In terms of cuisine, Argostoli has everything your heart desires, for every taste. We have dined here several times at various establishments, but the most memorable family restaurant Greek cuisine Casa Grec, lost in the narrow streets of the old city.

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From Argostoli, you can conveniently and fairly quickly move to the Paliki peninsula. You can get there by land, but it is much more comfortable to get there by water. The ferry-bus Argostoli-Lixouri, which sails every half hour from the port of one capital of the island to another and back (Lixouri is the capital of the Paliki peninsula), takes on board both passengers and cars.

The assembly point for vacationers on the Paliki Peninsula is the popular "red" Xi Beach. We deliberately skip it and keep the path a little further, our goal is the neighboring Koutala Beach. Most of the beaches on the coast of the Paliki peninsula are known for their characteristic and expressive combination: a thin strip of bright red sand on the shore and high clay cliffs (they say that this clay has a cosmetic effect, and you can smear yourself with it like in a spa - I can only take my word for it, we haven't tried). Looks great on a sunny day!

The sea is shallow and calm. Quiet, secluded, almost no people. In my opinion, it is also a great place to relax with small children - shallow, warm sea, sand.

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by the most big island of the group of seven Ionian Islands is Kefalonia (Greece). It is located between the islands of Zakynthos and covers an area of ​​about 800 sq. km. The highest point is Mount Big Soros (1628 m). The capital of the island is the city of Argostoli. The population of Kefalonia is about 35 thousand. Length coastline stretched for 250 km (this can be seen by looking at the island of Kefalonia on the map of Greece). The island is widely known for its excellent beaches, magnificent nature, ancient architecture, shrines and unique natural caves.

History of the island

The island has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era. The first inhabitants who settled Kefalonia were the Leleg tribes (15th century BC), they worshiped the king of the sea, Poseidon. In the Bronze Age, the ancient Greek peoples Tilev and Tafi lived here.

According to one version, the island of Kefalonia (Greece) got its name in honor of the mythological hero Kefala. Some historians associate the name of the island with the Kefalin family. Homer called the island Sami, but in his time it was still sparsely populated. Since the Classic period, the island has been known by its current name.

In the Middle Ages, the island was part of the Byzantine Empire. Later it was captured by different peoples: Venetians, Turks and Normans. Since 1797, Kefalonia was under the protectorate of Venice, and later the island was occupied by the French. Influenced by the French Revolutionaries local population overthrew the feudal system. Subsequently, Kefalonia became part of the so-called state of the 7 Ionian Islands. In 1864, all the Ionian Islands united with Greece.

Tours in Kefalonia, Greece

Since 2013, the island of Kefalonia has become even more accessible for Russian residents thanks to the introduction of weekly charter flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg. It should be noted that complex tours of Kefalonia-Zakynthos are also in great demand. Thus, you can fly to one island, and fly home from another. Impressions, respectively, can be obtained twice as much.

Getting to know the island

At first glance, the island is mountainous and rugged. Nevertheless, like all of Greece, Kefalonia (the photos are simply impressive) does not lose its charm. While moving along the steep serpentine, landscapes of fabulous beauty open up to the eye: the azure sea, harmoniously outlined rocks, as well as green small islands of seaside villages. The landscape picture of the island is complemented by olive and myrtle groves with fluttering leaves, vineyards, original and unlike each other coastal towns. Snow-white yachts and fishing boats moored off the coast add a special touch to Kafalonia.

All the islands of Greece amaze with their extraordinary beauty. Kefalonia, of course, is no exception. This region conquers travelers with its freshest air with the aroma of pines, the crystal smooth surface of the sea. In general, rest in this place is calm and measured.

Capital of Kefalonia

The capital of the island is the city of Argostoli. Just 10 km from this locality located international Airport, which serves charter flights and flights from Athens. The region is located in a zone of increased seismic activity; in 1953, a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Richter scale was observed in Argostoli. As a result of the disaster, the city was seriously damaged. It had to be literally rebuilt. Now the capital is seething with life, and at night numerous clubs, bars and discos light their lights. The port of Argostoli has ferry connections to other cities in Greece.

