What is kept in the Genoa Museum. What is worth seeing in Genoa? Archaeological Museum of Liguria

Hello friends. This city has it all. Port, cozy streets, luxurious palaces, museums, parks, sculptural monuments and entertainment. We are talking about Genoa. Or rather, the theme this time was the sights of Genoa. Note: historical Center with its palaces is included in the UNESCO list.

Italy. Region Liguria. Genoa. Italians say Genova.

It’s worth setting aside two days to walk around the city and explore its sights and museums. This is if you don’t go to all the museums, but choose the 2 most interesting ones.


Genoa or Genova is considered the sixth largest city in Italy and the country's largest port.

In antiquity, a tiny Greek colony was located on its territory.

The transformation of the city into a major port began in the 10th century. And by the beginning of the 12th century, the city had already become an independent city-state. Although the authority of the Holy Roman Empire was recognized here, the consuls actually ruled Genoa. It was run as a trading company.

Perhaps due to this position, during the Crusades Genoa surpassed many European cities in influence and wealth.

But it was not without internal strife. It was they who led Genoa to the economic crisis of the 14th century. Something needed to change. And by 1528, Andrea Doria convinced the inhabitants to accept the new system of government.

Its essence was that doges were elected for two years, but the key word remained with the oligarchy. So Genoa regained its influence. Soon the University of Genoa was built, and twenty years later the most famous resident of Genoa, Christopher Columbus, discovered America.


The rich history of the city is reflected in the wealth of its attractions. Let's go over the main ones.

Historical buildings and monuments

  • Previously, the center of city life was Banks Square, now it is Ferrari Square.

Ferrari Square

It is framed by various notable historical buildings:

  • Doge's Palace
  • Carlo Felice Theater
  • An interesting secular building can be called the princely villa

This palace was built in the 16th century at the request of a prominent politician of Genoa. Interestingly, the rooms here are named after the paintings that decorate them.

  • monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi, created in neoclassical style
  • which was once a stock exchange and is now closed to the public Palazzo della Borsa
  • Ligurian Academy of Arts.
  • Not far from the square is the Old Port.

Embankment at the port of Genoa

This is the real epicenter of entertainment in Genoa.

Museums and entertainment

  • aquarium

More than 5,000 inhabitants live in the Genoa Aquarium

  • maritime museum
  • Archaeological Museum of Liguria
  • Botanical Garden Biosphere
  • pirate ship prototype

Pirate ship

  • crane - observation deck

It raises the cabin to a height of 60 meters and everyone can admire the views of the city and port.

  • And here you will also find one of the oldest lighthouses in the world - the La Lanterna Lighthouse.

Cathedrals and temples

This majestic building, made of marble, is also famous for the fact that it somehow miraculously survived being hit by a bomb. The bomb simply didn't explode.

  • It houses the Tesoro Museum, which houses a collection of holy relics. In fact, even its name itself translates as “treasury.”
  • On a high hill there is another temple - the Temple of the Ascension of Our Lady.

This is the finest example of Renaissance architecture in Genoa.

Church of the Ascension of Our Lady

  • And on another hill is the church of Santa Maria di Castello.

It is part of the religious complex of the Dominican Order.


  • One of the richest families in the city at one time was the Spinola family. Now the National Gallery is located in their mansion. It houses a collection of Flemish and Italian Renaissance art.
  • Another museum, the Galata Maritime Museum, occupies four entire floors of a 17th-century building.

Much of his collection is dedicated to the voyages of Christopher Columbus.

  • If you want to know more about the personality of the navigator himself, be sure to visit, the place where he spent his youth, where his father worked.

Columbus House

But about the pre-Columbian era in the central and South America The collection of the Museum of World Culture will tell you.

Streets and palaces

There are a few streets that stand out in particular. Firstly, the endless labyrinths of the Old Town. It is always lively here, there are many merchants, and the air is filled with the smells of goodies.

  • Via Garibaldi is located north of Piazza Ferrari. This street is included in the UNESCO list. And here are the famous palaces:
  • Palazzo Rosso
  • Palazzo Turzi

Today they are exhibition halls. For example, in the Turzi Palace there is the Paganini Hall - a room filled with a collection of the musician’s personal belongings.

View of Genoa from the Maritime Museum

Balbi Street also boasts luxurious palaces. What's it worth?

In the Royal Palace Museum you can explore the interior features of the 18th century and enjoy the works of Flemish artists.

  • On the same street is the University of Genoa and the library.

But a few more words about Rolli's palaces. This is a group of luxurious buildings erected in the historical center of Genoa by noble people. It includes palaces:

  • Bianco
  • Rosso
  • Doria-Turzi
  • Royal

Their halls used to host honored guests of the city.

  • A sadder, but no less lush place is.

It is interesting not only because famous people, buried there, but also because there are a huge number of beautiful monuments there.

Staglieno Cemetery

But you can take a leisurely stroll not only around the cemetery. For this there are, for example, parks.

  • Villeta Di Negro Park.

On its territory you will find a museum of oriental art, and from its hill there is a wonderful view of the Old Town.

And, of course, there is no way to bypass the city walls of Genoa, which have preserved all the moments of the past. Now they are divided into fragments.

  • The largest of them is the New Wall.

It surrounds the historical center. In general, the walls are located, as it were, on top of the city. A 12-kilometer section with seventeen fortresses has survived to this day.

  • It's called City Wall Park. You can get to it by the Zecca-Righi funicular.

Triumphal Arch on Victory Square (Piazza della Vittoria)


There is also a sea of ​​interesting things near the city. And “a sea of ​​interesting things” here can be used in the literal sense. This is how we hint at the Bay of San Fruttuoso, at the bottom of which is the famous statue

  • Christ from the Abyss

By the way, there are copies or variations of this statue in different parts of the world.

Where to stay in Genoa

Now many housing options in Genoa have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

Stadium Luigi Ferraris, also called "Marassi", is located in the city of Genoa, Italy. Since it is multifunctional, it constantly hosts football and rugby competitions, as well as music concerts of famous performers.

The stadium was opened in 1911. This is one of the oldest stadiums in Italy, still used to host various types of competitions. It has undergone many reconstructions. Its original capacity was 20 thousand people, and now it is more than 36 thousand. The stadium has a square shape with right angles and a large flat roof.

The stadium is the home arena of Italian Serie A clubs Genoa and Sampdoria, and sometimes hosts matches involving the Italian national team. The stadium hosted international World Cup matches in 1934 and 1990.

Cathedral of San Lorenzo

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo is the Cathedral of the Genoese diocese, dedicated to St. Lawrence. The temple is located near the Ducal Palace and Plaza de Ferrari. The cathedral is famous for its legend that in its place there was once a temple, the founder of which in the 3rd century. was St. Lavrenty.

The architecture of the cathedral is characterized by its asymmetry. On the sides of the facade there are two very different tower structures. Initially, the project was supposed to be symmetrical, but one of the towers was never completed and at its top in the 15th century. a gallery was erected. The right bell tower was built in the Renaissance style and has seven bells. The façade is decorated with three portals, the work of French masters. Stone lions are installed on the sides of the temple stairs.

The interior of the cathedral is notable for its 13th-century columns, as well as frescoes by an unknown Byzantine master of the 14th century. In the chapel you can see statues of prominent Italian masters of the 15th-16th centuries.

The main attractions of the cathedral are, of course, the cup, which, according to legend, was on the table during the Last Supper, and the relics of St. John the Baptist, brought from the crusade in 1098.

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Spaghetti Museum Pontedassio

A spaghetti museum was opened in the city of Pontedassi, Italy. There are many recipes for spaghetti and sauces for it. The museum has a notarized document dated February 4, 1279, confirming that such a dish has existed for a long time and was called “macaroni”. This means that pasta has been around for over 300 years.

The Spaghetti Museum displays more than 176 types of spaghetti. According to Italians, spaghetti is pasta with a length of strictly 35-40 cm and a cross-section of 0.7-0.9 mm. Everything else is called differently. Of course, the sauce plays a big role in cooking spaghetti. The museum has more than 10 thousand sauce recipes. Italians place great importance on seasoning their spaghetti. And in restaurants, professionals who prepare the sauce well are highly valued. There are different types of sauces throughout Italy. In areas closer to the sea, marine life is used. In the center are the gifts of the forest and nature. And somewhere they use minced meat.

In addition to recipes for sauces and spaghetti, and the pasta itself, in the museum you can see photographs, equipment for making spaghetti and documents talking about the history and origin of spaghetti.

The old seaport of Genoa is one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean. It was built according to the design of the world famous Genoese architect Renzo Piano.

It is in the Old Port that the largest city aquarium in Europe is located, with the largest number represented aquatic ecosystems.

Near the aquarium are the Lanterna lighthouse, a botanical garden, a replica of a 16th century ship and the Galata Maritime Museum. It is the first maritime museum in the Mediterranean and displays the entire history of navigation from rowing boats to transatlantic ships.

While in the Old Port, you should definitely take a ride on the Bigo observation lift, which offers amazing views of the harbor and the panorama of the Old Town.

Camogli promenade

In the fishing town of Camogli, literally every meter is imbued with the spirit of the early Middle Ages.

Traditional colorful houses with pink, yellow and red walls surround the picturesque harbor where pleasure yachts and fishing boats anchor. The ancient church and castle, Castello della Dragonara, founded in 1000, dominates the harbor. It now houses a maritime museum and an aquarium displaying local fish species.

But for real beautiful view on Camogli opens from the embankment. You can go down to it from the highest point of the city in just a few minutes. From here the city resembles a large children's toy made up of small cubes. Only the cubes are not bright, but painted in pastel colors.

From the embankment the city looks very small and it seems strange that you have been walking along its streets all day.

Via Rome

Via Rome is a pedestrian street lined with rows of planted trees. Located almost in the city center.

