The best places in the reserved seat car. Which seats in the reserved seat are better to take Bad seats on the train


Every journey starts on the road. And if fellow travelers (unfortunately) are not chosen, then choosing a comfortable place is quite realistic. Children and people who rarely travel, due to "novelty", may not care at all whether to ride in a reserved seat or a compartment, on the lower side or on the upper one by the toilet. For example, I'd rather postpone the trip than go on the top shelf, especially in the reserved seat. Together with, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the nuances, thanks to which you can grab a better place for yourself.

Choosing a seat in a compartment car:

  • "Bad" places are considered 9 compartments (close to the toilet), as well as 1 compartment, next to the conductor and the second toilet. That is places 1-4 and 33-36. Such places are usually redeemed last.
  • Also considered more comfortable lower shelves, they are numbered oddly. Top shelves are even numbered.
  • It is also worth paying attention to compartments No. 3 and 6, in such compartments windows don't open. They are considered equipped with emergency exits.
  • The standard length of the lower shelf in a compartment car is 184 cm, and the upper one is 183 cm. Width is 60 cm.

Choosing a seat in the reserved seat:

  • As well as in compartment cars, places close to the toilet are considered the least comfortable. These are places 1-4 and "sideways" 53-54 and 33-36 and 37-38.
  • Naturally, considered more comfortable lower shelves, and shelves in the "compartment". Less demanded side seats
  • Compartments No. 3 and 6 are also equipped with emergency exits, and the windows in their compartment do not open, as well as in compartment cars.
  • The last top seat in a reserved seat car (the next 37th is already a side seat) is 36. It differs from the rest of the top seats in that it is equipped with a partition. For tall passengers, this can be an inconvenience. Also, this place does not have a footrest that you can lean on to climb the shelf.
  • Seats 1, 2, 35 and 36 are somewhat shorter than the others, which should also be taken into account for people with growth above average. The standard length of the lower shelf in a reserved seat car is 177 cm, and the upper one is 167 cm. Width is 60 cm.

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A reserved seat car is the best solution for those who are going to travel by train and want to save money. However, when buying tickets, we often face the question: which seat is better to choose?

For passengers, there are 54 seats on the upper and lower shelves. The top places are numbered with even numbers, the bottom ones with odd numbers. Seats 1 to 36 are located on one side of the car and form four-seater compartments without doors (there are 9 of them). Opposite each such compartment there are side seats - from 37 to 54. A separate compartment is provided for conductors at the beginning of the car. There is also a toilet at the beginning and end of each car. Remember that in convenience this type of carriage is inferior to the compartment and SV, which explains the lower cost of tickets.

What seats in a reserved seat car are considered the most comfortable

If we conditionally select the beginning, middle and end on the car diagram, then the most comfortable places will be closer to the middle:

  • They are located far from the toilets - possible unpleasant odors will not be felt.
  • They are located far from the vestibules - the noise from the movements of passengers and train staff will not interfere.

But their advantages are places at the beginning and at the end of the car:

  • Being closer to the conductors' compartment, you will have quick access to hot water, so you do not have to carefully carry boiling water through the entire car.
  • These places are equipped with sockets - you can charge your phone or tablet.

If you highlight the advantages between the lower and upper places, then the lower places will be convenient for:

  • old people;
  • passengers with a large complexion;
  • mothers with young children;
  • those who need to fit large luggage, as there is free space under all the lower shelves.

Top seats are considered less comfortable, but they will be comfortable if you:

  • you go alone;
  • you want to lie down calmly, turn your back to the wall, read or take a nap;
  • traveling by night train or short distances;
  • If you want to save money, the top seats are always cheaper than the bottom ones.