Sami is considered the second port of the island. This is the main gate for ferries from Italy, Astakos, Patras, Lefkada and other places.

resort towns

The main resorts of Kefalonia are Luxuri, Skala, Lassi. The rock, in particular, was most chosen by tourists from the UK. There are about 30 hotels, 3 supermarkets, more than 10 bars and dozens of souvenir shops in the city. Lassi and Luxuri are also famous for their rich nightlife and golden beaches.

The hottest weather in the region is observed in August - about 35 o C. There are beaches here for every taste - from secluded "wild" to very noisy with developed infrastructure.

Better beaches

  • Myrtos beach (Kefalonia). This beach is considered the hallmark of not only the island, but the whole of Greece. This is the prettiest white pebble-sand beach countries with deep seas. In addition, he even enters the top 10 the best beaches planets. Myrtos is well equipped, there are sunbeds with umbrellas, a lifeguard team, bars. It is located on the western coast of Kefalonia between the mountains of Kalos Oros and Agia Dinati. From the city of Assos it is only 20 minutes to go to it. However, buses are not allowed into the protected area. Despite its wide popularity and landscapes of incredible beauty, there are usually few tourists here. This is due to the inaccessibility of this place. Myrtos Beach (Kefalonia, Greece) has repeatedly been a springboard for filming. For example, some scenes from the movie "Captain Corelli's Choice" were filmed here.
  • Xi is a shallow beach with unique red dense sand. It is framed by limestone rocks with healing blue clay.
  • Kaminia - sandy beach. It is located 34 km from the capital of Kafalonia. Considered one of the longest beaches on the island.
  • Skala Beach - located on the southern tip of the island in the town of the same name. It has an excellent layout, surrounded by picturesque hills and rocks.
  • Antisamos is located near the port of Samos. It is considered quite a favorable place for taking sunbathing and bathing.

More than 20 beaches in the region have their own names, many of them have been awarded the Blue Flag. In general, Kefalonia (Greece) is a great place to stay from May to mid-October.

Attractions of the island

  • The resort village of Agia Efimia is a favorite place for divers and yachting enthusiasts.
  • Argostoli. Ethnographic and archaeological museum, as well as an arched ancient bridge.
  • Luxuri. The ruins of ancient Pali and the Ipkovatov Palace with a unique library.
  • Mounts Rudi and Enos - natural attractions of the island of Kefalonia (Greece). These mountain ranges are covered with relict tree species that have a dark green color (the so-called black spruce).
  • Assos. Here you can visit Venetian fortress dated to the 16th century.
  • Fiscado is a fishing village with ancient architecture. By the way, she was the only one not affected by the 1953 earthquake.
  • Drongarati Cave or Dragon House. One of its descents reaches 44 meters and ends in a cave hall with acoustic cancellation. Here you can admire the incredible beauty of stalactites.
  • Castro. The city was the capital of Kefalonia in the Middle Ages.

Shrines of Kefalonia

Having seen all the above sights on the island, you can continue excursions to Kefalonia to the shrines. There are two monasteries here - St. Andrew Miliapidias and St. Gerasimos. Both of these monasteries are for women.

Saint Gerasimus, who led a hermit life in the caves, is the patron saint of Kefalonia. An ascetic was born in 1506 in the city of Trikala (Peloponnese). After receiving his education, he began to travel throughout Greece, managed to visit Constantinople. On Mount Athos, he began his monastic life in the cave of Kapsala. Later he went to Jerusalem, where he served for 12 years in

Wishing for peace and solitude, the saint travels to the island of Zakif. And in 1555 he moved to Kefalonia, here he lived for five years in the cave of Lassi near Argostoli (in given time a temple was built over it). Since 1560, he moved to the Omala region, where he carried out the restoration of the chapel and built a convent with a sisterhood. He called it "New Jerusalem".

