How to get to Tatev from Yerevan on your own. Ropeway and monastery "Wings of Tatev" - sights of Armenia

Tatev Monastery (Armenia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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30 km from Goris, in the heart of the Syunik region of Armenia, there is one of the largest temple complexes in the country - the Tatev Monastery or simply Tatev. Chronicles say that in previous centuries, the right bank of the Vorotan River was occupied by a pagan temple. With the advent of Christianity, it lost its former significance in the 9th century AD. e. gave way to a temple with vestibules. The construction of the monastery complex lasted for hundreds of years and was completed only in the 13th century. Until now, it is not exactly established who and when gave the name to the monastery.

According to one version, it was named after an architect who threw himself into the abyss after the construction was completed with the words: “Lights, Surb, ta tev!”, Which in Armenian means: “Holy Spirit, send me wings!”. Some scientists believe that the name of the monastery goes back to the name of St. Eustateos, who was killed and buried in the vicinity of the monastery. According to the third version, the temple got its name because within its walls the soul seems to acquire wings, getting rid of the burden of sins and suffering. Be that as it may, for many centuries the Tatev Monastery served as the center of the political and religious life of the region. And although over time it has lost its former significance, its gates are still open to all those who suffer.

What to watch

A rocky path leads to the monastery, formed as a result of the contact of the banks of the Vorotan River. This natural phenomenon is popularly called the Satanic Bridge. Its width varies from 1.4 to 1.6 m, and its height reaches 100 m. The lower part of the bridge is covered with natural outgrowths - stalactites: a water stream bursts out from under them with a roar. On the way to the monastery, mineral springs are periodically encountered: the pools built near them for taking therapeutic baths now lie in ruins, and only miraculously surviving fragments remind of their former splendor.

At the foot of the monastery, the path breaks off, and as if by magic, out of nowhere, a massive gate appears. Immediately behind them stands the Church of St. Peter and Paul, dating from the early 10th century. This monumental building with a round drum and an umbrella dome is striking at first sight, but its interior is even more surprising.

The interior of the church is decorated with stucco, and the window openings are decorated with bas-reliefs of human faces surrounded by snake heads. In previous centuries, the walls were completely covered with bright frescoes, now only faded fragments remain of them. On the south side of the church adjoins the temple of St. Gregory the Illuminator - one of the most revered Armenian saints.

Opposite the living quarters of the monastery is Gavazan - a pillar on a hinged base 8 m high, made of many small stones. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that when pressed or the slightest vibration of the earth, it deviates to the side, and then again takes its original position. According to scientists, he notified the inhabitants of the monastery of approaching enemies (fluctuations created by crowds of people set the monument in motion), as well as the threat of an earthquake.

Practical information

Tatev can be reached by car, taxi, sightseeing bus and the Wings of Tatev cable car - the longest in the world (6 km). Before the trip, you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast: on rainy days, the gorge is blocked.

The cable car operates from 10:00 to 18:00 (winter season) and from 10:00 to 20:00 (summer season). Monday is a day off. Ticket price - 7000 AMD. Prices on the page are for April 2019.

Hi friends! Today I invite you to fly! We will even have real wings for this, can you imagine? So, dress warmly, we are going to ride the longest cable car in the world. It is located, oddly enough, not somewhere in the Swiss Alps, but in Armenia! At the end of the article there is all the technical information on how to get there, where to live, how much the entrance ticket to the Wings of Tatev will cost, as well as a video about the cable car and the monastery, filmed during the trip.

Let me remind you that in the spring of this year, my friend Katyusha and I traveled through the Transcaucasus and one fine day fell into the mountainous regions in southern Armenia. How and with whom they got there is a whole detective story, you can read how two overgrown Armenians drove us in a tinted car through snow-covered gorges:

Ropeway "Wings of Tatev"

I will show you the beauty for which we spent many hours shaking in a minibus on mountain serpentines, having covered 250 km from Yerevan.

