Why Porto Mare Hotel? Calendar Events Porto Mare Concert Hall.

We are glad to welcome you in our hotel!

You are a welcome guest for us, and we will try to do everything to make your stay in Park Hotel Porto Mare enjoyable.

Please read the rules and recommendations of our hotel below.

These rules establish the internal routine of accommodation in Park Hotel Porto Mare, the settlement rules, the rules for the use of the property of the hotel and the amount of services provided, hotel responsibility and guest.

The rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" on the basis of "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2015 No. 1085 and Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 " On the protection of the health of citizens from the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of the consumption of tobacco

1. Home Provisions :

1.1. Under the concept of "hotel" should be understood: the territory of Park Hotel "Porto Mare" and other objects that ensure its functioning, administration.

1.2. Under the notion of the guest of the hotel, you should understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the services of the hotel, including services for accommodation.

1.3. Under the concept of the "Visitor of the hotel", it is necessary to understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the hotel services, without a stay, on the basis of checks on the payment of the hotel's services confirming the basis of legitimate location on the territory of the hotel, or on the coordinated statement of the hotel's guest.

1.4. Under the concept of "service provided", it is necessary to understand the action made by the employees of the hotel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Law "On Consumer Protection" and other regulatory acts regulating various activities.

1.5. Under the concept of "gross violation of the Rules of Accommodation in the hotel", it is necessary to understand the situation in which the guest's behavior prevents the hotel's administration and its staff to fulfill its responsibilities for recreation of other guests of the hotel or its actions offend the honor and dignity of the service personnel, hotel guests, and also Vizrivers these Rules and norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Under the concept of "performer" should be understood as a legal entity providing services for accommodation and accommodation at the Park Hotel Porto Mare, located at: Republic of Crimea, Alushta Street Street Pokopskaya, House 18.

1.7. Rules for booking hotel services Cancellation of armor, responsibility for cancellation of armor, the conditions for reducing the period of residence are accommodated in the Rules for hotel services at Park Hotel Porto Mare.

2. Placement rules

2.1. Estimated hour - 11:00. Check-in time - 15:00.

Hotel mode is a round-the-clock.

2.2. When settled, the guest must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of the USSR, a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation (passport), the birth certificate of the birth of persons under the age of 14 years.
  • A foreign citizen or a stateless person: a passport of a foreign citizen (other document recognized by the Russian Federation by the personality of a foreigner), a certificate of the birth of persons who have not reached 14 years, a document of a foreign state, recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation a document certifying the person of the person without Citizenship, permission for temporary residence of a stateless person, a residence permit of a stateless person. For foreigners from the visa regime countries in relation to Russia, the visa, the current stay at the hotel and the migration card.

2.3. At the settlement, the hotel administrator gives the guest:

  • Map Guest.

The guest map is passed to the hotel's territory, on the beach, to the restaurant. It is imposed on arrival at breakfast and dinner "Buffet", a comprehensive lunch.

  • Map "Towel Card" .

Exchanges on the beach towels by the pool and on the hotel's beach. If the card or towels is lost, the guest is obliged to compensate for their cost in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles 00 kopecks.

  • Bracelet

A non-removable bracelet corresponding to a specific service type, a mandatory attribute of the guest staying on site, to identify guests' hotel.

  • Ticket on the parkovka .

Gives the right to park the car for the period specified in the coupon

2.4. The right to extraordinary accommodation in Park-Hotel Porto Mare with free places have the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory; employees of the prosecutor's office, employees of the internal affairs bodies, employees of judicial authorities, Feldgerer, tax service, employees of federal government bodies and information (in the performance of official duties); - disabled of the 1st group and persons accompanying them (no more than one person); Other categories of citizens in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; - Participants in the Great Patriotic War, the disabled of the 2nd and 3rd groups and persons accompanying them, settle in the hotel primarily as seats.

2.5. Children's placement:

  • Children under 3 years old are placed free. Additional place (adults, children from 3 to 12 years old) is paid according to the approved tariff.
  • Children from 14 to 18 years can be settled without adults (parents accompanying) only in the presence of a notarized consent of the parents.

2.6. The reception and placement service administrator draws up a guest registration card with an indication of the guest name, the date of check-in, the room rooms, the signed of the guest, and also gives the guest a key to access the room. The key is issued for the hotel all the time.

2.7. By providing documents, the guest gives its consent to the hotel for the collection, storage, processing and destruction of its personal data after 2 years (for the purposes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.8. Payment of services for accommodation is carried out according to the prescribed by the Contractor in the ruble of the Russian Federation.

2.9. Registration of guests who are citizens of the Russian Federation at the hotel's stay in the hotel are carried out in accordance with the rules for the registration and relief of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for Registration and Removing Citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of persons responsible for receiving and transferring documents to the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation At the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation. "

2.10. Registration at the minor citizens under the age of 14, is carried out on the basis of documents certifying the identity of parents with them (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying persons (persons), a document certifying the powers of the accompanying person (persons), as well as certificates of the birth of these minors.

2.11. Statement of a foreign citizen and state of consideration at the place of stay at the hotel and withdrawing them from accounting at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the rules for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 . № 9 "On the procedure for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation".

2.12. The hotel has the right to refuse to meet the guest for objective reasons:

  • The guest is in a state of severe alcoholic, toxic intoxication, expressed in obscene brave, GRUBIT, violates public order, has animal, birds, reptiles with him, and explosive, fuel and lubricants, are actively dangerous chemicals and / or cylinders with liquefied or liquefied Under pressure from gases, etc., violates the requirements for guests who arrived at the hotel.
  • In case of not fulfilling the requirement of paragraph 2.1.4. of these rules of residence.

2.14. When identifying a child with a disease: ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), OKS (acute intestinal disease) during the settlement, as well as during guests accommodation, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: settlement to another hotel, settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator, hospitalization to the hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The presence of a medical certificate about the child's epidiate, cannot be the cause of parental refusal from the preliminary inspection of the children's pediatrician at the hotel at the settlement of the hotel.

In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

2.15. In the case of not receipt of the application for booking rooms (rooms) The guests is located in the hotel in the presence of free places.

3. Rules for residence.

3.1. The room rate includes:

1) Accommodation in rooms selected categories, located in one of corps hotel/ ap.. hotel. Rooms categories " Standard", " Standard +", " Junior Suite", " Lux", " Studio", " Studio+", " Famili."," ApartmentsLux", " Superlyux".

2) Half board (breakfast, dinner) nutrition by system " Swedish line"

(breakfast 8.00 - 11.00, dinner 17.30 -20.30)

3) round-the-clockfirst emergency medical help, consultation doctor - therapeuts, doctorpediatrician;

4) Wellness procedures: oxygen cocktail (released in medical center), trail health (boshunt), medical nordic walking, respiratory gymnastics, chinese samomassage, terrecoers (pedestrian walk by routers) by territory hotel (4 h. fromlandscape park from relician and authentic vegetation), procedure " Sleep w. seas" (passes on the beach from provision pERSONAL sleeping bag, thermosa from crimean tea. Delivery on the beach minibuses from central Log in, in the health seasonservice provided from 9.00 before 16.00 hours);

5) SPA -complex (6 varieties ban, two fike from contrast water). Mode work: budania days 10.00-20.00 hoursweekend 10.00-22.00 HoursDelivery from central Log in minibuses from 9.45 everyone two hours (break from 13.00 before 14.00 hours)Kalak., towels, slippers provided Guests in SPA. IN cost accommodation included residence Guest. in SPA in flow 2 clock by appointment;

6) outdoor pools in the summer,rive pool in pension " Blue wave"In the health season (schedule work from 9.00 before 17.00).

7) Gyms hall;

8) Sports complex: volleyball, football, basketball places, badminton, desktop tennis, sportigolok for physical preparation.

9) Animation programs;

10) Wi-Ficoating the Internet;

11) Round the clock guarded parkovka for cars;

12) Household rooms for washy and ironing lane;

13) Use safe

For parents from children:

14) Items first necessity for parents from children (strollers - cane, cots - manezhi, chairs for feeding, pogshi, bathrooms);

15) Kitchen for mom from equipment for cooking children's food (works round the clock);

16) Center development abilities (CRS) for children 3-6 years (inclusive) in health season. Mode work from 9.00 before 22.00 hoursdeveloping- educational programs pass from 10.00 before 18.00. Visit to the Gaming Space of the CRA.Centre accept children vacationers in hotel Guests.

17) Game zone Mare Land (children's bicycles, scooters, electrosoamocata, typewriters) from services animator;

18) Mini- zoo from services " Skating on the pony and oscals" (mode catania 11.30 -12.30 Hoursand 16.00-17.00 o'clock);

19) children's game rooms in SPAfrom services animator;

20) Teenage club;

21) Teenage camp "Legion Portoomanines"

3.2. While staying in rooms with kitchen zones, all responsibility for the right and safe use of kitchen equipment, cleanliness of the dishes, the storage mode of finished food, etc. Lies on a visit. It is forbidden to prepare food for commercial use, using open fire, with a sharp specific smell.

