Regions of Italy. Brake area

An amazing Italian region can be proud of what gave the world of unique, talented people. The region of Mark is the birthplace of outstanding architects, mathematicians, sculptors, musicians and artists. His capital is the city-port of Ancona, spreading on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. In this part of Italy, you can see and learn a lot of interesting things. One of the rulers of Urbino in the 15th century dreamed of creating an ideal city, so invited the very best masters of that time. Thanks to the magnificent acoustics, in the theater of Siferisterio, located in Macerta, annual opera festivals are held. Frazassi's karst grottoes are so great that the famous Milan Duomo may well fit. There are many parks in the brand, in one of which are caves who served once with shelter monks. From Ancona, Riviera Conero spread from Ancona. And also ...

  • In the 13th century, technologies were invented (province of Ancona), which allowed to make the paper more and more affordable. Here the first watermarks appeared.
  • Medieval Ancona in its power was only inferior to Venice. In its history there is a period when coming to the port goods have not been taxed.
  • The number of students enrolled at the University of Urbino is 2/3 of the population of the city. The institution was founded at the beginning of the 16th century.
  • The composer was born in Pesaro, the author of the Opera "Sivilian Barber" Joakkino Rossini (1792-1868), in Urbino - the Great Rafael Santi (1483-1520), in Fermignano - the largest master of architecture, author of the project Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome Donato Bramte (1444- 1514), in Fano - Italian composer Vincenzo Rastrelli (1760-1839).
  • Mark is homeland Carlo Maratta (1625-1713), recognized as the greatest artist of his time. Today, his work can be seen in many museums of the world, but most is in Rome.
  • At the end of the 12th century in the province of Ancona, Silvestro Gutszolini was born - the founder of the monastic order of Sylvestrints, whose representatives adhered to the most extreme rigor in their pursuit of poverty.
  • Six Roman Paps are immigrants from the Marche region. This is SIKST V (1521-1590) and Pee IX (1792-1878), Clement XI (1649-1721) and Nikolai IV (1227-1292), Lion XII (1760-1829) and Pei VIII (1761-1830).

A bit of history

In the ancient times of Earth, the brand was settled by pizza, and the territory was called Pitz. In 4 c. BC. The Greeks was founded by a colony - Ancona, and in about a century, Romans appeared here. They conquered local tribes, paved the capital roads around the territory, turned Ancona to a full marine gate, designed to explore goods and sending legionnaires for triumphant conquests. After the fall of the Western Empire, the power over the territory passed from hand to hand. As a result of the confrontation of Langobards with the Pope, the Earth in the 8th century was under the control of Franks led by Karl Great. He decided to designate the boundaries of possessions by forming individual brands (border areas). Soon they appeared their combined name - brand.

Karl part of the lands passed into possession of the pap. But Pontiff failed to cope with the desire of individual cities to get self-government. As a result, Ancona acquired the status of an independent Sea Republic, became successful, and rich. Supporters of the Pap were the fight against local sygnoras, understanding how much a grade was a brand. In 14V. They managed to return some cities under the control of the papal state, in the middle 16b. It entered the composition of Ancona, and after almost 100 years - Urbino. If you do not count for several years at the turn of 18-19VV. When the lands of the brand were under Napoleon, the papal power in the region lasted until 1860. It was then that the territory became part of the United Isalya.

Attractions Mark.

In each city of the region you can see something special. In Urbino, it is worth visiting Palazzo Dukal, and in Loreto - one of the most revered by Christian pilgrims is the sanctuary of the Holy House. The city of Omimo became famous for the amazing cathedral made in a romanian-gothic style, and the sanctuary of the Most Holy Virgin in Kampokallo, built on the site of the miracle occurring within 10 years. At the top of the hill in Pesaro, the Villa Imperial, belonging to the Duke of Sforza, spread out. In Ascoli Picheno, you can see many unique monuments, and its travertine and tugged buildings cause admiration.

When to go in the brand

Brand: Weather

The coastal zone is characterized by a sub-continental climate, which means that summer is roast here, and the winter is raining and moderately warm. The average temperature in January is about four degrees of heat. In the south of the region, winter temperatures are within +8 degrees. In the foothills and on the hills, summer is soft, and in winter it is possible to fall out of rich snow. Spring is considered the most rainy. In the mountains, the summer season is pretty cool. In winter, there is cold and a lot of snow here, sometimes critical snow drifts are observed.

The long coastline with many beaches and picturesque covers involves a comfortable stay on the Adriatic Sea in a summer time. Here you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also to engage in water sports, and to go fishing. Mountain array attracts fans of winter sports and mountain walks.

Castles, fortresses and other historical and cultural attractions are open for guests all year round. Tourists enjoy visiting abbey, basilica, archaeological sites and museums, in which the real masterpieces of famous masters of the past and present are stored. Almost every settlement of the region of the Marche has its own highlight.

Fans of culinary delicacies region invites 12 months a year. Kitchen Mark is a successful combination of centuries-old traditions supported by unique natural conditions. In addition to traditional dishes, tourists will be offered to taste the wine from the acidic cherry and the Tmina liqueur, salami, which includes figs and nuts, and also to enjoy Casciotta D cheese, "Urbino, who admired Michelangelo himself. To collect white and black truffles, it is worth come to the autumn and black truffles Winter period.

Mark on the map of Italy

The territory of the brand is located just above the middle part of the Apennine Peninsula. It stretches: on the one hand, along the sandy and pebble coast of the Adriatic Sea, and on the other hand, along the mountain ridge, crossing the entire Italian boot. Rivers in the Mark region have a small length, there are no large natural lakes, but compact reservoirs are extremely beautiful and attractive from the point of view of the landscape. In Mark, there are national parks and natural reserves, caves and sea beaches.

The area is considered to be in Italy of one of the most hilly (69%). The rest of the territory occupy the mountains. The highest vertex has a mountain of the vetera - 2476 m above sea level. The region is considered seismic. The region of Mark is bordered by Umbreia, Abruzzo, Emily-Romance, quite a bit - with Tuscany, Lazio and the Republic of San Marino. The area is divided into 5 provinces.