Ropeway "Wings of Tatev" was opened in October 2010 as part of the Tatev revival program, which includes three stages: the construction of a cable car, the restoration of the monastery and the opening of a hotel.

"Wings of Tatev" is registered in the Guinness Book of Records. The record was not only the length of the road - 5,752 meters, but also the construction time - only 10 months. The Armenians built the road, and the Austrian-Swiss company designed it. The entire construction cost investors $18 million.

If suddenly you also want to stay in a cozy house with our friends, you can call and agree on the dates and cost of accommodation. Igor's phone for calls from an Armenian number 093-76-19-04 . If you are calling from another country or from numbers of mobile operators in another country, then you need to dial +374-93-76-19-04.

Video about the longest cable car in the world and the Wings of Tatev monastery

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It is quite possible that before you get to Tatev, you will first arrive in the capital of Armenia, so you can read an entertaining story about. In that article, I share interesting facts about Yerevan, there are also many photos of the capital.

Mind-boggling roads to you! Sincerely,

Tatev Monastery in Armenia everyone is advised to visit. You know how it happens, popular attractions often turn out to be not what you expect from them, but not so with Tatev. This is an absolute must see! Today I’ll tell you what the longest cable car “Wings of Tatev” is like and the monastery itself, as well as share useful practical information on how best to organize your trip to these places.

The dry and hot climate of Yerevan affected Ani's well-being, and she decided to stay and wait for me in the capital. Well, I got more mobility, and on the first day on the road, I stopped at and on. The next day I hitchhiked to, and further to Halidzor, where the cable car begins.

Ropeway "Wings of Tatev"

There are two ways to cross the steep mountain gorge of the Vorotan River: go down the dizzying serpentine and then go up the same way to the monastery, or use the cable car.

It was opened in 2010 as part of the Tatev revival project and at the same time was entered in the Guinness Book of Records - the length is 5752 meters, and the height above the ground is 320 meters! It is the longest reversible cable car in the world.

The cable car was built by an Austrian-Swiss company and they did it very well, it feels like you got to Europe: neat lawns, a cafe with a gorgeous view, Wi-Fi on the territory. The whole journey takes only 12 minutes, about 15-20 people fit in the cabin, there is even a “stewardess” there ;-)

Cafe at the cable car

Wings of Tatev

Cable car cost: AMD 2500-3500 one way / AMD 3000-5000 round trip depending on the season. For children up to 110 cm tall, the cost is only 100 AMD.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 20:00. The first flight is at 09:30, the last one is at 19:45. The schedule changes depending on the season, see the current one on the official website of the cable car.

The views from above are breathtaking: I just stood there with my mouth open and trying to get through to the glass to take a picture.

Road in the forest

You can also get to the monastery along this road.

The sun was very bright, so the reflection in the glass was very visible ... but the views were still indescribable. The cockpit would also have a glass floor, and it would be a completely unforgettable attraction!

What else to see nearby and what to do?

It is quite interesting to walk around the neighborhood and see how rural Armenia lives. I didn’t have much time, so I decided to just go down the serpentine to the Vorotan Gorge. At the lowest point is Devil's bridge- an amazing phenomenon of nature. for many years, water has made its way into the rocks, and this natural bridge was formed, along which the highway now passes.

It is worth it to take a walk here - sheer cliffs and slopes overgrown with forest, a stormy river flowing in a bizarre canyon. From the bridge you can go deeper, where you can swim in the springs (although they do not look very good) or go down to the bottom of the canyon on a rope.


Somewhere in the depths of the gorge hid ancient mountain villages They can also be reached on foot.

It will be cool if you find yourself in Tatev when one of the holidays takes place, for example, in early June, a sheep shearing festival is held, and on February 13, a holiday is celebrated in honor of the Presentation of the Lord.

If you love trekking and hiking, then local guides will be happy to take you through the surrounding beauties and villages. There are several routes from 2 to 8 hours and more difficult and long hikes. For more information call +374 94 00 80 39.

