Interesting facts about Madagascar. Where is Madagascar? Republic of Madagascar: History, Attractions, Interesting Facts Interesting about Madagascar

Madagascar is sometimes believed to Africa, and partly it is true. Peoples inhabiting Madagascar, similar to Africans, have enough other differences. Nevertheless, this island, millions of years ago, break free from the mainland, pays a lot of miracles of nature, which is no longer finding anywhere in the world.

  1. Madagascar Island is the fourth largest island on the planet.
  2. More ninety percent of local species of flora and fauna endemic, that is, they are not found anywhere, except Madagascar.
  3. The entire territory of the island is occupied by the Republic of Madagascar.
  4. Official language at Madagascar Two - French and Malagasy.
  5. Madagascar - the world's first manufacturer Vanilla.
  6. The famous fact is when Coca-Cola refused natural vanilla in favor of artificial, it had a strong negative impact on the country's economy (see).
  7. The Republic of Madagascar has gained independence in 1960. Before that, the island was a French colony.
  8. On the island, two religions are dominated - the cult of ancestors and Christianity.
  9. The written form of Malagasy language is based on the Latin alphabet, although for the first time he was recorded by the Arab letter.
  10. The basis of Madagascar cuisine is rice.
  11. The most popular sport - football on Madagascar.
  12. Service in the army in Madagascar mandatory, service life - a year and a half.
  13. At Madagascar there are active natural foci of the plague.
  14. Madagascar is sometimes called the "Great Red Island". Its soil really has a reddish tint.
  15. The first settlements of people in Madagascar arose about two thousand years ago.
  16. In the 70s of the last century, in the capital, Madagascar schools were taught Russian.
  17. In every house in Madagascar there is a web, because It is impossible to clean it - taboo.
  18. Madagascar's national currency - Ariary. What is characteristic, this is not a decimal currency (see).
  19. The budget in Madagascar families will know the wife.
  20. In some regions, Madagascar has a tradition, according to which the Son cannot shave, while his father alone.
  21. It is hardly the biggest fear of a typical Madagascar - not to be buried after death in a family crypt.
  22. Some moths dwelling in Madagascar at night drink tears in sleeping birds and crocodiles to fill the natural fluid losses in the body.
  23. The population density at Madagascar is only 33 people per square kilometer.
  24. More than forty percent of Madagascar is covered with forests.
  25. In no institutions in Madagascar, it is not customary to leave tips.
  26. The largest Madagascar predator is phossis, the beast, outwardly resembling a bizarre mix between a cat and a dog.

  • In ancient times, Madagascar island was part of the continent of Africa.
  • In the Middle Ages, the island became famous for Pirates and slave trade.
  • In the 19th century, the state was a French colony. In 1960, Madagascar gained independence.
  • Official languages \u200b\u200bof Malagasy and French.
  • Madagascar 4th largest island in the world.
  • The highest point of the island is the extinct volcano marumuucut, almost 2900 meters high.
  • The soil in Madagascar has an interesting red color.
  • On the island of unique fauna, many endemics. A large predator of the phossus lives here, it looks like a cat or a mongoose, some individuals sized with a lion.
  • Zebu (local cow) is considered to be a sacred animal in Madagascar.
  • Turtles are caught using fish-sticking. Throw into the water such a fish that lipates to the turtle, then get the catch.
  • There are insects that feed on animal tears.

Fossis animal, photo:

  • Madagascar residents do not touch spiders and do not remove the web.
  • On the east coast of the island a lot of sharks.
  • On the island of a big deforestation of the jungle, if it continues, after 35 years in Madagascar there will not be trees and endemic animals and plants will disappear.
  • 45% of the Catholics population.
  • On average, one girl gives birth to 5 children.
  • When photographing the locals, it is necessary to ask their permission, it happens that this simple action can be prohibited in a particular region.
  • The basis of the economy Agriculture and fisheries.
  • Madagascar is considered the largest manufacturer and vanilla exporter.
  • When "Coca-Cola" began to use synthetic vanilla instead of natural, it strongly undermined the economy of Madagascar.
  • Every year Madagascar's popularity is growing as a tourist country around the world.

