Congratulations on the day of the city in prose. Statuses about native cities Beautiful words about the city in which was born

Baku is a great, cleaned by harsh winds, rubbing salty sweat with his strong tanned hands.

He read the city as a book as a story about invisible buildings absorbed by history.

Once, I saw the elder in the mountains, he chose the cave, the whole world him - dust. I said: "You are not going to the city why? You will find a consumer for the soul. " He said: "There is Guria gentle, like dreams, such a dirt there is that the elephants will be bung."

The city engaged in the enemy is similar to the girl who lost innocence.

The sage should not stop in the city, in which there are no five things: first, a fair sovereign, strict and power ruler; secondly, flowing waters and obese lands; Third, scientists who have practical knowledge and endowed with moderation; Fourth, skillful and compassionate drugs; Fifth, generous benefactors.

I saw the city, the city was great. There people lived, evil in the tongue. They always pone each other, the young man was born there and the old man. In that city they shouted and shine and wonderfully lived for a universal cry.

For any disturbing person, a hometown is a native city ... - Something very bad, the place of memories, sorrow, petty, shame, temptation, in vain wasting forces.

The native of the serift told the feminist that he was not obliged to his glory, and his city. "True yours," answered the feminist, "as I would not have become famous if I were a native of the serift, and you, if I were the Athenian."

You will never know how the hometown is wonderful, until you leave there for a while.

The evil king, nationalism and stalls to endure no strength, the beauty and convenience of the city is impossible. The cognitive dissonance.

We managed to negotiate even with Petlisters, and with this new governor diamond - not Fartite! - We have the first case when the wage rose in Odessa. - Wait, Misha, what about Duke de Richelieu? He did from Odessa Odessa. - Oh, do not flatter me an intelligent Frenchman with a Siberian felt. What does he have valuable, sima? - The governor has in Odessa "Russia". Well, the name is one newspaper. - Oh, do not mix me my eyebrows. In Odessa, the newspaper has long been valuable for fish only to wrap.

In our city too many inhabitants, too many visitors, too many cars. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, everyone is somewhere late, everywhere there is a crush, the turn, queue, but still I love this city, this is my city, this is a very good city.

Nevsky Prospect, like any prospect, there is a public avenue; That is: prospectus for the circulation of the public (no air, for example).

Are you for the first time in the city? - I saw almost all the Woody Allen movies, is it considered? - No, there is no smell of garbage and broken hopes.

Mmm, Saratov. How I love Saratov. Such a wonderful city - Saratov.

How is the silver city there? - Still silver, and still a city. - What about our relatives? I heard Uriel stood his mustache. - Come on?! - I do not know, I'm stuck here, but you should know. - I was not there a couple of years there, Luzi. - And where have you been? It certainly did not roam among people. Wait, you still flew there and here, how is some bum in feathers?

Long yet? - several quarters. - This place is so dull. - I like this. High buildings, diverse culture ... - ... and the near future, which is easy to ride. - There are such people in any city. - "Oh, Emerald, Lady of Thieves! Please do not take my money! I and so almost no penny! " - ... - bore.

Well, where-where, in Leningrad! - What kind of Leningrad? There are no cities for a long time! - No city, and the 3rd street builders remained ...

Looking at Ank-Corpork at this time of year, it is difficult not to keep from the exclamation that the city de appears in all its unique magnificence. Although it would sound ambiguous. Rather, he appeared in all his excellent uniqueness.

"Terry Pratchett"

On the outskirts, in the capital, one hundred people are stuck: the door, to the capital, is smuggled.

"Vladimir Borisov"

He lives in the capital, and the province in it.

"Savo Martinovich"

For the first time in Los Angeles and everything I saw here is huge traffic jams and evil robots. - Well, in principle, it's all that can be seen in Los Angeles.

Not big cityoK is the terrain where you do not have to go there, where you should not be.

"Alexander Walcott"

Life in cities teaches to watch unless it is under your feet. The fact that the sky happens in the world, no one will remember.

"Haruki Murakami"

In my life there was a carousel, there was a laughter room, and now, finally, I met a person with whom you can stay and no longer run anywhere. You do not want to stay with me?