How to get to the brand

In 18km from Ancona there is a Falconary International Airport, which is the name of Rafael Santi. Here landing aircraft from several Italian, as well as European and Middle Eastern cities. The nearest airport from the region, the nearest airport, hosting aircraft from Moscow, is located in Rimini.

Along the coast, the road Taranto Bologna is laid. Gluff of the peninsula fan diverges secondary roads, connecting major cities with small villages. A large railway branch communicates among themselves coastal settlements. In the Marche region, a marine transportation is developed.

The entire territory of the brand is covered with hills and mountains, the plain areas are limited to the coastal stripe. The highest mountain range of the region, one of the first four in height in all apenents, is called Monti-Sibillini and is located in the middle of the provinces of Farmo, Ascoli-Picheno and Macerata. The coast is interrupted by approximately in the middle of Cape Conero, who divides him into two plots. At the Cape Conero Mount, whose limestone cliffs are spectacular over the sea, is the highest point of all the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the rock height exceeds 500 meters above sea level. Conero protects from the North Bay Ancona, where the same port is located.

Urbino, Historical Center /

The climate on the coast moderate: summer is roast here, but it refreshes a pleasant sea breeze, and the winter is cold. In the mountainous areas, the summer is warm, and winter is harsh, with a high probability of snowfall. The main cities of Mark - the capital of Ancona, Pesaro, Urbino, Macerata, Farmo and Ascoli-Picheno.


Mark is a real discovery for lovers of a variety of natural landscapes, the beauty of man-made and non-guns, which are concentrated in the territory of a little less than 10,000 square meters. This is a region with thousand and flowers: yellow sunflower fields, green hills and parks, red traditions, folklore and culture and, finally, blue is a saturated color of the sea, lakes and rivers.

As many as 180 kilometers of the coast with 26 beach resorts, magnificent beaches, picturesque bays, 9 tourist ports and 18 "blue flags", which guarantee the quality of services and water. In this region there is an opportunity to choose the beach with the finest sand, pebble or rocky shore, with palm trees or cliffs. A variety of beach landscapes allows you to engage in many sports.

Theater "Siferuserio" in Macerta © photo: region of Mark

The deep part of the region is distinguished by the exclusive beauty landscape, which form green and golden hills with stains of forests and meadows, harmoniously alternating with neat wheat fields and olive groves.

In the West, the Apennins are confidently carrying his watch, gently descending with parallel valleys to the sea, and in the south - proud peaks of Monti-Sibillini, exceeding 2,000 meters and attaching mothers of botany, mountain walks and trekking.

San Chiriako Cathedral in Ancona /

Mark is one of the richest regions of the country in terms of cultural heritage: 500 areas, more than 1000 large monuments, 37 fortresses, 106 castles, 15 citades and 170 towers, thousands of churches (200 Romanesque, 96 abbey, 183 sanctuisa), 72 vintage theater renovated and operating. Also, the highest density of museums and art galleries, as well as many libraries (as many as 315), some of which are stored ancient volumes.

So the brand is the most real region-museum, consisting of a rich network of cities of the arts and ancient towns scattered on a soft green hill, where unique masterpieces are stored - Pierrot's pictures Della Francesca and Lorenzo Lotto, Raphael and Carlo Krvellley, Rabens and Titiana, and Also many old theaters and ancient Roman roads, testifying to the wonderful past of these lands.

In addition to museums, libraries, archives and theaters, cultural heritage includes numerous religious monuments, abbey, monasteries, churches, distributed throughout the entire territory, and secular structures - castles, cited city, fortresses.

Food and wine

Enogastronically related to Mark - a unique land; It can be said that in this region there are all the main Italian delicacies. Due to the diverse and complex configuration of the natural landscape here, various culinary traditions can be found - the result of a harmonious combination of nature, traditions and culture. The gastronomic tradition of the brand is based on ordinary and healthy ingredients. Dishes with a strong taste, mostly from meat, alternate here with fish, crustaceans and gifts of the sea.

Truffle. Mark is one of the few regions of Italy, where a high-quality truffle of both species is produced - black and white. Mushroom harvested in the mountains.

Salami. The story of salami is closely connected with the peasant history of the local population: almost all parts of the body of the pig went into the household, did not throw anything. Thus appeared two main types of salami in Mark - Fabriano and Chaustolo, especially popular in the vicinity of Macerata. This is a product with a guarded geographic indication (IGP). In its manufacture, the larger is hammer and stirred with meat, forming a single mass, which can be smeared on bread.

Other types of salami are Koppa Di-test, Mazzafato, Negatelli and Salcicchcha Matt. Londise sausages, Londzino, Kopokollo, Baccht-Arrotolate Beacon and Fried Milk Powder (Parquette) are also appreciated. The ham is stolen - one of the most valuable parts of pork carcass - is produced throughout the region. Prosciutto from Carpeny is very popular both in Italy and around the world: in 2006 he received in Europe the status of the name protected by origin (DOP).

Olive oil. Olive groves in the brand cover the area of \u200b\u200b7,200 hectares, and the oil that is produced here has excellent organoleptic properties. The quality of the oil is non-existently associated with the quality of the fruit themselves: delicate olives from ascoli are very valued, which are considered the best olives for filing on the table; They are also produced in brine, with filling or in the fried form "in Askolanski".

Cheese. This is the land rich in pastures, where cattle is powered by natural feed and gives rich and healthy milk. Therefore, there are many cheeses from cow, sheep, goat and mixed milk - Kaschch, Kaprino, Zlattatato, Rapyzholo, Quark, Ricottin and Kachlo in the form of lemon. Unusual sheep cheeses characteristic of all mountain areas: they are flavored by Mayran, thyme, shoots of blackberries, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, add olive oil and yolk. In the northern part of the region, there is also a pecorino cheese, which is kept in oak barrels for three months, wrapped into walnut leaves or laying out layers with fragrant herbs or grape squeezes. Famous and Cashott from Urbino (DOP), one of the favorite Cheeses Michelangelo; It is produced here from the XVI century.