A cave with a narrow entrance has survived to this day, where the saint lived for about 19 years. Gerasim died in 1579. His relics are in a glass reliquary in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The monastery has three plane trees planted by Gerasim himself, 37 small wells and three springs. The saint is known for being able to get rid of possession.

The monastery of St. Andrew Milapidias was founded in the Byzantine era. In 1264 it was transferred to the Latin Episcopacy. After a hundred years, it falls into decay and is revived only in 1579, when three sisters buy it - Leontia, Benedict and Magdalene. They settle in it, and soon the monastic community grows. In 1639, after a shipwreck, the Greek-Romanian princess Roxana entered the monastery. She made a huge property contribution to the monastery, but most importantly, the princess gave the monastery the relics of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called from Mount Athos. The monastery also has a museum with rare ancient icons and relics.

Phenomenal phenomenon

A rather unique phenomenon takes place in the village of Markopulo. There, on the day of the Dormition of the Mother of God, an incredible amount creeps on the heads of which there is a small cross. They rush to the church, climb right into its dome, and then crawl to the icon of the Virgin. Amazingly, until the very end of the service, they do not depart from it. The local population reveres snakes as saints. Many consider this phenomenon a good omen.

Kefalonia island, Greece. Hotels


Millions of tourists from all over the world visit the islands of Greece every year. Kefalonia, on the other hand, attracts the eyes of travelers not only with its stunning nature, but also with the opportunity to engage in various sports. Here you can play tennis, basketball, go fishing or ride horses. Especially gambling guests can try their luck at the casino. Lovers will also fall in love with the resort, because the local beaches are considered the best throughout the Mediterranean.

Kefalonia is an island where miracles happen, at least that's what the locals say. Rather, consider where Kefalonia is located on the map of Greece, and pack your bags.

The largest in the Ionian archipelago. Travelers come here in search of cultural experiences, and the island fully rewards those who are tired of all-inclusive secular holidays.

Nature in Kefalonia tried to create the maximum beautiful views and natural attractions. Climbing the mountains, you can see the unique pine forests like no other in the world.

You will see a breathtaking panoramic view with golden beaches, numerous coves, the purest deep blue water.

The water off the coast of the island is considered one of the cleanest and safest, so fur seals, turtles, dolphins and numerous representatives of the underwater kingdom feel great here.

Some of the lucky ones who take long walks around the island and the local National Park manage to meet wild horses, beautiful and graceful creatures.

In Kefalonia, cafes, fish markets, shops and souvenir shops are not scattered in all corners. But vacationers will be able to see and touch the architectural and natural attractions that carry incredible energy.

Among the local treasures: caves, underground lakes, grottoes, ancient mountain monasteries, historical buildings of the Venetian, Roman, period of early Christianity.

The major cities of the island are Lixouri and Argostoli (the capital).

Fortress of St. George

Fortress of St. George, one of the most famous and most visited historical buildings of the island, is located 7 km from the current capital.

Once a majestic castle-fort and a developed administrative center of Kefalonia, today it is a ruin heavily damaged by numerous earthquakes.

The first official mention of the fortification of these places dates back to the 12th century. In the 16th century, the Byzantines rebuilt the castle in the style in which it has survived to this day.

The construction site was not chosen by chance: the powerful walls of the fort perfectly protected the locals from pirate raids. total area polygonal building - 16 thousand sq.m.

In the past, life was seething here. Behind the strong walls of the castle, city and administrative houses, churches, hospitals, and prisons were built. After strong natural disasters, the inhabitants of the fort gradually moved to another part of the island, founding Argostoli.

Monastery of St. Gerasimos - the pearl of Greece

The monastery of St. Gerasimos, the patron and revered saint of Kefalonia, attracts thousands of tourists every year.