This cozy street with beautiful trees, unique buildings, small cafes and playing musicians has always attracted a huge number of people. This is where tourists come to admire the Baroque architecture, dine in traditional restaurants and buy souvenirs.

Near Via Roma you will find clothing and shoe stores, including designer ones, as well as small shops selling olives, oils and wines.

In the evening, Via Roma turns into a busy street with bright neon shop windows and dozens of different pubs, bars and clubs.

Genoa Airport GOA

Since Genoa is a relatively small city, the airport receives approximately 1 million passengers per year. There are several hotels nearby, the closest of which is the Sheraton Genova Hotel, less than a kilometer from the airport. The level of convenience and service here is high, but for those who are disturbed by the noise of planes taking off, hotels such as Hotel Cairoli or Agriturismo Le Pale, which are quite far from runway. You can get to the center either by taxi or by bus. Alternatively, you can use a car rental service. Questions about booking a car can be agreed upon by first contacting the airport administration.

Are you interested in knowing how well you know the sights of Genoa? .

Columbus House

The home of Christopher Columbus, where he was born and spent his youth, is located in Genoa and is a popular attraction that attracts thousands of tourists. The house is located next to famous gates Porta Soprano.

Columbus was born in this house in 1451, but the original appearance of the house was lost during the bombardment of the city by the French fleet in 1864. But in the 18th century, the building was restored to its original form and is now one of the symbols of the city and a monument of medieval architecture.

The most popular attractions in Genoa with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places of Genoa on our website.

More attractions of Genoa

Genoa is a seaside port city in northern Italy and the capital of the region of Liguria. This is an ancient trading city, actively developing as a center of Mediterranean trade since the 10th century. Even today, the city port of Genoa is the largest in and is of great importance for its economy.

Sights of Genoa

Due to the excellent urban planning and views of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as a large amount of green spaces Genoa is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. The richest place in sights is its historical center, in which a large number of stunning palaces remain, as a former reminder of the greatness of this medieval city-state.

Streets and areas of Genoa

The best way to get to know Genoa is to explore the streets and alleys of its old center. The spirit of the ancient city, surrounded by defensive walls, in whose squares there was once a thriving trade, still remains here.

  • Piazza de Ferrari– located between the old and new towns Town Square. In its center there is a majestic fountain, the water column of which rises tens of meters. Travelers will find here architectural attractions of different styles and eras, as well as museums telling the history of Genoa.
  • Palazzi dei Rolli- a quarter in which there are about 40 palaces of the local aristocracy, built in the era of Mannerism. These buildings were erected during the period of greatest trading power of the Genoese in the 16th-17th centuries and today immerse tourists in the atmosphere of those times. All attractions in this area are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • Boccadasse– one of the most beautiful old districts of Genoa. For the most part, former sailors and fishermen live here, thanks to whom this place has been preserved the same as it was many centuries ago. This colorful city corner is rich in architectural attractions, as well as clean beaches and cozy cafes.

Palazzi dei Rolli


Other interesting places:

  • old seaport of Genoa;
  • Via Rome;
  • Genoa embankment;
  • Acquaverde Square;
  • Garibaldi street.

Tourists interested in shopping should visit the streets Luccoli, Casana Vico And XX Settembre.


A large number of museums are open in Genoa, ready to tell tourists the history of this ancient city. Tourists planning to visit museums should purchase Card Musei di Genova, with it you will not only be able to visit 21 museums and exhibitions, but will also receive free travel to public transport, as well as up to 40% discount on some other Genoa attractions.

Important! The cost of the Musei di Genova for 24 hours is 13.5 euros, and for 48 hours - 20 euros. It is also possible to purchase an annual card for 36 euros, but it does not apply to public transport.

  • Natural History Museum, based Giacomo Doria, you can see on Via Brigata Liguria. His collection was based on exhibits collected by Giacomo during his expeditions to Persia and Borneo. Today, more than 20 exhibition halls are open here, introducing visitors to the wonders of nature. This scientific institution, widely known outside Italy, is visited by about 35,000 tourists annually.
  • Museum of Oriental Arts- one of the most important in Asian countries dedicated to the arts. Its collection contains 15 thousand exhibits of the Italian artist who lived in Edoardo Chiossone. The exhibition was originally opened in the Palazzo Dell'Accademia back in 1899, today it is located in Villa Dinegro - the center of Genoa.
  • Ethnographical museum– in addition to its impressive collection, this institution will be of interest to tourists thanks to the building in which it is located. This old castle, rebuilt in neo-Gothic style by a famous navigator Enrico D'Albertis in 1892. Today, this building, bequeathed to the people of Genoa, houses the most interesting exhibits dedicated to the cultures of the peoples of the world.

Natural History Museum
There are also many art museums in ancient palaces in Genoa:

  • Palazzo Bianco;
  • Strada Nuova Museums;
  • Palazzo Rosso.


Despite the fact that the history of Genoa goes back more than 2000 years, almost all of its main architectural attractions were built in the 15th – 17th centuries. Most of the colorful city architecture is represented by palaces, but besides them, tourists will be interested in:

  • Columbus House- the building in which the great navigator was supposedly born and spent his childhood. Unfortunately, the original building was destroyed during the war with the French in 1684, but was then completely restored at the beginning of the 18th century. Today tourists can get here only by prior arrangement, or on Columbus Day on October 12.
  • Porta Soprana– the surviving part of the city gate between two massive towers. This fragment of the city wall, erected back in 1155, testifies to the medieval power of Genoa. Nowadays, tourists are allowed entry to observation deck towers, from which a magnificent view of the city opens.
  • Colonnade of San Andrea- the courtyard of a temple built in the Romanesque style, destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century. This attraction is located near the Columbus House and is often used as a concert venue by local musicians.
  • Triumphal Arch– one of the calling cards of Genoa is located on Piazza della Vittoria. It was opened in 1931 as a symbol of Italy's victory in the First World War.

Columbus House

Iconic architecture

The religious architecture of Genoa was influenced by the fact that many medieval popes were Genoese and built church buildings in their hometown. Today its majestic cathedrals and temples are not inferior in beauty to worldly buildings.

  • – The temple dedicated to St. Lawrence is located near Piazza de Ferrari. It was erected in 1115 on the site of an ancient church and influenced the development of this part of the city. Today, the main relics here are the relics of John the Baptist and the cup that was on the table during the Last Supper.
  • Basilica of Santissima Annunziata del Vastato– one of the most beautiful churches in the city. The church was built throughout the 16th century outside the fortress walls. At the beginning of the 17th century, the temple was decorated in Baroque style by Italian artists under the direction of the famous architect Andrea Ansaldo, and it is called the “Genoese Gallery”.
  • Church of Sant'Agostino– this majestic structure, erected in the 13th century, was very badly damaged during the Second World War. Today the building is used for the Sant'Agostino Sculpture Museum. The temple is best known to tourists as the site of the first concert of Nicolo Paganini.

Cathedral of San Lorenzo

What to see in Genoa in 1 day

When deciding what to see in Genoa in 1 day, you can use approximate route to get the most out of the main attractions.

  • Start your tour with one of the city's attractions - port of Porto Antico.
  • Then go up the street to Cathedral of San Lorenzo.
  • Then go to Plaza De Ferrari.
  • From the square you will get to the street XX Settembre– one of the richest souvenir shops and cafes.
  • Along XX Settembre street you will find yourself in front of Brignole station building– the former mansion of wealthy Genoese.
  • After visiting the station building, turn right, where you will reach piazza area Vittoria with a triumphal arch placed on it.
  • The following attractions are on your list: ancient city gate And Columbus's house(casa Colombo).
  • Return to Piazza Ferrari and from there take Via Roma to the beautiful city streets via Garibaldi. Here you will see the luxurious mansions of the Genoese nobility; some of the palaces today house museums.
  • Following Via Garibaldi you will reach Balbi streets, where you can complete your tour with a tour of the majestic royal palace, Palazzo Reale.

Please note that in one day you can see the historical center of the city in Genoa, but you will need several days to visit all the sights.

To Genoa for one day (video)

When you are passing through a city, you don’t always get to see the most interesting things. One tourist offers you her route! Enjoy watching!

What to see in Genoa and its surroundings with children

There are quite a few attractions in Genoa that are suitable for tourists with children. But still, travelers with children will be able to visit several interesting places:

  • aquarium Acquario di Genova;
  • horse center Societa Ippica del Bardigiano;
  • children's museum Kids in the City.

Also, vacationers with children should take a walk in one of the city parks, which have playgrounds and attractions.

As a one-day itinerary, I suggested a walk through the old town. Perhaps our readers would like to add to it? Leave your suggestions in the comments!

Genoa is a port city, one of the largest in the province of Liguria and the most picturesque in all of Italy. Genoa has a lot of amazing and fascinating things - medieval streets, luxurious squares, ancient palaces, and luxurious cathedrals. The city has a lot to be proud of, and any tourist who sets foot on this land immediately understands this.

What to see in Genoa on your own?

Beautiful places and main attractions: photos with descriptions in Russian.

La Lanterna

La Lanterna (in Italian: Lanterna di Genova) is one of the oldest lighthouses in the world. It is located on the territory of the Genoese port. The very first lighthouse here was built in 1128. Over the course of nine hundred years, it was destroyed several times and then rebuilt again.

The lighthouse received its current appearance in 1543. Its height is 77 meters - it is the highest in Italy. The lighthouse was originally built on a peninsula surrounded by water on three sides. Gradually the sea retreated and is now completely surrounded by land. For the first centuries, dry juniper wood was used to keep the fire going.

In 1326, a lamp was installed at the lighthouse that ran on olive oil. In 1840, a rotating Fresnel lens was installed, which significantly increased the light output of the lighthouse. In 1913, it was completely modernized and an electrical network was installed. Now the lighthouse building houses a museum of maritime history.