  • Six National Parks of the Island entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Madagascar kitchen mainly consists of rice dishes.
  • Raw milk The local population almost does not drink.
  • Dessert here is any fruit with sugar.
  • In 2013, the island was the plague epidemic. Recently, Ebola virus raged.
  • Here they sew clothes from a web.
  • Madagascar women gladly give novels with Europeans, since they consider them better than their nationality.
  • Prostitution is well developed, the island is famous for sex tourism.
  • Gifts are taken to take two palms.
  • About the island shot interesting modern documentary "Lemur Island: Madagascar" (2014). After viewing it, you will have a great desire to visit this amazing country.

The island, located east of the African continent. Millions of years ago, Madagascar was part of an ancient mainland Gondwana. Approximately sixty million years ago he broke off from him and became a separate island. For the first time, this island was discovered by the Portuguese researcher Diego Diaz at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Following the Portuguese on the island of Dutch, English and French merchants arrived. In 1896, Madagascar became a French colony, and in 1946 - the overseas territory of France. In 1960, the island finally gained complete freedom, proclaiming himself by the Democratic Republic of Madagascar. Continue reading this article to learn some interesting and fun facts about Madagascar.

The official name of Madagascar is the Republic of Madagascar.

The official languages \u200b\u200bon which are spoken on the island - Malagasy, French and English. Malagasy language is most common, French is used mainly in the field of business and management and in major cities, and English is most often used in the tourist industry.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 587,01 sq. Km, the population is about 18 million people.

The capital of Madagascar is the city of Antananaria (Antananarivo) with a population of about 1,678,000.

Madagascar's national currency - Ariary, who replaced the Malagasy Frank existed here is not so long ago.

Madagascar is the fourth of the world's largest islands. It is approximately equal to the American state of Texas and in the area is inferior only to three islands - Greenland, New Guinea and Borneo.

The coastline of Madagascar stretches for 4,828 km.

Madagascar is the world's largest producer and vanilla exporter.

The main part of the Madagascar population adheres to the ancient traditional religious beliefs, the cult of ancestors with which relations between alive and dead are associated with relationships. In addition, Christians and Muslims live on the island.

Madagascar is called "Red Island", which is associated with the color of local soils.

The historic monument of the Royal Hill Of Ambohimanga is preserved in Madagascar, which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It includes the Royal City, Necropolis and Ensemble of Sacred Places.

The central part of the island occupies the Highlands, and the lowland strip stretched along the coast. Madagascar's highest point - Marumukutro mountain (Maromokotro), its height reaches 2876 meters.

The island is produced such natural resources as graphite, chrome, coal, bauxite, salt, quartz, oil-bearing sands, semi-precious stones, fish and hydroelectric energy.

The leading industries in Madagascar are the meat processing industry, the production of soap, brewing and leather factories. Main agricultural products - coffee, vanilla, sugar cane, carnation and animal husbandry products. Madagascar exports coffee, vanilla, mollusks, sugar, cotton fabrics, chrome and petroleum products.

Madagascar is a poor country. The bulk of the population depends on natural agriculture, the basis of which is the breeding of cattle and rice cultivation. The country faces problems such as lack of food and not enough developed education and health care. The government is trying to improve the economic situation of the country. One of the growing sectors of the economy is the tourist industry.

In Madagascar, there are no animals characteristic of Africa - Lviv, Giraffes, Zebras and Hippo. The fossil remains indicate that once a long time hippos lived on this island, but, according to scientists, they extinct about 1000 years ago. These animals, which were called dwarf hypopotamas, were much less than their African relatives.

Since Madagascar for a long time is isolated from the rest of Africa, many new types of animals and plants are found on its territory. About 80% of animal species Madagascar does not occur anymore in any other corner of the planet Earth. Many of them are threatened with disappearance, as almost 90% of their natural habitat are destroyed today. About 60 types of lemurs and about 60 types of chameleons (almost half of all chameleons of the planet) occurs on the territory of Madagascar. Funny Trelli animals that are similar to moles, earthroops and heroes were probably the first mammals that appeared in Madagascar. To protect yourself from predators, they turn into a ball and spread pointed hair. The largest predator of Madagascar - Fossa - has a cat body and a dog nose, but he is not considered a cat or a dog. This is a rare disappearing animal - a close relative of the mangoshos. He is twice as much as an ordinary home cat and hunts primarily on birds and lemurs. Long tail helps the phosse hold the balance, climbing in trees.