The monastery was founded by St. Gerasimos in the middle of the 16th century in the central part of the island and named by him "New Jerusalem".

The building was badly damaged during an earthquake in the middle of the last century, and was later rebuilt. A cave-cell and a garden, laid out by the Saint himself, have survived to this day.

The relic of the monastery is the incorruptible relics of St. Gerasimos, who was canonized in the 17th century.

Every year, on the day of remembrance, which falls on August 16, a service is held in the temple and relics are carried over people suffering from various ailments.

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It is believed that the monk retained his gift as a healer even after his death, which he possessed during his lifetime.

On October 20, the inhabitants of the island celebrate the official state holiday in honor of St. Gerasimos.

Venetian castle

The castle attracts the attention of antiquities hunters with an interesting history and beautiful views that open from the side of the almost destroyed walls.

Once excellent protectors of the locals, now these are impressive ruins stretching for several kilometers.

Behind them you can see the beautiful expanse of the sea and the popular Myrtos beach.

Not far from the ruins of the castle, which became the scene of a fierce battle between the Russians and the French at the end of the 18th century, lies the fabulous village of Asos. It was she who was once surrounded by the stone walls of the Venetian castle.

Those who come to see the castle do not miss the opportunity to walk along the old narrow streets of the village, admire the low houses with red roofs, as if grown into a rocky shore.

Asos and Myrtos beach

Overgrown with cypresses and old pines, the village of Asos has about 100 inhabitants. But all year round tourists come here who want to appreciate the well-known hospitality and cuisine of the village.

Colorful taverns and cozy cafes of Asos are located in the central part of the village and on the waterfront.

Not far from Asos and the ruins of the Venetian castle is the pearl of the island and National treasure country - Myrtos beach.

It is marked with the UNESCO Blue Flag, which since the last century has been awarded to beaches and marinas, the waters of which meet the most stringent and highest standards of cleanliness and safety. The beach reveals all its luxury and beauty during sunset, travelers wait for the evenings on purpose.

There are many on the island underground caves. Famous and visited is the Melissani cave with a huge hole at the top, through which sunlight penetrates into the grotto, dissipating in the waters of the underground lake located here.

The water in the lake is clear to the very bottom. Tourists are taken on boats and given the opportunity to see with their own eyes the magic happening in the lake waters.

At different times of the day, their color changes, shimmering from delicate turquoise to green, from deep blue to black.

Drogarati Cave is one of the oldest and deepest in the region, its approximate age has exceeded 150 million years. The cave goes 60 meters deep into the ground, inside it keeps a constant temperature of 18 degrees.

Drogarati was discovered by accident, more than 3 centuries ago, after a strong earthquake that destroyed one of the parts of the grotto and opened the entrance.

The main attractions of the cave are created by herself. Numerous stalactites and stalagmites, whose height reaches 2 meters, have been growing in Drogarati for thousands of years!

Enos National Park

The property of Kefalonia and all of Greece, which deserves the attention of vacationers, is national park Enos.

On its territory is the highest point of the entire Ionian archipelago, Mount Megolos Soros.

On the slopes of the mountain you can visit several important monasteries: St. Gerasim, St. Omal, St. Eleutheria. You can get to the park by car, and then walk and enjoy all the natural beauties, rare representatives of fauna and flora.

In the park you can see rare Kefallinian fir or black pine, small purple violet growing in rocky crevices, arbutus and old oaks.

There are over 400 plant species in total. During a small hiking you will definitely meet falcons, partridges, black woodpeckers, hazel grouses, and other birds.

The largest mountainous island of the Ionian Sea, Kefalonia is located between Ithaca, Zakynthos and Lefkada. Its area is 671 square kilometers. by the highest mountains Kefalonia are Enos, towering at 1627 meters, and Rudi (1130 meters). The main ports of the island are Argostoli (part-time capital), Fiskardo, Poros, Sami and Liskuri.