  • Address: Rampa della Lanterna, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Sat-Sun 14:30−18:30

Palazzo Bianco

Palazzo Bianco or White Palace (in Italian: Palazzo Bianco) is considered one of the oldest buildings in Genoa and is part of a museum complex that consists of three palaces - Bianco, Rosso and Doria Tursi. The White Palace building was built in 1540 for Luca Grimaldi.

A hundred years later, Palazzo Bianco was bought by the De Franchi family, and at the end of the 18th century it passed to the Brignole-Sale family. Under them, a global reconstruction of the palace was carried out, and the facade was painted white. It was then that the building was named the White Palace.

At the end of the 19th century, the palazzo was bequeathed to the city by the last representative of the family, Maria Brignole-Sale. Currently there is a museum here. In it you can see paintings by Paolo Veronese, Fillipino Lippi, Ludovico Brea and other famous artists, as well as frescoes and sculptures from all over Europe.

  • Address: Via Garibaldi 11, Genoa, Italy

Palazzo Rosso

Palazzo Rosso or the Red Palace (in Italian: Palazzo Rosso) is considered one of the oldest buildings in Genoa. It is part of a museum complex consisting of 3 palaces - Rosso, Doria Tursi and Bianco.

The palazzo was built in 1677 by the famous architect Pietro Corradi for the Brignole-Sale family. They were the only owners of the palace until, in 1874, Duchess Maria Brignole-Sale donated the building to the city along with the collected art collection. Palazzo Rossa got its name from the red color of the façade.

In addition to paintings by famous artists, his collection includes rare costumes, tapestries, stamps and maps. The interior walls and ceilings of the palace are decorated with stunning frescoes. Now Palazzo Rosso is one of the most visited attractions.

  • Address: Via Garibaldi 18, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue-Fri 09:00−19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00−19:30 (April-October);
    Tue-Fri 09:00−18:30, Sat-Sun 09:30−18:30 (November-March)
  • Price entrance ticket: 9 euros (for visiting 3 palaces)

Palazzo Doria Tursi

Palazzo Doria-Tursi (in Italian: Palazzo Doria-Tursi) is part of a large complex of 3 palaces - Doria-Tursi, Rosso and Bianco. It was built in 1565 for the banker Nicolo Grimaldi, who in his time was called "Signor Monarch".

The palace differs from others in its size and expensive materials that were used in its construction. It is made of gray slate, pink stone and white Carrara marble. The Doria Tursi Palace is made in the shape of a rectangle, has double staircases and a large garden with fountains and statues.

Before his death, Grimaldi sold the palazzo to Giovanni Andrea Doria, who gave it to his youngest son, the Duke of Tursi. It was at this time that the palace was given its name. Now the building houses the city government and several art gallery halls.

  • Address: Via Garibaldi 9, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue-Fri 09:00−19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00−19:30 (April-October);
    Tue-Fri 09:00−18:30, Sat-Sun 09:30−18:30 (November-March)
  • Entrance fee: 9 euros (for visiting 3 palaces)

Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale or Royal Palace (in Italian: Palazzo Reale) is one of the most famous landmarks of Genoa. It was built in 1620 for the Balbi family. After 60 years, the palace was sold to another influential Durazzo family. They expanded the palazzo by combining it with a neighboring building.

In 1705, the palace underwent a major reconstruction under the leadership of Carlo Fontana. The staircases were changed, a courtyard was added, and a large complex was created with a garden on the roof of the building and stunning views of the Old Port. During the Second World War, the Palazzo Reale was heavily damaged after air strikes, but it was gradually restored and opened to the public.

Currently, the palazzo building houses an art museum. The interior of the palace with expensive furniture, unique sculptures, exquisite chandeliers and paintings by famous painters makes a huge impression.

  • Address: Via Balbi 10, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue-Wed 9:00−13:30, Thu-Sun 9:00−19:00
  • Entrance fee: 6 euros

Palazzo San Giorgio

Palazzo San Giorgio or the Palace of St. George (in Italian: Palazzo di San Giorgio) was built in 1260 according to the design of Guglielmo Boccanegra. The buildings were originally intended to be used as a town hall.

During its construction, building materials were used that remained after the destruction of Constantinople. After 2 years, the founder of the palace was sent into exile, and the building was turned into a prison. It was here, in one of the cells, that the traveler Marco Polo was kept, who in prison wrote a book about the travels of Rustichello from Pisa.

In the 15th century, the palazzo housed the office space of one of the oldest banks in Genoa, the Bank of San Giorgio. In the 19th century, the palace fell into disrepair; local authorities even wanted to demolish it. From 1903 to the present day, the administrative building of the port has been located in the palazzo. Despite the fact that the building lost its luster, and the frescoes inside the premises were practically destroyed, in the 20th century it was possible to completely restore the beauty of the palace.

  • Address: Via della Mercanzia 2, Genoa, Italy

Princely Villa or Palace of Andrea Doria

The Princely Villa or Palace of Andrea Doria (in Italian: Villa del Principe, Palazzo di Andrea Doria) was built in 1530 as the personal residence of Andrea Doria, the famous Genoese ruler and admiral. In those days, it amazed with its luxury and was used to receive foreign guests and delegations. After the owner was given the title of Prince Melfi, the palace began to be called “princely”.

Famous artists of that time participated in the design of the interior decoration of the palazzo. Even now you can see paintings by Titian, Domenico Piola and many others here. On the walls there are tapestries from the 16th century, and the rooms are furnished with furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries. The park in Italian style makes a huge impression. In its very center you can see a fountain with a magnificent statue of Neptune.

Previously, the park smoothly descended to the sea, but now a road has been built between the palace and the sea.

  • Address: Piazza del Principe 4, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: daily 10:00−18:00
  • Entrance fee: 9 euros

Albertis Castle

Albertis Castle (in Italian: Castello d'Albertis) was erected in 1886-1892 for Enrico Alberto d'Albertis. The building was built on the foundations of an old ruined castle, and included a bastion from the 16th century. It resembles medieval castle and is located on the hill of Montegalleto. The owner lived here until 1932, and after his death the castle and the collection of objects from exotic countries passed to the city.

The captain personally collected all the exhibits from all over the world and brought them from his travels. His collection formed the basis of the Museum of World Art History, which is still located in the building of Albertis Castle. To this day, the castle is shrouded in legends, according to which there is a strange room in it. Every evening the guards lock it with a key, and in the morning its doors are wide open again.

  • Address: Corso Dogali 18, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue-Fri 10:00−17:00, Sat-Sun 10:00−18:00 (October-March);
    Tue-Fri 10:00−18:00, Sat-Sun 10:00−19:00 (April-September)
  • Entrance fee: 6 euros

Cathedral of San Lorenzo

The Cathedral of San Lorenzo (in Italian: Cattedrale di San Lorenzo) was built in 1100. There have long been legends among the city’s residents that it was built on the site of an ancient Roman temple from the 5th–6th century BC. This event has not been proven by historians, but during excavations pre-Christian sarcophagi and an ancient foundation were discovered.

The cathedral is named in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Lawrence. It took three centuries to build. During this time, the cathedral acquired features of the Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance styles. The building is asymmetrical due to the construction of only one sixty-meter chapel out of two. The facade is made of black and white marble, arranged in layers. It is decorated with stunning sculptures, and the interior walls of the cathedral are painted with frescoes.

Many relics are kept here - the relics of St. Lawrence and John the Baptist, the cross of Zaccaria, the Cup from which, according to legend, Jesus Christ drank at the Last Supper. It is forbidden to visit the cathedral in revealing clothing.

  • Address: Piazza San Lorenzo, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: daily 9:00−12:00 and 15:00−19:00

Church of Santa Maria di Castello

The Church of Santa Maria di Castello (in Italian: Basilica di Santa Maria di Castello) was built around 900. This is the oldest basilica in Genoa. Its original building was destroyed, but in the 12th century a new church was built on the old foundation, which can be seen now.

The church has a modest, unremarkable facade, made in the Romanesque style. But the interior decoration amazes with its splendor and diversity. The main altar is decorated with marble at the end of the 17th century, the walls are decorated with frescoes, sculptures and paintings.

Here you can see works by Domenico Parodi, Francesco Boccaccino, Lorenzo Fasolo and many other local artists. During World War II, the church was heavily damaged by bombing, but as a result of restoration work, all decorative elements were preserved.

  • Address: Salita di Santa Maria di Castello 15 | Molo, Genoa, Italy

Basilica of Santissima Annunziata del Vastato

Construction of the Basilica of Santissima Annunziata del Vastato (in Italian: Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato) began in 1520 by the Franciscan Order, but due to low funding, construction was delayed and then completely stopped. It was completed only towards the end of the 16th century.

The facade of the building was made in the neoclassical style in 1830-1840. The interior was decorated in Baroque style. In the 50s of the 20th century, the basilica was completely restored after the war. The frescoes and decorative elements were almost completely destroyed, but after restoration, the interior of the basilica was restored to its stunning beauty.

Now here you can see unique frescoes by Giovanni Andrea Ansaldo, paintings by local artists, stunning sculptures depicting the Madonna and a huge number of other amazingly beautiful decorative elements.

  • Address: Piazza della Nunziata 4, 16124, Genoa, Italy

Jesuit Church of Saints Ambrose and Andrew

The Church of Saints Ambrose and Andrew (in Italian: Chiesa del Gesu e dei Santi Ambrogio e Andrea) passed to the Jesuits in 1552, although its existence was first mentioned in documents of the 6th century. It was in the middle of the 16th century that the temple was completely redone. It was decorated with works by famous masters - Rubins, Guido Reni, Domenico Passignano and others.