Night city. In a light mist, the light of the streets is blurred - so sees the lanterns a little or crying man. Or a hornbeam without perspectives.

"Elchin Safarli"

I began to vaguely understand how much tempting trading in myself a big city: wealth, grace, comfort - everything that can decorate a woman.

"Theodore Dreiser"

Who will say where the city ends and the forest wilderness begins? Who will say, the city is growing into her or she goes into the city?

"Ray Bradbury"

Moscow collects extremes. The most intelligent, the most spiritual, the richest crosses the surplus, and it turns out that happiness and misfortune are turned into a massive well-established middle.

Elena Yermolov

The persecution of history is always present in Barcelona. For me, the city is organisms, living beings. For me, Madrid is a man, and Barcelona is a woman. And this is a very complacent woman.

"Carlos Louis Safon"

Here every terrain, every city does not look like another. Rome is one thing, Naples is completely different. I'm not talking about Venice, Florence or, let's say, the islands.

Only at home city girls have such fingers on their feet that they want to wrap in candy, like lollipops.

"Pavel Crozanov"

So much traveling, she opened one amazing thing for themselves: none of the lights of the night city will not compare with the beauty of the lights illuminating their native land. And even the stars in the sky shine brighter where your home is.

Paris - populated desert; provincial city - Desert without loneliness.

"Francois Moriac"

"Elchin Safarli"

Most convenient way Get acquainted with the city - this is trying to find out how they work here, as they like here and how they die here.

"Albert Cami"

This city, in which I am so rarely returning, I pierced again and stuck in my heart shook me - through everything I managed to reconcile in life, through the jacket, sweater and chest.


There is nothing better than spending the summer in the forest, give your head to rest before studying and returning home, to the city, to noise, cold, dirty air, where too a large number of People are on too limited space.

"Simon How"

Each city has its own smell. And the smell of each thing gives its provincial homeland.

"Elsa Tyole"

The biggest city when you are having to do in it, shrinking, it becomes small for you and provincial.

It may not be that with the thought that you are in Sevastopol, do not penetrate your feeling of some courage, pride and so that blood does not quickly contact your veins.

Why no one who I ask about your favorite city is not called the city in which it was born and lives? "I don't know, honey ... perhaps, we all scattered around the world and stirred in it so that everyone sought his place himself." Heart.

What happiness, that in the sleeping areas they live in a deaf province. Otherwise, to the good, it was not to get there, but by rearing, not to get. However, in the wrong misfortune, because it comes somewhere to go.

Elena Yermolov

Here it is the advantage of tiny towns - without any effort from your side to all about you know.

"Paulo Coelho"

When sunshine in Lisbon, there is something naive-theatrical, captivating and witchcraft. But at night, he turns into a vague fairy tale about the city, which with all its terraces and it goes down to the sea, as if a rapidly dressed woman who bent down his beloved, who had a powerful in the darkness.

No old age is the most faithful sign of maturity, and the ability is not lost, waking up on a busy street in the city center in underwear.

A big city in which your dreams come true from someone else.

Well, where-where, in Leningrad!
- What kind of Leningrad? There are no cities for a long time!
- No city, and the 3rd street builders remained ...

For the first time in Los Angeles and everything I saw here is huge traffic jams and evil robots. - Well, in principle, it's all that can be seen in Los Angeles.

Here it is the advantage of tiny towns - without any effort from your side to all about you know.

"Paulo Coelho"

With his arrangement in the severide, his gloomy, silence airports, in my opinion, in my opinion, one of the postal stations of the era of the diligences. The red brick stations were built later right in the cities and towns, and there were only residents of those stupid from the trains. The airports are as if an ancient oasis, parking on great caravanways.

"Francis Scott Fitzgerald"

The town turned out to be a photogenic, though the ass of the world.

"Max Fry"

And in the shepherd, and by the sailor, and the wandering traders always have one cherished city, where she lives, for which they are willing to sacrifice the joyful opportunity to wander through the light.

"Paulo Coelho"

I looked at the clock - I walked the fifth hour of the night, but neither her nor didn't even go to sleep, for neurosis was present in the air of this city, which the inhabitants take energy.