For the first time the inhabitants of these lands are mentioned by Homer. The pages of the Iliad also contain information that Kefalonia was part of the state of Odysseus.

Kefalonia: a charming riot of colors

The colors of this Greek island- a real palette of the artist. The beautiful local landscapes are distinguished by vibrant greenery, a variety of flowers growing everywhere, stunning plant arrangements created by the designers of Kefalonia.

The cozy villages of the island are of interest to tourists in themselves. Neat houses of residents are made in a traditional style, unity architectural solutions makes the streets fabulous. Looking into the courtyards, the traveler will discover a variety of gardens with numerous flowers, balconies decorated with greenery. The earthquake of 1953 led to the destruction of the luxurious buildings of the era of occupation by the Venetians. However, this does not mean that there will be nothing to see. The island is rich in attractions, great places to stay. Among the beaches, Myrtos is considered the most famous, but the rest also deserve the attention of travelers. A beach holiday in Kefalonia is the visiting card of the island, everyone can easily choose the right option for their liking. Lovers of solitude and tranquility alone with thoughts or admirers of noisy outdoor activities with a big company - everyone will find a place on the picturesque island.

The landscape diversity of Kefalonia also makes this area in the heart of the Ionian Sea a unique corner. The island combines the romance of secluded bays, noisy fun beach parties, mysterious caves. The two coasts of Kefalonia are in stark contrast to each other. Eastern - analogue mainland Greece with soft outlines, but the western one (called Paliki) is famous for its sheer cliffs.

History of Kefalonia

The emergence of the name of the island is similar to the history of the appearance of the names of many Greek territories. It originated from myths. Ancient Greece. Cephalus is a mythical hero, the founder of the clan from which the famous king Odysseus comes. Cephalus took possession of the island 4 kilometers from Ithaca, which was ruled by Odysseus, naming it after himself. Locals still call themselves descendants of Odysseus. The second version of the origin of the name of the island is associated with the name of the rock - Kefalus. Thanks to the block, Kefalonia received the nickname "Island with a head."

The first settlers of the island territories appeared here from the 15th century BC. The tribes that occupied Kefalonia were called Lelegs, they worshiped the god of the sea, Poseidon. Already by the beginning of the Trojan War, the region was actively developing, which made it an organized civilization. From here came the richest shipbuilders who owned a considerable number of ships, bankers.

Climate of Kefalonia - treatment by nature

The formation of Kefanolonia as tourist center it would not have been possible if it were not for a number of factors: unusual nature, a variety of opportunities for outdoor activities and entertainment, beautiful weather. The mild Mediterranean climate, characteristic of all Greek territories, is known for dry, hot summers and high rainfall, characteristic of the winter period.

Most high temperatures are in July-August. This period is a favorite time for tourists. The gentle warm sea opens its arms to travelers arriving here in thousands, the water warms up to 25 degrees, so it is suitable for bathing children.

Winter is the time for medical travel. Kefalonia is rarely covered with snow. Light sea breeze, air filled with the scent of pine needles, gentle sun- combining all these features, nature makes it possible to heal, recover from everyday work, fill up with strength before returning.

Excursion rest of tourists on the lands of Kefalonia

The very first minutes upon arrival, Kefalonia begins to amaze with the insane rhythm of life of the islanders. The colorfulness is manifested in every detail: noisy squares, colorful local markets, narrow winding streets, traditional houses of residents, cafes offering tourists to try out national delights, as well as acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Greek island. Kefalonia is a place that is best explored during the various excursions offered by guides. The traveler can only soak up the surrounding beauties, absorb nature with every cell.