Vineyards Verdikkio Variety in Castelli Di Yezi /

Wine. The hills of the region of Mark are ideal for viticulture and producing a sugar and fragrant grapes, from which the wines of excellent quality are made. The variety of wine products of the region is really great: 15 wines Doc (Bianchello del Metauro, Colli Maceratesi, Colli Pesaresi, Esino, Falerio, I Terreni di San Severino, Lacrima di Morro d'Alba, Terre Di Offida, Pergola, Rosso Conero, Serrapetrona, Rosso Piceno, Verdicchio Dei Castelli di Jesi E Verdicchio di Matelica) and 5 DOCG (CONERO, OFFIDA, VERNACCIA DI SERRAPETRONA, CASTELLI DI JESI VERDICCHIO RISERVA, VERDICCHIO DI MATELICA RISERVA). Much here and holidays dedicated to guilt, as well as routes throughout the region, allowing simultaneously to get acquainted with his art, traditions and culture. It is necessary to visit the Enotek region of Mark in Jesi and Offid.

Desserts. The authenticity of the kitchen brand finds its expression and in the dessert part of the menu. Local sweets are characterized by using local products and ease of preparation. Almost all of them belong to the peasant tradition and are connected with the carnival, religious holidays or turning points of different times of the year. You can list them infinitely: Kastanole, cookies with wine, Moroccini, Shugretti or Polenta of Musta, Bostinengo, Salami from figs, frusthingo, chambers, pizza-boattutt, Chechenkyat, Ravioli from Chestnuts, Funtetti difid, Calchoni or Piconi, Frappe , Cookies made of almond or walnut, convoli-di-chingoli and others.

How to get

By plane
Marke's main airport is an Ancona-Falkonard International Airport (, named after the great artist of the revival of Rafael Santi, born in the neighboring city of Urbino. This airport connects Mark with Rome, Naples, Alghero, Cagliari, Katania and Trapani. There are also direct flights to some cities in Europe and the Middle East: Munich, Brussels, London, Düsseldorf, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTirana, Marsa El Alam, Sharm el-Sheikh.

By car
Regardless of whether you are working in a mark from north or from the south, option two: A14 Bologna Taranto motorway or parallel SS16 highway. The largest and most interesting cities are connected by roads that diverge fan from the coast to the continental part of the region: SS3 "Flaming" from Rome crosses Umbria and ends in Fano, SS76 from Fabriano goes to Jesi and Ancona, SS77 connects Foligno with Civitan Mark, passing through Tolenino and Macean, SS4 Salary connects Rome and Rieu with Ascoli-Picheno and San Benedetto del Tronto.

By train
The main railway lines of the region are the Adriatic from the north to South (Milan Bologna-Ancona-Pescara-Barie Lecce) and Transappmentinninsky (Ancona-Fabryo-Foligno-Ory Rome). The surroundings of Macerata crosses the Civitanova-Fabryano line, the neighborhood of Fabriano - the Fabryano-Pergola line, the territory around Picheno - San Benedetto del Tronto Ascoli-Picheno. In Ankon and Pesaro - along the line, which continues the branch of Milan-Region-Emilia-Bologna in the direction of Rimini, Pesaro and Ancons - are high-speed trains Freccia Rossa.

By sea
Ancona is one of the most important ports of the Adriatic, both from the point of view of tourism and in the sense of trade. From here there are flights to Greece, Croatia, Albania and Montenegro. Cruise ships are moored in the port of Ancona, and from the port of Pesaro can be reached by Croatia on the catamaran.
Nine tourist ports of the brand are available for yacht mooring: Gabichec Mare, Pesaro, Fano, Senigalia, Ancona, Noman, Civitanova-Mark, Porto-San Georgeo and San Benedetto del Tronto.

Official website of the tourist department of the region of the region:

Many seaside resorts, where you can perfectly spend a week-another vacation al Mare,located on 180 kilometers of the Adriatic coast in the Marche region.
All resorts in the brand can be divided into two main types. First include large noisy centers with bright nightlife, a lot of foreign tourists and embankments, tightly built-up hotels. Examples of this type of resort serve (from north to south) Gabichec Mare, Pesar, Senigalia and San Benedetto Del Tronto.
Another type is represented by many small resort towns with picturesque beaches, where hotels prefer villas and apartments. Often, such places in the summer are filled with Italian families, many of which live in the Marche region and come to the sea annually. At the same time, adults love to meet that they have to ride here for the sake bambini.But in the soul they all love the local places. In addition, thanks to technological progress - laptops, iPad and smartphones - everyone can feel on vacation, as in the office.
A pair of places clicked under the rocky peninsula Monte Conero, not fall into any category. Here are rocky coves and white limestone cliffs, which is no longer anywhere on the coast of Adriatic from Trieste in the north to the "heel" of the Italian boot in Gargano in the south.

When to go. Best time to visit the resorts of the region

Features of the selection of beaches at the resorts of the region

Although one or two free public beach are provided at all resorts ( sPIAGGIA LIBERA.), they often arrange far and very rarely on them as purely as in the paid sections of the coast. In any case, if you want to meet a truly Italian beach, be sure to go to the paid, where there are rows of chairs under the beach umbrellas. Usually the entrance to the beach is not too expensive ( from 2 to 4 euros), but it is at your service all the necessary amenities that you can only dream, and, moreover, this is the best place to watch the life of Italians near. If they stopped in one of the local hotels, then, as a rule, you can use it for free of charge to it belonging to it closed from outside the beach.
The brand region boasts the largest beaches in Italy, which received the Certificate of the Blue Flag program. The prestigious certificate "Blue Flag" of the Ecological Enlightenment Fund is issued only to the most environmentally friendly beaches of Europe. The certificate implies that the beach corresponds to strict criteria, including water quality, environmental control, safety and some other services.

