Famous golden gates. Golden Gate in Vladimir - the symbol of the grandeur and the relics of ancient Russia

Address: Russia, Vladimir, ul. Large Moscow
Date of construction: 1795 year
Coordinates: 56 ° 07 "36.7" N 40 ° 23 "49.7" E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation


History and description

The Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, declaring Vladimir the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, began to strengthen his capital city.

In 1158, he had a city shaft, and in 1164 built five entrance gates. Only the Golden Gate, which served as the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city was survived. Oak targets of the gate, which are not now, were driven by leafs of gilded copper, brightly glistened in the sun, so the gate was called gold. The gate was built by Vladimir architects. This is evidenced by two princely signs carved on one of the stones of the Southern Niche Golden Gate.

There is a legend that when the work was approached by an end, and the scaffolding were disassembled, the arches of the gate suddenly collapsed and buried 12 people. None of eyewitnesses doubted that people crushed to death under the severity of stones, but Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to bring the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and turned to heavenly patroness with a prayer for unfortunate.

The block was cleared and found people lying under it alive and unharmed. In honor of the coming miracle, Andrei Bogolyubsky commanded to arrange a tiny balgona chapel of the position of the Ries of Our Lady over the golden gate.

View of the Golden Gate with Kozlov Vala

Golden gates performed a number of functions. First, they served as a parade entrance to the city - princely squads returned to Vladimir, returned from the battlefield. The white-named triumphal arch, reached the height of 14 meters, the Grand Travel Tower and the massive oak gate gates hanging on the forged loops, attached to the construction of a majestic appearance corresponding to its intended purpose. Secondly, the golden gate along with unaccompicuous copper, enynic, silver and Volzhsky gates was a single complex of defensive fortifications of the city of Vladimir.

View of the Golden Gate from the Trinity Church

The gates were adjacent to the arched jumper, at the top of which wooden flooring was arranged, serving a combat venue. From this site, the defenders of the city led the shelling of the enemy. Only large square sockets are preserved from the flooring, designed for powerful wooden beams.

The rise at the site was carried out on the stone staircase, equipped in the thicker of the southern wall. Among other things, The golden gate was performed by a decorative function, acting as a symbol of the princely power and wealth.

The graceful noteworthy chapel, crowded gate, blessed everyone who came to Vladimir with the world. In 1810, the Risapoirenskaya Church was completely rebuilt, and today its walls are the exposition of the Military Historical Museum. Under the vaults of the chapel, there is a large diorama depicting the storm by Vladimir's troops Khan Batya on February 7, 1238. Thanks to the light-sound effects and sound support with the dictator text, the picture of the city of Mongol-Tatars recreates in detail.

View of the Golden Gate with ul. Noble

Lost Rial Gold Gate

In 1238, Horde Mongol-Tatars, devastating many Russian cities, came to Vladimir. The townspeople prepared for defense and hid all valuable relics in case the enemy would still break through. The idea was successful: the golden flaps of the gold gate were not found so far and officially entered the UNESCO registries as masterpieces lost by humanity. In 1970, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union received an unexpected offer from Tokyo. The Japanese corporation promised to clear the bottom of the Klyazma River and even expand her channel.

View of the Golden Gate from Kozlov Vala

For their work, the Japanese did not require Sakhalin nor the Kuril Islands and did not even ask for money. As payment, they wanted to pick up everything they would be discovered at the bottom of Klyazma. This proposal was not accepted by the Soviet authorities, but forced to think about the question: "What values \u200b\u200bwould like to find the Japanese in the river to recoup their costs?" Perhaps the Japanese were looking for gilded plates, once adorned gold gate rates. Saving precious flaps from Khan Batya, the townspeople drowned them in Klyazma.

Large cities are famous for their unique historical attractions with which many significant moments are associated from the history of the Russian state. There is also own highlights in Vladimir, namely, the Golden Gate. Of course, they are not made of gold - this is a unique monument of Russian architecture, the symbol of the grandeur and the power of Northeast Russia.

Vladimir Golden Gate

The gates were built in 1164 and for all the time their existence were not once reconstructed and reworked up to the 19th century. The gates were built during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. They were also an attractive object, and the defensive structure of the city at the same time, and also served as a triumphal arch. The prince loved to pass through these gates, returning from the next trip and it was through them that guests of Vladimir were passing through.

Why did the gate become golden? Yes, everything is because inside the vaults were finished copper. In this part of the city, there were noble and born families, mostly representatives of the princely and boyars blood. Russian masters were engaged in the construction of the Golden Gate, as evidenced by the masonry and the princely signs left on the blocks.

In 1238, due to the raids of the Golden Horde, the gate suffered a serious damage and reconstructed, as well as restoration work. The next perestroika falls on 1785. Catherine The second commanded to distort the earth shafts, which were adjacent to the gate, because of which the design was less fortified. Soon it was decided to attach counterphorties to the corners of pylons that were driven into the round towers. And the church was built above the crops. From the 19th century, the Golden Gate of Vladimir exist without any special changes.

Currently, the Golden Gate of Vladimir is one of the main attractions of the city. At night, thanks to the backlight, the gate justify their names and shine with golden light.

Year of construction: XI century. Architectural style: Byzantine, Old Russian. Nearest metro: Golden Gate. Location: At the intersection of the streets of Yoslavov Val and ul. Vladimir.

The Golden Gate is one of the most famous and oldest defensive structures of the modern city of Kiev, which built Yaroslav Wise in 1037 according to the mention of the "Tale of Bygone Years". The main purpose of the construction of this fortification building was rather not a defensive function, and the military-political one - it was necessary to show the power of Kievan Russia as neighboring abroad and their tribesmen. Yaroslav was succeeded, the effect was a striking - the golden gate at the time were the most huge stone structure in the entire Kievan Rus with the top-operated church crowned with golden domes.