It is interesting that the local population happily perceives excursion groups looking at courtyards, people, their way of life, allowing tourists to explore the island in detail, to preserve its colorful appearance for a long time. The first acquaintance with Kefalonia is worth starting sightseeing tour. It covers all the most important locations that reveal the history of the island. The traveler will see Katavothres, the castle of Assos, Myrtos, which is popular with guests, the lake-cave of Melissani or the caves of Drogarati. Religious reminders are also included: along the way you will meet the monastery of St. Gerasimos. You can refresh yourself before continuing the journey by visiting one of the many cafes in the village of cozy Fiskardo.

Kefalonia allows you to plunge into the history not with man-made sights, but with caves formed more than 300 centuries ago. Having decided to visit these natural landmarks, the tourist will be greatly impressed. The stalactite forms of Drogarati and Melissani seem to be transferred to another planet, hidden by the depths of the earth.

spiritual side excursion program is a visit to the monastery of St. Gerasimos. Here you can think about the eternal, feel the majestic atmosphere of the place. From spirituality to idleness, the path lies to the Robolla factory. The production of local species is a real mecca for gourmets. Those who wish can try the best bouquets, as well as get a nice souvenir for relatives or friends.

Sea expanses are another point of excursions, which is worth taking time for. Azure waves hide many secrets, revealing them only to the most inquisitive. "Onassis Dreams" - a cruise that captivates tourists. The boat trip covers three islands. Ships depart from the port of Sami, heading to the beautiful shores of Meganisi. Admirers of the history of Odysseus will again feel the heroism and courage by visiting Ithaca. In the same place, travelers will meet with a stone statue that stores the image of the hero Homer.

Outstanding sights of Kefalonia

The island's rich culture opens up many opportunities beyond the beaches. A walk in Kefalonia promises a lot of meetings with ancient monuments.

Among the attractions, a special place is occupied by the Fortress of St. George. The walls were erected 7 kilometers from the main city of the island. Having overcome 320 meters above sea level, vacationers will be shocked by an incredible picture: emerald greenery covers the entire territory of the island. The fortress was first mentioned in the 12th century, when the territory was ruled by the Byzantines. The polygonal structure occupied a vast territory (about 16 thousand meters). Here, the inhabitants of the island escaped from numerous raids. The fortress fell a little more than half a century ago: the same earthquake of 1953 left only ruins of the monument.

The village of Assos is a must visit place for all lovers of antiquity. There is a Venetian castle, as if recreated from pictures of fairy tales about knightly exploits. This place saw fierce battles between Russians and French that took place near the fortification walls in the late 18th century.

The perfect end to a trip around the island will be the places created by nature itself. Drogarati is a cave that arose after a powerful earthquake. It was discovered 10 years after the natural disaster. The cave is located at a depth of 60 meters. Those wishing to visit this place must overcome the stairs with a length of 40 meters. However, the long journey will end with a unique 20-meter hall.

The beaches of Kefalonia

The fame of the coasts of the island has spread far beyond the territory of Greece. Local beaches are recognized by world ratings, and are also marked with Blue Flags. This international award is given to beaches that meet the highest standards. The exclusivity of the places is confirmed by the love of tourists coming here year after year.

The best beach invariably remains Myrtos. The landscaped area, inaccessible to the winds due to the natural protection of the rocks, is a favorite place for guests from different countries. The waters of Myrtos are distinguished by their hue diversity: light blue colors are interspersed with deep blue colors. Myrtos distinguished himself in 2006. It was then that Forbes noted the beach for cleanliness and livability, making it a prestigious list.

Another unique place is Xi Beach. The amazing color of the sand, reminiscent of Burgundy wine, beckons travelers. The beach has healing properties. Balneotherapy is available to anyone, thanks to the possibility to take mud baths. Xi is perfect for relaxing here with children: family recovery will not only be useful, but will also be remembered for a long time.

Atysamos is a tourist area, it is hard to find silence here, to retire, to feel calm. If you want to enjoy harmony, head to Dafnudi. Rock Beach is no less attractive. A clean, well-equipped place will suit lovers of romance, silence and relaxation. The soft warm waters of Kefalonia are an additional advantage of the island, creating comfortable conditions.