Uncomfortable places: what you need to know

Choosing comfortable seats is easy if you buy tickets in advance. But in practice this is rarely the case. Therefore, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • There are places in every carriage where the windows do not open. These are emergency sections 3 and 6 (seats No. 9-12, No. 21-24). In hot weather, it will be stuffy for you to ride in a car without air conditioning, but for trips in winter it will even be a plus.
  • Not all shelves are the same length. Shelves No. 1-2 and No. 3 5-36 are shortened by about 15 cm, which can cause discomfort for tall passengers.
  • Place number 36 is not considered the most convenient for two reasons: there is no way to stretch your legs forward because of the partition, and there is also no special support to help you climb to the top place.

Side seats are considered the most uncomfortable in the reserved seat for several reasons:

  1. You won’t be able to stretch your legs comfortably in the way that your neighbors in a compartment can do. This is for tall people.
  2. Unlike compartment seats, there is no separate table for side seats. There, this function is performed by the lower shelf, which transforms into a table. And it will have to be somehow shared with neighbors on the top shelf, which can cause conflicts.
  3. Obviously, those who ride on the side seats will most often be hurt by neighbors passing by. This is not very pleasant, especially if sleep is important to you.
  4. The upper side seats are close to the upper compartments. To be more precise, the head of one will be close to the legs of the other, which can also cause inconvenience.

Which places are the safest

Among the seats of a reserved seat car, one can single out not only comfortable / inconvenient, but also the safest. For example, places on the lower shelves and closer to the head car. These places are considered safer if you are afraid of falling while the train is braking. From the point of view of emergency situations (for example, when a train derails), the safest places are closer to the middle of the car. Seats with non-opening windows (No. 9–12, No. 21–24) serve as emergency exits.

Which places to choose

So, when buying tickets, choose seats in compartment No. 2 (seats No. 5-8), No. 4 and No. 5 (seats No. 13-20), No. 7 (No. 25-28). You can be sure of their convenience.

Remember that buying tickets in advance is perhaps the most important factor in choosing comfortable seats. Otherwise, you will have to be content with what you got. And if something went wrong - do not be upset and treat everything with humor. In any case, it is not worth it to spoil your mood and the trip for yourself and others!

The reserved seat takes the third place in terms of comfort, behind the coupe and SV. One such car is designed for 54 passengers, each of which has an individual shelf. It can be top, bottom or side - each category has 18 seats. A section of 2 upper and 2 lower places forms a separate compartment that does not have a door. Side shelves are located opposite each such opening.

Advice. Remember that the lower shelves are assigned odd numbers (1,3,5, etc.), the upper ones are even (2,4,6, etc.). Seats 37 to 54 are side seats.

It should be borne in mind that some reserved seats have features:

  1. Each car has a so-called. "emergency" sections, the windows in which do not open. There are places from 9 to 12 and from 21 to 24, as well as 43,44, 49, 50. And if in a compartment car, where in similar rooms (compartments No. 3 and No. 6) exactly the same clogged windows are provided, but you can use the air conditioning, then there is no such service in the reserved seat.
  2. In order to have constant access to the socket, without making a corresponding request to the conductor, you need to choose the 2nd or penultimate section of the reserved seat car. These are places 5-8, 29-31, as well as 39, 40, 51 and 52.
  3. Each reserved seat has 4 shelves, which are shorter than the others by about 15 cm. These are places under No. 1, 2, 35, 36.
  4. Place 36 is considered one of the most unfortunate for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is a toilet behind the wall, and secondly, a partition is installed there, against which the passenger's legs rest (in other cases, they protrude into the aisle). In addition, this is an upper place, but there is no partition to help you climb up.
  5. The luggage compartments of sections that are in close proximity to the conductors may be occupied by coal or blankets. In the "risk zone" the first places (1-4), as well as side 53 and 54.

It is quite logical that the choice of the most convenient seat depends on the personal preferences of each passenger. For example, someone likes to ride only on the lower shelves. In particular, these places are convenient for the elderly, obese passengers, mothers with young children, who occupy one shelf for two. Some people buy for these seats, fearing that during the sharp braking of the train, you can fall from the top shelf. In addition, it is always available to use a table - behind the scenes, it is passengers from the lower seats who most often consider it “their own”. However, you still have to give in to the neighbors from above: you may be asked to move in order to have a bite or just sit.