The building's façade had to be redone in the 19th century after the passage from the church to the Ducal Palace was destroyed. After all the work was completed, sculptures of Ambrose and Andrei were installed in the niches. The interior decoration of the church amazes with its luxury.

The vault of the central dome is painted with gilded 17th-century frescoes by Giovanni Carlone. The columns are made of marble and decorated with ornaments and coats of arms. There are many paintings and sculptural compositions on the walls of the church.

  • Address: Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, Genoa, Italy

Monumental Cemetery di Staglieno

The monumental cemetery di Staglieno (in Italian: Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno) covers an area of ​​more than 1 square kilometer. It amazes with its silent splendor.

Sad statues made of Carrara marble remind us of the frailty of our world and how fragile life is. The cemetery was opened in 1851. The cold stone slightly enlivens the large amount of greenery - laurels, myrtles and oleanders. At the entrance there is a statue of Faith, followed by an exact copy of the Pantheon with a delightful staircase of 77 steps.

In total, the cemetery has more than 2 million burials. There are a huge number of sculptures here, but most of the motifs are repeated - angels, which mean spirituality; grieving women symbolize loss, faith and love; doors are a symbol of transition to another world.

Here are the tombstones of all the prominent people of Genoa. The most famous place is the mausoleum of Giuseppe Mazzini, the hero of Italy, politician and philosopher.

  • Address: Piazzale Resasco, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Sat - Sun 7:30 - 16:30

Teatro Carlo Felice

The Teatro Carlo Felice (in Italian: Teatro Carlo Felice) is Genoa's main stage for opera and ballet performances, music shows and chamber orchestra concerts. Construction of the building lasted from 1826 to 1828 according to the design of Carlo Barabino.

IN winter time year, the famous composer Giuseppe Verdi vacationed in Genoa, who staged more than one performance on the theater stage over the course of 40 years. During the Second World War, the building suffered from bombing and looting. The ceiling of the main hall was destroyed, all the wooden decorations were burned due to the fire, and the facade was destroyed. In the 50 years after the war, three attempts were made to restore the theater, but they were unsuccessful.

It was only in 1991 that it was finally opened. The auditorium was located within the walls of the old one-story theater, and all additional rooms were moved to a new multi-story building. Now this theater is one of the largest in Europe. More than 2,500 spectators can watch the performances simultaneously.

  • Address: Passo Eugenio Montale 4, Genoa, Italy

Aquarium of Genoa

The Aquarium of Genoa (in Italian: Acquario di Genova) is currently considered the largest in Italy. Its area is 3100 square meters. The aquarium was opened in 1992 in honor of the big anniversary - 500 years since the discovery of America by explorer Christopher Columbus.

The shape of the building resembles a ship, and in 1998 another similar building 100 meters long appeared. The aquarium amazes with the number of created ecosystems and their inhabitants. A huge number of fish, amphibians and invertebrates are collected here: sharks, piranhas, turtles, seals, dolphins, stingrays, caimans and many others.

A total of 70 aquariums of different shapes and sizes have been installed. It took six million liters of water to fill them. In addition to the exhibition, there are shows with dolphins and demonstration feeding of marine life. The contact pool, where you can touch stingrays with your hands, is very popular.

  • Address: Area Porto Antico | Ponte Spinola, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9:30−20:00 (entrance until 18:00)
  • Entrance fee: from 26 euros

Maritime Museum Galata

The Galata Maritime Museum (in Italian: Galata Museo del Mare) was opened to the public in 2004. It is the largest maritime museum in the whole Mediterranean coast and is located in a building dating back to the 17th century. All museum exhibits relate to maritime affairs or navigation. Docks for ships were built back in the 19th century and were called Galata.

At that time, one of them housed a naval arsenal; it was this dock that later became the museum building after a global reconstruction. The exhibition includes all kinds of ship models. The entire museum is divided into several rooms by theme: maritime trade, “La Merica” (about the immigration of Italians overseas), a library, but the most interesting is the exhibition with the submarine Nazario Sauro (1976). total area The museum's exhibition area is more than 10 thousand square meters.

  • Address: Calata De "Ansaldo Mari 1, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 - 19:30
  • Entrance fee: 12 euros

Galleon "Neptune"

The Neptune Galleon (in Italian: Galeone Neptune) is located in the Old Port area and looks like a 17th century Spanish ship. It was built in 1986 for the filming of the film “Pirates” by Polish director Roman Polanski. After their completion, the galleon was turned into an attraction for tourists, which attracts not only children, but also adults.

"Neptune" has a powerful engine, but can sail using sails, like its counterparts. Periodically, he goes out to the Mediterranean Sea and makes mini-cruises. The ship is made of wood, except for its lower part, which is made of steel.

There are a large number of cannons on the upper and lower decks, all the gear is completely real. The Galleon is a very interesting landmark in Genoa because of its appearance.

  • Address: Area Porto Antico - Ponte Spinola, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: daily 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:00
  • Entrance fee: 6 euros

Porta Soprana Gate

The Porta Soprana or High Gate (in Italian: Torri di Porta Soprana) is part of a wall built in the 12th century to protect the city from attack. They were the largest, since the road leading to them from Rome.

After the 14th century, the territory of Genoa expanded significantly and the gates ceased to fulfill their main purpose. First, their premises were adapted for housing, and then rebuilt into a prison. Restoration work began only in 1890 under the leadership of the architect and painter Alfredo d'Andrade, but the southern tower of the Porta Soprana gate was privately owned, so it could only be restored in 1930.

Now this magnificent structure is open to the public. You can take a spiral staircase to the observation deck. A stunning panorama of the city can be seen from a bird's eye view.

  • Address: Piazza Dante, Genoa, Italy

Christopher Columbus House

The House of Christopher Columbus (in Italian: La Casa di Colombo) is located in Piazza Dante next to Porto Soprana. It is a small two-story house; it is not known for certain whether Columbus lived here or not.

The original building was destroyed in the 17th century after shelling by French troops, it consisted of three floors: the first housed his father's weaving workshop, and the second and third were intended for family living. Local residents restored the house much later; fragments of the original walls were even preserved.

At first glance, the building does not make much of an impression, but for local residents it is a unique symbol of an indomitable spirit and enormous willpower. Although only a small part of the architectural structure remains, it is enough to remember the great man who lived here for the inspection of the house to be filled with new meaning.

  • Address: Piazza Dante 4, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9:00–13:00, 14:00–17:00; Sat 9:00− 13:00
  • Entrance fee: 5 euros

Villeta Di Negro Park

The Villetta Di Negro Park (in Italian: Parco Villetta di Negro) is located within the city and surrounds the Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art on all sides. Its area is about 20 thousand square meters.

At the entrance to the park there is a snow-white monument to the famous politician and philosopher Giuseppe Manzini. In 1802, this territory was bought by Giancarlo Di Negro, who built a botanical school here and then laid out a park. After his death land plot acquired the municipality and carried out a global modification here. Grottoes, cascading waterfalls and a gardener's house were built.

In 1942, the park was heavily damaged by bombing, but was restored immediately after the war. Now it is a delightful corner of nature in the middle of a stone city.

  • Address: Piazzale Giuseppe Mazzini 2, Genoa, Italy

Corso promenade Italy

The Corso Italia promenade (in Italian: Passeggiata di Corso Italia) is one of the most crowded places in Genoa. The embankment appeared in 1915 according to a project developed by architect Dario Carbone. Its length is more than 2.5 kilometers. Initially it was a narrow pedestrian path; in the early 1990s, the embankment was completely renovated: it was expanded main road, installed gazebos and benches for relaxation.

Now Corso Italia is very popular: lovers make appointments here, young parents walk with their children, athletes jog and ride bicycles. Along the entire length of the embankment, on the sides there are all kinds of cafes and restaurants, sports clubs, swimming pools and beaches. It offers a wonderful view of the sea.

  • Address: Corso Italia, Genoa, Italy

Anita Garibaldi Promenade

The Anita Garibaldi Promenade (in Italian: Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi a Nervi) is part of the large Nervi Park. Its length is about 2 kilometers. The embankment is named after the wife and ally of the famous Italian politician, commander and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi.

At the age of 28, she died of malaria while pregnant with her fifth child. Almost the entire embankment stretches over the rocky coast, which allows you to see magnificent seascapes. Occasionally, stairs extend from it to descend to the water. You can sit on large coastal rocks and admire the endless azure surface, rocky outcrops and pebble beaches.

The embankment amazes with its picturesque views and is a great place for relaxation and walking.

  • Address: Genoa, Italy

Garibaldi Street

Garibaldi Street (in Italian: Via Garibaldi) is a unique collection of monuments of Italian architecture of the 16th century. There are 11 palaces here, including the famous Palazzo Bianco, Rosso and Doria Tursi. The street is 250 meters long and 7.5 meters wide. Its project appeared in 1550 thanks to the architect Bernardino Cantona.

The construction of the street itself and all the palaces took another 40 years. Throughout its history, it has changed its name more than once: Strada Maggiore, Strada Nuova, Via Aurea. The street was named in honor of the commander and politician Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1882. In addition to palaces, there are many office buildings and private houses. The street perfectly conveys the mood and architectural preferences of the second half of the 16th century.

  • Address: West from Piazza Fontane Marose | Maddalena, Genoa, Italy

Palazzo Ducale

Palazzo Ducale or Doge's Palace (in Italian: Palazzo Ducale) was the main residence of the rulers of Genoa in the 18th century, and now houses a museum. In addition, the palace organizes art exhibitions and other cultural events.

The first buildings were here back in 1251-1275. For my centuries-old history The palazzo was rebuilt and restored several times, and new rooms were added to it. The greatest damage was caused by a fire in 1777, but the building was quickly restored in the neoclassical style.

The palace has two entrances and therefore has two different facades. Inside you can see the chapel, which was decorated with frescoes by the famous artists Domenico Fiazella (Sarzana) and Giovanni Battista Carlone; premises of the former prison where Niccolo Paganini was imprisoned; Soviet halls decorated with stunning paintings.