Gabichec Mare

This colorful and lively city on the border of regions of Mark and Emilia Romagna is the northern continuation of Rimini Riviera. Therefore, it is not surprising that this resort, uniting more than 100 hotels, has become one of the most popular vacation places in Mark. Despite this, sandy beaches and stormy nightlife on the coast and in the town of Gabicche Monte above in the mountains do not lose their attractiveness.
Hence the hand to send to the impressive Castle of Gradara and, if you really interest exotic postage stamps and cheap alcohol - to a tiny republic San Marino..
South, towards the city of Pesaro, from Gabichech leads strada Panoramic. Driving along the coast on the coast, you can completely enjoy the exciting sea views, a variety of charming coves and inexpensive fish restaurants; One of the most romantic places is a tiny port in a village Baia Vallugola..

Gabicci Mare hotels: Price comparison on different sites - savings up to 50%


Pesaro, the capital of the province of Pesaro-e-urbino region of Mark, not only a charming city, but also an attractive seaside resort, a successful fishing port and an important industrial center. Elegant wide streets are painted enough for an exciting walk, and dinner in the fish restaurant near the sea after a day spent on a relatively empty beach, it is difficult to compare in its attractiveness with something else. Like most Italian beaches, three kilometers of the urban coast are settled with dense rows of umbrellas and sun loungers, which are rarely busy. To stay by the sea in privacy, poison to the area Baia Flaminia.which lies north of the city center. Here, in addition to equipped beaches, for the entrance to which you have to pay, there are also sections for free recreation. Also free and not filled with resting beaches lie south of the city, if you go along the SS16 highway in the direction of Fano.

Choose a hotel in Pesaro


Name of the Roman Colony Fanum Fortunae. Related to the large temple of the goddess Fortune. Fortune patronizes the city to this day, but already in the face of one of the four holy Christian patrons, San Fortunato.
In the time of the Roman Empire, this place is where the important road of Via Flaminia, which comes from Rome, adjoined the main coastal path, was a large port. Today it is a small sea resort with a lively fish port and a charming old center.
Entry to the city lies through the magnificent triumpophone arch of the Roman era Arco di Augusto.. It was built in the second century of our era on the orders of the Roman emperor of August as part of his ambitious project to improve the road network of the Empire, and notes the place of exit of the road Via Flaminia to the shores of the Adriatic; On the bas-relief of the wall standing on the right of the Church of the XVI century, the arch in its original form is depicted.
From here Home Street Via Arco Di Augusto leads to the historic center of the city (if you continue moving along it to the end, then moving the railway tracks, the road will bring to the beach Sassonia.).
At the main intersection in the city center, turn right to Corso Matteotti.which will bring you to the central square Piazza XX Settembre., the decoration of which is the fancy fountain of the XVI century, topped with the sculpture of the goddess of Fortune. Among the beautiful buildings approaching the square, the palace stands out Palazzo Malatesta. with a large courtyard and spacious loggia, known as Corte Malatestiana.. The Palace is a city museum Museo Civico. and museum Pinacoteca.In which the scattered collection of images and paintings of the Renaissance Age, owned by Brush Gradsino, Guido Reni and Michele Jabono.
Church Santa Maria Nuovo.standing next to the Central City Square on Street Via de Pili., Keeps two precious works of Perugino, "Madonna with the Saints" and "Good Message" - it is likely that young Rafael helped the master in creating the first of the canvases.
The city has especially elegant passeggiata. - The pedestrian zone, walking along the main streets, on which citizens walks along a row of shops that smear showcases.
Railway clearly separates the old town from the modern resort, which rose along two strips of a beautiful beach. South of the city extends SPIAGGIA SASSONIA, Wide pebble beach with a spacious pleasure zone. In the northwest there is not such a long but more popular beach Spiaggia Lido., floated with sand and stuck with rows of beach umbrellas.
There is a small bay between the beaches, where fishermen are going, who can buy something from fresh catch - especially good here Vongole, small edible clams.
To the north and south of Fano, quite pleasant free public beaches are drawn, many of which are relatively deserted.

Choose a hotel in Fano


Since 1853, 13 kilometers of gold sandy beaches of Senigallia, famous "Velvet Beach"are considered one of the most popular seaside resorts on the Adriatic coast. Thanks to the quality of service and purity of water, the city received a prestigious certificate "Blue Flag", issued by the Environmental Education Foundation in Europe. But the sea is not all for what you should go to Senigallia. The main city of the resort with an exciting spirit of the Historical Center can serve as an ideal base for exploring the old towns of the Marche region. The name of the city indicates the very first inhabitants of these places - Galli Senoni, the Celtic tribe, settled here about the IV century to our era. In the XV century, the city was famous for the Maddalena Fair held here. To this day, the historic center of the city keeps some merchant severity, especially pronounced in high houses, standing along the city canal. Walking on the alleys of the central part, pay attention to the architecture of squatty thick-walled houses, which has developed many centuries ago as a result of the threat of earthquakes. The most beautiful historical monument of the city is the old fortress, Rocca Roveresca.built in 1480. In the summer in her courtyard there are sounds of concerts of classical music. Another object of the pride of Senigallia - many excellent restaurantswhere you can really taste the best dishes of the Adriatic kitchen. The city has two most famous restaurants in Italy: La Madonnina Del Pescatore and Uliassi.Regularly included in the top ten institutions in the opinion of eminent restaurant critics from around the world.

Choose a hotel in Senigall


Single limestone peak Monte-Conero, the slopes of which are cool to the most beautiful sea beaches on the most beautiful sea beaches on the most beautiful sea beaches. The beauty of these places is becoming a guilty that in July and August in three local resorts remain free only places for standing; This should come in May, in early September or, best of all, in June.
If you are going from Ancona, the first point of stopping on your way should be Portonovo, a tiny settlement on the Conero River. Standing through a dead end road to this accumulation of hotels, restaurants, campgrounds and summer beach houses, climbed on a narrow coastal strip, you can fully enjoy the color views of the sea. The coast of the resort is divided into two parts by the squat fortress Fortino Napoleonico, built in 1808 by the Vice-King of Italy by Evgeny Bogarna to protect against the attacks of the English fleet. Today in the fortress is located Hotel Fortino Napoleonico..
At the end of the road, where the evergreen oaks, sealed the mountainside, descend to the sea, stands the Etsenger Church of Santa Maria. Built in 1034-1048, the building has a unique form for Italy, more inherent in the Normandy churches.
Returning to the main road, the flexible foot of the mountains, from where the breathtaking scenery opens. Approximately 8 km south of the crossroads in Portonovo, follow the signs on Monte Conero to visit the built in the XII century Badia di San Pietro, once the monastery of Benedictins, and today - hotel Monteconero. . It is located at the highest point of the mountain, which can be reached by car, and panorama from here is spent time spent.
The whole territory adjacent to the mountain in 1987 was declared a regional natural fleet in which a whole network of labeled paths was laid - a card can be purchased in Consorzio Del Parco Del Conero In the town of Sirolo. On the top of the mountain (572 m) traces of the Paleolithic parking age about 100,000 years were found - the oldest evidence of the presence of a person in the region.