The first inhabitants of Madagascar had African and Asian origin, over time, 18 mixed African Asian ethnic groups appeared here. Asian features are most brightly manifested in people inhabiting the country's mountainous terrain, and the inhabitants of the coastal strip have predominantly African roots.

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// 16.07.2012

Albania is a state in southeastern Europe, located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The country borders with Greece in the south-east, Montenegro in the north, partly recognized by the Republic of Kosovo in the North-East and

M.adagascar is one of the largest islands on the globe. On the area, it is inferior only to Greenland, New Guinea and Kalimantane.

Located is the island to the east of African mainland and is separated from it a rather wide Mozambique Strait. Madagascar stretched from north to south by almost 1600 km, and in general it is 597 thousand square meters. km. The southern part of the island is crossed by the southern tropical.

Madagascar has long been in colonial dependence on France, but the struggle for the independence of Malagasy residents was crowned with success.

The huge island of Madagascar is a kind of continent in miniature. Its form, geological structure, unique flora and fauna, an amazing variety of ethnic types of population and their customs are represented by scientists to some extent a riddle, not solidified to the present day.

Thanks to its insulated island position, Madagascar is a kind of unique reserve, where many species of animals and plants have been preserved, there are no more on Earth. Of the 12 thousand species of plants, 10 thousand are found only at Madagascar.

Some scientists believe that Madagascar is a fragment of ancient mainland Gondwana, others - Sushi Block, miraculously survived from the legendary continent of Lemuria, drowned in the sacrons of the Indian Ocean.

The climate of Madagascar is extraordinarily multipart. In different parts of the island in the same day, warm sunny weather can stand, raging heat, stuffing, torture, pour tediously long rain.

Fauna in Madagascar ancient and endemic, therefore stands out to an independent Madagascar zoogeographic area. There are no major predators here, and from small wicked vivere (mongoose), insectiva tenrexes, bats, many reptiles and insects. Previously there were many different types of semi-esshynes, including lemurs, now there are few them.

The capital of Madagascar - Antananarivo - spread among the brick colors of the mountains, hills and the green valleys of Plateau Plateau, near the northern spurs of the mountain massif. Quarters of the capital are located at a height of 1250 to 1470 m, and the city is hurried over the island.

Most of the island occupies a high plateau with the highest vertex - the Morumuukutra mountain, having a height of 2876 m. Landscapes of a high plateau are in the green waves of hills, far away from the horizon. Here and there are extinct volcanoes with round edges filled with water. Extensive flowering valleys alternate with flat-bottomed depressions, swampy and raw.

The population of the island is divided into three types: the first is low, similar to Vietnamese and the Japanese; The second is high black with curly hair; The third is mixed, with chocolate leather, curly hair, short, slightly shiny nose. Such a variety is explained by the fact that Madagascar was the object of migration of many nations: migrated from Indonesia, from India, from African countries, from Arab countries, etc.

The name Madagascar gave an island in the XIII century. The famous Marco Polo, although Malagasy residents continue to call their island Tanya-Be, which means "the Great" translated.

Archaeologists in many places on the territory of Madagascar are skeletons "Birds-elephant" - epiornis and her eggs with a capacity of up to 8 liters. This bird was told in the "Thousand and One Night" and Marco Polo wrote in his "book about the diversity of the world." Then at the end of the hih century. The skeleton of the giant bird was discovered, the height of which reached 2 m 68 cm. This skeleton is located in the Museum of Natural History in Paris. Mighty loony bird lived on the island to VII century. Once the indigenous people used epiornis eggs in the vessels for storing drinking water.

Among the plants are the most famous "Tree of travelers", or palm treated, besides - Tamaroka, Pandanus, rosewood and ebony trees, various types of rubber lianas. The coconut palm tree grows on the east coast, on West - fan. In the south, in Savannah, Baobab grows, and among the prickly shrubs, a candelabory tree is often found. In the western lowland coast, mangroves are spread.

On the island there are two times of the year: in winter, tightening rains, in the summer - the monsoon period, when cyclones are coming. The cyclone is usually preceded by a calm windless weather when even cicades are silent. By noon, the sky clouds down the low clouds, from the east into the thickened twilight MGLU bursts a squall wind, and the waterfall is embroidered from heaven, illuminated by flashes of lightning, cutting the sky from the horizon to the horizon. Stunning roller grows shake island. Hurricane Balits Giant trees, breaks down the roofs from houses, spills cane huts. Such storms, residents of medium latitudes can not even imagine.