Rural landscapes of Armenia

Tatev how to get there?

The distance from Yerevan to Tatev is as much as 250 km along a regular road, not a highway. For a trip to the monastery, it is best to set aside two or three days, visiting interesting places along the way. Even in your own car, it will be problematic to be in time in a day, and even then at a gallop.

The most convenient way to get to Tatev is by taxi or your own car. In Yerevan, it is quite possible to find a person who will take you for 30-35 thousand drams one way for the whole car. But since it will be a trip for several days, then you need to individually negotiate, because the driver must sleep and eat somewhere ;-)

Tatev Monastery and surrounding nature

Public transport in this area is unstable and there is no point in getting there. As an option: first by a shared taxi to Goris (3500 AMD per person, 5 hours on the way), and then by taxi to Halidzor (where the Wings of Tatev ski lift starts) 3000 AMD one way + 1000 AMD for each hour of waiting.

Or you can take a shared taxi to Stepanakert and get off at the turn to the monastery, but there may not be taxi drivers there.

Theoretically, there are buses from Goris to Tatev (700 AMD, departure at 15:00 every day) and back (departure at 09:00). There are also buses from Goris to Halidzor (350 AMD, at 07:30 and 14:30 every day except Sunday).

I didn’t see any buses in Tatev and hitchhiked almost the entire way back and forth, and this is one of the most vivid impressions from traveling in Armenia ;-)

Mountain serpentines

Where to sleep?

Many tourists stop in Goris, which is 20 km from Tatev Monastery. There are a couple of dozens of standard hotels and hotels at a price of 7000 AMD for a double room.

I also advise you to look for an overnight stay in the villages of Tatev or Halidzor. Recently, locals have opened several guesthouses where you can not only live in nature in the village, but also communicate with locals and eat delicious natural products.

I just went around the village in search of a B&B sign and soon I was sitting at the table for a family dinner, provided with a bed and a shower ;-) All the pleasure cost 5000 AMD for accommodation + dinner + breakfast.

There are places where such guest houses are collected, you can look in advance to know who you are going to and book.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the Tatev Monastery in Armenia. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them - ask in the comments, welcome!

If you are traveling or are on a business trip in Yerevan, you should allocate time for a trip to the large temple complex of Armenia - the Tatev Monastery. How to get from Yerevan? The article contains this information and some facts about the monastery complex.

"Wings of Tatev"

The monastery is located just 315 km from Yerevan. The journey will take no more than 4 hours. You can come by car to the monastery itself or use the longest sky highway in the world. A unique facility that includes modern engineering solutions is the cable car to Tatev Monastery. The Guinness Book of Records testifies that it is the longest in the world (5752 m). But not only the length of the air road is considered a record, but also the construction time. was designed by an Austrian-Swiss company and built by Armenians in 10 months. And "Wings of Tatev" can be proud of the longest unsupported span from the 3rd pillar to the station. "Tatev" at 2709 meters.

"Wings of Tatev" is a picturesque celestial highway connecting two villages - Galidzor and Tatev. The highest point of ascent is at an altitude of 320 meters. Those who love extreme sports will enjoy a 12-minute flight in a trailer over the gorge with the turbulent Vorotan River.

History of Tatev Monastery

Tatev Monastery is located 30 kilometers from the city of Goris, on a high cliff, almost on the edge of the gorge. When you look at it from the side, it seems that its walls are continuations of mountain rock formations. The interior of the monastery has arched openings and labyrinths leading to small balconies overlooking the gorge and mountains. Looking down, you understand how high the monastery is, it seems that you are on the roof of the world and soar above the cliff.

It is known from the chronicles that on the right bank of the Vorotan, on the Tatev Plateau, there was a pagan temple, which was destroyed with the advent of Christianity.