It is more comfortable for another category of people to ride at the top: none of the fellow travelers will encroach on these places. You can calmly lie down, turn your back to the wall, read or take a nap. In addition, such places are slightly cheaper than the lower ones. Some passengers prefer the top berths when traveling alone, on the night train or for short distances.

Advice. If a neighbor from the bottom shelf does not let you to the table or simply does not allow you to sit in your place, contact the conductor. In extreme cases, call the head of the train.

There is no clause in the transportation rules that forces passengers to “share” the bottom shelf, but at the same time, there is a principle that limits each person in abusing their rights. In any case, try to negotiate peacefully.

Side seats are considered by many passengers to be the most uncomfortable. If in the section it is at least somehow possible to organize personal space, then here a person is located practically in the corridor, where someone is constantly walking. However, some also find advantages here. For example, a table is not intended for 4 people, but only for two. True, at the same time, the owner of the lower side seat will have to transform his shelf so that the neighbor can have lunch.

If you are still hesitating which places to prefer, the reviews and recommendations of passengers will help you decide:

  • seats 35-38 are next to the toilets, so if you're worried that bad smell will ruin your trip, don't buy tickets for them;
  • it is quite comfortable to ride in a section located not far from the conductor: the toilet is not far away, and there is no smell, and tea can be arranged at any time (buy or make it yourself - titanium for heating water is also close);
  • in winter, it is better to take seats closer to the center of the car, since at each stop passengers will get off and on, letting in the cold;
  • places in the middle are also good for those who do not like it when people scurry past: to the toilet or to the vestibule to smoke;
  • places from 29 to 31 are located near the toilet, but the smell is not felt here. But you can always see if there is a queue of people who want to wash. It is also convenient if you need to take out a children's pot (so as not to carry it along the entire corridor);
  • if you are traveling together, it is convenient to take the upper and lower shelves in the same compartment or even on the side. Then strangers will not encroach on your seats.

Advice. If you are afraid of falling off the shelf while the train is braking, take tickets for seats that are closer to the head car.

Second-class car: video

Cars in the trains of Russian Railways are divided into several types, depending on the number of seats and the level of comfort. For most types of wagons, has a seat map.

seated wagon

In the sitting car there are separately standing soft chairs with armrests. It resembles the cabin of an airplane or an intercity bus, but there is much more space. It is better to take a ticket for a sit-down car when the trip lasts several hours. So you won't get tired. These are, for example, day express trains between Moscow and St. Petersburg or Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov.

Seated cars vary greatly in location and number of seats, as well as service classes. Therefore, there is no single scheme for them. For example, the figure shows the scheme of the train car No. 102YA Moscow - Yaroslavl.

On, in the "Trains" section, there are seat maps for many sit-down trains, including popular and. When buying a train ticket (on the seat selection page), for some trains, the direction of travel is indicated. This allows you to choose comfortable seats so as not to drive backwards.

High-speed train "Strizh", 1st class car

Econom-class train

This is the most popular type of carriage due to the low price of tickets. There are 54 seats in the car - 9 compartments with 6 beds. Two top, two bottom and two side. There are no doors between the compartments, they are all connected by a common corridor. All the bottom places are odd-numbered, and the top ones are even-numbered.

Seats 37 to 54 are "sides", they are shorter than the seats in the block of 4. Seats 33 to 38 are near the toilet. Here, the slamming of the door leading to the corridor and unpleasant odors can interfere.

In compartments 3 (seats 9-12) and 6 (seats 21-24) the windows do not open. This is true for older trains without air conditioning. In new trains, ventilation works normally.

Usually there are two toilets in the car, there is titanium with boiling water for brewing tea. Each compartment is equipped with tables, on the sides a table and two seats are obtained if the lower shelf is expanded. There is a lot of space for luggage in the reserved seat - these are compartments under the lower seats and third shelves.