"Ivlin in"

A big city in which your dreams come true from someone else.

"Elchin Safarli"

Who will say where the city ends and the forest wilderness begins? Who will say, the city is growing into her or she goes into the city?

"Ray Bradbury"

Here every terrain, every city does not look like another. Rome is one thing, Naples is completely different. I'm not talking about Venice, Florence or, let's say, the islands.

Life in cities teaches to watch unless it is under your feet. The fact that the sky happens in the world, no one will remember.

"Haruki Murakami"

People created their own jungle.

"Henry Lyon Oldi"

Night city. In a light mist, the light of the streets is blurred - so sees the lanterns a little or crying man. Or a hornbeam without perspectives.

"Elchin Safarli"

Than for the peasant is his house, the city becomes the cultural person.

Oswald Spengler

Make the cities so that they can be proud to work in them to work, think and relax, and not sick with neurasthenia and tram rabies. It is necessary that the city will not be angry with consciousness so that we do not grow up with him, as with the need for us to do not hate it as something that reduces life, and came to it, as in your home, full of friends, books and work.

"Konstantin Georgievich Powesty"

In this city, an oldly ancient and outrageous new one is tested by each other - not brazenly, but without any respect.

Nile Geiman

The city dreams to fall into silence, and he kills us one.

On the outskirts, in the capital, one hundred people are stuck: the door, to the capital, is smuggled.

"Vladimir Borisov"

No old age is the most faithful sign of maturity, and the ability is not lost, waking up on a busy street in the city center in underwear.

Paris - populated desert; The provincial city is a desert without loneliness.

"Francois Moriac"

I was born here, it grown here. However, my long lack for this city remained completely unnoticed. I immediately understood it. This is a megapolis pulse.

"Cory Ekuni"

When sunshine in Lisbon, there is something naive-theatrical, captivating and witchcraft. But at night, he turns into a vague fairy tale about the city, which by all its terraces and lights descends to the sea, as if a festively dressed woman, bending for his beloved, who had a powerful in the darkness.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Looking at Ank-Corpork at this time of year, it is difficult not to keep from the exclamation that the city de appears in all its unique magnificence. Although it would sound ambiguous. Rather, he appeared in all his excellent uniqueness.

"Terry Pratchett"

A small town is a terrain where you do not have to go there, where you should not be.

"Alexander Walcott"

The big city is an unfortunate helpless monster. All that it consumes must be delivered to it.

"Henry Ford"

Inside every city there is always another city.

"Gilles delez"

It was a barefoot marktan town, where childhood, having wanted, not fear of punishment, and old age is approaching careless.

"Ray Bradbury"

So much traveling, she opened one amazing thing for themselves: none of the lights of the night city will not compare with the beauty of the lights illuminating their native land. And even the stars in the sky shine brighter where your home is.

Moscow collects extremes. The most intelligent, the most spiritual, the richest crosses the surplus, and it turns out that happiness and misfortune are turned into a massive well-established middle.

Elena Yermolov

I remember, once I stood before the door of my store, I looked outside and thought: would I like to die in this city? The simplest test. And answered himself: no, nothing for anything. Then is it worth living here?

"Andrei Dashkov"

Cities need to be built in the village where the air is much better.

"Murie Henri"

The most convenient way to get acquainted with the city is to try to find out how they work here, as they love and how they die here.

"Albert Cami"

Street serves not just for the movement of people, this is the place where they are.

"Claude Levi-Stros"

Snow has a property to hide the entire dirt of the city, and even the most dull quarters, covered with snow, gain a similarity of beauty.

"Mark Levi"

Yet hometown is a high concentration of impressions. Not something defined, but just immediately. Strong, weak, joyful and sad - such a powerful thread that they just choke.

"Elchin Safarli"

In this city, everyone loves loneliness, and even if they do not like, anyway is alone.