3.3. It is forbidden to stay in the room and on the territory of visitors to the guest. The hotel's guest visitor can familiarize themselves with the hotel and its infrastructure only if it is accompanied by his hotel staff.

3.4. The territory of the hotel, the inputs, internal stairs and the hall are controlled by video cameras. All information is recorded, written on digital media and stored. Video surveillance is carried out for the security of guests, their property and hotel property. The guest does not object and agrees using video surveillance systems in the premises of the hotel.

3.5. Room cleaning is made daily. Change of bed linen is carried out every three days. The towel changes if the guest leaves it on the floor, or as needed. If the guest wants to be not disturbed, he can hang on the outdoor door handle a sign with the inscription "Do not disturb!", Which is included in the room.

3.6. For an additional fee, you can order meals in the room. Fee for food (including alcoholic beverages) is made in the restaurant, or the guest signs the account, and the payment produces at the hotel administrator. The cost of delivery to the hotel's rooms is 60 (sixty) rubles. When ordering in the amount of over 600 (six hundred) rubles 00 kopecks, the shipping cost is 10% of the order value.

3.7. Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, World, Pro100.

3.8. The accommodation fee is carried out at the hotel day.

3.8.1. In the period from November 1 to April 30, in the case of an early arrival from 00.00 minutes to the established check-out hour, subject to the preliminary notice of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of such a placement, the fee is charged in half a day at a standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In case of delayed, the guest's departure fee is charged in the following order:

  • from 3 to 6 hours - fee for half a day;
  • from 6 to 24 hours after the estimated hour - fee for full day.

3.8.2. In the period from May 1 to October 31, the event of an early check-in from 00.00 minutes to the established billing hour, subject to the preliminary notification of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of the possibility of such a placement, the fee is charged during the stay at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In the event of a delay of the guest's departure from 3 hours to 24 hours, the fee is charged for a day of accommodation at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list.

3.8.3. The minimum paid period for staying at the hotel is one day (24 hours).

3.9. Personal protection arrived with the guest should be in the guest's room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or in a separate removal room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or behind the hotel. On the territory of the hotel, personal security should be without a weapon.

3.10. In the absence of guest in the room of living more than a day after the occurrence of the calculated hour, the Contractor has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of property located in the room. Material values \u200b\u200bare registered and transferred to storage according to the rules for storing forgotten things. The guest number is not saved.

3.11. Authorized employees of the hotel have the right to enter the room at the premises during the lack of guest, in the case of industrial necessity.

3.12. In the event of a gross violation of the rules of public security and public order, public morality or fire safety rules from the guest or visitor to the hotel, the hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services immediately, to draw up an act of this violation with the invitation, if necessary, law enforcement officers.

3.13. In the event of a detection of acute diseases among guests of their children during the residence permit: ARVI, OKS, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: a settlement to another hotel, a settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator The right to treat hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The aggravation of chronic disease, according to the testimony, consultation and hospitalization in the hospital in accordance with the program of compulsory medical insurance of citizens. In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

3.14. The book of reviews and suggestions is located at the hotel administrator and is provided at the first request of the guest. Comments and complaints are considered no later than a month from the date of filing a complaint

3.15. If the guest's initiative is reduced, the hotel returns a guest of money paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of the actually incurred costs of the hotel equal to the day of the guests ordered for three working days.

4. Guest responsibility, hotel visitor.

4.1. The guest / visitor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation reimburses the damage in cases of loss or damage to property of the guest's fault / visitor.

It is necessary to understand:

  • the amount of damage caused with the loss of hotel property is determined taking into account market prices.
  • when flooding the number, damage to furniture, glasses, other property due to the guest of the guest / visitor, they are paid the cost of repair and restoration work and a simple number during its repair.
  • in the event of a deterioration of inventory: bedspread, bedding, furniture, lighting, flooring, etc., guest / visitor pays the cost of their cleaning
  • in case of impossibility of restoring the initial type of affairs (hotel property), the guest / visitor pays their retail cost at the time of damage.

In the presence of the facts of causing a guest / visitor to the damage to the hotel's employees, I will make an act of damaging the property of the hotel in three copies: the first one is transferred to the hotel's accounting department, the second is a materially responsible person, in the counting of the hotel there is a spoiled property of the hotel, and the third is issued to the payer - guest / visitor

4.2. Animators and workers of the live corner only help to organize leisure, parents are responsible for children.

4.3. In the case of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest pays the service "Elimination of the consequences of tobacco smoke" in the amount of 3,000 (three thousand) rubles, "in the event of a re-violation of the rules of residence in the form of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest must leave the hotel in the hotel in The shortest possible time, the hotel returns the guest of the cash paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of actually incurred costs of the hotel, equal to the day of the guests of the accommodation within three working days

5. Conformance performer

5.1. The hotel's administration is responsible for the safety of the guest's personal belongings that are in the room, with the exception of: cash, valuable things and securities, as well as jewels. The performer is not responsible for property, cash, jewelry and documents left unattended by guests on site.

5.2. The hotel is responsible for the loss of cash, valuable things, securities, guest jewelery, provided that they have been adopted by the Contractor for storage or placed a guest in an individual safe provided to him. The hotel is released from liability for not the safety of the contents of such a safe, if it proves that, according to the storage conditions, anyone to the safe without knowing the guest was impossible or became possible due to force majeure. The guest, who found the loss or damage to his things, is obliged to immediately report this to the hotel administration. Otherwise, the performer is exempt from responsibility for the insistance of things.

5.3. The hotel is not responsible for the guest for direct or indirect losses and / or missed benefits due to the temporary lack of telephone and / or mobile (cellular) communication and / or access to the Internet and / or interruptions in their implementation, as well as for other Circumstances outside the hotel control zone.

5.4. The hotel is not responsible for the health of the guest or the hotel's visitors in the event of drinking drinks and products purchased outside the hotel.

5.5. The hotel is not responsible for the work of public and service services (emergency shutdown of electrical energy, and as a result of elevators, water supply).

5.6. The hotel is not responsible for non-fulfillment of its obligations and harm caused by the property of the guest due to force majeure circumstances of force majeure (flooding, hail, other weather conditions and natural disasters, military actions, a national crisis, strike in the industry or region, actions and decisions of state bodies The authorities, failures in telecommunication or energy networks, the actions of malicious programs or third parties aimed at unauthorized access or disabling the program or hardware complex), as well as not compensate for the moral damage caused by the guest.

6. Forbidden on site

6.1. Break silence after 22:00 hours

6.2. The use of tees and extension cords, personal electrical appliances, including heating (electric stove, electric kettle, iron, etc.), except when these devices are included in the standard room equipment or issued for the use of the hotel staff. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the equipment will be seized until the guest is departure from the hotel.

6.3. Supplies to the territory of the hotel of their visitors, with the exception of the case provided for clause 3.3. Of these rules of residence.

6.4. In the absence of unauthorized persons, as well as transfer them the keys from numbers.

6.5. To carry out products, dishes and cutlery from the hotel's restaurant. Swedish tables do not suggest the service "for removal." Desired dishes can be purchased by paying their cost, according to the price list.

6.6. Wearing and storage of weapons, explosives and flammable, caustic and poisonous substances. Guests who have the right by the nature of their activities on wearing and storing weapons are obliged to provide documents certifying this right at the request of the hotel's administration, under arms should be understood by the funds specified in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons".

6.7. Storage and unauthorized use of pyrotechnic products.

6.8. Import pets in the hotel, accommodation in hotel rooms with animals.

6.9. In all rooms of the hotel, including rooms, smoking is prohibited in balconies. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated places

6.10. Leave on the territory of the hotel unattended children; In the pool and the sea - children do not know how to swim.

6.11. Cool out the number acquired outside the hotel, alcoholic beverages.

6.12. Bring and use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

6.13. Listen to loud music or movies after 22:00.

6.14. Adults and children (over 6 years old) are forbidden to be in the children's pool.

6.15. Next to express.

For Settlement IN HOTEL, YOU Confirm Naught Consent FROM Presents Rules. IN THOSE Cases, Which NOT Envisaged Presents Rules, Guest I. Hotel administration Guided Acting Legislation RF.

We are glad to welcome you in our hotel!

You are a welcome guest for us, and we will try to do everything to make your stay in Park Hotel Porto Mare enjoyable.

Please read the rules and recommendations of our hotel below.

These rules establish the internal routine of accommodation in Park Hotel Porto Mare, the settlement rules, the rules for the use of the property of the hotel and the amount of services provided, hotel responsibility and guest.

The rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" on the basis of "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2015 No. 1085 and Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 " On the protection of the health of citizens from the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of the consumption of tobacco

1. Home Provisions :

1.1. Under the concept of "hotel" should be understood: the territory of Park Hotel "Porto Mare" and other objects that ensure its functioning, administration.

1.2. Under the notion of the guest of the hotel, you should understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the services of the hotel, including services for accommodation.

1.3. Under the concept of the "Visitor of the hotel", it is necessary to understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the hotel services, without a stay, on the basis of checks on the payment of the hotel's services confirming the basis of legitimate location on the territory of the hotel, or on the coordinated statement of the hotel's guest.

1.4. Under the concept of "service provided", it is necessary to understand the action made by the employees of the hotel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Law "On Consumer Protection" and other regulatory acts regulating various activities.

1.5. Under the concept of "gross violation of the Rules of Accommodation in the hotel", it is necessary to understand the situation in which the guest's behavior prevents the hotel's administration and its staff to fulfill its responsibilities for recreation of other guests of the hotel or its actions offend the honor and dignity of the service personnel, hotel guests, and also Vizrivers these Rules and norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Under the concept of "performer" should be understood as a legal entity providing services for accommodation and accommodation at the Park Hotel Porto Mare, located at: Republic of Crimea, Alushta Street Street Pokopskaya, House 18.

1.7. Rules for booking hotel services Cancellation of armor, responsibility for cancellation of armor, the conditions for reducing the period of residence are accommodated in the Rules for hotel services at Park Hotel Porto Mare.

2. Placement rules

2.1. Estimated hour - 11:00. Check-in time - 15:00.

Hotel mode is a round-the-clock.

2.2. When settled, the guest must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of the USSR, a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation (passport), the birth certificate of the birth of persons under the age of 14 years.
  • A foreign citizen or a stateless person: a passport of a foreign citizen (other document recognized by the Russian Federation by the personality of a foreigner), a certificate of the birth of persons who have not reached 14 years, a document of a foreign state, recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation a document certifying the person of the person without Citizenship, permission for temporary residence of a stateless person, a residence permit of a stateless person. For foreigners from the visa regime countries in relation to Russia, the visa, the current stay at the hotel and the migration card.

2.3. At the settlement, the hotel administrator gives the guest:

  • Map Guest.

The guest map is passed to the hotel's territory, on the beach, to the restaurant. It is imposed on arrival at breakfast and dinner "Buffet", a comprehensive lunch.

  • Map "Towel Card" .

Exchanges on the beach towels by the pool and on the hotel's beach. If the card or towels is lost, the guest is obliged to compensate for their cost in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles 00 kopecks.

  • Bracelet

A non-removable bracelet corresponding to a specific service type, a mandatory attribute of the guest staying on site, to identify guests' hotel.

  • Ticket on the parkovka .

Gives the right to park the car for the period specified in the coupon

2.4. The right to extraordinary accommodation in Park-Hotel Porto Mare with free places have the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory; employees of the prosecutor's office, employees of the internal affairs bodies, employees of judicial authorities, Feldgerer, tax service, employees of federal government bodies and information (in the performance of official duties); - disabled of the 1st group and persons accompanying them (no more than one person); Other categories of citizens in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; - Participants in the Great Patriotic War, the disabled of the 2nd and 3rd groups and persons accompanying them, settle in the hotel primarily as seats.

2.5. Children's placement:

  • Children under 3 years old are placed free. Additional place (adults, children from 3 to 12 years old) is paid according to the approved tariff.
  • Children from 14 to 18 years can be settled without adults (parents accompanying) only in the presence of a notarized consent of the parents.

2.6. The reception and placement service administrator draws up a guest registration card with an indication of the guest name, the date of check-in, the room rooms, the signed of the guest, and also gives the guest a key to access the room. The key is issued for the hotel all the time.

2.7. By providing documents, the guest gives its consent to the hotel for the collection, storage, processing and destruction of its personal data after 2 years (for the purposes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.8. Payment of services for accommodation is carried out according to the prescribed by the Contractor in the ruble of the Russian Federation.

2.9. Registration of guests who are citizens of the Russian Federation at the hotel's stay in the hotel are carried out in accordance with the rules for the registration and relief of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for Registration and Removing Citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of persons responsible for receiving and transferring documents to the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation At the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation. "

2.10. Registration at the minor citizens under the age of 14, is carried out on the basis of documents certifying the identity of parents with them (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying persons (persons), a document certifying the powers of the accompanying person (persons), as well as certificates of the birth of these minors.

2.11. Statement of a foreign citizen and state of consideration at the place of stay at the hotel and withdrawing them from accounting at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the rules for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 . № 9 "On the procedure for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation".

2.12. The hotel has the right to refuse to meet the guest for objective reasons:

  • The guest is in a state of severe alcoholic, toxic intoxication, expressed in obscene brave, GRUBIT, violates public order, has animal, birds, reptiles with him, and explosive, fuel and lubricants, are actively dangerous chemicals and / or cylinders with liquefied or liquefied Under pressure from gases, etc., violates the requirements for guests who arrived at the hotel.
  • In case of not fulfilling the requirement of paragraph 2.1.4. of these rules of residence.

2.14. When identifying a child with a disease: ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), OKS (acute intestinal disease) during the settlement, as well as during guests accommodation, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: settlement to another hotel, settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator, hospitalization to the hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The presence of a medical certificate about the child's epidiate, cannot be the cause of parental refusal from the preliminary inspection of the children's pediatrician at the hotel at the settlement of the hotel.

In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

2.15. In the case of not receipt of the application for booking rooms (rooms) The guests is located in the hotel in the presence of free places.

3. Rules for residence.

3.1. The room rate includes:

1) Accommodation in rooms selected categories, located in one of corps hotel/ ap.. hotel. Rooms categories " Standard", " Standard +", " Junior Suite", " Lux", " Studio", " Studio+", " Famili."," ApartmentsLux", " Superlyux".

2) Half board (breakfast, dinner) nutrition by system " Swedish line"

(breakfast 8.00 - 11.00, dinner 17.30 -20.30)

3) round-the-clockfirst emergency medical help, consultation doctor - therapeuts, doctorpediatrician;

4) Wellness procedures: oxygen cocktail (released in medical center), trail health (boshunt), medical nordic walking, respiratory gymnastics, chinese samomassage, terrecoers (pedestrian walk by routers) by territory hotel (4 h. fromlandscape park from relician and authentic vegetation), procedure " Sleep w. seas" (passes on the beach from provision pERSONAL sleeping bag, thermosa from crimean tea. Delivery on the beach minibuses from central Log in, in the health seasonservice provided from 9.00 before 16.00 hours);

5) SPA -complex (6 varieties ban, two fike from contrast water). Mode work: budania days 10.00-20.00 hoursweekend 10.00-22.00 HoursDelivery from central Log in minibuses from 9.45 everyone two hours (break from 13.00 before 14.00 hours)Kalak., towels, slippers provided Guests in SPA. IN cost accommodation included residence Guest. in SPA in flow 2 clock by appointment;

6) outdoor pools in the summer,rive pool in pension " Blue wave"In the health season (schedule work from 9.00 before 17.00).

7) Gyms hall;

8) Sports complex: volleyball, football, basketball places, badminton, desktop tennis, sportigolok for physical preparation.

9) Animation programs;

10) Wi-Ficoating the Internet;

11) Round the clock guarded parkovka for cars;

12) Household rooms for washy and ironing lane;

13) Use safe

For parents from children:

14) Items first necessity for parents from children (strollers - cane, cots - manezhi, chairs for feeding, pogshi, bathrooms);

15) Kitchen for mom from equipment for cooking children's food (works round the clock);

16) Center development abilities (CRS) for children 3-6 years (inclusive) in health season. Mode work from 9.00 before 22.00 hoursdeveloping- educational programs pass from 10.00 before 18.00. Visit to the Gaming Space of the CRA.Centre accept children vacationers in hotel Guests.

17) Game zone Mare Land (children's bicycles, scooters, electrosoamocata, typewriters) from services animator;

18) Mini- zoo from services " Skating on the pony and oscals" (mode catania 11.30 -12.30 Hoursand 16.00-17.00 o'clock);

19) children's game rooms in SPAfrom services animator;

20) Teenage club;

21) Teenage camp "Legion Portoomanines"

3.2. While staying in rooms with kitchen zones, all responsibility for the right and safe use of kitchen equipment, cleanliness of the dishes, the storage mode of finished food, etc. Lies on a visit. It is forbidden to prepare food for commercial use, using open fire, with a sharp specific smell.

3.3. It is forbidden to stay in the room and on the territory of visitors to the guest. The hotel's guest visitor can familiarize themselves with the hotel and its infrastructure only if it is accompanied by his hotel staff.