  • Address: Piazza Giacomo Matteotti 9, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Mon 14:00 - 19:00, Tue - Sun 9:00 - 19:00

Monument to Christopher Columbus

The Monument to Christopher Columbus (in Italian: Monumento a Cristoforo Colombo) is located in Piazza Principe near the main railway station of Genoa. It was created in 1846-1862 by the outstanding sculptor Lorenzo Bartolini from white marble.

The monument is an interesting composition. The main figure is a statue of Christopher Columbus with flowing hair, dressed in a short Spanish robe with a cape. His left hand is on a large anchor, and the right one is on the shoulder of an Indian girl, who symbolizes America.

Below on the four sides are sculptures that represent piety, science, constancy and prudence. On the central bas-relief you can see the council in Salamanca, where Columbus proved the feasibility of his voyage. The monument impresses with its unique beauty.

  • Address: Piazza Acquaverde, Genoa, Italy

St. Stephen's Church

The Church of St. Stephen (in Italian: Chiesa di Santo Stefano) was erected on the site of a temple in honor of the Archangel Michael destroyed by the Saracens in 972. Until the 15th century it belonged to the Abbey of St. Columbanus, and then to the Benedictine monastery.

The bell tower was built in the 14th century on the foundations of a 10th century building, and a chapel was added in 1479. In the 19th century and in the post-war years 1945-1955, global reconstructions of the church were carried out. Now the facade is made in the Romanesque style and has a polychrome design - alternating stripes of dark and light stone.

The building has two entrances: above the main one there is a huge round stained glass window. The interior of the church is represented by one nave. The main relics are considered to be a silver casket with the relics of St. Stephen, and a Gothic cup, which was presented by Pope Pius X. What attracts tourists is that the baptism of the future discoverer Christopher Columbus took place in this church.

  • Address: Piazza S. Stefano 2, Genoa, Italy

Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady

The Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady (in Italian: Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta) is located on the hill of Carignano. The church project was developed in 1522 by the famous architect Galeazzo Alessi.

Construction of the basilica began only 30 years later and in 1603 it was completely ready. Interior painting was completed by the end of the 17th century, but changes were required to accommodate religious services. The process lasted for several centuries.

In the 19th century, the architect Carlo Barabino completed work on the façade. It is decorated with statues of the 17th century: in the center is the composition “Assumption of the Mother of God”, on the sides are the apostles Paul and Peter.

The shape of the church resembles a cross, has 2 bell towers and 5 domes. The interior decoration is very diverse: stucco, gilding, paintings by famous artists, statues. Particularly noteworthy is the magnificent 17th century organ. It was restored in the 19th century and its front panel is decorated with Baroque paintings.

  • Address: Via Innocenzo IV 8, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: daily 08.00 - 12.30, 16.00 - 18.30.

Church of St. Donatus

The Church of St. Donatus (in Italian: Chiesa Di San Donato) was built in the 12th century. Its facade is made in the Romanesque style. The building is located in the very center of the city on the street of the same name. In subsequent centuries, the room was significantly expanded - an octagonal bell tower, decorated with a jagged frieze, appeared.

Initially it consisted of two tiers, but in the 19th century, during restoration, another tier was added. Limestone was used in the construction of the church; the space inside the building is divided into three naves. The main altar is decorated with a 14th century work by the famous artist Nicolo da Voltri called “Our Lady”. A special place in the side chapel is occupied by a triptych depicting the adoration of the Magi.

  • Address: Via di San Donato 10, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Mon-Sat 08.00 - 12.00 and 15.00 - 19.00, Sun 09.00 - 12.00

Church of Sant'Agostino

The Church of Sant'Agostino (in Italian: Chiesa di Sant "Agostino) was built in 1260 by monks from the Augustinian Order and consecrated in honor of St. Thecla. Its facade is made in the Gothic style of white marble and black stone, the portal above the entrance is decorated with frescoes by the famous artist Giovanni Battista Merano.

The interior is very spacious and is divided into three naves by columns of rough stone. During World War II, the building was severely damaged. It was turned into a warehouse for storing sculptures, church frescoes and architectural debris from destroyed buildings. Now the church is not fulfilling its religious function. It is part of the St. Augustine Museum and is sometimes used as a stage for theatrical performances.

  • Address: Piazza Sarzano 35/R, Genoa, Italy
  • Opening hours: Tue - Fri 9:00 - 19:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 - 19:00

St Philip's Church

Construction of the Church of St. Philip (in Italian: Chiesa di San Filippo Neri) began in 1674 with the money of the nobleman Camillo Pallavicino. It dragged on for 50 years and was completed only in 1725.

The building was built in the Baroque style, the snow-white facade is decorated with columns and statues created by the famous sculptor Bocchiardo. The interior decoration of the church amazes with its diversity and luxury. The vault is decorated with gilding, stucco and frescoes from 1714 by the artist Marcantonio Franceschini entitled “The Glory of Saint Philip Neri”.

The church building has two chapels: the first contains statues by Domenico Parodi and paintings by the painter Giovanni Enrico Weimer, which depict scenes from the life of St. Francis; the second is painted with frescoes by the artist Giacomo Boni.

  • Address: Via Sofia Lomellini 12, Genoa, Italy

Plaza De Ferrari

Piazza De Ferrari (in Italian: Piazza Raffaele De Ferrari) is the main city square of Genoa. Its original name was Piazza San Domenico, after the name of the church in honor of St. Dominic, which was located here.

In the 19th century, the church had to be destroyed because the building had become very dilapidated. It was decided to rename the square after the house of the famous diplomat Rafael de Ferrari, who was located here. Her new project designed by local architect Carlo Barabino. It is made in the shape of a square; on the north side it is adjacent to a smaller square, on which a bronze monument to the politician and philosopher Giuseppe Garibaldi, made by Augusto Rivalt, is installed.

In 1936, a monumental fountain was built on the square, which over time became a symbol of the city. Now the square is a venue for cultural and political events. Rallies, parades, festive concerts and performances are held here.

  • Address: Piazza Raffaele De Ferrari, Genoa, Italy

Square of victory

Victory Square (in Italian: Piazza della Vittoria) is the largest in size in Genoa. In its center is a triumphal arch, which was installed in 1931. It symbolizes Italy's contribution to victory in the First World War and recalls the fallen soldiers.

The arch is decorated with bas-reliefs and statues by famous local sculptors, including Eugenio Baroni. Behind it is the staircase of Columbus's Three Caravels, between the flights of which there are delightful flower beds. Flowers are planted on them in the shape of the ships on which he sailed famous traveler Christopher Columbus.

On the lower tier there are three anchors made of red flowers, on the rest there are a ship on each. The sails are formed by snow-white flowers, the ship itself is red, and the sea water is blue. The flower beds attract attention with their brightness: from emerald grass to bright scarlet flowers.

  • Address: Piazza della Costituzione 1, Genoa, Italy

Church of St. Sir

The Church of St. Sir (in Italian: Chiesa di San Siro) is one of the oldest in Genoa. It was built in the 4th century in honor of the 12 apostles. Afterwards, the first bishop, Saint Sir, was buried in the church, after which it became cathedral of its time.

There were legends about the bishop's life. Allegedly, the basilisk lived in a well on the church grounds. It was Saint Sir who expelled this monster from there. In the 13th century, this event was reflected in bas-relief, and in the 17th century - in frescoes by the artist Giambattista Carlone.

The church was restored several times: in the 11th-12th centuries, a bell tower was built in the Romanesque style (demolished in the 20th century), and after a fire at the end of the 16th century, the central nave was separated from the side nave using columns, and the chapel was lined with marble.

The interior decoration of the church is represented by paintings on the walls and vaults, paintings by the artist Domenico Piola and sculptures by Taddeo Carlone.

  • Address: Via San Luca | Maddalena, Genoa, Italy

Castle Mackenzie

Mackenzie Castle (in Italian: Castello Mackenzie) was built in 1905 according to the design of the architect Gino Coppede. It is a luxurious mansion consisting of 5 floors. Its façade was designed in the Tuscan Renaissance style and features crenellated decoration, staircases and towers.

The owner of the building was wealthy Florentine Evan Mackenzie, who lived here with his family until his death in 1935. After this, the castle passed from one owner to another, so it remained in long-term desolation. Only in 2002 it was bought by the auction house Kambi.

After restoration work, the mansion received the status of his residence. Mackenzie Castle is now a private museum and sometimes provides space for temporary exhibitions.

  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09.00−13.00, 14.00−18.00
  • Address: Mura di S. Bartolomeo 16c, Genoa, Italy

Boccadasse area

The Boccadasse area (in Italian: Boccadasse) is very popular among tourists. They are attracted by urban development in the form of small multi-colored houses that seem to be approaching each other. The area has survived to this day in the same form as it was several centuries ago. It is located around a small picturesque bay.

In the very center of Boccadasse is Neptune Square, which offers stunning views of the sea. Most local residents are engaged in fishing, like their ancestors. According to legend, the area was founded in the 11th century by Spanish fishermen who were caught in a storm and were forced to wait it out on the shore.

Initially, the area could only be reached by climbing a steep staircase that was carved out of the rock. In the 20th century, Corso Italia was built, which made the journey to Boccadasse much easier.

  • Address: Genoa, Italy

Genoa will certainly find something to captivate you, so at the first opportunity, go here without a moment’s hesitation.


The sights of Italian Genoa attract tourists with its picturesque beauty and unique architecture. The labyrinths of narrow streets, fortress walls, elegant palaces, churches will not leave indifferent even tourists who have seen a lot. Cristoforo Colombo was born here. Therefore, any Genoese will point to the house where he grew up great traveler. There is also a palace where Marco Polo was imprisoned, and in the Old Port you can see one of the largest aquariums in the world and a very old lighthouse.

the main street city ​​- Ferrari Square (Piazza De Ferrari). It received its name thanks to Duke Raphael de Ferrari (Raffaele De Ferrari). This is how the Genoese immortalized the famous diplomat, financier and benefactor.