The collection includes phrases and quotes about the city and the village:

  • I looked at the clock - it was the fifth hour of the night, but neither her nor didn't even clone to sleep, for neurosis was present in the air of this city, which the markets are taken for energy. Ivlin in. Return to Brydshead.
  • Hello! is it a CC? White in the city! Film "Deja Vu"
  • I began to vaguely understand how much tempting trading in myself a big city: wealth, grace, comfort - everything that can decorate a woman. Theodore Dreiser. Sister Kerry
  • In a big city you can see more, but in a small one to hear more. Jean Cockt
  • I know them all: these are all scammers, the whole city is there such: a fraudster on a fraudster sits and a fraudster will chase. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Dead Souls.
  • In the province is not less than in Paris, but in most cases it remains unemployed here. Etienne Rei.
  • The lighter city, the darker of his shadow ... The border of the void: the garden of sinners: the investigation of the murder
  • Where I was worn for three days - I do not remember, but I left the city of Saratov. The film "Gonongfer"
  • The metropolitan resident for provincials is the same as the Metropolitan resident is a man from the highest spheres. J. Labryuer
  • The city is a man teacher. Civilization V.
  • The walls of the cities are erected from the fragments of houses villages. At the sight of each palace, which is erected in the capital, I seek see how the whole edge is ruined. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Two capitals cannot equally flourish in one state, as two hearts do not exist in the human body. Alexander Pushkin
  • For some time, the words "my dear capital" I perceive extremely literally ...
  • The village of Benzhal to the city, capturing the capital. Arkady Davidovich
  • The province is not the terrain, but the state of mind. Manfred Rommel
  • And the dog in the capital leaves centrally. Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

  • Provincialism - a pronounced feeling of the capital. Gennady Malkin
  • Each city has its own smell. And the smell of each thing gives its provincial homeland. Elsa Tyole. Moon Park
  • Paris - populated desert; The provincial city is a desert without loneliness. Francois Moriac
  • What happiness, that in the sleeping areas they live in a deaf province. Otherwise, to the good, it was not to get there, but by rearing, not to get. However, in the wrong misfortune, because it comes somewhere to go. Elena Ermolova
  • He lives in the capital, and the province in it. Savo Martinovich
  • A small town is a premium place where the neighbors themselves look at your wife.
  • Night city. In a light mist, the light of the streets is blurred - so sees the lanterns a little or crying man. Or a hornbeam without perspectives. Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me
  • Minin and Pozhars will save Moscow from Russia! Arkady Davidovich
  • A small town is a terrain where you do not have to go there, where you should not be. Alexander Walcott
  • Moscow collects extremes. The most intelligent, the most spiritual, the richest crosses the surplus, and it turns out that happiness and misfortune are turned into a massive well-established middle. Elena Ermolova
  • On the outskirts, in the capital, one hundred people are stuck: the door, to the capital, is smuggled. Vladimir Borisov.
  • Moscow ... How much in this sound for the heart of Russian merged! How many in it responded! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Eugene Onegin
  • I hope the horses of the world will find me in Cincinnati. Everything comes to ten years later. Will Rogers.
  • I was offered from the province, so that I wrote cheaper thoughts for them for a smaller fee. Stanislav Hezhi Lts.
  • A small town is such localityin which everyone knows everything about everyone, but buy a local newspaper to find out what dare to write a editor .. Denny Kay
  • Little to be a genius, you need to live in the capital. Arkady Davidovich
  • Dressed exactly the way, and not otherwise, the woman promises himself to a greater or lesser extent. Provincial, trying to follow fashion in Paris, promises himself in a sufficient form and this raises himself on laughter. The provincials falling into Paris should have to start dressing as if they are already thirty years old. Standal
  • Culture is born in the province, degenerates in the capitals and returns to the province in this form. Henrik Wheelle
  • He read the city as a book as a story about invisible buildings absorbed by history. Seisma Noteboom
  • Moscow has become the capital due to its advantageous geographical position - Between the south, North, East and West.
  • Everyone can become the most popular person in the city, if find enough small city.
  • It seems that it is very important for the city - to get the opportunity to talk to people on their understandable language. Max Fry. Big cart
  • From one hundred people, my capital, the rest - the limit! Vladimir Borisov.
  • The provincial tone is always cut, it appeals not to the spirit of the intellect, but to the blood, to the feelings ... prefers not to persuade, but read. M. Arnold
  • The earth's axle passes through the center of each city and every town in the world. Oliver Wayndel Holmes-Stress

Most often, people leave a small town to dream of back. And others remain to dream from there to leave.