Sirolo and Noman

In the southernmost point of the Conero, the two main resorts of Riviera are located. Siro is most interesting, with an amazing medieval center and bordered by trees, hanging high above the sea. On the best beaches can be reached by bus poisoned every half hour and staying at each bay. Camping and coastal hotels in the lower historical part of the city smoothly go to the resort of Numan. In the southern part of the resort there is a long nice beach, and in the city archaeological museum you can get acquainted with the history of the tribes who lived in the territory of the Pineen long before the conquest of Her Rome ( Via La Fenice, 4).
You can escape from the beach crowd in one of the many tiny closed bays, to get into which you can only on the boat: in season there are regularly flying from Numana, Sirolo and Portonovo.
In addition, Sirolo boasts the best golf courses in the region belonging to the Golf Club Conero Golf Club..

  • Select and book a hotel in Sirolo or Numana

Porto Recacti.

Traveling in the area of \u200b\u200bLoreto or Reakti, you will probably want to spend the day-other on the beach.
Porto Rektti - a small modern resort gives a feeling of freedom with breadth of its streets and a magnificent view of the top of Monte Conero in the north. Despite the fact that the sand-pebble beach is quite narrow here, it is rarely crowded. It is best to rest in the northern part of the beach.


This charming seaside resort is simultaneously a picturesque fish port and the center of the shoe industry. At the same time, his long and wide pebble beach looks most stylish than any of the neighboring resorts, given that the lack of hotels here is not at all.
The most interesting part of the pleasure embankment and the beach is located in a quiet southern part of the city, decorated with lush vegetation. In the city, concentrated around the wide area Piazza XX Settembre., There are many shops with stylish shop windows and green public gardens.
On the top of the hill approximately 4 kilometers from the coast is a medieval fortified town Civitanova Mark Altawhich still protects partially preserved fortress walls. It is necessary to come here - among the beautiful ancient palaces and churches there is an amazing collection of modern Italian fine art, presented in the art gallery Galleria D "Arte Moderna.
One of the oldest and most charming churches, Santa Maria A Piè Di Chienti, It costs 6 kilometers away on the SS 485 route of the country. Beautifully preserved building in the Romanesque style was built in the 9th century. The church is divided into two floors, the top of which is opened by the central oil. The frescoes of the XIV century on the apse above the altar, sharply contrasting with a simple brick masonry of the rest of the walls, produce an indelible impression.

Choose a hotel in Civitanova Mark

Porto Potential Pichene

North of Civitanova-Mark lies Porto-potential pichene - another variation on the theme of small resorts of the South Mark. Great place to relax the day on the sandy beach, if you find yourself not far away. A few kilometers from the shore, in the town Giardino Bonaccorsi. One of the few remaining gardens of the XVIII century remained in Italy with a beautiful red brick villa. Villa itself is closed for visiting, but still there should be to come there if you will be in those edges to admire local beauties.

Porto San Georgio

The streets of the SS16 ss16 and the sea resort are decorated with many beautiful shops, and in the summer season, the atmosphere revives frequent musical concerts. In many ways, the beauty of the city is due to several buildings in the style of "Liberty", which was distributed to the best Italian resorts at the end of the XIX century. With towers standing near the central square of the city fortress of the XIII century, built Lorenzo Tapolo, the future of Venice, opens a good view of the city. But the main attractions of the city remains fish and beautiful beaches. There are many inexpensive restaurants in the city, which serves a variety of types. brodetto., traditional to the region of the fishing dish.


To the south of Porto-San Jordio, there is a "Midiyem Beach" - pedazo here on concrete pillars lying in water immediately at the short pebble city beach, delicacious mollusks are grown. In addition to excellent places for diving from the mask, the town is easy to be located relative to the main trails of the region. In the summer it takes place Sagradelle Cozze. Or Mussel Festival.

Porto Sant'Elpidio

North of Porto-San Jordio, Porto Sant'Elpidio Beach, stretched from Porto San Jordio - Heart of the shoe industry brand. The main attraction of the resort is pine forests in the north and many huge shoe stores on the main street-highway SS16. The once-port, serving the standing distance far from the coast of the city of Farmo, today the town of Porto Sant'Elpidio turned into a wonderful seaside resort with a small port.


The old-fashioned coastal resort, not overflowing hotels and impregnated by the Spirit of a cheerful family holiday. It is possible that such a relaxed atmosphere of the Coupa-Marittim is obliged to lush vegetation around - pine, palm trees and oleandra. The short sandy beach (only 2.5 km in length), covered with old concrete riots, begins right behind the beautiful small port. On the beach rarely there are too many vacationers. In the city there is an interesting museum of Rakushki.. If you are interested in campgrounds, then the best places for tents are in the north, between the banter-Marittim and Pedazo in the north.


This little resort in the south of Palm Riviera brand boasts 5 kilometer stripe sandy beaches. On a beautiful pedestrian embankment there are several excellent buildings that serve as an example of Liberty's seaside style in architecture, mostly luxury villas of the beginning of the last century. Rows of palm trees along the seashore, colorful flower beds and well-groomed lawns give the city an inexpressible charm. The historic center, a medieval city over the sea, includes excellent vintage buildings, which offer great views of the sea. Beautiful church Santa Lucia. It was built in 1957 in memory of the most famous son of the city, Pope Sikstus V. Ruins of an ancient castle rummaged over the city.