In a fully occupied reserved seat, it can be stuffy and cramped (especially on the side seats). Second-class carriages in branded trains are cleaner and more comfortable: there is air conditioning and a dry closet, more sockets.

A second-class carriage in the branded train of Russian Railways

Shared wagon

Usually this is a reserved seat car with three seats on each lower shelf, including the lower side ones. This car has several serious drawbacks.

Firstly, reserved seats are not suitable for long sitting - due to the lack of a soft back and headrest. Secondly, a feeling of tightness is created - there are no armrests that separate people from each other. Finally, in most cases, in the general carriage, all tickets are sold without a seat - whoever managed to do it earlier took the best seats.

This is the least comfortable type of carriage, but the ticket to it is also the cheapest.

Compartment carriage

In a compartment car, there are usually 32 or 36 seats, divided into compartments with four seats in each. There are cars with 38 seats, where seats 37-38 are a double compartment. The bottom places are odd and the top places are even. The compartments are isolated from each other and are locked. There are folding chairs in the common corridor.

The compartment has a mirror, a table, hangers and hooks for clothes, as well as a night lamp for each passenger. Unlike the reserved seat, there is no third shelf in the compartment - it is replaced by a niche for luggage under the ceiling. Therefore, you can sit freely on the top shelf in the compartment.

Coupe is one of the most popular types of carriages due to the combination of price and comfort. There are fewer people in the car, extraneous conversations do not interfere, and personal belongings are safe. In the compartment car, similarly to the reserved seat, there are two toilets and titanium. But in a compartment there are fewer queues for the toilet compared to a reserved seat, since much fewer passengers ride in such a car.

Often, the upper shelves in a compartment can be bought at the price of a reserved seat. In some carriages, when buying a ticket, you can choose the type of compartment. Both men and women can ride in a mixed compartment, and only women can ride in a women's compartment. The type of compartment is determined by the passenger who bought the ticket first.

Compartment in the carriage of the private carrier JSC "TKS"

Luxury car (SV)

SV is a sleeping car. It has from 8 to 10 compartments with 2 beds, both are located below. But there are suites (SV) with an upper and lower seat, but in such a compartment there are also only 2 seats. The standard suite has 18 beds. Suite (SV) is more comfortable than a compartment car, as it does not have upper shelves. On the lower shelves there is a soft back for sitting.

In terms of the level of service, the SV is better than a compartment car - the suite usually has a call button for the conductor, air conditioning, and some trains also have a TV. Depending on the carrier company, passengers are provided with a different set of services (food, drinks, travel kit, press, linen). For example, the carrier TKS JSC has high-quality wagons and a high level of service.

Suite (SV) is convenient for a family or romantic trip, when you can buy all compartments. The main disadvantage of SV is the price of travel. It is usually 3-4 times higher than in a reserved seat and 1.5-2 times higher than in a compartment. A trip to NE will cost more than an airplane for a similar distance.

Luxury car (SV) of the private carrier TKS JSC

soft wagon

In a soft car there can be 4, 5 or 6 compartments. The layout of the compartment itself and the furnishings in it also vary greatly. Each compartment has 1 or 2 beds. If there are two places, then the lower one is a sofa that converts into a bed 120 cm wide. The compartments themselves are similar to suites, but differ in larger area.

The soft car is equipped at the level of a 3-4-star hotel: each compartment has a dry closet, washbasin, shower, air conditioning, TV, soft sofa and armchair. Here they always serve a hot breakfast, give out a shower set, a bathrobe and a terry towel, and the latest press. The soft carriages are equipped with a bar.

Of the minuses - the high price, significantly exceeding the cost of a plane ticket.

The interior of the soft car branded train "Grand Express".

International carriage with 4-seater compartments

In terms of comfort, four-seater compartments on international routes are similar to ordinary compartment cars in the Russian Federation. But, as a rule, new cars go abroad, so they have a lot of pleasant little things (for example, a board with a running line in the corridor).