Chuck Palanik. RANT: Basher Baste Biography

The city at the street level is not so attractive. But if you look up ...

500 days of Summer

It's time to destroy this city! Or at least repaint in another color.

sponge Bob Square Pants

The city becomes the world when you love one of the living in it.

Laurence Darrell. Justine

Love for a particular city is due to the feelings that in it had to experience, and not the city himself.

Marlene Dietrich

It turns out that there is such a pleasure - to break at the empty streets at random, not knowing the path. Alien, incomprehensible city. Alien, incomprehensible life.
But real. The most that is neither.

Boris Akunin. Lover of death

The most wonderful city is the one where a man is happy.

Erich Maria Remarque. Night in Lisbon

What happiness, that in the sleeping areas they live in a deaf province. Otherwise, to the good, it was not to get there, but by rearing, not to get. However, in the wrong misfortune, because it comes somewhere to go.

Elena Yermolov

Than more city, the stronger the loneliness. And this is the biggest city.

Evgeny Grishkovets. Shirt

Nowhere, in no city in the world, the stars will not shine so brightly as in the city of childhood.

Carnival Night

Now the whole world stands on the edge, looking down on damn pecked. All these liberals, intellectuals, sweet chatters. And for some reason, no one knows what to say. For me, this terrible city, he screams as a slaughterhouse full of mentally retarded children, and the night stinks by Blud and a unclean conscience.


Life in cities teaches to watch unless it is under your feet. The fact that the sky happens in the world, no one will remember ...

Haruki Murakov. 1Q84.

From the forgets, I can be a city.

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

... I generally love to leave, because without having left one city, it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like to come most of all in the world.

Max Fry. Big cart

Some tourists think that Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth, this is the city of freedom. And in freedom, many people find sin.

John Green. Blame stars

Enough to come at five in the morning in an unfamiliar city. It's all.

Max Fry. Big cart

In this city, everyone loves loneliness, and even if they do not like, anyway is alone.

Yanush Leon Vishnevsky. Bikini

If you are looking for a person in a big city and have no idea about where he can be, then instead of riding around the city in his search, it is better to sit somewhere in the center and sit there waiting while the one who you are Looking for, he does not come to you.


Cooled rivers, and the land cooled, and a little bit at home. It is warm and damp in the city, it is warm and damp in the city, and outside the city - Winter, Winter, Winter.

Leonid Derbenyov

Yet hometown is a high concentration of impressions. Not something defined, but just immediately. Strong, weak, joyful and sad - so powerful thread that they just want to eat.

Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me

One of the easiest ways to love the city in which you live, - from time to time to look at him with the eyes of a stranger (if, of course, evil fate did not throw you into a very vague hole).

Max Fry. Quiet city

I love the forest. In cities it is difficult to live: there are too many lustful people.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. So spoke Zarathustra

Here it is the advantage of tiny towns - without any effort from your side to all about you know.

Paulo Coelho. Devil and Senorita approx

The lighter city, the darker he has a shadow ... it is obvious. And the darker the city becomes, the darker the people become. I do not know what they are looking for, but they can not highlight their heart.

Border of emptiness: Garden of sinners

In a big city you can see more, but in a small one to hear more.

Jean Cockt

In the world, a million such towns. And in every one as dark, just as lonely, everyone is also renovated, in each - their horrors and their secrets.

Ray Bradbury. Wine from dandelions

Surviving, winning in a big city, it is infected with a virus of indifference, herself without noticing. It is difficult to keep the heat in itself where to be cold is easier ... and more convenient.

Elchin Safarli. I'll be back

Any city ceases to be hostile, as soon as you sing in it and got drunk. (The city seems to a person who is stranger, while he does not drink in it and does not drink.)

Erich Maria Remarque. love thy neighbour

Walk by unfamiliar cityIf you are not sighing your legs, do not fall from fatigue, you have a little money in your pocket, and in stock for several days, is one of the most pleasant classes in the light.