How to get to the island?

The Greeks themselves love Kefalonia, which only confirms that this place is paradise Ionian Sea. You can get here in various ways, because the island has close ties with the mainland. The fastest option is a direct flight from Athens, the capital of Greece. The island's airport is located near the capital Argostoli, as well as Lassi, so travelers will have easy access to their accommodation.

You can also arrive in Kefalonia by sea. The path will lie from the Peloponnese peninsula. Straight from Kyllini and Patras, which are major ports, it's easy to embark on an exciting cruise that includes nearby islands.

Long but very beautiful trip, is waiting for those who decided to get to Kefalonia from Athens. The 7-hour trip gives you the opportunity to look at the oncoming sights, natural beauty, amazing landscapes of Greek lands.




The capital and main port of the island is the large city of Argostoli. In the 17th century, the inhabitants of the old capital, located in a mountainous area, moved to picturesque bay. This gave a big impetus to the economic development of the city. Argostolion established strong trade relations with its neighbors. Rapid prosperity made the capital's port one of the most important and basic in all of Greece.

The Venetian era was significantly reflected in the buildings of the city. Unfortunately, the earthquake of the 20th century destroyed a significant part of the old buildings. Many architectural values ​​were not subject to restoration.

The historical heritage that has survived to this day is the Drapano stone bridge. It was built in the 19th century in order to provide a transport interchange between the town of Drapano and the capital. The bridge is perfectly preserved and is now closed to traffic. Today, tourists calmly walk along it, taking pictures against the backdrop of the sea.

The modern capital is popular with tourists. The infrastructure of the city is well developed - the resort is famous for its variety of apartments, hotels and hotels.

It is pleasant to walk along the cozy embankment in the evenings, when a light breeze blows from the sea.

Plateia Valianu is the central square where various taverns, bars and restaurants are located. The square is always crowded and noisy.

You can buy souvenirs or just go shopping on Lithostroto Street.


Archaeological Museum located near the central square. The original building of the museum was badly damaged by the earthquake. In 1960, a new building was erected, designed by the Greek architect Patroklos Karantinos.

The museum has three exhibition galleries. They present exhibits of various eras discovered during excavations on the island of Kefalonia: jewelry, ceramic dishes, funerary artifacts, statues and sculptures, bronzes, coins, household tools and much more. The museum collections contain ancient coins and unique photographs.

The most valuable exhibits include a golden spiral jewelry and a Mycenaean ceramic vessel dating back to the 12th century BC. e. A painted vase and a bronze brooch found in the cemetery belong to the same era.

The entire exposition of the museum has tablets with the names of the exhibits and their descriptions.

The historical and folklore museum, located in the village of Argostoli, with its composition fully reflects the historical traditions and culture of the island. Here are exhibits of the Byzantine era: dishes, ceramics and even a few icons. The museum's library and archive houses a huge collection of manuscripts, documents, portraits, books, photographs, and paintings. The museum collects and studies the folklore of Kefalonia.
In the village of Davgata near the capital, the Museum of Natural History was opened. He introduces visitors to underwater world, flora and fauna of Kefalonia and Ithaca.
At the Monastery of St. Andrew is the Museum of Byzantine Art. The exposition consists of ancient icons, manuscripts, sacred decorations and other rarities found in the abandoned and destroyed churches of the island.

The Maritime Museum in the village of Farses presents visitors with models of ships, photographs, and paintings of a marine theme.

And the museum of radio and television presents old gramophones, televisions, and tape recorders.

Monastery of Saint Andrew

The monastery of Saint Andrew is one of the most famous and important on the island. The sacred abode has a long and interesting history.