In earlier times, the square was smaller and adjacent to the monastery and the temple of St. Domenic. When the city was captured by Napoleon, barracks and warehouses were equipped in the monastery complex. That is why, by the beginning of the nineteenth century, the monastery and church had become so dilapidated that the authorities decided to dismantle the temple and reconstruct the square.

By 1828 the area had changed. The area acquired a square shape, expanded significantly, and new buildings appeared. In front of the opera house in 1879, a bronze monument depicting Giuseppe Garibaldi on horseback was erected (Giuseppe Garibaldi Monument).

In 1936, a large round fountain was installed on Piazza De Ferrari - Fontana di Piaggio. They named it after the family that sponsored the construction. Behind the fountain is the former Stock Exchange building. A few years ago, a Ferrari metro station was opened on the square.

The houses of Piazza De Ferrari are also interesting. Previously home to the oldest stock exchange in Italy (closed in 1998), there are also attractions such as the Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale), the Teatro Carlo Felice and other interesting houses.

  • We recommend reading:

Teatro Carlo Felice

Teatro Carlo Felice is the main theater of Genova, built on the site of a former monastery complex and the temple of San Domenico. The opening of the attraction took place in 1828. The name of the opera house immortalized the ruler of Genoa, Duke Carlo Felice di Savoia. For forty winters, Giuseppe Verdi staged plays here.

The Second World War greatly destroyed the opera, and the Genoese were unable to restore the theater for a long time. Restoration work began in 1987 according to the design of Aldo Rossi and was completed four years later. The façade and some interior details were preserved.

Now Teatro Carlo Felice is considered one of the most spacious in Europe: it can seat two thousand spectators.

Doge's Palace

The Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale), which is known as the Doge's Palace, is the oldest building in the square. The main facade is located on Piazza Matteotti, while the side wall faces Piazza Ferrari. They lived in the Doge's house until the end of the eighteenth century, until Bonaparte abolished this position.

The landmark was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century, during the heyday of Genoa, by order of ship captains Oberto Spinola and Corrado Doria. They purchased several houses, ordered them to be demolished and a new building erected in their place. Then a palace with a tower located next to the building was added to it. In 1339, the first Doge of Genoa, Simon Boccanegra, settled in the palace.

Since then, Palazzo Ducale has been rebuilt many times, so it combines styles from different eras. It consists of several buildings, inside of which there are a huge number of galleries, elegant courtyards, passages, and towers. The marble columns, arched vaults, and monumental staircase attract attention. There are the Large and Small Council Halls, a chapel, and a prison where violinist Niccolò Paganini languished for some time.

Now the Ducal Palace is a museum. Exhibitions, cultural events, and meetings at the highest level are constantly held here.

The Palace of the Ligurian Academy of Fine Arts (Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti) is located to the right of the Teatro Carlo Felice, at number five. The building was designed by Carlo Barabino in 1825.

At the bottom of the academy there is a museum displaying works by Donatode Bardi, Orazio De Ferrari, Serafino De Tivoli and other masters. Paintings, ceramics, marble and bronze sculptures, and other exhibits are exhibited here.


The port of Genoa is located between northern part Italy and Southern Europe. That is why it is very convenient for sailors, businessmen, and politicians.

The port stretches along the coast for twenty-two kilometers and has four entrances: eastern, western, Multedo and Voltri. There are many terminals here, each of which is designed to receive ships of a certain type. The port has berths for both cargo and passenger ships and private vessels.

The old port is of interest to tourists. There is a thousand-year-old lighthouse, a huge city aquarium, a Maritime Museum, and the Biosphere botanical garden. After the filming of Roman Polanski's film "Pirates", a three-masted frigate was left here, attracting the attention of both children and adults. The maritime museum is also interesting Mediterranean Sea, whose exhibits tell the entire history of navigation, from rowing boats to modern ships.

And you can see all this if you rise above the port on the Bigo lift. Its design is designed so that it rotates three hundred and sixty degrees.

Piazza Caricamento

Piazza Caricamento is considered the center of the Old Port. It is located a fifteen-minute walk from Ferrari Square.

The most famous palace in the square is the Palazzo San Giorgio. The house was built in the 13th century. for the uncle of the first Doge of Genoa, Captain Guglielmo Boccanegra. When the captain was sent into exile, the house became a prison, the most famous prisoner of which was Marco Polo: he was captured here when he fought with the Genoese. Here, from his words, the Italian writer Rusticiano, who was in prison with him, wrote stories about the adventures of the traveler.

Lighthouse La Lanterna

The La Lanterna lighthouse is located a fifteen-minute walk from the Dinegro metro station. This is the symbol of the city and the tallest lighthouse in the Mediterranean Sea: The height of La Lanterna is 77 m, and there are 375 steps leading up. It is also very old: the history of the lighthouse began in 1128.

Lanterna was built on San Benigno Hill, far beyond the city limits, and it illuminated the way for ships coming from France. To keep the fire going, keepers used firewood, mostly dry juniper. Money for the maintenance of the lighthouse and maintenance of its work was allocated by the Genoese from the fee they took from ships for mooring in the port of the city. Two centuries later, the Genoese installed a lamp on the tower that ran on olive oil. Thanks to this, the ships could see the light of the lighthouse better.

The lighthouse not only illuminated the road, but also served as a defensive fortification in the struggle between clans. And therefore he was often under siege. That is why, in 1326, the inhabitants of Genoa dug a protective trench around the tower to reduce the likelihood of any of the warring parties entering the lighthouse.

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, Lanterna was rebuilt, after which the lighthouse also became a prison. Here the Cypriot king Jean II de Lusignan (French: Jean II de Lusignan) and his wife were held hostage, who unsuccessfully tried to free Cyprus from Genoese trade dependence.

During the war with the French, the lighthouse was severely damaged, but already in 1543 the Genoese restored the tower. In the seventeenth century, the lighthouse was included in the gradually expanding city. In the eighteenth century, rotating Fresnel lenses were installed on it. At the beginning of the twentieth century, electricity was installed here.

The last major reconstruction was carried out after the end of the Second World War, during which the lighthouse was severely damaged. Now next to the tower there is a museum where you can get acquainted with the history of the city, the port, and see objects and archives related to maritime navigation. Among the exhibits are Fennel lenses, by studying which you can understand how the lighthouse works.

Maritime Museum Galata

The Galata Maritime Museum (Galata Museo del Mare) is located in the Old Port. The exact address: Calata De Mari, 1. The exhibition center covers an area of ​​10 thousand m2, and therefore it is one of the largest museums in the Mediterranean.

Among the exhibits are reconstructions of shipyards from the Middle Ages, ship models, navigation maps, and instruments. There are globes, paintings, ancient weapons and even monsters from medieval books. The tour is accompanied by visual and sound effects that convey the atmosphere of this place. Much attention is paid to Christopher Columbus, a native of these lands.

There is a submarine located near the building, which can be accessed for a fee. There is also a brigantine from the seventeenth century, which allows us to understand the structure of the ships of those times.

For numerous visitors, there is a terrace at the top of the museum, which offers views of the city, the port and the Gulf of Genoa.


The largest aquarium in Italy is located in Genoa. It is called Acquario di Genova and occupies an area of ​​3100 m2, while almost 10 thousand m2 is accessible to the public inside the building. The attraction is located in the Old Port, on the Ponte Spinola pier. It was built in 1992 in honor of the five hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

The building was designed in the form of a ship ready for launching. A few years later it was expanded by adding a hundred-meter ship, which is connected to the main building via a bridge.

Inside the aquarium there are seventy aquariums and pools where sea and river inhabitants live (sharks, dolphins, octopuses, turtles, jellyfish). In addition to them, amphibians and reptiles live in the Aquarium.

When visiting Acquario di Genova you need to know that You can take pictures inside, but only without flash. Otherwise, you can harm the sea inhabitants.


The Biosphere Botanical Garden (La Biosfera) is located near the Aquarium.

It is a huge glass sphere, inside of which an imitation of a tropical forest is placed. Not only do plants grow here, but birds, iguanas, butterflies, and parrots also live here. Piranhas live in the stream.

The tour takes a maximum of ten minutes. This time is enough to walk around the garden along the path.


There are many churches in Genoa and each of them is a masterpiece: the building designs were developed by the best architects and decorated by eminent masters. That’s why the paintings, sculptures, and frescoes of Genoese churches amaze the imagination.

Chiesa del Gesù e dei Santi Ambrogio e Andrea can be found in Piazza Matteotti. One of the temple buildings faces Piazza De Ferrari.

The beginning of construction dates back to the sixth century: it was then that the temple was erected here by the bishop of Milan, who fled to Genoa during the persecution. The church passed to the Jesuits in the mid-sixteenth century. They remodeled the temple and decorated it with paintings by Rubens, Giovanni Merano, Giovanni Carlone and other masters of the 16th-17th centuries.

The facade of the temple needed to be rebuilt again at the end of the nineteenth century after the passage between it and the Doge's Palace was destroyed. When developing a new project, the craftsmen used Rubens' sketches. After the work was completed, sculptures of Andrei and Ambrose were installed on the facade.

The Temple of San Lorenzo (Cattedrale di San Lorenzo) was erected on Piazza San Lorenzo one hundred and fifty meters from Piazza De Ferrari. The temple was named in honor of the martyr St. Lorenzo, who died by death, at whose burial place a chapel was first erected, and at the beginning of the twelfth century they began to build a cathedral.