3.4. The territory of the hotel, the inputs, internal stairs and the hall are controlled by video cameras. All information is recorded, written on digital media and stored. Video surveillance is carried out for the security of guests, their property and hotel property. The guest does not object and agrees using video surveillance systems in the premises of the hotel.

3.5. Room cleaning is made daily. Change of bed linen is carried out every three days. The towel changes if the guest leaves it on the floor, or as needed. If the guest wants to be not disturbed, he can hang on the outdoor door handle a sign with the inscription "Do not disturb!", Which is included in the room.

3.6. For an additional fee, you can order meals in the room. Fee for food (including alcoholic beverages) is made in the restaurant, or the guest signs the account, and the payment produces at the hotel administrator. The cost of delivery to the hotel's rooms is 60 (sixty) rubles. When ordering in the amount of over 600 (six hundred) rubles 00 kopecks, the shipping cost is 10% of the order value.

3.7. Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, World, Pro100.

3.8. The accommodation fee is carried out at the hotel day.

3.8.1. In the period from November 1 to April 30, in the case of an early arrival from 00.00 minutes to the established check-out hour, subject to the preliminary notice of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of such a placement, the fee is charged in half a day at a standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In case of delayed, the guest's departure fee is charged in the following order:

  • from 3 to 6 hours - fee for half a day;
  • from 6 to 24 hours after the estimated hour - fee for full day.

3.8.2. In the period from May 1 to October 31, the event of an early check-in from 00.00 minutes to the established billing hour, subject to the preliminary notification of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of the possibility of such a placement, the fee is charged during the stay at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In the event of a delay of the guest's departure from 3 hours to 24 hours, the fee is charged for a day of accommodation at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list.

3.8.3. The minimum paid period for staying at the hotel is one day (24 hours).

3.9. Personal protection arrived with the guest should be in the guest's room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or in a separate removal room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or behind the hotel. On the territory of the hotel, personal security should be without a weapon.

3.10. In the absence of guest in the room of living more than a day after the occurrence of the calculated hour, the Contractor has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of property located in the room. Material values \u200b\u200bare registered and transferred to storage according to the rules for storing forgotten things. The guest number is not saved.

3.11. Authorized employees of the hotel have the right to enter the room at the premises during the lack of guest, in the case of industrial necessity.

3.12. In the event of a gross violation of the rules of public security and public order, public morality or fire safety rules from the guest or visitor to the hotel, the hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services immediately, to draw up an act of this violation with the invitation, if necessary, law enforcement officers.

3.13. In the event of a detection of acute diseases among guests of their children during the residence permit: ARVI, OKS, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: a settlement to another hotel, a settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator The right to treat hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The aggravation of chronic disease, according to the testimony, consultation and hospitalization in the hospital in accordance with the program of compulsory medical insurance of citizens. In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

3.14. The book of reviews and suggestions is located at the hotel administrator and is provided at the first request of the guest. Comments and complaints are considered no later than a month from the date of filing a complaint

3.15. If the guest's initiative is reduced, the hotel returns a guest of money paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of the actually incurred costs of the hotel equal to the day of the guests ordered for three working days.

4. Guest responsibility, hotel visitor.

4.1. The guest / visitor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation reimburses the damage in cases of loss or damage to property of the guest's fault / visitor.

It is necessary to understand:

  • the amount of damage caused with the loss of hotel property is determined taking into account market prices.
  • when flooding the number, damage to furniture, glasses, other property due to the guest of the guest / visitor, they are paid the cost of repair and restoration work and a simple number during its repair.
  • in the event of a deterioration of inventory: bedspread, bedding, furniture, lighting, flooring, etc., guest / visitor pays the cost of their cleaning
  • in case of impossibility of restoring the initial type of affairs (hotel property), the guest / visitor pays their retail cost at the time of damage.

In the presence of the facts of causing a guest / visitor to the damage to the hotel's employees, I will make an act of damaging the property of the hotel in three copies: the first one is transferred to the hotel's accounting department, the second is a materially responsible person, in the counting of the hotel there is a spoiled property of the hotel, and the third is issued to the payer - guest / visitor

4.2. Animators and workers of the live corner only help to organize leisure, parents are responsible for children.

4.3. In the case of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest pays the service "Elimination of the consequences of tobacco smoke" in the amount of 3,000 (three thousand) rubles, "in the event of a re-violation of the rules of residence in the form of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest must leave the hotel in the hotel in The shortest possible time, the hotel returns the guest of the cash paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of actually incurred costs of the hotel, equal to the day of the guests of the accommodation within three working days

5. Conformance performer

5.1. The hotel's administration is responsible for the safety of the guest's personal belongings that are in the room, with the exception of: cash, valuable things and securities, as well as jewels. The performer is not responsible for property, cash, jewelry and documents left unattended by guests on site.

5.2. The hotel is responsible for the loss of cash, valuable things, securities, guest jewelery, provided that they have been adopted by the Contractor for storage or placed a guest in an individual safe provided to him. The hotel is released from liability for not the safety of the contents of such a safe, if it proves that, according to the storage conditions, anyone to the safe without knowing the guest was impossible or became possible due to force majeure. The guest, who found the loss or damage to his things, is obliged to immediately report this to the hotel administration. Otherwise, the performer is exempt from responsibility for the insistance of things.

5.3. The hotel is not responsible for the guest for direct or indirect losses and / or missed benefits due to the temporary lack of telephone and / or mobile (cellular) communication and / or access to the Internet and / or interruptions in their implementation, as well as for other Circumstances outside the hotel control zone.

5.4. The hotel is not responsible for the health of the guest or the hotel's visitors in the event of drinking drinks and products purchased outside the hotel.

5.5. The hotel is not responsible for the work of public and service services (emergency shutdown of electrical energy, and as a result of elevators, water supply).

5.6. The hotel is not responsible for non-fulfillment of its obligations and harm caused by the property of the guest due to force majeure circumstances of force majeure (flooding, hail, other weather conditions and natural disasters, military actions, a national crisis, strike in the industry or region, actions and decisions of state bodies The authorities, failures in telecommunication or energy networks, the actions of malicious programs or third parties aimed at unauthorized access or disabling the program or hardware complex), as well as not compensate for the moral damage caused by the guest.

6. Forbidden on site

6.1. Break silence after 22:00 hours

6.2. The use of tees and extension cords, personal electrical appliances, including heating (electric stove, electric kettle, iron, etc.), except when these devices are included in the standard room equipment or issued for the use of the hotel staff. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the equipment will be seized until the guest is departure from the hotel.

6.3. Supplies to the territory of the hotel of their visitors, with the exception of the case provided for clause 3.3. Of these rules of residence.

6.4. In the absence of unauthorized persons, as well as transfer them the keys from numbers.

6.5. To carry out products, dishes and cutlery from the hotel's restaurant. Swedish tables do not suggest the service "for removal." Desired dishes can be purchased by paying their cost, according to the price list.

6.6. Wearing and storage of weapons, explosives and flammable, caustic and poisonous substances. Guests who have the right by the nature of their activities on wearing and storing weapons are obliged to provide documents certifying this right at the request of the hotel's administration, under arms should be understood by the funds specified in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons".

6.7. Storage and unauthorized use of pyrotechnic products.

6.8. Import pets in the hotel, accommodation in hotel rooms with animals.

6.9. In all rooms of the hotel, including rooms, smoking is prohibited in balconies. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated places

6.10. Leave on the territory of the hotel unattended children; In the pool and the sea - children do not know how to swim.

6.11. Cool out the number acquired outside the hotel, alcoholic beverages.

6.12. Bring and use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

6.13. Listen to loud music or movies after 22:00.

6.14. Adults and children (over 6 years old) are forbidden to be in the children's pool.

6.15. Next to express.

For Settlement IN HOTEL, YOU Confirm Naught Consent FROM Presents Rules. IN THOSE Cases, Which NOT Envisaged Presents Rules, Guest I. Hotel administration Guided Acting Legislation RF.

We are glad to welcome you in our hotel!

You are a welcome guest for us, and we will try to do everything to make your stay in Park Hotel Porto Mare enjoyable.

Please read the rules and recommendations of our hotel below.

These rules establish the internal routine of accommodation in Park Hotel Porto Mare, the settlement rules, the rules for the use of the property of the hotel and the amount of services provided, hotel responsibility and guest.

The rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" on the basis of "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2015 No. 1085 and Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 " On the protection of the health of citizens from the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of the consumption of tobacco

1. Home Provisions :

1.1. Under the concept of "hotel" should be understood: the territory of Park Hotel "Porto Mare" and other objects that ensure its functioning, administration.

1.2. Under the notion of the guest of the hotel, you should understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the services of the hotel, including services for accommodation.

1.3. Under the concept of the "Visitor of the hotel", it is necessary to understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the hotel services, without a stay, on the basis of checks on the payment of the hotel's services confirming the basis of legitimate location on the territory of the hotel, or on the coordinated statement of the hotel's guest.