Of course, the Golden Gate fully fulfilled its purpose and in the protection of the city. They were part of the military defensive system of the then city of Kiev (at that time the city was named Yaroslav). The system had the appearance of a closing ring around the city and started from the Lviv gate (modern Lviv Square) passed through the street. Yaroslavov Tree to the Golden Gate and descended to the Lady Gate (modern Maidan Independence) and closed the chain climbing the streets of Malaya and Big Zhytomyr. The Golden Gate was the main entrance to the city. Before the construction of the Golden Gate, Kiev had repeatedly seized enemies, but as soon as this architectural Divo appeared - no one could go through them. Even the Tatars, which in those days owned the newest instruments of the capture of buildings, could not go through the Golden Gate. These outlines had initial Kiev.

Ruin. This kind of golden gate had at the beginning of the 20th century.

There are several theories, why these gates called gold. One of them claims that Yaroslav copied the building and the name of the almost identical structure located in Constantinople - the capital of the neighboring huge powers of Byzantium, which was also a source of Christianity in Russia. This version of scientists consider the most truthful. But some also suggest that their names of the gates are carrying from golden domes that decorated the church located above the gates. Another theory leans to the fact that such a name was given because the princely treasures were hidden under them.

Monument to Yaroslav wise near the Golden Gate.

In its original form, the Golden Gate resisted only 200 years and then partially destroyed, but for modern Kiev residents they have already carried a symbolic purpose. There was a festive return of troops with a victory over the enemies to the ringing of the Bells of the Annunciation Church, a variety of processions of the city guests, including the most famous people of that time, one of them is the legendary Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Then the golden gate with some periodicity tried to restore, save the paramount view, but this is our ancestors, unfortunately failed. The current restorers had to hide the remnants of the walls under the thick layers of modern building materials, for the fact that we would have the presentation as the golden gate looks 1000 years ago.

San Francisco Symbol, Golden Gate Bridge - it is more than an ordinary bridge that performs the function of the transport message.

Since its opening after four years of construction in 1937, a bridge worth $ 27 million appeared in dozens of filmed artwork, writes CNN.

And yet it is also a working bridge, the functioning of which is about 200 employees daily to ensure a comfortable and safe passing of more than 100,000 cars per day, as well as thousands of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport passengers.

10 secrets of the bridge Golden Gate:

1. Why is it called a golden gate bridge? He is not made of gold

The Golden Gate Bridge got its name, because he is overdone through the shed Golden Gate.

This is a shed three mile length (4.8 km) and one mile width (1.6 km), which connects the Pacific Ocean with the Bay of San Francisco.

2. What color is the bridge? He looks red

He is not red, although it seems to many that the bridge is that color.

After the construction of the US Navy bridge, which then watched the waterways, wanted to paint this bridge into black and yellow color for the most good visibility.

When the bridge was installed in the 1930s, the steel used for its construction was a reddish color due to lead, and the team of architects, who designed the bridge, liked how this color looked on the background of the landscape.

They mixed paints and painted the bridge in the color, called the name International Orange, it is very similar to the color of red lead.

3. Can I paint your house the same color?

It is difficult to predict how the members of your family and neighbors will react to the Color House of the International Orange, but it is really possible to paint it into such a color. Copy the paint formula specified on the bridge website is free - and take it to a local paint store.

4. Bridge completely repain every year?

Not. The top layer of paint was indeed completely replaced by a new and improved paint from an ecological point of view. However, not all of its parts, the old paint has been removed to a bare metal for the purpose of complete repainting.

5. What paints?

Every two years bridge engineers conduct an inspection of each inches and create a work plan for where to do painting and other repairs required to maintain a bridge in good working condition.

After that, painters are proceeded to work, as well as specialists who create protective temporary buildings for them so that the malyars can safely reach all the points of painting. To start, the whole old paint is removed, and only then the new one is applied. Then they apply 4 layers of paint, up to 10 milliliters thick. This may take months, depending on the size of the processing area.

6. How long does the paint hold after dyeing?

On average, engineers are calculated for 25-30 years of paint stability without the need to repaint.

However, it depends on which part of the bridge is painted and what effect is exposed. Some parts of the bridge still painted paint created by architects after its structure.

7. What kind of sounds I hear in foggy days?

This is a unique bridge tone created by four foggy pipes, outstanding sound with a capacity of 165 decibels. The range of it is heard - up to six miles (about 10 km), it is activated when, due to the large fog, the ships can be difficult to see the bridge.

Of course, this is a reinsurance, since the courts have GPS systems and specially trained steering, but no one wants to risk.

These sounds are running manually, attempts to use automated systems failed due to the fact that salt water damaged equipment.

8. Who is responsible for rescue operations on the bridge?

For this answers Darren Macvey and his team. They fulfill this task over the past 17 years and have already lost the number of people who saved.

If a person refuses to listen to the police, then the Mcvery team goes for the enclosure of the bridge to save this person.

In September 2018, the construction of a suicide containment was launched on the bridge. It is intended to catch a man who is trying to jump, but, according to experts, its existence itself becomes a deterrent for those who want to reduce scores with life. It is expected that construction will be completed in 2021.

9. Bridge really devoted a poem?

In fact, two. Both poems are written by an engineer Joseph Straussian, who made preliminary sketches for the bridge Golden Gate in 1921 and served as chief engineer during construction. Upon completion of the construction of the bridge, he wrote poems: "The Mighty Task is Done" and "The Golden Gate Bridge."