Sergey Lukyanenko. Clean copy

It is said that streets and houses keep the memory of moments of happiness experienced by loving souls. Probably, it's just a beautiful legend, but this morning I need to believe in it ....

Mark Levi. First night

Nowhere and never, nor in one city of the world, you really believe me, it's true, the stars will not shine so bright and captivily, as in the city of childhood.

All my generation is loners, we are deaf to each other, like a bird's bird; engaged in their own business, do not hear anything around; Touching in calm marriages, cut about the only one, awarded to the lonely plate and dine in silence; We saw the city, and not people in them.

Milorad Pavice. Landscape drawn by tea

If the essence of life is information transmitted by genes, the society and culture is nothing more than an additional gigantic system for accumulating and storing information. That is the city - giant external device For storing information.

Ghost in armor 2: innocence

Tired of reading "Oblomov"
And wait for good weather from women
Tired of being soft, gentle, unnecessary,
Tired of living in the city,
Where the authorities are afraid of snow,
And the traffic cops greet
With expensive cars.
Tired of being adults
Who knows everything
But nothing can.

Alik Yakubovich. Flying fish

Theodore Dreiser. Sister Kerry

There is a city in the world, without which the world will become better ...


You can take cities and win battles, but you can not conquer the whole people.

George Bernard Show

I looked at the clock - I walked the fifth hour of the night, but neither her nor didn't even go to sleep, for neurosis was present in the air of this city, which the inhabitants take energy.

Ivlin in. Return to Brydshead

Wait and hope - the faithful way to dry up supremely, but we wear around the city and do stupidity - this is exactly what you need!

Cities surrender soldiers, the generals take them.

Alexander Tvardovsky

You can build your future from anything. From some crumbs or sparks. From the desire to move forward, slowly, one step after another. You can build a spacious city on the ruins.

Lauren Oliver

The problem of small cities is that everyone thinks who you know.

The killer inside me

I am probably more attracted to the full freedom of life in a wild country than the beauty of nature. There, a person can really preserve his human dignity, not the fact that in our cities.

Ethel Lilian Wagoney

After breaking certain streets, places, even time becomes banned! The city turns into a deserted battlefield filled with mines memories. We must look carefully, where you come, otherwise you will tear you into pieces ....

I always believed that those things that you do not choose, make you who you are: Your city, your area, your family.

Moscow is a city in which money can be extracted directly from the air.

Love is not a mirror pond, which can be laid forever. She has tides and flow. And wreckage of ships wrecked, and sunken cities, both octopuses, and storms, and gold boxes, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deeply.

My life does not belong to me. I live in the city in which I do not want to be. I live the life that I do not want to live.

The one who decided to conquer the capital should be stronger than her. This city does not forgive weaknesses and does not believe in tears ...

No old age is the most faithful sign of maturity, and the ability is not lost, waking up on a busy street in the city center in underwear.

They ended synchronously, in different ends of the city, each on their shelf of the shelving of human high-rise buildings ....

Warm days returned to the city. They returned with a doubled caress, as incorrect wives return. The whole day on the sky shook frivolous, restless clouds, and dry, on the autumn, the sudden leaves were thick lying on Earth silently, without a row. For several days, the city seemed to be in warm and some blissful faint, he indulged in autumn, this volatile lgyu, and did not believe, did not want to believe in the imminent onset of cold weather ...

Dina Rubin

Wait and hope - the faithful way to dry up supremely, but we wear around the city and do stupidity - this is exactly what you need!

The native city is not the one in which you started your life, but the one in which you want to finish it.

I'm not sure that there is really a matter. I am all the writers I read, all the people I met, all women I loved and all the cities in which I was.

I am not going crazy, but tired for the summer. Behind the shirt in the chest of drawers, and the day is lost. Hurry up, or winter came, and brought all this - cities, people, but for the beginning of greens.

Joseph Brodsky

Autumn depressively falls asleep in the leaves of the city, driving a wet mood of paint.

The Germans can destroy the city, destroy his treasures, leave us without heat and light, but they are not given to destroy faith in the souls of people!

Alexander Chakovsky

I'll go there, where and you. I don't need anything more. I no longer need a stress. I no longer need good grades. I no longer need smart comrades. I do not want to meet the spring in another city. I want to meet her with you. I have enough and that.