Sources of photos:

The desire to discover something new, previously uncharted, perhaps even exotic and extreme, is present, according to statistics, 87% of all the inhabitants of the planet, starting with children's age and ending with people with senile rheumatism. This new and exotic is quite possible to attribute an amazing country - Madagascar. This is a country for those who crave to open new territories, none of the mastered corners, protruding their fresh path on this distant land or take a nap on the beach, enveloped into pure white sand and, as if under the lullaby, dream of a bone noise. Even received unique features.

Island Polon, as if in a magic fairy tale, numerous reserves, coral arrays and unique rivers. Do not think, since it is some kind of unexplored island in the ocean, then there is horrible conditions and primitive tribes here. Everything is just the opposite! Thanks to the modern hotel infrastructure of Madagascar, for several decades, even the most famous stars of film and television are happy to visit. Anyone, even the most skilled traveler, hitting Madagascar, the capital of Antananarium will be amazed and shocked for all 200%. I promise it to you!

Interactive map of attractions:

Geographical data

As we all know, Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean and is adjacent to the eastern coast of South Africa. It separates them from each other only the Mozambique Strait. The total area of \u200b\u200bMadagascar is large enough, this island is the fourth in the size list by losing the leaders of Greenland, the island of New Guinea and Borneo. The length of the island is about 1600 km, while its width reaches only 600 km. The capital of Madagascar is the city of Antananarivo, which will still be discussed in our article.

At Madagascar there is an extinct volcano, which is the highest point, almost 3000 m. The entire central part of the island is occupied by the Alpine Plateau Andzhafi. All mountain ranges present on the island are rich in various natural materials, such as gold, iron and copper. Plains located near the coast are very fertile, due to its swampy structure. Due to its favorable geographical location, Flora and Fauna Madagascar are very diverse. This fact led to the fact that the island began to call the "small continent".

Climatic conditions

The climate of the island, first of all, depends on the formation of the South-Eastern Passat and the South Indian Anticyclone. As a result, Madagascar Island represents 3 climatic natural zones, including:

  • on the east coast - the monsoon tropical climate,
  • south part - desert dry air,
  • and the central region is a moderate marine.

The amount of precipitation in Madagascar is very low throughout the year - no more than 350 cm for the southern part of the country, and not more than 150 cm for the central region. It is believed that the most favorable period for a trip to Madagascar is the beginning of April to the end of October. In winter, that is, from November to March a month, it is often raining, accompanied by strong hurricanes. In general, the climate in the whole part of the island varies greatly, and the average temperatures may be different. Of course, this minor fact does not prevent the huge entry of travelers and tourists to the territory of Madagascar at any time of the year. But choosing a vacation in Madagascar, it is better to consult with a tour operator who will define the best time for visiting and relaxing.

World of animals and plants

Previously, we said that three climatic zones prevail on Madagascar on the island, quite favorable for reproduction and prosperity of diverse species of exotic animals. Keep in mind that it is at Madagascar that contains as much as 5% of all animals and various plants of the whole world, of which are as much as 80% live on the island. In other words, imagine that out of 36 species of all mammals, only 32 live perfectly on this island. Therefore, Madagascar is considered to be a "small continent."

The most popular mammals on the island are lemurs. Even the smallest inhabitant of the planet knows about this fact from the famous, cartoon of the same name. As a result of the human factor and various natural phenomena, Lemurs have long disappeared from the territory of Europe and America, but it is probably no longer going to go from Madagascar. Very much on the island of various, including poisonous, reptiles, but adhering to certain rules of behavior, you are not threatened with any danger. Among the plants are very popular at Madagascar Baobabs, which do not grow anywhere else in the world. A rather rich world of large butterflies and amazing orchids. In general, the vegetable and animal world will have to taste even injecting in these areas.

How to plan the perfect vacation in Madagascar

Given the fact that Madagascar is an island in the ocean, you first need to decide on the transport for entry into its territory. Of course, the most convenient will be the aircraft. There are, of course, lovers of yachts or steamboats, but choosing this vehicle for movement, you encourage yourself not only for excess costs, but also for possible difficulties.

Deciding with transport, immediately select the hotel in which you will stop. The Madagascar hotel infrastructure has developed a lot lately, but that the place of your residence corresponds to all your requirements, it is better to explore the proposed conditions with painstaking and attentiveness, in order not to face stupid and unpleasant chance.