Construction of the monastery

In the 9th century, the construction of the Armenian monastery complex began. The construction of the monastery took more than one century. But the builders and architects maintained the harmony of the structure with the mountain landscape. Inside the monastery, utility and residential premises were erected along the perimeter, emphasizing the rocky foundation of the monastery, and the temple towering in the center, visible from afar, gave the complex greatness. Already in the 10th century, the monastery became a major spiritual and political center of all Armenia. In the XIII century, by the end of the construction of the complex, Tatev included 680 villages. The monastery was consecrated in honor of St. Eustathius.

In the 14th century, Tatev University and a miniature school were founded on the territory of the monastery. By this time, 500 monks lived in the monastery. Besides? philosophers, musicians, copyists of manuscripts lived there, as well as those who received knowledge in philosophy, mathematics, and grammar. The university taught the basics of artistic skill and graphics.

It is worth noting that the monastery had a huge repository with ten thousand manuscripts - Matenadaran. The monastery was and still is the spiritual center of the Syunik diocese.

Legends about the name of the monastery

Who and when gave the name to the monastery is not known for certain. Therefore, there are various legends on this topic among the people. One legend tells that the architect, having finished his work, threw himself into the abyss, shouting: “Lights, Surb, ta tev!”, which literally means “Holy Spirit, send me wings!” According to the second legend, an apprentice jumped into the gorge, who, without the permission of the master, installed a cross on the church of the monastery. He did not have time to go down, and the angry master saw him. And he also jumped with the words addressed to God: “Tal tev”, which means “give me wings”.

According to some scientists, the name of the Tatev monastery is consonant with the name of St. Eustateos. There is also such an option that the soul in this monastery, freed from sins, receives wings. No matter how many legends are invented and no matter whose version is more interesting, the monastery has its own name for centuries - Tatev.

Religion of Armenia

Before visiting the temples built on the territory of the monastery, it is worth mentioning that the Armenians are Christians, but by their faith they are not Catholics and not Orthodox. Almost 95% of Armenians are followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the oldest of the Christian churches. Thus, in Armenia, Tatev has its own characteristics in rituals and dogmatics. During the service, you can sit, and not spend several hours standing, as is the case in services in Orthodoxy. The interior decoration of churches is simplicity and asceticism, in contrast to the decoration in Catholic and Orthodox churches.

The relics of 11 apostles and the hair of the Virgin are kept in Tatev Monastery. To the church of St. Peter and Paul, a small temple of the most revered philosopher in Armenia, St. Grigor Tatevatsi. It was he who brought the relics of the apostles Peter and Paul to the monastery. The tomb of Grigor Tatevatsi, the great philosopher and theologian of Armenia, was installed in the Tatev Monastery against the southern wall of the church. In 1787, a martyrium with an arched ceiling and a dome was erected in the monastery over the grave of Grigor Tatevatsi. The entrance to the tomb is located at the apse of the temple.

Church of Saints Peter and Paul - Surb Poghos-Petros

At the foot of the monastery there is a path that leads to the massive gates of the monastery, behind which stands the first church of St. Peter and Paul built in the monastery complex. Its construction lasted from 895 to 906. The severity and conciseness of the structure, the crown of which is a fan-shaped dome, is striking. During the construction of the temple, the main attention was paid to decoration, as it was the main cathedral of the Syunik principality. The bas-reliefs on the windows in the form of human faces and snake heads with a protruding sting facing the face also attract attention. The Armenians have always revered the snake as the patroness of the home. Faded fragments of frescoes indicate that the walls were decorated with bright frescoes, but have faded with time. The main shrine of the monastery is the relics of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. They are under the columns of the altar.

rocking column

Tatev Monastery in Armenia is known for another monument of medieval Armenia, swinging a khachkar-gavan - a staff with a cross stone. It was installed in 904. Archimandrite Mikael, who is currently holding services in the monastery, says that one of the old chronicles kept in the monastery says that the Arabs, who destroyed the Armenian churches, did not touch this miracle staff, because they could not figure out what it was secret. The column more than once saved the monastery from the invasion of enemies, starting to sway. The swaying of the column is a reaction to the vibrations of the earth, created by the trampling of a mass of people and horses.