San Benedetto Del Tronto

One of the main resorts of the South Mark, whose embankment is decorated with seven thousand palm trees, stands out by its unique atmosphere of the tropics. This is also a beautiful city, known as the second largest fishing port on the Adriatic coast of Italy. The resort is of great popularity, but thanks to 8 km of wide sandy beaches, fastened with palm trees, there is enough space for all. At the same time, the old-fashioned elegance of the city does not interfere with the burst of nightlife, which leaves no indifferent tourists. The most beautiful part of the beach is the most good hotels here - stretched south of the city center. The beach north of the extensive port is not so comfortable, but there are many semi-empty and free areas on it. The vintage part of the city is located above the main resort, at the far end Corso Mazzini.and marked by a lock, surrounded by narrow streets of brick houses. Resort residents are equally serious about fishing and her eating; There are many restaurants in the city, where every taste will be satisfied for a reasonable fee. This is one of the best places to taste a brodetto, a dish, for the preparation of which fish 13 species is used - no more, no less.

Select and book a hotel in San Benedetto Del Tronto

The Marche region (Marche) is located in the east of Italy, on the Adriatic Sea coast. Her capital is the city (Ancona). For its history, these lands consistently moved from hand to hand: at first it owned the ancient Greeks, then the Romans, after them the goths were invaded. After the Byzantine rule of land, the Earth moved to the ancient Germans, from which they received their name (Mark - region). In Mark, a lot of shipbuilding shipyards, tourism, trade, fisheries are well developed. The region is famous for the developed light industry: fashionable Italian shoes, popular around the world, for the most part made by Mark masters, so at least it is worth a shopping for the sake of shopping.

Administrative center of one of the five provinces of the region, Ancona - the capital and the largest city of Mark with a population of about 100 thousand people. This is a large port and world-famous balneological resort. In Ancona, many monuments of antiquities preserved from ancient times. The city is very popular among tourists, but the Italians themselves seek here, who - to fix health, who are to take a walk through the surrounding hills. Not far from Ancona In the late 1940s, speleologists opened the Frazassas Caves (Grotte Di Frasassi), which became one of the main attractions of the region. The overall length of the underground labyrinth is about 30 kilometers; In one of the caves, there was once a monastery of the Catholic Order of Sylvestrints.

Monuments of Ancona, who made the Ancient Roman era - Arc Traiano (Arco Di Traiano) and a dilapidated amphitheater (Anfiteatro Romano). It is the first thing to be numerous tourists; Not every day you will see the creation of the hands of human hands, created at the dawn of our era, in 115 (amphitheater and more older).

Traditional Cathedral for each Italian city, several churches of the X-XI centuries, Vintage Palazzo - ancona has something to see. Its convenient location makes the city attractive even for those who initially did not plan a trip here: it is difficult to stay from the temptation to spend on the road only 2-3 hours and see unique structures and architectural monuments. The nearest popular resort is located just 100 km. The road from Rimini to Ancona along the coast on you will take about 1.5 hours, and for about an hour.

Big cities

In addition to the province of Ancona with the same center, the brand includes four more. The city of Pesaro is the second largest in Mark (a little more than 90 thousand people live in it), it is the center of the province of Pesaro-E-Urbino (Provincia di Pesaro E Urbino). Further, followed by Fano, Ascoli Picheno - the center of the province with the same name, Macerata and Farmo. The last two cities are centers of the provinces of the same name.

Pesaro (Pesaro) - primarily the city of resort. It's not hot here in the summer, quite warm in winter, and 8 km of beaches are mounted citizens and visits.
This is easily accessible by train from and Ancona; A regular bus service connects the city with Rome and Ancona.

Joakkino Rossini (Gioachino Rossini) was born in Pesaro, so his house is the main "bait" for tourists. The cost of the entrance ticket - from 8 to 10 euros. It is not surprising that the city theater (Teatro Rossini) is the name of the famous composer.

From other interesting places in Pesaro, it is worth paying attention to the ancient Villa Imperial (La Villa Imperiale). She is known that for several decades served as a house for the Dukes of Sforza (Sforza), the main rivals of the Medici dynasty (Medici). An excellent mansion is located on the top of the hill, which offers a beautiful view of the city.

Gathering in Pesaro, make up your schedule so that your stay in the city coincided with the third Sunday of the month. On this day, the city festival La Stradlenika is held here (La Stradomenica). You can not only have fun among the citizens, but also take advantage of a number of profitable suggestions: during the holiday sales are arranged, urban collapsions are opened, and cafes and restaurants serve their customers at special prices.


Fano City (Fano) was well known for more. In those days, he was called the "Fantuna Temple" (Fantunae). Evidence of the ancient past city is a city fortress wall, partially preserved to the present day, as well as Arc Augusta (Arco d'Augusto). She was built by Emperor Augustus in the first years of our era. Today, the arch is a symbolic gate of the city and is its main tourist attraction.

Another gate, Porta della Mandria (La Porta della Mandria), are less likely to be mentioned in guidebooks and less known to tourists, but no less interesting. They are part of the old urban walls, which the city of the Romans acquired, and were in the ruined state until 1925.

One of the mandatory points of the program when visiting Fano - Malatesta Castle (Palazzo Malatesta). The Palazzo was erected at the beginning of the XIV-XV centuries by order of Pandolfo Malatesta, a representative of a good kind, during the 200 years of the city, famous for his cruelty and rejection of church laws. Now the castle is located an archaeological museum with an extensive and interesting exposition.

Ancient and beautiful Ascoli Picheno (Ascoli Piceno) in the guidebooks in the country is not always paid to a lot of attention, although there are a large number of unique historical and architectural monuments.

The city is rightfully considered hardly the most beautiful in the region due to the fact that many buildings in his center are built from travertine, lime tuff color beige.

To understand what we are talking about, imagine, also folded from travertine. The entire center of Ascoli, including squares and sidewalks, is this - a beige, having something pink, whether the pearly gray shade.

The heart of the city is the Piazza del Popolo Square (Piazza del Popolo), or folk. It is elegant and solemn, not in vain, many consider it one of the most beautiful in Italy. Closed around the perimeter walls of monumental historical buildings, it looks like a front hall, over which there is no ceiling - only a bright blue sky. The effect is amazing, especially if you face the hills that are visible behind the area around the area.