After choosing the hotel, it is also desirable to find a decent local resident who will accompany you while traveling if you wish to penetrate the natural beauties of Madagascar. Moreover, not all the indigenous people of the island love strangers for their depraved temper and alienation from nature. In general, if you consider the above recommendations, then your holiday in Madagascar will be remembered for life!

The most main attractions of Madagascar

In order to penetrate the spirit of primitive nature and feel the strength and faith of local residents in the ancient gods, you, as a traveler, you need to visit the following places.

The first place to visit is the Zombie Vochibassium National Park. As a result of the fact that the entire park is on limestone soil, all types of relief are unique. The diversity of wild vegetation amazes, and the unusual canyons and grottoes will surprise even a refined tourist. The park is the main attraction, which opens the world of primitive Africa with its majestic forests and fertile lands. In addition to primitive, you can also meet traces of the 19th century with the buildings of Catholic churches and the burials of old pirates.

A similar spectacle is available on a small island near Madagascar, called Nusi-Burach. A huge number of lemurs you will meet only in the forests of Zenavo. The famous baobabs and darters are growing there. If you wish to get acquainted with the life of the local residents, it is recommended to visit the anzurra town, where production factories and workshops will open up in front of you in all its magnificence.

Beautiful and interesting places in Madagascar

Beautiful places, most likely, are interested in newlyweds who wish not only a honeymoon at Madagascar, but also to celebrate the celebration itself with bright dances and chants. The most suitable resort for such purposes will be the magnificent resort of Saint-Marie, which must be visited even to ordinary tourists. According to most visitors, it is a paradise, which fills the heart of everyone. There are pretty decent restaurants and hotels here.

Journey on yachts will also give an unforgettable impression, and first of all, from the spectacle of humpback whales. In the same place, not far from the island, diving lovers will be able to enjoy the beautiful underwater world, where together with the sea inhabitants: lobster, turtles and murenami, you will open an amazing world!

Interesting place is also the forest Kirdidi. It is distinguished by the fact that only dry, deciduous plants, which incomprehensiblely somehow appeared on the island with a wet climate, prevail in it. In this place there are no normal conditions for living and a long study, but at least a few hours it is simply necessary here in order to deepen their knowledge against Madagascar.

Always remember visiting Madagascar that it is an island with special culture and tradition, so communicating with the locals, you need to adhere to certain rules.

  • If you were invited to a house or a ceremony, be sure to take a kind of gift with you. It may be at least a bottle of wine, but it will be necessary for offerings.
  • If you were invited to the commemoration ceremony of the spirits, then in no case do not think to refuse. You must understand that you have been awarded a huge honor to visit such an event. Remember that in all sacred places, called "necropoli" foreigners are forbidden to be! Near these places is also forbidden to smoke, catch fish, eat pork.
  • Women are strictly setting out for pants on the shore of sacred lakes. Know that prostitution in some areas of Madagascar is developed very much. If you meet a woman walking one within the local settlements, it means it is a representative of an ancient profession. Others, decent women always go accompanied by brother or friend.
  • Beware of bathing in the ocean far from the beach. Similar negligence can lead to serious consequences.

National dishes Madagascar

As in any other exotic country, Madagascar is famous not only for its resorts, but also amazing dishes. Basically, in restaurants in the menu includes rice dishes with various types of sauces. Rice for Madagascar residents is the main dish, which is added even to some salads. For example, all tourists are encouraged to try herbs salads in combination with PO rice and shrimp salad, also in combination with rice.

Delicates, which you will not try anywhere in the world, is a dish of the meat of the cow "Zebu". She lives only on the territory of Madagascar and pleases not only with its excellent meat, but also fatty milk.

Madagascar restaurants often offer pork dishes that are surprising, it is forbidden to eat in some sacred places. Nevertheless, pork with eel or meat stew with vegetables is very popular among tourists.

For dessert, it is preferable to try local persimmon, lychee or guava. But the most favorite delicacy will be sweets from coconut, which is part of many pudding, pudding and some pies. The variety of drinks will also please any traveler. It is more preferable to order juices from freshly fastened exotic fruits. In order to satisfy alcohol addictions, we advise you to eat Rum "Tuac Gras" or wine from Coconut Trembu.