In the 16th century, the spiritual sisters Magdalene, Leondia and Benedicta founded a small convent. The monastery was erected on the site of the chapel of the Apostle Andrew. In the 17th century, the Greek-Romanian princess Roxana, who miraculously survived a shipwreck, donated an impressive amount of money and real estate to the needs of the monastery. She presented the temple with the sacred relics of St. Andrew the Primordial from Mount Athos. Then she herself took the veil as a nun, taking the name Romila.

As a result of disagreements between the nuns and British rule in XIX century The monastery was temporarily closed. Magnificent church frescoes were hidden under a thick layer of plaster.

As a result of a strong earthquake, the monastery was significantly damaged and almost collapsed. Only the katholikon has survived. A terrible natural phenomenon sprinkled all the plaster of the temple. Incredible old valuable frescoes, once hidden, have appeared.

Today, in the restored monastery, the main relic is a foot with traces of the crucifixion of the Apostle Andrew the Primordial.

Underground lake Melissani

The underground cave and lake Melissani are an extraordinary natural attraction of the island.

Geologists believe that a unique picturesque place arose as a result of a long natural process - the dissolution of rocks. Maritime and fresh water flows into the cave and forms a stunning lake, which is about 20 thousand years old.

More than 4 thousand years ago, an earthquake destroyed the dome of the cave. Now the rays of the sun, falling on the crystal clear water, shimmer and illuminate the natural treasure with bright colors.

Many legends are associated with the emergence of a unique cave. The inhabitants of the island believe that nymphs lived in an amazing place in ancient times. It is said that the cave was named after one of them.

According to myths, there was an ancient sanctuary in the cave. The divine atmosphere and solitude gave the place a special luxury. This legend is confirmed by the artifacts discovered here - the figures of the god Pan, the god of shepherds, cattle breeding and nature. Valuable finds were transferred to the Archaeological Museum of the capital.

The cave, popular in antiquity, was forgotten for many years. In 1951, a shepherd wandering around the area discovered the natural heritage. Research began here, with the end of which the cave became open to visitors.

For tourists, a ladder was built leading to a tunnel underground. A pier was built in the dungeon, from which small boats set off on a journey through the crystal waters. Boat trip through the cave leaves unforgettable emotions. To see with your own eyes the azure glow of the lake, the bright green vegetation around it, the dazzling sun's rays is a real pleasure.

Monastery of St. Gerasimos

The monastery of St. Gerasimos is the main shrine of Kefalonia. Residents consider Gerasimos of Kefalonia the patron saint of the island.

The religious path of St. Gerasim began on Mount Athos, where he received monastic vows. After serving for more than 10 years as a priest in Jerusalem, he became a hermit in Crete and Zakynthos. By 1555, St. Gerasim had found his home in Kefalonia. In 1662 he was canonized as a saint.

At first he lived in a cave in the village of Lassi. A few years later, he founded a monastery in the Omala Valley, calling it "New Jerusalem".

The sanctuary was destroyed by the earthquake of the XX century and was built in a new way. An underground cave-cell and a plane tree planted by St. Gerasim have come down to our days from the original monastery.

The monastery today is a center of religious pilgrimage. Its main value is the imperishable relics of Gerasimos of Kefalonia, resting in a silver reliquary. Every year in August, the relics are carried over those in need of help and recovery.

Enos National Park

Enos National Park is located on the mountain of the same name and takes up enough space. Mount Enos is rich in diverse wild flora and fauna.

Here you can meet rare wild horses. Natural Park strewn with numerous flowers, including wild orchids, violets, magnolias. The main mountain value is unique firs. According to legend, it was from these trees that Odysseus built ships.

On the top of the mountain in ancient times stood the temple of Zeus Aeonissius. Today, a radio tower and a weather station stand in its place.

AT national park laid hiking trails, varying in distance and complexity. The park area is equipped with recreation areas where you can pitch a tent and camping. There are no shops and stalls in Enos, so visitors will take food with them.

The park is located at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. On a cloudy day it is cool and humid. Take warm clothes and comfortable shoes with you.