Another compartment in such a carriage can turn into a suite if you raise the upper shelves. Depending on the route, the carriage may have a shared shower, while the compartment may have air conditioning, individual lighting for each seat, and sockets.

Quadruple compartment in the train Moscow - Nice. Photo taken from the Russian Railways website

International carriage with 3-seater compartments

Some international trains have triple compartments. In total, there are 33 seats in such a car. In the compartment, all three berths are located one under the other on one side. Such compartments can be used as doubles - the middle shelf remains in the raised position.

They are smaller than 4-seat coupes and can feel cramped. When there are three passengers in it, they are all forced to sit or lie down together, since it is impossible to sit with the middle shelf lowered. Therefore, cars with 3-seater compartments are now used very rarely.

It is pleasant to ride in such a compartment only if you buy all three seats together and raise the middle shelf. Of the amenities they may have (but not in all compartments) an armchair, a table, a washbasin and a wardrobe.

If you buy a ticket at the box office, you can discuss your preferences regarding the selection of a seat in the car with the cashier. In the same case, if the ticket is purchased on the website, you will have to make a choice yourself. To do this, you must first familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of various places. Otherwise, faced with them during the trip, you will have to endure inconveniences that could have been avoided.

Wagon selection

First you need to familiarize yourself with the classes of service in order to have an idea of ​​​​what level of comfort you will meet during your trip.

Soft (M), Luxury (L), Coupein (K), Reserved seat (P), With seats (S).

Individual air conditioning, shower and toilet are provided only in a soft car. In all the rest - air conditioning is shared, there is no shower, two toilets in the car.

In a soft car and a luxury car, there are 2 berths per compartment, and in a compartment - 4.

In addition to the type of wagon, it is important to consider service classes. There are quite a lot of them, and they differ in the presence and diet (hot / cold), the category of equipment with bed linen, the presence / absence and completeness of sanitary and hygiene kits, and the provision of the press. Moreover, different carrier companies use different designations for service classes, and the same designation class can have different service fillers.

Branded trains consist of cars of new modifications, and include their different types, so you can choose the right option for yourself without any problems.

But in a double-decker car you can find much more inconvenience than it might seem at first glance. There are twice as many seats as compared to a one-story car, and the number of conductors is the same (it takes longer to wait for tea, boarding a train as well), there is no third upper shelf in the compartment and there is nowhere to put things. Instead of titanium - an ordinary electric kettle. There are only 3 toilets, a staircase that is not easy for older people to climb with luggage, and a low ceiling on the second floor.

Location selection

In standard Russian compartment and reserved seat carriages, the following rule applies: the lower seats are odd, the upper ones are even.

Side seats in the reserved seat start at 37. Above it - 38, which are located directly at the toilet. The last upper non-lateral place (36) cannot be called convenient either, since there is a toilet behind the wall, and it differs from all other places from which the legs, sorry, hang down, by the presence of a partition and the absence of a step for climbing.

Next to the conductor's compartment, there may also be little pleasant. The compartments provided for luggage will probably be occupied by coal, blankets and other things. It hardly makes sense to argue with the conductor about this for your calm and comfortable stay on the road. It is better to choose a different place in advance.

Passengers of high stature should take into account that in the reserved seat seats 1, 2, 35, 36 are shorter than the rest of the centimeters by 15.

There is one fairly common misconception about carriages with seating. These wagons are often confused with common ones. There is no air conditioning in the common car, and 3 passengers are sitting on the shelf. In the carriages, on the contrary, it is very comfortable. The layout of the seats is reminiscent of placing them on a bus. The seats are soft, you can recline them to take a nap.

In carriages with seats, despite many different modifications, the principle of “odd at the window” remains unchanged. Therefore, if you are a fan of warming up and cannot sit still for a long time, it is better to buy an even seat, it is closer to the aisle.

Even with the current problems, you can always find an option that is most suitable for you. Removing an inconvenient seat can keep you in good spirits and set a precedent for the company to pay attention to unclaimed seats in the future and lower the price on them.