Although the Pope consecrated the basilica back in 1118, construction lasted three centuries, which is why the building, conceived in the Romanesque style, acquired other features. The façade of the church is an example of French Gothic style. It has three entrances, lined with two-color marble, which symbolized the nobility and emphasized nobility.

At the top there are two bell towers:

  1. The right one, sixty meters high, was completed in 1522 and decorated in the Renaissance style. There are seven bells installed here;
  2. The left bell tower was never completed: a loggia appeared instead.

Inside the cathedral there are columns, paintings, frescoes, statues of famous masters. The church has a chapel of St. John the Baptist (Giovanni Battista), decorated with statues of masters of the 15th-16th centuries. The relics of the saint are kept here.

In the right nave you can see a bomb that pierced the roof of the church during the Second World War. The fact that the shell did not explode is evidence of God's Power.

In the basement of the temple there is a treasury-museum, which was founded in the middle of the last century. Here you can see various shrines. Among them is a plate on which Salome was presented with the severed head of John the Baptist in gratitude for her dance. Also kept here is the cup from which, according to legend, Jesus drank at the Last Supper (the relic was brought here in the tenth century).

The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato is located in Piazza della Nunziata. Previously, there was a monastery with a small church, which was built by the Umilians in 1228. Three centuries later, the monastery complex passed to the Franciscans, who built a new church in its place.

Construction of the temple began in 1520. The building was conceived in the Gothic style, which distinguished it from other buildings of the Renaissance. But after the walls were erected, construction was stopped: the temple was transferred to the Franciscans from another order. At this time, the Council of Triden adopted regulations on church architecture, and it turned out that the built basilica did not comply with them. Therefore, the monks were obliged to rebuild it in the Baroque style.

The order did not have that kind of money, so the brothers turned for help to the Lomellini family, the richest family of Genoa. Lomellini was given money on the condition that their family chapel would be located here.

Upon completion of construction, the basilica was completely transformed: the project turned out to be so gorgeous that it is considered one of the most significant creations of the Baroque. The brothers Carlone, Andrea Ansaldo, and Domenico Casella worked on the design of the temple.

Although the basilica was seriously damaged during the Second World War, the Genoese quickly restored the church, and now it looks no less magnificent than in previous years.

Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta is the only church in Genoa designed in the form of a cross inscribed in a square. The basilica can be found on the Carignano hill on Via Alghero. Along the edges of the temple are two bell towers, on which five bells are installed. The facade is decorated with sculptures of the seventeenth century: above the portal is depicted the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, on the sides are Peter and Paul.

Construction of the Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady began in 1552 and was completed half a century later. A hundred years later, it was allowed to hold bishop's services here, which is why it was necessary to make a number of changes to the basilica. The work dragged on for two centuries: the inside of the temple was decorated with stucco, gilding, paintings, and sculptors by famous masters.

Since the temple is built in the center of the city, a lot of religious activities take place here. Important memorial events are often held in the vestry. Thus, in the seventies and nineties of the last century, victims of terrorism were mourned, and Fabrizio De André, the famous Italian singer, was buried.

Chiesa di Santa Maria di Castello can be found at Via di Santa Maria di Castello 15. Built a church on a hill to replace a destroyed Roman fortress in 900 AD. In the twelfth century the basilica was rebuilt. When three centuries later it began to belong to the Dominicans, a monastery appeared near the temple.

And if the church of Santa Maria di Castello looks modest from the outside, beauty is hidden inside. There are stunning sculptures, frescoes, paintings, relief images, paintings by great masters. Among them are Francesco Maria Schiaffino, Francesco Boccaccino, Lorenzo Fasolo.

You can also see majolica (the so-called type of painted ceramics made from baked clay). On the upper tier there is a marble ark, whose authorship is attributed to Domenico Gagini.

The most important relic of the Church of Santa Maria di Castello is considered to be the sculpture of Christ, the so-called. Cristo Moro, which was brought here from Palestine. It is made of dark wood, the cross is replaced by the Tree of Life. Recently the statue was restored and it acquired its original appearance. In earlier times, it was hidden under a large number of layers: first the statue was painted, then silvered, and other changes were made. A copy of what happened can be seen in the adjacent chapel.


A special tourist card has been developed for tourists, which allows them to significantly save on visiting museums in Genoa. It's called the Card Musei di Genova, and it's valid for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. The card gives you the opportunity to enter many museums in the city for free or with discounts from ten to forty percent.

Exactly which attractions you can visit are indicated in the brochure that comes with the map. Please note that the card allows you to visit each exhibition center only once. The time and date of activation is taken into account not from the moment of purchase, but from the time of visiting the museum.

Thanks to the card, it will be cheaper to purchase theater tickets, a bus tour of the city, or relax in a cafe. E If a tourist buys a combined card, it will provide him with free travel on public transport. The difference is small: the cost of a simple card for one day is twelve euros, a combined one is one and a half euros more. The price of the Card Musei di Genova is sixteen euros, combined - twenty.

  • Official site: www.visitgenoa.it/it/card

The Royal Palace Museum is located at Via Balbi, 10. This house so well conveys the spirit of the family that lived there that it seems as if it is still inhabited.

The Royal Palace was built in the seventeenth century for the Balbi family. Then it came into the possession of the influential Durazzo family, nine of whom were doges of the Genoese Republic. In 1824, the palace became the residence of the kings of Savoy. Thanks to this, the house became more respectable: the interior was changed, expensive furniture appeared. A hundred years later, King of Italy Victor Emmanuel III (Vittorio Emanuele III) transferred the Royal Palace to the state.

The Royal Palace in Genoa was heavily damaged by bombing during World War II. But the Italians quickly restored it, and therefore it is open to everyone.

A museum visitor can enter the Throne, Ballroom, and Hall of Mirrors. The rooms where the kings lived, various sculptures, elegant chandeliers, luxurious furniture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - all this gives the palace an indescribable appearance.

One of the galleries displays paintings by famous artists. Among them are the creations of Genoese masters Luca Giordano, Antoon van Dyck, and Ferdinand Voet.

In the hanging garden of the Royal Palace, exotic flowers and plants grow, and there are pebble paths with animals made of pebbles. WITH royal terrace there is a magnificent view of Genoa and the bay.

Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola is located in Piazza di Pellicceria 1. It was built in a palace, which at the end of the 16th century. Built by the Grimaldi family. The palace was owned by various aristocratic families until the Spinola brothers donated the house to the city so that a museum could be opened in it.

This is what they did in 1958, equipping the National Gallery: works of art from the Renaissance look great with the architecture of the palace. That's why the attraction is considered one of the most beautiful museums Genoa, since the halls are furnished in the style of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, furniture and other interior items have been preserved. Among others, the Mirror Gallery attracts attention.

Visitors can see paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck, Il Grechetto and other great masters. Interesting collections of ceramics and majolica. There is a hall in the palace dedicated to fashion: antique velvet, corduroy, and printed fabrics are displayed here. Samples of lace, suits, and dresses attract attention.

The Museum of World Culture (Museo delle Culturo del Mondo) is located in the Castello d’Albertis castle-fortress on Corso Dogali. It was erected by captain Enrico Alberto d'Albertis at the end of the nineteenth century on the site of the destroyed city walls. Therefore, here you can see the remains of the bastion and other structures of those times. And since the palace stands on a hill, visitors have a magnificent view of the city center.

After the death of the captain, the castle was transferred to the city along with the ethnographic, maritime, and archaeological material that he collected during his travels.

There are a lot of books, photographs, musical instruments, boats, and costumes. Interesting are the crafts made from ostrich eggs, which d’Albertis brought from Australia, as well as jewelry, ornaments, toys, and furniture from the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. The museum of ethnic music is located in the same house.

Archaeological Museum of Liguria

The Archaeological Museum of Liguria (Museo di Archeologia Ligure) is located in the Villa Durazzo Pallavicini at Via Pallavicini. The villa was built in the mid-nineteenth century by the architect Michele Canzio, who worked on the scenery at the Carlo Felice Theater.

It houses exhibits from prehistoric times to the period of the Roman Empire, which were found in the lands of Liguria. The Egyptian collection and the Roman collection of marble products are also interesting.

The villa is surrounded by a park. This is the botanical garden of the Marquise of Durazzo, where orchids, camellias, palm trees, bananas, and ferns grow. There is an area intended for aquatic plants. An interesting greenhouse, the shape of which resembles a train. Many carnivorous plants grow here.

The Museum of Oriental Art (Museo d'Arte Orientale Edoardo Chiossone) is located at Piazzale Mazzini, 4. Fifteen thousand exhibits collected by Edoardo Chiossone are stored here. He lived and died in Japan, and bequeathed to send the exhibits he collected to his homeland.
The collection was first housed at the Ligustica di Belle Arti Academy: the exhibition opened in 1905.

Forty years later, the authorities decided to build a special building for oriental exhibits. So in 1971, Villa di Negro (Villetta Di Negro) appeared - a building built in an avant-garde style in the middle of an existing park. On the ground floor of the building they made a rectangular hall, and along the walls there are galleries connected by flights of stairs. A terrace was installed on the roof.

Since then, the collection has been replenished several times, and therefore is one of the largest collections in Europe. Here you can see Japanese Buddhist sculptures, bronze bells, mirrors, and artifacts created before our era. Weapons, armor, and metal sculptures are interesting.

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giocomo Doria is located on via Brigata Liguria. The museum was founded in 1867 thanks to the representative of one of the most revered dynasties in Genoa, Giacomo Doria. During numerous expeditions, he collected a huge number of insects and other representatives of the animal world and donated them to the city. At the same time, Genoa received a donation of paleontological and geological collections.

As a result, the city decided to establish a museum, which currently has four million exhibits collected from all over the world. The first director was Giacomo Doria.