Cathedral of the city, which is the name of Ascoli's patron Saint of St. Emigdi (Cattedrale Di Sant'emidio), radically different from the main temples of other Italian cities. The cult facilities were on the site of the cathedral in the IV-V centuries, and the most ancient parts are dated to the VIII-IX centuries. In the XI century, a crypt was built for the relics of the saint. His current view of the cathedral acquired in the 1530s when his facade was dismantled and built anew.

There are many antiquity monuments in the city. The whole streets built by the ancient Romans are preserved here, walking on which, very well understand how old this city is. One of the preserved buildings of that era is a bridge over the Tronto River (Tronto). Its length is 62 meters, width - 6.5 m. Experts believe that the bridge was built during the reign of the emperor of August, that is, no later than the second decade of our era.

Of the most famous buildings of Macerata (Macerata), it is worth noting the university founded in 1290 by the Pope of Roman Nikolai IV. It is considered one of the oldest in Europe.

One of the amazing places in the city that has no analogues - Sferuser (ARENA SFERISTERIO). Arena, partly similar to the ancient Roman circus, was built in 1829. She was intended for a sports game, popular in Italy from ancient times. At the beginning of the 20th century, interest in this entertainment UGAS, and now the construction is used for opera and ballet performances and musical festivals.

Another unusual building in Macerta is the so-called diamond palace (Palazzo Dei Diamanti). It was built in the XVI century, and received his name thanks to outdoor facing. The facade of the building is completely covered with stones, covered in a special way - as if felling.

Small urbino (Urbino) is a unique city, mandatory for visiting. His feature is that with its more than modest sizes, this is a real cultural center of the region. About 15 and a half thousand people constantly live in Urbino. At the same time - attention! - It is still about the same as long as the local university.

University of Urbino (Università Degli Studi Di Urbino) was founded at the very beginning of the XVI century, first as medical, and then expanding the list of disciplines.

Urbino himself is based in the IV century BC. His main buildings, built in the Renaissance Epoch, were almost completely preserved to our days, so the historical appearance of the city reached us unchanged. The main decoration of the city, the Ducogian Palace (Palazzo Ducale) of the XV century, is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The residence of the Dukes of Urbinsky was not completed, but even in this form it is a unique monument of the past era.

Two more outstanding sample architecture of different years - Church of St. Bernardino (La Chiesa Di San Bernardino Degli Zoccolanti), built in 1491, and the city cathedral (Duomo di Urbino) in the neoclassical style of 1801.

You can not get around the Great House-Museum (Raffaello Santi), a native. The exposition dedicated to one of the best painters of the world, from the XIX century is located in the house where he was born. Personal things of the artist and his family are not preserved, furniture and other interior items presented in the museum are typical for that time. The museum works daily, the price of the entrance ticket is 3.5 euros.

To get into Urbino is the easiest of the Pesaro, to which, in turn, you can drive from Bologna or Ancona. From Pesaro in Urbino there is a bus. The fare is 3 euros, travel time from 45 minutes to an hour with a little. 35 kilometers between two cities can be driving on a taxi, the average price of 45 euros.

Resort Mark.

Since the brand and sea are inextricably linked, not to mention the resorts of the region is impossible. We list the main, "moving" from the north of the coast south.

Gabicce Mare (Gabicce Mare) and Gabicche Monte (Gabicce Monte) - a single resort consisting of two levels, "beach" and "mountain", located on the top of the hill. Below - hotels, beaches and promenade; Upstairs - restaurants, noisy bars and discos.

Pesaro: The total length of the beaches of this city is about 8 km, of which three belong to the municipal beach. The coast is mostly sandy, the entrance to the water is low, the depth is small.

In the already mentioned Fano, two Beach - Pebble Sassonia Sassonia (Spiaggia Sassonia), along which the townspeople love to walk, and Sandy Schiajia Lido (Spiaggia Lido), more suitable for sunbathing and bathing, and therefore more popular. The farther from the city center - the greater the chance to find a free quiet, not filled with resting beach.

A little further Fano towards Ancona lies the city of Senigallia (Senigallia). His extended (more than 13 km) resort zone, called Speadja di Welluto, Velvet Beach, is known as the best beach of the Adriatic coast.

South Fano and Ancona to the San Benedetto del Tronto (San Benedetto del Tronto) along the seashore there are many small towns and villages offering visiting services: Portonovo (Portonovo), Sirolo (SiroLo) and others. One of them, Civitanova Mark (Civitanova Marche), is also well known to tourists seeking in the brand not only to wander through the historic streets, but also with comfort to relax at sea resorts.

San Benedetto del Tronto, located in the south of Mark, is one of the main centers of the resort life of the region. Its main attraction is a long palm alley that runs parallel to the coastline. She has seven thousand trees.
If you are more attracted to a lone rest away from expensive hotels and noisy restaurants, you can arrange a romantic ride on the beaches in the vicinity of Numana town (Numana) South Sirolo - Take the boat and go through it along the shore in search of a small deserted bay.

After halfway between Sirolo and San Benedetto del Tronto, near Fermo (Fermo), there is a place of Porto Sant'-Elpidio (Porto Sant'elpidio): a whole pine forest grows along the coast.

Having informing where to go to Italy, take the mark on the note. The region has all attractive components. Clean beaches of the Adriatic, a picturesque conero reserve, cute historical cities with attractions and what we love in Italy especially strongly, is an appetizing kitchen.

In the photo: Square of the Italian town Ascol

So far, there were no numerous holidaymakers that fill in the nearby Emily-Romanenia in the summer, hurry to see and feel. We have already visited and chose the main points for which you need to pay attention.


180 kilometers of coastline, 9 bays and 16 beaches marked with a blue flag. In the brand there will be, where to sunbathe and swim. There are several places that can be chosen for beach holidays: Senigalia, San Benedetto del Tronto, Gabbic Mare.

In the photo: San Benedetto Del Tronto beach

Italians love Senigallia for sandy beaches. Palm trees are planted in San Benedetto along the embankment, and on the shore - white sand, because of what the town was called by Italian Miami.