Some tourists think that Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in fact it is a city of freedom. Just in the conditions of freedom, most chooses sin.

While my crazy city swallows funny dreams, and the hearts of the maples are noisy streets, Lord, I ask you, buttoning my soul to all buttons, so that I do not destroy at all until spring

The city lies in the darkness ... the point again by winter ...

... The town turned out to be a photogenic, though the Ass of the World.

Max Fry. Big cart

There is nothing better than spending the summer in the forest, give your head to relax before studying and returning home, to the city, to noise, cold, dirty air, where too much people are on too limited space.

Simon Hooker

Each city has its own smell. And the smell of each thing gives its provincial homeland.

"Elsa Tyole"

Makes the lot of the city in the darkness, autumn, what did I know about you? How much foliage will rush, autumn is eternally rights.

The sun shone, and people moved vigorously. There was an asphalt spring, there was one of those not relevant to the summer of the spring days of the autumn, what are the cities.

Robert Muzil.

The persecution of history is always present in Barcelona. For me, the city is organisms, living beings. For me, Madrid is a man, and Barcelona is a woman. And this is a very complacent woman.

Of course, if you want to look at the two most important things - as a person lives and how nature lives, - you need to come here, to the ravine. After all, the city, in the end, the ship is just a big storm, it is full of people on it, and everyone will be tired - they pull out the water, smash rust.

Ray Bradbury

We justify the need for all that we ourselves. When we bombing the city is a strategic necessity, and when our cities are bombed - it is a vile crime.

Erich Maria Remark "Time to live and dying time"

Sometimes it seems to me that we are the worst family in the city. - Maybe we should move to the city more?

If you fall because of your mother, she will help you climb your feet. If you fall in the city, no one will help you to climb.

A big city in which your dreams come true from someone else.

Elchin Safarli

Well, where-where, in Leningrad! - What kind of Leningrad? There are no cities for a long time! - No city, and the 3rd street builders remained ...

They say in the big city, people are more tolerant than in the province. No, it is simple indifference.

The big city is an unfortunate helpless monster. All that it consumes must be delivered to it.

It is not a privacy of the place, but independence. Poets who lived in cities still remained with herds.

R. Emerson

On bare love can be built entire cities. The easiest way to find it is to get out of the house and go to nowhere.

Country mansions of rich, as a rule, nor to the village or the city.

Why no one who I ask about your favorite city is not called the city in which it was born and lives?
"I don't know, honey ... perhaps, we all scattered around the world and stirred in it so that everyone sought his place himself." Heart.

Elchin Safarli. If you only knew…

Guard the city, on the wetgers of Baisya, knowing and grief and happiness; Then the chungy powder will increase, the tripod fill in, blushing.

Zhang Bo-duan "Heads about the provision of truth"

From the city to the Spring, collecting the suitcase, joy went to the south.

So you spoke, the city is power, and here weak all ...
- The city is an evil force ... Strong come, becoming weak, the city takes strength ... So you disappeared!

Well, excellent, - having haughtily, said Veniamin optimistic. - The farther from the city, the quieter and the air is cleaner. - And the beast is notepower! - happily picked up Polina.

Olga Gromyko

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another city.

George Burns.

Who will say where the city ends and the forest wilderness begins? Who will say, the city is growing into her or she goes into the city?

Ray Bradbury

So much traveling, she opened one amazing thing for themselves: none of the lights of the night city will not compare with the beauty of the lights illuminating their native land. And even the stars in the sky shine brighter where your home is.

The lights of the night city, it's as if someone launched hundreds of fireworks at the same time.

Well, I understand, every city needs my idiot ...

I began to vaguely understand how much tempting trading in myself a big city: wealth, grace, comfort - everything that can decorate a woman.

Theodore Dreiser

The most wonderful city is the one where a man is happy.

I drown the whole city in the blood, if only you were a must.

In France. Metro.
- Escalators are not long, apparently and the depth is not very big, it is not like in my hometown - St. Petersburg, there, back and have passed half a day.

... At night, the city is the overturned sky.