Here you can see various fossils, stuffed mammals, birds, and snakes. The huge skeleton of a mammoth and the remains of other animals that have not survived to this day are striking. The collection of insects here is huge, and there are also specimens of interesting plants.

Houses and palaces

Every house and palace in the historical part of Genoa can tell its own amazing story. People still live in some of them, while in others there are museums. Against their background, the house where Christopher Columbus once lived, the princely villa, and the Rolli palaces stand out.

Every tourist visiting Genoa must see the House of Columbus (Casa di Colombo), which is located on Piazza Dante 4. Although it is not known exactly where the great navigator was born, the Genoese believe that Christopher Columbus lived here until 1470 (born in 1451).

The house itself is not particularly impressive and looks a little gloomy. The attraction is a two-story building covered with ivy. People are allowed inside only by special arrangement or on the twelfth of October, the day of World Columbus Day.

In earlier times, the Columbus House was three stories high. There were three rooms on each tier. On the ground floor, Christophor's father set up a workshop: he ran a weaving workshop. The remaining floors were at the disposal of the family.

In the seventeenth century, the building was almost completely destroyed when the French shelled the city, but the Genoese restored the house. Inside the building there are fragments of walls that survived from the beginning of construction, and in the basement archaeologists discovered the foundation of a building dating back to the sixth century.

Princely Villa

The Andrea Doria Palace (Palazzo di Andrea Doria), also known as the Princely Villa (Villa del Principe), can be found on piazza del Principe, 4. Previously, it was located outside the city walls, and only over time it found itself within the city.

The house was built by Andrea Doria, who was popular among the Genoese and was elected Doge in 1528. Also, for his services, he received the title of prince, which is why the house was nicknamed princely. The palace looked gorgeous, it was decorated with sculptures, frescoes, and tapestries. The house was so luxurious that even Emperor Charles V stayed here. Now there is a museum here.

They built a house at the foot of a hill near the sea. You can enter the villa through a portal decorated with the coat of arms of the Doria family. Along its edges are figures symbolizing Abundance and Peace.

The main staircase is decorated with geometric designs and grotesque paintings. On the walls of the rooms there are paintings, stucco moldings, paintings. Antique furniture and interior elements are everywhere. The Golden Gallery was used for audiences. In it you can see gilded wooden sculptures and family portraits.

In front of the building is a park arranged in Italian style. You can enter it from the house through an arched gallery. In the middle of the park is a fountain with a sculpture of Neptune, which appeared here at the end of the sixteenth century. Previously, through the garden you could go down to the sea, where Andrea Doria had a private pier. Now there is a highway between the house and the sea, and the marine terminal is located nearby.

Rolli Palaces

The Rolli Palaces (Palazzi dei Rolli) is a quarter of palaces, which is the first project in European history that was built according to a pre-approved plan. The houses are located on the street. Garibaldi (via Garibaldi) and its surroundings. Here, on a small area, the aristocrats built more than 40 palaces. Since there was not enough space, the owners built houses not in width, but in height. In 1576, the Senate of the Republic obliged the owners of the palaces to receive foreign delegations in the palaces.

In 2006, the attraction was added to the UNESCO list.

The most famous houses Garibaldi Streets are considered palaces with an art gallery:

  1. Palazzo Rosso or Red Palace, located at via Garibaldi, 18. In addition to paintings, painted canvases attract attention. On the roof of the building there is a platform from which a view of the city opens;
  2. Palazzo Bianco (Palazzo Rosso) or White Palace, located at number eleven. Near the palace there is hanging garden with a pond;
  3. Palazzo Doria-Tursi, located at number nine. There are not only paintings here, but also Paganini’s personal belongings, including the famous Canon violin, ancient coins and ceramics.

The Rolli Palaces include the Royal Palace. It is located, however, on the next street, on Via Balbi, 10 and is also a museum.

University of Genoa

The University of Genoa (Università degli Studi di Genova) was founded in 1481. Its main building is located in the palace on via Balbi, 5. About forty thousand students study here, two thousand researchers work here.

The building was built in 1640. Since then, its architecture and interior decor have changed little. The architecture of the building and its interior design are a combination of modern and baroque attributes: computers, cabinets, shelving are perfectly combined with antique statues, frescoes, and stucco moldings.

The monumental cemetery of Staglieno (Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno) resembles a sculpture museum located under open air. The figures here seem to be alive: every gesture, look is filled with feeling, and you don’t just look at them, but understand everything they want to say.

The Staglieno cemetery is located on a hill on the outskirts of Genoa. Exact address: Piazzale Resasco. The construction of the necropolis took place in the forties and fifties of the nineteenth century. The project of the cemetery, designed for 60 thousand graves, was developed by Carlo Barabino. True, the students were finishing the project: the life of the architect was taken by a plague that broke out in the city.

Immediately before the entrance to the cemetery there is a huge statue of Venus. Behind it is a copy of the Pantheon with a marble staircase of seventy-seven steps. Covered galleries lead in different directions from the Pantheon, where the crypts of the rich and famous are located. And not only on the sides: the floor of the galleries is also lined with slabs from tombstones. Each grave here is a unique sculptural composition. There are angels, and grieving women, and entire families gathered at the bedside of the departed. Since its opening, the cemetery has expanded, and there are 2 million graves on an area of ​​33 hectares.

City fortifications

The earliest wall of medieval Genoa that has survived to this day, the mura del Barbarossa, appeared in the mid-twelfth century (there were seven lines of fortifications in total). It had three gates through which one could enter the city. Two of them have survived to this day:

  1. – the main gate, which is located three hundred meters south of Ferrari Square on Piazza Dante (Columbus’s house is located five hundred meters away). The gate is open to visitors and a tourist can climb a spiral staircase to the observation deck of the tower;
  2. Porta dei Vacca– located from Ferrari Square at a distance of nine hundred meters in the north-west direction.

In the fourteenth century, the walls were extended to the southeast to the Carignano hill to the west. The length of the fortifications was 4.5 km, which made it possible to protect an area of ​​155 hectares from the enemy. These walls quickly became obsolete: weapons capable of breaking through them appeared.

Therefore, two centuries later they were updated and strengthened. The Porta Siberia gate appeared on via del Molo, which is an example of military architecture from the Renaissance. They are located eight hundred meters from Ferrari Square to the west. Another gate of that time appeared five hundred meters southeast of Piazza De Ferrari. They are called the Gate of the Arches (Porta degli Archi).

The last line of fortifications is known as the New Wall (Mura Nuove). The walls were erected in the twenties and thirties of the seventeenth century to protect against the troops of the Duke of Savoy and the French king. The length of the ring of fortifications was twenty kilometers, of which seven were along coastline. This made it possible to protect an area of ​​nine hundred hectares. Over a hundred years after the construction of Mura Nuove began, the Genoese built 16 forts and 95 bastions, many of which are visible to travelers coming to Genoa from the sea.


There are a lot of parks and botanical gardens in Genoa. Therefore, Genoese and city guests, after wandering through the ancient streets, can easily relax in nature. A special feature of Genoa's parks is that many of them are located in villas where museums are located. The park located directly next to the old city walls is also interesting. The city is not without municipal parks.

At the end of the twentieth century, along the line of the Mura Nuove fortification walls, the Genoese discovered natural Park Parco delle Mura, which covers an area of ​​617 hectares. Nine hundred plant species grow here, birds and animals live here, many of which are endemic and therefore protected by law. Thanks to this, the Genoese call the park a meeting place between city and nature.

You can walk around the park on foot, or you can cross the cable car. The route lies high above sea level and the traveler has a magnificent view of mountains, forests, pastures, towers, and city walls.

The Villetta di Negro park surrounds the Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art. In front of its entrance there is a statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini.

The park is located on a hill, so there are many paths leading up. Tourists who come here from the bustling streets of the city seem to find themselves in another world: there are grottoes with waterfalls, clean air, aviaries with exotic birds. From the hill there is a view of Genoa and the lush vegetation of the park (palm trees, cedar, sequoias, pine trees).

The park appeared thanks to Marquis Gian Carlo Di Negro, who at the beginning of the nineteenth century built a villa on a hill overlooking Piazza Corvetto. Near the villa there was botanical park, where gazebos, artificial ponds, and a waterfall were installed. When the Marquis died, the city acquired the villa and park from his heirs in order to build several museums there.

Parque del Acuasola

The city park Del Acquasola (Spianata dell’acquasola) is located on a hill. Exact address: 4 Viale Novembre. One part of Parque del Acuasola is bordered by a fourteenth-century fortification wall.

The construction of the Spianata dell'acquasola began in the twenties of the nineteenth century. It was then that the La porta dell’Olivella gate was included in it.

The park is a favorite vacation spot for the Genoese: there are football fields, tennis courts, roller skating, and tracks for athletics. There is an opportunity to relax near artificial lakes where swans and ducks swim, or stroll along the alleys that line the trees.

How to get there

You can get to Genoa by train: there are two city railway stations - Genova Principe and Genova Brignole. Eurostar and Intercity trains come here from various parts of Italy and Europe.

  • We recommend: how to buy a ticket to Italy yourself.

Traveling by train is also interesting because in the square near Genova Principe, which is called Piazza Acquaverde, travelers are greeted by a monument to Christopher Columbus. An Indian girl sits at his feet, and on the pedestal there is a high relief depicting the council in Salamanca, in which Columbus convinces those present about the advisability of his voyage.

You can fly to the city by plane: six kilometers from the center there is the international airport named after. Christopher Columbus (Aeroporto di Genova-Cristoforo Colombo). It is interesting because it is located on an artificial peninsula. After landing, you can get to the center by minibus, taxi, or pre-book a car.

A traveler will have a magnificent view of Genoa if he arrives by sea: ships sail here from all major ports of the Mediterranean Sea. From here you can, if you wish, go on a cruise, by ferry to neighboring cities or book a boat excursion along the shore.