In the photo: San Benedetto Del Tronto

Riviera Conero

In the brand of 12 natural parks protected by the state. We most liked the coast of Portonovo, surrounded by a picturesque Park Conero. Here and vegetation (connoisseurs of coniferous trees, the same as in Istria, will be happy to abound them here), and the mountains and the sea.

As an original place where to stay, we recommend the Fortino Napoleonico Di Portonovo Hotel - the former fort of Napoleon, located right in Conero Park, overlooking the Adriatic and a great restaurant for dinners.

And in general, the landscapes of the brand sometimes resemble the peaceful Tuscan - the same green hills and vintage houses, and the white tops of Appenin also can be seen away.


In the photo: Basilica in the town of Loreto

From nature proceed to cultural values. The town of Loreto closest to the metropolitan ancona is glorified by its basil, where pilgrims come every year. Inside the church is Santa Casa - a house where Virgo Maria was born.

In the photo: Santa Casa, a house where Virgo Maria was born on legend

According to the legend, the house was transferred by the angels in 1291 from Nazareth, according to documents - its parts transported in the thirteenth century on the ship with the participation of a notable Italian family. By the end of the fifteenth century, Basilica was built for the relic. Now Santa Casa is located in a separate chapel along with the unusual statue of Black Madonna.


Ascoli founded Italian tribes before Rome, the road and the bridge were preserved from the ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the city became known as the "city of a hundred towers", which were noticeable at the entrance to Ascol.

In the photo: Central Square Ascol Piazza del Poppolo

Now Romanesque and Gothic towers remained significantly less, during walks you can try to recalculate them. The central square of Piazza-del Poppolo, paved by gray marble, is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy.

With the latter, you can argue, but do not miss the historic cafe MELETTI located here. Under the brand of Meletti 140 years, anise liqueur Anisetta is performed. In 1903, Meletti family bought a former post office building and turned it into an exquisite Art Deco coffee house.

Vaults in the cafe are painted by frescoes, the chandeliers are made in the form of anise leaves, marble tables and Viennese chairs look like 100 years ago.

You need to drink an anise liquor, biting coffee beans, or just coffee with the same liqueur. Meletti is so beautiful that it is impossible to quickly get away from there.

In the photo: Anisian liquor in the cafe Meletti, anise liqueur should be drunk with coffee beans made of glasses on a thick leg.


From the point of view of attractions, urbino is considered the most attractive city. First, it is the birthplace of Raphael, the house of the artist's parents has been preserved here, which functions as a museum.

Secondly, the city is affecting its own Palazzo Ducale - the Ducal Renaissance Palace. It is included in the Heritage of UNESCO and is one of the most notable palaces of Italy. Palazzo Ducale was built under the supervision of the Duke Federico and Montefelto, fired in Urbino from the middle of the fifteenth century.

The portrait of Federico on the authorship of Pietro Della Francesca hangs in the Uffusion, and behind the duke's back at the city from the windows of the palace. The palace is designed as a fortress, on the facade - round towers inspired by the architecture of minarets. The Duke was a big fan of antiquity, ordered to build a palace "Temple of Muses" in the palace, and the portraits of Ptolemy, Plato and Aristotle hung in the office.

The walls in the cockpit are closed with inlaid wooden panels with an optical effect, it seems that astronomical devices and books are on the shelves. In the palace there are an impressive spiral staircase, as if infinite, and balconies with an impressive panorama. Get ready, the palace often drive school excursions, so it will be noisy.


In the region, many factories of large Italian brands, and with them - shops and outlets. Buy Tod's, Hogan and Santoni shoes with a substantial discount - easily. To get to shops, you will have to take the car, the factory is removed from tourist destinations.


Special attention will be paid to gastronomic pleasure, there are a lot of them here. The proximity of the Adriatic provides seafood.

In the photo: Lobster in Fortino Napoleonico

Wild mussels are caught in Portonovo, which are served with butter and bread. The main pastes are those that with Langustins, shells and shrimp.

Try local variations prosciotto, for example, Prosciutto di Carpegna. In Mark, the wonderful rustic cheeses - Pekorino, the Facecloth (pulling cheese in cream), Ricotta, Buffal, as well as the Formaggio Di Fossa (solid cheese like pecorino, which is eaten with an apple confiter).

Special attention to the wonderful white wine vehicle Verdicchio. In Italy, the king of white wines is traditionally considered friulano from Friuli, but, as we see, if the winemakers are made by the promotion of Verdicchio, the position can be revised.

VERDICCHIO is a thin fragrant wine that began to do in the region from the 14th century, and its modern variations are perfectly combined with sea cuisine.

In the photo: Pasta with seafood and wine Verdicchio

And finally, everyone who, with the word "truffles" begins to dream of a dreamily to take the nose. Here they are found! In the mountains of the northern part of the brand collect black and precious white truffles. In the region, they love to tell stories, as the cyclopic dimensions of the mushrooms were sent by John Paul II and recently Barack Obama. So the Piedmont has a competitor.

In the photo: Pasta with a crumb of truffles

We had the opportunity to taste black truffles in the excellent Osteria Dalla Peppa in Fano. The fungus cut into a pencil chips put on a toasted white bread as a snack to the "deshank", and then the same chips are added to TagliaThell in the oil sauce. We know that truffles are an amateur, but for our taste is breathtaking.

In the photo: Classic Antipasti (snacks) of the region of the region

By the way, you will be in Fano (and then this accuracy will certainly need to be found), order a traditional La Moretta Fanese as a Dijestiva - hot coffee with rum, anise tincture and brandy. The ingredients are pillowed with layers when mixed, it turns out great.

Thank you for organizing a trip region of Mark and Tour Operator ICS TRAVEL GROUP. . Charter flights to the capital of the Ancona region are carried out by ICS from June 1 to the beginning of September.

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Lyudmila Egorzy - Lyudmila Egornzya - In the past, the browser magazine "Poshisha" and the leading rubber headings, culture and fashion on Traveled half the world, but a special tendency nourishes to the culture of Asia and Italian cuisine.