1.4. Under the concept of "service provided", it is necessary to understand the action made by the employees of the hotel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Law "On Consumer Protection" and other regulatory acts regulating various activities.

1.5. Under the concept of "gross violation of the Rules of Accommodation in the hotel", it is necessary to understand the situation in which the guest's behavior prevents the hotel's administration and its staff to fulfill its responsibilities for recreation of other guests of the hotel or its actions offend the honor and dignity of the service personnel, hotel guests, and also Vizrivers these Rules and norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Under the concept of "performer" should be understood as a legal entity providing services for accommodation and accommodation at the Park Hotel Porto Mare, located at: Republic of Crimea, Alushta Street Street Pokopskaya, House 18.

1.7. Rules for booking hotel services Cancellation of armor, responsibility for cancellation of armor, the conditions for reducing the period of residence are accommodated in the Rules for hotel services at Park Hotel Porto Mare.

2. Placement rules

2.1. Estimated hour - 11:00. Check-in time - 15:00.

Hotel mode is a round-the-clock.

2.2. When settled, the guest must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of the USSR, a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation (passport), the birth certificate of the birth of persons under the age of 14 years.
  • A foreign citizen or a stateless person: a passport of a foreign citizen (other document recognized by the Russian Federation by the personality of a foreigner), a certificate of the birth of persons who have not reached 14 years, a document of a foreign state, recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation a document certifying the person of the person without Citizenship, permission for temporary residence of a stateless person, a residence permit of a stateless person. For foreigners from the visa regime countries in relation to Russia, the visa, the current stay at the hotel and the migration card.

2.3. At the settlement, the hotel administrator gives the guest:

  • Map Guest.

The guest map is passed to the hotel's territory, on the beach, to the restaurant. It is imposed on arrival at breakfast and dinner "Buffet", a comprehensive lunch.

  • Map "Towel Card" .

Exchanges on the beach towels by the pool and on the hotel's beach. If the card or towels is lost, the guest is obliged to compensate for their cost in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles 00 kopecks.

  • Bracelet

A non-removable bracelet corresponding to a specific service type, a mandatory attribute of the guest staying on site, to identify guests' hotel.

  • Ticket on the parkovka .

Gives the right to park the car for the period specified in the coupon

2.4. The right to extraordinary accommodation in Park-Hotel Porto Mare with free places have the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory; employees of the prosecutor's office, employees of the internal affairs bodies, employees of judicial authorities, Feldgerer, tax service, employees of federal government bodies and information (in the performance of official duties); - disabled of the 1st group and persons accompanying them (no more than one person); Other categories of citizens in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; - Participants in the Great Patriotic War, the disabled of the 2nd and 3rd groups and persons accompanying them, settle in the hotel primarily as seats.

2.5. Children's placement:

  • Children under 3 years old are placed free. Additional place (adults, children from 3 to 12 years old) is paid according to the approved tariff.
  • Children from 14 to 18 years can be settled without adults (parents accompanying) only in the presence of a notarized consent of the parents.

2.6. The reception and placement service administrator draws up a guest registration card with an indication of the guest name, the date of check-in, the room rooms, the signed of the guest, and also gives the guest a key to access the room. The key is issued for the hotel all the time.

2.7. By providing documents, the guest gives its consent to the hotel for the collection, storage, processing and destruction of its personal data after 2 years (for the purposes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.8. Payment of services for accommodation is carried out according to the prescribed by the Contractor in the ruble of the Russian Federation.

2.9. Registration of guests who are citizens of the Russian Federation at the hotel's stay in the hotel are carried out in accordance with the rules for the registration and relief of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for Registration and Removing Citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of persons responsible for receiving and transferring documents to the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation At the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation. "

2.10. Registration at the minor citizens under the age of 14, is carried out on the basis of documents certifying the identity of parents with them (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying persons (persons), a document certifying the powers of the accompanying person (persons), as well as certificates of the birth of these minors.

2.11. Statement of a foreign citizen and state of consideration at the place of stay at the hotel and withdrawing them from accounting at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the rules for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 . № 9 "On the procedure for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation".

2.12. The hotel has the right to refuse to meet the guest for objective reasons:

  • The guest is in a state of severe alcoholic, toxic intoxication, expressed in obscene brave, GRUBIT, violates public order, has animal, birds, reptiles with him, and explosive, fuel and lubricants, are actively dangerous chemicals and / or cylinders with liquefied or liquefied Under pressure from gases, etc., violates the requirements for guests who arrived at the hotel.
  • In case of not fulfilling the requirement of paragraph 2.1.4. of these rules of residence.

2.14. When identifying a child with a disease: ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), OKS (acute intestinal disease) during the settlement, as well as during guests accommodation, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: settlement to another hotel, settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator, hospitalization to the hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The presence of a medical certificate about the child's epidiate, cannot be the cause of parental refusal from the preliminary inspection of the children's pediatrician at the hotel at the settlement of the hotel.

In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

2.15. In the case of not receipt of the application for booking rooms (rooms) The guests is located in the hotel in the presence of free places.

3. Rules for residence.

3.1. The room rate includes:

1) Accommodation in rooms selected categories, located in one of corps hotel/ ap.. hotel. Rooms categories " Standard", " Standard +", " Junior Suite", " Lux", " Studio", " Studio+", " Famili."," ApartmentsLux", " Superlyux".

2) Half board (breakfast, dinner) nutrition by system " Swedish line"

(breakfast 8.00 - 11.00, dinner 17.30 -20.30)

3) round-the-clockfirst emergency medical help, consultation doctor - therapeuts, doctorpediatrician;

4) Wellness procedures: oxygen cocktail (released in medical center), trail health (boshunt), medical nordic walking, respiratory gymnastics, chinese samomassage, terrecoers (pedestrian walk by routers) by territory hotel (4 h. fromlandscape park from relician and authentic vegetation), procedure " Sleep w. seas" (passes on the beach from provision pERSONAL sleeping bag, thermosa from crimean tea. Delivery on the beach minibuses from central Log in, in the health seasonservice provided from 9.00 before 16.00 hours);

5) SPA -complex (6 varieties ban, two fike from contrast water). Mode work: budania days 10.00-20.00 hoursweekend 10.00-22.00 HoursDelivery from central Log in minibuses from 9.45 everyone two hours (break from 13.00 before 14.00 hours)Kalak., towels, slippers provided Guests in SPA. IN cost accommodation included residence Guest. in SPA in flow 2 clock by appointment;

6) outdoor pools in the summer,rive pool in pension " Blue wave"In the health season (schedule work from 9.00 before 17.00).

7) Gyms hall;

8) Sports complex: volleyball, football, basketball places, badminton, desktop tennis, sportigolok for physical preparation.

9) Animation programs;

10) Wi-Ficoating the Internet;

11) Round the clock guarded parkovka for cars;

12) Household rooms for washy and ironing lane;

13) Use safe

For parents from children:

14) Items first necessity for parents from children (strollers - cane, cots - manezhi, chairs for feeding, pogshi, bathrooms);

15) Kitchen for mom from equipment for cooking children's food (works round the clock);

16) Center development abilities (CRS) for children 3-6 years (inclusive) in health season. Mode work from 9.00 before 22.00 hoursdeveloping- educational programs pass from 10.00 before 18.00. Visit to the Gaming Space of the CRA.Centre accept children vacationers in hotel Guests.

17) Game zone Mare Land (children's bicycles, scooters, electrosoamocata, typewriters) from services animator;

18) Mini- zoo from services " Skating on the pony and oscals" (mode catania 11.30 -12.30 Hoursand 16.00-17.00 o'clock);

19) children's game rooms in SPAfrom services animator;

20) Teenage club;

21) Teenage camp "Legion Portoomanines"

3.2. While staying in rooms with kitchen zones, all responsibility for the right and safe use of kitchen equipment, cleanliness of the dishes, the storage mode of finished food, etc. Lies on a visit. It is forbidden to prepare food for commercial use, using open fire, with a sharp specific smell.

3.3. It is forbidden to stay in the room and on the territory of visitors to the guest. The hotel's guest visitor can familiarize themselves with the hotel and its infrastructure only if it is accompanied by his hotel staff.

3.4. The territory of the hotel, the inputs, internal stairs and the hall are controlled by video cameras. All information is recorded, written on digital media and stored. Video surveillance is carried out for the security of guests, their property and hotel property. The guest does not object and agrees using video surveillance systems in the premises of the hotel.

3.5. Room cleaning is made daily. Change of bed linen is carried out every three days. The towel changes if the guest leaves it on the floor, or as needed. If the guest wants to be not disturbed, he can hang on the outdoor door handle a sign with the inscription "Do not disturb!", Which is included in the room.