For many, this seems like a miracle, but only a miracle of craftsmen, a brilliant invention of the Armenian architectural mind. The column is an assembly of many stones on a hinged basis. It has a height of 8 meters. What is special about this column? She begins to sway when she feels the ground shake. The column is also a predictor of earthquakes. By the way, the earthquake, which partially destroyed the buildings of the monastery, could not destroy the swinging column, and it still stands in the Tatev monastery.

There is a sundial on one of the faces of the column. They show the exact time for many centuries. Restoration and restoration work continues at the present time, but the monastery is open to everyone.

satanic bridge

There is another miracle of Armenia not far from the monastery - the Satanic Bridge. This is a bridge created by nature that connects the village of Tatev with the monastery. A motor road passes along it, as it is quite wide - 60 meters. The length of this bridge is 30 meters. There are many springs around the bridge, there are natural pools with warm mineral water. Under the bridge there are caves painted with stalactites and emerald mineral water fonts.

In the history of every nation there are memorable events and architectural monuments. We never cease to be amazed at the talents of architects who created unique buildings many millennia ago. It doesn't matter where you live. The planet is one. We must be able to preserve what our ancestors left us and preserve it for future generations.

The Tatev complex was built on an extremely convenient place - a plateau, which is an ideal viewing platform and located at an altitude of more than 300 m. The monastery began to be built in the 9th century on the site of a former large pagan temple, destroyed after the adoption of Christianity by Armenia.

The monks approached the issue of construction in detail: the complex included more than 6 hundred dwellings and outbuildings and was built over several centuries - until the 13th century. From that moment began the history of its heyday.

It was here that the eponymous university and art school were founded in the 14th century, as a result of which the monastery became a real center of the spiritual, creative and scientific life of Armenia. At that time, more than five hundred monks lived in the complex, among whom were musicians, mathematicians, philosophers, composers and artists. The monastery also had its own scriptorium with several thousand priceless manuscripts.

Today, relics of 11 apostles, followers of Christ, are kept in Tatev, which attracts many pilgrims and makes the complex one of the most popular tourist attractions.

Architectural features of Tatev

The main architectural landmark of the complex is the Church of Saints Peter and Paul. The overall external modesty of the exterior and discreet decoration contrast sharply with the richly decorated western entrance and intricately designed windows. This style is called a "large basilica", but in the Armenian version it has some differences from the classics.

Must see for yourself

  • "Surb Poghos-Petros" (Church of Peter and Paul), which stores the relics of the apostles. Impressive architecture, skillful interior design and the atmosphere of an ancient temple - a lot of vivid impressions are guaranteed.
  • The Swinging Pillar (Gavazan) is a unique structure, which is a column made up of parts dynamically connected by hinges. In ancient times, monks used it to predict earthquakes and the approach of enemy troops.

  • The Satanic bridge is a bridge of natural origin located near Tatev and serves as a crossing to the village of the same name. It is so wide that cars pass through it, and a little lower there are caves with mineral springs.

Wings of Tatev

There are two ways to get to the monastery complex. The first one is by car, about 40 minutes along the mountain serpentine. The second - faster and more picturesque - use the Wings of Tatev cable car. Time "in flight" takes only 11-15 minutes (depending on the weather), but what! The cabin offers stunning views of the local mountains, the gorge of the Vorotan River, as well as a simply gorgeous panorama of the monastery itself. To see with your own eyes all this beauty from a bird's eye view is a must!

"Wings of Tatev" is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's longest (5752 m) passenger reversible aerial cable car. Two cabins with a capacity of 30 people depart simultaneously from the lower and upper stations, while the maximum height is 320 m. Wings of Tatev operate all year round every day except Mondays (from July 1 to August 31 - daily). Opening hours vary depending on the season, so it is better to check the information before the trip.

Another important fact. The Wings of Tatev cable car is part of the Tatev Gate complex, which is a non-profit project whose profits go to the restoration of the Tatev Monastery.