3.6. For an additional fee, you can order meals in the room. Fee for food (including alcoholic beverages) is made in the restaurant, or the guest signs the account, and the payment produces at the hotel administrator. The cost of delivery to the hotel's rooms is 60 (sixty) rubles. When ordering in the amount of over 600 (six hundred) rubles 00 kopecks, the shipping cost is 10% of the order value.

3.7. Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, World, Pro100.

3.8. The accommodation fee is carried out at the hotel day.

3.8.1. In the period from November 1 to April 30, in the case of an early arrival from 00.00 minutes to the established check-out hour, subject to the preliminary notice of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of such a placement, the fee is charged in half a day at a standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In case of delayed, the guest's departure fee is charged in the following order:

  • from 3 to 6 hours - fee for half a day;
  • from 6 to 24 hours after the estimated hour - fee for full day.

3.8.2. In the period from May 1 to October 31, the event of an early check-in from 00.00 minutes to the established billing hour, subject to the preliminary notification of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of the possibility of such a placement, the fee is charged during the stay at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In the event of a delay of the guest's departure from 3 hours to 24 hours, the fee is charged for a day of accommodation at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list.

3.8.3. The minimum paid period for staying at the hotel is one day (24 hours).

3.9. Personal protection arrived with the guest should be in the guest's room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or in a separate removal room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or behind the hotel. On the territory of the hotel, personal security should be without a weapon.

3.10. In the absence of guest in the room of living more than a day after the occurrence of the calculated hour, the Contractor has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of property located in the room. Material values \u200b\u200bare registered and transferred to storage according to the rules for storing forgotten things. The guest number is not saved.

3.11. Authorized employees of the hotel have the right to enter the room at the premises during the lack of guest, in the case of industrial necessity.

3.12. In the event of a gross violation of the rules of public security and public order, public morality or fire safety rules from the guest or visitor to the hotel, the hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services immediately, to draw up an act of this violation with the invitation, if necessary, law enforcement officers.

3.13. In the event of a detection of acute diseases among guests of their children during the residence permit: ARVI, OKS, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: a settlement to another hotel, a settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator The right to treat hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The aggravation of chronic disease, according to the testimony, consultation and hospitalization in the hospital in accordance with the program of compulsory medical insurance of citizens. In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

3.14. The book of reviews and suggestions is located at the hotel administrator and is provided at the first request of the guest. Comments and complaints are considered no later than a month from the date of filing a complaint

3.15. If the guest's initiative is reduced, the hotel returns a guest of money paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of the actually incurred costs of the hotel equal to the day of the guests ordered for three working days.

4. Guest responsibility, hotel visitor.

4.1. The guest / visitor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation reimburses the damage in cases of loss or damage to property of the guest's fault / visitor.

It is necessary to understand:

  • the amount of damage caused with the loss of hotel property is determined taking into account market prices.
  • when flooding the number, damage to furniture, glasses, other property due to the guest of the guest / visitor, they are paid the cost of repair and restoration work and a simple number during its repair.
  • in the event of a deterioration of inventory: bedspread, bedding, furniture, lighting, flooring, etc., guest / visitor pays the cost of their cleaning
  • in case of impossibility of restoring the initial type of affairs (hotel property), the guest / visitor pays their retail cost at the time of damage.

In the presence of the facts of causing a guest / visitor to the damage to the hotel's employees, I will make an act of damaging the property of the hotel in three copies: the first one is transferred to the hotel's accounting department, the second is a materially responsible person, in the counting of the hotel there is a spoiled property of the hotel, and the third is issued to the payer - guest / visitor

4.2. Animators and workers of the live corner only help to organize leisure, parents are responsible for children.

4.3. In the case of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest pays the service "Elimination of the consequences of tobacco smoke" in the amount of 3,000 (three thousand) rubles, "in the event of a re-violation of the rules of residence in the form of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest must leave the hotel in the hotel in The shortest possible time, the hotel returns the guest of the cash paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of actually incurred costs of the hotel, equal to the day of the guests of the accommodation within three working days

5. Conformance performer

5.1. The hotel's administration is responsible for the safety of the guest's personal belongings that are in the room, with the exception of: cash, valuable things and securities, as well as jewels. The performer is not responsible for property, cash, jewelry and documents left unattended by guests on site.

5.2. The hotel is responsible for the loss of cash, valuable things, securities, guest jewelery, provided that they have been adopted by the Contractor for storage or placed a guest in an individual safe provided to him. The hotel is released from liability for not the safety of the contents of such a safe, if it proves that, according to the storage conditions, anyone to the safe without knowing the guest was impossible or became possible due to force majeure. The guest, who found the loss or damage to his things, is obliged to immediately report this to the hotel administration. Otherwise, the performer is exempt from responsibility for the insistance of things.

5.3. The hotel is not responsible for the guest for direct or indirect losses and / or missed benefits due to the temporary lack of telephone and / or mobile (cellular) communication and / or access to the Internet and / or interruptions in their implementation, as well as for other Circumstances outside the hotel control zone.

5.4. The hotel is not responsible for the health of the guest or the hotel's visitors in the event of drinking drinks and products purchased outside the hotel.

5.5. The hotel is not responsible for the work of public and service services (emergency shutdown of electrical energy, and as a result of elevators, water supply).

5.6. The hotel is not responsible for non-fulfillment of its obligations and harm caused by the property of the guest due to force majeure circumstances of force majeure (flooding, hail, other weather conditions and natural disasters, military actions, a national crisis, strike in the industry or region, actions and decisions of state bodies The authorities, failures in telecommunication or energy networks, the actions of malicious programs or third parties aimed at unauthorized access or disabling the program or hardware complex), as well as not compensate for the moral damage caused by the guest.

6. Forbidden on site

6.1. Break silence after 22:00 hours

6.2. The use of tees and extension cords, personal electrical appliances, including heating (electric stove, electric kettle, iron, etc.), except when these devices are included in the standard room equipment or issued for the use of the hotel staff. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the equipment will be seized until the guest is departure from the hotel.

6.3. Supplies to the territory of the hotel of their visitors, with the exception of the case provided for clause 3.3. Of these rules of residence.

6.4. In the absence of unauthorized persons, as well as transfer them the keys from numbers.

6.5. To carry out products, dishes and cutlery from the hotel's restaurant. Swedish tables do not suggest the service "for removal." Desired dishes can be purchased by paying their cost, according to the price list.

6.6. Wearing and storage of weapons, explosives and flammable, caustic and poisonous substances. Guests who have the right by the nature of their activities on wearing and storing weapons are obliged to provide documents certifying this right at the request of the hotel's administration, under arms should be understood by the funds specified in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons".

6.7. Storage and unauthorized use of pyrotechnic products.

6.8. Import pets in the hotel, accommodation in hotel rooms with animals.

6.9. In all rooms of the hotel, including rooms, smoking is prohibited in balconies. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated places

6.10. Leave on the territory of the hotel unattended children; In the pool and the sea - children do not know how to swim.

6.11. Cool out the number acquired outside the hotel, alcoholic beverages.

6.12. Bring and use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

6.13. Listen to loud music or movies after 22:00.

6.14. Adults and children (over 6 years old) are forbidden to be in the children's pool.

6.15. Next to express.

For Settlement IN HOTEL, YOU Confirm Naught Consent FROM Presents Rules. IN THOSE Cases, Which NOT Envisaged Presents Rules, Guest I. Hotel administration Guided Acting Legislation RF.

We are glad to welcome you in our hotel!

You are a welcome guest for us, and we will try to do everything to make your stay in Park Hotel Porto Mare enjoyable.

Please read the rules and recommendations of our hotel below.

These rules establish the internal routine of accommodation in Park Hotel Porto Mare, the settlement rules, the rules for the use of the property of the hotel and the amount of services provided, hotel responsibility and guest.

The rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" on the basis of "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2015 No. 1085 and Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 " On the protection of the health of citizens from the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of the consumption of tobacco

1. Home Provisions :

1.1. Under the concept of "hotel" should be understood: the territory of Park Hotel "Porto Mare" and other objects that ensure its functioning, administration.

1.2. Under the notion of the guest of the hotel, you should understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the services of the hotel, including services for accommodation.

1.3. Under the concept of the "Visitor of the hotel", it is necessary to understand the person located on the territory of the hotel, using the hotel services, without a stay, on the basis of checks on the payment of the hotel's services confirming the basis of legitimate location on the territory of the hotel, or on the coordinated statement of the hotel's guest.

1.4. Under the concept of "service provided", it is necessary to understand the action made by the employees of the hotel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Law "On Consumer Protection" and other regulatory acts regulating various activities.

1.5. Under the concept of "gross violation of the Rules of Accommodation in the hotel", it is necessary to understand the situation in which the guest's behavior prevents the hotel's administration and its staff to fulfill its responsibilities for recreation of other guests of the hotel or its actions offend the honor and dignity of the service personnel, hotel guests, and also Vizrivers these Rules and norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Under the concept of "performer" should be understood as a legal entity providing services for accommodation and accommodation at the Park Hotel Porto Mare, located at: Republic of Crimea, Alushta Street Street Pokopskaya, House 18.

1.7. Rules for booking hotel services Cancellation of armor, responsibility for cancellation of armor, the conditions for reducing the period of residence are accommodated in the Rules for hotel services at Park Hotel Porto Mare.

2. Placement rules

2.1. Estimated hour - 11:00. Check-in time - 15:00.

Hotel mode is a round-the-clock.

2.2. When settled, the guest must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of the USSR, a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation (passport), the birth certificate of the birth of persons under the age of 14 years.
  • A foreign citizen or a stateless person: a passport of a foreign citizen (other document recognized by the Russian Federation by the personality of a foreigner), a certificate of the birth of persons who have not reached 14 years, a document of a foreign state, recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation a document certifying the person of the person without Citizenship, permission for temporary residence of a stateless person, a residence permit of a stateless person. For foreigners from the visa regime countries in relation to Russia, the visa, the current stay at the hotel and the migration card.

2.3. At the settlement, the hotel administrator gives the guest:

  • Map Guest.

The guest map is passed to the hotel's territory, on the beach, to the restaurant. It is imposed on arrival at breakfast and dinner "Buffet", a comprehensive lunch.

  • Map "Towel Card" .

Exchanges on the beach towels by the pool and on the hotel's beach. If the card or towels is lost, the guest is obliged to compensate for their cost in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles 00 kopecks.

  • Bracelet

A non-removable bracelet corresponding to a specific service type, a mandatory attribute of the guest staying on site, to identify guests' hotel.

  • Ticket on the parkovka .

Gives the right to park the car for the period specified in the coupon

2.4. The right to extraordinary accommodation in Park-Hotel Porto Mare with free places have the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory; employees of the prosecutor's office, employees of the internal affairs bodies, employees of judicial authorities, Feldgerer, tax service, employees of federal government bodies and information (in the performance of official duties); - disabled of the 1st group and persons accompanying them (no more than one person); Other categories of citizens in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation; - Participants in the Great Patriotic War, the disabled of the 2nd and 3rd groups and persons accompanying them, settle in the hotel primarily as seats.

2.5. Children's placement:

  • Children under 3 years old are placed free. Additional place (adults, children from 3 to 12 years old) is paid according to the approved tariff.
  • Children from 14 to 18 years can be settled without adults (parents accompanying) only in the presence of a notarized consent of the parents.

2.6. The reception and placement service administrator draws up a guest registration card with an indication of the guest name, the date of check-in, the room rooms, the signed of the guest, and also gives the guest a key to access the room. The key is issued for the hotel all the time.

2.7. By providing documents, the guest gives its consent to the hotel for the collection, storage, processing and destruction of its personal data after 2 years (for the purposes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.8. Payment of services for accommodation is carried out according to the prescribed by the Contractor in the ruble of the Russian Federation.

2.9. Registration of guests who are citizens of the Russian Federation at the hotel's stay in the hotel are carried out in accordance with the rules for the registration and relief of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713 "On approval of the Rules for Registration and Removing Citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of persons responsible for receiving and transferring documents to the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation At the place of residence and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation. "

2.10. Registration at the minor citizens under the age of 14, is carried out on the basis of documents certifying the identity of parents with them (adoptive parents, guardians) or close relatives, accompanying persons (persons), a document certifying the powers of the accompanying person (persons), as well as certificates of the birth of these minors.

2.11. Statement of a foreign citizen and state of consideration at the place of stay at the hotel and withdrawing them from accounting at the place of stay are carried out in accordance with the rules for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 . № 9 "On the procedure for the implementation of migration accounting of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation".

2.12. The hotel has the right to refuse to meet the guest for objective reasons:

  • The guest is in a state of severe alcoholic, toxic intoxication, expressed in obscene brave, GRUBIT, violates public order, has animal, birds, reptiles with him, and explosive, fuel and lubricants, are actively dangerous chemicals and / or cylinders with liquefied or liquefied Under pressure from gases, etc., violates the requirements for guests who arrived at the hotel.
  • In case of not fulfilling the requirement of paragraph 2.1.4. of these rules of residence.

2.14. When identifying a child with a disease: ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), OKS (acute intestinal disease) during the settlement, as well as during guests accommodation, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: settlement to another hotel, settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator, hospitalization to the hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The presence of a medical certificate about the child's epidiate, cannot be the cause of parental refusal from the preliminary inspection of the children's pediatrician at the hotel at the settlement of the hotel.

In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

2.15. In the case of not receipt of the application for booking rooms (rooms) The guests is located in the hotel in the presence of free places.

3. Rules for residence.

3.1. The room rate includes:

1) Accommodation in rooms selected categories, located in one of corps hotel/ ap.. hotel. Rooms categories " Standard", " Standard +", " Junior Suite", " Lux", " Studio", " Studio+", " Famili."," ApartmentsLux", " Superlyux".

2) Half board (breakfast, dinner) nutrition by system " Swedish line"

(breakfast 8.00 - 11.00, dinner 17.30 -20.30)

3) round-the-clockfirst emergency medical help, consultation doctor - therapeuts, doctorpediatrician;

4) Wellness procedures: oxygen cocktail (released in medical center), trail health (boshunt), medical nordic walking, respiratory gymnastics, chinese samomassage, terrecoers (pedestrian walk by routers) by territory hotel (4 h. fromlandscape park from relician and authentic vegetation), procedure " Sleep w. seas" (passes on the beach from provision pERSONAL sleeping bag, thermosa from crimean tea. Delivery on the beach minibuses from central Log in, in the health seasonservice provided from 9.00 before 16.00 hours);

5) SPA -complex (6 varieties ban, two fike from contrast water). Mode work: budania days 10.00-20.00 hoursweekend 10.00-22.00 HoursDelivery from central Log in minibuses from 9.45 everyone two hours (break from 13.00 before 14.00 hours)Kalak., towels, slippers provided Guests in SPA. IN cost accommodation included residence Guest. in SPA in flow 2 clock by appointment;

6) outdoor pools in the summer,rive pool in pension " Blue wave"In the health season (schedule work from 9.00 before 17.00).

7) Gyms hall;

8) Sports complex: volleyball, football, basketball places, badminton, desktop tennis, sportigolok for physical preparation.

9) Animation programs;

10) Wi-Ficoating the Internet;

11) Round the clock guarded parkovka for cars;

12) Household rooms for washy and ironing lane;

13) Use safe

For parents from children:

14) Items first necessity for parents from children (strollers - cane, cots - manezhi, chairs for feeding, pogshi, bathrooms);

15) Kitchen for mom from equipment for cooking children's food (works round the clock);

16) Center development abilities (CRS) for children 3-6 years (inclusive) in health season. Mode work from 9.00 before 22.00 hoursdeveloping- educational programs pass from 10.00 before 18.00. Visit to the Gaming Space of the CRA.Centre accept children vacationers in hotel Guests.

17) Game zone Mare Land (children's bicycles, scooters, electrosoamocata, typewriters) from services animator;

18) Mini- zoo from services " Skating on the pony and oscals" (mode catania 11.30 -12.30 Hoursand 16.00-17.00 o'clock);

19) children's game rooms in SPAfrom services animator;

20) Teenage club;

21) Teenage camp "Legion Portoomanines"

3.2. While staying in rooms with kitchen zones, all responsibility for the right and safe use of kitchen equipment, cleanliness of the dishes, the storage mode of finished food, etc. Lies on a visit. It is forbidden to prepare food for commercial use, using open fire, with a sharp specific smell.

3.3. It is forbidden to stay in the room and on the territory of visitors to the guest. The hotel's guest visitor can familiarize themselves with the hotel and its infrastructure only if it is accompanied by his hotel staff.

3.4. The territory of the hotel, the inputs, internal stairs and the hall are controlled by video cameras. All information is recorded, written on digital media and stored. Video surveillance is carried out for the security of guests, their property and hotel property. The guest does not object and agrees using video surveillance systems in the premises of the hotel.

3.5. Room cleaning is made daily. Change of bed linen is carried out every three days. The towel changes if the guest leaves it on the floor, or as needed. If the guest wants to be not disturbed, he can hang on the outdoor door handle a sign with the inscription "Do not disturb!", Which is included in the room.

3.6. For an additional fee, you can order meals in the room. Fee for food (including alcoholic beverages) is made in the restaurant, or the guest signs the account, and the payment produces at the hotel administrator. The cost of delivery to the hotel's rooms is 60 (sixty) rubles. When ordering in the amount of over 600 (six hundred) rubles 00 kopecks, the shipping cost is 10% of the order value.

3.7. Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, World, Pro100.

3.8. The accommodation fee is carried out at the hotel day.

3.8.1. In the period from November 1 to April 30, in the case of an early arrival from 00.00 minutes to the established check-out hour, subject to the preliminary notice of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of such a placement, the fee is charged in half a day at a standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In case of delayed, the guest's departure fee is charged in the following order:

  • from 3 to 6 hours - fee for half a day;
  • from 6 to 24 hours after the estimated hour - fee for full day.

3.8.2. In the period from May 1 to October 31, the event of an early check-in from 00.00 minutes to the established billing hour, subject to the preliminary notification of the hotel and the availability of confirmation of the possibility of such a placement, the fee is charged during the stay at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list. In the event of a delay of the guest's departure from 3 hours to 24 hours, the fee is charged for a day of accommodation at the standard tariff according to the hotel price list.

3.8.3. The minimum paid period for staying at the hotel is one day (24 hours).

3.9. Personal protection arrived with the guest should be in the guest's room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or in a separate removal room (payment for accommodation according to the hotel price list) or behind the hotel. On the territory of the hotel, personal security should be without a weapon.

3.10. In the absence of guest in the room of living more than a day after the occurrence of the calculated hour, the Contractor has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of property located in the room. Material values \u200b\u200bare registered and transferred to storage according to the rules for storing forgotten things. The guest number is not saved.

3.11. Authorized employees of the hotel have the right to enter the room at the premises during the lack of guest, in the case of industrial necessity.

3.12. In the event of a gross violation of the rules of public security and public order, public morality or fire safety rules from the guest or visitor to the hotel, the hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services immediately, to draw up an act of this violation with the invitation, if necessary, law enforcement officers.

3.13. In the event of a detection of acute diseases among guests of their children during the residence permit: ARVI, OKS, the hotel provides guests with the right to choose from: a settlement to another hotel, a settlement for the entire period of the disease in Isolator The right to treat hospital in accordance with the Program of Mandatory Medical Insurance of Citizens. The aggravation of chronic disease, according to the testimony, consultation and hospitalization in the hospital in accordance with the program of compulsory medical insurance of citizens. In case of non-fulfillment of the requirements of this paragraph, the guest must leave the hotel in the shortest possible time, while the hotel returns the guest's money paid to the payment for services, minus the cost of services already rendered, within three working days.

3.14. The book of reviews and suggestions is located at the hotel administrator and is provided at the first request of the guest. Comments and complaints are considered no later than a month from the date of filing a complaint

3.15. If the guest's initiative is reduced, the hotel returns a guest of money paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of the actually incurred costs of the hotel equal to the day of the guests ordered for three working days.

4. Guest responsibility, hotel visitor.

4.1. The guest / visitor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation reimburses the damage in cases of loss or damage to property of the guest's fault / visitor.

It is necessary to understand:

  • the amount of damage caused with the loss of hotel property is determined taking into account market prices.
  • when flooding the number, damage to furniture, glasses, other property due to the guest of the guest / visitor, they are paid the cost of repair and restoration work and a simple number during its repair.
  • in the event of a deterioration of inventory: bedspread, bedding, furniture, lighting, flooring, etc., guest / visitor pays the cost of their cleaning
  • in case of impossibility of restoring the initial type of affairs (hotel property), the guest / visitor pays their retail cost at the time of damage.

In the presence of the facts of causing a guest / visitor to the damage to the hotel's employees, I will make an act of damaging the property of the hotel in three copies: the first one is transferred to the hotel's accounting department, the second is a materially responsible person, in the counting of the hotel there is a spoiled property of the hotel, and the third is issued to the payer - guest / visitor

4.2. Animators and workers of the live corner only help to organize leisure, parents are responsible for children.

4.3. In the case of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest pays the service "Elimination of the consequences of tobacco smoke" in the amount of 3,000 (three thousand) rubles, "in the event of a re-violation of the rules of residence in the form of smoking in the room or on the balcony, the guest must leave the hotel in the hotel in The shortest possible time, the hotel returns the guest of the cash paid to the payment of services, minus the cost of the services already rendered and the amounts of actually incurred costs of the hotel, equal to the day of the guests of the accommodation within three working days

5. Conformance performer

5.1. The hotel's administration is responsible for the safety of the guest's personal belongings that are in the room, with the exception of: cash, valuable things and securities, as well as jewels. The performer is not responsible for property, cash, jewelry and documents left unattended by guests on site.

5.2. The hotel is responsible for the loss of cash, valuable things, securities, guest jewelery, provided that they have been adopted by the Contractor for storage or placed a guest in an individual safe provided to him. The hotel is released from liability for not the safety of the contents of such a safe, if it proves that, according to the storage conditions, anyone to the safe without knowing the guest was impossible or became possible due to force majeure. The guest, who found the loss or damage to his things, is obliged to immediately report this to the hotel administration. Otherwise, the performer is exempt from responsibility for the insistance of things.

5.3. The hotel is not responsible for the guest for direct or indirect losses and / or missed benefits due to the temporary lack of telephone and / or mobile (cellular) communication and / or access to the Internet and / or interruptions in their implementation, as well as for other Circumstances outside the hotel control zone.

5.4. The hotel is not responsible for the health of the guest or the hotel's visitors in the event of drinking drinks and products purchased outside the hotel.

5.5. The hotel is not responsible for the work of public and service services (emergency shutdown of electrical energy, and as a result of elevators, water supply).

5.6. The hotel is not responsible for non-fulfillment of its obligations and harm caused by the property of the guest due to force majeure circumstances of force majeure (flooding, hail, other weather conditions and natural disasters, military actions, a national crisis, strike in the industry or region, actions and decisions of state bodies The authorities, failures in telecommunication or energy networks, the actions of malicious programs or third parties aimed at unauthorized access or disabling the program or hardware complex), as well as not compensate for the moral damage caused by the guest.

6. Forbidden on site

6.1. Break silence after 22:00 hours

6.2. The use of tees and extension cords, personal electrical appliances, including heating (electric stove, electric kettle, iron, etc.), except when these devices are included in the standard room equipment or issued for the use of the hotel staff. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the equipment will be seized until the guest is departure from the hotel.

6.3. Supplies to the territory of the hotel of their visitors, with the exception of the case provided for clause 3.3. Of these rules of residence.

6.4. In the absence of unauthorized persons, as well as transfer them the keys from numbers.

6.5. To carry out products, dishes and cutlery from the hotel's restaurant. Swedish tables do not suggest the service "for removal." Desired dishes can be purchased by paying their cost, according to the price list.

6.6. Wearing and storage of weapons, explosives and flammable, caustic and poisonous substances. Guests who have the right by the nature of their activities on wearing and storing weapons are obliged to provide documents certifying this right at the request of the hotel's administration, under arms should be understood by the funds specified in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons".

6.7. Storage and unauthorized use of pyrotechnic products.

6.8. Import pets in the hotel, accommodation in hotel rooms with animals.

6.9. In all rooms of the hotel, including rooms, smoking is prohibited in balconies. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated places

6.10. Leave on the territory of the hotel unattended children; In the pool and the sea - children do not know how to swim.

6.11. Cool out the number acquired outside the hotel, alcoholic beverages.

6.12. Bring and use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

6.13. Listen to loud music or movies after 22:00.

6.14. Adults and children (over 6 years old) are forbidden to be in the children's pool.

6.15. Next to express.

For Settlement IN HOTEL, YOU Confirm Naught Consent FROM Presents Rules. IN THOSE Cases, Which NOT Envisaged Presents Rules, Guest I. Hotel administration Guided Acting Legislation RF.

The hotel-restaurant complex "Southern Dvorik" in Kerch invites you to relax and relax in Russian Balke or Hamam. The best place to relax and relax at any time of the year.

The administration of the South Dvoric complex took care that the guests were comfortable when visiting the sauna and hamam (provided at the disposal of towels, sheets, slippers, hats, hairdryer), additionally you can order a broom for steam room.


The fans of the Russian bath can relax in the pair of all the soul, enjoy the hot ferry, the smell of fresh brooms and the aroma of firewood. The temperature in the steam room in the range is +45 to + 60s, and humidity is 50-70%. It is under such conditions that the full and deep heating of the body is obtained. This is a great way to relax with soul and body, disconnect from all the concerns and everybody, improve well-being and raise the mood.


A wonderful alternative for those who do not tolerate high temperature in the sauna or Russian steam room, or who has contraindications to their visiting. This is possible due to very high humidity (100%) and relatively small air temperature (35-50 degrees). Such a combination creates a special microclimate, which allows you to easily enjoy all the Hamam procedures.


The pool will cool and cheer after the relaxation of the bath. The feature of the bath, as the method of recovery, is to quickly change temperatures. The heat contrast in the cold, from the steam room in the cool pool, is responsible for all the positive properties of the bath.